01x04 - Episode 4

Episode transcripts for 2015 TV mini-series.*
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Supernatural m*rder mystery set on the Cook Islands. Kyle and Budgie arrive in paradise, but not everything is as it seems.
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01x04 - Episode 4

Post by bunniefuu »

I want you to take them to the mainland and deliver them to some friends of mine.

If you don't do this, I will gut you like a fish.

You know, if anything goes wrong, we're dead!

These biker gangs, they don't mess around.

You don't work here any more.

You're meeting Kyle again?

He can't be trusted.

Shouts: Tell me what you're saying!

We need to cleanse him.

You could have drowned him!

So what do we do now?

We get out of here.

They've got a consignment of black pearls being smuggled.

The passenger's name is Mr Peter Griffiths.

This programme contains some scenes which some viewers may find upsetting.


(He sighs)

What's happened?

Another vision?


I thought I saw a reflection down there.

Are you sure there are no pools on the island?


Didn't those spirit snatchers live in a pool?

The ones Dries talked about.

The momoke?

That's just a metaphor for colonialism.

Who were they? What did they want?

The legend goes...

They emerged from the water after dark, glistening white in the moonlight, and stole the islanders' crops, until one day a farmer caught one and made her his wife.

Creepy. Also illegal.

She stayed with him for many years, but hardly aged.

Eventually, they had a son.

But the momoke was desperate to return home.

Her husband agreed, as long as he came too.

The three of them dove into the pool...

..and swam so deep that the farmer couldn't hold his breath.

He turned back with his son, and his wife disappeared.

She made it home.

The farmer sealed the pool so the momoke couldn't return.

Mother and child were separated for good.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge, my fortress.

In Him, I will trust.

He will protect her.

The reverend says we must have faith.

His faith drove our daughter away.

Well, if your trust in God is wavering, trust in Koringo.

He'll take care of her.

Call him. Tell him I want my daughter safe.

Tell him.

Of course, you have my word.

I won't let her out of my sight.

Tell Anaru not to worry. I promise, I'll keep her safe.

All right?

You don't look it.

Dodgy stomach.

Why you in New Zealand? Holiday.

Where you staying?


Where in Rotorua?



I guess. Um, haven't...haven't booked it yet.

Is that OK?

(Device beeps)

We're on.

Hey. Hey.

These are my friends, Kyle and Budgie.

Welcome to the mainland. I'm Koringo, Aumea's fiance.

I heard what happened. Aumea's family...

They can be over-protective.

Trust me, I know.

I've arranged a hotel for you guys. I hope that's OK.

We're a bit short of cash.

It won't cost a cent.

A friend of mine owes me a favour.

And once you've rested, you can tell me what all this is about.

Koringo will look after us.

You think I'm crazy?

No, of course not.

I just...

Are we OK?

Yes. We're better than OK.

I missed you.


He's shouting us a hotel.

The least you can do is crack a smile.

Let's roll. Check the license plate.

Licence plate check on CG...

(Motorcycle roars)

Jesus! Get out of the way!

Call for backup.

This is AKX7 requesting immediate backup to assist with threatening behaviour...

Cops were waiting at the airport.

Someone must've tipped them off.

Well, who the hell would do that? No-one knows except you and me.

Potoru says she was sniffing round the farm.


Yesterday, after we'd gone.

Are you accusing my girl?

You already said she'd been hassling you about a job.

Now she's sneaking around behind your back.

Why is she so interested in the pearls?

That's all I'm saying.

Wow. Nice pad, man.

The room's free until Sunday, make yourselves at home.

Are you into mythology?

It's the w*r god, Maru.

Nothing special though, just a knock-off from a market.

We should have dinner at our place tomorrow, once you've settled in.

We need to talk about what happened.

When you're rested, I'd like to hear the details.

'Tavi hallucinations can be very convincing.

They weren't hallucinations.

Also, he's got a spirit following him around. As in a ghost.

Why don't we talk about this tomorrow?

How's delaying things going to help?

Let's talk about it now.

How do we know Aumea's safe?

Kyle, relax. Nothing's going to happen while Aumea's with me.

I promise.

Koringo's right. We don't have to do this now.

In the meantime, enjoy yourselves.


My mobile.

Just call me if you need anything, OK?

Cheers. Appreciate it.

See you tomorrow, Kyle.

What is it with you, man?

We're off the island now, you can chill out.

Koringo was the man from my vision.

Forget about the visions, forget about the island. It's history.

I was strangling him.

You ever have any nice visions?

You know, like puppies or rainbows or lap dances from Beyonce?

(He sighs)

You know what you need?

To get properly tanked.

We're going out tonight, drink some local beer, meet some local girls.

I shouldn't leave Aumea.

She's getting married and you're on holiday.

Starting now.

What are you doing?

What do you reckon?

I'll be out when I'm ready.


Just one more appearance to illuminate my path.

Send me your messenger, Lord. Let his light show me the way.

Let his love warm my heart. Let his words soothe my troubles.

Show me that I have chosen the righteous path!

(Dance music plays)

Remember now? This is why we started travelling. Ey?




You OK?

My lower intestine's having a party of its own.

