01x13 - Takedown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rookie Blue". Aired: June 2010 to July 2015.*
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Once described as the Grey's Anatomy in the world of rookie cops, "Rookie Blue" follows the lives and adventures of a group of ambitious young police officers and the veteran cops who work with them.
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01x13 - Takedown

Post by bunniefuu »


Wow, yourself.

When you said you wanted to check out this house for sale, this is not what I expected.

I had to get a feel for the place somehow, you know?

Let's get the realtor back here, check out some other houses.

This could be our weird, kinky thing.

I thought what we did on the stairs was our weird, kinky thing.

It's got such a great view.

It's on the ravine, and it's 20 minutes from work.

Who wouldn't want to live here?

I'm glad you think so.

I put in an offer.

You're buying it?

Uh-huh, yeah. So... live with me.

It all comes down to this.

I know what I want, and I want to wake up every day in this house with you.

So the question is, Andy, what do you want?

Shut up!

Yep. He asked me to live with him, and I said yes.

Just like that?

Well, no. I mean, we fooled around a little bit more, and I took a look at the great view, and then I said yes. What?

I don't know. It's just... you move in with a guy, and it's for real.

You're not playing around anymore.

Are you ready for that?

Of course not. You know, fake it till you make it, right?

I'm kidding. Look, domestication seems to be working out for you.

Yeah, but it's kind of a different situation.

Dex and I have a long history together, and Leo...

Yeah, but it's working, right?

Sure. I've been home for dinner the last three nights.


Dex learned how to cook?

It's tacos from a box, but it's a start.

I probably should have put in for a desk transfer sooner, because my kid is happy.

And my baby daddy/ex-boyfriend/new boyfriend, whatever he is, he's happy, so...

And are you happy?

Yeah. Leo's got a real family. That makes me happy.

That's good.

Ready for action. Loaded for bear. Eye of the tiger.

Yeah, smell of the goat.

It's man smell, baby.

Actually, Gail's right. You do kind of stink, man.

Damn right I do.

Six hours of surveillance will do that to you.

Hey, shut up, Dov.

Seriously, you two have been on your little secret detail for a week now.

We know this because you mention it every single day.

Every single day.

Not every day.

All right, listen up.

Hold up, Frank.


You two are dismissed from parade.

Join Detective Boyd.

Everything all right, rooks?

Yeah! Good.


It's outstanding, sir.

So if we just got cut loose, why are they still treating us like rookies?

Food chain, I guess.

We're probably gonna be rookies till they get new recruits.

Well, how long is that gonna be?

I don't know. A year, maybe two.

That sucks.

You know what sucks?

Is Dov and Gail getting a special assignment with Boyd.

Yeah. Boyd runs the g*ns and gangs task force.

I mean, i... it's gotta be somethin' huge.

No, you know what? It's probably just a hassle... just overtime and paperwork. Who needs it?

Yeah, totally. I mean, we're out on the streets.

They're stuck doing some stupid... whatever.

Who cares?

Who cares?

Dov wouldn't tell you, huh?

No. I offered him money.

I said I'd do his dishes for a week-nothin'.

It's... it's k*lling me.

Just hang on. Diaz.

Hey, Edie. What's up? What? Yeah, I can hear that.

No, we... look, just... just hang on. Just hang on.

It's Dov's girlfriend. There's some guy banging on her door.

She's really freaked out.

Okay, well, let's go.

Yeah, but what about personal involvement?

I mean, shouldn't we call in for the... or not.

Open the door, Edie!

Leave me alone!

Just let me in!

No! Get out!

Baby, just come out! Just come out.

No, I'm not coming out.

I just want to talk to you. I just want to see you!

Leave me alone!

Open the damn door, Edie! Open the door, Edie!

Excuse me!

My mistake. Sorry, officer.

I'm really sorry about all this, officer.

I was just... I was having a misunderstanding with my girl.

Eddie, it's Chris. It's okay.

