01x11 - To Serve or Protect

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rookie Blue". Aired: June 2010 to July 2015.*
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Once described as the Grey's Anatomy in the world of rookie cops, "Rookie Blue" follows the lives and adventures of a group of ambitious young police officers and the veteran cops who work with them.
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01x11 - To Serve or Protect

Post by bunniefuu »

("I know what I am" by Band of Skulls playing)

It's common decency. You want to file a police report, you put on some pants. I mean, is that so much to ask?

Ugh! Well, at least he c... he could've closed his bathrobe or somethin'. Ugh.

And, dude, that thing on his stomach? Oh!

What was that, a tattoo or... or a birthmark? I-I don't know. I was trying not to look.

You know, people gotta learn to respect the uniform.

I mean, we're cops. Yeah.

We got training. We got vests. We got g*ns... yeah. Hey, Dov?

Did you leave the squad running?

♪ But I know what I am, they know what they are ♪
♪ so let me be ♪


♪ But it's all right, it's okay ♪

Check the car! I got him!

Damn, he locked it!

♪ I got the time but the time don't pay ♪
♪ it's all right, it's okay ♪
♪ I got the time, but the time don't pay ♪
♪ it's all right, it's okay ♪

Stop! Police!

Where'd he go?

You gotta be kidding me.

(Dov) I said don't move!

(Chris) Seriously, man, come down!

♪ I know what I am, they know what they are ♪
♪ so let me be ♪

So... How do we call this one in?

♪ I know what I am, they know what they are ♪
♪ so let me be, I know what I am ♪

(dog barking in distance)




(Keys jangle)



(Bottles clink)

(Chris) This is car 1505... well, not actually car 1505.

Uh, dispatch, this is officer Diaz.

I'm here with officer Epstein.

We're, uh... we're locked out of the squad car.

(Female police dispatcher) Repeat, 1505.

Did you say locked out"?

Affirmative. Uh, we were in pursuit of... of sort of...

(Dov) No, no. No, don't.

(Chris) Male, 6 feet, wearing, well, kind of dressed like a superhero.



Not really your finest moment, was it?

I'm not playing this to embarrass you two, although, that doesn't bother me much.

I'm playing it to emphasize a point.

That, and that everyone makes mistakes.

But we are not everyone.

We're coppers, held at a higher standard.

Without the respect and trust of the community, we can't do our jobs.

So that pretty much means... Williams?

(Chair wheels roll)

Don't leave your keys in the car, dumb-ass.

All right, let's get out there.

Serve, protect, and don't be a hero.

(Indistinct conversations)

(Dov) Great.

We're officially those rookies.

(Laughing) Oh, what? Now it's official? (Chuckling)

(Laughs sarcastically) Hilarious.

So what? It was a simple mistake.

We left the keys in the squad.

Well, technically, you left the keys in the squad car.

Well, how were you guys supposed to know that Batman wanted to borrow it? Yeah, doesn't he have his own car?

(Laughing) That's what I thought. McNally, interview one, now.

Okay, I'll see you in a second.

(Indistinct conversations)

Oh, hey! (Laughs)


(Door closes)

You left early this morning.

Yeah, well, I had to drop some stuff off at my Dad's place.

How is he?

Good. He's the same.

You know, why don't we, uh, why don't we take him out for dinner this week? Sure.

Yeah, let me just check and see, uh, if he's free.

Roster says that you're paired with Swarek today.

Since when do you check the roster?

I just want to know who's got your back.


Make sure you come home tonight.

I will.

Get outta here.

(Door closes)

So you and Callaghan... back in the saddle, huh?

So to speak. Yep. We are.

Things are good? Things are good.

So why the but" face?


Things are good with Callaghan, but...

Uh... but I don't think he trusts me yet.

Why not? Oh, I don't know.

Might have something to do with the fact that I lied to him about what happened with us?

You didn't lie. You just... Didn't tell him the truth.

Try that again?

You were protecting him.

I get that. Some guys have fragile egos.

Oh, but not you. Nope.

So where are we headed?

Memorial. Gotta take a statement.

Hmm. I didn't see that on the... it's not. It's a favor. Monica called.

Monica? Really?


(Police radio chatter)

(Indistinct conversations, telephones ringing)

Hey, wonder twins, get over here.

