07x01 - The Greater Good

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue Bloods". Aired September 2010 - current.*
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"Blue Bloods" revolves around a family of New York cops.
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07x01 - The Greater Good

Post by bunniefuu »


(echoing scream)

(echoing): Now, if I have a g*n in my hand and you sh**t me, then you k*lled me in self-defense.


But what if I don't have a g*n, Detective?

Please don't let him k*ll me!

Wilder: But what if I don't have a g*n, Detective?

But what if I don't have a g*n, Detective?

I'm going to be with you forever.



What's up?

Aren't you going to work today?


(panting softly)

You okay, babe?

Yeah. Yeah.

I hope I haven't been keeping you waiting.


I don't think we've seen each other since law school graduation.

You haven't changed.

So what can I do for you?

Um, I'm really just here as a courtesy.

I'm working for the attorney general's office now, and I've been assigned your brother Danny's case.

What case?

Thomas Wilder.

No, that case is done.

The sh**ting was deemed justified.

New evidence has turned up.

What new evidence?

The Wilder family submitted some audio tapes.

Of what?

I'm sorry, but I can't really talk about the particulars with you.

Why not?

Because I'm gonna have to question you and your daughter.

You were ear-witnesses to the k*lling.

It was self-defense.

That'll be up to the grand jury.


I don't have to remind you that it wouldn't be standard procedure?

No, you don't.

You sure you want to do this?

That's exactly what I want to do.

They're here, sir.

Okay. I'll take care of it.

Frank: Grace.

So good to see you.

Aw, you, too, Frank.

(door closes)



We got a beautiful day for it.

(sighs) We did.


So, how's the academy treating you, Louis?

Treating me like the rookie I am.

You want me to pull some strings for you?

Would you?


Thought so. (chuckles)

How we doing?

Good. Yeah.

Okay, here's how this goes.

We ride over together with my detail.

I give a brief talk remembering Martin, the cop he was, sacrifice he made.

Then we unveil the street sign, take a few pictures, and then I'd like to take you both to lunch, if you can.

Well, thank you.

I can't believe it's been ten years.

You were all of what, Louis, 11?

Yeah. Seems like both a lifetime ago and also just yesterday.

Yeah, well, your dad would be proud that you're following in his footsteps.

And selfishly, I am glad that this particular apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

They're ready for you out front, sir.


Honey, would you give me a moment with Frank?

Yeah. Sure, Mom.

(door opens, closes)

I'm sure it'll be a lovely tribute, Frank.

You've always been good at the dedications and the eulogies.

Something's on your mind, Grace.

Since Louis joined the academy, I've hardly slept a wink.

Well, if he needs help with anything, you know I'm just a phone call away.

I mean, you've been there for every birthday, championship, graduation.

And I am really looking forward to graduating him from the academy.

I do have one favor to ask.


Make sure Louis does not graduate the academy.

Kick him out, fail him, disqualify him.

I don't care what you do.

Anything to ensure that he does not become a cop.

Where are we gonna put all this stuff?

We're gonna need a bigger apartment.

Sophie, favorite gift today.

The nail pens. The rainbow quicksand!

You know we're gonna be cleaning that stuff up for weeks.

(tires screeching)


(both scream)

Helen: Sophie, no!

Oh... oh, my God!

(car alarm blaring)

Paul: Sophie!

God, no!

"Other than your parents, who is the most influential person in your life, and why?"

Joe. Because he encouraged me to go for what I really want instead of what other people wanted for me.


I think he recognized that I spent a lot of time trying to make other people happy.

Not in this partnership.

Dispatcher (over radio): 12 David, be advised we have a 53, pedestrian struck, corner of Broadway and nine-seven street.

12 David to Central, we're en route.

(siren wailing)

Paul: Sophie!

Jamie: What happened?

This car came out of nowhere, and it hit my daughter.

Eddie, call it in.

Oh, God. Oh, my God!

Central, 12 David, we have multiple injuries at this location.

Come on, Sophie, come on, baby, come on, honey.

Ma'am, you've got to calm down! Sophie!

She's unconscious?

We're doing everything we can.

Paul: Helen, stay with Zach!

(sobbing): Oh, my God!

That's him. He plowed into us.

That son of a bitch was driving like a freakin' lunatic!

Hey, whoa, hey, hey! Hey!

Take care of your family.

You all right?


You guys all right?


Yeah, we're okay.

Were you driving?


Where were you coming from?


Fund-raiser at the Waldorf.

Have you been drinking?


