02x03 - Keep Out - Public Property

Episode transcripts for the 2014 TV show "Utopia" (AKA "Dreamland"). Aired October 2014 - 2019.*
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"Utopia" (AKA "Dreamland") follows the working lives of a team in a newly created government organisation responsible for overseeing major infrastructure projects, from announcement to unveiling. Set inside the offices of the "Nation Building Authority" it explores the collision between bureaucracy and grand ambitions.
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02x03 - Keep Out - Public Property

Post by bunniefuu »

A transformation future...

$8.5 billion for roads, rail and ports...

New infrastructure of the 21st century.

.. will benefit future generations...

There is no future plan for Australia under this government.

.. infrastructure projects right around the country...

We want to spend the money.

.. nation-building projects...

I want to be known as the infrastructure Prime Minister.

This is a nation-building... nation-building... nation-building... nation-building...

Reporter: Just across the bay from the Harbour Bridge is Garden Island.

Man: The development lobby is saying this could be the most valuable land in the country.

The beneficial owner of Garden Island is the national taxpayer.

An opportunity to provide open spaces...

Significant restraints placed upon that site.

This is going to be a real game changer for Sydney.

Katie, it's me. No, no, I'm downstairs.

Why is everyone wearing red?

No, I didn't get the email.

Can I just pay a fine or something?

OK, well, can you bring something down?

Hi. Katie, does this end in a fun run?

Morning, Tony! You remembered!

Oh, well, such a good cause. Deserving people.


Er, the red people.

Heart Health Week.

Yeah, the heart healthy people.

Hats off to them.

How'd you know?

Total fluke.

Amy, I need to get some documents across from Bruno in Adelaide.


It's urgent.

Can he email them?

No, I need the originals, signed and certified.

All three contracts.

Can I have your phone?

What for?

To download the app.

What app?

So you can track the parcel.

I don't want to track them, I just want to receive them.

We're using a new courier, and if it's urgent...


You'll need my code.


How did you know?

It's your birthday.

Well, thank you. I'm just saying if we're going to sign up for these events I need reminders.

It's in your reminders -- 'Healthy Heart Week -- wear red.'

I need an alarm... We're not getting rid of the vending machine again?

That was Diabetes Day. But it IS being restocked.

Alright, get me some chocolate bars now. I need my gluten, refined sugar.

Shall I tell you about the activities?

I've worn red, that's enough.

So, no mini boot camp?

No. Stairwell challenge?


Just the blood pressure check.

I don't want my blood pressure checked.

The whole office has to do it.


I'll get your chocolate.



How did HE know?

Jim has an app.

Yeah, my PA adds this stuff via the Cloud. 'Wear red'. What's it for?

Heart health.

Huh. Now, what's all this?

Oh, electricity privatisation.


Hmm. Mate, can I run something past you?


Garden Island. In a sentence, what do you remember it being pitched as?

The rejuvenation of the old naval... uh, in a sentence?

It was the handing back of an iconic bid of harbourfront land to the people of Sydney.

Yeah. Exciting development opportunity?


Sky's the limit?

No, no.

The handing back of the land to the people of Sydney.

How's it going?

Good! Thanks to you and the team.

We just advised on the tender process.

We're pretty close to a decision.

What do you mean, 'we'?

We -- the selection committee.


Yeah. Just one problem -- we've shown the winning bid around...

What do you mean, 'winning bid'?

The one we think will win.

It's still an independent process?

Oh, yeah!

'Cause our name is all over that.

Oh, relax!

Anyway, we ran it past a few focus groups, on the quiet, and it's not getting the response we'd have liked. It's a bit 'Ugh'.

Hopefully it's not the bid they end up going with.

I think we have to.


At least consider it... At arm's length.

Let's start with a few statistics that might shock you.

By age 65, one in four Australian men will be affected by what serious disease?


I'll put it another way.

What is the biggest k*ller worldwide today?


Islamic State?

No, not number one. It's a disease...

Oh. Ebola.

Perhaps I'll save you the bother.

No, no! This is fun.

It's like Family Feud.

We could be a family.



(Whispers) Conference.

Bird flu.

Bird flu?

Yeah, yeah.

Bird flu?


(Mimics game show buzzer)

Pass or play?


We'll play. Conference.

Swine flu.

Yeah, swine flu.

Sorry, what bid are we talking about?

Gunamurra Holdings.

It's not ringing a bell. Did they make the shortlist?

