06x05 - The Rebel Flesh

Episode transcripts for the 2005 TV show "Doctor Who". (Ninth to Twelfth Doctor)*

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Time and Space traveling adventures of a Gallifreyan Time Lord only known as "the Doctor" and his companions.

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06x05 - The Rebel Flesh

Post by bunniefuu »

We zoom in on an isolated island, a fortified stone building perched on the surface.


Three figures appear at the opposite end of the dark tunnel.

MAN: Lights.

The lights in the tunnel turn on and the humans – two men, one woman - wearing advanced hazmat suits walk down the tunnel.


A code is keyed into the door and it opens, allowing the three inside.

MAN: Lights. You know the drill, people — acid visors down and locked. Buzzer.

The second man, BUZZER, turns a crank that lifts the heavy lid from the large vat in the center of the room. The WOMAN holds a device over the contents and takes a reading.

WOMAN: Reading of 9.7.

MAN: Sounds a bit low for unrefined. How's the average?

WOMAN: The acid potency stats have definitely dropped below the mean during the last quarter.

As she speaks, BUZZER climbs on the lip of the vat to place a pin in a hole to prevent the lid from falling on them.

BUZZER: Better than a computer, isn't she?

WOMAN: Give over, Buzz.

She playfully shoves BUZZER and he falls into the vat.

WOMAN: Buzzer! Buzz.

MAN: (sighs) Oh, great. Nice going, twinkle toes.

WOMAN: I shouldn't have swung at him. Sorry, Buzz. My bad.

BUZZER: No, you're all right. Jimmy.

JIMMY: Well, no point carrying you back legless. Sorry, Buzzer, you're dead.

BUZZER: Oh, this is a right pain in the ar— heart's gone now.

The WOMAN smacks the side of the device as it warbles.

JIMMY: Look, we'd best get off. Got to write this one up for the boss. Those suits cost a b*mb. If I miss my boy's birthday, filling out forms, I'll k*ll you again.

JIMMY and the WOMAN head back to the door as BUZZER'S raised hand dissolves.

JIMMY: Lights.

The lights go out and JIMMY and the WOMAN leave the room.


JIMMY and the WOMAN head back up the tunnel.

WOMAN: I'm looking at these readings, Jimmy, and the potency stats are way too low. We may have to take that read again. This thing is still jamming up on me.

At the other end of the tunnel, BUZZER is waiting.

BUZZER: So I think we'd better talk about what just happened back there. I could get compensation. I've seen the Hello ads. "Had an accident in the workplace?" Yeah, I have, as it goes. I've melted.

JIMMY: Let it go.

BUZZER: Look, just remember, when you're doing your report, it wasn't my fault — she took a swing at me.

WOMAN: I never touched you. You got two left feet, Buzzer.

BUZZER: I haven't got two left feet. Already arms, neck, head, the chin. (whistles) This body cost money, love.

JIMMY: Not as much as that acid suit.

BUZZER: Oh, lighten up. It's not like anyone was hurt.


The other BUZZER melts away in the pool, mouth open in a silent scream.

Matt Smith
Karen Gillan
Arthur Darvil

"The Rebel Flesh"
by Matthew Graham

Marcus Wilson

Julian Simpson


Muse's "Supermassive Black Hole" plays over the speakers as AMY and RORY play darts. The DOCTOR is at the console. RORY throws and his dart comes in under the wire.

AMY: 46. Rubbishy rubbishy rubbish.

RORY: Hello, it's a double top.

AMY: Wrong side of the wire, mister.

RORY: You're — red.

AMY: (laughs) No, I'm not. Stop trying to put me off.

As AMY takes her turn, the DOCTOR watches. On the monitor is the pregnancy scan. He switches off the music.

DOCTOR: Who wants fish 'n' chips? (RORY raises his hand) I'll drop you both off. Take your time. Don't rush.

RORY: Uh, and you?

DOCTOR: I have things to do, things involving... other things.

AMY: Well, we'll stay with you. We'll do the other things.

AMY and RORY join the DOCTOR at the console.


AMY: Whatever you're up to, I, personally, would like to be a part of it. (scoffs) What?

A klaxon blares and the TARDIS begins to buck. RORY grabs the rail as AMY clings to the console. The DOCTOR tries to get them out of it.

DOCTOR: Solar Tsunami. Came directly from your sun. A tidal wave of radiation. Big, big, big!


The TARDIS is thrown about in the tsunami.


RORY: Ohh, Doctor, my tummy's going funny.

DOCTOR: Well, the gyros are dissipated. Target-tracking is out.

With a grunt, the DOCTOR throws a lever that does nothing.


The TARDIS hurtles back down to Earth.


DOCTOR: Assume the position.

With a scream, AMY sits in one of the chairs, hands over her head. RORY kneels on the floor, covering his head. They stop suddenly. AMY and RORY look up, panting. The DOCTOR stands there.

DOCTOR: Textbook landing.


The TARDIS materializes on the island and the DOCTOR steps out and looks up at the weathervane at the top of the spire.