Could you please just get him out of here?

Is this your car?

Uh, no. Yes.

I just want him to leave.

Hmm. What's this in the back?

This creep banging on your door...

He's my ex.

I don't know.

Can I see some I.D., please?

He just got into town from Montreal.

I told him I didn't want to see him, but he doesn't listen!

Do you want me to call Dov?


No, please.

Dov... Dov doesn't need to know about this.

So you didn't know there was an electronic money counter or a duffel bag in the back?

Uh, no.

So it's not your money counter or your car?



Uh, Mr. Lessing here seems to be unsure if this is his.

Do we need a warrant to check an owner-less vehicle?

Well, the vehicle has no stated owner.

Contents of said vehicle have no obvious or immediate owner.

Mm. So no rights to exclusive possession.

Good to go then.

At which point, Officer Diaz restrained Mr. Lessing, and I looked in the back of the vehicle, finding...


It's gotta be over $1 million U.S. currency... and a money counter, too.

Oh, and we found a loaded g*n in the glove box.

I mean, this is big, isn't it?

Right? Wow. Uh...

I mean, this is a major amount of cash for what I'm guessing is some highly illegal activity.

I mean, money laundering, counterfeiting, maybe.

Diaz, the less you say right now, the better. Trust me.

Why are you guys acting like we ran over the mayor?

What's going on?

Your collar is Gabriel Lessing, up and comer in the Landry bike club out of Montreal, and he was here to buy $2 million worth of heroin.

That was gonna open up the largest drug pipeline in the country, and for six months my task force has been on it.

So that's... the big operation everyone's been on?

That's right.

And you two just blew it.

What exactly got you to Lessing in the first place?

We went there for the disturbance, and then I saw the money in the car, and I thought it looked suspicious.

Do you have any idea how many people are involved in this thing, how many people I could've arrested?

Bergen, the Landrys!

I think we can still salvage this thing.

I mean, we got Lessing.

Six months, man. Six months.

Hey, that's longer than you've been on the force, isn't it?

You know, I understand why you'd be angry, sir, but I really don't think I made a mistake.

You know, the guy was driving around with almost $2 million in cash, and he had a handgun.

So I... I think she did what any cop would have done.

Oh! Officer what's-his-face agrees.

Well, then, suddenly I feel so much better.

You know what, Boyd? You run your operation in the dark, people are gonna bump into each other.

How did your team lose track of Lessing in the first place, huh?

No, no. Look, Lessing wasn't supposed to get in till Monday, okay? There was no way for me to know that he was gonna pull in three days earlier.

Well, then if you didn't know, how are Chris and I supposed to?

I don't have time to explain every little thing to you, okay?

Because right now I have to go explain to my bosses how we blew the bust of my career!

What's going on? Did you get called in, too?

Something happened, all right?

Look, Andy and I... we arrested this guy, but we didn't know that he was...

Anyways, the thing is... is that Edie called me...

Edie? Is she okay?

Yeah. We had to go to her house.

There was this guy who was banging on her door, and that's when everything went down.

Went down? Where is she?

She's here, man.



What happened? Is everything all right?

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I was scared, and I didn't know who to call.

Why didn't you call me?

I didn't want to bother you, 'cause I knew you had that big surveillance thing.

Hi. Come here, Epstein.

Who is she to you?

She's my girlfriend.

She's your girlfriend.

Of course she is.

You need to come with me right now.

So you were supposed to, uh, meet berg and buy the dope with the Landrys' money.

We know all that already, Gabe.

That's fine. Great.

Good for you.


Even without the dope, that handgun will get you five to ten.

Just give me a name... the guy you were supposed to make contact with, you know? We can deal.

I'm not the kind of guy who rolls over on his own people, so you can forget about it.


Gabe, I got this speech I give to guys like you.

It's a good speech, but you gotta pay attention, okay?

See that door there?

Can I, uh, help you with something?

There's two ways you can go out...