I'm asking him.

Not me. I wasn't drinking.

Gonna need you to take a Breathalyzer test.


You refusing a Breathalyzer?

You feeling okay, Russ?

I'm having chest pains. I need to see a doctor.

Stiller: Yeah.

This is Congressman Russ Anderson.

Who's under arrest for DWI.

He needs medical attention, Officer Reagan.

You denying him medical attention?

Central, 12 David. We need an additional bus at this location and a patrol supervisor.

I'll ride with him to the hospital.

And I'll be back with a warrant for his blood alcohol.

♪ Blue Bloods 7x01 ♪
The Greater Good
Original Air Date on September 23, 2016

♪ ♪

So my son Sean, he's into comic books now, and I get excited, 'cause I love comic books.

But then I'm not allowed to call them comic books because he's into graphic novels.

Like Spider-Man and Superman?

Oh, no, no, no. If only.

(cell phone rings)


See, this is more like the Meat Puppets and Decaying... Zombies, whatever the hell it's called.

I mean, there's no real superheroes anymore.

Just zombies and blood and gore.

Well, speaking of blood, we got a sh**ting at a restaurant.

Arthur Avenue and 123rd.

One DOA, a second Vic was taken to St. Benjamin's hospital.

All right, you take the hospital, I'll take the restaurant.

Detective Reagan.


Get a word in private?

There's no secrets here. You know that.

The attorney general's office is reopening the investigation into the sh**ting of Thomas Wilder.

Well, they already investigated.

I was cleared. Do you remember?

There's new evidence.


Here you go.

What are you doing?

I'm modified.

I know the drill.


What do you mean "nope"?

In this climate, the PC feels that supporting his officers takes precedent over standard procedure.

Wow. Is that a quote?

That's the gist.

Oh, so I'm semi-modified.

Watch your step. He's sticking his neck out here.


Danny: Hey.

What do we got here?

That's the dead guy.

John Marino?

Yeah, he owns the place.

Where is he?

He's right over here.


(quietly): Son of a bitch, what happened here?


In the wind.


You would think, but...

(groans) But let me guess.

Nobody saw anything.


Yeah, I'm familiar with the neighborhood.

Who are those two?

Father and son. They work here.

Great, let's talk to them.

Either one of you see the sh**t?

I was in the bathroom.

Uh-huh. How about you?

I was in the bathroom, too.


How many bathrooms you got in this joint?


Baez: Did your husband have any enemies, Mrs. Marino?

John was paying some mob guy $4,000 a month.

He... he called it insurance money.

John was missing half a finger on his right hand.

The medical examiner said it was recent.

It was a warning.

Because John said he was gonna stop paying the so-called insurance money.

Can you tell me anything about the person he was paying the money to?

A name, a description?

I only know his nickname.

Roundface Bob.

Robert Sava, aka Roundface Bob.

That's a very interesting nickname, but I don't know who that is.

Is that how you want to play it?

I don't play.

Uh-huh. Where were you Monday at 1:00 p.m.?

I was home. Ask my wife.

I will.

How do you know John Marino?

I don't know him.


He hasn't been paying you protection for the last year?

Protection from what?

From the Albanian mob.

There's an Albanian mob?

I thought that was an Italian thing.

Well, there's an Italian mob, too. And an Albanian mob.

There's also a police mob, of which I'm a member.

But we protect people for free, unlike you.

You know, I came in here. I didn't have to.

You got nothing on me.



Good luck on your investigation.


(clears throat)


Thanks, Pop, but I'm working.

I know the difference between working and just staring at a screen.

(cork pops softly)

When Jamie threw the curveball and said he was gonna go to the academy instead of practicing law...


How'd I seem?

The way you usually do.

Damned hard to read.

Yeah, but you read me.

Well, you were up and down all night for weeks after.

And being a cop myself, I understood the calling.

Course you did.

But what if I wasn't?

What if I didn't bury Joe as a fellow cop, but--

I don't know...

I ran a diner, a hardware store?

And... what if Jamie were all I had left?

You're over the legal limit for "what ifs" here.

You remember Martin Edwards, k*lled on Avenue A in '06?

Sure, you spoke at his funeral.

Well, his boy's in the academy.


And his mother asked me to fail him out.

Well, it's not her call.

Or yours.

And if anything were to happen to him, it wouldn't be on you.

Try telling her that.

I don't have to.

It hasn't happened yet.

Odds are it never will.

Have your drink, Francis.

You're on the right path.

