01x01 - Farrell Wine

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Outsiders". Aired January 2016 - April 2017.*
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"Outsiders" tells the story of the Farrell clan and their struggle for power and control in the hills of Appalachia.
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01x01 - Farrell Wine

Post by bunniefuu »

[Motorcycle rumbles]

[Siren wailing in distance]

[Gasping raggedly]


Sheriff's looking for you.

Woman: Crockett County Sheriff's Department.

And we got about 200 informational packets we'll be handing out, and, uh, we'll set up a jobs table at the hearing.

Oh, folks, this is Deputy Sheriff Wade Houghton I was telling you about.

It's nice to meet you, Deputy.



[Door closes]

Good to meet you, sir.

So, any idea when you'll post the notice, Sheriff?


Um, what do you think our best course of action might be in terms of relocation?

Yeah, now that mining permit's finally gone through, we'll need them off our land now.

I'm... I'm sorry. I'm coming to this late, but, uh, we need who off what land?

The Farrells.

Wade here will be spearheading the eviction.

Of the Farrells from Shay Mountain?

We've got a billion-dollar investment at stake up there.

Not to mention hundreds of jobs for this town.

Oh, I'm sorry. [Chuckles]

Uh... [stammers] How do I say this?

You know that they're not like you and me.

That's right. We don't sleep with our sisters.

Well, at least I don't. [Light laughter]

You know them, the Farrell family?

Wade's family has a history with them, yeah.

So, when do you think you'll be able to convince them to relocate?

[Clicks teeth] I'd say never.

Pardon me?

To be perfectly Frank, I don't think you gentlemen have any idea what you're dealing with.

What he means is... well, to be perfectly Frank with you, Sheriff, half this country's electricity comes from coal, and right now they're sitting on one of the widest seams in the whole state of Kentucky, meaning we're gonna do what we came here to do irregardless.

Of what?

Of some bunch of...

Excuse me...

ret*rd hillbilly animals that happen to live up there.

[Bird squawks]

[Wind whistling]

[Birds chirping]

[Rattling, liquid bubbling]

Damn it!

[Grunting, indistinct shouting]

Get him, Fa!

All right, y'all, listen up.

Brothers and sisters, we're only days away from first night and the coronation of our new Bren'in.

[Cheering, whooping]

On this auspicious moment in the history of this here clan, I should say we require at least two good batches of our best wine.


Only thing is, we're shy on yeast.

Not to worry. We gonna do a run.


Hold up there, Foster.

You ain't the Bren'in yet.

We can't go down there unless lady Ray says yes.

You know that.

I'll be making the rules from now on, not my mother.

It's a 3-hour ride down.

Now, we ought to get there 'fore they close up.

Son, you coming? Huh? You gonna listen to her?

Don't worry. We'll be safe.

Let's go, Fa.

Yeah, let's go!



[Engines humming]

Fa-Fa! Fa-Fa!

[Breathing heavily]

I want to go on a run with you, Fa.

How many winters, Elon?


I mean... Eight.

There's nothing good down there, nothing but poison.

And someday you go see for yourself, but not now.


[Engine revving]

For my best son.

[Revving continues]

[ Muzak playing]

[Engines humming]

Hello there, lady.

No, no, no. Don't you mind them.

Hey, you look at me.

Hey, look at me. There you go.

Now, what's your name?

What's the matter? You a wee bit shy?

I.. I never seen...

Seen what?

One of y'all before.

One of who all before?

[Indistinct shouting, laughter]

They... they... they can't just... Take stuff, right?

[Engine rumbling]


We thank you kindly for your generosity.



Like two names rolled up into one.

That's a beautiful thing.

Say, Sally-Ann, tell me.

H-how do you get your hair to go like that, like it does?

Looks like you got a light coming off of it.

Are we done here?

[Engine revving]

You got a boyfriend?

Hasil, come on!

[Engine rumbling]

[Bird calling]


[Crickets chirping]

[Bluegrass music playing]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Music and conversations stop]

[Crickets chirping]

What prithee said Ruckus tonight?

Went on a run is all, lady Ray.

I didn't give no order.

I did.

Batch got to be done by firstnight.

Had no choice.

You're not the Bren'in yet.

Good night, mother.

[Wheels squeaking]

Ah. Yeast.

About $85 worth.

And $962 in auto parts and kitchen appliances.

They take any g*ns?

No, no, they won't take g*ns.

They know better than to get the feds on 'em.

[Sighs] You want me to write it up?

If you don't mind, Wade.

Regional office requires the paperwork, but, uh, I don't want to press charges.

Yeah, well, man, that's up to you.

Ain't worth it.

