01x15 - Turn

Episode transcripts for the 2015 TV show "Quantico". Aired September 2015 - August 2018.*
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"Quantico" follows a group of young FBI recruits; each has a specific reason for joining.
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01x15 - Turn

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Quantico"...

This is you, but it's not you.

It's Mark Raymond.

Shelby: I wanted to apologize. I've been unfair to you.

If you ever want to sit and talk.

Now's not a good time.

Samar: You'll do what you promised?

Yeah, I'll do it.

A student? You slept with her. I'll expect your resignation in the morning.

You could be wrong about Charlie?

I know who he is.

Someday, everyone else will, too.

It's your job to stay out of my way, down in Operations.

The Voice: You weren't the t*rror1st before, but now you're going to be.

The Voice: Listen carefully. Tomorrow morning, you will receive a package at the FBI field office. Do not open it until I give you further instructions.


We've been trying to decode this t*rror1st's voice all night, and we still have nothing.

Okay, the algorithm they're employing... it's complex.

It's gonna take time to unmask them.

But we don't have time, Simon.

Whoever they are, they have all the security details of the candidates for next week's elections.

This package is the next part of their plan.

We will get ahead of them.

I promise.

Natalie died because I failed to do exactly that.

What makes you think I can now?

Because I'm here.

I can't make the same mistake twice, can I?

It's gallows humor.

Okay, so how do we derail their plan without them knowing?

Getting the candidates' security details changed is a start, but you don't have clearance for that.

Ryan does.

I'll figure it out.

And I'll try to figure out who the voice behind our t*rror1st is.

First one of us that doesn't end up in jail or dead wins.

No more gallows humor, please.

I wasn't joking.

♪ ♪

[Both Grunt]

[Both grunt]

You're not dressed yet?

We have Defensive Tactics in five.

That's for trainees.

According to Liam, that's not me anymore.

Well, you're not out yet, are you?

Nothing's official till Liam clears it with Miranda.

♪ Somewhere ♪
♪ Hanging from the side ♪
♪ Feel the sunlight ♪
♪ The sunlight on my face ♪

Ah, the old sock debacle.

♪ It's cold out here ♪
♪ Lost in outer space ♪

Shelby, are we doing this or what?

♪ Just so you know ♪
♪ You will be the hardest thing I will let go ♪


You didn't come by after you got home last night.

Not that you had to, I just thought...

Yeah, it... it was late.

I-I didn't really have the time.

You want to talk later?

Yeah, sure.

♪ Broken glass and wire ♪

[Both grunt]

How am I supposed to learn anything if you keep making it this easy?

♪ See my smile? ♪
♪ I'm thinking of the days ♪
♪ Light reflecting in your eyes ♪

Ms. Amin. Ms. Amin!

Dial it back!

♪ It was never the same ♪

Dial it back.

I thought you only paid attention to my sister.

Well, she's not here, is she?

♪ I wanna lie down ♪
♪ I wanna ride in your car ♪

Starting without me this morning.

What are you doing here? I asked for your resignation.

You want me gone? You're gonna have to fire me.

My office. One hour.

You're a hard man to reach.

Well, that Verizon "you call a handler who leaves a message at a dead drop and I have to wait two hours before I can duck out and call back" plan... that's a real bitch.


It's nice to hear you laugh.

It's nice to laugh.

Ah, I can hear it in your voice.

When I was at the Academy, we called it the "sweet sixteen."

It's that week when reality set in that it's not a career... it's a life.

You talk to Shelby, Nimah, hell, even Caleb.

I guarantee they're going through it, too.

So, you're not alone.

Sure seems like it these days.

I'm always here for you.

You know, if you had called me back after New Year's...

That's a conversation for when we have more time.

Wouldn't blow my cover if I had a drink with an old friend tonight.

♪ Someone take me home tonight ♪

I can try to duck out.


♪ It feels like fire ♪
♪ Broken glass and wire ♪

Miranda: I'd like us all to welcome Senator Claire Haas.


I asked Ms. Haas to be our enrichment speaker this morning because... we are going to discuss one of her cases.

