01x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for 2015 TV mini-series.*
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Supernatural m*rder mystery set on the Cook Islands. Kyle and Budgie arrive in paradise, but not everything is as it seems.
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01x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »

Contains some scenes which some viewers may find upsetting from the start.

You've put a massive target on our backs. Ugh!

He wants the pearls now.

I need to find out what's happening and the only way I can do that is through another vision.

It's your choice.

Maybe this time I'll see who did it.

You got mashed last night and scored some new tats.

Do you know what they mean?

They symbolise a lifelong quest, a man consumed by secrets.

Do you really want to go back to the island... Yes! ..and marry him?


(Motorbike engine roars)

(Tyres screech and glass shatters)


(Seagulls caw)

Roger that, soon find out...

(Police radio chatter)

I want names.

Can't I phone someone?


Connor's solicitor's here.

Good morning, Eli. Koringo.

How long have you been interviewing my client without representation?

We've just been talking.

And he hasn't said anything anyway.

Well, presumably because he's traumatised.

Is he actually under arrest?

If you want to make an arrangement to talk to Mr Connor, just get in touch and we'll sort something, OK?

This is all my fault.

Koringo, you know... thanks, man.

It really is no problem, please.

We'll give you a lift, OK?

Yeah. Thanks.

Dries broke into my house last night.

He didn't take anything.

OK, I'm pulling you out.

We can't have you...

'No, that's not a good idea.'

If things are coming to a head, I need to be here.

You don't have to put your life at risk.

It's OK. I know what I'm doing.

'Well, things are about to shake up.'

I'm getting Taringa to pull in Dries, and when that happens, someone on that island's going to get pretty jumpy.

'I need you to keep your eyes open.

Especially at the Vaipitis, OK?'

Yeah. Will do.

Good morning, Tyler.

Morning, Reverend.

Come in.

Do you have anything you feel you need to confess?

I just want to prove myself to you.

And show you that God is in my heart.

Do you believe in resurrection?

(Monitors bleep)

They did a CT scan.

If there's no change in 12 hours then he's, er...

Budgie, man...

(He sighs deeply)

Just give me a minute, OK?

I don't think you should be on your own. Please.

Look what's happened to my mate.

Not all can be saved.

Why did you let me leave him?

Why did you lead me away?

I showed you the way, Kyle.

You chose to follow.

What are you saying?

You're as much to blame as me!

No-one in this world is without blame.


No... No!

No more, please, just...

Please, just stop it, no!

Please, no more!

Kyle, calm down.

He's right.

I did this!

Everyone that was ever close to me...

How can you say that?

You don't understand. This has happened before.

Listen to me. The bikers did this.

You were looking out for me, remember?

Those guys are psychopaths.

They're to blame.

Why did they come back?

They got what they wanted.

The Ihaka guy let us go. Why...?

Why did they come back for us?

Who knows how those guys think?

How did they even know where we were?

They were on us minutes after we left Koringo's.

Come back with us.

You shouldn't be on your own.

Makes sense, Kyle.

(Bleeping continues)

(He dials into keypad)

(Ringing tone)

In two days' time, here... heaven's gates will open.

It's a true resurrection!

And God's chosen will ascend to heaven, and those who have not been saved will be damned.

Do you believe me?


It seems incredible.

How do you know all this?

An angel has visited me, Tyler.

Things are happening just exactly as they did when the first Incarnation took place in Bethlehem.

Light shone all around.

And I received this great news!

Is Kyle involved?

Kyle has a very important role to play.

And we must care for him when he returns to us.


Will I be saved?

What do you think?

(Ringleader whistles)

Tempting, I know. But...



Body of Christ. Amen.

I need to crash. I'm shattered.

Of course. There's a bedroom on the first floor. First left.

Budgie's going to be OK.

Koringo's paying for everything.

He doesn't need to do that.

Go and rest.

He's such a generous guy, isn't he?

Yeah. He is.

I have some stuff to tell you.

I've been trying to shield you from it, but...

Budgie's accident.

The bikers were after him for a reason.

He was acting as a courier.

Pearl smuggling.

Our pearls? My family's?

He got them from Dries.

Is Kyle involved?

I'm more worried about Maui.