Yeah, okay. All right. Give it to us. We're ready.

You know, believe or not, riding your backs is not the only thing I live for, and neither is cleaning up your mess.

This, uh... The guy... "the guardian"?

He has a web site? He has a web site and a fan club.

There's a whole underground of real-life superheroes."

But I can understand why you couldn't catch him.

Here, look here.

You probably just forgot to check his status update.

"The guardian is running from cops, hiding in alley." (Sighs)

We can catch him now. Now hold on.

You guys got other things to deal with.

Inventory check of your squad just came back. Yeah, we checked. Nothing was taken.

Yeah, except for some info.

Tech says the computer was accessed during the time that your car was, um, what?


That's what he was doing in there.

Okay, and here is what he was searching for.

Shaun Hudson.

He has four convictions for possession, two with intent to distribute.

Uh, he's suspected of being his, uh, neighborhood's main supply, but the drug squad can't make anything stick.

They have him listed as one to watch."

So, apparently, the guardian is watching him, too. So?

So... somebody needs to go and warn Mr. Hudson here that because of their bonehead mistake, he, uh, he may actually be in danger from a known vigilante.

We have to warn a drug dealer? Yeah, it's a crazy world, isn't it? F.Y.I., Epstein, now these little pouches on the sides of your pants... when, uh... (Sucks)

You take the keys out of the ignition, stick 'em in there.

Her name's Tamara Kwan. Came in a few hours ago.

Cracked wrist, dislocated shoulder.

She wouldn't say what happened, and she didn't want me to call anyone.

r*pe kit? Said she didn't need one.

But... (Sighs) This girl's scared.

She's ready to be discharged, but she doesn't seem to want to go. So she wants to talk?

Thanks for coming.

What makes you think she's gonna talk to us?

Somebody's hanging around... usually means they got something to say.

So you'd been out with some friends and you were on your way home? Waiting for a bus over at Brock and Dundas.

(Pen clicks)

It was really cold, and, uh...

The bus was taking forever.

Uh, the guy who offered you a ride... can you tell us what he looked like? Brown hair...

(Whispers) Okay. A little older...

But like...

Really good-looking...


And well-dressed, so I guess I trusted him.

But he didn't take you straight home.

He said that he wanted cut through Cedarvale park...

"Because it was such a nice night."

And, uh...

Next thing I know, we're pulled over.

(Crying) And he's on top of me.

And then I tried too... I tried to fight him off, but I couldn't. And then I saw headlights.

Another car pulled up?

Then he kind of let go of me for a second so I opened the door, and I ran. I just kept going.

He has my purse and my wallet.

(Crying) And even after I got away, I think that he tried to k*ll me.

Why, he ran after you?

As I took off, I heard g*nshots.

That's weird.

That's the car.

Why is it still her hey, I got Tamara's purse.

You think the guy just got spooked by the other car and took off running?

Somethin' like that. (Sighs)

Didn't get very far.

(Police radio chatter)

(Siren wails)

Duct tape, knife... looks like this guy had a big night planned before he got shot.

Tamara must've had a guardian angel. You can say that again.

Nice find. Shot six times in the chest.

Looks to be a .38 or a .9. 6 sh*ts.

Mm-hmm. Somebody wanted him dead.

You're pretty sure it wasn't our girl in the hospital? I don't think so.

I mean, she was pretty scared that he'd be coming after her. Got an I.D.?

Name is... Kal-ci-ak, Trevor j.

Kaliciak? Can I see that? Yeah.

You know him?

Yeah, from five or six years ago.

Suspect from one of your Dad's old cases. My Dad?

Yeah. A r*pe and m*rder. You know, Andy, maybe we can call your Dad, see if he can help us out. Yeah, Luke, I-I really don't think that today's a very good day to... I mean, if he's worked Kaliciak before, he can help us put together a line of suspects. Yeah. Um...

Uh, McNally and I can head over there right now, talk to him, see if he can give us any leads, yeah?

That'd be great.

Let me know if he comes up with anything relevant. You got it.

Thank you.

Now when we tell this guy, he's gonna be ticked.

You think he'll try something? Pfft, let's hope.

Chris, we're cops.

