00x06 - Dark Matters: Where the Truth Lies

Episode transcripts for the 2015 TV show "Heroes Reborn", also the web series "Dark Matters". Aired: September 2015 to January 2016*
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"Heroes Reborn" chronicles the lives of ordinary people who discover they possess extraordinary abilities. A year ago, a t*rror1st attack in Odessa, Texas left the city decimated...
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00x06 - Dark Matters: Where the Truth Lies

Post by bunniefuu »

This is the laundromat.

We're here where Truther told me to meet him.

This is the evidence that exonerates my sister.

That proves, that Renautas was behind June 13th.

That they're bagging, and tagging, just like Primatech.

Everything has led up to tonight.

Tonight, revolution begins.

Wish me luck.

What's the password?


Take the door on the right.

Down the stairs.

Holy shit!


Wait, is this...

I guess this is your rebel, huh?

It's not Hoth, but... it'll do.

He's clean.

Let him go, Dalia.

He's a friend.

Who, huh, cool.

Uh, I guess you can't be too careful.

Thank you.

Got a big target on my back.

Renautas has managed to manipulate most mainstream medias, so... we're the only independent voice left.

I've been wondering about that.

How has Renautas not shut your website down?

Let's just say I have a skill that keeps us up and running.

Oh, you're an EVO.

All right.

I'm just another one of the hunted.

But you can call me Micah.

Now I have something I need to show you.

It's about your sister.

We captured this video two weeks ago.

Oh my God.

She's alive.

Comrade of ours escaped a Renautas facility where Phoebe was held.

Look, everything that you found proves Renautas is planning something big.

Maybe even bigger than June 13th.

We're gonna stop them.

We're assembling a strike team to extract your sister and others, we could use your help.

My help?

We've been compromised.

He led them right to us!

I didn't know.

Look, find Noah Bennett.

Too late.


Oh God, oh God, oh God.

Renautas appreciates your help in locating their feeble resistance.

What? Oh shit!


And I've been on the run ever since.

Now it's up to me _ to expose the truth.

Renautas has both my sister and Hero Truther.

So now, I'm gonna find the one person who can stop them.

Somebody who knows how they operate.

Noah Bennett.

He went off the grid.

They've been keeping tabs on him.

He's a new name.

But it's definitely him.

He walked away from Primatech after June 13th.

But does he know Renautas revived the company?

That they're using his methods to find and hunt innocent people, he was the man with the plan.

And I need his help.
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