Nah, they squeezed in at fifth.

I thought the shortlist was four.

I'd have to check.

Gunamurra? Where are they based?



A consortium.

What are they proposing?

World-class waterfront renewal, global reference point...

What does that mean?

I could show you the 3D simulation...

Just give me the summary.

OK. You know Garden Island?


What a spot.

What a spot.

On the point they've got these stunning apartment buildings.

That's where you'd put it, I guess.

As you come back from that there's another amazing building made entirely of eco-glass and it's like an echo of the Opera House.

And what's that building for?

Uh... apartments, from memory.


Then you've got your commercial centre, your corporate headquarters-type buildings and as you take another step back in, they've integrated a medium-rise arrangement.

Made up of?


That's the look we get from the focus groups.

Alright, apart from cholesterol, what are some of the other risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease?


Survey says...

Correct. Ding.

What else?

Being overweight?

Survey says...

That's a big one.


And that's why exercise is so important.

Hands up anyone who's doing our mini boot camp this week.

Oh, good for you.

This fire door can also help prevent heart disease, because through there we've got...

Tony Spike...


(Mimics game show buzzer)

This week we're asking everyone to avoid the lifts and to take our stairwell challenge.

As well as exercise, the key to a healthy heart is a healthy diet.

Katie, I can see you've got some chocolates there.


Do you know what I'm about to do?

Get me k*lled?

The opposite. We're gonna keep you healthy by popping these in the bin.

There. Feel better?


Not sure those are the exact words.

Jim, I'm quoting from the document.

'The successful tender will transform this iconic harbourfront location into a SPACE FOR ALL...' Not my emphasis.

'.. while preserving its cultural, historical and environmental legacy.'

Which boxes haven't we ticked?

All of them!

You've taken three hectares of prime waterfront land and turned it into apartment towers.

When you present it like that...

How else could I present it?

With the 3D simulations.

It's just a selling document.

It sold me.

Sorry, Tony, I've got Simone.


From the Healthy Heart Foundation -- she's here to do your blood pressure.

OK. Hey, where are my chocolate bars?

Can I tell you after the blood pressure check?


It won't take more than a few minutes.


So, what do you think?

Jim, it's simple.


Let the independent panel choose the best bid.

That could be a can of worms.

It's not a can of worms, it's a competitive tender process.

Why do you think we got involved?

So we'd appear squeaky clean.

So we'd BE squeaky clean!

Oh, you're splitting hairs.

Try to breathe normally.

It's a bit late for all that now.

You haven't locked in a decision (!) - Not 100%.


Try to relax.

Are you saying this is a done deal?

Not completely.

In steak terms is it medium well done or well done?

Pretty well done.

That doesn't sound like a healthy diet.

It's not.

Are you saying we might have backed the wrong horse?

It's a little high.

It's him.

Would it be OK if I came back tomorrow and checked you again?

I don't think it's going to be lower.

Good morning.

Morning, Tony.


Not wearing red today?

Uh, that was yesterday.

No, it's Healthy Heart WEEK.

Does bringing this count?

You OK?

Yep. Boot camp. Great workout this morning.

Was it?

We were doing lunges in the park at 6:15.

Would have been dark.

That's what they used to do back in Paleo times.


Get up before dawn.

Katie: Tony, it's Jim. They're ready for you now.

OK. Come on, let's go. Thanks.

You're not taking the stairs?

I'll meet you in the carpark.


Morning, Nat. You remembered!

Remembered what?

Healthy Heart Week.

Of course. It's the whole week.

Uh, Amy...

Why's Stacey on my computer?

She has to upgrade your operating system.

What for?

So we can download that app for the parcel tracking.

I thought that was for my phone.

But your phone has to speak to your computer, and your computer's not a mountain leopard.


Or lion. Anyway, Stacey says it needs to be a different animal.

Do you know how long she'll be?

Hi, Stacey.

Oh, dear me. Have we got a few issues to sort out here.

What do you mean, 'issues'?

This desktop is a mess.

I kind of need most of...

Have you done a reboot in the past few weeks?

I've shut it down.

That's a restart.

OK, well, that's what I've done.

I don't like the look of this.

Look of what?

Cut of tea, Stacey?


Do you have any idea how long...?

For the reboot or the upgrade?


Won't know until I've rebuilt your system settings, wiped the duplications... Oh dear, you shouldn't be there.

And a fruit muffin?