All we gotta do is square our shoulders, look Hudson straight in the eyes and apologize.

(Scoffs) This is ridiculous.

I mean, can't we just arrest him, you know, for, like, being a drug dealer? Oh, yes, that's a great idea, right?

'Cause we'll probably get there right when he's handing a bag of dr*gs to a buyer.

Hey, maybe he'll even stop and wait for us to take a picture. Hey, we're on the same team here.

I know. I'm sorry. It's just, we're about to go apologize to some drug dealer we can't put behind bars the day after we get locked out of our own squad car, all because some... oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Okay, give me two, then come at him from the West Side, but be careful. You saw him last night.

Who knows what kind of psychopath's under that mask? Okay.

Hey, police! Don't move!

Ooh, jeez.

Police, don't move!

I said police!


Look, don't expect much.

Pretty sure my Dad was on a bender last night.

Still can't get him to work a program, huh?

You know my Dad. He's an ex-cop.

"Programs are for victims."


Is that... huh.

(Door creaks) Dad?


Andy? Oh, my God. What happened?


I don't know.


(Indistinct conversations, telephone rings)

Okay, please tell me you didn't get any of that on my stuff.

Well, actually, a disgruntled citizen accidentally spilled her coffee.

But nice of you to finally join me.

I had a meeting with Frank. Don't you mean staff sergeant best?

Or I guess that doesn't apply to you?

You know, for someone sleeping with a detective, you might want to reconsider who's exactly getting the favors around here.

Gail, if I was seeing detective barber for preferential treatment, you think I'd choose to be partnered with you?

Dad, can you tell us what happened?

(Sighs) I-I-I don't remember.

Well, it looks like you probably got into a fight... (Groans)

But I think all of this is your own blood. (Grunts)

Tommy, uh, what are you doing with this--Kaliciak's file?

Guy's out. He was paroled two weeks ago.

Uh, current address, work number?

You been following him? Somebody has to.

I talked to his p.O., his boss, his wife.

Nobody wants to believe this guy's still a problem.

Dad... Kaliciak's dead.

Someone put six rounds in him last night out in Cedarvale park.

Were you on Kaliciak last night?

Yeah. At the Wellstone.

I-I sat on the place for a while...

I had a few.

Did you, uh, talk to him last night?

Did you follow him anywhere else?

I don't know. I must've blacked out.

I-I just woke up an hour ago in my car in the alley.

Is the coat you wore, Tommy?


(Sniffs and exhales)

It's been fired recently.

Okay, Tommy, I want you to take that shirt off, hang it up and don't touch it. Where's your lockbox? It... it's over there.

Where's the key? Underneath the Bible in the nightstand drawer.

Okay, just try to get a little bit of sleep, okay?

Maybe it'll come back to you in a couple of hours.

But if you remember anything, you've got to call me. (Key jangles)

Tommy, I'm keeping the key.

In the meantime, don't answer the phone. Don't talk to anyone.

We're gonna sort is out, Dad, okay? I promise.

(Siren wailing in distance)

What are we gonna do?

Well, what we're not gonna do is jump to conclusions, okay?

All we know for sure is that your Dad was drinking last night and tailing Kaliciak.

And that he fired his .38.

So we'll piece together his night, figure out what really happened and go from there.


(Starts engine)

(Police radio chatter)

Officers, please, there's no need for this.

Look, I didn't do anything.

Attempted break and enter?

Unlawful use of a police computer? Resisting arrest? Let's just take him straight into a cell.

Guys... I'll do the processing from the report room, then we question him about Hudson. Look, I'm sorry.

Nobody needs to see a thing. Shut up. (Door beeps, buzzes)

Okay, okay. This is what they call an instant classic.

(Camera shutters clicking)

Man: Oh! Wait. Hold up, hold up.

There. That's the division Christmas card.

(Laughs) All right, so what do they call him, boys?

Is it night commander... It's the guardian."

(Laughter) Come on.

Okay, hold on. Hey, Epstein. Epstein!

Sorry, officers, we're not open for another hour.

And, uh, between you and me, the lunch burger is not as good as everyone says it is.

Oh, thanks. We're not hungry.

Did you see an older guy come in here last night... uh, late 50s, kind of big? You'll have to do better than that.

All right. How about this guy?

