01x05 - The Golem

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Ray Donovan". Aired: June 30,2013 - February 2020.*
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Ray Donovan works for the powerful law firm Goldman & Drexler, representing the rich and famous. Donavon is a professional "fixer" for the rich and famous in LA, who can make anyone's problems disappear except those created by his own family.
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01x05 - The Golem

Post by bunniefuu »

Ezra: Mickey called me.

You told me to trust you.

I meant what I said, Ezra.

There's a price to pay for the wrong that we do.

A terrible price.

Lee: My f*cking partner losing his mind!

That's a crisis!


Ray: I'm gonna ask you once.

Did you hit him?

Yeah. And I don't give a shit.

He's a f*cking assh*le!

Can I see you again?

Let me make sure you're okay.

I want to taste you.


Yoga instructor: Inhale.

Gather that anger and when you exhale, just let it go.


Great g*ns you got there.

Ray: Call her. She likes you.

It's delicious.

Bunchy: My settlement came through.

$1.4 million 'cause some priest messed around with me when I was a kid.

Lawyer: This is a Durable Power of Attorney form.

It means I'm gonna help you.

You think I can't take care of myself?

What's your name?

Marvin Gaye Washington.

He lives in that house where they play all that music.

Mom, he's nice.

Re-Kon: His mom's a crack ho, and she don't do nothing for the boy.

So I want to get him emancipated.

I don't even know how something like that gets arranged.

Signature on a piece of paper.


What the f*ck's that, Teddy?!

Oh, shit.

Liza: Do you ever think about the things that you do?


You bastard!

Hey, hey.

Man: Somebody got to somebody.

The chief of police in Boston just shut down Mickey's case.

Who the f*ck are you?

Van: First thing you do is k*ll a priest.

I can take care of it.

But you got to work with me.

I want them all...

Ezra Goldman, Lee Drexler and your boy Ray.

(Terry Day's "That Summertime" playing)

♪ Do you remember that summertime ♪
♪ When you first gave your heart to mine? ♪
♪ When we were young ♪
♪ That summertime ♪
♪ Do you remember nights on the beach? ♪
♪ We thought true love was out of reach ♪
♪ We found it all ♪
♪ That summertime ♪
♪ Oh, how I wish we could both go back to that summer ♪
♪ Long summer nights ♪

(Ezra screams, tires screech)

♪ That never seemed to end ♪

(Playing faintly on radio): ♪ Now the nights ♪
♪ Are getting colder ♪
♪ Summer's turning to winter... ♪

We pay $50,000 to get something done, it should get done.

Well, Eddie did exactly what we wanted him to do.

Yeah? So why's Mickey still on the street?


I paid the guy.

He walked into the station.

I watched him.

(Phone vibrating)

We had him, Ray.

Something went wrong.

Something happened.


This guy...

Mickey's met with him a couple of times since Palm Springs.

Doesn't look like a pimp or a drug dealer. Who is he?

I haven't been able to I.D. him.

That's the thing.

I don't have anything on him.

It's like he's invisible.

Mickey gets out of prison five years early, kills a priest, nothing happens, and now he's meeting with this guy?

What, do you think it could be about us?


Who knows what the f*ck he's up to?


(Phone ringing)

Lee: Where the f*ck have you been?

Answer your phone!

What do you want, Lee?

Ezra hasn't shown up.

So call him.

You think I'm a f*cking idiot?

He's not picking up.

What makes you think he'll pick up for me?

Is that supposed to be a joke?

Two of you, with your f*cking secrets.

Get your ass in here, Ray...


Did you hear your father leave this morning?


I'm going to Blake's house after school.

No way.

You come straight home from school.


You know why.

No Xbox, no computer, no cell phone, no headphones... none of that stuff.

Your sister had her heart set on going to that school and you ruined her chances.

Dad didn't say I was punished.


Well, you are.

You should be in jail, you little assh*le.

You didn't want to go to that shitty school anyway.


What are you doing?

Go away.


Would you get out of here.

I've got to go to school.

School? What?


What can you learn there that I can't teach you?

Get out of here. Okay?

Go. Please?

(Whimpers): No... no...

I'm sorry.


(Terry breathing rapidly through nose)

(Frances moans)

Terry: Oh, God.

(Frances exhales)

(Terry grunts, pants)

(Frances laughs)

(Terry chuckles)

Oh, God.


Jesus Christ.