Oh, yes, please.

I'll let you get on with it.

Amy? Can you stop feeding her?

Should I get her a muffin?

Well, you have to get that one because...

Just one muffin.

Here it is.

There will not be a design project that isn't presented in this format. Thank you very much.

These are your goggles, these are your eyes into the future.


I'm not sure this is gonna change anything, Jim.

Wait until you see the design excellence in 3D.


We should have done this with the focus groups.


Oh. Wow.

Amazing, isn't it?

Welcome to the new Garden Island.


It's CGI, Scotty.

I'm just being polite.

So, this is the main public entrance...

What's the guard house for?

Well, I don't think it's a guard house...

Why is there a guard standing outside?

Must have added that. There was a Moreton Bay fig there, last time.

Do we need to check in with him?

He's virtual, Scotty.

I keep forgetting. It's so real.

There's park lands over there.

It's got a fence around it.

They must have added that.

So which bits are public access?

It's... over here to the right.

That's apartments.

Just further to the right.

Behind the big gate?

Yeah, I doubt it.

Oh, hello, little boy.

They must have added that, too.

Hang on... wasn't there supposed to be a foreshore reserve on the left?

Yeah, there it is. It's on the foreshore.

Oh, my God. How many storeys is that?

Ah, it could be the goggles.

My neck hurts. Oh, birds.

Now, where have you gone... Oh. That's not right.

Yes, I'm sorry about that, something's come up.

I'll get it to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

She's still there. It was going to be 20 minutes.

Apparently you need more RAM.

I need my computer.

Yeah, but you had files all over the place.

Files that I could access. I need to prep for this afternoon's meeting.

Shall I ask how much longer?

No! Don't distract her.

I've already cut off food supplies.

It's been over an hour.

Oh, you're right.


What's going on?

Standing stretches, every 45 minutes.

Stacey, did you want to join?

Oh, it looks like fun.

You're not going to...?


And swap.


How long does this go for?

About five minutes.

Helps relieve stress.

So, is this the winning bid?

It hasn't won yet, Hugh.

Can you guys stop stretching?

It's calves.

I asked them for their detailed site plans.

What for?

To see if we can find anything resembling a public space.

What about there?


No, behind the apartments.

That's green.

What's 'LD?' Uh... loading dock.

It's a GREEN loading dock.

Yeah. Keep searching.

It looked heaps better in 3D.

Is that a park?

It's a car park for the apartments.


What happened to the picnic areas and the sea baths?

There's a pool...

On a rooftop.

Not public?

Doubt it.

See, this is where 3D helps.


Yeah. I reckon we keep going.

What happened to my desktop?

No, I don't want to take a tour, I just want to find my menu bar.

There you go.

Thank you.

Which one is it?


That gives you real-time updates where your parcel is.

And... where is it?

Oh. You just open the app, and...

Do you agree to the terms and conditions?


Do you wish to accept push notifications?


Would you like to receive regular updates on...

Where's my parcel?

OK. Uh, you just press 'current'. And done.

What's it say?

It's in Adelaide.



It's STILL in Adelaide? I asked you for it yesterday.

We had to get the app installed.

But I really need those documents.

Can Fastpost access your current location?


Thank you.

Hang on!


I've lost all my notes.

And calendar. And contacts!

But have you still got the app?


Phew! Shall I get Stacey back?

What are you doing?

Hip flexes.


Hey, thanks for this.

You can wear it all week.

Oh, and Katie?

Brought my own stash.


You've got to get your blood pressure down.

That makes it drop. What's that smell?

Lavender. Heart Health have an app -- Seven Ways to De-stress at Work.

Number two, essential oils.

Seriously, I'm fine.

Oh, and Simone's here.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, what a lovely scent. Did you get that from our app?


Well, let's see how you're going today!



Good luck.

Hey, thanks for coming along yesterday.

Yeah, sure.

So, what did you think?

Blink reaction.

It's wrong.

Blink again?

What about the other tenders?

Well, it's a bit late for that now.

What, before a decision's made?

Just sitting still.


I think we need to keep our mind on the job.

The job is returning the waterfront land to the people of Sydney.

That's what we're doing. ALL the people of Sydney -- not just the ones that can afford a luxury apartment!

Oh, it's still a bit high.

What if I come back in a few minutes?

Better idea -- what if he left?


I'll pop back in when you're a little more relaxed.

Yeah, sure.

Five minutes.