Yeah. Had to mop his blood off of my floor after I kicked him out. You kicked him out? Why?

Oh, he was going off on some guy... got in his face, took a swing. So the other guy popped him, busted his nose, and I don't know.

I-I figured it was somebody's pissed-off father. All right, thanks. (Clears throat)

Pkay, so he got into a fight.

Doesn't prove anything.

Andy, I'm afraid we gotta consider the possibility of what came next.

Kaliciak thinks he's lost your Dad.

Then opportunity knocks with Tamara at the bus stop.

But your Dad's still on him, knows what's gonna happen, so he tails him to the park. No.

If that's what happened, he probably saved that girl's life. No, Sam.

There's gotta be another explanation. Andy, he fired his .38.

Okay, so my Dad was drinking, and he confronts this guy.

They get into a huge fight.

The guy breaks his nose, so he goes off to his car, and he's really pissed off, so he...

He goes to the beach.

The beach? Yeah. When my Dad gets this way, sometimes he drives out to the west beach and goes past the break wall and fires off rounds.

No, just listen, okay? Maybe he went there last night.

Maybe that's where he fired his g*n.

Okay, okay, sure. The beach.

Why not? Let's go.

The guardian. Crime-fighter. Identity unknown. (Beeping)

(Laughs) (Laughs) Gail, did you see this?

Yeah, it's hilarious.

(Telephone ringing in distance, camera shutter clicks)

(Noelle) Oh, you gotta see this...

I'm surprised.

Normally, you like other people's misery.

I know.

It's just I have a... A lot on my mind, all right?

It's this stupid municipal merit awards banquet tonight.

Is that what your meeting with sarge was about?

You're getting a merit award?

No, it's for my mother. It's a lifetime achievement award.

Oh. Way to go, superintendent peck.

Yeah, except for I have to introduce her. So?

You remember when I gave my exit presentation at the academy?

Um, no.

That's because I was sick.

Like, pretty much every time I have to talk in public, the idea of just getting up there...

I get all pale and sweaty.

Okay, fine, just sweaty.

You know, please forget I told you about it.

Oh, hi. Can I help you, ma'am?

I got a message when I got to work... a detective Callaghan was trying to reach me?

Can I get your name? Valerie Kaliciak.

Uh, okay. Just one moment.

(Door beeps) Terrence Porter.

194 fielding.

Two years less a day for armed robbery.

Turns out our guardian's not such a hero after all.

You know, breaking into a squad car's a serious offense.

It was open. I needed the info. You make this whole thing yourself?

Most of it. Ordered some of the stuff online. It's kinda cool.

What were y doing at Hudson's apartment?

I was looking for something concrete so you guys could put him away.

Hudson has stash houses all over the neighborhood.

Okay, he's using kids as young as 9 and 10 years old as runners.

I mean, you guys still haven't been able to shut him down. So what... the guardian's gonna do it?

Well, you guys can't touch him. You have to worry about unlawful searches and harassment complaints.

I'm just trying to clean up the streets like you.

Difference is, we follow the law, and we don't put on a costume to do it.

Uh, actually... Dov, we kind of do.

But our costumes are official.

We're trained professionals. You're not.

Again, Mrs. Kaliciak, I'm very sorry.

He's only been back for two weeks.

Do you have any idea where he might have been heading last night?

No. Trevor and I hadn't really fallen back into a routine yet.

That's the girl from my husband's case...

Tina Walters.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left those out.

The officer told me what he did, but seeing it...

I-I'm sorry. What officer?

I didn't get his name.

He came to see me a few weeks before Trevor got released, said I shouldn't trust him.

I guess he was right.

(Seagulls calling) Your Dad's a good shot, even when he's loaded.

Thanks. Remind me not to call you as a character witness when he's on trial for his life.

(Can clatters)

Andy, we've been here half an hour, okay?

We gotta get back to the barn, see if they made any progress. No. I know. Just a couple more minutes, Sam. Please.

Look, Andy, even if we find some shells, there's no way to prove when they were fired... last night or last week. I know my Dad is a drunk.

Okay? I know he's messed up.

He's not gonna throw his entire life away on some random ex-cont any ex-con, okay? Listen to me.