I'm the arresting officer, sir.

Alone... the strong man who didn't say anything...

Just want to see my case through.

And before you make it to trial, you'll be dead.

If the Landrys don't do it, Bergen will.

That's one way. The other way... with us, into witness protection. You'll be a snitch... a rat, but you'll be alive.

I know it feels like you have other options right now.You don't.

So dead or alive... how you want to go out that door, Gabe?

That's a good speech.

So who's your contact?

Guy named Angel.

I'm supposed to call him to confirm the meeting.

And what about Bergen?

I don't know him. I never met him.

So you only know Angel?

I never met him either.

Oh. Good. Good.

Okay, fine. I know what she does for a living, but I'm not the first cop to date a dancer.

Who associates with known criminals.

What? Edie?

No way. No. I don't believe you.

You're under strict orders not to talk about this operation.

So how does she magically know that you're on some big surveillance thing?

I didn't say anything.

Epstein, look at yourself.

I've been there.

You have your uniform.

You cruise around in your squad.

You get to carry a g*n.

Now you're dating a stripper.

You want to impress her.

Did you say anything?

No, sir.

Okay, maybe I said that I was working a big case and that I was doing surveillance, but that's it.

She doesn't know anything. I swear.

You better hope so.

Chris! Chris!


Well, he's still in there with Oliver.

What did Dov do?

Look, nothing, okay? He... he didn't do anything.

Well, we know that, but... I mean, should we be talking to Oliver?

Peck, you stay on special detail.

Nash, you're with peck.

Uh, Frank, Nash is on desk now.

I'll go.


I mean, if it helps the operation.

Get going. Peck will brief you on the way.

Hey, uh, let me know what happens with Dov.



Uh, sorry. Was I out of line?

'Cause I... I know you need this desk job for your, uh, your family situation.

Yeah. No, I'm good. I'm good.

This is exactly what I want.

Great. Right.

Thanks, actually.

Okay, here's what we do.

We... we run a full background check, and we see if anybody knows anything.

Look, the longer we wait, somebody's gonna hear Gabe got busted.

Okay, fine. Fine.

But let me tell you something.

These guys are not street punks, okay?

You got to watch yourself here.


Yeah, hi. This is Gabe from Montreal.

Is this Angel?

Cool, okay. Uh, Angel, you listening?

The deal's off.

What did you do?

Wait, just...


Yeah. What?

What's my problem?

I come into town a couple of days early, right?

There's talk everywhere.

Junkies on the street know my name.

I'm hearing rumors I got busted, okay?

What the hell is going on, Angel?

Why'd I come early?


To see my girlfriend, but that's beside the point.

This is not gonna work, man.

Well, I appreciate that, but you know what's gonna make me feel better is we do this deal tonight, because I'm going home, and you're gonna have to explain to Mr. Bergen why he's out $2 million and a brand-new business partner.

Mermaid Lounge is fine.

All right. Thank you.

Loved it.

Okay, I'm Gabe. I meet Angel and Bergen, make the buy, walk out of the place.

You go in and bust 'em both. Bergen I know about.

What about this Angel?

His real name's Simon Torrance.

He's a mellow guy.

Been with Bergen since forever.

So we can't risk a wire?

They'll find it. Okay, well, you know what?

I don't want Sammy going in there alone.

So he needs backup.

They're only expecting one guy, right? Gabe.

Well, what about Edie?

I mean, Gabe said that he was here to see his girlfriend.

So maybe he brings her with him to the buy.

Yeah, okay.

Um, I'll see if I can dig somebody up from undercover.

There's really not a lot of time, though.

Yeah, well, I'll do it.

No, thank you.

Uh, appreciate the gesture, McNally, but we need someone with more experience.

I have experience.

I'm sorry. Are you referring to the hooker detail?

Because you couldn't give it away.

What exactly do I have to do... be his girlfriend?

I think I can manage that.

You do all the talking.

