01x01 - Bulling Through

Episode transcripts for the TV miniseries "Flesh and Bone". Aired: November 2015 to December 2015.*
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"Flesh and Bone" follows a troubled but gifted ballet dancer who runs away from home to audition for a New York ballet company. Her talents catch the eye of the company’s artistic director but his expectations for Claire go beyond anything she expected. How far is she willing to go?
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01x01 - Bulling Through

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You are an obsession ♪
♪ I cannot sleep ♪
♪ I'm your possession ♪
♪ unopened at your feet ♪
♪ there's no balance ♪
♪ no equality ♪
♪ be still ♪
♪ I will not accept defeat ♪
♪ like a butterfly ♪
♪ a wild butterfly ♪
♪ I will collect you ♪
♪ and capture you ♪
♪ obsession ♪
♪ you're my obsession ♪
♪ who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me? ♪
♪ You're my obsession ♪
♪ you're my obsession ♪
♪ who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me? ♪
♪ You're my obsession ♪
♪ you're my obsession ♪

Man: Claire?

[Doorknob jiggles]


Claire, come on.


[Bang on door]



[Dog barking in distance]

[Bird caws]

[Thunder rumbling]

[Siren wailing in distance]


Thank you.

You checked in?

Yeah, thanks.

[Indistinct conversations]

Come on.

[Indistinct whispering]

[Papers rustling]

If I call your number, step forward.




[russian accent] No, no. I don't like...

Hips too wide.


[Inhales sharply]

And... 122.

If I called your number, you'll be staying to work at the barre.

Everyone else, thank you for coming. Next group.

[Classical music plays]

Ivana: Plié, passé.

Plié, passé.

Think! You don't think!


[Music stops]


I'm sorry.

[Indistinct conversations]

Paul: I'll see the four of you one at a time for solo work.

Please wait in the hall.

[Classical music plays in distance]


[Breathing heavily]

Thanks. We'll be in touch.

Claire Robbins.


You're 21, and I'm confused.

It says here you were apprenticed at the Pittsburgh Ballet at age 18, then took a leave of absence in that first year, and nothing since...


No, no, no. I do the talking.

I have to say I'm disinclined...


No one walks away from that kind of opportunity.

Attitude or injury...

Wonder what they'd tell me were I to call.

You should. They would...

Thank you for coming.

They'll tell you it was a family issue, sir.


Please let me dance.

I like other girl... One before.

Just two minutes of your time.

Impress me.

[Clicks tongue]

[Act one solo variation]


[Door opens]

[Footsteps depart]


I'm excited to have you with us.

I know you won't disappoint me.

Monica: You have a Pittsburgh address listed.

What's your address here?

I, um, don't have one yet.


Okay, well, I can help get you some Company accommodation.

Let's see.

[Alternative rock music plays]

[Horns honking]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Siren wailing]

[Dog barking in distance]

[Siren wailing in distance]

[Door opens]

Need some help up?

No, thanks. I got it.

God damn, you are skinny.

Can I have my bag, please?

What do you got in this thing, bricks?


No need to get testy.

It's just a little "welcome to the hood" humor.



For real?

Do you want money?

You a ballerina?


Got any Vicodin, Oxy, Percocet?

When you get hurt, count me in.

[Both breathing heavily]

[Knock on door]

[Heavy breathing continues]

Oh, shit.



[Both breathing heavily]




Thank you.


Who the hell are you?

They left you a message.

Thought maybe I'd dodge the roommate b*llet this season.

You can have the couch till you can get a bed, or you can squeeze in with me, but everybody tells me that I snore.

Then again, if you snore, we'll just drown each other out.

Do you snore?

I don't know.

The couch is fine.

You don't know? [Chuckles softly]

I'm fine on the couch.

So, where should I put my stuff?

You can have those shelves. Is Romeo bringing up the rest?


The guy who hangs around outside.

The homeless-looking guy?

[Chuckles] He freak you out?

[Chuckling] Oh, he freaked you out.

Romeo's all right.

Sometimes I give him a few bucks or whatever to carry groceries and stuff when I'm f*cking sick of those f*cking stairs, which is most of the f*cking time.

