00x02 - Dark Matters: Phoebe

Episode transcripts for the 2015 TV show "Heroes Reborn", also the web series "Dark Matters". Aired: September 2015 to January 2016*
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"Heroes Reborn" chronicles the lives of ordinary people who discover they possess extraordinary abilities. A year ago, a t*rror1st attack in Odessa, Texas left the city decimated...
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00x02 - Dark Matters: Phoebe

Post by bunniefuu »

History is repeating.

A class of people have been targeted, portrayed as monsters.

It's our duty to tell their stories.

The truth.

Phoebe's first day at college.

I'm more excited than she is.


Yeah. Yeah.

You're fine. Welcome to college. It's gonna be a grand adventure.

It's just college.

"It's just college."

Man, you're gonna be reading so many fancy books.

And you're gonna start using big words for no reason.

And you'll make, you know, lifetime friends... and make some...

Wow, this is amazing. Hey. enemies, and maybe some... lovers, like this guy.

Right? Actually not him.

Stop! Don't!

It really... I just got here.

Don't. Don't do him.

You can do better than that guy.

You know, all this is coming from someone, who did not graduate.

I got an online degree...

Oh, right.

It was just after an extended sabbatical.

Ooh, welcome.

Oh, it smells like college.

What, gross?

Now look at that. That is adorable.

Okay, and... my unpacking job is done.

Are you kidding me? There is so much more to do.

Yeah. I mean, look out over here.

Your... roommate has done quite a bit.

You've got to play catch-up.

What is this?

Maybe you should open it.

"I must save the paper..."

I'm opening it, I'm opening it!

I knew you've been wanting one.

Quentin, this... this is so nice!

You like it?


Yeah, I do.

Thank you.

It's a hardcore real one.

It... yeah, it looks serious.


What are you doing?

I'm turning it on.

No, no, no, no, do not record me, I'm not wearing my spanx.

How does it feel to be under the microscope?

Hey, I... bought this for you.

Right? This is so you can keep doing your EVO thing.

You think I should keep making videos?

Yeah, absolutely.

Your story is incredible.

You know? Girl loses mom, gains abilities, starts going to college, with the backdrop of a brave new world.

It's Oscar-bait.

We're gonna make some cash.

Right, so you're a documentary filmmaker now?

If I got time to fit it into my busy schedule, then yes.

All I can do is manipulate light and shadow, you think anyone's gonna care about that?

It's badass!

There was some dork on the Tonight Show who could just heat water up to room temperature.

Oh, that is so lame.

Yeah, so...
Hi, um...

Hi, Phoebe.

Phoebe, yeah, amazing...

Aly. Right...

So good to meet you in person.

Um, I need to warn you, the textbooks are like hella expensive. So...

Oh, maybe we could share some, I don't wanna buy them.

Oh, uh...


The weirdo with the camera is my brother, Quentin.

Okay. Um, hi. Hey.

Hey. What's up?

Wow, and he was just leaving.

You're right.

Thank you.

You.. you're... you're right. I... I am just... leaving.

Yeah. Okay.

Okay, so, uh... uh, have fun, be careful, and, uh, maybe, uh... really be quiet about the, er, the whole...

Okay, I already told her on Facebook, she's cool with it.

Oh, yeah, there's a... there's a kid back home who can like breathe underwater or something. So it's no biggy.

Oh, it's no biggy?


So everybody's cool with fish-boy then?


She's fine.

We're all cool? All right, uh... then I will Out you go.

... be seeing you Aly.

Well, okay, bye.

Your brother is, ah, kind of adorable.

Yeah, he's all right.

Okay, uh... my brother thought that I should make another video, so here goes.

I'm Phoebe Frady, and this is my second attempt.

It's freaky, right?

Okay, are you ready?

Okay, well, let me film you. You're the one with the power.

Come on!

True. All right?

Okay, shhhh! Phoebe, you have to whisper.


All powerful forces...


... and evolution is not anymore ... a mindless variation...

... human genome variations...

Oh my God!

Hey, hey, hey! Phoebe! Phoebe!

Phoebe, hey! Hey! You're okay, you're okay.


Did it happen again?


Can we leave the lights on again?

Yes, absolutely, if you just... just give me a second, okay?


You're okay?


Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sorry.

No, it's... don't worry, okay?



Many moons ago... the dark grew restless and decided... it would rule.

Seriously, right now?

Aly showed me the videos.

Why didn't you tell me you were having the nightmares again?

She told you?

Hey.. don't be mad at Aly.

She's just worried about you. We both are.

It's just nightmares.

It's not just a nightmare. It's real!

The darkness, I can feel it.

Er, waiting, watching.

You don't get it.

Hey, hey, hey, come on, come on, come on!

I'm not crazy!

I know, just help me understand.

I don't think you're crazy.

I never said "I think you're crazy".

All the shit started happening after Mom's accident.


What if... what if we just get you somebody to talk to?

No, I don't need anyone telling me what's wrong with me.

It wasn't my fault.

I know.

We know.

It was Mom.

Yeah, I know.

I miss her so much.

I miss her too.

So maybe you will just take a break on using your power for a little bit?


Now can you stop filming every mental breakdown I have?

No way. This is gold.

We're going to Sundance.

I'm getting stronger.

It's like I can steal light, absorb it.

Channel the darkness.
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