[ Rock music playing]

I got a question for you.

Why do we let those morons get away with shit like this?

First of all, they're not morons.

[Indistinct conversations]

Secondly, you do not want to mess with these people.


Because I said so.

Listen, about 25 years ago, there was an effort to get them down.

What happened?

People died is what happened.

Hey there, Sheriff.

I was just leaving. I saw you over here.

Hi, Ricki. How are you doing?

I'm good.

You doing good?

Uh, yeah, I'm pretty good.

All righty then.

Y'all have a good night.

Yep. You... you, too. You have a good night.


So, y-you do believe it then?

You know, that they...


[Spooky voice] Wooh!

Listen to me.

That whole Farrell clan... I mean, the land they're on, the whole damn thing... None of it's any good.

Okay? We don't go up there.

They ain't supposed to come down here.

[Birds chirping]


[Exhales heavily]




[Cabinet door clicks and squeaks]

[Faucet turns off]

[Vehicle approaches]

[Brakes squeal, engine turns off]

Hey, buddy. Hi.

You get your homework done and everything?

Yep. He did it.

You got... got lunch?

Yep. I made it.

Okay, you say goodbye to your aunt Ledda.

[Whispers] Bye.

Okay. Come on. Come on.

Get in the back, you.

You want to take that?

[Car door closes]

Thank you.

[Birds chirping]

[Brakes squeal]

Okay, careful, careful. Okay, give me a hug.

Give me a hug. Give me a hug.

All right, have a good day. [School bell rings]

[Birds chirping]

Are you sure this is the right way?

We've been driving over an hour.

There's no right way.

All right. Here.

[Car doors open]

[Car door closes]

Heard stories about this hill since I was yea high.

Human snake things come out at night, she-wolves, all kinds of stuff.

Okay. Give me a break.

I know I didn't grow up around here, but that shit is nuts.

[Sighs] Okay.

Let's do this.


Um, don't we have to give it to them in person?

[Staple g*n clicking]


[Thunder rumbling]


[Rumbling continues]

Let's get out of here.

[Birds chirping]

That half-lostie, the one who come back... he's a bookreader.

Go get him.

[Birds cawing]

[Door creaks]


Lady Ray wants to see you.

[Grunts] [Chains rattle]

What's she want with him?

Don't know.


Oh, you pay your respect to the Bren'in, for she had a long reign.

And that ends tonight.

Yes, it does.

Now, maybe we ought to get you cleaned up 'fore you go in to see her, huh?

Ugh! Aah!


[Chains rattling]

[Lock clicks]

[Door opens]

Ged dydd, clan.

It's been a while since I spoke in the old tongue, lady Ray.

For 10 years, we put you out of mind, Asa boy. Sit.

The wildmallow, if you please.

10 winters, and then one day you come back.

Now, I asketh you why.

Because this is my home.


Heard tell you went to school down there.

Where was that again?

West coast, ma'am, California.

California. Is it pretty there... the sea?

In some places. Others, not so much.

How long you back now?

Going on half a year.

Halfyear in a box.

Yes, ma'am. I want to thank... must be something else happened to you make it so worth the pain.

[Dish clatters] Thank you.

[Birds chirping]

It's an eviction.

They want us off the mountain.

Nothing new.

Well, this time it's from the state, signed by the governor, says they're gonna blow it up.

We at w*r?

Well, they want the coal rock for their power.

There's oldfather's prophecy of demons... Reihythn...

Who come for us to destroy us... and one who returns.

It was Wyleth-clannin who sent me.

The three?

Prophecy also say the returned one will be Bren'in.

Demon or king, Asa Farrell.

Which be you?

One more night to your chains. Then you free.

[Door creaks open]

[Door closes]

[Insects chirping]

[Indistinct conversations]

All hail to you, Foster Farrell the 6th.

Long live the new Bren'in!

[All stomp]

Thank you. My blessings to you all.

[Wheels squeaking]

We salute your reign, mother.

I do not give you my staff this firstnight.

[Crowd murmuring]

But last wintersnight, 'fore all the clans, you said you would give me the oak tonight.

I know what I said.

But there be no passing of it now, not when prophecy arise.

The demons come from below and destroyeth our land.

I don't see any demons here.

All I see is cousins.


[Crowd murmuring]

What says it?


Lil Foster?

Coal people... they're coming for us again.

Nothing to get fitful about.

They just...

No! This time, they got bombs!

This time, they blowing us all up, our homes, our chillun, this whole damn hill and everything on it, and not one of you would have knowed!

That lostie... Asa... he read you this?

And if he did?

Well, maybe he be the reason that these troubles come now, as never before we let a traveler back in.