February 3, 2008.

Does anyone remember what happened on that day?

How about you, Perales?

Super Bowl 42.

Giants won 17-14.

Spoiled the Pats' perfect season.

And an hour after the game ended, five Giants fans got into a fight with four Patriots fans in the parking lot of a New Haven club.

One of the Patriots fans was k*lled.

Is this a hate crime?

What if I told you that the Patriots' fans were black, the Giants' fans white?

Anyone reconsidering?

And if I told you that the white male who was charged with stabbing and k*lling the black male had once belonged to a militia group?

So, what if I told you at the time of the stabbing, Mr. Connors had reformed?

What if I told you that he had married a black woman and had three beautiful children with her?

Confusing, isn't it?

It's the FBI's job to investigate and prosecute violent hate crimes.

But determining which violent offenses were motivated by bias is one of the toughest jobs the FBI has to do.

So, you are going to look at cases that were presented to the FBI for investigation.

And using the evidence on-hand, you will decide if this is a hate crime or merely violent offenses, all right?

You could have told me that you were coming to speak at enrichment.

Well, actually, I'm here to spy on you.

And as part of an oversight committee regarding funding, I'm touring Quantico.

Lunch together when my tour is done?

Ms. Wyatt could join.

Or not. You can tell me then.

You look like you're trying to do long division in your head.

Well, I guess I was just a little naive to think that Caleb and I still had a chance.

But he's not talking to me.

Settle something.

Caleb... into Shelby or not?

Her ever-changing emotional state directly affects my ability to get a good night's sleep.

So, what's the deal with Caleb?

I, uh, I wish I could tell you, but, uh...

He's not just Caleb.

What are you talking about?

He has an alter ego named Mark Raymond who wears different clothes, uses a different computer, and last night, one of them started sleeping with an envelope that he got from a woman at a diner.

Two sides to Caleb...

How intriguing.

Oh, no.

Last four times you called someone intriguing, you ended up having intercourse with them.

Please don't. Caleb's my roommate.

I just want to know what's inside that envelope.

Let's start there.

Liam: Hey. Um...

Hey, what's up?

Miranda found out what happened between us.

Hey, sorry to interrupt your little moment here, but back in the pros, if they cut you, they did it fast.

Yeah, well, this ain't the pros.

And don't get comfortable. I meant what I said.

I'm on my way to Miranda's office now.

Look, he has a lot on his mind.

He's just... If you're defending him, you're just as much a part of the problem as he is, okay?

[Knocks on door]

Miranda: Hi, Nimah.

I don't have time to talk right now.

I'm expecting someone.

Do you have Raina, a trainee, working an undercover assignment outside of Quantico?

Did you willingly send her to a potential t*rror1st cell knowing she hasn't finished her training, knowing the kind of person that she is?

Ms. Amin.

You're not here to question my judgment.

Someone has to.

[Sighs] Raina, where are you?

Miranda, I'm at the cell house.

Everyone is gone, and they took the g*ns.

Raina, get out of there.

I need to call this in.

The Voice: Listen carefully.

Tomorrow morning, you will receive a package at the FBI field office.

Do not open it until I give you further instructions.

[Telephone rings]

[Indistinct conversations]

Aren't you five floors above your pay grade, Parrish, or did you just come up to use our FedEx account?

I was actually looking for Ryan.

Well, if it's FBI business, you can talk to me.

If it's personal, you can do that on your own time, or you know, not at all, 'cause we have a pretty busy day up here.

The JTTF is giving the candidates their counterterrorism briefing for the campaign's final days, and you twisting the knife further into my ex-husband... it's not on the itinerary.

[Cellphone buzzes]

Oh, my God. I thought I told...

You know what? Never mind.

Answer that call and go back to your office.

[Sighs] Hello?

The Voice: It's time to to open your package.


♪ ♪

In the Senator's purse is an identical bottle.

You'll need to swap it out with the one you're holding.

What is it? Poison?

If I wanted to k*ll the senator, she'd be dead already.

Why do you think I'd get anywhere close to her, anyway?

