02x15 - Draw O Caesar, Erase a Coward

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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02x15 - Draw O Caesar, Erase a Coward

Post by bunniefuu »





(Roman groaning)

Kurt! Kurt!

Roman: We're fine!

(hands slap, both grunting)





Thank you.

Just trying to trigger some new memories.

More like beat 'em out of me.

(Kurt laughs)

Training helped you, so I figured it was worth a shot.

Well, it's gonna take time.

Weller: Yeah, that's something that we don't have.

Well, my memories came back when I was in the field.

What if we take Roman out again?

You know that's complicated.

We can't keep checking you out of your holding cell like it's a hotel room.

Yeah, I understand.

All right.

See you upstairs.

You were supposed to tell him what I remembered.

(tires screeching, crash)

(muffled cry)

I am trying to protect you.

If Kurt finds out you're responsible for k*lling Taylor Shaw's mother, he will never trust you.

And if he finds out you lied to him?

(phone vibrating)

(vibrating continues)

Reade: What's that?

It's a phone that my source managed to get to our dead drop.


(modulated voice) What's the price of apples today?

$1.29 per pound.

We need to meet. Wait for further instructions.

(phone beeps off)

Did you get Patterson's text?

On my way to the lab.

How'd it go last night?

Your... date.

Oh, uh, I...

Sorry, you don't need to...

After you told me about it, I started thinking.

We need to be careful.

Sandstorm feels like it's everywhere.

Shepherd's been watching me since I was a kid.

They used you against me.

You think Oliver is part of Sandstorm?

We didn't realize Borden was with them until it was too late.

Inviting new people into our lives... that could give them the opening they're looking for.



I just got a very unexpected call from my source inside Sandstorm.

He wants to meet.

How can you be sure it's him?

We had a challenge phrase. I'm sure.

Where does he want to meet?

I'm waiting for instructions.

Weller: Let us know when you hear something.

Where's Reade?

Delays on the "A" train.

All right, so what do you got?

All right, so, this is the tattoo on Jane's left hip.

Embedded within it is a continental coin.

Anyone care to guess the year it was minted?

Obviously not.

1776, the birth of our great nation.

Weller: Did Rich.com help you crack this?

He might have loosened the jar.


Rich recognized the center symbol as a calling card for a notorious dark web courier called Lelantos.

What's he move?

Anything you want.

He's the FedEx of the underworld.

The FBI never knew about this Lelantos?

We've heard the name and known about a mysterious courier for a while, but...

Now we know they're one and the same.

Jane: Do we have an ID on him?

No! Look, the guy is a ghost, but it's rumored that he's tatted up with this symbol.

And he's moved some seriously scary stuff: chemical weapons, a missing Turkish fighter jet.

How do you move a fighter jet without getting caught?


His last job was moving a boatload of surface-to-air missiles into Syria.

And the latest chatter is that Lelantos is about to move something big into New York.

So how do we find him?

That's where another tattoo comes into play.

So, Jane has this tattoo of Aura on the back of her left ankle.

In Greek mythology, Aura is the daughter of Lelantos.

So the numbers below Aura correspond to the swords in the Lelantos tattoo.

The swords point to letters.

So, 29 is the 29th sword, which points to "M," 25 points to "A."

Okay, then we cut to the end and what does it say?

"Marc Gelman."

He's currently serving time for involuntary manslaughter.

But there's more.

So, when I treated these numbers as single digits, I was able to spell "Inner Care Medi-Spa."

What's the name of the doctor that runs it? He's famous.

Dustin Katz.

(Jane reading in Greek)

Well, how does that play into this?

Well, it's all Greek to me.

Right, okay.

So, as I was saying, that translates to, "Every division is a former union."

I think that's a key, but I haven't quite figured it out yet.

So, what's the connection between the prisoner, the spa, and the mystery puzzle?

No idea.

But these three tattoo clues have to be the key to taking down Lelantos.

The last time this guy surfaced, he gave Syria the ability to sh**t our planes down.

Now he's moving something into New York.

We need to split up. Shut this thing down, now.


All right, let's split up into teams, try and track down each tattoo clue until we find this courier.

Jane, Tasha, you're together.

I want you to talk to Marc Gelman, see what you can find out.

All right, his prison transfer was approved.

He's on his way here as we speak.

I'll check out this medi-spa with Roman.

You're taking Roman with you?