DOCTOR: Behold! A cockerel. Love a cockerel. And, underneath, a monastery, 13th-century.

AMY: Oh, we've gone all medieval.

RORY: I'm not sure about that.

AMY: Really? Medieval expert, are you?

RORY: No, it's just that I can hear Dusty Springfield.

In the background can be heard "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me". They walk towards a stairway and see a hole in the ground with an exposed pipe.

DOCTOR: These fissures are new. The solar Tsunami sent out a huge wave of gamma particles. This was caused by a magnetic quake that occurred just before the wave hit.

AMY: Well, the monastery's standing.

The DOCTOR takes a snow globe from his pocket and shakes it.

DOCTOR: Yeah, for now. (studies globe and puts it away)

RORY: Doctor, look.

On the pipe are the words "DANGER Corrosive".

DOCTOR: Ah, it's a supply pipe. (scans pipe) Ceramic inner lining. Something corrosive. They're pumping something nasty off this island, to the mainland.

RORY: My mum's a massive fan of Dusty Springfield.

DOCTOR: Who isn't? Right, let's go. Satisfy our rabid curiosity.

The DOCTOR climbs the wooden stairs followed by AMY and RORY.


Some of the buildings are in ruins but a large portion are inhabitable.

AMY: So, where are these Dusty Springfield-loving monks, then?

DOCTOR: (scans area with sonic) I think we're here. This is it.

RORY: Doctor, what are you talking about? We've never been here before.

The DOCTOR climbs another set of steps.

AMY: We came here by accident.

DOCTOR: "Accident"? Yes, I know. Accident.

RORY touches one of the pipes running alongside the stairs and pulls his hand away.

RORY: Ah! Ow!

DOCTOR: Acid. They're pumping acid off this island. That's old stuff. Fresh acid? You wouldn't have a finger.

The DOCTOR continues as AMY looks at RORY'S hand. An alarm blares.

COMPUTER: Intruder alert. Intruder alert.

The DOCTOR comes back.

DOCTOR: There are people coming. Well, almost.

AMY: Almost coming?

DOCTOR: Almost people.

The DOCTOR heads off and AMY follows.

RORY: I think we should probably go.

AMY: Come on!

RORY: I'm telling you, when something runs towards you, it's never for a nice reason.

AMY comes back and grabs him by the arm, dragging him along.


In the window alcoves are human-shaped harnesses, three of which are occupied by people in orange jumpsuits. The DOCTOR, AMY and RORY rush in.

AMY: What are all these harnesses for?

RORY: Uh, the almost people?

AMY: What are they, prisoners? Or are they meditating, or what?

DOCTOR: Well, at the moment, they fall into the "or what" category.

COMPUTER: Halt and remain calm.

DOCTOR: Well, we've halted. How are we all doing on the "calm" front?

At that moment, JIMMY, BUZZER and the WOMAN enter the room. BUZZER and JIMMY have lances pointed at them.

JIMMY: Don't...Move!

BUZZER: Stay back, Jen. We don't know who they are.

JENNIFER: So let's ask them. Who the hell are you?

DOCTOR: Well, I'm the Doctor and this is Amy and Rory and it's all very nice, isn't it?

AMY realizes that the people talking with them are duplicates of those in the harnesses.

AMY: Hold up. You're all — what are you all, like, identical twins?

Another MAN and WOMAN still in acid suits enter from behind them.

WOMAN: This is an Alpha-grade industrial facility. Unless you work for the military or for Morpeth Jetson, you are in big trouble.

DOCTOR: Actually, you're in big trouble. (shows psychic paper)

WOMAN: Meteorological department, since when?

DOCTOR: Since you were hit by a solar wave.

WOMAN: Which we survived.

DOCTOR: Just, by the look of it. And there's a bigger one on the way.

WOMAN: Which we'll also survive. Dicken, scan for bugs.

DICKEN holds up scanner.

DICKEN: Backs against the wall. Now.

The DOCTOR, AMY and RORY back up to the wall.

DOCTOR: You're not a monastery. You're a factory. 22nd-century, army-owned factory.

AMY: You're army?

WOMAN: No, love, we're contractors and you're trespassers.

DICKEN: (finishes scanning) It's okay, boss.

WOMAN: All right, weatherman, your I.D. checks out. If there's another solar storm, what are you going to do about it, hand out sunblock?

DOCTOR: (fake laugh) Ha ha ha ha. I need to see your critical systems.

WOMAN: Which one?

DOCTOR: You know which one.


Near one end of the room is a vat on a raised platform. In front of it on the floor is an open tub the size of a person. We hear liquid bubbling in the vat. The DOCTOR walks around to the opposite side of the vat and looks at the white liquid inside.

DOCTOR: And there you are.

WOMAN: Meet the government's worst-kept secret — the flesh. It's fully programmable matter. In fact, it's even learning to replicate itself at the cellular level.

AMY: Right. Brilliant. Lost.