Best thing you can do for the widow and her boy is to counsel them the way you would counsel your own.

That's not what she's asking for.

Do you usually get just what you're asking for?

Do any of us?

(sighs) Less and less.

Apparently, Mr. Wilder kept a copy of every phone call he had with you, Detective Reagan.


Wilder (over tablet): You found me.

Very good, Detective.

Danny: You messed with the wrong family.

Wilder: This may be true.

What does "You messed with the wrong family" mean?

You know, it could have something to do with the fact that he... assaulted my niece, kidnapped my niece, was planning on raping and murdering my niece.


Which is why she was stuffed in the trunk of his car.


I mean, is this a joke or what?

I don't joke about m*rder charges.

What if it was your niece?

Or your girlfriend or your wife or your sister or your mother?


You've been the subject of numerous Internal Affairs investigations.

That's not relevant to this.

It is if I can establish a pattern of reckless behavior.

You've had civilian complaints for excessive force...

He's an active cop.

If he was a do-nothing cop, then maybe he'd have none.

At one point in these recordings, Detective Reagan, you thr*aten to k*ll Wilder.

Now, when you said that, can you explain your state of mind at the time?

Did you mean you literally were going to k*ll him?

Danny, don't answer that.

Why am I being treated like a criminal for justifiably sh**ting someone who m*rder*d 22 women in cold blood?

You are not allowed to be judge and jury even when a suspect is accused of murdering a number of women.

He wasn't accused. He did it.

He admitted it.

I mean, what part don't you get?

This guy is a sick son of a bitch!

Okay, and he orchestrated this whole thing.

That's why he recorded it, to screw with me!

We're not here to establish why he made recordings.

We're here to determine if his death was justified.

So, when you said you wanted to k*ll Thomas Wilder...

I meant it!

And I'm glad that son of a bitch is dead, okay?!

Good afternoon.

How'd it go with the A.G.?

How do you think it went?

Entire thing is a farce, that's how it went.

You can't lose it with him, Danny.

He doesn't play games.

The whole thing is a game, Erin.

Okay, I'm gonna explain how this is gonna go down.


He's gonna play tapes of you and Wilder to the grand jury, he's gonna bring up that Wilder captured Nicky, that he was taunting you.

He's gonna say that you went into the clearing to sh**t Thomas Wilder.

Well, that's great, because I did.

You can't say that, Danny, not even to me.

What difference does it make?

It's a difference between being indicted or not.

How does this work?

Would you tell me how it works, please?

How does it work that a scumbag m*rder*r like Wilder has the same rights as me or any other innocent person?

That's what the attorney general's office does.

They look into police sh**t of unarmed victims.

This isn't some innocent motorist shot by a rogue cop, Erin.

And this guy Wilder is not a victim!

So what's your solution, huh?

Antagonizing the attorney general is not going to be a win for anyone.

It wasn't last time.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

You called out a serial k*ller on television.

You played games with his head.

So I'm responsible for him murdering 22 innocent women?

I'm not saying it was your fault.

That's not on you.

What is on me is that this guy wanted to die, and he wanted me to do it.

So I did.

And you know what?

If I had to do it all over again, you better believe I would!

Danny, you need to listen to me.

You go into the grand jury talking like that, you will go to trial for m*rder.

You heard Detective Reagan on the phone with Thomas Wilder.

Wilder called Uncle Dan...

Detective Reagan... on his cell phone.

What did you hear them say?

He said that he couldn't wait to meet Detective Reagan again in person.

Did Detective Reagan reply?

It was hard to hear his side of the conversation.

What did you hear Detective Reagan reply?

It wasn't on speaker.

What did Detective Reagan say in response?

He said that... if they meet again... only one of them was gonna walk away alive.

And that someone wasn't going to be Wilder.

I'm sorry, what was that last part?

And that someone wasn't going to be Wilder.

Detective Reagan would be the only one alive if they met again.

He's my uncle; Wilder had kidnapped me.

What do you think he was gonna say?

Stick to the facts, please.

It was in the heat of the moment.

Detective Reagan said that Wilder wouldn't walk away alive.

Is that right?


And did you take that to mean Detective Reagan was going to k*ll Thomas Wilder?

In the heat of the moment.

(softly): Yes.

You sure you don't recognize any of the men in this picture?

I'm sure.

(clears throat)

Why don't you man up and grow a pair, huh?


Come on. It's just us talking here.

Your old man's not around, looking over your shoulder, telling you not to talk.

I-I don't know what you mean.