This case has nothing to do with him.

Weller: Pellington called me, and if we don't start getting actionable intel out of Roman soon, he's gonna hand him over to the CIA.

All of Jane's memories were triggered in the field.

If we want the same for Roman, we have to get him out there.

This doesn't feel right.

He's one of the architects for Jane's tattoos.

So letting him follow one might trigger something big.

Well, then maybe I should be the one to go with him.


The whole point is to put Roman into new situations, all right?

Take him out of his comfort zone.

Patterson, keep working on that clue.

Soon as Reade gets in, bring him up to speed, partner up and try to track it down.

I'll keep you posted once I get a time and a place for the meet with my source.


We're working on this tattoo separately, but stay in contact at all times, okay?

Let's move.


Come on, Reade. Come on, pick up.

(phone line ringing)

It's gonna be okay.

This is my chance to prove myself.

And I know I'm not gonna get many more.

Weller: Roman, you ready?

Roman: Yeah.

Be safe out there.

You, too.

(cell phone vibrates)

I'm sick of worrying about you.

Call me back.

Everything okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Just stupid drama.

I just heard back from Patterson. Marc Gelman is here in holding.

What do we know about him?

40, owns a shop specializing in home decor in Greenwich Village.

No priors.

Circumstances around his arrest?

He ran over a 90-year-old woman crossing the street in the rain.

Connections to Lelantos?

Nada. At least not on paper.

Wait, he hit that poor woman three months ago.

But the tattoo spelling out his name was put on your body way before that.

So the car accident's unrelated to Lelantos.

We need to find out what Gelman was up to before the accident.

I'm Agent Zapata. This is my associate Jane.

We have some questions as a part of an ongoing investigation.

Jane: We're looking into a courier service.

I know the best one.

Speedy Ace, same day in Manhattan.

Place your order with me by noon, get it wrapped and ready by the end of the day.

Have you ever worked with a courier by the name of Lelantos?

Doesn't ring a bell.

I mainly deal with Ethan or Ed.

(folder rustling)

How about this symbol, hmm?

Have you ever seen it before?

Wish I could help you.

If you know something, you'll make it a lot easier on yourself by talking now.

Zapata: You know, all your buddies back in prison know you were moved out.

You wouldn't want them to know that you were working with the Feds.

Nobody likes a snitch.

If I knew anything, I'd tell you.

Did you see his face when he saw the tattoo?

Yeah. I hope he's a good designer because he's a terrible poker player.

He knows something.


Look, I'm having my team look into his finances, see if we find any red flags.

All right. I'll look into known associates.

Maybe he was connected to this Lelantos courier by a third party.

Yeah, cool.


What's going on with Reade?

What do you mean?

Well, I took the "A" train this morning, too, and it was running just fine.

Is there something we should know?


No, Reade's fine. He just slept in.

I didn't want him to look bad in front of Weller.

You've never covered up for somebody you care about?

Look, if he's in some kind of trouble...

He's fine.

(cell phone chimes)


Take a look at this.

Gelman's got offshore accounts worth tens of millions of dollars.


That's one successful design business.

Most of the money's flowing in from an auction house.

It looks like he owns it through a shell company.

Great way to launder money. Let's head back in.

No, let's... let's go straight to the source.


(engine revving)

This is kind of nice.

No one yelling, "Tasha, let's move."

No one secretly swiping through dating apps in the back seat.

Hey, what I said earlier... wasn't personal.

Roman is still Sandstorm, even if he can't remember.

It's not that, uh...

Kurt said something this morning.

He warned me to be careful the guy I'm seeing doesn't have Sandstorm ties.

Wait, you're seeing someone?

It's not serious, but I like him.

(Tasha laughs)

Yeah, well, Kurt has a point.

Sorry, I know that's not what you want to hear.

How's anyone supposed to have a life outside of all this?

You're asking the wrong girl.

My grandma always says she doesn't know what she did to mess me up so bad.


That's usually after she tells me my ovaries are dying.


Yeah, she's pretty blunt.

Yeah, I got that.

She and my grandpa went out on two dates before deciding to get married.

Cut to 55 years later, they're still together.

So, what's the lesson?

Beats me.

I do background checks before first dates.

I got being single down to a science.

(both chuckling)


Get the hell out of there! Hurry!

(doors clanking)

Uh, ladies, I'm so sorry, but I gotta close up early.

