07x07 - Little Yellow House

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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07x07 - Little Yellow House

Post by bunniefuu »

Keep yourself centered.

[ Elevator bell dings ]


Very good.

That's it. Now, just keep your head nice and clear.

What are you doing?

Jane's teaching Vega balance.

Oh, that's useful.

How long?

Wylie: 43 seconds.

Don't think.

If you have to think, thinking about dropping will lead to dropping.

What should I think about?

Anything. S'mores.

I love s'mores.

Graham crackers, chocolate, marshmallows...

60 seconds.

...toasted on a campfire.

S'mores are better in a microwave.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

It's true.

Well, I don't even know what to say to that.

Very good.

Thank you.

Is Agent Teresa Lisbon here?

Hey, I'm Lisbon.

Julie Sandoval -- U.S. Attorney for the Northern District.

What can I do for you?

I was upstairs getting a deposition, and I heard your name mentioned.

Your brother is James Lisbon?

What about him?

Have you spoken to him in the last few days?

No. What's going on?

A warrant is being issued for his arrest.

I thought you'd like to know.

What did he do?

He's a material witness in a federal investigation.

A man named Nathan Barnes was beaten to death 10 days ago.

He's the son of Judge Jacqueline Barnes.

We think your brother may have been in contact with the victim the night of the m*rder.

So they were in contact.

Arresting him seems a little over-the-top.

We'd prefer not to, but he fled.

He what?

We sent officers to your brother's house in Oklahoma City.

He slipped out the back door.

He hasn't responded to our attempts to communicate with him.

Can you reach him?

Yeah. I think so.

Are you not close?

No, yeah, of c-- of course I can.

Tell him to turn himself in.

It'll be better that way.

Thanks for your time.

Yes, it's serious.

An arrest warrant is serious, Stan.

No, it's not okay.

What'd he say when he called you?

Well, if you hear from him again, tell him to call me right away.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Stan says Jimmy called him, said he was in Chicago, but Stan doesn't know where he is.

Well, if he's in trouble, he's gonna go someplace where he feels safe.

You know where that might be?

My parents' old house, probably.

Sounds right.


Vega and Wylie filled me in.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.


How many siblings do you have?

Three brothers. I'm the oldest.

I'm the oldest of five.

Some days, keeping them in line...

You want to strangle them.

All of them. At the same time.

I'll clear your leave.

Take as much time as you need.

Are you sure?

Go and take care of your family.

I have to go to Chicago, find Jimmy, bring him back here.


I should only be gone a couple of days.

You know, I can come with you if you want me to.

That wouldn't be any fun for you.

Fun's overrated.

If you want to come, you can come.

Do you want me to?

I would very much like it if you came.

All right. Then I'm gonna come.

We'll do it together.

♪ The Mentalist 7x07 ♪
"Little Yellow House"
Original Air Date on January 14, 2015

Lisbon: My parents bought this house when I was three.

I lived here all through high school.

I haven't been here since my dad died.

[ Car door closes, car alarm chirps ]

This has got to stir up some feelings for you.

[ Train whistle blows in distance ]

Could use a lick of paint, but it's nice enough.

You don't have to be polite.

I never lived in a house when I was a kid, Lisbon.

Patrick: Little envy here.

It's still there.

[ Lock clicks ]

Stan said he was fixing the place up so his family could move in.

He didn't say it was a disaster.

Beer and pizza -- Jimmy was here.

I'm gonna go call Stan.


Hey, where's your old bedroom?

It's up the stairs -- first door on your right.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

I love your, uh -- your wall graffiti there.

[ Grunts ]




What's going on?!


[ Metal clangs ]

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

[ Dog barking ]

I take it that wasn't your brother.


Stan: Yeah, definitely.

The drywall will be in by the 12th.

Hey, Stan.

Hey, Teresa, come in. Come in.

Let me finish up with this butthole.

I'll be right with ya.



Where are your cowboy boots?

I expected cowboy boots on the Chicago gal living in Texas.

Lisbon: Patrick, this is my sister-in-law, Karen.


Is that Joey?


Joey's 3 1/2. Him and Annie are at preschool.

This is Brian.

And you have a newborn as well, right?

Paul. He's upstairs, asleep.

Thank God.

So, you're Patrick.


It's fun to meet one of Teresa's boyfriends.

She ever tell you about Woody Squire?