Wait till you've rehearsed 10 hours straight and then danced a performance... f*cking nightmare.

This is all my stuff.

Are you okay?

It's been a really long day.

Blood-sugar thing? I have a cookie.

I bought it fresh yesterday, but I was only planning on staring at it.

I got O.J., too.

Do you have some ice?

It's no big deal. I-I lost a toenail.

Sure. Sit.

Mia: So, how many times have you auditioned for the Company?


Shut up. Once?

f*ck me.

[Refrigerator door closes]

Not even gonna tell you how many times I tried out.

Three. Jesus.


So, where you been dancing, the freaking Bolshoi or something?

Just taking class.

I had a nice situation at my studio.

I cleaned it at night, and they let me study.

[Chuckles softly]

Okay, you're making it worse.

So, why'd you suddenly bust a move?

It was just time.

My brother, Bryan, just shipped back from Afghanistan, so it's his turn to help out at home.

Soldier brother.

Is he cute?

Most people think so.

Blood sugar.

I'm just really glad to be here.

Yeah, it's... It's gonna be fun.

So, you want me to fill you in on who's who and stuff?

That'd be great.

Okay, well, let's start with the fact that everyone's gonna hate you.

For God's sake, stop naysaying. You know I hate naysaying.

I'm not naysaying...

I'm saying, and you just don't like hearing it.

I'm sick to death of all these constraints.

I feel confined. I can't breathe. I'm nauseous.

Do you want a glass of water?

No, I do not want a g*dd*mn glass of water.

I want some f*cking champagne... At this f*cking event.

Maybe the man likes Prosecco?

Well, I don't!

It is sparkling wine! It is disgusting!

If he wants to throw himself a mini-gala and glitter like he's one of us, he should g*dd*mn throw it and throw it right.

I have to respect his budget.

Oh, come on.

Anyone with dough enough to sit on the board spends more blasting lines off a h**ker's tits on a Saturday night.

Where's that glass of water?!

God, all this bowing and scraping.

Well, he may think this little shindig is for him, but it's for us... us.

[Door closes]

You seriously expect to entice new patrons into giving us hundreds of thousands of dollars when we're serving them a 99-cent glass of cat piss and a warmed-over production of "Giselle" as incentive?

I am gonna lose my mind here. I'm gonna lose my f*cking mind.

[Inhales deeply]

[Exhales deeply]

Veuve Clicquot.

We serve Veuve Clicquot if I have to give blow jobs on the corner to pay for it.

You better get busy.


Great. Oh, great.

Go ahead and ask Mr. Brousseau for extra money for the party he's throwing in his own honor and for our company's future.

Oh, just shame him out of his bad taste.

How hard is that?

Maybe you could give me a tutorial.

Monsieur Brousseau wants to make a splash in the ballet world.

Just ensure he makes it with champagne.


I'll just pull the money out of his ass.

If that's where he keeps his checkbook.

Now everyone out of my office... out!

I need to go over the roster before I address the troops.

God, I love first days.

They are so full of possibility.

[Door closes]

[Indistinct conversations] Patrice: Paul signed her on the spot.

And the bitch hasn't even been in a company for like three years.

Maybe she blew him or something.

Maybe, but if that worked, I wouldn't still be in the Corps.

Mia: Oh, my God! I missed you so much!

[Indistinct conversations continue]

And I hate your guts.

You're even skinnier than last season.

Suzanne: Are you kidding me? I'm a fat cow.

No, that'd be me.

[Indistinct conversations continue]


I hate that perfume Paul gave her.

You should be so f*cking lucky.

Daphne, what's up, diva?

Hey, maniac.

Okay, break my heart... Where were you?

Went to Spain for awhile and over to Portugal.

Oh, were you on that huge boat again?

Yacht? No.

Yes, a different one.

Different one?

What, didn't like it? Stateroom too small?

Your brain's too small.

So are my tits.

Such is life. I'm dealing with it.

No, I liked it fine.

It's just that my dad invited these dudes from Dubai...

This prince and all his creepy peeps. It got old fast.

Woman: Nice bag.

Who's that wide-eyed little thing?

"Bambi," my new roommate.

20 bucks says she's gone in a week.