We'll be quick. We're looking for a rare coin.

Any kind in particular?

Zapata: Continental coins.

Not a lot of people come looking for those.

Well, my dad's a collector and his birthday's coming up.

All right, but I really only have a couple minutes.

I'll show you what I have in storage.

Like I said, there's not a lot of demand for those coins.

(keypad beeping)

(door unlocks)

Follow me.

Sorry for the mess.

We're in the middle of doing inventory.

Do you own the auction house?

No, I just manage it.

What the hell is going on?

Jane: FBI! Put the g*ns down!







Aagh! Ohh!

Zapata: Jane, come on! She went out the back!

What the hell just happened?

She was onto us the minute we brought up the continental coin.

Do you have eyes on her?

Negative. She's gone.

Lelantos is moving contraband for her.

The question is, what is she dealing in?


(zipper zips)

(phone alert jingles, door opens and shuts)

Zapata on speaker: I am sick of worrying about you. Call me back.


"Every division is a former union."

Meaning anything divided must first have been... together.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

(doors open)

Hey, sorry I'm late. I had a dentist appointment.

I thought it was a subway delay.


Never mind. We gotta go now.

I'll fill you in on the way.

Patterson: Since there are three different tattoo leads, we split up.

Jane and Zapata are digging into Gelman, Roman and Weller went to the medi-spa, and we're going to 167 Ash Road, which belongs to a 70-year-old retiree.

Any priors, connections to Lelantos?

Nothing I can dig up.

(cell phone vibrating)

(shuts phone off)

Hey, uh... How have you been since...



Fine, fine.

I'm doing all the right stuff, you know?

Yoga, meditation tapes, seeing Dr. Sun twice a week.

How's that going?

Well, she's pushing me to acknowledge every... horrible thought and feeling I have.

She says that you have to own your feelings before you can break them.

So the idea is to break your feelings?

Our sessions usually end with me sobbing.

I guess... that's part of the process.

You know what you need? A night out.

No, I'm serious. Blow off some steam.

Forget about all the problems, stop thinking about everything that happened.

I don't think that's actually going to do anything.

Oh, trust me.

You can talk and think about it all day, but all that's gonna do is make you more wound up.

This is the address.


I don't understand. Everything is in place. We're good to go.

Marc was taken out of jail this morning and no one knows why.

I think the cops are here, too.

Get the hell out of there.


Ladies, I'm so sorry, but I gotta close up early.

Reade: Sir, do you live here?

Patterson, call it in!

Hey, stop! FBI!

FBI, freeze!

Hands in the air.

Please don't sh**t.

Hands in the air!

I'm just trying to survive, man.

(sobbing) I'm just doing what I can.

Where I came from...

...what I went through.

I hate myself every day.

Do you know what that feels like?

Go ahead.

I don't wanna live like this.

I don't want to fight anymore. It's too hard.


(fence rattles, thud)

The suspect's name was Pablo Gomez.

Naturalized citizen from Mexico.

Worked in a restaurant in Queens.

What about the house?

Renting it under the table.

Hey, thanks for taking that shot earlier.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Are you okay?

'Cause you... you seemed a little off.

The guy had a concealed w*apon.

I couldn't...

Okay, I... I just, I know...

I know how hard this job can be when there's a lot of other life stuff going on.

And Dr. Sun has...

I don't need to see Dr. Sun.

Like I said before, talking about your problems doesn't solve them.

We pulled these off Pablo's laptop.

Thank you.

Oh... looks like Pablo traveled to Mexico...

18 times last year alone.

He must really love the beach.

(computer beeping)

Maybe also likes hanging out with the higher-ups of the Estebez Cartel.

That's their number two.


All right, so maybe he's into running dr*gs or weapons.

Or people.

Pablo recently sponsored work visas for a dozen Mexican nationals.

Well, if he's bringing people into the country, maybe that's where Lelantos comes into play.

Maybe Lelantos is helping him move cartel members.

You know what? I found a utility bill.

He's been paying for an empty building in Queens.

Secret cartel base?


(door bangs open)

People have been living here against their will.

All right. I'll update the team.

(phone chimes)

Whoa, APB from Jane and Zapata just came in.

Guess everyone's been running away from the cops today.

Where are all these people?

And how is this connected to Lelantos?

(panicked shouting in Spanish)


Nas, under no circumstances are you going alone.