What I mean is you want me to believe that you, your old man, and half the freakin' restaurant were all in the bathroom at the same time?

The only bathroom in the restaurant, at the exact same time that the sh**t walked in?

Y-You think I'm lying?

I know you're lying.

And you know that I know you're lying.

Come on. Ms. Furino told me that one of these men came into the restaurant once a month to collect protection money.

You're gonna sit here and look me in my eyes and lie to me and tell me you've never seen them before?

Come on!

(pounds table)

Do you know what the Albanians do to people who talk?

They're not like the Italians.

There's-there's no code.

You don't know how brutal they are.

Try me.

A guy we buy liquor from, one of our suppliers, threatened to go to the cops about them.

They stuffed him in an oil drum and sealed it up.

Guy suffocated to death, nice and slow.

You realize there's only one person in the world who could protect you from them right now?

And I'm not talking about your old man.

It's the guy sitting across from you.

So I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Do you recognize any of these men?

No? Okay.

You're too scared then to stand up and do the right thing?

Is that what you're telling me?

You're damn right I am.


Russ Anderson.

Your blood alcohol came back a 0.18, which is well over the legal limit.

What are you talking about?

You're charged with vehicular as*ault in the first degree and driving while intoxicated.

You can't charge him.

Why not?

'Cause I was the one driving.


I was driving.

No way. You said that you were driving the vehicle.

And as you see from my blood test, I was inebriated, Officer Reagan, and... as such, didn't remember who was driving.

Stiller: I wasn't drinking 'cause I was the designated driver, but I'll gladly submit to a blood alcohol test.

Vic's father identified you as the one driving the car.

Then I guess it's our word against his.

Remember that family that was in the back room having a party at the restaurant when the sh**ting occurred?

The ones that said they didn't see anything?

That's right.

Well, they videotaped the entire thing, only they forgot and they never watched it, until now.

(computer trills)

Take a look.

Happy anniversary.

Okay, now there's Marino, and entering the door is the sh**t, and just a few feet away is Charlie.

(g*nsh*t, people screaming)

Who was supposed to be in the bathroom at the time.

Son of a bitch lied.

Big surprise.

Gormley: "Louis Edwards is a model recruit, motivated and skillful. He elevates those around him by helping any fellow recruits who are struggling."

You're not making this easy, Sid.

Instructors say he's on a fast track to receive the Police Foundation award.

It's great for social media.

Son walks in hero father's footsteps.

Mom's a hero, too.

She raised him on her own.

I'll post that, too.

Sid, I want you to go over his application with a fine-tooth comb.

To what end, boss?

To see if there's anything that could disqualify him.

Are you looking to disqualify him?

I don't know.

All right. I'll drill down.

Once upon a time, the only requests I got were for a certain precinct or Uncle Sal's shield number.

Now I got a mother asking me to find a way to stop her son from becoming a cop.

And once upon a time, a detective under investigation would've been placed on modified duty.

And the detective in question has been investigated and exonerated.

I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't point out the risk...

Maybe you should take the afternoon off, then.

...that should this reach the press, you'd be open to charges of nepotism, of ignoring procedure in favor of...

They could charge me with protecting a good man from double jeopardy.

I'll take that all day long.

You won't get to frame it.

Modified assignment mostly protects the bosses, not the public in any sense.

And the detective's last name has nothing to do with my decision.

And that's that.

Charlie wasn't in the bathroom.

He saw the whole thing.

You lied.

Maybe we need a lawyer.

You need a lot more than a lawyer.

Sava walked in there, pointed a g*n at John Marino, shot him, and then pointed it at your son!

Your son! Why?

Look, I'm the one who told him to keep his mouth shut.

Why was this animal pointing a g*n at your boy?!

Couple weeks ago, when Sava showed up to collect his money, John told him he wasn't paying anymore.

Sava took a cleaver and chopped off one of his fingers.

And then he threatened to k*ll him.

Charlie was just coming back from making a delivery.

He saw the whole thing.

He was freaked out.

Why didn't you call the cops?

I thought Sava would k*ll him.

He did try to k*ll him.

And he's gonna try to k*ll him again and again and again until he gets him!

Don't you understand that?

Where's Charlie now?

We got to get him in here.

Wh... He should be home from school by now.

Good. Call him.

(phone vibrates)

(whispers): Oh, my God.

Please, you got to protect my son. You got to save my boy.

Anderson was drunk.

That's the reason he changed his story.

Yeah, but if Stiller's willing to take the fall for him, what do we do?

They know how to work the system.