You've met on numerous occasions.

You were both there that day at Quantico.

I remember. I saw you.

Yeah, well, that was before she blamed me for her husband's death.

I guess you have your work cut out for you, don't you, Alex?

I've placed a tracking device inside the bottle's cap.

I'll know as soon as you've succeeded.


What are you gonna do to her?

Make the swap. You have five hours.

I had the lab test one of the pills.

They're anti-hypertension for blood pressure.

Completely harmless.

Simon: That's what you think.

Look, she may be allergic to them.

They could contraindicate with something she's already taking.

Look, something has to tie into the plot that we're not seeing.

Track down the cell number for Claire's campaign manager, Amanda.

I think I have an idea.

I've reached out to everyone and anyone including the WFO, state, county, and local.

They are putting out an APB.

Raina, I need you to go to my house, bring Charlie here where he's safe.

So, you wanted my official resignation.

Raina Amin infiltrated the cell that took Charlie.

Excuse me? She did it on her own.

I only found out about it later.

Oh, and you let her continue?

I don't answer to you, Liam.

Don't you get self-righteous with me.

Crossing the line with a trainee is not the same as putting one in danger.

I'm trying to stop whatever's happening.

Raina thinks that the cell is about to attack a target, but we don't know what that target is.

Liam: Hey. What do you need?

Let me help.

Watch my classes until I figure out where the cell is headed.

♪ ♪

Okay, we've got a Muslim man who was beaten up by his employer.

The boss says that he was sleeping with his fiancée.

Nimah, I'm talking to you.

Sorry, what was that?

If the victim says that he's not gay, then how could it be discrimination?

Because he was att*cked for his perceived sexuality.

He wasn't gay.

But they believed he was gay.

That's why they jumped him.

It's important to get to the core truth of a person.

♪ If I held my breath on you ♪
♪ I would have died a thousand times ♪

Alex: He att*cked a born-again Christian neighbor over a noise complaint.

Now, how do we prove his true motive was intolerance?

The perpetrator was questioned in two other incidents involving att*cks on born-agains.

Questioned, not charged. The FBI couldn't make a case.

Probably because the FBI knew the guy's brother worked for a Congressman.

♪ And if chewing was to show you how much I cared ♪
♪ I'll probably be wearing dentures by now ♪
♪ Mm-mm-mm-mm ♪
♪ Our promises, broken ♪
♪ Nemesis, sour token ♪
♪ Mm-mm-mm-mm ♪

These are the FBI's own statistics on hate crimes.

No, we're not gonna win this with statistics.

We need to get inside the attacker's heads.

Where's Iris? She's a genius at mind jobs.

Well, think of how much it'll piss her off if we do this without her.

♪ To treat others ♪

Who the FBI to decide what qualifies as a hate crime?


Why should they be the country's moral compass?

A corrupt institution founded by a corrupt individual.

You don't really believe that.

Believe it?

Liam kicking me out is proof the FBI is corrupt.

♪ Remember your days are full in number ♪

Oh, look who strolled back in.

♪ Mm, mm, yeah ♪

[Phone rings]

Amanda: Hello?

Oh, no. Is everything all right?

No, ma'am. I'm afraid not.

Your identity's been stolen.

Now, if you'll just bear with me, I need to review some of these charges on your card.

Now, I just want to know, you, by any chance, did not spend $2,000 on...


What the hell are you doing?

Why do I keep finding you near Senator Haas?

Oh, um... [Clears throat]

Hannah, I can explain.

Okay, if by "explain," you mean lie again, then no, I'm not gonna do that.

Instead, I'm gonna figure out what you're up to and how it connects to the senator.

'Cause right now, you're a little too close and a little too crazy for my comfort and the Secret Service's.

I'm warning them about you.

That sound you hear?

It's your career finally being flushed down the toilet.

Man: I understand...

Hannah's about to bring charges against me.

Please tell me you caught a break in this decryption process.

Just a few more hours.

You any closer to swapping out the Senator's pills?

Hannah's blocking me.

If you can't get to Claire, can you get her to come to you?


