01x09 - I'm Going to the Beach With Josh and His Friends!

Episode transcripts for the 2015 TV show "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend". Aired: October 2015 to April 2019.*
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"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" revolves around a single woman and her elusive pursuit of her longtime soul mate, who dumped her while they were dating in high school in 2005. When he tells her that he is moving to West Covina, California, she decides to move there as well, hoping that it will give her a fresh start and hopefully bring them closer.
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01x09 - I'm Going to the Beach With Josh and His Friends!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Woman: (Coughs) No matter what, we will always have each other.

Man (Choked up): Your illness has brought us together, so thank you, cancer, for showing us what friendship is all about.

Woman: We'll all be friends...

(Crying): Till the end.

What's up, man?

How's it going, bro?

Man, that was crazy, man...

(Indistinct chatter)

♪ I have friends ♪
♪ I definitely have friends ♪
♪ friends, friends, friendly friends ♪
♪ I have all the friends. ♪

Ah, that movie was so us.


Except none of us have cancer.


Josh: I totally relate to Chad, the sensitive jock who eats clean and journals hard.

Yeah, and I'm so the bad-boy rich kid who sleeps with that hot girl in remission.

And I am so exactly like that caring nurse who donated her bone marrow.

You didn't feel any connection to the vain yoga instructor?

She was fat.


What a cool crew.

Josh: So...

Beach day Saturday?

Gonna be one of those classic January scorchers.

Brilliant idea.

Uh, brilliant?

We're really lowering the bar for that word.

Oh, I think we're raising the bar...

On the roof. (Grunting)


Yeah, you didn't think about that, did you?

No, it doesn't really make sense.

But, uh, why don't we skip the beach this time and do something different for a change, like go to the Getty in L.A.?

♪ ♪

It's a museum, let's see some art.

(Others groan in dissent)


Josh: Nah, nah, let's stick to the beach.

They have art there.

They have that lady that paints bikinis on the girls.

Yeah, I'm so stoked.

And I promise this time I'm not gonna oversleep and miss it.

You probably will.

Come on, Greg.

It's a crew day.

Yeah, it's just not gonna be the same without your running commentary about sand.

I am pretty good at that.

I'm, like, the Seinfeld of the beach.

(Imitating Jerry Seinfeld): "What's the deal with sand? Just a bunch of tiny rocks. We're supposed to enjoy walking on tiny rocks? And then it gets its own paper? Sandpaper?"

White Josh: Sounds just like him.


So are you leaving us hanging, or are you coming with?

All right.

Yeah. (Whoops)

You win.

At least we'll get out of this town.

And I can bring a friend. There's this girl.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, a girl?

An extra person?

But that would mean we'd have to take two cars.

The classic crew fits in one car.

Firm no, dude.

Why do we have to be like Nazis about this?

We've been doing the same thing since we were 16.

Oh, no.

It's her.

Oh, hey, Becks.

Valencia: What are you doing?


Don't call her over.

She's so weird.

Josh: Be nice.

Valencia: (Sighs) I don't understand why she keeps popping up all over the place.

Why did she move here again?

She was offered a k*ller job in town.

Why else would she move here?

♪ I was working hard at a New York job ♪
♪ making dough but it made me blue ♪
♪ one day I was crying a lot ♪
♪ and so I decided to move ♪
♪ to West Covina, California ♪
♪ brand-new pals and new career ♪
♪ it happens to be where Josh lives ♪
♪ but that's not why I'm here ♪
♪ she's the crazy ex-girlfriend ♪
♪ what? No, I'm not. ♪
♪ She's the crazy ex-girlfriend ♪

That's a sexist term.

♪ She's the crazy ex-girlfriend ♪

Can you guys stop singing for just a second?

♪ She's so broken inside ♪

The situation's a lot more nuanced than that.

♪ C-r-a-z-y ♪

Okay! We get it!

Hi. So did you guys just... Did you guys just see the movie?

I loved the part where all of the friends shave their heads in solidarity with the one friend who was getting chemo.

Like, I would totally do that if I was in a crew with you guys.

Or someone else, if I was in just a separate group.

Oh, hey, Becks, you have a little, like, popcorn there.


It's just a little...

It's... it's right...


Well, it's... it's, like...