Have you heard from our brother?

The one who's in trouble with the federal government?

Do you remember him?

Yeah, she doesn't want to talk about Woody Squire.

So, uh, Jimmy has, uh, some information about a -- a m*rder or something?

Yeah, a guy named Nathan Barnes.

He's the son of a judge.

Well, Jimmy will be okay.

I mean, he's dumb, but he's not stupid.

An arrest warrant is serious, Stan.

[ Paul cries ]

Oh, damn, I thought that nap was gonna take.

Come on.

Let's go talk in the living room.

So, Woody Squire -- eyeliner and a lip ring.

He pierced himself -- got infected right before prom.

Swole up like a tennis ball.

Ask her.

Hilarious, Stan.

[ Laughs ]

Uh [sighs] Jimmy called three days ago.

He said that I might hear from some people that he was in town, but if anyone asked, I should say I don't know where he is.

And you didn't think that was suspicious?

[ Chuckles ]

I figured whatever Jimmy got into, he could handle it.

Not all of us are cops, T.

And was anybody with him?

We went to mom and dad's house to look for him, and somebody jumped Jane.

Holy crap. You okay?

Oh, yeah. Right as rain. Thanks.

Wait, so this -- this person was, like, in the house.

You have any idea who it was?

[ Exhales sharply ]


I-I mean...It must've been somebody looking for Jimmy.

Uh, you know he's playing cards again?

Great. Great.

So you think it's a poker thing?

[ Sighs ]

Somebody's after Jimmy to collect a gambling debt?

[ Exhales sharply ]

Definite possibility.

So, how's, uh, how's business, Stan?

You're a -- you're a contractor?

Yeah. Well, home-remodeling contractor.

You know, kitchens, bathrooms.

Nice. How's that going for you?

Things have been great.

Yeah, money's awesome.


I guess that explains why you haven't been out to your parents' place.

That's a nice, little place.

Needs a little TLC, though.

Yeah, I've been swamped.

Can we get back to Jimmy?

Oh, absolutely, boss.

[ Chuckles ]

Uh, so what can I do?

Call his friends. See if any of them have heard from him.

We're gonna check out the bars in Bridgeport.


Ooh, I forgot.

Uh, baby's christening's on Saturday.

Any chance you can make it?

I'll try.

Got it. [ Chuckles ]


T, we all know with you, “I'll try,” means, “I won't”.

Look, I'd like to come.

It's just I got a job.

I got a job, too.

You're not the only busy person on the planet.

It's fine.

Hey... Let me know if you can make it, all right?

I will.

Patrick, nice meeting you.

You, too.

All right.

I'm sorry. My family is messy.

Oh, no need.

Messy people are good people.

I'm not messy.

You're messy on the inside.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Wylie, what's up?

Hey, I talked to a friend of mine in the Dallas office -- got some info on the Nathan Barnes m*rder.

What'd you find out?

They found his body in an alley behind the Wrightwood Hotel in Dallas 10 days ago.

He'd been beaten to death.

The M.E. found bruising and cracked ribs in addition to a busted skull.

That doesn't sound like a robbery gone wrong.

Well, he did a lot of pro-Bono work for battered women.

Dallas cops think it was probably an angry boyfriend or husband.

Well, why do they want to talk to Jimmy about it?

Apparently, they found his business card in Barnes' pocket.

That's weird.

All right, thanks.

Ah-ah, don't hang up.

Thank you.

Wylie, it's Jane.

Yeah, I got in a little tussle with someone when we first got here.

Could you run a description, see what comes up?

Yeah, sure. Uh, hit me.

Male, Caucasian, hazel eyes, brown hair, mustache, beard, about 25 or 26 years old, 6'4”, 210 pounds, an inch-long scar running vertically under the left eye, and a tattoo of a spider on the inner-right wrist.

That is pretty detailed. [ Chuckles ] Anything else?


He smelled of Aqua Velva.

Aqua Velva.

I don't think there's anything uncommon about that around here, though.

[ Country music plays ]

[ Bell dings ]

He's not here.


Teresa Lisbon?

T.J. Mullins.

Hey, T.J.

[ Chuckling ] Hey, how's it going?

Oh, my god. T.J. Mullins.

I heard. Yeah.

Yeah, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

This one used to babysit me.


[ Laughing ] Yeah.

Remember when you sat for me and I locked you out of the house and you threw a brick through the basement window to get back in?