Those of you who answer correctly will be moving on to the next phase... building a bias profile against someone very important... yourself.

You first.

You're the most messed up person in the bureau.

You don't deserve our honesty.

Liam: Well, that is the assignment, Perales, and I don't owe you a thing.


Well, you can shove your assignment.

I'm done here.

IDs, please.

Delivering a package.

[Knock on door]

Nimah: Have you heard from Raina?

She's not responding to me.

She's on her way here now with Charlie.

You can wait for her here with me if you'd like.

I'm gonna need you to open up the back, too.

I think we need to talk about Caleb.

Caleb stole your money and met with a woman who gave him this.

I think they're related, but I don't know how.

Maybe you do.

Where did you get this?

Caleb had it.

Will said the woman who gave it to him was Middle Eastern, Hispanic, beautiful...

Where are you going?


What did you do?

I did what you were too much of a child to do.

I told her the truth.

Marine: IDs now, buddy.

Drew, stop.

Alex, get back here.


Get down! Get down right now!

[Alarm blaring]

We're on lock-down, ma'am... full crash.

There's been an incident at the guard station.

Nimah, you can't leave. Shelter in place.

[Alarm blares]

Oh, my God.

Call your mom.


♪ ♪

[Tires screech]

[Tires squeal]

Liam: Okay, First Response Team says that the assailants' vehicle has been abandoned.

They're in the woods.

They could be on their way here.

Marines, DEA, Until I get the all-clear, we sit tight.

[g*n clicks]

Okay, looks like we have 10 men, two women, all armed with a*t*matic weapons.

Come here.

You know them?

Yes. It's... it's the cell. It's them.

I need to let my First Responders Team know exactly what they're up against.


You sent Shelby out there.

You're the one who created the situation in the first place.

I was trying to protect her.

So was I.

I'm sorry.

I don't need your apologies.

I need to find Shelby.

There are armed gunmen on campus.

Field Counselor Pollard would never allow it.

Which is why you're gonna distract him while I slip out.

It's the least that you could do.


Be careful, Caleb.


Iris: [Whispers indistinctly]

Hey, I'm coming with you.

The campus is in lock-down.

All the perimeter doors are locked.

You need someone who knows all the shortcuts.

HRT is flooding the campus as we speak.

Whoever these radicals are, they don't stand a chance.

Who says they're radicals?

You want to talk about bias?

They're t*rrorists, okay?

I don't condone attacking anyone, but we can't just dismiss why they're doing it.

Who knows what the FBI might have done to create cause?

You see, Perales, this is exactly why you don't belong here.

Mistakes happen. Even here, okay?

But you can't accept that.

You think that everyone should be just as perfect as you think you are.

Says the teacher who sleeps with his students.


Petty in a crisis.

That is a good look on you.

Hey, where are you going?

To do my job.

Miranda: I know Charlie's involved.

I missed the signs.


No. You didn't miss them.

No one wanted to believe you.

All this is happening because I didn't trust my instincts.


It's going to be okay.

No, I... I... I could have stopped this.

I should have told my mom, you, the feds, anyone.
[Tires screech]

[Exhales sharply]

What did you do?!


The cell you infiltrated... they didn't really kidnap me.

The whole thing was staged.

But... but they stabbed your mother.

I didn't know they were gonna do that.

They told me later that they had to to make it look real.

They said she was gonna be okay, and she was.

And they knew that after I was rescued, I would be taken to Quantico for questioning.


I could get them information about the campus... entrances, exits, how many guards.

The more they talked about this attack, the more I knew what I was doing was wrong.

But when I started questioning them, they tried to k*ll me and I got away.


They never cared about me.

No, they didn't.

I do.

Your mother does.

And now you've put us in a terrible position.


[Exhales deeply]

Caleb: Thank God you're okay.


I'm not okay, Caleb.

[Voice breaking] My parents are alive.

Look, I-I know.

I should have told you.

I'm... I'm so sorry.

I just didn't want to destroy you again.

I'm so sorry.


Will: Get down, get down.