♪ ♪

(Josh and Rebecca laugh)

It's just, like, back there.

I'm sorry.

It's so funny.

When I get down to the dregs of the popcorn, I just drink the bucket.

(Laughs) You know?

Oh, man, I do that, too, totally.

Uh, just, Valencia hates it.

Right, babe?

Rebecca: Well, I should...

I should get going.



What are you doing Saturday?

Nothing. Why?

We're going to the beach.

You should come.



What is happening?

Rebecca: Wait.

You want me, Rebecca, to come to the beach with you guys?


Yeah, I'd love to.


Josh will text you the deets.



Valencia: Okay.

Well, I'll see you guys at the beach.

Can't wait.

Okay, bye.

What was that?

Yeah, what was that?

I was just being nice to a fellow woman.

You can't invite other people.

What happened to the rules of the crew?

(Scoffs) You guys are always saying Rebecca's cool.

And obviously she has no friends.

And I just decided to be nice.

Is that so hard to believe?





I can be nice to a girl. No.

We got to stick together, you know?

Give me that guitar.

♪ ♪
♪ Women got to stick together ♪
♪ each and every day ♪
♪ women got to stick together ♪
♪ in each and every way ♪
♪ females helping females ♪
♪ for the greater good ♪
♪ sisters helping sisters ♪
♪ that's called sisterhood ♪
♪ women have the power ♪
♪ the power to make a change ♪
♪ like, this girl should pluck her eyebrows ♪
♪ and those jeans should be exchanged ♪

You really need to size up.


♪ Some girls are born tall and thin ♪
♪ and some are short and fat ♪
♪ this girl smells like sausages ♪
♪ but there's nothing wrong with that ♪
♪ women got to stick together ♪
♪ all across this land ♪
♪ except Denise Martinez ♪
♪ that bitch I cannot stand ♪

Oh, hey, Denise.

Hey, girl.

♪ Females helping females ♪
♪ like this girl here with the blotchy face ♪


♪ She banged her best friend's boyfriend ♪
♪ in the bathroom of that half-priced Sushi place ♪


Oh, you didn't know?

♪ So let's all spread this message ♪
♪ like Caitlin spreads disease ♪
♪ 'cause a change is coming faster ♪
♪ than Ashley drops to her knees ♪
♪ together we can clear these hurdles ♪
♪ except Marisa, 'cause she's four-foot-eight ♪
♪ we can climb every Mountain ♪
♪ if the rope can support ♪
♪ Haley's weight ♪


♪ Women got to stick together ♪
♪ do everything we can ♪
♪ so if some weird troll named Rebecca ♪
♪ moves here from New York and is all up on my boyfriend ♪
♪ I'm gonna... lend her a helping hand ♪
♪ women got to stick together ♪
♪ and tell each other the truth ♪
♪ the truth is you're all fat sluts ♪
♪ and that's called ♪
♪ sisterhood. ♪
♪ ♪

So I'm trying to brainstorm what I can bring to this beach day to really wow everyone.

Oh, my gosh.

The answer's clear now that I'm talking out loud.

Word games.

Duh, of course.

I mean, like, Scrabble, Mad Libs, all the hits.

Hell, maybe I'll even bring Boggle.


Come on.

This is my audition to be in their friend group.

Support me.

All right, maybe word games are lame.

But number games...

We're talking Sudoku, maybe some fraction flash cards.

(Gasps) Oh, we could sing the Pi song.

♪ Three-point-one-four-one-five-nine, two-six... ♪

Snap out of it.

Cookie, you are fooling yourself.

This is not an audition, it is a trap.

And Valencia is playing with you like a cat with a chipmunk.

See, I thought about that, too, but even if it is a trap, I don't care.

I'll just chipmunk my way... Out of that trap.

Yeah, I don't care how I got invited.

The point is, I got invited.

And I have a chance to be in a real group of friends.


Honey, they don't care about you.

And more to the point, you don't care about them.

They are just a stepping-stone on the way to Josh.

Oh, my God, no, they're not.

Oh, God, I-I'm tired of the ruse.

You won't admit, even to me, after all these months, that you are madly in love with Josh Chan.

And now you are going to be willingly humiliated by "Vaseline".

That's not her name.

You are just setting yourself up for another one of your disasters.