I'm just gonna back you up.

I mean, unless you guys have a better idea.

McNally and I spent the last six months riding together.

We do know each other's moves.

It's not like we got a lot of time here.

Sammy's call.

You think she can do this?

I do.

You're doing it.

Oh, hey, good luck. You're gonna need it.

Thank you.

So that drive-by took 12 minutes, which means 48 minutes till our next report.

What about the 30 seconds it's gonna take to call in the report?

Did you factor that into your calculations?

What? No.

What, do you think this is funny?

What's funny is you taking this assignment so seriously.

It's nothing but mindless procedure, and it's... it's pretty lame.

We're on surveillance.

Of an empty building.

It's not even a real target.

It's just a satellite location, which means it doesn't matter.

Yeah, but... but Bergen owns the building.

Bergen owns a bunch of buildings.

We got this one 'cause we're rookies.

All right, fine.

Pull in over there.

Let's do a walk-around.

We weren't told to do a walk-around.

You always do what you're told?

Hmm? You want to be a rookie forever?

Fine. Let's do a walk-around.

I'll check upstairs. You check down.

We'll meet up in five?



What do you think?

I hate to say it, McNally, but you don't exactly scream cheap thrills.

We got some work do.

What are you talking about? I can be way cheap.


All right. So how long you been dancing?

Couple years. You know, pays the bills.

And what's our story?

You pay the bills, too.

Come on. We're selling ourselves as a hot and heavy couple here.

We have major history, okay? All right.

How'd we meet?

Uh, at a club, and I thought you were pretty cool.

How did I make you feel? Did you like me right away?

Or did it take a while?

I don't know.

You don't know?

Okay, I guess. I... I don't know.

Somebody asks you a question, you can't be thinking about it, McNally. You gotta know.

Do you understand what we're getting into here?


All right.

Hey, Nash, Officer Epstein here is gonna be with you for the rest of the day. He's auditing.


Did he just make you my supervisor or something?

More like he made you y babysitter, which is crazy, 'cause I didn't do anything wrong.

Yeah, I know. We all know.

They think Edie is mixed u with this drug dealer.

When they realize she's not, everything's gonna be fine.

Well, in the meantime, you want to help me input?

Not allowed to use computers.

Oh. Okay. How about making some calls?

Or the phone.

Are you allowed to make coffee?

That's a good look.

Want to go check out a new house together?

Oh, cute. You wanted to see me?

Yeah, Jerry asked me to pull what we have on Bergen for background. He's still a suspect in a triple homicide we're investigating... one of his competitors, his wife and their 3-year-old.

You can't make the charges stick?

He keeps k*lling the witnesses.

So are you, uh, you sure about this?

Sure about what?

The undercover. I know you. You're Andy McNally.

You think you screwed up, so you're running around trying to fix it. You don't have to.

Luke, I'm a cop. This is my job.

And I don't want you to get hurt.

Okay. All this time, we've... we've been fine, and we're gonna move in together.

And now all of a sudden you're worried about me?

This is bigger than anything you've ever done before.

You don't think I can do this?

You know, if this is how it's gonna be when we live together, maybe I shouldn't have said yes.

This has nothing to do with living together.

Okay, so I guess there is nothing.

Yeah. I've bee watching this building with Dov for about a week, and there's been nothing.

So let's just file another report on nothing and then get something to eat.

Yeah, but the door was open.

I mean, we could report that.

We better get out of here.
Uhh! Aah.

Hey! Police! Don't move! Don't move!



Hey. Are you okay?

Yeah. The guy knocked the wind out of me.

Come on! Come on!

It's locked.


I'm... I'm bleeding.

He... he stabbed me.

Okay, try again. Come on.

Mark, 15-19. Dispatch, come in.

Great. No radio, no cell phone reception.

You gotta move your arm. Come on.

What are you doing?

What do you think I'm doing?

Come on, up, up, up.

It's okay.

Okay. How do you feel?