About six years ago, when your Dad was working homicide, they found this girl... Tina Walters. Remember her?

18, dump in an industrial park?

That was Kaliciak? M.E. Figured she'd been k*lled only a few hours before they found the body, but he held her c*ptive for almost a week.

I wasn't working the case myself, but I remember your Dad sat for a long time with the girl's mother... single mom.

Tina was an only child. I guess your Dad could relate.

Yeah, well, he caught him.

Yeah, he caught him.

Figured he was responsible for at least three other girls.

He caught him, but the case had some holes.

Tommy was not in top form.

He blew it.

Prosecutors had to cut a deal... a few years on a weapons charge for some g*ns they found, but he walked on the r*pe and m*rder.

I doubt your Dad ever forgave himself...

Or Kaliciak.

We should bring my Dad's g*n in and get it tested by ballistics. Andy... no. If the g*n doesn't match the slugs in Kaliciak, then we know he didn't do it. It's not that simple. If we get ballistics involved, your Dad's officially a m*rder suspect.

Even if he's cleared, it doesn't matter.

All the great work he did as a cop, the years of service, it comes apart. Sam, listen, I really appreciate you trying to protect him.

It's not just your Dad I'm looking out for.

If Tommy becomes a suspect, no matter how good you are, how straight, it's gonna stick to you, and you don't deserve that. Are you saying we should cover this u?

I'm saying we exhaust all other options, okay?

We head back to the barn and try to find anyone else with motive and opportunity.

Meantime, we keep Callaghan as far away from your father as possible.

(Siren wails in distance)

(Stiffly) "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Most of you know..."

(Mouths words)

"Superintent... "

(normal voice) Can you stop mouthing my words, please? Do you want the help? Go.


(Stiffly) "Most of you know, uh, Elaine peck as superintendent peck.

But I call her something else."

(Normal voice) Can you forget it, please?

I am sweating already! Gail, nobody's gonna laugh at you. I promise.

That's really not what I'm worried about.

Look, I have certain standards for myself, and I expect nothing but the best.

But my mother expects more.

Growing up, she gave me three pieces of advice... always remember who you are, work harder than everyone else and don't screw up.

I'm gonna screw up.

We got high-density padding, reinforced spine and a dual phase kidney belt. Nice.

Yeah. I know it sounds stupid, but when I put this suit on, I kind of feel like I can do anything. Like run from the cops?

(Sighs) Okay.

I guess I didn't want to go back to jail.

Well, you shouldn't be screwing around trying to do our job.

Look, ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a cop.

Okay, man, look at you guys... the new boots, the bulletproof vests.

You're cops. Everybody respects you.

I never had that, not my whole life.

So why not go to the academy?

Bad choice of friends.

You know, I never even knew it was going down.

Look, it doesn't matter. I was with them. I screwed up.

And no one will let you forget it.

What are these pockets for... weapons?

No. I don't carry weapons.

They're... they're for camera lenses.

Look, most of what I do is nighttime surveillance... you know, hang back and keep an eye out. Kind of sounds like being a rookie. (Chuckles)

These stash houses you say Hudson's got... any pictures?

Tons... Hudson, his crew.

Where are they? Back at my place.

Come on, Terry. Let's go for a ride.

(Dov) Get your stuff. Nice.

Hey, Dad, uh, it's me again.

Just give me a call when you get this, okay?

(Lowers voice) Probably just sleeping it off. Yeah.

Hey. Hey. Um, how's the investigation going?

Uh, turns out Kaliciak just got out of Quinnley, paroled two weeks ago.

So I'm calling in his p.O. To see if he knows anything.

What about your Dad? Has he had any insights on the case?

Uh, no, not really. He doesn't remember much about the case.

He'll keep trying, though. You got a suspect?

No. That's, uh, Kaliciak's wife.

I finished with her a while ago, but she's still here.

She give you anything?

No, not this time. I'm gonna have to bring her back.

I can give her a lift home if you want.

Andy! Dad.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to help.

Yeah yeah Dad, I have been trying to get ahold of you.

Did you remember something? What are you doing here?

Just trying to help my little girl figure this out.

You've been drinking. How much have you had?

Look, uh, I'm... I'm all right.

You can't do this right now. Don't worry about me. I'm fine.