What do you mean, "another one of my disasters"?

Taco festival, the Spiders debacle, getting stuck in your shrink's doggie door, begging a client to sleep with your mother, and lest we forget "poopsgiving."

Those were unfortunate but random occurrences.

No, if the same bad things keep happening over and over, there is a reason for it, and in your case, it is denial.

And that is why everything you do backfires.

And you may be fine continuing on this way, but I can't take it anymore.

Until you admit that you love Josh Chan, I'm out.

Oh, my God, there's nothing to admit.

You want to keep lying?


Lose my phone number.

But just about the Josh stuff.

I mean, we're still on for mani-pedis at lunch, right?

Yeah. Hey, uh, but wait.

About the Josh stuff, I am right, and you are wrong.

I'm gonna have a great time at the beach on Saturday with my friends.

You're going to the beach on Saturday?

Wait, how'd you know that?

Well, you just shouted it.

Oh. Yeah.

I was just wondering if, you know, you wanted somebody to tag along.

I mean, I don't want to brag, but I make a mean bean dip.


It travels really well.


I mean, ever since my divorce went through, it's just...

I feel like something's missing.

Yeah, I'm so sorry, Darryl, but we gotta kind of keep this in the main g*ng, you know?

It's like an inside crew thing.

Oh, oh! I have an idea.

Something you could use to get me in with the group.

You know what we did for Madison's birthday that was a great deal?

Oh, it was awesome.

Everybody loved it.

(Imitates horn honking)

(Imitates honking)

Party bus.

We got a party bus. It was so much fun.

Oh... I could call 'em.

Yeah, uh, Darryl, that sounds fun, but, you know, you don't have to try that hard to get people to like you.

(Horn blaring)

Hey, guys.

Did somebody order a party bus?

Oh... my... God.

Wait, wait, wait. Is that... that's for us?


It's for my other best friends.

Oh, it's not...

No, it's for you.

Oh, it is for us. (Laughs)


Awesome, I've never been in one of these.

Greg: Rebecca, you shouldn't have.

Seriously, you shouldn't have, those buses are tacky and horrible.

Greg, come on, it's gonna be a lot of fun.

There's lots of stuff on there you'll like, like alcohol.


Wait, where's, uh, Hector?

Uh, he overslept, as usual.

Oh, my God, that is so Hector.

Wait, that is so Hector, right?

Uh, yep.




Well, this looks amazing, so I'm gonna hop on board and see what the situation is.

Looks very cool.

Come on, let's get on the bus, it'll be fun.

So when you want to take one car, we're supposed to take one car, but when you want to take a party bus, we're just supposed to do that?

Right! Well summarized.

Great. Let's just go.

Whoa, whoa. What's that?

Craft beer?

We don't drink that.

It's gonna be so fun.

(Whispering): Smile.


Oh, ladies first...

Thank you so much, Rebecca.

This was such a great idea.

Usually Josh drives, but now I can sit on his lap the whole time.

That's really sweet... But you don't have to sit on his lap.

There are plenty of seats.

But not much AC, right?

'Cause I run very hot, so I should probably lose some layers.


That's better.

Wow, you just ripped it off like that.

Did you make that?

Or did you buy that in a store?

Did you, like, buy that in a store that sells, like, rip-off-able clothing?

Anybody else?

Anybody else for fun? Nope? Okay.

Hey, guys, let's sing the Pi song all the way to the beach.

♪ Three-point-one-four-one-five-nine. ♪
♪ ♪

Rebecca: Okay, so I could've gone with cheaper options, but I spare no expense for ma homies.

Let me show you what we got.

So we got 12 cloudy Martini glasses, we got four off-brand bottles of cola, we got a standard-def TV and laser disc player and then, finishing touch, my favorite thing...

And we're already stuck in traffic.

(Various groans)


Greg: But not to worry.

I made an awesome playlist.

I have a bunch of cool new songs by new bands.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Songs we don't know?

That-that we can't sing along to?

For a beach trip?

Are you gonna hand out sheet music?

Like, how's that gonna work?

Hold up.

Is that a microphone?

Time for a little beatbox!


(Zooming sound effect)

(Robotic voice): Prepare yourself!

You are now about to exp...

(Record scratch sound)

Dr. Robochan's prescription...

