01x06 - What Can Only Be Considered a Dreadful Day for Todd

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Todd Margaret" (formerly "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret"). Aired: October 2010 to January 2016.*
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"Todd Margaret" is an American office temp worker who takes a job running the London sales team for "Thunder Muscle", an energy drink. He has no experience with British culture, knows nothing about sales and has only one employee.
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01x06 - What Can Only Be Considered a Dreadful Day for Todd

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret"...

Brent Wilts: Listen, it's crunch time.

Sixteen thousand more crates of "Thunder Muscle" are being unloaded, right now.

Todd Margaret: I know!

Winston: Are you telling me that Brent Wilts is not the President of Global National.

Hello, Mrs. Plimpton.

Oh, cheese at Christmas!

Woman: Come on, Wilts!

This is pathetic!

You couldn't sell crack to a crackwhore!

No, I know I fudged that up.

Dave: I sent those pictures over to Wilts like you asked, but it didn't go down too well with Sainsbury's.

Well, tell him to get a lawyer-- tell him to hire ten lawyers.

Ahmed: Todd Margaret.

Ahmed, good to see you.

There's 30,000 pounds in here, right?

Minus a handful of 30 pound notes.

I wanna introduce you to a brand new energy drink that you are gonna love!

No, wait, wait, wait!

This is a misunderstanding!

Wait, no-- I'm American!

I mean, I grew up in Leeds.

Help, anyone!

Man: Honey!

The charges include breaking and entering, sexual deviancy, libel, airing pornographic content, money laundering, m*rder, anti-semitism.

Silence in court!

S01E06 - What Can Only be Considered a Dreadful Day for Todd
Original Air Date on November 5, 2010

Thank-thanks for, uh, gettin' me outta there.

Alice: Yeah, well, you're lucky it's televised.

I can't believe you saw me.

The entire country saw you, Todd, most of the world, probably.

Hey, do you think they saw the "Thunder Muscle?"

Yeah, I suppose so.

Oh, that's great!

No, it's not great!

It's stupid.

At least it's stupid for a legitimate businessman who's supposed to know what he's actually doing.

You know, you just-you just gotta be honest with me, Todd.

I am!

Oh, yeah, sure you are.

You're the head of an international company, but you haven't been able to sell one can of fizzy drink.

You aren't aware of the concept of exchange rates.

You-you don't know how to dress yourself.

You-you live in a bad flat that is filthy and disgusting.

You practically destroyed my cafe, and you still owe me for my kitchen curtains, by the way.

Okay, first of all...

I know how to sell fizzy drink, and it's not fizzy drink.

It's an energy drink, a great tasting new way to get up and go.

The exchange rate thing, that was just me being confused, 'cause I'm constantly traveling, okay?

And you're gonna get your kitchen drapes.

I'm working on it.

You don't have to keep asking about it, all right?


Please, keep in mind, I am still grieving the loss of my father.

I know.

I'm-- and I'm sorry about your dad.

And I told you.

I'm only in that place temporarily until my new place is renovated.



Your new--

Todd, why are you lying?

I mean, you're-you're-you're a nice bloke.

You-you know, you're good fun.

You're a sweet guy, but you don't have to try so hard.

That's my apartment, right there.

I move in tomorrow.

You're moving into the Houses of Parliament?

Surely even you recognize the Houses of Parliament.

You know what I found out?

Not all houses-- some of them are actually apartments.

Anyway, that's mine over there, 5G.

Come by tomorrow.

I'll be there at, like 8 o'clock.

Jesus, you're hopeless.

No, Alice, seriously.

I-I-I'll prove it to you.

Come back here at 8 o'clock tomorrow.

I-I'll prove it to you.


Pam: Hi, fairy.

Look what I did.

Oh, hey.

Look at that.


Is it a boy or girl?


I'm gonna call it "Leyton" after its dad.


Leyton Orient, that's who its dad plays for.

I don't actually know which one the dad is, but it's definitely one of the reserve team.

I couldn't see, right, because I got so much of it in my eye.

Okay-- great.

Well, uh, good luck to-to the baby, I mean.


Pam, did you have the baby in my apartment?

Well, I couldn't have it in mine, could I?

Why not?

Because the bailiffs took my carpet.

Couldn't you, at least, clean up?

I'm a new mom!

Pam, are you ready?


Come on, Leyton!

I couldn't wait for the babysitter.

I'll see you later!



[ Music ]

Oh, beautiful for spacious skies for... grain...

A purple mountain her majesty...

Plains, America, America God gave his son for thee.

Hi, this is Todd Margaret in the London office, um, I'm afraid I'm going to have to tender my resigna-- excuse me-- one second.

Let me--

I'll-I'll call you back.

Morning, Todd.

Okay, look, I don't know what your game is.


I went to the Turks, okay, to get the money.


And I got the money.