WOMAN: Okay. Once a reading's been taken, we can manipulate its molecular structure into anything, replicate a living organism, down to the hairs on its chinny-chin-chin. Even clothes, and everything's identical — eyes, voice.

DOCTOR: Mind, soul.

WOMAN: Don't be fooled, Doctor. It acts like life, but it still needs to be controlled by us from those harnesses you saw.

RORY: Wait, whoa-oa-oa, hold it. So... You're flesh now?

WOMAN: I'm lying in a harness back in that chamber. We all are, except Jennifer, here. Don't be scared. This thing? Just like operating a forklift truck.

DOCTOR: You said it could grow. Only living things grow.

WOMAN: Moss grows. It's no more than that. This acid is so dangerous, we were losing a worker every week. So now, we mine the acid, using these doppelgangers, or "gangers." If these bodies get burnt or fall in the acid...

GANGER BUZZER: Then who the hell cares? Right, Jen?

JENNIFER: Well, the nerve endings automatically cut off, like airbags being discharged, except we wake up and get a new ganger.

GANGER JIMMY: It's weird. But you get used to it.

WOMAN: Jennifer, I want you in your ganger. Get back to the harness.

The DOCTOR uses the sonic to scan the Flesh.

GANGER BUZZER: Hang on. What's he up to? What are you up to, pal?

The DOCTOR seems to struggle in order to move his arm.

DOCTOR: Stop it. Ahh! (pulls arm back) Strange. It was like, for a moment there, it was scanning me.

The DOCTOR puts the sonic back in his pocket and then reaches his hand out to touch the top of the liquid with his palm.

WOMAN: Doctor.


The DOCTOR'S hand shakes and he can't pull away.

WOMAN: Get back, Doctor. Leave it alone!

DOCTOR: Ahh! Ah! Ah! Gah! (pulls hand away) I understand.

AMY: Doctor, are you all right?

DOCTOR: Incredible. You have no idea. No idea. I mean, I felt it in my mind. I reached out to it and it, to me.

WOMAN: Don't fiddle with the money, Doctor.

DOCTOR: How can you be so blinkered? It's alive, so alive. You're piling your lives, your personalities, directly into it.

Lightning crashes as the DOCTOR takes out the snow globe again. The ground shakes.

DOCTOR: It's the solar storm. The first waves come in pairs — pre-shock and full shock — it's close.

WOMAN: Buzz, have we got anything from the mainland yet?

GANGER BUZZER: No, the comms are still too jammed with radiation.

WOMAN: Okay, then we'll keep pumping acid until the mainland says stop. Now, why don't you stand back and let us impress you.


JENNIFER runs her ID card through the scanner.

COMPUTER: I.D. confirmed. Jennifer Lucas.

JENNIFER: The meter is running. (scans palm)


Flesh starts pouring into the tub.


JENNIFER is in the harness doing a final check.

JENNIFER: Cardio and spiritry... Online. Motor functions... Online. Plumbing in.

JENNIFER lies back and is soon unconscious.


They watch the tub and soon a face begins to form. The mouth first and then the eyes. The Flesh then forms itself into JENNIFER except the face isn't fully defined. She sits up with a gasp, now fully formed.

DOCTOR: Well, I can see why you keep it in a church. The miracle of life.

GANGER BUZZER: No need to get poncey. It's just gunge.

WOMAN: Guys, we need to get to work.

GANGER JIMMY: Okay, everybody. Let's crack on. (helps GANGER JENNIFER get out)

DOCTOR: Did I mention the solar storm? You need to get out of here.

GANGER JIMMY: Well, where do you want us to go? We're on a tiny island.

DOCTOR: Well, I can get you all off it.

WOMAN: Don't be ridiculous. We've got a job to do.

DOCTOR: It's coming.

An alarm blares.

GANGER JENNIFER: That's the alarm.

DOCTOR: How do you get power?

WOMAN: We're solar and we use a solar router. The weather vane.

DOCTOR: Big problem.

GANGER JIMMY: Boss, maybe if the storm comes back, we should get underground. The factory's seen better days. The acid pipes might not withstand another hit.

WOMAN: We have 200 tons of acid to pump out. We fall behind, we stay another rotation. Anyone want that?

DOCTOR: Please. (grabs the WOMAN by the arm and pulls her aside) You are making a massive mistake here. You're right at the crossroads of it. Don't turn the wrong way. If you don't — if you don't — prepare for this storm, you are all in terrible danger, understand?

WOMAN: My factory, my rules. (walks away)

DOCTOR: I need to check the progress of the storm. (snaps fingers) Monitoring station.


DOCTOR: (snaps fingers) Monitoring station!

GANGER JENNIFER: Three lefts, a right, and a left. Third door on your left.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

The DOCTOR leaves followed by AMY and RORY.


We see the storm getting closer, light streaking across the sky.


The DOCTOR, AMY and RORY enter the room as the building shakes from the storm. In the center is a circular bank of instruments.