He's been balancing those books, you said.

Maybe this is how.

Hey! Hey!


(Whispering voices)

(Phone rings)

(They laugh)


Hey, Aumea, what's up?


Wait, wait, wait - slow down.

What are you talking about?


Hey, slow down, slow down.

No, no, no, no, I'm not listening to this bullshit.

'Maui, they know.'

The police know it was Dries and if you're behind this...

'think what it'll do to Mum and Dad.'

If you're involved, it could...

(He hangs up)

You OK?


You don't look OK.

No, it's...family stuff.



My brother's an idiot.

I have to tell my dad.

We need to get back.

Like tonight. Yeah?

What about Kyle?

(Whispering voices)

What the hell are you doing?

I'm... Sorry.

I'm looking for something.

This is Koringo's study, you'd better have a damn good reason...

I do. Believe me, I do.

Budgie got some pearls from Dries.

Yeah, I know. My family's pearls.

I have to go back to Manutaki tonight.

Where do you think he got them from?

That's none of your business.

How did Koringo manage to get the bikers to release Budgie?

Why was he so keen to get me out the cop shop?

You think Koringo... At least think about it, doesn't it make you wonder?

You are amazing. I'm not listening to this! Get out of here.

Aumea, think. He's right. Koringo's right. You can't be trusted.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Please, please...

(He exhales)

What is it?

(He breathes heavily)

What's happened?


What the hell?

He saw something.

He wouldn't tell me what.

But it was...

Do you want me to go after him?

Just let him go.

Are you ready?


Do you think you'll be able to make amends with Kyle when he comes back?

I think I can. I think I can win him over.

Are you sure he will be coming back?

'He has no choice.'


We don't want to mess with you, fella.

Just... Just let us walk.

(He exhales)

(Door slams)

This is all bullshit.

What have you been shown?

I k*ll her. At the pool, I push her in!

The pool. You saw yourself and Aumea?


Hoping I wasn't going to see that one, eh?

You saw no other?

This is why I'm here, isn't it?

I'm not her saviour. I'm her executioner.

OK, man, thanks.

You've screwed it up.

And now it's out. You need to leave.

Go to that place where...

Steal from my family, yeah?!

Get up. Hit me and go. Go!

You have seen a false vision.

A false vision sent to sap your will, to block you from your purpose.

It's no good lying to me.

I know why I've been handed this.

Do you think I'm stupid?

Your mark - "saviour".

Bullshit! I'm not a saviour.

The new tats?

I know what they mean now.

I'm dangerous.

But why? Why would you k*ll Aumea?

I just...

I just...could.

You wouldn't understand.

You think because you love her and she is with him, your jealousy could make you do this.

You're wrong.

You're a good man - a saviour.

I'm not a saviour!

Believe me.

I've k*lled before.

Dries stole from us?

I can't believe this.

If people find out...

He's one guy. One guy!

We have to find them.

He thinks that the dark is going to hide him?

Let's get on with it then.

Let's go, let's go!


It seems strange to me that Dries could do this.

Without help.

But that must be what has happened.

I want this man caught.

Yeah, we'll get him, Dad.


Babe, I'm going to head out.

I'll help with the search.

No, you stay here.

I'm going to be back soon.

These are all Sunday school books.

There's no more Sunday school.

We've got to get the church ready for Kyle and the wedding.


The wedding.

The gates will not open unless the couple are there.

Unified yet separate, living yet dead.

It was my baby.

Our daughter.

We were engaged, we were going to have a baby.

I lived in Crawley then.

Normal evening, just watching TV.

Then my girlfriend Mia, she started bleeding.

She freaked out, so I drove her.

Too fast. Way too fast.

Mia lived. The baby...

The god Tane...takes and gives.

You cannot bear the blame for something that was not...

I'd been drinking.

I should've called an ambulance.

Let them handle it.

But...nah... not my style. I never learn.

Now Budgie.

Next it's Aumea.

None of this belongs to you.

It was a false vision.

I can't handle this.

I can't keep doing what you want me to do.

No more death.

This has to stop.


(Whispering voices)

(He breathes heavily)

(They sing hymn in Maori)

(Blade scrapes)

(Singing continues)


HE CHANTS IN MAORI: Kua timata ana au, e aku tama.