(Record scratch sound)

To get your body rockin'.


Oh, yeah! lookit!

We're, like, three minutes in and we're already dancing!

(Rebecca laughs, Josh beatboxes)

(Robot voice): Oh, your...

Robotic sounds... are hypnotizing me.

Someday I hope to become sentient.

Oh, wait, that hope is evidence of sentience.

Ha! Yeah!

Wait, what?

Hey, hey, you want to get a pic for, like, the haters out there?

Oh, yeah, come on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay, let's do this.


Thanks, man.


♪ ♪



Oh, cool, you guys are dancing!

Yeah, let me get in there.

Let's get in. Let's let Rebecca in.

Stop! Rebecca time!


Okay, let's...

Oh! And... beep, beep.

Tell the conductor that the little caboose is trying to latch on.



Well, you guys got this, so...

I'm gonna let them... I'm gonna let...

They're having couple time.

You know what?

I'm gonna sit this one out.

You okay?

Oh, yeah.


How you doing?


This is fun.

I always like to start my beach trip with a live sex show.

Rebecca: Oh, yeah, it's super gross.

It's like, get a room.

So how are you?

Pretty great, actually.

Night school is awesome...

Thank you for that suggestion...

And, um, there's some other good stuff, too.

Well, that's great.

You know, I've always thought you deserve to be happy.

That's what I always say, Greg.

Oh, this is it!

Can you take this exit, please?

Huh? Exit?

In that parking lot right over there.

Josh: Wait, what's going on?

Uh, we're just gonna make a quick stop.

Wait, wait, wait. We don't stop.

We never stop, even to go to the bathroom.

You know our motto: "Can't stop, won't stop."

OMG, I love a group motto.

"Can stop, are stopping."

That's not as catchy.

Uh, be right... just a second.

What'll be just a second?

Dude, what'll be just a second?

Why is he so cryptic?

Hey, neighbor.

Greg: Heather, you know Josh, and this is Valencia and white Josh.

Heather: Hi.

What's up?

Um, I thought we decided this was a classic crew day.

Greg: No, you decided.

And I decided to bring a date.

Josh: Wow. Okay.

So this is just the wild west, then.

(Long whistle)

This is so gross and tacky.

Hey. Um, I'm sorry, I didn't know that you and Greg knew each other.


Yeah, we met at your house.

At your weird party.

Oh... okay...

Oh, so I'm the... got it.

I'm the connector of you guys.

You are welcome.

Oh, yeah, and then we, like, hung out over the holidays.


You hung out over the hol...

Oh. That's great.

Is this, like, a date?

Are you, are you guys dating?

I don't know.

Do people still use that word?

Uh, yeah.

They... yeah.

Cool, dating, yeah.

Great! Okay.

Uh, thank you for, uh, uh, clearing that up.

It... it is official.

Mazel. Mazel.


Hey, date, come on.

I'm gonna get you a drink in one of these nice cloudy glasses that I think are clean but I'm not really sure.

Oh. Yeah.

But I'll take care of that.



You guys are so cute.



Never seen side kissing.

(Indistinct conversations)

Get away from all these weirdos in there.

Whoa, fancy trick.

Hey, Whi-Jo!

Let's rap!

Let's talk.

Really, this is a chance for us to get to know each other.

Tell me all about you.

Don't skip anything.

I want to know what makes you tick.

Didn't see that coming.


I don't know where to begin.

I guess the most important thing is that when I was six, I was a fat kid.


So when I was seven, I decided, you know, it was time to tighten it up.

No more junk food, no more candy, no more...

You know, I think there's a real dilemma that we're facing with the way we feed our children, and I was a victim of...

Oh, it's okay.

Okay, let's, uh, let's recap.

So my first favorite exercise was kettle bell swing, the second was the farmer's carry.

Four were burpees, but I think I'm gonna go back on that...

Whoa, guys!

So much traffic, am I right?

It's like, when will it end?
(Indistinct conversations, laughter)

You know what? I am gonna take a risk and hit the old bus bathroom.

Oh, no, but if you leave, I won't have anyone...

(Indistinct conversations, laughter)


Oh, my God! Guys, guys, guys, guys...

Guys, guys, you have to stop what you're doing.