Do you feel cold, faint, nauseous?

Stupid. I feel stupid.

I didn't even see the knife.

It's okay.

Okay, I want you to hold that, okay?


Can you apply pressure?

It's okay.

Fire in the hole.

Gail, what are you doing?

Come on!

Come on!

This sucks.

I've been sitting in a car staring at an empty building for over a week now, waiting for this bust.

It's finally here, and I'm sitting on the fricking sidelines.

Well, maybe you can make yourself useful.

Those need filing.

Oh, yeah? What are you working on?

Edie's phone records, and your number's in here a lot.

Do you ever sleep?

Hey, it's private.

Let me see.


What am I gonna do, swallow it?

I don't think you're allowed...

Whose number is this?

It belongs to the guy they arrested... Gabe Lessing.

Epstein, you shouldn't be in here.

This'll just take a moment, sir.

I have some information.

Edith Larson has been in regular phone contact with Gabe Lessing two or three times a week...

Dov, I can explain!

Despite the fact that she claims that her relationship...

It's not what you think! with Mr. Lessing ended eight months ago!

Hang on, Epstein!

It did! Dov, why are you doing this?

'Cause I'm a cop, and you've been lying to me.

You've been lying to me from the beginning. It's all right there.

Look again.

All the calls are incoming.

He's been phoning me ever since we broke up, always wants to get back together.

How did I miss this?

What was he doing at your house today?

I don't know.

He had some big job he wanted to brag about.

That's just Gabe... always trying to impress me.

Yeah. Her story checks out. She's in the clear.

Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?

I guess I was afraid how you'd react.

Okay. Officers Swarek and McNally, posing as buyers, will meet Henry Bergen and Angel Torrance at the Mermaid Lounge, which Bergen owns.

We have Officer Williams and Detective Callaghan heading up the cover team.

From this point forward, no cell phone calls, no texts, no e-mails.

Nobody contacts anyone not on their team.

We got one chance to do this, one chance only.

So let's do it.

Let's go.

You okay?

Really burns you, doesn't it?

Excuse me?

Callaghan wanting to protect you, look out for you.

No, I think it's really sweet, actually.

It pisses you off.

You're not some little girl who needs her hand held.

You busted me your first day on the job.

Wow. You're really never gonna let that go, are you?

Why would I? You took me down, and I'm awesome!

Which, of course, means you are awesome.

Well, how come you believe that and he doesn't?

'Cause I'm your partner, McNally, and Callaghan's your, you know, colleague with benefits.

I work with you. He doesn't.

Yeah, well, he should back me up no matter what.

And what exactly is he doing here on our cover team?

He doesn't need to be here, but he is... for you.

We have take-down target and satellite locations.

Here we got a log of reports of each unit.

Every unit we need to make sure is accounted for, every hour on the hour.

Got it.

I know it's not the most exciting b.

That's true.

It's just... I know you, and I thought you might want to feel closer to the action.

Thank you.

So at least now you know why the bad guys are scared of you.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm not mad.

You're not?


Oh. Great.

You were doing your job.

We both knew this was never gonna last.

W... what?

No, no, no, no.

No, I didn't... I didn't know that.

I'm a stripper.

How is that ever gonna fit in your life?

Doesn't matter to me.

It's why you didn't trust me.

I trust you. I do.

I promise you I've learned my lesson.

I trust you now.


She seemed really nice.

Yeah, I just... I never should have suspected her.

No, it's not about that.

Ah, he, really, it's about this.

You know, none of these people are, uh, going home at a regular time tonight or-or any night, for that matter.

Yeah, nobody's sitting around with their families having, um, you know, cozy little dinners with their loved ones, talking about what they did at work today.

You have a family.

I'm a very special person, and I, uh, made a lot of mistakes.

And I got hurt and hurt some people before I finally found someone who could stand the life.

You mean you finally found someone who could stand you?

Yeah, you said it, brother.