I got 30,000 pounds.


Counterfeit pounds.

Thirty thousand counterfeit pounds.

And then, when I went back there to confront them about it, oh, guess what?

Surprise, surprise.

Long gone-- boarded up.

No sign of 'em.

Thanks a lot.

I didn't know about that.


No, I swear to you.

I had no idea, mate.

I feel sorry for you.

I really do.

Yeah, well, I feel sorry for you, too, because you're part of this.

Well, to be fair, I was quite happy to go down there.

You told me to stay here.

Well, it...

Doesn't matter, 'cause I quit.


Oh, come on.

It's one little set back.

One little set back?

Yeah, one little set back, minor.

One minor, little set back, 30,000 counterfeit pounds, and I'm missing all the "Thunder Muscle," along with the fact that I paid too much money for Steve Davis, Alice always thinks I'm lying, Wilts won't get off my back, I got this new shipment of...

Yeah, well, whatever.


No, no, no, you can't quit, boss.


I know this job means the world to you.



I don't care, anymore.

I'm gonna go home.

Oh, come on, Todd.

Don't worry about that.

We've got plenty of good things to be happy about, you know.

My mate, we've just cut a Steve Davis commercial together.

It should be airing soon.

I've booked some air time on channel four.



No worries, mate.

It's gonna be brilliant.

Although, with that mortifying clip of you and the "Thunder Muscle" at the parade, we might not even need it.

And Alice will come around.

All you need to do is convince her you're not a pathological liar.

Oh, thanks, but no thanks.

[ Phone rings ]

I didn't know these received calls.

Neither did I.


Yes, this is "Thunder Muscle."

Yeah, of course.


How many cases?

Could you repeat that?

Uh, yes, um...

Oh, yeah.

No problem at all.

Let me get your particulars.

Yes, sir, uh...


Free delivery is not-- is not a problem.

Got another one.

Clancy's Internet Sensations just bought six cases.

This is nuts!

I know-- it's brilliant!

I just set up three meetings for us.

Oh, good job!

Yeah, and they're all at your old stomping grounds.

You know, you can show me around the place, introduce me to your mates.

What do you mean, my old stomping grounds?

Leeds, silly.

Oh, boy.

Yeah, just you and me heading... out west.

Up north.

North west.

Just north.

Yup, okay, Dave.
I got a question for you.

How do I get a place in the Houses of Parliament?

You got to be elected.

Oh, like a co-op board.


Say I just wanted to get in there and look around.

You can't just wander in there.

It's exclusive?

It's really exclusive.

Uh, you might be able to get on a tour, though.

A tour?

Oh, fancy apartments.

Yeah, the question is, can I pull off lookin' like a tourist?

I'm sure you can give it a go.

All right.

I'll head over there later.

Just, uh, book a tour for me, all right?

Yeah, no worries.

I'll get straight on it.

[ Knocking ]

Oh, what!



What do you want?

Uh, may I enter?


If I could enter for just a moment.

I, um-- would you go home!

I f*cking fired you!

Well, actually, sir, I'm here to fire you.

You, Mr. Wilts, are fired.

I found it curious that I never received any paperwork from either you or Global National, so I put on my best Hardy Boys and Nancy drew outfit, and I did a little sleuthing.

You just won't go away.

You're like a botched abortion, man.

Um, well, anyway, um, did you know that there is no Brent Wilts registered to the company of Global National?

What the f*ck are you talking about?

Uh, elementary, my dear Watson, or should I say "Wltson?"

No, I'm gonna say "Watson."

So, Watson, what I discovered was that Global National is nothing but a shell company registered to an address of a hut on the island of Antigua.

There's no office, no phone number, no records.

Simply put, this company does not exist.

Therefore, you are the President of nothing, and you have no authority over me whatsoever.

Subsequently, all lines of credit to you from Dynamic Integrated Business Resources have been cut off, totally and permanently.

Is this a joke?

No, actually, I think it's fraudulence and embezzlement at the highest degree.

I'm working, as we speak, with the CIA, FBI, and Scotland Yard, just as soon as they return my calls.

Listen, man, I don't know what any of this is all about.

All I know is that I was working at Dynamic Solutions and I got a call from this Mr. Moundford over at Global National saying that I was up for a big promotion.

I got all the credit cards, the self-help CDs--

Mr. Moundford?

I'm unfamiliar with that name.

Who is that?

How the f*ck should I know?

All I know is I got a call from the guy.

Why don't you go look for him, Sherlock assh*le?


Mr. Wilts, I'm sorry, but we seemed to be having difficulty with your credit card.

I just wondered if you might be able to come downstairs with me?

You got Whitney'd!

Hi, Doug Whitney-- how are you?

I booked the case.

Wait, no-- please.

Hi, my name's Todd Margaret.

I'm a tourist.

I have a slight Leeds accent because I spent my summers there.