Stop what you're doing right now, you have to look out the window.

There is... Oh, my God, so funny.

There is some, like, loser in traffic and he's the one holding everything up.

Oh, my God.

I mean, like, clearly, he messed up.

Like, what kind of moron would... ?



That's Darryl.

Darryl could be a bus buddy, someone to talk to...

Stop the bus!

Stop the bus!

Hey, driver! Mister!

Mr. Driver! Mr. Driver!

Stop the bus. Stop the bus.

Just stop it!

Oh, you're getting off?

That's probably for the best.

No, my boss is-is outside.

No, listen, I-I need this, okay?

I need help.

For him.


Thank you for stopping.

Oh, it's like Xanadu.



What an Uber-doober-coinkydinky to run into you and your friendos, Rebecca!





(Car horns honking)

This day has been a nightmare.

I mean, I just happened to decide to go to the beach but then I was so excited about hitting the rays and catching the sun that, well, I didn't happen to look at ye olde gas gauge.


Anyway, I pull over to the side of the road, and then some people in a car drive by and yell, "Hey! Magnum P.I."

Which I was actually excited about, but then they flicked a lit cigarette at me.

But it's okay.

It's okay, I-I caught it.


Ugh. Oh.


But I did rescue the classic beach must-have, bean dip!

And if you people don't eat this, I'm gonna k*ll myself.

So... here's hoping.

(Both chuckle nervously)

Rebecca: Okay, uh...

Can I just... Can I see you...


For just a second.

So I'm gonna ignore the fact that you kind of creepily followed me to the beach...

Oh, no, wait a minute.

I didn't follow you to the beach...

It does... it does not matter.

The point is, Darryl, I'm so glad you're here.


Oh, it's so nice to have a friend here, okay.

(Toilet flushes)

So, let's connect, let's talk, let's break past that work barrier.

White Josh: Ah... ah!

It is hot in that bathroom.


Is that...

You guys go in there yet?

'Cause it's really hot.

Oh, I'm sorry, he's terrible.

It-it's like he's allergic to shirts.


That's Josh Wilson.

No, his name's White Josh.

Wait, do you know him?

You know him?

He's a trainer at my gym.

He is like my workout idol.

He is my fitspiration.

Oh, God.

I'm telling you, I've just never had the nerve to talk to him.

It's just...

Hey, we got a new guy.

Welcome aboard.

Uh, do you work at a 24-hour gym?

I do, yeah.

On East Cameron?

Yep, that's the one.

Oh, my gosh, I...

Oh, I have, like, a million questions for you.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, my gosh.

What-what you got? Hit me.

Okay, first of all, how many pull-ups can you actually do?

Because I saw you do 24 once.

I don't want to overestimate, but...

Uh, maybe I do.

Anyway, but, uh, I saw you do 24.

Yeah, yeah. - But I felt like you were really only, like, halfway through.

Depends on the workout, but I'm at 57 if you're just talking about as many as I can do at once.

That's... I'm not, I'm not satisfied with that.

Hey, Darryl, Darryl, I thought we were gonna hang.

I can do, like, two or three. Yeah.

Darryl: But I just get, I get frustrated, and then I feel like I hit this wall.

White Josh: Yeah, sure, sure. You know what I mean?

White Josh: You got to commit.

You said you go to that gym?

Darryl: I've been by it.

I just... Oh, oh, you're not a member?

Darryl: Not a paid member, but I feel like I know everybody there.

Like the guy that-that does the-the thing at the door with the guests.

(Conversation continues indistinctly)






I got this.

(Rock music playing)

What's happening?

I don't know, but I'm so excited.

All eyes on me.

Oh, they're on you.

♪ Sweeter than honey from a Bumblebee ♪
♪ you sting me every time you move to the beat ♪

Oh, my.


♪ I'm like a freight train headed for your candy ♪
♪ I want to taste it now ♪
♪ your sweet love shall be mine ♪
♪ gonna lick it like a lollipop ♪
♪ tastes so good, I'm never gonna stop ♪
♪ gonna have a little, then a little more ♪
♪ of my fantasy, yeah, it's your candy ♪
♪ I want to taste ♪
♪ your sweet temptation ♪
♪ your love is my sugar ♪
♪ your love is so sticky sweet ♪
♪ your love is my sugar ♪
♪ your love is all I need ♪
♪ show me what you got ♪
♪ show me all of your goods ♪
♪ come a little closer, and I'll take a look ♪

This could not get any more uncomfortable.