DOCTOR: The wave's disturbing the earth's magnetic field. There is going to be the mother and father of all power surges. You see this weather vane, the cock-a-doodle-doo? It's a solar router, feeding the whole factory with solar power. When that wave hits, kaboom. I've got to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose. (stops in the doorway and chuckles) I never thought I'd have to say that again. Ah. Amy, breathe. (leaves)

AMY: Yeah! I mean, thanks, I'll try.

AMY and RORY leave.


The DOCTOR runs across to the tower upon which the solar router rests.


The Gangers watch as the electricity crackles around the room and the Originals rest in the harnesses.


One of the pipes cracks and begins spilling acid.


The pipe located by the TARDIS is also cracked and leaks acid into the ground. The TARDIS begins to sink.


The DOCTOR climbs the ladder outside the tower and stops beside the power box, pulling it open with a grunt.


The Gangers continue to watch.


Lightning strikes the tower and the DOCTOR falls to the battlement.


Electricity strikes the vat of Flesh and the power goes out.


The DOCTOR comes to with a gasp and sits up. The top of the vane is gone.


AMY and RORY wake on the floor.

RORY: Oh. For want of a better word — oww!


The DOCTOR runs down the stairs and sees CLEAVES standing there, bewildered.

DOCTOR: Cleaves, you're not in your harness!

CLEAVES: I'm sorry, Doctor. You were right.

DOCTOR: You've lost all power to the factory.

CLEAVES: Doctor, I abandoned my team.

DOCTOR: Then let's go get them.

The DOCTOR takes CLEAVES by the hand and they go inside.


The DOCTOR walks with CLEAVES.

DOCTOR: How long would you say we were unconscious for, Cleaves?

CLEAVES: Not long. A minute, two minutes.

DOCTOR: I'd hazard we've been out a teensy bit longer.

CLEAVES: Well, how long?

DOCTOR: An hour — I've seen whole worlds turned inside-out in an hour. A lot can go wrong in an hour. (continues on)

CLEAVES sighs and follows.


AMY and RORY enter the room as the humans get out of the harnesses.

BUZZER: I feel like I've been toasted.

JIMMY: What the hell happened?

AMY: The Tsunami happened. You're hurt.

JIMMY: Well, it feels like the national grid's running through my bones, but, apart from that...

BUZZER: I hope the meter's not bust. I still want to get paid.

JENNIFER: Why-y-y?

RORY sees JENNIFER by herself and goes over to comfort her.

RORY: Jennifer! Jennifer? Hi.

JENNIFER: It hurt so much.

RORY: (hugs her) Hey, hey, it's okay, it's over.

JENNIFER: I couldn't get out of my harness.

RORY: Shh-shh-shh.

JENNIFER: I thought I was going to die.

RORY: Welcome to my world. (looks at AMY over JENNIFER'S head)

The DOCTOR and CLEAVES enter the room.

AMY: Doctor, look, these are all real people. So where are their gangers?

CLEAVES: Don't worry, when the link shuts down, the gangers return to pure flesh. Now, the storm's left us with acid leaks all over, so we need to contact the mainland. They can have a rescue shuttle out here in no time.

Dusty Springfield can be heard once again.

JIMMY: That's my record. Who's playing my record?

DOCTOR: Your gangers. They've gone walkabout.

CLEAVES: No, it's impossible. They're not active — cars don't fly themselves, cranes don't lift themselves, and gangers don't —

They turn to the sound of the music.


A record was playing on the turntable as they entered the room through the thick plastic strips.

BUZZER: No way.

CLEAVES: I don't — I don't believe this.

JIMMY: They could've escaped through the service door in the back.

BUZZER: This is just like the Isle of Sheppey.

The DOCTOR sits at the table and looks at a house of cards.

DOCTOR: It would seem the storm has animated your gangers.

CLEAVES: They've ransacked everything.

DOCTOR: Not ransacked, searched.

CLEAVES: Through our stuff?

DOCTOR: Their stuff.

JIMMY: Searching for what?

DOCTOR: Confirmation. They need to know their memories are real.

BUZZER: Oh, so they've got flaming memories now.

DOCTOR: They feel compelled to connect to their lives, yeah.

CLEAVES: Their stolen lives.

DOCTOR: No, bequeathed. You gave them this. You poured in your personalities, emotions, traits, memories, secrets — everything. You gave them your lives. Human lives are amazing. Are you surprised they walked off with them?

BUZZER: I'll say it again — Isle of Sheppey. Ganger got an electric shock, toddled off, k*lled his operator, right there in his harness. I've seen the photos. This bloke's ear was —

JIMMY: Even if this has actually happened, they can't remain stable without us plumbed into them — can they, boss?

CLEAVES: I guess we'll find out.

JENNIFER gasps and RORY is at her side.

RORY: Are you okay? Do you need some water?

JENNIFER: I feel funny. I need the washroom. (leaves)

RORY: I'll come with you. (follows)

DICKEN: (sneezes) Sorry.

The DOCTOR leans forward and studies the cards.

BUZZER: That's me. It's good to have a hobby. So, what, my ganger did that, all on its own?

DOCTOR: Who taught you to do this?