You were in the bathroom for ages. How is there anything left?

Couldn't go. It's like my bowels are on dial-up.

Beer should help.

Is it the beer or are Kiwi birds really fit?

What does Aumea see in him?

Mate. Ground rules, remember? We're not talking about Au...

No, no, no, no, seriously.

What does she see in him? I don't get it.

OK, well, he's nice...

He's got, er, not chlamydia, the other one - charisma.

He's good looking. He's a lawyer, so he's cashed up.

Yeah, yeah, all right, whatever.

Few more beers and even I might have a crack.

Another round.

I need to ask you something.

You call me out of the blue, panicking about this guy's visions.

You come back just before the wedding. No tattoo.

If you're having second thoughts...

I need to know.

I can't wait to marry you.

It's just...

Kyle's visions freaked me out.

He knew things.

He saw the chief.

The 'tavi stimulates the subconscious.

Kyle could've seen a picture of that chief anywhere and forgotten about it.

But not my tattoo.

(They chuckle)

There we go.

You've got to rein it in, mate.

We're on holiday.

Yeah, and we're haemorrhaging cash.

Not any more.

I found some pearls at Dries' place.

Thought they might help me clear my debt back home.

So you stole them?

Technically no... because he found out.

Jesus, Budge!

He made me swallow them and meet some biker dudes.

But I've been thinking...

We could do a runner, head to Rio instead.

With the pearls?

Are you mental?!

They're not going to follow us there.

Look, I need the money.

Mum's copping serious flak back home and it's my fault.

Yeah, and we'll be copping serious flak if you don't hand them over.

Aumea too, did you not think about that?

Mum's slightly ahead of her on my priority list.

Where's the meeting?

Some hotel.

No point meeting till they come out.

Look, it's not like I had a choice.

Dries said if I didn't, Maui would do one.


Maui's involved?

Nicking off his own family. Classy.

Your parents are pretty upset.

I don't think they expected Aumea to side with Kyle.

About time they got a reality check.

I don't know, maybe we're both gullible.

You OK?

We should take the boat out tomorrow.

What for?

I just reckon we need a break.

Just the two of us.


You've put a massive target on our backs.

What if this is the reason someone tries to k*ll her?

What if it's Maui? She's not going to die.

I saw it!

I should warn her.

If her brother's involved, she needs to know.

Well, that's a brilliant idea(!) That's flawless, that is.

What if she confronts him and he flips out?

You've got to get rid of the pearls.

And then that's the end of it.

You know what? You've turned into a real party k*ller.



This room is off limits.

To everyone.


I'm really sorry if I let you down.

It's not just me.

Your lack of faith has driven two lost souls into exile.

Why is Kyle so important?

Why do you need to help him so badly?

You're only repentant because you've got nowhere else to go.

I am hungry, and I am tired and I'm covered in itchy bites. I...

I just need some place to stay for a while.


Will you let God back into your heart?


I'll fetch you some breakfast.

I need to know what time he left, who he was with.

Yeah, sure. I'll just check my logbook, shall I?

There is no logbook.

So...you don't remember him?

Erm, mid-20s... shorter than me, bit of a gob on him, kind of pasty?

After a while, all the short, gobby, pasty backpackers just blend into one.

(Tattoo machine buzzes)

You got a problem with the work?

Yeah. As it goes, I didn't ask for it.

Yeah, you did. I was hammered!

Do you normally carve shit in people's arms when they come in here off their heads?

You weren't drunk. I don't even remember being here!

You drew this yourself.

That's impossible. I...I don't even know what this means.

(Tattoo machine buzzes)

When I came here, was I alone?

Yep. You sure?

You lost someone?

Yeah. He in trouble?


Then you've got nothing to worry about.


I'd forget about your mate.

What are you doing?

It's beautiful out here.

Scary, too.

You know, on land...

..we're connected to the planet.

We can change it, mould it, make our mark on it.

But out here...

..we're just its bitch.

You know, when the sea gets angry, it takes us.

You know, you're not like any other girl I've been with.

I really like you.

You brought me out here to tell me that?

I really like you too.



You do that again and I'll take you out to the pearl farm.

Actually... I already snuck out to see it yesterday.

I...I couldn't resist. Don't...don't be mad.

Well, at least you're honest.

I didn't know who else to call.

It was the bikers, the ones from the vision... Kyle, calm down.

It's all coming true. They've got Budge, I know they have.

We have to do something. Kyle. Stop.

When did you last see him?

Last night.

And he's not getting off with some local girl?

No, they've got him.

Don't you get it? They're the same bikers.

Why would they want Budgie?

Kyle, if you want our help, you have to tell us.

He was chatting up some girls last night.

Maybe he pissed off their boyfriends.

We should call the police. They hate the police.

If we involve them, it'll just make things worse.

I'll talk to them.

I know their leader, I defended him once.

You can't go in there.

They might listen to me. They are dangerous.

We can't just leave him.

(He grunts)

Ihaka's on his way. He ain't as patient as us.

He wants the pearls now.

I was going to find you guys.

I swear.

Just kick the shit out of him. No, no, no.

Please! Let me go!

Look, I swear you'll get the pearls.