Oh, I'm gonna have to take these!



Yeah. Might make it ten.

Morning, Nat. Not wearing red?


What's going on?

Active workstations.


You know the number one thing to avoid in the office?

Upgrading your computer?

(Mimics game show buzzer)

Sitting for too long.

Where's my chair?

You'll feel so much better.

It helps your spine, Nat.

I can't use my phone, my computer -- now my chair?

Shall we see where your parcel is?



Still 2410?


Is it your postcode?

I'll change it again.

Yeah, you need to pick something obscure.

OK, just press 'current' and... it's arrived!



In Brisbane.

You said arrived.

I think that's the distribution depot.

I could have driven to Adelaide and picked it up.

Oh! Would you like to receive realtime status updates?

I'd just like to receive my parcel.

I'll put 'Ask Me Later'.

Video: When finished, Garden Island will boast bike paths, nature trails and scenic parkland, ensuring this unique harbourside haven truly is a space for all.

You see the problem?

He's the wrong voice?




Is that lavender?

The problem is, the people of Sydney have been promised a space for all whereas this proposal...

Winning bid.

No, it hasn't won yet.

This proposal bears virtually no resemblance to that.

OK. What, in a word, is this proposal?



(Mimics game show buzzer)

It's a high-end gated community.

(Mimics game show buzzer)

It's gotta be one word.


Not exactly the public space we promised.

Let's just try a little thought exercise.

Everyone just close your...

I'm not closing my eyes.

Just for a minute.

Might help your blood pressure.

I can feel it rising.

OK, Tony, I think you're making the mistake of seeing these two concepts as mutually exclusive.

Yeah, I think Karsten might be right.

I think we can take them both and...

Space for all and this proposal?

What's standing between them?

10,000 apartments and a guard house.

Leave it with me.

Is he gone?


Can I open my eyes?


Oh, Tony? You've run out of lavender.

There is nothing in there I want to eat.

How about a trail nut mix?


What about a choc-less bar?

Why would anyone invent that?

I need my refined sugar.


I'll do you a deal -- put chocolate back in there and I'll put a defibrillator there.


You OK, Hugh?

Yeah, sorry.

Stairwell challenge.


Heart Week -- extra points for not using the lifts.

Just been down to Accounts.

That's one floor.

Give me a minute.

Want a chair?

Thought we got rid of chairs.

I'm OK.

Hey, um, did you get those contracts?

I... I... Hang on.

Amy? My documents?

Oh! I rang them.

Your parcel's left the distribution centre.

On the way to...?

The holding depot. In Sydney.

You wanted it express tracked.


So I had to take it out of fast track, so it went to a new depot.

In Sydney?

Which is closer to here.

Going from fast track to express track has made it slower?

I'll check the app.

We have a loan guarantee currently on hold...

We can get expedited delivery.

What does that involve? Darwin?

I'll check.

No, Amy, don't check. I just want my parcel.

(Chanting and music)

Katie!? I'm hearing Tibetan chanting.

It's called Temple Tranquility.

Amy and I thought it might help with your blood pressure.

It won't.

Do you prefer Rainforest Slumber?

I prefer silence. And some chocolate.

Seriously, I'm fine, I'm calm, I'm relaxed.

That's lucky.


Rhonda's here.

I'll get more lavender.

OK, let's talk about this winning bid.

Hasn't won yet, Rhonda.

Then let's say our preferred tenderer.

Am I hearing music?


Would you prefer whale music?


The question is, on the big day, how are we gonna announce this exciting news?

We could use a 3D simulation.

Guys, I would not be announcing anything until we solve the fundamental problem.

Which is?

The almost complete lack of public facilities.

Alright. What if we guarantee ongoing community consultation?

Nothing's locked in -- we're open to input.

Can we say that, Jim?


Is it true?

Yeah, I see your point.

And we make it clear there will be no loss of public amenities.


No net loss of public amenity.

That sounds better.

Thank you.

What does it mean?

Rhonda, it doesn't matter how you spin it...


Sorry, what's with the...?

Oh. Boot camp. Healthy Heart Week.


Trust me. This bid cannot proceed.

Not in its current form.

Well, let's see what Karsten's come up with.

(Snores and startles)

Alright. I'm good. Let's look at these plans.


What's going on?

Oh, it's for core strength.

I step out for lunch and the entire office joins Cirque du Soleil?

You should try it.