Soon as you get the location from your inside source, I'll make sure that you have full FBI backup.

Kurt, I understand your concern and I appreciate it, but this is the biggest lead we've had since Shepherd disappeared.

I can't risk spooking my Sandstorm source.

I promise you, okay? I'll be careful.



And the same goes for you today.

Roman is still a dangerous criminal, no matter what Jane believes.

So watch your back out there.

Yes, ma'am.

I'm sorry I can't go with you today.

I didn't think Weller was gonna let me out.

Well, he wants to take down Shepherd as much as we do.

If I don't remember something out there today... is that it for me?

Honestly, I don't know.

But we can't keep you in a cell here forever.

So either I prove myself to be useful, or they throw me in an even worse hole.

I won't let them take you away from me.

I promise.

(elevator bell dings)

It's gonna be okay.

This is my chance to prove myself, and I know I'm not gonna get many more.

Weller: Roman, you ready?


Be safe out there.

You too.

(cell phone chimes)

I'm sick of worrying about you.

Call me back.

Jane bring you up to speed?

We're after Lelantos, the mysterious dark web courier.

Patterson found us some cover identities, so let's go get changed.

Dr. Katz is supposed to be a miracle worker.

Apparently, there's a two-year wait-list to get an appointment unless you know someone, or unless you are someone.

A long time to see a doctor.

Well, Patterson got us to the front of the line.

All right, I'm Chase Frank... a reclusive... trust fund baby.

Won't the doctor know you're not the real Chase Frank when he sees you?

No, he hasn't met him before.

What happens when the real guy shows up?

He's being investigated for tax evasion.

Patterson turned over some hidden assets with an old friend from the SEC.

So, the IRS is having a field day in his Park Avenue penthouse.

I'm guessing, from my suit, I'm your...


So just act like one.

Keep your eyes peeled, stick close to me.

And don't speak unless spoken to.

Your name is Arnold Edwards.

No w*apon for me, I'm assuming.


Just act like you have one.

Our appointment's in an hour. You almost ready?


Hey, thanks... for doing this.

Bringing me out in the field.

Every tattoo that we solve gets us a step closer to Shepherd.

Once she's been put away for good, we can all move on with our lives.

(locker clangs)

Okay, Arnold Edwards, you know your backstory?

I think so.

All right.

So, how long have you worked for me?

Two years in April.

Before you worked for me, who else did you work for?

Three years in Northlake Security, Marines before that.

What's your middle name?

Trick question, I have two. Shawn Charles.

Very good. Memory's not that bad.

(cell phone ringing)

Here we are.

Patterson just sent me the plans to the medi-spa.

Roman: "Authorized personnel only."

So... my guess is we gotta get in there.

You're security, open the door.

Thank you.
Good morning.

Welcome. You must be Chase.

Yes. Hello.

And you are?

He's my personal security.

Have a seat, please.

(clears throat)

So, you collect coins?

It was a gift.

Let me tell you a little about what we do here.

We're a holistic practice, meaning we believe good health comes from a strong body and mind.

We offer full body scans, psychological work-ups and personalized meal plans.

That sounds very good.

Well, a lot of patients rebel when I tell them they have to give up poisons like beer and sweets, but they always thank me in the end.

I can't help but notice your scar.

May I ask how you got it?

I don't know.

Physical scars often indicate deep emotional ones as well.

If you'd like, one of our trained psychologists could...

What does this have to do with anything?

Please. I don't mean to upset you.

You see this and you think you know everything about me?

No, no, let him go.

Let him go, Arnold. Let him go.

Oh, God.


I-I don't know what came over him.

Well, why don't you show them to the meditation space?

Okay. Doctor. Heh.

(clears throat)

Thank you.

Sir, come with me?

Yes, thank you.

woman: This way.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You could have just compromised this whole mission.

The secure door. Now we can get in.

That was out of line.

But nice work.

(cell phone rings)

APB... from Jane and Tasha.

You recognize her?

No, but at least their part of the tattoo is leading somewhere.


All right, let's go.

(keypad beeps, door clicks)

(handle clicking)

All right.

Roman, keep an eye out.

(click, computer trilling)

(cell phone vibrating)

It's Weller.

It's Reade and Patterson.

Tasha and Jane, too.

You got me, too.

Hey, Marjory Ellis, the woman from our APB, has been laundering millions out of an auction house.