(He grunts)

Well, you better hand them over now, cos when Ihaka gets here, he'll cut you open.

Hold him.

Cos this oil will make you shit them out.


No! No!

You two stay here.

I'm coming in.

I need to speak to them alone.

What if you need backup? I can't risk you losing it in there.

I won't lose it... The last person who crossed these guys ended up fish food.

If you really want to get him out, you need to let me handle it, OK?

Be careful.

What do you want?

I need to speak to Ihaka.

I think you might have a friend of mine.

Ah! It's one of the suits that got Ihaka off.

You think we owe you?

No. I just want to talk.


Is he in there?

Budge? Are you OK?


You crapped them out yet?

I'm trying.

Look, I don't know what's going on here, but I'd like to get him out.

How can we arrange...? Bullshit!

Is he in on this too?

I don't understand.

Or are you working for the cops?

It's him.

He was there, in my vision.

Kyle, wait. Stay in the car.

You can't go in there. They're going to k*ll him.

OK, maybe this wasn't such a great idea.

(Door closes)


I told you I never wanted to see you again.

Just let us go. Your pasty little mate tried to rip us off.

He's lucky he's not at the bottom of a lake.

He still might be.

Let me take him.

You'll get the pearls, I swear.

You've trusted me before... you can trust me now.

Give me the knife.

We don't like visitors, ey.

Unless they got something we want.

Where is my friend?

I swear, if you don't hand him over, I'm calling the police.

What are you doing with this loser?

Just answer the question.

I like a girl with a bit of fire in her belly.

I like a man with fresh breath and a career plan.

Just stop talking now.

I'm doing a better job than you were.

Boys, we've got some new toys.

Who wants to play first?

What? What you want to do? What?!

Let them go. We've got what we wanted.

Sorry about the mess.

You OK?

He literally scared the shit out of me.

Get him in the car, ey.

You should've told me about the pearls.

I wasn't a part of it.

If I knew about it, I would've stopped it.

Will you tell Aumea?


But you should have a long, hard think about the company you keep.

What did he say to them?

He was trying to get me out.

They could've knifed the pair of us.

He knew their leader.

Something's not right.

Yeah, it's called jealousy.

Forget about Aumea, dude. That ship has sailed.

I need to get her alone tonight, talk to her.

No, no, no, no. We're not going over there so you can kick off.

I'm not going to kick off.

I just want to find out more about him.

You're dreaming if you think she's going to leave him for you.

I just want to know she's OK.

Come on, mate, you stink.

(Shower runs)

I tried to get into her laptop. And she's got a log-in.

That don't matter.

She's legit. I'd know... I'd know if she was playing me.

I sure hope so, man. Or we're both screwed.

(Floorboard creaks)

That's one of Koringo's.

Most of the artwork here is his.

They're amazing. Kyle used to paint at school.

What were they called again? Potato prints? Agh!

Would you like some wine?

Oh, I think I'm done with alcohol.

He got mashed last night and scored some new tatts.


May I see?

Do you know what they mean?

I think so.

Going to share?

They symbolise a lifelong quest.

And a great darkness.

A man consumed by secrets and desires.

Dude's getting laser treatment for Christmas.

(They chuckle)

Well, they're open to a certain amount of interpretation. Much like your visions.

The visions were real.

Koringo knows about the science - the 'tavi triggers a chemical response in the brain.

Symbols, faces, fears, recent experiences are all heightened and randomised as part of the hallucinations.

That's what I've been saying.

Before you tripped out, Dries was banging on about that woman in the jungle.

And then you saw a vision of a girl.

I saw Aumea.

Dries mentioned the pool and that momoke bollocks, and then you saw that too.

But you've been better since we got here. Haven't you?

Yeah, course he has.

It's all over.

I promise I'll keep Aumea safe.

How many did he swallow?

We'll handle it.

Dries. I said we'll handle it.

We need to fix this before the boss finds out.

(Birds caw)

(Wind blows, whispering)

The voices are back.

They're getting louder.


Maybe we should take you to a doctor.

I'm not crazy.

I never said you were.

Bloody hell! Mate, what are you doing?

Are you OK?


You're not safe with him.

What? Dude, stop.

We've got a connection. You and me.

I...I...I know it's not just me. Jesus...

I'm marrying Koringo.

What do you feel in your gut? Kyle!

Does this feel right to you?

Do you really want to go back to the island and marry him? Yes!

Mate, come on. We're leaving.

Let's go.

Now, Kyle!

What the actual hell was that about?

You are seriously freaking me out now.

You can't keep doing this!

What's happening to me?

I don't know, mate.

We'll get help, I promise.

If you can stay calm... we'll get through this together.


(Motorcycle roars)

Shit! Run!

They can't follow us here. Come on!

(Mystical chanting)

It's this way to the road!

No, it's this way! Come on!

It's this way!


(Brakes squeal)



Why did you let me leave him?

Things are about to shake up.

Someone on that island's going to get pretty jumpy.

Steal from my family, yeah?!

I've k*lled before.

You've seen something. What did you see?

What have you seen?

Even now, your powers are growing.

You can't be trusted.

Music: Maori call and response
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