Tommy, I'm surprised to see you.

Andy said you didn't remember much about the Kaliciak case. Eh, you know.

These days, it takes a little time for the memory to warm up.

You sure you're all right? That doesn't look so good.

Just had a little disagreement with a guy.

Yeah. Now you know why I didn't have many dates in high school. I thought we could start with the Tina Walters case.

It's a little before my time, so if you don't mind thinking back, see if you can remember anyone who might still hold a grudge.

I'll try my best.


I saw the pictures of Tina Walters.

My husband really did those things to her, didn't he?

Please, I need to know.

Yes, he did.

The case fell apart, but I tell you for a fact, your husband was guilty.

And last night, he tried to do it again.

You think they'll catch who k*lled him?

We hope so. You never know.

Sometimes people feel better when they confess.

Kaliciak did time. Probably didn't make any friends.

So maybe we're looking at another con.

Or maybe it was just wrong place, wrong time. The way he was shot says it's personal.

He hurt a lot of people. There were other girls, their... their families. Well, you interviewed most of 'em.

You think anyone was capable of this? Callaghan, these people have suffered enough.

Yeah, but if one of them did this... then good for them!

Look, Kaliciak didn't just attack these girls.

He left a lot of collateral damage.

When Trevor was arrested six years ago, I knew it was a mistake.

He was my husband. We slept in the same bed.

There was no way he could do those terrible things.

But you weren't sure? I trusted him.

But every time I turned around, I was lying for him...

Looking the other way...

Giving him an alibi.

Well, of course. You were taking care of him.

Clean up someone's mess long enough, it becomes a*t*matic.

But people like that, they don't change.

They keep doing it again and again until they get caught.

Or someone stops him.

Dad, you know, maybe we shouldn't do this right now.

You can come back later.

No. Detective Callaghan needs to see this case clearly, and I'm gonna help him.

How closely did you look at this file?

I just flipped through it. It's only been a couple hours.

You see the cage? The cage?

Where he kept Tina in the basement for a whole week... In that filth.

You know, maybe Andy's right. Maybe we should... and then he just strangles her and throws her body out behind a garbage bin, and he was gonna do it again.

Tommy, did you talk to Kaliciak's wife a couple weeks ago? Kaliciak was a predator.

You knew he was getting out. You tracked him.

It was the only way I could keep them safe.

I mean, all this evidence... pictures, fingerprints... it didn't matter. He did barely any time.

He was gonna get out and do it all over again.

Kaliciak deserved what he got! Dad!

Look... (Sighs)

From one detective to another, Callaghan, this case...

Maybe you don't have to try so hard.

Mr. McNally, I really don't think you should say anything else.

All right. You need to get your father sobered up and get him a lawyer right now. I know. I know I should've never let him say anything.

You and Sam knew about this well...

Andy, come on. What else are you not telling me? Luke, I am so sorry.

You know what?

It's probably best you don't say anything else, either.

(Thud) (Sighs)

(Sam) McNally?

Sam, Luke knows about my Dad.

He didn't do it. What?

Kaliciak's wife... she just confessed.

So you became suspicious, and that's when you began to follow your husband?

When I saw him pick up that girl at the bus stop, I didn't want to believe it.

I mean, I loved him, but I had to do something. Was never gonna stop. (Door opens)

(Presses key)

(Door closes)

Uh... (Sighs)

Traffic camera on the Kingsway recorded your Dad's car heading out to the west beach around midnight, then back again a few hours later.

So he wasn't anywhere near the park when Kaliciak was shot.

No. You were right.



You okay to take him home now?

(Whispers) Thank you.

(Exhales deeply)

(Sirens wailing in distance)

(Tommy) That was a close one, huh, sweetie? (Chuckles)


You okay?

You haven't said anything since we left the barn.

I can't do this anymore... clean up after you.


No. No, I hate it, okay?

I-I hate this sick feeling that I get in the pit of my stomach every time the phone rings and it's you.

And I wonder, "what the hell's happened this time?"

I-I won't call.

Yes, you will. You always do because I'm all you have.

(Stammers) You're my little girl.

I used to be. I used to be the little girl that you could hold in your arms, the one that you would take to the beach and look for seashells.

I went to the same beach looking for b*ll*ts. b*ll*ts!