And it was completely my fault, and you paid my dad for the window.

You were such a straight arrow, Teresa.


Uh, you know, we're looking for Jimmy.

H-have you seen him?

No, I haven't seen him.

Have you talked to him?

No, no. Definitely not.

T.J., you seem like a very nice kid, but you're a terrible liar.

I'd bet we will find a call from Jimmy on here.

Hey, where'd you get that?

That's my phone.

Yes, it is.

He called this morning.

Look, we need to find him. It's important.

I said I wouldn't tell if anybody came looking.

Uh, it's a family emergency.


He said something about going fishing.

That's all I got.


Your mom called.

Should probably call her back.

See you, T.J.

[ Duck quacks ]


Sis, what are you doing here?

There's a warrant out for your arrest.

You're wanted for questioning by the U.S. attorney, and you ran away.

Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?

[ Scoffs ] Catch anything?


Your boyfriend?

Yeah. Patrick.


I want to help.

Did I ask for your help?

No, but you're my brother.

Yeah, I'm your brother.

You know, it's funny how I'm only your brother when you think I messed up.

Look, talking to an FBI agent is not a great idea for me right now.

Talking to the feds is gonna get me in hot water with a very dangerous guy.

Who? The guy who came looking for you at the house?

Someone was at the house?

Yeah, somebody broke into the house.

Stan says he thinks he was there to collect a gambling debt.

Or maybe it has something to do with what happened in Dallas.

What is it? You talked to Stan?

Yeah. Earlier today.

Is he right?

Was the guy collecting a debt?

I don't know. Maybe.

You're gambling again?

Are you playing poker?

Would you back off me for like one minute?

Uh, do you mind if I have a little talk with your brother alone?

No offense, but “sister's boyfriend” isn't exactly a position of authority to me.

Let me offer you a deal.

You come back to Texas with your sister and me, and you'll never have to testify.

And no one will ever know that you helped us.

[ Chuckles ] How do you swing that?

We'll catch the k*ller in a way that your testimony will be unnecessary.

Just like that?

Well, I skipped a few steps in the middle, but yeah.

[ Chuckles ]

I don't even know you, man.

Why should I trust you?

Because I haven't told your sister about the man in the house and why he was really there.

I know he's not from Dallas, and I don't think that he was there to collect on a gambling debt.

Do I have to go on?


Look, I-I don't like keeping secrets from Teresa.

I care about her.

And I care about the people that she cares about.

You come back to Texas, and you'll be fine.

I promise.

We're good.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

This is where you work?

Lisbon: It is, yeah.


Step up from the fryer at Casper's.

It's probably better for your face, too.

Hi. I'm Jimmy Lisbon.

Can I help you?

Jimmy, come on. Let's go.

[ Sighs ] Later. [ Clears throat ]

Get in.


You're recording me?

You gonna read me my rights first?

I have to put this on record. It's for your own good.

What were you doing in Dallas the night Nathan Barnes was k*lled?

You're gonna be mad.


Okay, but I don't want to hear about it.

I was at a poker game at the Wrightwood Hotel.

You drove to Dallas for a poker game?

It's three hours from Oklahoma City.

You'd drive three hours for a good game.

No, I wouldn't.

It must've been my other big sister who taught me how to play cards.

Was the victim at the game?

Yeah. Nathan was there.

We got to talking.

He said he had some electrical work needed done.

I gave him my card, said I was an electrician.

Did you see him get k*lled?

No way.

Do you know who did it?



T, look...what happens is, I-I go to the Wrightwood, okay, and Nathan is there.

I know him and a friend of his named Charlie McInnis.

He's another law clerk.

They're the only ones I know -- by name, at least.

Do you remember anybody else who was there?

A woman named Vicki, I think.

Met a dude named Ben.

You said there was somebody there that you were afraid of.

Don't tell me you can't remember his name.

[ Sighs ]

The game's run by a guy named George Holiday.

Cho: George Holiday -- 50 years old.

He's a major player in the Dallas organized-crime world.

Union kickbacks, sex trade, dr*gs, suspected of a few hits in the '90s before he moved into management.

Mobster in cowboy boots and a big-time gambler.

Nathan Barnes was in a ton of debt to Holiday.

How much?

$140,000, $150,000.

He was a chatty drunk after a few gin and tonics.

So, there you go.