Hi. Welcome.


Claire: Hey.

Well, you look like a Bambi.


This is Claire.

Hi. I'm Daphne.

And you're a douche.

Daphne's a demi-soloist... And a spoiled brat.

You should see her apartment. It's sick...

So is her closet.

I like what you're wearing.

It's a nice color on you. What's it called?


Ha ha.

See, that's why I love this girl.

She's not afraid to be an out-loud bitch.

She's the only one here I trust.

God damn it. Does anyone have a tampon?

Still get your period? Poor thing.

I might have one somewhere.

They've been in here awhile.

Can I keep the box? I'm bleeding like roadkill.

Shove in two at a time or you'll never make it through the barre.

Why does God hate me?


Welcome to the fray, new girl.

Try not to fit right in unless you want to spend your whole salary on shrinks.

This one... watch out.

Bat-shit crazy and a total whore.

Mia: f*ck off.

I'm not crazy.

[Door closes]

See you in the shark t*nk.


[Door opens]

[Indistinct conversations]

There she is!

You're gonna be fine.

[Indistinct conversations continue]

[Woman laughs]


You look great.


[Indistinct conversations continue]

Woman: Hey, Pasha.

Man: Good morning, Pasha.


[Speaks russian]

[Indistinct conversations continue]

Dobroe utro.

Good morning.

Woman: Morning.

Good morning. Up, up, up, up. Up, up.

[Snapping fingers]

[Indistinct conversations continue]

[Speaks russian] Pasha.

Good morning.

Morning, Miss Koval.



Hi. I'm Claire. I'm new.


[Indistinct conversations]

[Siren wails in distance]


Ross: No worries.

I'm Ross.


They're just messing with you.

[Indistinct conversations continue]

I smell a virgin.

Trey: You're insatiable.

Like you're not?

You have proclivities.

I like it when they know what they're doing.

When does a gay guy not know how to suck cock?


Welcome, welcome, welcome, blessed terpsichoreans, to our new season!

[Cheers and applause]

I am thrilled to have you all here...

And at my mercy.


I am convinced that this will be our most celebrated season to date.

As you know, I have put together a stunning repertoire that will astonish and delight you and our devoted audience.

I have many of you in mind for particular roles, and of course, some are already destined.

Let's begin.

Pli고in first, demi demi full, port de bras and rise, same second...

[Classical music plays]

Port de bras back, fourth, no grand pli鬠but press through the feet and...

Heels down.

Lift up as you descend.

Knees stretch.

Use all the music.

Good, Kiira. Lovely.

Yes, very nice.

Lazy, lazy boy. Pull up, up.

[Classical music plays]

Thank you.

Barres away, please.

[Sighs] [Music ends]

Let's come to center.


Right, croisé, front.

Step on the right on 1, arm on 2, followed by plié tendu 3 and 4.

Développé croisé, plié through to arabesque 7, 8.

Brushing through to attitude back, arabesque, pas de bourrée, fifth, up through the passé, allongé, pas de bourrée détendu, back.

Circle port de bras, arm open to the side, and returning to the fifth.

Développé, 1, 2, effacé, 3 and 4, plié, relevé, ***, forward, shifting here, here, settling back into fourth.

Swivel and arabesque, stepping over, ending croisé, front.

Step rond, returning back to the fourth, finishing with a double pirouette, and breathing back into fifth.

A little welcome-back challenge.

Groups of five.


[Indistinct conversations]

["Clair De Lune" plays]

["I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy" ringtone plays]

[Piano stops]

What the f*ck am I listening to?

Whose phone is that?

I'm so sorry.

Ah, the hard-luck story.

I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

No, it won't.

Get out.


[Inhales deeply]


Come here.

I wonder what the hell I was thinking when I scraped the bottom of the barrel and brought you on.

Let me see the adagio. Demonstrate.

Now that you've blasted it out of everyone's head with that heinous melody, I'll be damned if I'll be subjected to some mishmash.

Do it.



["Clair De Lune" plays]
[Inhales deeply]

Well, at least you remembered it.

["I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy" plays on piano]


Very amusing.

Go to the back.

May I have the first group, please?

Pasha, adjust the adagio.