You're gonna k*ll me.


This is getting harder to take, you know?

What is?

Having her here.

I'm jealous.

I told you... she's dead.


Is there anyone I need to worry about?



Oh, God.


I wish you could stay a little longer.

Why? Are you ready for round three?


That sounds wonderful, but some of us have got jobs to go to.

I got a job.

I'm just joking with you, Terry.

Don't take everything to heart.

Can I see you later?




Last time I was in a bank, I had a stocking on my face.


We're depositing this.

Sir, this is a check for $1.4 million.

That's right.

My boy's a millionaire.

He earned it.

The hard way.


And you sure you want to deposit it all into a checking account?

Yeah. For now.

I think I need to speak with my manager.

Just do it already.

It's his money.

What the f*ck?

Pop, I need a little cash.

How much?

I don't know. 50 bucks?

50 bucks? You can't get a blow job for 50 bucks.

You. Come here.

Give him $200.

Make it in tens.


It's real... the check is f*cking real.

(Line ringing)

Ezra (recorded): Ezra Goldman.

Please leave a message.


Ezra, where the hell are you?

We need to talk.

I think something's going down.


You're gonna have to walk home, Bunch.

I got something to do.

But I thought we were gonna go look at bicycles.

What are you, ten?

Pick your own bicycle.


Come here, numb nuts.

I'll see you later.

I'll see you later.


(Sirens wailing in distance)

(Knocking on door)

(Phone vibrating)

Yeah, Conor, what's up?

Conor: Mom said I was punished for hitting that kid, but...

You know what? She's right.

When you hit someone on the head, there are consequences.

But it's not fair!

He was a douche...

But nothing.

Be a man. Deal with it.

(Line ringing)


Conor: Dad?

Listen, Con, sometimes when you're...

(Knocking on door)

Let me call you right back.


Jesus, Ray, you are not an easy man to find.

What the hell are you doing here?


I think he broke some ribs.



Great place, Ray.

What's with the g*n?

You need to leave. Now.


I'm not leaving here until you f*ck me.

No, no, don't do that.

(Phone vibrating)

Put your f*cking sh...

Oh, Jesus Christ.

(Phone vibrating)

Yeah, Deb, what's up?

Ezra's had a car accident.

We're at Cedars.

Is he all right?

I don't know yet.

I'll be right there.


What the f*ck are you doing?

Where's the key?

What key?

Come on, Ashley, stop fooling around.

Where's the key?

Oh, you mean this key?

Oh, shit!

(Toilet flushes)


Are you out of your f*cking mind?

f*ck me, Ray.

Save me, Ray.

If you leave, I'll scream.


(R&B music playing loudly)

(Screaming continues)

What happened?

Oh, my God.

He called me from the road early this morning.

He said he had an accident.

I came to pick him up, he's confused.

His car's nowhere to be seen.

Is he okay?

Okay? No, he's not okay.

He's losing it, Ray.

You know what he said?

He said he was looking for his cat.

He hasn't had a cat in 40 years.

Where is he?

(Mechanical thumping, whirring)


Help me!

I'm being buried alive.

(Over speaker): The banging in my head...

Please, stop the banging!

We need to get him out of there.

Can we speak to him?

Technician: Sure.

It's all right, Ezra.

Try to take it easy.

(Over speaker): You'll be out of there in no time.


Ray, is that you?

Yeah, it's me.

Thank God you're here.

Take a deep breath.

You're gonna be okay.

I'm here.

Ray, hold my watch and my ring for me.

They're all thieves.

You're going home, Ezra.

I don't know that.

What happened?

I hit someone, Ray.

You what?

I f*cking hit someone.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

I dragged his body to the car and put him in the trunk.

Did anyone see you?

Where did this happen?

How should I know?

It was dark.

Where's the car, Ezra?

What car?

Your car.

Calm down, Ray.

You seem tense.

You should get a massage.

Call me when you get the results.



It's Nomi.

We were just in class together.

Oh, hey.

Do you mind if I sit down?

No, of course, please.

Gosh, how much do you just love Jeremiah's class?

Yeah, he's great.

I've seen you crying a couple times.


I'm a life coach, so I'm really attuned to people's energies.

That's interesting.

Lena, Ezra had an accident last night.

I think they towed his car off Mulholland.

We need to find it.

Okay, boss.

Where have you been?

And where's my partner?

Something came up.


What came up?