Have fun catching him.

I'm not sure Holiday's our guy.

Why not?

It's hard to get money out of a dead man.

The k*ller is almost certainly a part of that poker game.

We need to get in on that.

Forget it. Took me weeks.

I had to charm Holiday with my mad poker skills.

Let us take care of it.

How do we find him?

He's a silent partner at an upscale sports bar in Dallas called Donovan's.

I just had a contentious phone call with U.S. Attorney Sandoval.

Her office was alerted by TSA about your brother's flight.

She asked that we hand him over.


I mean, you said that I wouldn't have to do this.

Well, you won't -- just yet.

I told her that we caught a break in the case.

She wasn't happy, but she agreed to let us follow it for 72 hours.

Now, if we find a suspect in that time, the collar is hers.

If we don't, then we need to rethink our strategy.

Uh, Cho and I need to make friends with a mobster.

We're gonna need some cash.

I'll see what I can do.

Jane, that guy who att*cked you in Chicago?


I found someone who fit the description you gave.

Name's Delfino -- low-level thug.

It's odd, though.

Lisbon said he was after Jimmy, but I can't find any connection between the two.

Delfino's Chicago, born-and-bred.

No connection to Oklahoma city or Dallas.

If he was after Jimmy, I don't know who he was working for.

Want the locals to pick him up?


Uh, let's sit on this, and don't tell anyone, okay?

Sure thing.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


They're gonna run it.

They're gonna pass.

Okay, let's put it up there.

Let's see, shall we?

Cho: Come on, now.

Here we are. $60.

You're on.

Run it. Run it.


Ooh. I do love taking your money.

Well, I'll have my revenge.


Mm. Another?


Uh, bartender, two more drinks.

Oh, drinks on me.

Sir, you want a drink?

I'm buying.

I buy my own drinks, thanks.

Smart man.

Never put yourself in another person's debt.

Uh, let's make this a little more interesting, shall we?

$1,000 says next drive ties the game.

That's too much for me.

Nah. $1,000. Come on.

$1,000. Anyone want in?

Money on the bar.

Do you know anything about football?

Why don't you take the bet and find out?

[ Chuckles ]

You ought to be more careful with your money... and your mouth.

Thank you... For the advice.

Holiday: Goodness, you look delicious.

Eh, fishing with the wrong bait.
Charlie McInnis?

I'm Agent Michelle Vega.

I'd like to talk to you about the m*rder of judge Barnes' son, Nathan.


Yeah, terrible what happened.

Um, Heidi Pendleton.

This is my fiancée.

We work with judge Barnes.


Nathan was an amazing guy.

I...um, I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Uh...It seems so senseless, what happened.

[ Sighs ]

I helped Nathan with some of his domestic-abuse cases.

We became friends through that.

Nathan was at a poker game the night he got k*lled.

You were there, too, weren't you, Mr. McInnis?


So you know George Holiday.

Yeah, but just from the game.

Who else did you know at the game?

Um...Nathan, obviously, uh...a kid named Jimmy Lisbon, uh, there was a woman named Vicki Shell, and Benjamin Bennett.

You played poker with Bennett?

Yeah, it was nothing.

What do you know about Benjamin Bennett?

Judge Barnes ruled against him in a patent case a few months back.

He was ticked off.

There was a lot of money involved.

That's how we know him. You know, through the paperwork.

And the poker game?

Isn't that a conflict of interest?

I mean, I never discussed the case with him.

But someone did?

Well, Bennett was working Nathan about it, wanted to get his mom to revisit the ruling.

Nathan said no, of course, but, uh, Bennett wouldn't let it go.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

So, there were six players at the poker game.

Cho: George Holiday.

Nathan was in debt to Holiday for 140 grand.

That's a big chip for Holiday to play.

Charlie McInnis?

He lost big that night. Not a good night for him.

Benjamin Bennett -- goes by Benben.

Former college basketball star trying to make it as an entrepreneur.

The victim's mother ruled against him in a patent case.

Vicki Shell -- avid cyclist and C.E.O. of a Dallas bicycle manufacturer.

According to Jimmy, she had an eye for the victim.

You're sure one of them k*lled Nathan?

Well, it seems likely.

We won't know for sure until we get into the game.

Well, how'd it go with Holiday?

You in?

Not yet.

He needs a different kind of motivation.

What kind?