Anyway, Dov, look, uh, you got a family.

You just... yeah, look around.

Alpha one, we're in position.

Come on. I want to hear you say it.

Say what?

That you're scared, that you don't think you can do it.

Whatever it is... come on. Get it out now.

I'm tired... of feeling like I'm never ready...

I mean, really ready for anything.

I'm constantly faking.

McNally, listen to me.

I've been with you since you started, and I've seen how far you've come.

And I'm telling you right now, there's nobody I'd rather go through that door with-nobody.

So if you can't trust yourself on that, you trust me, 'cause you're ready.



I'm terrified.

Of course you are.

That's what makes it fun.

Just a sad commentary that we even have to bring these things, huh?

But, uh, Angel, would we respect each other if we didn't?

Go on, Rick.

I'm sorry, but I do have to check.

That's a beautiful outfit, and you wear it well.

Gabe's a lucky guy.

Oh, I'm a lucky guy.

Edie, you look familiar.

Where would I know you from?

Well, I work over at Tassie's. I'm a dancer.

I haven't had the pleasure.

And that's where you mixed up with Gabe here?

Well, yeah. I mean, I started dancing a couple years ago.

And Gabe came in, you know, Mr. Big Shot.

Just finished some big deal or something.

You know how guys are.

Oh, I do.

Yeah. Anyway, um, everyone told me to just watch out for him.

You know, he's trouble.

But what can you do?

I mean, when you meet the right one, that's it.

You just get that feeling, right?

Yeah, I guess with some people... you just know.

All right then, let's get this done.

Well, Angel, I see you.

I see Ricky.

But I don't see Henry Bergen.

Yeah, well, like you said on the phone... there's been a change of plans.

Chris, just hang on. We're almost there.

I'm gonna be okay.

How's it going? What... what's that?

It's Bergen.


He's here.

This... but this was... wasn't supposed to be the place.

No, I know.

Look, I can... I can climb through that window.

And get shot?



Chris, you need help, okay?

You're losing way too much blood.

I shouldn't have got us into this.

You didn't, okay?

We got into this as partners.

I miss you.

You're gonna be okay.

We're both gonna be okay.

It's all there, so, uh, where's my stuff?

Oh, it's not here. Not here?

Mnh-mnh. First Bergen doesn't show.

Then, uh, you don't even bring my product?

It's all good.

I'll take the money and be back in 20 with the narcotics.

No, no, no, no. Forget it.

We're outta here.

Okay. I guess the Landrys are fine with you blowing a $2 million deal.

They must really like you.

What they like is their money, and what they won't like is me letting it walk out the door with some guy I never met, and I got nothing in my hands.

Okay, how about this? Money stays here.

Gabe watches over it with him.

You take me to the dope, okay?

Deal's good, I call Gabe, and he lets Rick take the money. Done.

Smart girl.

She has her moments.

Well, as pretty as she is, I think I'd rather have you come with me.

Yeah, I think so, too.

Okay, look. This was my idea.

You don't have to do this.

Yeah, well, Callaghan's not the only one who's got your back. You sure about this?

Yeah. Deal's not done.


Hey, Angel... look, this is my man.

I'm not letting him walk out of here without his g*n.

Now that's a girl you can count on.

Was that a sign?

Yeah. The deal is still in play.

Okay, where the hell are they going?

Where's McNally?

I don't know.

Alpha two, Alpha six, you need to follow the red sedan.

Keep your distance. Okay, we need to go in now.

No, no. We have no sign. We got no deal.

What? What, so we just leave McNally in there with no backup?


McNally knows what she's doing. We gotta trust that.

Okay. Till the deal gets done, we sit tight.

Being a cop sucks.

Only thing worse is not getting to be one.

We haven't heard from Chris or Gail in over an hour.

They still doing surveillance from the satellite location?

Yeah, and they're supposed to be doing hourly call-ins.

Chris, not following a rule?

Detective Barber?

