01x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fortitude". Aired: January 2015 to December 2018.*
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Perched on the edge of the Artic Circle, Fortitude is one of the safest towns on earth. There has never been a violent crime here. Until now.
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01x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Dr. Allerdyce: We have equipment which could improve Liam's chances of recovery.

Jules: You went out to be with another woman.

Listen, Jules.

Oh, my God, you were.

m*rder team come over from the mainland, they'll be looking at you, Hildur, won't they?

Charlie wouldn't give you the glacier.

Hildur: DCI Morton is a forensic expert.

He can provide invaluable analytical skills.

Morton: This is some kind of a ritualistic m*rder.

What kind of a ritualistic m*rder
would you say involves a potato peeler?

Jesus Christ. I know who did it.

Jason. Pick up, Jason.

Christ's sakes, Jason, what have you done?

♪ I tried so hard ♪
♪ My dear, to show ♪
♪ That you're my... ♪

Markus Huseklepp.

Eugene Morton.

So what do you make of Fortitude?

What do I make?

It's a very fine community with a lot of very nice people.


This is my girlfriend, Shirley.

Hello. Hi. Gene.

Markus wants to speak with you because you're a detective.


Always been very interested in forensic science.


I actually teach science at the school here.

You do?


Mm-hmm? - And chemistry, biology...


Physics also.

Markus teaches all subjects.

I see that, yeah.

Up to primary seven level.

Uh-huh. Great.


Shall I tell you something very interesting about this place?


You cannot die here... or be buried here.

Those are the laws.

Because anything that is buried never decays.

There are bodies in the cemetery that still have plague in them.

- Plague?



This place... is a forensic treasure house.


Children: ♪ ... in Carolina ♪
♪ When you hear the whistle blowing eight to the bar ♪
♪ Then you know that Tennessee is not very far ♪
♪ Shovel all the coal in ♪
♪ Gotta keep it rolling ♪
♪ Whoo Whoo, Chattanooga, there you are. ♪

Woman: Whoo!

Okay, let's try it again.

That was it. But quick. Come on.


Hey, Celia.

(door closes)

Has something happened to Jason?

Do you know where he is?


He's not here, Dan.

Snowmobile's not out there. Hi, Celia.

The girl's in the living room?

Ah, Hanna's there.

I'll talk to her while you two catch up.

Mind if I sit down?

I'm okay just now.

Well, now, I'm not.

This is about that man that was m*rder*d?

Why do you say that?

Dan, why else would you come in here like this?

Do you know where Jason is?

He helps a scientist.

What scientist?

A researcher up at the institute.

What's his name?

Dr. Yelburton.

Natalie Yelburton.

Dr. Yelburton's a woman?

Petra: Who peels the potatoes?

Sylvie peels the potatoes.

Does she?

Could you show me the potato peeler?

It's in the dishwasher.

Would you get it?

I know that Jason tried to extort money from Professor Stoddart.

They were seen arguing in a car park.

Last night, Professor Stoddart was m*rder*d in his home.

Thank you.

Good job.


Celia, call me when you hear from him.

I don't believe this, Dan Anderssen.

Promise me that you'll call me the moment that you hear from him.

You know that Jason is incapable of doing anything like that.

Then I have to speak to him.


Natalie Yelburton, she's missing.

If they're together, I have to speak to them both.

I'll save that till Jason's home.

(indistinct conversation)

(door opens)

(wind blowing)

(Petra laughs)



Can I get the Wi-Fi password from you, please?

[ Spanish accent ] Sure. The code is "midnightsun," only one word.

Midnightsun, one word.

What... Where are you from?





And what are you running away from?

Everybody here is running away from something.

I'm not.

You're not?

- Nope.



Can I ask you is this the hotel that Bill Pettigrew stayed in?


The fella who was eaten by a bear.

I think it is.

Think so?

Did you know him?

Just served him coffee like I served you.

(cell phone buzzing)


I know what you did to me.

The way you told me what happened to Charlie.

I never dreamt anyone would do what you did to me.