BUZZER: Me granddad.

DOCTOR: Well, your ganger's granddad taught him to do it, too. You both have the same childhood memories, just as clear, just as real.

BUZZER: No. (knocks down the cards)

DOCTOR: They're scared, disorientated, struggling to come to terms with an entire life in their heads.


RORY stands in the doorway while JENNIFER is at the sinks, looking in the mirror.

RORY: The Doctor's always saying "don't wander off." First rule with him, actually, "don't wander off".

JENNIFER: I just need a minute.

RORY: Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure, yeah. Take all the time you need. I've got your back. You're fine.

RORY turns his back to the room. As JENNIFER looks in the mirror, her face flashes to that of a Ganger. She gasps and coughs up what looks like Flesh.

RORY: Uh, Jennifer?

With a shuddering gasp, JENNIFER runs into one of the stalls and locks the door. RORY turns around.

RORY: What's up, Jennifer? We'd, uh, better get going. (sets the light on the counter) Everything okay in there, Jen?

RORY looks to the mirror and turns back to be punched in the jaw by a large fist. The arm attached to the fist extends back to the stall. On the floor, RORY watches the arm withdraw back to the stall. JENNIFER'S head comes out and her neck is long and snake-like.

GANGER JENNIFER: (growls) Just let us live.

RORY gets up off the floor, grabs the light and runs from the room.

The DOCTOR is at the microwave while the others are gathered around the table.

JIMMY: We need to protect ourselves.

DOCTOR: (puts a container of food into the microwave) Are you a violent man, Jimmy?


DOCTOR: Then why would the other Jimmy be?

CLEAVES: Don't tell me you can eat at a time like this, Doctor.

DOCTOR: You told me that we were out cold for a few minutes, Cleaves, when, in fact, it was an hour.

CLEAVES: Sorry, I just assumed —

DOCTOR: Well, it's not your fault. Like I said, they're disorientated. Amy, when you got to the alcoves, who was in harness?

The timer on the microwave goes off and the DOCTOR takes out the plate using a towel as he converses.

AMY: Um, Jimmy and Dicken were helping Buzzer out.

DOCTOR: Jennifer?

AMY: She was standing on her own when we got to her.

The DOCTOR hands the plate to CLEAVES and she holds it in her bare hand.

DOCTOR: It's hot.

CLEAVES hisses and drops the plate which shatters on the floor.


DOCTOR: The transmatter's still a little rubbery. (examines CLEAVES' hand) The nerve endings are not quite fused properly.

GANGER CLEAVES: (pulls hand away) What the hell are you talking about?

DOCTOR: It's okay.

GANGER CLEAVES: Why didn't I feel that?

DOCTOR: You will. You'll stabilize.

GANGER CLEAVES: No, stop it. You're playing stupid games. Stop it! (turns her back on the DOCTOR)

DOCTOR: (approaches GANGER CLEAVES) You don't have to hide. Please, trust me. I'm the Doctor.

GANGER CLEAVES turns on the DOCTOR with a hiss, her face in its half-formed state. BUZZER grabs a knife from the table and heads towards her. JIMMY holds him back.

BUZZER: Where's the real Cleaves, you thing?! What have you done with her?!

DOCTOR: That's it, good. You remember. This is early flesh, the early stages of the technology. So much... (reaches out a hand to touch her and she shudders) to learn.

AMY: Doctor, what's happened to her?

DOCTOR: She can't stabilize — she's shifting between half-formed and full-formed. For now, at least.

GANGER CLEAVES: We are living!

GANGER CLEAVES lunges at the DOCTOR with a growl then runs from the room screaming.

DOCTOR: Let her go.

AMY: Doctor, Rory.

DOCTOR: "Rory"?

AMY: (turns around with arms up) Rory!

DOCTOR: Oh, Rory. Rory! Always with the Rory!


RORY cautiously moves through the ruins.


The DOCTOR, AMY and JIMMY exit one of the buildings to find their way blocked by acid on the ground.

JIMMY: The expl*si*n must've ruptured the acid feeds. We're going to need the acid suits.

DOCTOR: No, no, no, we haven't got time. Back, back, back.

They go in the opposite direction.


RORY is blocked by acid. He heads back the way he came.


RORY ducks behind some crates. GANGER JENNIFER walks by.

GANGER JENNIFER: Rory?! Rory?! (she turns showing her half-formed face)


JIMMY, the DOCTOR and AMY run into the washroom and the DOCTOR sees the hole in the stall door.

AMY: Rory!

DOCTOR: Of course. Jennifer's a ganger, too.

AMY: Doctor, you said they wouldn't be violent.

DOCTOR: But I did say they were scared, and angry.

JIMMY: And early technology, is what you said. You seem to know something about the flesh.

AMY: Do you? Doctor?

JIMMY: You're no weatherman. Why are you really here?

DOCTOR: I have to talk to them. I can fix this. (runs from the room)

AMY follows.

JIMMY: (following) Wait! What's going on? Where's the real Jennifer?!