Nothing. He's fine.


He's out of his mind.

He's a liability, Ray...

The way he's been behaving...

Which makes you a liability.

And what's with your f*cking kid?

Smashes Feldman's kid in the head with a football tee?

Six stitches.

What are you raising, an animal?

Maybe I should hire him.

You done?

No, no, I'm not done.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fire you, Ray.

I'm not the kind of guy you fire.

(Clears throat)

Let's do this.

Where's Goldman?

I'm in charge today.

Who's this guy?

You'll see.

I heard you two already met.

Too bad I couldn't be there, Ray.


(Music blaring in distance)

(Sighs, clears throat)

It's okay.

You're in the solution now.

You're in the solution...

You're in the solution.

(Inhales deeply)



Damn it.




I'm worried about Conor.

That's my son.

He hit a kid with a football tee, and then he lied about it.



And your daughter?


She's fine.

She's a good kid.

What about your husband?

He's a good guy.

How long you guys been married?

18 years.

We met in high school.

I was friends with his sister.

Is he a good husband?

How do you mean?

You know, is he, um, emotionally supportive?

He didn't say good-bye this morning.

That must have been really hurtful, Abby.

You're kidding, right?

No, I'm not.

You know, in my practice, I learned that men are naturally really secretive animals.

You know, they take things back into their caves, and they hide them.

Yeah, Ray's kind of like that.

That bother you?

Lots of things bother me.

Like what?

Have you told him how you feel?

Have you made your feelings known?

Is he the reason you've been crying?

What are you, my f*cking priest?

Wait, don't-don't you want to lead a heart-centered life?

I gotta go.

You're a nosy c**t.

(Clears throat)


Raleigh Chopper Mark 2?

Ape hangers, bobbed fenders.


That's the one.

Whew, shit's nice.
(Rimsky-Korsakov's "Scheherazade, Op. 35" playing)

(Car approaching)

Deb: Darling... are you expecting someone?

Who is it?

You want me to send him away?


Mickey Donovan.

I know who you are.

You've been tormenting me.

Come in.

Beautiful place you got.

Quite a spread.

Thank you.

Bobby: You think this is what she really looks like?

You should see her high school yearbook.

A dog wouldn't hump her.

You didn't seem to mind when I had my tits done.

You should see our kids.

They're f*cking hideous.

Oh, you're disgusting.

Does the guy you're f*cking know what you used to look like?

Does your penis pump still work?

(Phone vibrates)

You want that, too?

Yeah, you douche.

Okay, write that down!

One used penis pump, barely used, almost new!

Mickey: My son is my son.

He did what he thought he had to do.

You, you're a piece of shit.

How's it feel to send an innocent man away for 20 years?

It feels terrible.

It's haunted me.

Why'd you do it, then?

Oh, Mickey.

The choices you make.

I was younger.

We all were.

Besides, Sean shot the girl with your g*n.

High on your dr*gs.

Ray said you were in trouble anyway.

You'd stolen a lot of money from Sully.

You'd be dead if it weren't for us.

(Scoffs softly)

Tell me one true thing, Ezra.

We all die.

Ain't that the truth.

Maybe you're right.

Once I took Sully's money, I was a dead man.

So why'd you do it?

I did it for this chick, Claudette, my one true love.

The other one, we had four kids.

I felt bad when she died, but Claudette was it for me.

You ever been with a black girl?



Democratic National Convention.

Ruth was my one true love, the only one I ever really loved.

Look at Ray.

Big shot.

I thought that was gonna be my life.

What the f*ck happened?

We're not going above ten million, bottom line.

He's cheap, abusive, sadistic.

A lousy f*ck.

My client deserves double that, and you know it.

f*ck you.

f*ck you!

Is this the best you can do?


I need to talk to you.

Can we step out?

You know who I am.

You know what I do.

The amount of money you're fighting for isn't worth the pain they're gonna make me put you through.

I can't imagine anyone making you do anything.

He knows you're f*cking someone else.

What he doesn't know is it's his brother.

You accept their offer, I go away.

You don't... it gets worse.



Lee: What the f*ck did you say to her?

Did you see her face?

She was white as a ghost.

Things are getting strange with Ezra.

I'm worried, you know?

I just want you to know that you can come to me directly with anything at any time.

You coming on to me, Lee?

f*ck you, funny guy.

Get your ass down to Compton.