Any idea what for?

Zapata: Not yet. But she has heavy protection.

Just tried to have us k*lled.

If these tattoos are connected, it could be cartel-related.

That address led us to a guy with ties to the Estebez family.

Yeah, well, it might be drug money.

Reade: Possibly, but now we're standing in a warehouse our dead suspect was paying for and the cots all have chains on the beds.

Patterson: And all these people are missing.

Any idea who they are?

Patterson: Our suspect sponsored dozens of work visas for Mexican nationals.

(computer beeps)

Looks like it might've been an elaborate scheme to traffic people.


This doctor's got a cabinet full of cyclosporine and tacrolimus.

Wait, those are anti-rejection meds.

For organ transplants.

So this isn't just a medi-spa.

They're doing the transplants here.

Missing people are being sold for their organs.

So that's how Dr. Katz performed his miracles.

Makes sense why someone would hire Lelantos to move them.

Roman: Weller.

It's the woman from the APB.

Marjory Ellis is there?

Call you back.

(phone beeps off)

Come on.

We have to pack up! It's over.

They won't be able to pin anything on us.

The best thing to do is cooperate with the authorities.

Are you insane?! You...

You're gonna put all of this on me, aren't you?

Calm down.

I'm not going to let you sell me out!


Get your hands off of me!

(g*nshots, Katz shouts)

He's gone. We gotta find Marjory.


Drop your w*apon...

(both groan)

(Tasers clacking)

Reade: All right, just got off with NYPD.

No sign of Weller or Roman at the medi-spa, but the undercover car's still parked at the lot.

They never would have turned their phones off.

All right, these are the files Weller uploaded to the cloud.

Dozens of Dr. Katz's patients are on the wait-list for the national donor registration.

Katz was bypassing the wait-list and performing black market transplants for his rich patients.


Dr. Katz made a wire transfer in the amount of $320,000 to one of Marjory's hidden accounts this morning.

He was paying for a fresh shipment of people.

The missing people from the warehouse.

Well, that lines up with chatter about Lelantos moving goods in New York.

Marjory is tying up loose ends, so she might be trying to get rid of them.

If we track them, then we may have a chance at catching her and saving the innocent people.

And getting Weller and Roman back.

(cell phone vibrates)

Okay, this is from my source.

He's given me coordinates on a dead drop.

It's way out of town.

We got this.

I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?

Keep me in the loop.

There were three clues from my tattoo, and one pointed directly at Marc Gelman.

He's gotta know more than he's letting on.

He could help us find Weller and Roman.

Organ trafficking ring?

We have a money trail a mile long to prove it.

I don't know what to tell you.

Found this on Marjory's hard drive.

We're in a relationship. What does that prove?

That you had your girlfriend running your operation while you were behind bars.

Marjory k*lled one of your clients, Dr. Katz.


What are these?

Offshore accounts in Marjory's name only.

Reade: You had her open these accounts so you wouldn't raise any red flags.

No, no. No, I didn't. No. I swear.

Okay, I believe you.

You didn't know Marjory was keeping the business running and holding the profits for herself.

I trusted her. I loved her.

But she never had your back. She was in it for the money.

Are you really willing to risk a life in prison for her?


How could she do this?

You have a lot of blood on your hands.

But now's your chance to save lives.

Where would she have taken the people?

I don't know.

Unless she arranged another sale.

To who?

Think, Marc. Who would she call?

There were these buyers, Ukrainians.

They were the only ones that Marjory dealt with directly.

She knows the language.

Okay, where do the deals go down?

Route 23, the truck depot past exit 15.

Anything else you want to tell us?

Lelantos... he'll be driving the truck.

Don't underestimate him.

(engine revving, truck squeaking)

(Roman coughs)


They threw me in that room! They threw me in there!

Roman, calm down.

I saw the orphanage.

Roman, look at me. Look at me!

All right, just calm down.

You're not there. You're not in the orphanage.

You want to see your sister again, just listen to me. Okay?

You're not helpless anymore. All right?

We can get out of here.

We can save all these people.

But I need your help, okay?

We have to do it together.


We need to find something to get out of here.

(speaking Spanish) _

You speak Spanish?

I guess so.


Come on. Now, hurry up. We don't have much time.

(door slides shut)

(speaking Ukrainian) _

All right, spread out. Stay on comms.