[ Eric Lindell's “Lullaby for Mercy Ann” plays ]

Scotch on the rocks, please.

♪ My sweet, sweet, sweet baby girl ♪
♪ sweetest girl in the whole wide world ♪

On the house.

Thank you, kind stranger.

George, please.



So, what's your story, Teresa?

♪ ...your love is really something ♪
♪ your love is really something to see ♪
♪ you remind me every day that love is a beautiful thing ♪

I got to tell you something, buddy.

You got a much better sense about women than you do about football.

Well, it's just money.

[ Chuckles ]

You really mean that, you've never been broke.

Well, what's the point of having money if you can't have fun with it, right?

Betting on sports is fun, but, uh, there's no skill in it.

Gets boring after a while.

You play cards?

He's terrible at poker.

Stop it. You're drunk.

Lisbon: You're drunk.

I'm good at cards.

He lost $27,000 in one poker game, and then he told me it was fun.

It was fun.

It was fun...for a while.

I mean, here's the thing with cards.

It's like a showdown in the Wild West -- k*ll or be k*lled.

I mean, who doesn't love that?

It's nothing like that at all.

You know, I might know of a game -- big one.

5 grand buy-in.

Is that something that might interest you?

Deal me in there, partner.

Jane's in the game.

The Wrightwood Hotel?

Presidential suite.

We're gonna need surveillance cameras all over that place.

You got a plan for getting them in?

Yeah, I believe we do.

The wedding's next year, and we were thinking about holding it here at the Wrightwood.

And then we were shopping and thought, “what they hey?

Let's check it out.”

It's nice, huh?

I guess.

Man: Well, we actually have an array of all-inclusive wedding packages.

We just want to see the room.

Oh. Of course.

[ Chuckles ] This here.

[ Lock beeps ]

And here we go.

And the table is set up for an event tonight.


This is really nice.

I think this could work, honey.

You think. Hmm?

Do you care what I think?

You don't like it.

Does it matter?

You only care about what your mother likes.

Don't talk about my mother.

Oh, I think we need to talk about your mother.

No, I think you need to calm down.

Do not tell me to calm down.

Seriously, you're embarrassing me.

Dígame una vez más Que me calme y Te rompo la cabeza y lo tiro Del balcón.

I'll leave you to talk things over.

I'll be at the front desk if you need me.

Camera in the corner, camera on the counter, camera on the thermostat.

I didn't know you were gonna flip to Spanish.

Kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing.

Did you understand?

Something about ripping my head off?

You've been studying.

[ Chuckles ] Hand me the wrench.


[ Clattering ]

[ Thermostat beeps ]

You don't see it at all.


How's the toilet?


Excellent. Let's go.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]


Teresa, I didn't know who else to call.

Karen? What's wrong?

Stan got beat up.

Oh, my God. Is he okay?

He said it was an accident at work.

[ Sniffles ] I don't believe him.

Stan: Leave it alone, T.

No. Your wife is scared to death.

Who did this?

[ Sighs ] A couple of guys got drunk and were looking for trouble, all right?

That's not what you told Karen. Uh, why are you lying to me?

I'm not.

Look, I know crap when I hear it, Stan.

I am gonna k*ll Jimmy for getting you involved in this.

Just stay out of it. Please?

I'll talk to you later.

[ Indistinct talking on TV ]

Got to catch that.

What's going on with Stan?

What? Nothing.

That's what Jane was talking to you about at the lake --

Why you agreed to come out here.

You're hiding something about Stan.

[ Scoffs ]

Jimmy...come on.

Tell me what's going on.

[ TV turns off ]

Stan had a couple bad breaks in his business.

Karen's last pregnancy was tough.

He got behind on his bills.

He owes money to the wrong people.

A loan shark.

What's he in for?

Over 30 grand.

$30,000? God.

The man that att*cked Jane -- he wasn't looking for you.

He was there for Stan.

Why'd you cover for him?

Stan, he's -- he's working so hard to be good.

Just wanted you to be proud of him.

I am proud of him.

I'm proud of all of you.


Did you call me when I got my electrician's license?

You only call to yell at me, just like always.

Look, I know I was tough on you when you were a kid, but come on.

You know what mom and dad were like.

Somebody had to be responsible, and somebody had to be in charge.


You were in charge.

Then you left.

So, Jimmy's gonna be part of this?

Yeah. Has to be.