Marvin Gaye's mom didn't send the papers.

I think Ezra would like you to finish the job.

I'd check with him, but I can't seem to find him.

God, don't be such a fucktard, Bridg.

Mom, will you tell him?


Conor: Oh, cool.

Let's go to the batting cages.

No, Conor, we're not doing that.

(Line ringing)

Marvin: What up?

Hey, Marvin, it's me, Bridget.

Do you, um... do you want to get some pizza?

(Phone line ringing)

Woman: Fuller Health & Wellness.

Uh, yeah, can I speak to Frances, please?

Sorry, Frances isn't working today.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Have a nice day.

(Line clicks)

(Line ringing)

Frances: Hey there, love god.

Hey, it's me.

It's Terry.


I know it's you, silly.

I thought you were working.

Oh, no, I got off work early.


Well, how about you come over tonight?

Uh, I-I can make spaghetti.

I can't. Not tonight.

Well, how about I come over to you?


Some other night, huh?

All right.


Bye-bye, Terry.

You're scaring me, Ray.

What did I bring the van for?

I got a dead body in the trunk of a Mercedes.

Jesus f*cking Chr...!

You're k*lling me, man.

This is nuts.

Are you serious?

Get your badge out.

How are you?

There was this guy, Georgie, I hung with in prison.

Thought he ran the joint.

We're in the cafeteria, beating the Christ out of some guy, and I see this guard come over from behind, and he cracks Georgie over the head with a stick, and his f*cking eye pops out.

I could've caught it in my hand.

That changed my whole perspective.

I... I thought to myself, "I got to get through this.

"I got to get through this.

"I'm on the straight and narrow now.

I'm making a f*cking deal.

What do you need, boys?"

You know how I got through it?

I put everyone away.

You know why, Ezra?

I know who holds the stick.

What stick?

Why do you need a stick?

What do you want?

I don't know yet.

I'm working on it.

Who are you?

The golem!

Well, take it easy, eh?

You're the golem!


The golem!


You're the golem!


The golem!

What's happening?

I didn't do nothing.

The golem!

What'd you do? Okay.

He's the golem!

Ezra, shh.

The golem!

All right, let's go inside. Shh.

Maybe he was stung by a f*cking bee.

The gol... the golem!

Let's go inside.

The golem!


The golem!


The golem!

You can't keep pulling this shit, Ray.

What am I supposed to do, just John Doe him?

I don't know.

You're a cop.

Make something up.

That's what I pay you for.

Are you kidding me?

You took me off a real homicide for a f*cking log?

You don't pay me enough, Ray.

♪ ...know what I think I've known all along ♪
♪ Loving you's the right thing to do ♪
♪ Loving you's the right thing ♪
♪ Loving you's the right thing ♪
♪ Loving you's the right thing to do ♪
♪ Is the right thing ♪

(Ashley singing along): ♪ ...to do ♪
♪ Nothing you can ever do would turn me away from you ♪
♪ I love you now and I love you now ♪
♪ Even though you're 10,000 miles away ♪
♪ I'll love you tomorrow as I love you today ♪

(Phone line ringing)

♪ I'm in love, babe ♪

Lena: Hey, what's happening?

Get someone to pick up Ezra's car at the impound.

Drop it by the body shop.

I want it like new.

All right, no problem.

And pay Steve Davis an extra thousand this month.

Ah, come on, that fucker gets paid enough.

Just do it, Lena.

All right, sure thing, Ray.

Is everything all right?

Hunky dory.

(Phone clicks off)

♪ Let's close now ♪

(Song ends)

(Distant siren wailing)

(Dog barking in distance)

(Door creaks)

(Phone vibrating)

Avi: Ray, where are you?

Remember that kid we bought?


His mother must've shot off her mouth about the money.

Well, I have something for you.


What is it?

The invisible man's address.

Mickey met with him earlier.


Send me the details.

I'll meet you there.

Okay, will do.

♪ ...he calling my mother like ♪
♪ "Please tell him I love him, okay?" ♪
♪ I've been trying, baby, for so long ♪
♪ To pack his bags behind me ♪

(All laugh)


Oh, you want some?

Oh, I'll leave that to you.

Come on. Take a hit.

I'm good.

Take a hit!

Have some fun!

Dang. All right, here you go.

Take a little of this.

How's that? Want some?

I'm-I'm good.

Oh, come on.

Go for it, Conor.


Ah! Ah!