And now I know you had nothing to do with the death of your husband.

You owe me.

I would like the keys to your husband's office and your formal permission to enter it and search it.

Say it.

I'm giving you permission to go into my husband's office.

And permission to search.

And permission to search.

Thank you.

(keypad beeps)

Put this on.


You're coming with me.

Turn around.

Put your hands behind your back.

Where are you taking me?

But how could he have frostbite?

Are they sure he has frostbite?

Yes, they're sure.

But how could he?

He went outside.

Liam was sick, and he went outside.


Why would he do that?

Maybe he called out. There was no one at home.

Who knows what he wanted or what he needed?


But his mother wasn't there.

I should have been there, but I was with you.

(starts engine)

Um... satellite telemetry... herd movements, tagged individuals, stillbirths and miscarriages.

These are all this season.

Give me the most recent date and location.

Last radio-tagged individual was... this morning.

Who took the photograph?

Horrific. "N.Y."

Natalie Yelburton.

The photograph's geotagged?

These are institute research cabins?

I think so.

D8 and D11.

D11's bigger. It'll sleep two people.

D11 is closer.

Read out the coordinates for D11.

GPS 8-0-5-0-6-2.

Why do you think she's not alone?

Turn around. Put your hands behind your back.


Who's she with?

Is he a flight risk or a danger to society?

Don't speak to the suspect.

What I hear from you is a man who likes the sound of his own clever voice.

Why do you find my being here so threatening?

(chuckles) I don't find you threatening.

Should I find you threatening?

Are you threatening me?

If I'm a suspect for what's happened, it's f*cking ridiculous. Don't you agree?

Have you spoken to a U.K. lawyer yet?


Have you had your phone call?


Out of the way.

Call this number. He can help.


Okay, come here.

All right, wait here. Come here.

Ah, come here. Take this off.

Shh. Keep warm. Don't speak to anyone, all right?

What are you doing?

I don't want him to suffocate.

What, your rabbit? No, leave him there for now.

All right, leave him in here.

You look after him, don't you?

You won't let anybody hurt him.

Who's gonna hurt him?

Nobody. Why, that's what I'm saying.

Anybody tried to take him away from you, you'd protect him, wouldn't you?

(engine rumbling)

(truck radio thumping music)

Move it.

Move it. Come on.

Okay, come on.

Come on.

Where are we going?

Dad, what's going on?

Come on.

We're all right.

Jason's got us in a bit of trouble.

Come on.

Try and get up.

You all right?

Can you tell me where we're going, please?


Eric, take the prisoner back to the holding cell.

Well, we know where Natalie and Jason are.

Come on. Let's go.

If you have to use this, aim for the center of the body.

Don't hesitate.

Don't think about wounding.

You sh**t to stop, just like you would a bear.

It kills him... that's his fault for not stopping when you told him.

I know.

Center of the body.

Hey, Ingrid, you tell him, he'll stop. No sh**ting necessary.

Jason Donnelly's smarter than a bear.

We set off at first light.

If the prick in a stupid coat turns up looking to get involved, I want you to tell him as politely as possible to f*ck off.

With pleasure.

Excuse me. Does that pay phone work?


Not very private, though, is it?

Not many people use it.

Can I ask you, did somebody make a call from that phone Friday night about...

10 after 11:00?

The only man that uses that phone is Henry Tyson.

(cell phone buzzing)

He doesn't have one of them.

He thinks they mess with your soul.



Hold on one second.

I'm just going to step outside.


Vincent: DCI Morton?

Oh, Vincent.

So how does calling you help my situation here and now?

Well, if you're honest with me, if you tell me the absolute truth, then I'm the only one out here who can help you.

Listen to me. Listen. I don't have any reason to tell anybody anything but the truth.

I didn't k*ll Professor Stoddart.

I found him on the floor.

He was already dead.

How'd you get into the house?

I-I saw him through the window, and I smashed the glass doors because he wasn't moving.

He was dead?

I thought he was dead. I was sure.