(He sobs)

(Knife clatters off floor)

(Sobbing continues)

(Singing grows louder)

(He breathes steadily)

(In and out)

We must seek and find the grace to accept that that cannot be changed.

To embrace...our destiny.

When finally we make that compact with what is written, THEN...we will find peace.

Your woman.

When the baby started to come... was there pain for her?

She freaked out.

There was... crying...screaming.

So how could you wait?

Wait for others to come?

You did what you needed to do.

Your friend, when I showed you the way...

I turned and left him.

You see the past through a mist.

What did you do?


I called him.

No, it's this way.

Come on!

"This way."

And then?

I called him again.

This way!

"Budge, this way."

Why did you not call a third time?

Because I thought...

I thought he was following me.

You are not a boy trapped by selfish desires.

You are a man who can master his feelings, shape his own future.

That is what your new marks symbolise.

Even now your powers are growing - powers that you will soon realise.

(He scoffs)

I have powers?

To change what is to come.

So I can change the future?

That means... the vision I saw...

Will never happen.

It was a false vision, because you will make it so.

But I need proof, more than just...


Then if... OK.

You're saying I will save Aumea, right?

If I can change the future, then I can change the present too. Yeah?

(Engine starts)

Hospital, please.

That was a real punch!

You gave as good as you got, mate.

You're lucky I didn't split your damn skull open!

Look, it's out now.

The whole thing's out. My dad knows.

It's your fault, you understand?

What are you going to do?

I'm going to get you off the island.

It's going to take some doing, so you have to sit tight.

But I get you to the mainland, you split, you understand?

You vanish.

Sure. Understood.

(He sighs)

We're going on a little trip.

Today is a good day.

An important day, a turning point.


Yes. Yes, it is.


The church is ready... the boy will return to us... and you must talk with him when he does.

I will, Reverend.

If only he knew.

He must stay with us and complete his task.

He must have no more doubt.

Because you know, he is a good man.

A saviour.

And Aumea... Aumea will have a long and happy future ahead of her.

And you will tell him that.

Won't you?

Yes. I will.

(Kyle sighs)

(Monitors bleep)

If this works, then I'll believe you.

I'm so sorry for letting you down, Budgie.

I reckon you've had enough kip now, mate.

Wake up.

You hear me, mate?

Live, live, live...

Budgie, wake up, man.

I need you. I need you.

I got a lot of stuff going on... pretty freaky, wait till you hear.

Wake up, man.

Wake up!

Budgie, you lazy sod, come on, the joke's over!

You going to let me down?

Evening, sir. Hi.

Just here on the left.

I'm sure you can sort all this out.

And Kyle will be OK.


Pretty soon...we'll be man and wife.

Yes. Not long now.

Budgie, you...

When you think of all the stuff we've been through.

I can't do it alone.

Where are you when I need you?

I'm right here.

(Thunder rumbles in distance)

What have you done to me, mate?

It worked.

You see that? It's worked!

Hello there! You're the spirit guide chief fella, right?


I did it! I brought you back!

OK, not the way I planned, but...

This is even weirder than that night in Yeovil.

When I swallowed that grub in a bottle of mescal.

Can I touch you?

Don't get funny, mate.

It's you, it's definitely you, I did it.

I do have powers.

Good powers.

I can bring back the dead.

Yeah, but can you turn water into wine?

Because that's...

Listen... so much has happened.

So I see.

Trust me, mate, you have the best medical care going.

You'll pull through, I promise.

Won't he?

Oh, so a dead guy says I'm going to pull through, that's...

That's reassuring.

I have to go back.

I'm not a k*ller.

If she's gone back to Manutaki, I have to go back too.

Save her.

Who said you were a k*ller in the first place?

It was a false vision.

I know that now.

I've got a flight to catch.

You coming?


(Church congregation)

(Sings hymn in Maori)

I saw myself k*lling someone.

She isn't safe while he's here.


It isn't enough to just send him away.

(Stifled shout)

If they can't see you... they can't k*ll you.

He reckons it's going to happen on Aumea's wedding day.

What if it can't be changed?

He thinks he's seen an angel and the gates of heaven are going to open.
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