Trying to prove that you didn't do something terrible.

I was hoping that all you did was get blasted and drive to the water and sh**t your g*n.

How twisted is that?

Ugh, this is all my fault.

No, Andy, no... yeah, yeah, it's my fault because I've somehow convinced myself that this is normal, okay, that you needing me like this makes us close or something.

I actually believed you k*lled somebody today.

And you didn't.

But we both know that you could have, 'cause that's exactly where you are right now.

You want to continue living your life this way? Go ahead.

I can't do it anymore.

I'm done.

So that is Hudson? You I.D.'D him?

(Dov) Yes, sir. Absolutely. Now there aren't any of Hudson actually dealing, though.

But we got nearly a dozen of his crew.

We bring 'em all in now with the evidence we got, somebody will turn over. Looks like there's enough here for a warrant.

I'm gonna walk this up the line to the drug squad.

This is good work. This is gonna look good on you boys.

You kind of need that today. Thank you. Uh, but full credit goes to Mr. Porter here.

All we did was take his statement and look at the photos. Yeah.

Ah. Well, there is still the matter of unlawful access of a police computer. But unfortunately, sir, we never actually saw that guy's face.

Yeah, could've been anybody.

Well, if you do ever track him down, you might want to tell him to lay off the heroics before he gets hurt or sent back to jail.

Yes, sir, absolutely.

Yeah? Looks like he's got a hockey game.

Get him out of here.

(Tapping keys)

Or a Halloween party.

Woman: ♪ when your whole world is crashing down ♪
♪ and no one seems to understand ♪
♪ you're crazy... ♪

Leo's school concert. He was a prince.

Oh, I guess he's cute.

That was before the show.

It was a-a fairy tale narrated by his teacher.

Leo had one line.

And the poor kid opened his mouth and puked all over his tunic.

Ew! I mean, was, like, he okay?

Yeah, he was fine.

I mean, I got him all cleaned up, but, uh, he wouldn't stop crying.

He thought I was disappointed in him.

What did you tell him?

Oh, I just told him I was his mommy and he was my little, and no matter what happens, nothing can ever change how much a mother loves her child.

You're gonna do fine tonight.

And if you screw up, you know, you just clean up your tunic and put your crown back on.


I thought maybe you should look after this for a while.


(Siren wailing in distance)

Dad, I really meant what I said.

You know...

The day they cut Kaliciak's deal, I asked if I could be the one to speak to her...

Tina's mother.

I just wanted to say I was sorry.

It was my fault. I screwed up.

I was drinking... Way too much.

She made me a coffee in the kitchen.

I was standing about 6 feet from her when...

She put the knife to her chest.


The amount of force it takes to get a blade through the rib cage, I...

I didn't think...

There was so much blood.

Uh, she slipped right through my arms.

And she said, "I just want to be with my little girl."

I can't lose you, Andy.

I'll do whatever it takes.

(Oceanship's don't wear me out" playing)

♪ All my life, it seems, is bottled angst ♪
♪ unbottled angst ♪
♪ and bottled angst ♪

Ooh! Ooh! Damn! That was sweet!

All right, you two, get a room. You're adorable.

(Speaking indistinctly)

It looks like kid hero over there is having a pretty good time. Yeah, he always wanted to be a cop.

Figured we could let him feel like one for a while. Oh.

One more. Yeah. Me, too, please.

So... so what was your superhero name?


Come on. Epstein, we all had 'em as kids growing up.

What was your superhero name?


Well, mine was, um...

"Justice avenger."

"Jus... " Nice. Nice.

What about you?

(Laughs) Oh, yeah. I don't think so.

♪ Don't wear me out ♪
♪ don't leave me here ♪

Thank you.

Hey. Hey.

So how'd the big speech go?

How would I know? I'm home sick.

Can I get a drink, please?

♪ Don't wear me out ♪
♪ don't leave me here ♪

(exhales sharply) ♪ 'cause I'm not giving up ♪

♪ so I'm giving in ♪

Thank you for understanding.

Of course.

You okay?

I am now. Trust me.

♪ So don't wear me out ♪
♪ don't leave me here ♪
♪ 'cause I'm not giving up ♪
♪ so I'm giving in ♪
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