I talked to the place where Anderson and Stiller were coming from, but even if we show he was in the driver's seat, doesn't mean he didn't pull over and switch spots with Stiller before the accident.

We need corroboration he was behind the wheel.

Both the airbags deployed in Anderson's car, right?


Okay, where's the car now?


Where's the car?

It went to the pound.

Call them right now.

Tell them not to do anything with that car.

Tell them we're on our way.

♪ ♪

Last call.

Who did you talk to?

I swear, no one!

You know how airtight this is?

Takes ten minutes, 15 max, and you'll run out of air.


Pack him up. (speaks Albanian)

No! No!

No! Please let me go!

Let me go!

No! No! Let me go!

Please let me go! Please!

No, no! Please! Let me go!

No! Let me go!

Please! Please!


Charlie was picked up outside his high school by a guy matching Sava's description.

TARU tracked his phone to a 435 East Tremont Avenue, and the signal dropped off there.

Hold on.

Tremont, you said?

g*ng Unit Intel says that Sava's renting a warehouse on Tremont.

Right here.

Right by the Major Deegan.

It's Detective Baez.

I need ESU to meet me at the corner of Tremont Avenue and the Major Deegan.

We're hitting a warehouse.

The Albanian mob is holding a hostage.

Vest up.

(officers shouting)

Go, go, go!

Move it, move it!

Come on! We're gonna go deep and sweep around!

I'll be right there.

You, stay on me.

(Charlie banging, screaming)





Where's the kid?

Where is he?!

Doesn't matter, Detective.


You son of a bitch. (grunts)

You put him in a barrel?

Huh? Which one?

I said, which one?!

You son of a bitch.


What do you want to do?

You want to sh**t me?

I'm unarmed.

Well, now I'm unarmed, too.



Watch him.

Charlie! Charlie?





(muffled banging)



(whispers): Damn it.



All right.

Come on.

All right.


Nice and slow.

Breathe. Breathe.

I need a bus!

What happened to your hand?

Work-related injury.

(scoffs) Thought you were riding a desk.

Yeah, well, I'm not.

Linda: He's supposed to be.

Danny: Yeah.

That is, until I'm cleared for sh**ting a mass m*rder*r.

Frank: The state attorney general fulfilling his new mandate.


But it sucks.

Frank: Yeah, that's one way to put it, but not at the dinner table.

Tell you what sucks.

Sorry, stinks.

Is people gaming the system.

You might be on the hot seat right now, Danny, but at least you got a k*ller off the streets.

Yeah, but at what personal cost?

Everything worthwhile has personal cost.

Who's fault is it anyway that half the family is cops?

That'd be my father.

He couldn't have been a doctor or an accountant?

Something that doesn't involve firearms?

Family dinner would be a lot less interesting.

Well, given what I just had to go through with the grand jury, I'd take "a lot less interesting" any day.

Sorry you had to go through that.

You know, there's a whole other world out there, boys.

Henry: One that would have a lot more thugs on the street were it not for families like ours.

Well, I'm just saying, Pop.

None of us had to become cops.

It's not a birthright or a genetic code.

It's a choice.

He's waiting for you.


Thanks for coming up, Louis.

Lookin' good.

(chuckles) Feelin' good.

Sit down.

Oh. Thanks, Frank.

I mean, Commissioner.

I mean, what's the protocol?

Commissioner in front of the troops, Frank when it's just us.

I'm used to you being the guy cheering me on from the sidelines at the Little League games, not the boss of the whole department.

I'll always be cheering you on, Louis.

That's a given.

Thank you, sir.


I'm gonna ask you a question.

Yeah. sh**t.

Why do you want to become a cop?

I, uh... (chuckles)

I've always wanted to.

That's not a reason.

Not sure I understand.

I want to know why you want to become a cop.

You've always gotten great grades, all through school, every honor.

You could get a job anywhere.

I don't want a job anywhere.

I want to be an NYPD cop.

Because that's what your father did?

That's environmental, that's sentimental.

That's different from a real determination.

Did my mom put you up to this?



Thank you.

So I'll tell you why.

'Cause my father used to tell me stories from the time I could walk about being on patrol, and...

I thought, even back then, that's not a job, that's a mission.

Don't romanticize it.

And after my dad got k*lled...

...the only consistent role model that I had, the one man who showed up to every event in my life, who had more integrity than any person I've met, made that choice clearer for me.

And now that man is questioning me about the one thing... the one thing I've always been sure of.

That I want to be on the job with the NYPD.