(Phone message alert)

Amy, my phone's making weird noises and vibrating.

Ah. Your parcel's arrived!

Arrived where?

Here. The Fastpost office.

That's not here. That's there.



You wanted expedited delivery.

Where is it?

Oh. It's just down the road. If you activate location services...


Shall I order a short distance dispatch?

No. It's the same app.

I'm gonna go there myself.

Oh, don't forget your phone!

Yes. Oh, and I changed it.


How did you...?

You've gotta pick something obscure.

(Sighs) I'll change it again.

Karsten: Moving along here, we have a series of engagement hubs and cultural precincts.


Loving this.

Integrated event spaces, public domain flex zones.

Sorry, Katie, I'm still hearing that stupid music!

That's my music, Tony. It's for the presentation.

Yep. My apologies.

OK, what we're trying to do with Gunamurra is really emphasise the connection with the water.

You can't see the water -- there's a 30-storey building in the way.

It's an implied link.

Of course it is. Please continue.

Activated streetscapes, pop-up gardens here in the Currawong Zone with Indigenous motifs and materiality...

Karsten, can I just ask something?

What's changed?

Are you not listening? The streetscape's been activated.

What's the curvy line along the shore?

It's an arts walk -- Nulla Nulla Way.

So, it's a footpath?

I... beg to differ.

You've done a wonderful job, Karsten.

So, apart from the curvy footpath and the activated... Streetscape.


what's changed?


There's the Kirrawongawonga Zone, Nulla Nulla Way...

Rhonda, he's just adding Aboriginal names to the thing to make it sound better.

I think you're being a bit harsh.


Jim, it's crazy!

Katie: Tony...?


We'll come back.


And you're done.


Hi, I'd like to pick up a parcel.

Yeah. Account number?

I have an app, got a number on it.

Yeah, that's a tracking number. Need an account number.

Er, I can give you my name.

Sure. Any ID?


Driver's licence?

Oh... I've left my wallet in the office.


(Mutters) Go get it...

Tony: I'll say it again, it's publicly owned land so whatever we do, the public still have to be able to use it!

They can!

Without buying an apartment!

They could buy...

Or a boat!


(Sighs) We promised parks.

We promised to retain the cultural and historical heritage.

What happened to the naval museum?

It's still there.

As a museum?

As apartments -- the Bungarra Towers.

You'll never be able to sell this.

Presales are looking good.

Not the apartments, the concept.

It's nation-building.

The only nation building we're doing is for Singapore.

They've got Australian investors.

Unless we add more genuine public access no amount of 3D simulations, no amount of activated streetscapes or shaping the message is gonna change a thing!

Oh, I haven't mentioned the farmers' markets on Corroboree Cove.


Alright, I'll make some calls.


What do you mean 'ta-da'?

It's been over a week. We're already onto... Green Ribbon Day.

Mental Health Monday.

I'm gonna sign these and they need to get back to Adelaide immediately.

Expedited delivery?


Can I use your phone?


Still this year?

No. I changed it. Give it here.

It is now...

Uh, hang on.



Shall we get Stacey back?

Jim: Alright, thanks, mate. We are good to go.

So I went up and spoke to the big boys.

In Canberra?


And I laid it on the line. I said, 'You guys need to go back to the drawing board.'


They've done what you said.

Got rid of some apartments?

They weren't happy about it.

Public ferry spots?


A public foreshore reserve?

All that. We had to do a bit of horsetrading.


Offer them a couple of tweaks in return.

There's no guard house or...?

Hey! A couple of tweaks.

Let's have a look.

Is that a casino?

So you saw that straightaway?


Oh, I see what you've done.

Oh, you shouldn't be there.

Here's your fruit scone, Stacey.

Perfect. Thank you.


That says it all.

Let's see if you're still high.

I reckon it's gonna be higher.

Sure you don't want this?



OK. Change legs.

I'm stuck.


Nat, I've got Fastpost on the line.

Oh, can they unlock it?


Then what do they want?

Do you have time to complete a customer satisfaction survey?

I thought we were supposed to integrate back into the landscape.

Well, it does. That just edges into the sky nicely.

Oh, hang on. There's another apartment building over there!



Which way are you looking?

Oh, uh...

If you go back to the guard house...


.. and then keep coming around -- apartment block...


.. the apartment block...


.. the gate...


There. That apartment block.

Oh, wow.

Does anyone want anything from the shops?

Tony, up here! There's a helipad.
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