He's gonna play in the game?

I need him there.

Well, then I'm gonna be there.

He'll be safe. We'll have eyes on them.

He's my little brother. I'm gonna be there.

Yeah, of course.

How's it gonna go?

Jimmy's gonna make contact with all the suspects.

Holiday's sending the invitation.

Jimmy's gonna make sure they show up.


Charlie, hey. It's Jimmy from the poker game.

Well, hello, Jimmy from the poker game.

What's going on?

Did you get George Holiday's invitation?

There's a game tonight.

Patrick: And then he will use the word that makes every poker player smell blood.

I'm telling you, Ben.

This guy's a whale. Okay?

One of my friends played with him.

This guy dropped like $20,000 in one night.

For real?

He's a terrible player.

Doesn't care if he wins or loses.

Just wants action.

We'll clean him out.

Where are we with the surveillance?

Cameras coming online... Now.

Holiday, Jimmy Lisbon, Charlie McInnis, Vicki Shell, and Benben are in the room.

All right.

Tell Jane and Lisbon we're ready.


That was Wylie. They're all set.


I'm sorry. Um, yeah, I'm ready.

Let's go.

Your brothers don't hate you, you know.

Yeah, they do.

No, they don't.

Jimmy's right -- I left.

After my mom died, I was the parent, and I left.

Well, you felt trapped. Of course you did.

Now Stan's life is a mess, Jimmy's got a gambling problem, and God only knows what Tommy's up to.

Yeah, sure, look, t-they've got their problems.

But they're good people.

And they wouldn't even be here if you hadn't loved and protected them when they were kids.

You're uncomfortable around them because you feel guilt.

I understand that.

But you need to know they're not mad at you.

They're not.

They just miss you.

You knew exactly what was going on -- with Stan and Jimmy and the guy at the house.

You figured it out, and you didn't say a word to me.

Well... It's not my business.

Thank you.

All right, let's go.

We've got a game to get to.


Welcome. You remember Teresa?

I'm just here to watch.

Make yourself at home, darling.

[ Chuckles ]

Jimmy: Take any more of my money, you're gonna have to buy me dinner.

[ Chuckles ]

We'll see.

Holiday: That was a bad beat last week, Charlie.

You don't have to do anything other than play poker.

Focus on the game. Let me do the work.

What work, exactly?

You'll see.

First, another drink.

Toilet's busted.


It's not flushing.

Don't go in there.

[ Sighs ]

All right, so what do you guys want to do?

You want to pull up stakes and take it to another room?

Patrick: W-we -- we're gonna relocate just because there's a plumbing snafu?

I mean, I-I-I didn't come here to go to the bathroom.

I came here to play poker.

Let's just play poker.

Man wants to play cards.

So be it. All right.

There is a washroom down at the end of the hall by the health club.

Take a walk or hold your water.

Patrick Jane.

That's my girlfriend, Teresa.

I'm just here to watch and enjoy the open bar.

The game is Texas Hold'em.

No limit.

Start off a little slow.

And away we go.

[ Holiday speaking indistinctly ]

So, is Jane cheating?

Yeah, but he isn't playing to win.

He's watching the other players so he can learn their tells...

Ooh, what do we have on Fourth Street, here?

...subtle behaviors a player makes when he has a good or a bad hand.

I know what a tell is.

Nose rub.

Last time she did that, she got a flush.

The nose rub is her tell.

Ha. Told you.

[ Vicki chuckles ]

Okay, game on.

[ Chuckles ]

Rocking. He rocks side to side.

Oh! Eyebrow scratch.

[ Chuckles ]

Hair scratch.

That's all of them.

Time for phase two.

So, it's back to me, huh?

Well, we all feeling good?

We feeling all right there, honey?

I don't know.

There's something disturbing in this room.

Ah, she's a little sensitive, a little psychic.



Was somebody k*lled here recently?

Oh, my God.

Uh, not in this room, but, yeah, one of our players was k*lled.

Nate -- no.

Uh, Nathan.

I-is -- is that his name?

This is getting a little weird.

Amazing, isn't she?

Uh, it's kind of uncanny.


We're playing poker, aren't we?

I'm in.

Sorry. Wait, wait, wait.

Uh, Th-there's more.

There is?

I'm feeling a darker presence.

The k*ller is in this room.

Oh, come on. One of you k*lled Nathan.

Wait. Don't touch your cards.