Let's have some fun, y'all!

Parents ain't home. Uh!

Get crazy!

Get crunk, y'all!

(Grunting rhythmically)

Go, Marvin!

Uh, come on, Bridg, show me what you got.


I don't know if I can keep up.


Thank you.

Come on. Let's see what you got.

Mm. Oh, okay.

I didn't know you could do all of that.

Oh, yeah.

What else can you do? Mm.

I like your chain.


Come on, Conor, have some fun.

I'm learning from the best.

Oh, is that me?


Marvin: Ah! Okay, you got it.

You know what you're doing. Mm.

Oh, yeah.

(Bridget laughs)

(Phone ringing)

Yeah, Lena, what's up?

Yeah. Abby's here.

Yeah, at the office.

Did you hear me, Ray?

Tell her I'll be there as soon as I can.

All right, will do.

Listen, Lena, get over to my apartment right away.

There's a situation.

What is it?

I got a girl handcuffed to my towel rack.

All right, I'll deal with it.

(Velcro ripping)

Did you get all that?

We done?

Walk down memory lane?

Two sad old farts talking about lost love?


(Chuckles): No, Mickey, we're not done.


Sean Walker really k*lled that girl, huh?

Hey, Mick, your little story about the stick?

I'm the one holding the stick.

Yeah. Popsicle stick.

What's that?


Hey, boss, come down here.

You got to see this.

Avi: Ray.

This is f*cked up.

What are we gonna do?

(R&B music playing)

♪ You're making it hard for me again ♪
♪ You're just so damn unbelievable ♪

You said that my dad bought you.

What does that even mean?

I don't know, Bridg.

My mom's deep in her addiction...

Re-Kon liked my shit... and your old man's made it happen.

Simple as that.

♪ Standing out in the rain soaking you with all my love ♪

(Music continues faintly in distance)

Oh, nice.

I'm a man.

I'm dealing with it.


(Door shuts, footsteps approach)

You're hot.

Have you f*cked him?

Hey, he'd be really mad if he gets back and I'm not here.

He's in love with me.

Yeah? Well, he said he's gonna meet you later, so you need to come with me now.

Come on.

You're lying!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, get over here.

Get over here.

Ow! You're hurting me!

Now listen to me.

Say one more f*cking thing, and I'm gonna knock you into next Tuesday.

You can't hit me.

I have epilepsy.



f*cking warned you.

Mom, come on, let's go.

Hurry up.

Frances: Just hold on.

Did somebody turn off the heat?

Boy: Yes...





(Engine starts)

Man: Wait until you see this place.

It's not even listed yet.

This place is great.

A good investment.

A mister like you need a nice house.

You like it?

It suits you.

You look good here.

You think?


You got money, right?

We have to talk, Ezra.

We got a problem.

Your father's been here.

We had a nice chat.

What are you talking about?

He was here this afternoon.

He's a nice man.

I like him.

What did you talk about?

Things that matter... life, love.


Just... f*cking stop.

Listen to me, Ezra, please.

This is important.

What did you say to him?

I don't remember.

You don't have a f*cking choice.

You have to remember.

I can't.

I have a brain tumor.

I'm dying, Raymond.

(Chuckles softly)


Who said it couldn't be done?!

It can be done!


Here we go!

Here we go!

Be careful with that thing.

Can we do it? Yes, we can!

He's gonna come in here!

He's gonna...

Now the big one!

The f*cking big one!

Here we go!

I can make it!

I can make it!


What the f*ck?!

Terry, get your ass in here.

We're celebrating!


Celebrating what?

We're celebrating Bunchy's a homeowner.

He's a homeowner.


Anchorman (over TV): Let's go to KPSQ's own Sandra Sanborn reporting live from the scene.

Sandra, what can you tell us?

Sandra: Well, Bob, a search is underway for suspects after a deadly double sh**ting in Compton.

Police arrived to find two bodies on the 300 block of East 151st Street today.

The identities of the victims have not been released.

It is unclear whether the sh**ting is g*ng-related.

Homicide detectives are investigating, and anyone with information is asked to please contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

You know, Bob, after several years of declining crime rates in the city, this will be the fifth homicide here this month.

And let me tell you, residents are unsettled about the recent spike in violent crime...

(Gasping, moaning)

(Both grunting)

(Cork pops)

(Sobs softly)


Who the f*ck are you, Ray?
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