JENNIFER makes her way down some stairs, leaning against the wall, breath shuddering.


JIMMY, the DOCTOR and AMY reach the top of a set of stairs and as they head down the tunnel, steam bursts from a pipe. There is also acid on the ground.

DOCTOR: It is too dangerous out here with acid leaks!

AMY: We have to find Rory.

DOCTOR: Yes, I'm going back to the TARDIS. Wait for me in the dining hall. I want us to keep together, okay? No more wandering off.

AMY: And what about Rory?

DOCTOR: Well, it would be safer to look for Rory and Jennifer with the TARDIS.

JIMMY spots a box on the wall.

JIMMY: Here we go. (opens the box and pulls out a large container) Distress flares. (closes the box and is startled by the DOCTOR)


JIMMY: Keep going straight, can't miss it. But you're never going to get your vehicle in here.

DOCTOR: I'm a great parker. (leaves)

AMY: (makes a face) Ew.

JIMMY: We really need those acid suits. I've sent Buzzer and Dicken to get them.

AMY: Fine and dandy. I'm just going to find my husband, so...cheers.

JIMMY: But, Amy, I wouldn't —

AMY: Nor would I. What can you do, eh? (heads down the tunnel)

JIMMY: At least wait for an acid suit!


In another section of tunnels, DICKEN and BUZZER creep along, watching out for acid and the Gangers.


GANGER JENNIFER is sitting on a bench, her back to the door. RORY finds her and slowly enters the room.

GANGER JENNIFER: When I was a little girl, I got lost on the moors. Wandered off from the picnic. I can still feel how sore my toes got inside my red Wellie boots. (she is holding a photo of JENNIFER as a child) And I imagined another little girl, just like me, in red Wellies, and she was Jennifer, too. Except she was a strong Jennifer, a tough Jennifer. She'd lead me home. (removes the photo and looks at her reflection in the glass before finding a recent picture of JENNIFER) My name is Jennifer Lucas. I'm not a factory part. I had toast for my breakfast, I wrote a letter to my mum, and then you arrived. (looks at RORY) I noticed your eyes, right off.

RORY: Did you?

GANGER JENNIFER: Nice eyes. Kind.

RORY: (bends over) Where's the real Jennifer?

GANGER JENNIFER: (stands) I am Jennifer Lucas. I remember everything that happened in her entire life. Every birthday, every childhood illness. I feel everything she's ever felt, and more. (cries) I'm not a monster! I am me! (sobs and beats her chest) Me! Me! Me! (changes to fully formed)

RORY puts his hands on her shoulders.

RORY: Hey.

GANGER JENNIFER: Why did they do this to us? Help me, Rory. Help me.

GANGER JENNIFER starts to cry. Not knowing what else to do, RORY hugs her.


The DOCTOR enters the room and makes his way to the vat of Flesh. He takes out the sonic and uses it on the Flesh. The liquid in the vat begins to bubble. He then runs from the room. In the vat, a mouth appears at the surface.

MOUTH: Trust me.


The DOCTOR stops and looks down.

DOCTOR: Oh. What are you doing down there?

The TARDIS has nearly completely sunk into the acid-saturated ground.

DOCTOR: Really!

The DOCTOR begins to reach into his pocket but stops when he realizes he is standing in a puddle of acid and the substance has been eating away at his boots.


DICKEN and BUZZER continue their search for the acid suits.


The DOCTOR leaves his boots and heads back up the stairs into the courtyard.


DICKEN and BUZZER enter the room.

BUZZER: Clear.

DICKEN opens the closet holding the suits to find it empty.

BUZZER: Those damn gangers got to the acid suits.

DICKEN: But there's acid leaking everywhere. Did you see the boss' eyes, back there in the hallway?

BUZZER: I've never seen a ganger look at me like that.

DICKEN: I don't know what they are now, but... They ain't us. (sneezes)


Propped by the vat are the acid suits. As the door opens, the Ganger duplicates of Buzzer, Jimmy, and Dicken stand and look up as GANGER CLEAVES enters.

GANGER CLEAVES: We have the advantage now. We have the acid suits. We can move freely, strike at will.



RORY: Are you sure you're feeling better? No more super-elastic punches?

GANGER JENNIFER: I'm...different now, stronger.

RORY: The Doctor won't hurt you. He wants to help, Jennifer, okay?

GANGER JENNIFER: You used my name. You used my name! Thank you! (kisses him on the cheek) Amy's a lucky girl.

RORY: Yeah...she is. (sighs) Let's go.

They walk past a stairway and don't notice CLEAVES. She waits for them to go by before running out.


AMY approaches a large wooden door at the end of the tunnel.

AMY: Rory. Rory.

AMY slowly opens the door and, as she peers inside, she sees the EYEPATCH LADY looking in on her before the panel slides closed. AMY gasps and slams the door closed.

RORY: Amy!

AMY whirls around with a gasp and then sighs when she sees who it is.

AMY: You're okay. What happened?

AMY walks towards RORY but stops when GANGER JENNIFER steps out from behind him.