There's been enough patriotism for today.

["Clair De Lune" plays]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Door closes]


Paul: She's brilliant.

She slayed me. Wow.

The feet, the emotion... How is it you say?

Um, she has full package.

I say f*ck me, she's a star.

Are you planning on giving her a feature?

Feature? I can make her. She can make us.

I'm pulling "Giselle."

f*ck that stale piece of shit.


Paul, you cannot change the season.

Don't you dare tell me what I can and cannot do.

There's no way the board will put up with changes now, Paul.

The season is approved... Done deal.

You think this is a democracy?

Everything and everyone here is to do with as I will!

[Door slams]

[Breathing heavily]

Daphne: You really need to grow a pair.

I'm sorry. What?

See this skin?


Can't chew through it. Get some, or go home.

That's for free.

[Breathing heavily]

[Door closes]

[Stall door opens]

[Toilet flushes]


[Water running]

You got lucky today.

I know.

You're not special. You know that, right?

With what you just happen to be feeling...

Anyone can do that.

I wonder if you'd still be here if you had to grand allegro with a big kiss-ass smile on your face.

[Door opens, closes]

[Cellphone vibrating]


Eduardo: Yeah?

Where the hell are you?

Chill out, papi. I'm walking in right now.

Don't get a heart attack.

Hey, guys.

[Breathing heavily]

Paul: [Breathlessly] I am a man of vision.

I am undeniable.

I get what I want when I want.

[Intercom beeps]

Reggie: Yes?

Call Brousseau. Get me lunch tomorrow.

Tell him it's urgent.

[Breathing heavily]

Don't let me forget I'm gonna need some cash for later, okay, chica?

[Indistinct conversations]

What are you wearing tomorrow night?

Something microscopic.

Patrice: Pisses me off.

Why do the tiniest dresses cost the most?

'Cause God hates women.

Can anyone ever get out of going?

Dude, it's a Company party.

Not going's not an option.

Daphne: Ballerina eye candy...

We grace the patrons with our presence, and they feel like they're...

Both: "Brushing elbows with angels."

[Elevator bell dings]


Woman: You want to go over together?

I think we were going on at like 8:00.

Paul: Angel.

[Sighs] My little debutante.

Tomorrow is your night.

I expect you to be the Belle of the ball.

You'll dazzle and enchant, yes?

I want everyone's eyes on you.

Bring the girls.

[Footsteps depart]

[Indistinct conversations]

Can I ask you a huge favor?


[Pop music plays, woman singing indistinctly]

This is so gorgeous.

Daphne: Thanks. I'm lucky.

I didn't have to f*ck anyone for this.

Do you need shoes, too?

I need everything...

Except those.

I'd k*ll myself in those. Those are crazy.

Daphne: That'd look great on you.

I don't think it'll fit.

Yeah, maybe not.


You could totally stuff those bad boys into this one.

Shit. I got to get going soon.

Do you have a date or something?

Or something, yeah.

You know what?

You should come with.

Do you good.

Can you keep a secret?

I'm good at secrets.

[Thunder rumbling]

Top of the evening, Danny Boy.

My Irish eyes are smilin' now.

This is my pal Claire.

You work tonight, Daphne's pal Claire?

Uh, no, just a tourist.

Is the mobster here?

Hey, you got to stop calling him that.

I'm serious as shit here. Don't f*ck around, Daph.

And, yeah, he's probably in his office.

Come on.

Thanks. Later.


[R&B music plays in distance]

Totally not falling for it.

[Door closes]

Yo, Bambi. Better work on that poker face.


So... You just dance, or... do you also do the other stuff?

Define "other stuff."

Do guys cum in their pants?


But they can't touch.

[Indistinct conversations]

The girls are in charge.

Some make arrangements, though, for later...

Outside the club, you know?

But management frowns on it.

On what is it I frown?

Not me I hope.

[Chuckles] No, never you.


Sergei, I'd like you to meet my friend and colleague Claire.

Ballerina. Enchanted.

[Smooches] Nice to meet you.

I cannot tell you the joy for me that is ballet.

Claire's gonna hang out while I do my thing.

Is that cool? [Chuckles]

She always gets what she wants, this one.