♪ Make me weak ♪
♪ 'cause your body is my favorite treat ♪
♪ your love is my sugar ♪
♪ your love is all I need ♪
♪ your love is my sugar... ♪

Oh, that's, I think I just...

I saw something, did you?

I think I saw inside of her.

♪ Sticky sweet ♪
♪ your love is my sugar ♪
♪ your love is all I need. ♪



Not bad, eh?

That was perfect.

You're all probably wondering, like, how-how I'm so good at that.

Well, I took a class in New York, and, I mean, not surprisingly, I got an "A."

They give grades in pole dancing?

They do if you ask, yeah.

Well, that was really special.

Guys, there's only one reason she did that.

Yeah, to get the party started for my crew.

By showing my boyfriend your cervix?

I don't think you understand the female reproductive system.

She just did that so Josh could look at her and her, boobs.

What? No.

No, I... no, I didn't.

I wasn't doing this for a guy.

Oh, my God, who pole-dances for male attention?

Do you know the name of the class I took in New York?

It was feminist pole dancing.

Yeah, and as my teacher, a lovely trans woman named Professor Goddess, said that true pole, true pole is about re-appropriating the male gaze.

This is not normal!

She is not normal!

Why does Rebecca get a pass for every crazy thing she does?!

Come on, Valencia.

So you don't like my boyfriend, Rebecca?

No, oh, my God.

I have, like, told you. Oh, no.

I don't like your boyfriend.

I just want to be his friend, just like I keep trying to be your friend.

Yeah, I think she was just trying to have fun, you know?

Having fun by hitting on you.

Hitting on me?

Oh, my God, okay, Valencia, like, Valencia, seriously.

Seriously, I am not into Josh.


Like, if I were into Josh, would I have hooked up with a faux vegetarian chef from Echo Park?


If I were into Josh, would I have gotten together with a man named Jason from Tinder?

Oh, yeah, the little hairy guy with the balls.

So what? That doesn't prove anything.

Yeah, it does, it-it proves that I am out there on the hunt for many non-Josh people.

That's a weird way to phrase that.

Admit it. You're into Josh.

If I were into Josh, would I have hooked up with Greg practically, like, the first day I got here?

This would never have happened at the Getty.

Wait, wait, wait, you guys hooked up, right when Rebecca moved here?

If you could call it that.

I would call it... something that should never have been spoken of on a party bus.

'Cause I have spent a lot of time talking to both of you about whether you should date each other.

Neither of you ever thought to mention you had already hooked up?

Why do you care?

It's just weird.

I mean, Rebecca has been my friend for a long time, and...

Josh, you never mentioned to me or anyone else that you and Rebecca had dated years ago.

Guys, let's stop talking about this, okay?

I-I'm sorry I brought that up.

Let's-let's change the subject.

Josh, I need to talk to you.

Seriously, guys, this is my bad.

Let's-let's talk about something different.

She's right. This is dumb.

Heather, come on, I'm gonna get you another drink.

What was that look on your face when you found out about Greg and Rebecca?

What? Nothing. I was...

Jealous. Yes.

I was not.

I am not.

I just don't like secrets, okay?

Just typical Greg, so above it all.

Not telling me stuff. It's like, "Oh, I'm Greg.

"I'm better than everyone.

I read books and listen to the talking radio station."

Typical Greg.

This just has nothing to do with Greg.

This has everything to do with your summer camp stalker who won't go away.

I'm just friends with her.

I'm not doing anything.

That's the problem.

Greg: I'm so tired of Josh's attitude.

He can't tell me who to hook up with.

I'm a grown-ass man.

He's out of line, right?

You guys have a weird thing, all of you.

There's so much drama.

I don't like it.

I don't bring my baggage with me to every date.

Like, I would never bring you to a party with Zeke.

Who is Zeke?


Darryl: I don't like showering at the gym, because of all, like, the athlete's foot and stuff.

Sure, sure, you know what?


Keep them in your car.

Oh, my God, great tip.

Yeah, isn't it?