Use caution. Two of our guys are in the mix.

(speaking Ukrainian) _

She took the money.

Jane and Reade: FBI! Freeze!

Reade: Beta team, get those hostages out of that truck!

Come on, let's go!

I've got Marjory!

Roman: I've got Lelantos!


(a*t*matic g*nf*re)




(Weller panting)








Reade! Tasha!

She's headed toward the highway! That way!

On it!

Roman! Roman!

Look at me.

You guys get Marjory?

Zapata: No, I lost her heading north.

I need a little bit more info, Tash.

I think she's headed toward the fueling station.







Hey, how are you feeling?

I'm fine. How's Roman doing?

Oh, he'll be okay, thanks to you.

Heh. You know, he wasn't half-bad company today.

Oh, yeah?

I think I kind of like him.

Well, just play it cool. You don't want to come on too strong.

(laughing) Hey, uh...

You know what I said to you this morning about that guy that you're seeing?

Kurt, you don't have to...

No, I do.

Look, you need to be cautious, we all do.

But that doesn't mean you have to assume the worst.

So you think I should give him a chance?

Well, that's... that's up to you.

You always look for the best in people.

I wouldn't want you to change that.

It's one of my favorite things about you.

Thank you.

Close call out there.

Yeah, I'm just finishing up my work on Marc Gelman.

Hope he enjoys supermax.


Well, he probably never imagined that his girlfriend would be the reason he'd go down.

(laughing) Nope.

I think you were right.

Could you do a background check on Oliver?

You sure?

Yeah. I mean... hopefully, there's nothing, but at least I'll know.

Okay, what's his name?

Oliver Kind.


November 6, 1979.

(computer beeping)

Huh. Okay.

I have a court document that says that he changed his name 12 years ago.

Why would he do that?

Lots of people change their names. Don't jump to conclusions.

Would you jump to conclusions?

Yeah, but that's why I'm single.


(door clatters)

How's your wrist?

Hurts like hell.

Try this.

Dr. Katz is full of crap. Beer's good for you.

(cracks tab)

You did good today.

(Roman cracking tab)

Nice work.

I didn't remember anything new.

Just the same old nightmares from my childhood.

Sorry to hear that, Roman.

And I speak a little Spanish.


I know you're all counting on me... but part of me hopes I never remember anything else.

I don't want to know what else I had to live through.

What else Shepherd made me do.

There are a few things from my childhood...

I wish I could just forget.

I know what it's like... to have a parent that wasn't there when you needed them to be.

The feeling that you always have to fend for yourself.

No kid should ever have to grow up like that.

(locker shuts)


Hey, you going to this drink thing at Weller's?


Need a ride?


(bag zips shut)

You were a split second away from getting k*lled today.

Yeah, I know, I can't thank you enough, man.

Let me finish.

It would have been your own fault.

(chuckles) What?

I know you're using.


I don't know how bad it is, but I know.

Before you say anything else stupid, maybe you should go home.

This morning, your pupils were dilated.

You were anxious and irritable.

You've been showing up late for work and lying about it, and today... you nearly got k*lled because you were unfocused.

How the hell do you think you know anything about me or what I'm going through?

I have a brother.

I don't really talk about him.

But he almost died because of his addiction, and he's still not well.

And whenever the phone rings in the middle of the night, I think it's finally the call.

I'm sorry about your brother... but I was off today because I was tired.

That's it. So maybe we need to stop and just pretend that we never had this conversation.

You need help.

And you need to stop projecting and deal with your own issues because you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

(knocking on door)

(clears throat)


Sorry I'm late. I had to stop at two places to get everything.

Oh, that's all right.





What's for dinner?

We are having pan-seared barramundi flown in from Queensland.

You do know I'm a horrible cook, right?

All you need to do is eat.


Well, I think I can manage that.

(clears throat)

I was thinking, uh, there's something I've been wanting to ask you.

Will you open that?


Did you... change your name?

You looked into me. I don't understand.

You were the one who said you didn't want to talk about the past.

I don't push you on your mysterious tattoos or where you go all day.

Why you live in this apartment with practically no personal belongings.

I know, I'm...

So it's not okay for me to ask a question, but you can go digging.

There are circumstances.

And what exactly are those circumstances?

Right. You don't want to talk about it.

I'm gonna go.

(door opens and slams)


(tape rips)


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