♪ ♪

[Stick breaks]

It's HRT.

♪ ♪

[Indistinct shouting in distance]

[Exhales sharply]

All right, stay with her. Stay with her. Liam!

Caleb: Liam!


Behind you!

Behind you!



[Exhales sharply]


HRT took out the remaining sh**t, however, uh, CCTV confirms that the front passenger of the van fled after they took out the guard gate.

Find him.

We're on it.

I need the sit report on...

Liam: Perales.

How'd you end up out there?

Drew: I followed you.

Didn't think it was right for you to be on your own.

Had my personal firearm in my duffel.

I checked it when I came to Quantico.

I figured I should check it out when I was leaving.

Coming out there after me, you showed more instinct in an instant than most agents show in a lifetime.

I owe my life to you.

Now, you don't have to like me, and I don't have to like you.

But I want you here.

And I hope you saw today what a difference someone like you can make.

See you in class.

Liam: Where you going?

It's better you don't know.


No matter what happens, you and Charlie are family to me.


Charlie may have helped plan the attack today.

Raina's with him at my house.

I'm going to talk to him to see if I can get some answers.

I'm coming with you.

Claire: I'd like to acknowledge the brave men and women who defended our campus today.

That includes one of o ur own... trainee Perales.


That's the number of mass sh**t in this country in 2015, an average of almost one per day.

I am tired of this.

And you should be, too.

You are being trained to carry a w*apon, to respect the power of a g*n, to understand that it is a privilege to be earned, not a right given to anyone who...

Take the rest of the day off to process and recuperate.

Remember why you're here, because though the horrible reality exists that there will be another mass sh**ting, soon all of you will be able to do something about it.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, are you okay?

[Sighs] I don't know.

There's no chapter in the grief handbook about finding out your parents faked their death for 15 years.

Well, if there's anything that I could do...

Just let me know.

Samar... Is she still here?

[Indistinct conversations]

Thank you. I've never felt safer.

Oh, it was our pleasure, Senator.

[Cellphone dings]

I was hoping I could borrow one of your offices before I go.

I need to handle some e-mails before I get mobbed by supporters.

Of course. Right this way.

I'm waiting for her right now.

Yeah, I told you she'd be desperate to know where her son is.

Caleb's been missing for months.

Question now is... how are you gonna replace the pills in her bag?

I'm gonna hope that the possibility of talking to Caleb is more important than keeping track of her purse.

Okay, she's here.

Give me the room.

Alex: Senator Haas.

Where is my son, Agent Parrish?

Why don't I let him tell you himself?

Just ask for him.

[Cellphone beeps]

Before Quantico, I went to law school in New Haven.

My advisor was a retired federal judge...

Alan Handler.

A real liberal lion.

He and some other fellows had this rotating poker game.

Now, you would think that these brilliant legal minds would know how to bluff.

But I could spot their tells from my apartment.

A nervous knee, a finger twitch.


Handler didn't blink... just like you.

It's true the world doesn't know where my son is, but neither do you.

Only I do.

If you knew I was lying, then why come see me?

After prolonging the investigation into the t*rror1st attack that k*lled my husband and forcing me and those nearest to him to relive it over and over again for three months of conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated evidence, I thought I would enjoy telling you personally that you are finished at the Bureau.

And I was right.



I, uh... I just keep seeing it.

It's like game film.

Taking a life isn't easy.

You know, you were right.

About what, specifically?

'Cause I'm right about a lot of things.


The FBI may have its problems, but I don't have to be one of them.

Looks like you're stuck being second-best around here.

Oh. We'll see about that.

[Both chuckles]

[Cellphone rings]


It's Ryan.



We talked this morning about meeting up if he could get away from his undercover detail.

I'm sure he just wants to know if I'm okay.

I'm sure that's all it is.


We have... unfinished business.

I bet.

Good luck.

I hope you find what you're looking for.

I have no idea what that is.

You'll know when you see him.

[Door opens]

Raina, thank you.

Your sister's waiting for you outside.

How could you do this?

Charlie: Please, Mom.

You got to help me.