Then you called the police?

No, I didn't call anyone.

The police suddenly appeared, the Sheriff, out of nowhere,
and shot the dog.

He handcuffed me, took me outside, but he was already inside the house when I found Professor Stoddart.

Dan was already there?


Okay. All right, look, Vincent, I'm going to do everything I can

to get you out of there as soon as possible. In the meantime, keep your chin up.

Keep my chin up?




Have they...

Have they caught anyone?

They are bringing in a suspect.


The man Charlie had the fight with in the car park.

The miner.


That's good.

How are you doing?

I know this must be so harrowing for you.

I was okay until the...

I listened to Charlie's message.

His message?

The last call he made to me.

He says he's got something to show me.

He says it's precious.



Come here.

Let's get you into bed, yeah?

All right?

Trish, come on.

You'll feel much better in the morning.


No, I... please.

No, Alfred. I'm your friend. Please.

I've never let you down, have I? Please.

I need that seaplane, man.

Come on, man.

All right, come here. Sit down.

Hey, all right. What it is, right...

Okay, it costs more to hire a seaplane... to fly us to Norway than I had suspected, sweet pea.

So... apparently I've never heard of inflation.

Never mind.

Plan B.

All right?

(dogs barking)

Charlie: Trish, we might have found something incredible come out of the ice, something ancient, something that's gonna cause a hell of a lot of trouble.

Menu: To save message, press two.

To delete message, press three.

Message deleted.

Main Menu. To listen to your saved messages...

(wind chimes clinking)

You can't come in here.


You can't come in here.

I am in control of this crime scene.

It is my decision whether you are allowed in or not.

I have to preserve the integrit...

I'm a policeman, same as you.

Yes, and I have to preserve the integrity of...

Right. And it's Petra, right? Isn't it?


Yeah. I'm here because Professor Stoddart was a British citizen, and a wicked person did a terrible thing, and I want to catch him, same as you.

I have no other agenda.

This is my job, and I'm very good at it.

Now, you are in control of this crime scene, and I will not question that for a second, not for a second.

However, I will interpret it for you, and I promise I will tell you absolutely everything that I see.


May I come in?

(chorus singing)

Frank: I see two Ski-Doos.

Small lights are on inside.

No more.

We have to separate 'em, bring one outside.

Minus 30.

How we gonna get anybody outside?
(engine chugging)


Hear that?

Diesel generator.

And it will tell us something about the Professor's state, whether he was agitated, nervous, relaxed.

Well, he was preparing dinner when he was assaulted.

Mm-hmm. He was having red wine, so he was relaxed, but busy.

And a pulsing blue LED on the TV.

Petra: So he paused the program.


He came down here to let somebody in, and he paused the program when he heard someone... maybe walked over there to let them in.

And he paused the program because he was not expecting them to stay.

Time elapsed, 35 hours.

So now we know what time he was att*cked.

No, he knows where.

Harvey knows this town like a book.

But how will I recognize your friend?

Oh, you can't miss him, Mrs. Chumley. He's a pooka.

(laughs) A pooka?

Is that something new?

No. No, as I understand it, that's something very old.

(generator silent)

(door opens)



Throw the r*fle away from the cabin.

Dan, what...

Stay there.

Throw the r*fle away from the cabin.

Do it now.

Down on your knees.

Cross your hands behind your head.

What the f*ck's going on?

Dan, what's this all abou... hey!

Get the f*ck...


You f*cking bastard.

- Dan: Just stay down there.


Hands in the air, Natalie.

Hands in the air.

(door opens)

Hello, Hildur.

Hey, Henry.

You like that one.

Oh, I love it. I love your work.

Without your work, this place would just be a nameless block of ice in the middle of nowhere, wouldn't it?

Thank you, Hildur.


Jesus, that's awful, sitting upright.

It's f*cking awful.

Well, don't do it on my behalf.

(chuckles) I didn't.

Will you join me?

Eh, there you are.

Now... ready when you are, Governor.

Did you...

Did you see Charlie before he died?