Oh, my God, you're like a chess player who kind of sees, like, ten steps ahead.

(Indistinct chattering)

Hey, I-I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, if anyone's looking for me.


Just get my music.

Can I have my shirt back, Greg?

Yeah, sure.


(Phone rings)


Hey, Paula.

Could you come get me?

(Car horns honking)

Look at him.

Staring at me.


Focus on the main event, okay?


Rebecca didn't ruin this day.

She brought a party bus and just wanted everyone to have fun.

Greg ruined it.

He brought a date and some weird beer, tried changing our music.

You can't mess with classic beach day and expect nothing to happen.

It's like he's never seen "The Butterfly Effect".

This is Josh's fault.

Underneath that laid-back attitude, he's really controlling and bossy.

I mean, why does he get to call all the sh*ts?

Because he's likeable?

Who cares about being likeable?

You don't seem to.

I dig that.

Hey, Paula.

I really need you to pick me up.

Of course.

(Sighs) Oh, thank you so much.

You're such a lifesaver.

As soon as you admit you love Josh.


I told you I am tapped out with the lying and the denial.

You get realsies with me, bunch, or I am still outskies with you.

No, Paula, wait, you can't do this to me.

You love him. Say it.


Say you love him.


Do it!

I just want to be his friend, just like I want to be all of their friends.

Why don't you understand me?


Paula? Are you...


Did you hang up?

She hung up on me.

Greg: Look, and now he just took the last craft beer, which he said he didn't even want.

That bastard.

I'm so pissed at him, I'm gonna drink the last craft beer, even though it tastes like thick, soapy shampoo.

What are you doing?

No, give it to me.

What are you doing?

Dude. Give it to me.

I was gonna drink it.

Give me, give me that!

What are you gonna do?

You wouldn't appreciate this.

'Cause your palate froze in 2006, when you drank too many slurpies in a row.

(Laughs) You don't need a palate to drink a beer.

You need a glass.

That's right, genius.

Oh, so now I'm dumb?

No, not now, always.

Why do we always have to do what you want to do? - Ow.

We always drive in your car.

We always are listening to your horrible music.

You're mean.

You're mean and bitter.

And yet somehow, you're Mr. Popular.

You charm everybody.

Finally a new girl comes to town, and surprise, you'yo already Channed all over her.

Well, she was my childhood sweetheart, and you Gregged her.

Sweetheart? Oh, my God.

Please, just stop talking about freaking Rebecca.

And why did you blame me?

I'm not your mom who left you, and I'm not the reason you still live with your dad and work at a bar.

I'm in night classes, you jerk!

Don't yell at me, man.

Back off!

All right, that's enough.

Stop, stop, stop!

You guys have been friends since kindergarten.

And he's been a sarcastic d*ck the whole time!

And he still hasn't grown up ever!

And you've never fought like this!

What's different about today, huh?

Why are you fighting like this now?

What's the new element today?

Oh, no, is it me?

No, no, no, you're cool, bro.

It's definitely not me.

I didn't do anything.

I'm a student.

What are you even doing here?

You invited me, remember?

No, I don't mean the bus.

Why are you even in our lives?

Because you're my friends.

No, we're not. (Chuckles)

No one really knows you.

How did you get to West Covina?

I got on a plane and then I got to LAX, because Burbank was sold out, so then I got on a taxi and I took it to West Covina and there was a lot of traffic and I paid $180 and next time I'll do a-an airport shuttle.

Why did you move here, Rebecca?

What's, the real reason?

I told you! Oh, my God!

I was in New York, and I was looking to relocate to Los Angeles...

I was looking to relocate to Los Angeles, because I'm just, I'm a beach gal.

I ran into Josh...

Got a really great offer from Darryl.

I get a random call from a 1/8 Chippewa offering me a job in West Covina, just like randomly!


You called me.

I remember Karen came in and she said, "the big apple's on the line!"

And then you said, "is there any way you would consider me for your law firm? Because I'll work for super cheap. I just really want to live in West Covina."

That's what you said.

You called him? You've always said...

Wait, wait, wait... you always said that he called you and offered you a job, and that's why you moved here.

So you mean, you bumped into me in New York that day, and from that one conversation, decided to move to my hometown?

(Valencia chuckles)


This is exactly what I thought would happen when I invited you.