I am gonna help you.

I'm taking you in.

You're not going anywhere.

[Exhales sharply]

Derrick: Raina?


I'm staring at an insane person.

That's the only logical explanation.

What do you want with the Senator?

I found these in the executive washroom with her name on them.

I only wanted to get them to her.

You've been in here with her for five minutes.

We can go right now. Why don't we go right now and give them to her?

What's in the bottle, Agent Parrish?

There's still a t*rror1st out there, Hannah, who's been forcing me to carry out a plot that seems to be targeting the Senator.

They're threatening that they're gonna k*ll all my friends if I don't follow through.

They've already k*lled Natalie Vasquez.

If you don't believe me, just try tracking her down.

She's gone.

I've tested these, Hannah.

You can see the results yourself.

I promise, I promise on anything and everything these will not hurt the senator.

But if I don't get these to her, someone I love will get hurt.

Please. Please.

Hand me the bottle.

Thank you.

Now, hand over your badge.

Just do it... and your sidearm, as well.

Let's go.

And go home, and don't leave town, and the next time you see me, it'll be with other agents by my side to haul your ass into prison.

Excuse me.

♪ ♪

[Indistinct conversations]

Alex: Hey.

Ryan: Hey.

You okay?

Alex: Yeah.


It's good to see you.

It's good to see you, too.

I was, um...

I was really unfair to you after New Year's.

I didn't give you a chance to talk or hear me out.

Yeah, well, I just wish we had more time.

I only have 10 minutes before I have to head back.

I guess then we'll have to make them count, huh?

We'll say everything that we need to say to each other in the next 10 minutes, and then never see each other again.

Look, you can't just decide something like that for the both of us.

One of has to.

Look. Look.

After what you went through today, I understand if it...

No, no. Ryan, Ryan.

Don't look for any excuses.

Well, how many more different ways do I need to say that I'm in love with you?

I mean, why do you think I'm here?

Why do you think I came here tonight, risking my ass?

I did it for you, for us.

If we get back together, then how does it work?

I call your handler every time I want to hear your voice?

Or you get a permission slip to go on a date?

Alex, that's...


We're not good for each other.

Look at you.

You're here right now instead of being undercover.

I cloud your judgment.

And you keep me off my game, too.

People were sh**ting at me with real g*ns today, and... and all I could think about was you.

I want to do this job, and I want to do it well, and I...

I can't do that with you in my head.

So, what? It's... it's the FBI over me?

It's me over us.

Well, why can't you have both?

I'm brand-new, Ryan.

And I can't lose everything that I've ever wanted because of... because of some guy, no matter who that guy is.

Even if it's you.


We still have eight minutes.


Thanks for the beer.

[Exhales sharply]

You were working for my parents, lying to me for 13 years.

13 years.

I was poor.

I needed the money.

I didn't know who you were.

I didn't know who they were.

I just did what they asked.

Took money from you to give to them for a small cut.

And the more I got to know you, the worse I felt.

So you conned me out of another $5 million?

That was my husband.


I begged him not to do it.

She did ask me to give the money back to you.

After everything I've done to you, I know you can't forgive me, but I want you to know, it doesn't matter if we don't share blood.

You are my sister.

You and I...

We're nothing.

You are as dead to me as my parents were.

You're as dead to me as they still are.

I just wanted to look you in the eye and tell you that myself.

[Siren wails, Police radio chatter]

[Indistinct conversations]

Liam: Two right there and one over there.

Right now! Go!

Stay off that line.

Not you. Go around that way.

Go, go, go. Keep a safe distance from the house.

Everyone away from the windows.

Talk to me. It doesn't have to end...

Everyone off the couch!

Give me the phone. What did you do, Raina?

Let's go. Let's go. Move.

Ahh, the line went dead. Take that.

Talk to me. Talk to me.

It doesn't have to go down like this.

What's his name? What's his name?



My Muslim name is Rishan.

You are not a Muslim. You're a thug.

You have perverted the true faith.

What do you know about my faith?


Everything that you pretend to know.