And never before the Bren'in have her a child spend his days ineeb on their beer, his spirit gone, his powers nil.

[Wheels squeaking]

I want no more talk of cousin Asa Farrell.

He come back to us, and now he paying the price.

For more years than we know, we have lived as we choose to live...

Free, by our own rules, according to our own ways.

And may those devils down there know this...

This is our land and this is our blood, and we will never leave this mountain!

[Crowd cheers]

Bring forth the wine!

Firstnight of summer!


[Crowd cheers]

[Up-tempo bluegrass music playing]

[Indistinct conversations]

♪ I drink whiskey, I'm a mountain man ♪

[Whooping, laughter]

♪ Now I drink whiskey, I'm a mountain man ♪


♪ Now I drink my own whiskey, my pa drinks his ♪

[Crowd whooping]

[Crowd cheers]

[Music continues in distance]

♪ Oh, you know that's where I'm goin' ♪

[Crowd whooping]

[Indistinct singing]


[Flames whoosh]

[Indistinct singing continues]

[Music fades]

Demons. Prophecy.

I been listening to that half-rat's catscat all my life.

It's the law, Fa.

You're her eldest. She has to make you the Bren'in.

What's right mine she promised me since I was a boy.

What's right mine by law I got a right to take... Any way I can.

What are you saying, Foster? Defy her?

No Farrell's ever done that before, betray the Bren'in.

How you think my Fa got it?

They say he had powers.

[Chuckling] Farrell magic?


Only kind of powers my daddy had was in his pistols.

And how he perished, they also say.

g*ns make a man weak, not strong.

I ain't waiting any longer.

She's twisted in the head.

Thinks that Asa boy come back and now some kind of spell at work.

Maybe half these fools around here believe her.

No. The cousins love you.

You're the rightful Bren'in.

No. I am the Bren'in.

Get it straight.

Long as your mother is alive, there might be some disagreement on that count.

Are you gonna let her talk like that?

What's wrong with you?

If I had me some g*ns...

Not that old, broke-down shit that we got around here...

It wouldn't matter what that bitch did or didn't do.

Yeah, well, g*ns are not yeast and cigarettes.

You can't just go on a run.

Is that so?

What's that...

What's that guy that you been telling us about?

Down Ford Lick Holler. [Chuckles]

Ah, he's a guard at the coal plant, got a whole house full of fire, all sorts of g*ns.


In all these years, no Farrell's ever k*lled another.

It's how we survive.

It's our way.

[Bird calling]


Get out of here.

Get. Go on!


Pardon. I was looking for Asa Farrell.

You seen him?

He was a good-looking guy, if I remember, strong, smart, about yea high.

I see you haven't changed, G'win.

You sound skinny.

They giving you anything to eat?

I'm on a fast.

[Laughs] Not likely.

I made you some bread.

You hungry?


Wait. Well, let me try it first.

I want to make sure it meets your high standards.



[Mouth full] You know, I grew this wheat myself...

On that little plot that we cleared together.


You married?

Yes and no.

No and... Yes.


Why you doing this?

You running from somethin'?

Or somebody?

You know, I never believed them when I was a kid.

But what they told me is true.

That world down there is a prison.

There's no soul left to it.

Families have forgotten how to look after each other.

Nine and a half years, I still don't need to hear one more of your speeches.

What I need is for you to listen to me.

Big Foster...

Lady Ray say he gone sour, and I think she right.

But he needs somebody to blame, and right now that somebody is you.

Well, he knows where to find me.

Whatever you did down there, saw down there...

Must have been some kind of low.
[ Hip-hop music playing]

Afternoon, gentlemen.

Hey, Butch. How you doing, man?

Here you go.

[Clicks tongue] Pleasure.

[Engine revs]


[Siren blares]

[Brakes squeal, gears shift]

How's it going, guys?

It's all right.

You see what that is behind me?

It's a school.


If I see you buying around here again, you know what happens?

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir, what?

We won't do it again, officer.

Okay. Hand it over.

Okay. Go away.

[Engine revs]

[Exhales sharply]

Lady Ray said I was going free today, but I don't think this is what she had in mind.

Shut up, you lostie.

Get off me!

Time to earn your keep, boy.


Where we going?

You'll know when you get there.

I ain't ever going back down there, Foster.

You hear me? Not ever.

Well, you'll never be a part of this family again.

Up to you. You coming or not?

[Chuckles] Come on. Get him in there.

Go on.

Where's Hasil at?

He was gonna be the look-see, right?

Figure on waiting for him?

No. I'll deal with that dumb-ass later.