Beau: Hey, girl. When you want to hit it?

Can you put me on in about 30?

Can do.

Yeah yeah yeahs?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yo, b*tches. What's going on?

Thought you weren't gonna show.

You know I hate to miss a shift.

Gots to get your groove on.

[Scoffs] Boy, do I ever.

[Suggestively] Gots to get your groove on.


You want to hang here, or you want to go out front and watch?

I want to watch.

♪ S-show me what they look at you, she lick-a-boom, a-lick-a-boom ♪
♪ and once she licks your lollipop ♪
♪ you probably want to look at you, and look at you ♪
♪ I got a winner, she a bure red ♪
♪ chick's lips so thick, s-she get a whirl head ♪
♪ baby, like an astronaut, she work for NASA ♪
♪ got so much... up in my ass ♪
♪ I can't breathe, can't think, I need a dream ♪
♪ she got a bulletproof body like she bang for brinks ♪
♪ like she bang for brinks? ♪
♪ damn, just think ♪
♪ baby, just like her pants and a leathershore pens ♪
♪ come on ♪
♪ shake, shake ♪
♪ you do your thing, little mama ♪
♪ take, take, you get your cake, little mama ♪
♪ shake, shake, you do your thing, little mama ♪
♪ bring it back out till it breaks, little mama ♪

Beau: That is one beautiful girl.

[Cheers and applause] We hope you enjoyed Michelle.

Man: Whoo-whoo-whoo!

Get ready for some strut.

Please enjoy Raven.

[Yeah yeah yeahs "Phenomena" plays]

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ Don't touch, kid, sleep with the light ♪
♪ don't touch, kid, how you surprise me now ♪
♪ roll, kid, knock your body off ♪
♪ you're something like a phenomena ♪
♪ something like an astronoma ♪
♪ roll, kid, rock your body off ♪
♪ something like a phenomena ♪
♪ baby, you're something like a phenomena ♪
♪ something like a phenomena, baby ♪
♪ you're gonna get your body off ♪
♪ don't fall asleep with the motor on ♪
♪ she'll make you sweat in the water ♪
♪ don't fall asleep with the motor on ♪
♪ she'll make you sweat in the water ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ hot time, kid, hot time, kid ♪
♪ it's cold under the blanket ♪
♪ they loved it, then shot it ♪
♪ the fastest ran and got it ♪
♪ that story that ease, my ♪

Man: Hey, there, my little pony.


♪ they hide it up their sleeves, my ♪

f*ck! You f*cking c**t!

♪ they hide it, they hide it ♪

You f*cking cut me!

Get away from me!

♪ They're never gonna find it ♪


Why don't you step this way and we'll get you taken care of?

Crazy bitch.

[Cheers and applause]

Beau: We hope you enjoyed Raven.

[R&B music plays]

Claire, I apologize. Are you all right?

I should go find Daphne.

It is the very first ballet blanc.

"Giselle" is classic.

If we're gonna compete with ABT and City Ballet, we have to offer something besides the classics.

I disagree.


"Giselle" is good business.

It is beloved.

And it's been done to death.

I'm sorry, but you can't resuscitate that... thing with a defibrillator.

I know we committed.

I apologize for the curve ball.

I also know this is an exciting new venture for you, but you have to remember I've been doing this a very, very long time.

Well, fortunately, I have given you but a small portion of my financial commitment.

I'm sure it won't take long to return it to me.


Possibility is upon us.

When I was a small child, I always worried that I wasn't doing it right...

The butter, the bread, which side was which.

Do you believe in miracles?


I'll take the check, thank you.

Yes, sir.

I'm asking you seriously.


They are for the ignorant, the poor, and the dying.

We have in our possession a star who is ready to ascend.

And if we make the right choices, we will rise with her.

I want to launch her in a new ballet, commission a piece from a name choreographer.

If everything coalesces, we will be undeniable.

And just who is this... incandescent for whom you will jeopardize the entire season?

You'll meet her tonight.

[Jazz music plays, indistinct conversations]

[Woman singing in French]

[Light laughter]

[Indistinct conversations continue]

[Music continues]

[Speaks indistinctly]

Oh, yes.