We got a problem. Swarek just left the primary location without the dope or McNally.

We got a tail on him but no idea where he's going, and there's no way that I can get my team in place in time.

Well, which way are they headed?


That's Bergen's building.

It's the place I was watching with Gail.

Chris and Gail are there now, and they haven't reported in over an hour.

So this is Bergen's building. Okay, I'm calling E.T.F.

Let's get it going.

I need all available personnel in full gear!

Epstein, you waiting for an invite in the mail?

Come on. Suit up and let's go.

Yes, sir!


He said all available personnel.

You know, if you're gonna do stuff to make other people happy, it's kind of hard if you're not happy yourself.

A lot of money, huh?

So, uh, any idea where they're going...

I mean, how close this place is?

Whatever. It's close enough.

Mm. So, like, a couple of blocks?

Sure, yeah. A couple blocks.


Gabe doesn't tell me much either.


I'm just saying, you know, seems like we're both kind of in the dark here.

Yeah, well, I'm not.


You don't look very old.

Yeah. I'm assuming this is probably one of your first big jobs.

So it doesn't really make sense to tell much to a kid.

Hey! They tell me plenty, all right?

Oh, of course they do, honey. Yeah.

It's fine.

That's why Gabe and Angel are taking care of everything.

Oh, you really think your boyfriend's all that?

Well, Landry did give him $2 million.

Yeah, and he screwed up he deal.

That's why Landry had to fly into town to smooth things over.

Landry's in town?

Yeah. I picked him up at the airport myself.

Oh. I guess you don't know everything either.

Yeah. I gotta go.

Go? That wasn't the deal.

I'm going.


Look, don't make me sh**t you, okay?

I don't want to, but I will.

Let me tell you somethin', Rick.

Right now you're in the middle of the worst day of your life.

You don't know what you're talking about.

You're scared.

No. Yeah, 'cause you don't want to let down all those people who are counting on you. Well, the best thing you can hope for right now is to get out of here alive, which you will not do if you keep pointing that g*n at a cop.

You're a cop?

Right now they're taking my partner to a place where they're gonna k*ll him the second they see he is not Gabe.

So I'm gonna walk out that front door, and I'm gonna try to save him. And if you sh**t me, a bunch of other cops are gonna come in here and do a whole lot worse to you, okay?

Your only other option is let me walk out.

I'll go to jail.

Yeah, probably. But you know what? You'll be alive in jail.

I can't... I can't do that.

sh**t me or let me walk out!

Because you might be new at this, but this is not my first day.

Don't you walk away. I'm not kidding. Stop.

Turn around. Come on. Stop.


You gotta stop Sam's car!

As soon as he gets to Bergen, he's made!

They're gonna k*ll him!

Alpha 2, Alpha 6, 10-33-officer in jeopardy! Move it now!

Police! Drop your weapons!

We're good. We're getting out of here.

sh*ts fired! sh*ts fired!

This is Alpha one.

There's an undercover cop in the building.

I repeat, an undercover cop in the building.

Dispatch, I have one victim... G.S.V., shot in the chest.

Have responding units seal the building.

We need a medic upstairs now.

Officer down.


You're okay.

Yeah. Thanks to you. You were great in there.


See? You don't have to fake it anymore.

Well, you should, uh, get in there and give a statement.

All right.

See you tomorrow... copper?

See you tomorrow.

He's okay. You had his back.

Thank you for having mine.

So, um... when do we get our keys?

You should get over there, be part of the action.

No. I want to be with you.


Okay. That's great.


I just got off the phone with Gail.

Chris is gonna be all right.

He lost a lot of blood, but he's okay.

Good. Good.

Hey, you guys saved his life today.

Hey, you saved Swarek's ass.

Biggest drug bust in 15's history, and we were a part of it.

We're coppers.


You know, we really earned our way into the platoon today.

Damn straight we did.

Hey, rookies, get the hell off the car.

Anyway, it was fun.
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