RORY: She needs protecting.

DICKEN and BUZZER find them.


AMY: No, it's a ganger. Rory, listen —

RORY: No, you listen — nobody touches her!


The DOCTOR enters, looking around. He sees the acid suits. He continues looking at the floor and sees the legs of the Gangers. He looks up.

DOCTOR: Hello. How are we all getting on?

GANGER CLEAVES: Why don't you tell us?

DOCTOR: Well, we have two choices. The first is to tear each other apart — not my favorite — the second is to knuckle down and work together. Try to work out how best we can help you.


The DOCTOR is walking with the Gangers who are in their full-form.

DOCTOR: Now, I know it's hard for you to hold your fully human form, that's why you keep shifting between the flesh stages, but do try — it'll make the others less scared of you.

The real CLEAVES watches as they walk past. GANGER CLEAVES stops. CLEAVES ducks back as her Ganger turns its head 180°.


GANGER JENNIFER is sitting on one side of the table, RORY stands beside her. Across from her are BUZZER, JIMMY and DICKEN. AMY stands across from RORY.

BUZZER: Where's Jen? What have you done with her?

GANGER JENNIFER: I haven't seen her. I swear. But, look, I'm her. I'm just like her. I'm real.

JIMMY: You're a copy. You're just pretending to be like her.

AMY: (whispers) Rory, um, we don't really know anything about them yet —

RORY: Well —

AMY: and —

RORY: I know that she's afraid and she needs our help.

AMY: Rory —

GANGER JENNIFER: Jimmy, Buzzer, come on, you guys. We've worked together for two years.

BUZZER: I work with Jennifer Lucas, not you.

AMY: Okay, let's not do anything at all

The DOCTOR enters the room.

DOCTOR and AMY: Until the Doctor gets here. Hello.

The four other Gangers enter behind him.

JIMMY: This is —

GANGER JIMMY: You're telling me.

GANGER CLEAVES: All right, Doctor, you've brought us together — now what?

DOCTOR: Before we do anything, I have one very important question — has anybody got a pair of shoes I could borrow? Size 10. Although I should warn you — I have very wide feet.


CLEAVES is angrily pulling items from her locker.

CLEAVES: That's it, Doctor, befriend them, team up with them, why don't you? Make a football team. How about that? You're going to have us all together, singing campfire songs.

Now that she has what she was looking for, CLEAVES slams the door.


The DOCTOR is sitting on the edge of the table and he's now wearing brown boots. Amy stands behind him. To one side are the Originals and on the other, the Gangers. GANGER JENNIFER stands next to RORY.

DOCTOR: The flesh was never merely moss. These are not copies. The storm has hardwired them. They are becoming people.

JIMMY: With souls?

DICKEN: Rubbish. Ah-choo!

GANGER DICKEN: Bless you. (GANGER CLEAVES looks at him) What?

DOCTOR: We were all jelly, once. Little jelly eggs, sitting in goop.

AMY: Yeah, thanks. Too much information.

DOCTOR: We are not talking about an accident that needs to be mopped up. We are talking about sacred life. Do you understand? Good. Now, the TARDIS is trapped in an acid pool. Once I can reach her, I can get you all off this island, humans and gangers, eh, how does that sound?

JIMMY: Can we get home for Adam's birthday?

GANGER JIMMY: What about me? He's my son, too.

JIMMY: You? You really think that?

GANGER JIMMY: I feel it.

JIMMY: Oh, so you were there when he was born, were you?

GANGER JIMMY: Yeah. I drank about 8 pints of tea and they told me I had a wee boy and I just burst out laughing. (laughs) No idea why. I miss home. As much as you.

DOCTOR: Look, I'm not going to lie to you. It's a right odd mess, this. But, as you might say up north, "oh, well, I'll just go to t' foot of the stairs." Ha ha ha. Eh, bye-bye, gone. Or not. Good. Right. The first step is we get everyone together, then get everyone safe, then get everyone out of here.

AMY: But we're still missing Jennifer and Cleaves.

JIMMY: I'll go and look for them. (heads for the door)

GANGER JIMMY: I'll give you a hand, if you like. (joins him) Cover more ground.

JIMMY: Yeah. Okay. Thanks.

With everyone watching both Jimmys, they don't see CLEAVES enter behind them.

CLEAVES: This circus has gone on long enough!

There is a crackle of electricity from the device in her hand.

GANGER CLEAVES: Oh, great. You see, that is just so typically me.

CLEAVES: Doctor, tell it to shut up.

DOCTOR: Please, no. No! No!

CLEAVES: Circuit probe. Fires about, oh, 40,000 volts. It would k*ll any one of us, so I guess she'll work on gangers, just the same.

DOCTOR: It's interesting you refer to them as "it," but you call a glorified cattle prod a "she."

CLEAVES: When the real people are safely off this island, then I'll happily talk philosophy over a pint with you, Doctor.

AMY: What are you going to do to them?

CLEAVES: Sorry, they're monsters, mistakes. They have to be destroyed.