I know that if you k*ll me, you will miss your shahada.

And I know the Qur'an does not teach you to hate.

Hate is what this country feels for true believers like me.

I pray you find peace.

Rishan, no!

You're right.

k*lling Raina out of vengeance?

The Front taught me to be smarter than that.

We wanted to strike a blow to the FBI and we failed today.

k*lling you will have to be enough.

Take it.

I said take it!

Prove you're a true believer... or die with her, man.

Prove it.

It's okay, son.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's all right.

Charlie: [Inhales sharply]

[Breathes shallowly]


It's over, Charlie.

Baby, it's over. Give me the g*n.


Come on, give me the g*n.

I know. It's okay.


I know.

I didn't know everything.

It don't even matter now.


Mom, I didn't know everything.

It doesn't even matter now.

Come on, now.

Charlie, please.

Give me the g*n.

Please listen to your mother.

I can't.

No. Charlie, you got to give me the g*n.

The cops outside... they're gonna arrest me.

Liam: Give me a sit report.

Agents' Voices: Suspect is armed... black male, age 19, short hair.

sn*pers in position.

Green light when you have it.

Miranda: Son, please.


And it's gonna be prison this time.

It's gonna be life because I got priors.

Listen to me, Charlie.

They will sh**t you on sight after sh*ts fired in a hostage situation.

Son, come on, please trust me.

Charlie: No!

Come on, trust me, son!

No! No, I don't trust you!

I can't go back!

Agents' Voices: Armed target approaching east window.

I just need a second to think.

Charlie, get down.


Charlie, get down!

Agents' Voices: Target locked.

Charlie, get down!



[Screaming frantically]

No! No!

Go, go! We're going in! Go, go!


♪ ♪
♪ I fall ♪
♪ In the cutting room ♪

Is Shelby okay?

Can you be after finding something like that out?

♪ Straight to the floor ♪
♪ Before the film is through ♪

I never thanked you for helping me find Shelby today.

It was my fault she ran away.

If I hadn't told Iris what I did, none of this would have ever happened.

Yeah, well, maybe it was time that she found out.

♪ Come a little closer, honey ♪

Maybe it's time you tell me who Mark Raymond is.

♪ And touch the fire ♪

What do you want to know?

♪ How long do I have here with you? ♪
♪ Shadows ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Heaven waits ♪


♪ In the darkness of a room ♪


♪ And the shaking at the gates ♪
♪ From here to Timbuktu ♪
♪ Cold front rolls in ♪
♪ Like a black balloon ♪
♪ How long? ♪
♪ Before the shadows ♪


Is Charlie still in surgery?

Today I prayed... for you.

Miranda: [Cries]

I just...

[Crying] I just didn't want him to get k*lled.

[Alarm beeps]

Time's up.

We got to warn everyone.

They're all in danger now.

Oh, my God. How?

[Cellphone rings]

If you have to hurt someone, it should be me.

Not my friends. Me, you understand that?

The Voice: Why would I do that?

You did exactly what I asked.

You're proving more useful than I imagined.

I'll be in touch.

But, I...

[Knock on door]

Open up. It's Hannah Wyland.

♪ ♪

Look, Hannah, I can explain.

Okay, so after you left, I tried Natalie's cell.

No response.

I tried her ex-husband, called her family, No one's heard from her in days.

It's as if she just disappeared.

That's what I was...

Okay, so I traced the e-mail that she sent asking for "emergency personal leave."

It didn't come from her computer or her phone.

It was bounced from a remote server... untraceable.

There's no reason why Natalie would do something like that, which means she didn't do it, which means I had to consider t he horrible possibility that you, unstable, out-of-control, paranoid Alex Parrish, America's least wanted... weren't lying, incorrect, or insane.

You were simply telling the truth.

I just...

So I swapped the pills, and now before I'm arrested and tried for treason alongside the two of you, will someone please tell me, did I just poison the next Vice President of the United States?

Oh, my God, Hannah. Just shut up.

Because if I did...

Just shut up and stop talking!

Are you ready?


Yeah, go ahead. It's your turn.
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