Charlie is dead.

Yes, I saw him. I...


That morning.

What did he say to you?

He wasn't going to let you build your Glacier Hotel.

He said that?

That's right.


Because he had found something very, very precious.


Like what? What was it?

Tell me, how much are you in for, Hildur?

I don't know what you mean.

How much have you already committed to your Glacier Hotel, hmm?

Too much to back out now, eh?

Have you got in over your head, as they say?

What had Charlie found?

Wouldn't tell me.

You know, I had no option but to sign your exile notice.

I don't make the law.

I just administer it, and you can't die here.

It's against the law.

But as Governor of the island I have discretionary powers.

I can make an exception if I see compelling reasons.

Over matters of life and death, you have discretionary powers.

You are a singularly powerful woman, Hildur Odegard.

What had Charlie found?

Didn't say.

I don't believe you.

This new policeman... you think he's going to sniff you out?

You know, nothing buried in permafrost ever decays.

Disease doesn't die in the ground.

And you're a toxic old man, aren't you, Henry?

So you and your cancer will leave here, and you'll die all alone on the mainland.


Say cheese, Hildur.

Bye, Henry.

(shutter clicks)

Trish: Charlie said he'd found something precious.

He wanted to tell me about it... said it would change everything.

I told Hildur.

Then I went to bed.

I couldn't sleep, though.

I wanted to find the phone
and listen to Charlie, Charlie again.

The message had gone.


What had he found?

I don't know.

He said he'd have to rewrite his report.

What report?

Hildur's Glacier Hotel.

She can't go ahead without government say-so.

The government's waiting on Charlie's impact report.

Charlie said in his message that he'd found something that changed everything.

Morton: Okay. All right.

Let's start with wind chimes and infidelity.

What about them?

What other illicit connections should I know about?

(indistinct audio playing on headphones)

What are you doing in here?

I have some information I need to feed into the interrogation.

Information? Right.


f*ck off.

Beg your pardon?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Is it the accent? It's the accent.

You can f*ck right off.

All right.

Let me put it to you this way.

Does she know that you are f*cking Trish?

Give that to Dan, and set up a video feed for me so I can watch this interrogation... preferably someplace where I won't be disturbed.

Dan: When Stoddart sought police advice because someone was trying to extort money from him, then that wasn't you?

Jason: I was att*cked, assaulted.

(knock on door)

Look at that.

He had hold of me, and that search and rescue guy laid into me.

(no audible dialogue)

Jason, can you give us an account with witnesses, if possible, of your whereabouts throughout Friday and into Friday evening?

No, I don't think I can.

Between 7:00 and 7:30.


I was with my brother Ciaran in his shop arguing about money.

Bring Ciaran Donnelly in.

Tell us about this.



It's been in a box in a cupboard in our house for years.

It's an elephant's tooth.

Why are you carrying it around?

Just found it, shoved it in my pocket.

No reason.

This was found in Stoddart's bedroom.

What is this?

It's a diagram of a mammoth's jawbone.

Okay. Okay.

I showed that tooth to Stoddart in the car park.

I told him I found it in the ground.

He got annoyed when I wouldn't just hand the thing over.

It got a bit shove-y.

And that's absolutely everything that happened.

So this... this thing, it's a fake?

He said if I found it on the island, then it wasn't mine to sell.

And he believed you? Did he offer you money?

Did he think it was real?

Is this what got him k*lled?

(door opens)



Ma'am. Ma'am, follow me.

You okay?

Wait. Why is he in custody?

Ma'am, I'm sorry. I'm...

Yeah, but what is going on?

I'm really not allowed to give you information...

But just can... Ingrid? Ingrid?

Stoddart's been m*rder*d.

Hildur: Are you having an affair with Jason Donnelly?


Hildur... it's not an affair.

This is Fortitude. It gets cold.

We get close.

It's uncomplicated.

Are you all right?


Yes. Yes, I'm...

I loved Charlie, too.

He was lovely.

He was a lovely man.