DOCTOR: Give me the probe, Cleaves.

GANGER CLEAVES: We always have to take charge, don't we, Miranda? Even when we don't really know what the hell is going on.

GANGER BUZZER charges at CLEAVES and she fires at him three times. He falls to the ground. The DOCTOR runs over to him and kneels.

DOCTOR: Stop! Oh! Ah! He's dead!

CLEAVES: We call it "decommissioned."

CLEAVES moves the probe around in the air and JENNIFER gasps and ducks when it is aimed in her direction.

DOCTOR: You stopped his heart. He had a heart! Aorta, valves — a real, human heart! And you stopped it.

RORY: Jen?

GANGER JENNIFER: What happened to Buzz will happen to us all, if we trust you!

DOCTOR: (stands) Wait, wait. Just wait.


RORY rushes at CLEAVES and knocks her to the ground. He takes the probe away from her. The Gangers take advantage of the situation and run from the room.

CLEAVES: You idiot!


RORY gets up as does CLEAVES.

DOCTOR: Look at what you've done, Cleaves.

CLEAVES: If it's w*r, then it's w*r. You don't get it, Doctor. How can you? It's us and them now. (turns to JIMMY, DICKEN and BUZZER) Us... And them.

DICKEN: Us and them.

JIMMY: (sighs) Us and them.

The DOCTOR sighs, unhappy at the turn things have taken.


The Gangers are now back to their half-form faces. GANGER JIMMY passes out the acid suits. Up the steps by the door, GANGER JENNIFER speaks to them like she's on a pulpit.

GANGER JENNIFER: You tried, we all tried, and look what they did. Us and them now.

GANGER JIMMY: Us and them.

GANGER DICKEN: Us and them.


GANGER JENNIFER: Buzzer warned you it was a trick, and now, he's dead. If we want to live, then it's time to go to w*r. I'll take care of the spare one running around out there. (leaves)


JENNIFER limps into the room. Facing her, a hand leans into one of the pillars.

VOICE: Trust me.

JENNIFER sees and runs from the room, terrified.


AMY and RORY are kneeling on the floor having a whispered discussion as they cover up GANGER BUZZER. BUZZER, JIMMY and CLEAVES are also having their own conversation.

RORY: (whispers) Don't be like that. She's real.

JIMMY: (whispers) You k*lled him.

DOCTOR: The most fortified and defendable room in the monastery? Cleaves! The most fortified and defendable room in the monastery?

CLEAVES: (turns to the DOCTOR) The chapel.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

CLEAVES: Only one way in, stone walls, 2 feet thick.

DOCTOR: You've crossed one hell of a line, Cleaves. You've k*lled one of them. They're coming back. In a big way.


Three of the remaining Gangers clad in acid suits march through the ruins toward their enemies.


The Original JENNIFER walks cautiously through the tunnels.

DOCTOR: Jennifer!


JENNIFER limps along, panting. She neglects to look up where GANGER JENNIFER is pressed against the ceiling.


In another section of the tunnels, the others rush towards the chapel.

JIMMY: What about the flares?

DOCTOR: We'll worry about the flares when we're locked inside.

The three humans rush through leaving the DOCTOR, AMY and RORY.

DOCTOR: Rory Pond.

RORY hears JENNIFER scream and hesitates.

AMY: Rory? Come on.

RORY: Jen's out there. She's out there and she's on her own. (heads down the tunnel)

DOCTOR: Well, if she's got any sense, then she's hiding. Rory!

RORY: I can't leave her out there!


RORY: I know you understand that.

AMY: Get in here. Get in here!

The Gangers arrive through the other end of the hallway. RORY dashes off through a side corridor.

CLEAVES: There they are!


The DOCTOR grabs AMY by the arm and pulls her through the doorway.

AMY: Rory!

The DOCTOR slams the door.


The DOCTOR grips AMY by the arms as the other block the door with what they can find.

DOCTOR: Amy, Amy, they are not after him, they're after us.

From one of the dark corners comes a voice.

VOICE: Why? Why?

DOCTOR: Show yourself. Show yourself!



RORY runs through the tunnels.

RORY: Jennifer!


They are building a blockade against the door. The DOCTOR cautiously approaches the corner.

AMY: Doctor!

CLEAVES: Pass me the barrel.

DICKEN: We need something heavy. Anything you can find.

AMY watches the DOCTOR.

JIMMY: (laughs) This is insane. We're fighting ourselves.

DOCTOR: Yes, it's insane and it's about to get even more insanerer. Is that a word? Show yourself! Right now!

AMY: Doctor! We are trapped in here and Rory is out there, with them. Hello! We can't get to the TARDIS and we can't even leave the island.

The DOCTOR speaks but his lips don't move. He seems just as stunned as the others.

DOCTOR: Correct, Pond. It's frightening, unexpected, frankly, a total, utter, splattering mess on the carpet, but I'm certain, 100% certain, that we can work this out. (from the shadows emerges a GANGER DOCTOR with a half-formed face) Trust me. I'm the Doctor.
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