A part of me was hoping that I was wrong.

But no.

You're just as crazy as I thought.

Josh: No, it's probably not a big deal. I mean, there's an explanation.

Right, Rebecca?

Is there an explanation?

Yeah, yes, there is, okay?

It's the truth.

The truth is...

I was miserable in New York.

I was... so depressed.

And all I did was-was work.

I had no life.

The world was just, like, gray.

And then I ran into you, Josh.

And-and you told me about West Covina, and-and you kept using the word "happy."

And I hadn't, like, thought about that word in so long and-and it just, like, reverberated within me.

And so that day, I-I made the decision that I...

I had to be where the happiness was.

So I put feelers out and I got a job here.


Look, was it impulsive?


Was it crazy?

I don't like that term.

But the point is, guys, it's the best decision I've ever made.

I love it here.

I love it.

I love the sunshine.

I love the strip malls where you can get a foot massage and a smoothie and a new key made in, like, less than 20 minutes.

I love driving on the freeway.

I love what the dry heat does to my hair.

I love everything about this place, okay?

So the reason that I'm here, the real reason that I'm here?

It's not logical, it's not rational.

I'm in love.

With West Covina.

Why didn't you just tell us the truth?

I mean, you see how bonkers it sounds.

I didn't want you all to think I was crazy, because I want to be your friend.

Oh, hey, dudes.

We're here.

Do you guys get it?

Do you understand why I haven't, been completely forthcoming?

You guys get it, right? Greg, Greg, you-you get it.

I don't even know anymore.

It's been a weird day.

Greg, come on.

Come on, Heather.

Let's go get spray-on bikinis.

Heather: Okay.

Thanks for the party bus, neighbor.

I'll see ya.

Hey, man, about earlier...

Oh... don't worry, it's cool.

You know, from now on, you bring whatever you want, I mean...

You know, people, beverages, music.

Come on, Greg me.

Oh, so you want to get Gregged now?

Well, I'm ready for the beach.

Look, if you want me to keep a secret, you should tell me.

I'm good with secrets.

(Quietly): Thanks.

Go ahead, Josh, tell her.

She's a liar, and we don't want to hang out with her anymore.

Valencia, give me a second.

I need to talk to Rebecca.

Yeah, that's right.

Tell her off in private.

She deserves it.

Josh, I'm so sorry that I lied.

But, the real reason that I moved here sounds so insane...

But, see, that's just the thing.

I-I don't think it's insane at all.

Wait, what?

Rebecca, I lived in New York, remember?

I know what it's like.

It's tough and-and it's cold.

And, you know, when you wear shorts to the office, people give you a funny look.

I've spent my whole life defending this town to people like Greg.

Do you have any idea how proud I am to be the one who told you about this place?

♪ West Covina ♪
♪ California ♪
♪ it's so cool you see the bounty ♪
♪ of the best town in L.A. county ♪
♪ it's nirvana, it's heaven, it's mecca ♪
♪ yeah, I'm hopelessly, desperately in love ♪
♪ with ♪
♪ West Covina ♪
♪ can't believe that a girl like you ♪
♪ ah-ah ♪
♪ would think this place ♪
♪ is a dream come true ♪
♪ ah-ah ♪
♪ or be swayed by a guy ♪
♪ like me ♪
♪ it's not just a coincidence ♪
♪ it isn't just by chance ♪
♪ it's logical, it's obvious ♪
♪ it all makes perfect sense ♪
♪ and I'm just so happy ♪
♪ that you're ♪
♪ here. ♪

Well, I, I better go.

Um, let's keep this convo between us.

Valencia wouldn't understand.


But I wanted you to know, I'm so happy that you're in town.

And I don't think you're crazy at all.

You okay?



So, you were right.

It was a disaster.

But, God, Josh was so nice.

He found out that I've been lying, and, instead of turning his back on me...

He just opened up more.

He was so warm and kind and understanding.

I love him so much.


I know, sweetie.


Okay, honey, let's go home.

Oh, you look so tired.


You can nap in the car.


Don't ever lie to me again.

Okay, Mama.

(alarms blaring)


Woman: Hector, wake up!

You've been sleeping for 15 hours!

Wake up, Hector!

Oh, crap.
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