The k*ller is the one who has the ace.

I think things just got interesting.

She says the k*ller's holding an ace.

I'm curious.

It's McInnis.

[ Holiday chuckles ]

Looks like daddy's going to the big house.

[ Laughter ]


Gonna go get myself a drink.

Not so much of a psychic after all, I guess.

Now, can we play some cards?

So, are we ready to go?

Not yet.

Now Jane makes sure McInnis wins.

[ Sighs ]

Ah, take it.

Oh, look out, daddy.

Lucky guy.

[ Chuckling ] You're good. You're good. Boy, you're hot.

You're having a good night.


Okay, I am now gonna take the long walk to the little boy's room.

[ Sighs ]

Feeling a little warm. I don't know about anyone else.

[ Sighs ] Time for a drink.

Or two.

[ Door closes ]

Can I get you something?

Patrick: What the hell is this?


Honey, we're leaving.

What? Why?

We're in the middle of a game.

Uh, there's a hidden camera here.


Patrick: There.


What the hell?

Mr. McInnis.

Agent Kimball Cho -- FBI.

What is this? What's going on?

We know you k*lled Nathan Barnes.

What? That's ridiculous.

Our agents in the room are telling Holiday it was you.

McInnis has been winning all night.

He's got someone watching in another room, feeding him cards.

Oh, geez.

Now, Barnes owed Holiday a lot of money.

By k*lling Nathan Barnes, you cheated him out of it.

This is a live feed.

Turn yourself in for the m*rder, and we'll protect you.

Look, I don't know what this is, but this is really crazy.

Have fun telling Holiday that.

[ Door closes ]

McInnis, come on back.

We're waiting on you.

Come on, son.

It's your turn to deal.

[ Sighs ]

Come on back and play.

Get me out of here.

Good choice. Let's go.

Where you going?

My fiancée, Heidi, started spending a lot of time helping Nathan with his pro-Bono legal work.

I suspected she was cheating on me.

I didn't have proof until Nathan showed up at the game that night.

I was losing that night -- bad.

Something was off. Then I figured it out.

Nathan was wearing one of my shirts.

How'd you know it was your shirt?

My monogram on the cuff.

Nathan was sleeping with Heidi.

Must've grabbed one of my shirts at her apartment instead of his.

He took a lot of money from me that night, and he -- he smirked when he did it.

Ugh, that little bastard.

He was just rubbing it in my face.

He knew I knew, and he loved it.

I followed him out.

I confronted him.

He had the nerve to deny it -- deny all of it.

But he was wearing the proof.

We spoke with your fiancée.

Heidi had gone to coffee with Nathan in her neighborhood that day.

Nathan spilled coffee on his shirt, and she gave him one of your clean shirts to borrow.

The only thing he ever did to you was beat you in cards.

[ Kids laughing, shouting ]

[ Chuckles ] Nice party.

Lisbon: This is how we do it.



Hey, where's my beer?

Oh, Texas girls drink margaritas.

Give me the beer.


Stan: Hey, we got, uh, burgers, brats, veggie-patty crap if you want veggie-patty crap.

Your face looks better.

Eh, it's still a little sore.

I know you're in trouble, Stan.

Whatever I can do to help, let me help.

You don't have to do that.

I know I don't have to.

I want to.

Just enough to keep you from getting punched in the face again.

I kind of thought you wouldn't mind seeing me get punched in the face.

I'm the only one who gets to punch you.


You want one?

I'm good.

Hey, I'm glad you made it out.

It means a lot.

And Karen's family was really impressed with you.

I'm impressed with you.

I'm proud of you, T.


We should hang out more.

Oh, like normal people?

[ Laughs mockingly ] Yeah, like normal people.

We should. This has been fun.

It's too bad Woody Squire couldn't make it.

It's a real shame about that.


Shut up.

[ Chuckles ]

We talked about Patrick.

You did, did you?


We like him.

He's a good guy.

Don't mess this one up, okay?

I'll try not to.

I'm glad we came back home.

Me too.

It was nice.

I don't think I've said this.

I mean, I know I haven't said this, but I don't really know if I need to because you always know what I'm thinking.

Well, not everything.

Would you be surprised if I said I love you?

I'd be...

I'd be lying if I didn't say I would be moved by that.

I love you.

I said it.

I'm surprised.

[ Chuckles ]

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.
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