Wilder: You've got a pretty wife.

Danny: What'd you say?

Wilder: She left this morning at 8:05.

And your two boys.

I left at 8.

Danny: I will k*ll you. You hear me?

I said I will k*ll you!

Wilder: You have a good day, Detective.

Danny: Hey!

You said you were going to k*ll Thomas Wilder, is that right?

That's what it sounded like.

You don't remember?

I remember everything about Thomas Wilder.

Because he got under your skin?

Yes, he did.


Because he brutally m*rder*d 22 innocent young women.

Because I had to tell more than one of the mothers of those women that they will never see their daughter again, because I had to look at the way he tortured and m*rder*d them.

And that's something that I will never forget.

So, would it be safe to say that you were taking this case personally?

I take every case personally.

Wilder had no history of using a g*n.

Is that correct?

No, he did not use a g*n on his victims.

Did he have any record of owning a g*n?

I have no idea.

And yet, you say you shot him because you weren't sure if he had a g*n.

He was wearing a police uniform.

He said that he had a g*n behind his back.

Why would he tell you he had a g*n if he didn't?

You will have to ask him that.

So, if he had no history of owning a g*n and he had no history of using a g*n, why would you assume that he was going to sh**t you?

Danny: Because the last time I saw him, he tried to beat me to death with a crowbar.

Now, if somebody did that to me, I'd be looking for revenge.

So is that why you shot him, because you were looking for revenge?

Can I stand up, please?


(clears throat)

Okay. (sighs)

So, I'm Wilder... and you guys are me.

And we're about this far apart.

And you have your g*n pointed at me, and I am standing in front of you with my hands behind my back, just like this.

And it's very quiet.

And there's nobody around, nobody except us two, standing here alone in this clearing.

And you're looking at me, the man who m*rder*d, tortured and r*ped 22 innocent women...

...who left them to rot on the ground...

...with their hands crossed over their chest.

And I tell you I got a g*n behind my back.

So you instruct me... to show you my hands.

And I don't comply.

So you instruct me again.

Keep your hands where I can see 'em!

Only louder this time, to show you my hands.

I said keep your hands where I can see 'em!

And I don't comply.

I've told you I have a g*n behind my back.

You have no idea whether I do or I don't.

And then... bang!

(jurors gasp)

Now given that...

...would you fire your w*apon?


Thank you, Baker.

Grace, please, sit with me.

Uh, can I get you anything?

You want some coffee?

Uh, no, I'm good.

Okay, I looked into Louis's file, trying to find a way to legitimately fail him out.

Oh, thank you.

I looked hard.

What you asked me to do is essentially act as his father would.

I think I did.

I sat with him.

I talked to him.


Well, more importantly, (sighs) I listened to him.

Grace, it's what he wants to do.

Says... he wants, Frank.

He's still young.

Old enough to act, free to choose.

I need cops like him.

I will not fail him out.

It's not enough that I lost my husband?

Martin would be proud of him; I think you know that.

He romanticizes the PD because of Martin and because of you.

I warned him of that, Grace.

Why don't you tell him that nobody likes cops anymore?

Why don't you tell him that?

He's got his eyes wide open.

How can they be?

He sees everything through your blue lenses, you and Martin.


I would never try to tell you how to show your love to your only son.

But... maybe you could try seeing him for what he's become.

Right. Got it.

Maybe he even ends up like his father, shot dead by some animal just because he wore your uniform.

All for bagpipes and a street sign.

Go to hell, Frank.

(door opens, closes)


Anderson (over speakers): I am the choice for a stronger New York.

There he is.

I will support small businesses.

I will not raise taxes on working families.

Do you think we should let him finish?

And ruin all the fun?

I will be a champion of the middle class.

Russ Anderson!

(crowd murmuring)

Can you do this after?

No. Have a seat.

Russ Anderson, you are under arrest for vehicular as*ault in the first degree and driving while intoxicated.

You can't charge me.

You have no evidence.

Yes, we do.

Your DNA was found on the driver's side airbag.

It proves you were driving.

Hands behind your back.

(handcuffs clicking)

Do you realize who I am?

Yes, you're a drunk and a liar.

Let's go.

You ever regret being a cop?

I've regretted decisions I've made, but never my decision to be a cop.

Job's not the same as when I started.

You're not the same cop as when you started.

It's not just me who's on trial now, Dad.

It's the whole department.

At least the grand jury did the right thing.

This time.

What about next?

If you're asking can you take it anymore, you can.

Real question... do we have any more to give back?
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