No, this is just... brutal.

Jason didn't do this.

Do you know that for a fact?


I was with him.

He was just ordinary.

He's just an ordinary man.

I want you to take this to your laboratory, and I want you to run tests on it, and I want you to tell me what kind of animal it came from, how old it is, and whether or not it came from here.

So I can go?


You can go.


Listen, you don't tell anyone about that tooth, and when you have results, you bring them to me, all right, only me?

'Cause if there's a mammoth found on the island, then I have to handle that information.

You do understand this?


- (air hissing)

(monitor beeping)

Oh, I'm sorry.

I was just wondering if your little boy, they know how long he's going to be in here before he's better.

It's Liam.


We couldn't get properly introduced before.

I'm Henry Tyson.

I know who you are.

When my husband and me decided we were going to move out here, Liam got very excited about seeing polar bears, so his dad bought him one of your books.

My book?


Liam will be chuffed to meet you.

Chuffed? (chuckles) Lovely.

Well, I'm chuffed to meet you both.


You don't have any grounds
for continuing to keep me in custody, and it's probably in contravention

of the Human Rights Act, to which I'm sure you are a signatory.

You can go.




I'm sorry you've had such a horrible time.

No, that's okay.

I understand.

Thank you.


(cell phone ringing)


Ingrid: Ciaran Donnelly isn't in his house or in his shop.

We've checked all the bars in town, and nobody's seen him.

Okay, thanks, Ingrid.

We'll find him first thing.

(overlapping chatter)




Sorry. Sorry.

I'm DCI Morton.

I'm here investigating the death of your boss independently on behalf of his widow and the British government.

You're working with Dan Anderssen.


Why not?

Well, because then I wouldn't be working independently.

So do you think it's a mammoth's tooth?

I don't know yet.

Well, what if it is?


A mammoth's tooth.

What if it is a mammoth's tooth?

What are the implications?

You mean... could this be a possible reason that someone might want to k*ll Charlie Stoddart?



I don't know.

Well, if it turns out that that's what it is...

Yeah, then please call me and only me.

Okay? Thank you.


(clears throat)

(clears throat)

I just wondered if I could come in and talk to you.

Just been a living nightmare since the moment I stepped off the plane.

(stamps feet)


Maybe I should just go home.

Maybe you should.

I couldn't.

Can't abandon Charlie's...

He knew this place was fierce, merciless.

It's neither good nor bad. It's... vivid...

and unsullied... and wild.

(ship's horn blowing)

(knock on door)

Mr. Tyson.

(knock on door)

Mr. Tyson.


Mr. Tyson.

- Henry.

(snorts) W-what?


Hi. Hi.



What did you...

I'm DCI Morton from the London Met.

Right here. Right here. I'm right here.

Where is she... Where is she...

Where's... what?

Here's my card. I'll just... I'll come back when you've... sobered up.

(door closes)

Got him, all right.

Your little boy wasn't well.

He was ill.

(water running)

Now you must be strong for him.

It was our fault.

You feel guilty.

Guilt connects things that aren't connected.

You really need to be strong for Liam, not full of hate for yourself...

for me.

I felt so ashamed.

I just... left him on his own.

He could have frozen to death because of me, because of us.

Just I was irresponsible, and he could have died.

(scoffs) For what?

(Elena moaning)

(playing haltingly)


Can I buy you a drink?


Let me buy you one.

All right.

They say the mezcal worm is an aphrodisiac.

If a man and woman eat the worm together, then their night will be a delirium of ecstasy and passion.

They say that, huh?


They also say that it's a ferocious irritant of the urinary tract.

You're not married, are you?

That's right. I'm not.

And you don't have too much of a life, do you?

Do you?


That can make men very...




You might be right.

To your health.



Don't point the g*n!

(alarm blaring)

Liam! Just do something!

Morton: She thinks you k*lled her husband, or some poor bastard has a psychotic episode in a stranger's house.

I think Frank Sutter is the man they should be looking at.

He is violent and unstable.

(wind blowing)
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