Jessica: Good evening, everyone.

On behalf of the American Ballet Company, I want to thank you all for being here tonight.

We sincerely appreciate your generosity and support.

Now, if this fabulous man next to me needs an introduction, you're at the wrong party.


But what the heck...

Our fearless leader and extraordinary artistic director, Paul Grayson.


Ivana: Yes, yes.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Ballet is the ultimate optical illusion.

We make effort appear effortless, we make difficult divine, and we make gravity...

Our bitch.


We live to dance, and we dance because of you.

Some of you may not yet know our esteemed benefactor this evening.

Please allow me the pleasure of introducing our new chairman of the board, monsieur Laurent Brousseau.


[Indistinct conversations]

It is a great privilege and honor to help facilitate this glorious group in any way I can.

I very much hope you will join me in this most beautiful and worthy artistic endeavor.

Merci beaucoup. And enjoy.


[Mid-tempo music plays]

[Indistinct conversations]

So far, so good. You got his attention.

Now let's see what else you can get.

I'm sorry. I'm in the dark here.

You play your cards right, you'll be in the spotlight.

Ready for some choreography?

I'm gonna go and have a chat with Mr. and Mrs. Chairman over there.

When I lead her away to visit with handsome Principal Dancer Ross, you will be conveniently located to pick up the conversational slack.

Your future... and mine is riding on what happens next.

What happens next?

If, by evening's end, monsieur Brousseau isn't imagining his big French cock buried deep between your [Chuckling] delectable thighs, then you've done something wrong, in which case, I will be...


My angel, you're about to have a spectacular life.

Meet me at the studio at 8:00 tomorrow morning ready to work.

[Indistinct conversations continue]

[Glass shatters]



Oh. [Chuckles]

Why, hello.

Oh, I'm so sorry. I tripped.

I noticed.

I may be challenged to explain this later.

Oh, God.

Uh, let me get some soda water or something.

It's quite pretty really.

I can get it dry-cleaned for you.

Please, you must stop with this worry.

Your foot, this is a concern.

Your feet are your trade.

My feet have had worse, trust me.

Careful now.

Thank you.

[Indistinct conversations continue]

I'm Claire, by the way.


I meet you in the flesh.

Paul has mentioned you to me.

He said you were... a revelation.

I said I want to see for myself.

See for yourself?

Paul has invited me tomorrow.

Oh, yes.

Uh, I hear you love "Giselle."

I do.

However, it seems there is much excitement surrounding you.

Everything's been happening really fast.

I've only been in New York a few days.

Already the city is at your feet.

[Chuckles] Don't look at my feet.


I feel lucky.

I can't tell you how long it's been since I've felt that way.

But you are so young.


I should really go.

Early morning.

Perhaps I'll let you work your magic trick on this after all.

I'd be happy to.

I hope I don't disappoint.

I can't imagine.

[Indistinct conversations continue]


[Door opens]

Did I miss a memo?

Oh, no. I'm just going in early.


I'm not sure.

[Door closes]

[Dog barking in distance]



Have a good day.


[Dvorak's "String Quartet"]







[Music continues]

[Music intensifies]

[Music stops]

Tres bien.

[Door opens]

Still so skittish.

Come with me. Come here.

Do you see what I see?

You need to understand your power...

Your talent...

Your beauty.

Harness it.

Love it.

Use it.

And never forget... you're mine.

Definitely not "Giselle." It was something new.

[Door opens]

[Door opens]

[Indistinct conversations]


Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you last night.

[Paul clapping]

Angels. Angels.

I have wonderful news.

We are shaking things up and stepping into the now.

I am commissioning a brand-new ballet.

[Cheers and applause]

[Mia moaning, breathing heavily]

["I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy" ringtone plays, cellphone vibrating]


[Bryan sighs]

Where the hell are you?

Dad's really worried.

I left him a note.


Well, that was a chickenshit move.

[Sighs] Are you okay?

[Voice breaking] I'm fine.

I didn't even get to see you.


You forgot your ballerina.

You just left it here.

[Breathing heavily]

I miss you.

Tell me where you are.

Tell me where you are.

Claire, tell me where you are.

Tell me.
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