I'm here for the last tour.

You're just in time.

The group is forming over there.

Thank you.

How ya doin'?

What-- is this place, like a museum or something, like a...

Are you-are you here for the tour?

You know, where I come from, it's polite to respond to somebody.

My name is Todd.

Sore throat.


I sorry.

Me sad.

From Leeds.

Well, I spent my summers there.

These people are deaf, Mr. Margaret.

They're not Ret*rded.

I sorry.

I didn't know that-- wait a second-- are you undeaf?

Stop talking like that!

I can hear-- yes.


I said, stop that.

I have to go to the bathroom.

Andy Capp... always making things worse for yourself.

Come back here at 8 o'clock tomorrow.

I'll prove it to you!

Todd, why are you lying?

Yeah, I'm just finishing up some, uh, constituency business.

I need you to get me a few things for this evening.

Just put 'em on expenses.

Yeah, a belt, an orange, a back of a door, and a t*nk of nitrous oxide.

Okay-- cheers.






...Find out next week on "Driving School."

Now stay tuned for "Jew Driving School," followed by an all new "Episcopalian Driving School."



Written on the wall in lipstick were the words "welcome to the world."

I can't believe I'm doing this.

In other news, terror police have released this image of a man they wish to question as part of their investigation, code name "Stock Apocalypse."

They believe he is an American named Todd Margaret.

Come on, Alice.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Bloody hell, he's done it.


Good on ya that you did it, but you need to get down now.

Uh, is that pizza?

Come on up, 5G!

Oh, Alice, is that you?

I'm sorry.

I thought you were the pizza guy.

Yeah, o-okay, Todd-- you win.

Just come down.


I'm just gonna throw on a DVD.

I'd invite you up, but the place is a mess.

Put your hands in the air!

Yeah-- I'm tired.

I think I'm gonna skip the DVD and go straight to bed.

All right, coming, coming.

Oh, I'm coming to you.

Don't come in.

Here I come, here I come.

I told you I was on a guided tour.

I fell asleep on the toilet.

I was looking for the exit.

Do you have any I.D. on you?

Not on me, no, but I have a passport, visa, work papers.

All that stuff's back at my apartment.

If-if you could just let me go, I'll call my boss, Brent Wilts, he's here in London-- sir, it-it's okay.

He's harmless.

Sorry-- who are you?

My name's Alice Bell.

I run the Graceland Cafe.

Mr. Margaret works across the street.

He's, um, he's from America.

But I-I grew up in Leeds.

Well, spent my summers--

Shut it!

He was sent here for his company, but it seems like they've made some sort of terrible mistake.

He's clearly in way over his head.

You've no experience in sales, have you?

Seriously, Todd, what's your official job title there?

President of drinks.


So you can corroborate that he sells a kick ass tasting energy drink?

Yeah, yeah.

There's a boss named Brent Wilts.

Yes, sir, he has an assh*le boss named Brent Wilts.

And the reason he was looking for disabled toilets is--

Oh, no, no, no-- we-we-- that's-- officer, no--

Was because of his extra large and thick penis.

I-I wouldn't, nor will I ever know that.

Sir, if we could just go back to my apartment, I-I can make everything right.

If-if nothing else, I'll get a free ride home.

I mean, cabs here are really insane.

Okay, here's what we're gonna do.

We're all gonna go.

You too, mom.

And we're gonna go to your flat.

If anything doesn't check out, you're gonna be arrested.



And you'll be deported.

Yes, sir.

All right.

Oh, can I ride in the front, though?


Oh, all right.

Did you enjoy the Ambassador's party, Mr. Moundford?

Oh, I did, Jeffrey.

The Ambassador was in fine form.

Very good, sir.

And then, I earned $50 by drinking a half gallon of mustard.

Um, so...

I'll just-I'll get my phone and we'll call Mr. Wilts and-- all right.

Uh, the place is kinda messy, so... and dirty.

That's why it's called a "yo-yo."

Close the door, man.

Mr. Wilts?

I had nowhere else to go.

She'd only let me in, if I'd bang her.

You can stop.

Oh, God!


What's this?

Uh, that's for Alice.

By the way, that money you gave me was counterfeit.

We'll need some back-up here.

You creep!

Come on, Alice, you know you've been askin' for it.

Oh, no, no, no.

I know that looks weird, but it's her baby's blood.

You better have a good lawyer.

I do, I do.

I like them firm "Young and Not Legal."

You disgust me.

All right-- wait a second, please.

I have a reasonable explanation for all of this.



Oh, hi-- excuse me.

I'm looking for Todd Margaret.

Todd-- hey, son.

Hey, it's your old man!




A ghost!


I'm Steve Davis international snooker player and "Thunder Muscle" drinker, which I did not-- yes, yes!




Crikey, is that a n*gro in my wife?
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