[Truck door opens and slams]

[Engine rumbling]


[Brakes squeal, gears shift]

What the hell you think you're doing?

I tell you to come?

N-no, sir.

He can be eyes.

All right.

He can be eyes.

[Engine starts]

[Engine rumbling]

[Door squeaks]

[Doors close]

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

You Sally-Ann, right?


Got me a... a good memory for names.

Where you going, Sally-Ann?


You want to do somethin'?


Why not?

Like what?

I don't know. Maybe get some chicken wings and some beer.

You got any money?


So, what? We gon' rob it?

I don't know.

We could.


Look, you're nice, but...

But what?

I don't want to go to jail.



Night. [Car door closes]

[Engine rumbling]

[Gears shift, engine turns off]

[Truck doors close]


What you looking at?

I guess I've been gone a while, Foster, but this is never how we did things.

Well, guess what. Times change.

[Door unlocks and squeaks]


There she is.

[Exhales heavily]

[Pounding] Ooh, grab that.

And take some spoons from the kitchen.

You can never have enough spoons.

Hey. Oh.

I thought I told you to stay by the truck.

Go! Now!



Where's the TV?

What the hell do we need a TV for?

Go and get it.

[g*n cocks]

So this was your plan.

Pawpaw! Pawpaw!


What the hell?

Farrells, put 'em all back and go home!

You hear me?

Pawpaw! Pawpaw!

[Gate squeaks]


Ain't worth it.

Get 'em!


Stay where you are!

[Engine starts]


[Indistinct shouting]

[g*nshots continues]

[Casings clatter, g*nshots continue]

Come on, Foster! [Shouts indistinctly]

Come on, pull over now!

Oh. [Brakes squeak]

[Engine turns off]

Oh. No, no, no, no.

[Truck door closes]

[Gate thuds]


Oh, Elon? Elon!

[Gasps] Oh, no, boy.

Oh! Oh! Elon...

[Strained voice] Come on, Elon. I'm right here.

Okay. All right.

I got you. I got you.

Get off me!

He's gone.

Oh! Elon!

Elon! [Sobbing] Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh, Elon! Elon!

Oh! Elon!

[Indistinct conversations]

[Conversations fade]

[ Rock music playing]

Into the night


You got any whiskey?



It's on me.

Rock and roll

Your womenfolk around here ain't too friendly, huh?

[Indistinct conversations resume]

Hey there. You a Farrell or a shay?

[Dog barks]


Hasil Farrell is my name.

I'm Butch.

Appreciate your hospitality, Butch. What do you want?

Say, Hasil, you need money?

That ain't something we take a lot of stock in.

I didn't ask if you believed in it.

I was just asking if you wanted some.

[Dog barking in distance]


Those g*nshots up Ford Holler... Farrells, B&E.

Oh, yeah? [Drawer closes]

Says who?

Concerned citizen.

Left us a message.


Says he thinks they got some g*ns.

Well, I mean, I spoke to the Dunleavy boys.

They said they was just sh**ting skunks.

Well, they lied, didn't they?

Don't want to make a fuss.

I mean, same shit, different day, Sheriff.

No, it's not, Wade. That's my point.

I want you to bring 'em in, talk to 'em.

Bring who in?


Oh, the Farrells, of course.

I'll bring them in for you.

Do you want the fat ones or the thin ones?

You scared of 'em, Wade?

Is that why you're making a joke?

[Fiddles playing mournful tune]


How dare you come here on this day?

Hey, look, I'm sorry about your son, Foster.

He be dead 'cause of you.

You. And no matter what you do, you will never be one of us again... never.

[Breathing heavily]

Well, you're never gonna be Bren'in.

When you come back here, the only thing that you brung was poison.

Now, you say that you care about this family, then you go back.

[Breathing heavily]

We all grieving today, and here you sit.

My heart pain for you, but for what did he perish, may I ask?

I told you there would be no run.

And now we have a dead son and their law upon us again when we need no more troubles.

You don't see what the rest of us do.

You're old and sick, and you think some worthless prophecy mean that lostie gonna save us.

I'll give you my sorry. Get out now!

I ain't waiting no more.

I am Bren'in.

Do not forget that.

Or what?

What will you do?

When you find out, it'll be too late.


[Breathing heavily]

Where are your powers now, you old bitch, huh?

I am the one now.

[Bottles clank]

[Unzips bag]

[Brakes squeal]

Where you going?


You coming?

[Breathing slowly]

I'll tend the clans till you wake, mother.

[Door opens and closes]

[Dogs barking]

And I got this chain around my neck
So much money in my pocket
All these hoes, they're getting wet
I tell 'em, wassup, wassup, wassup, wassup

[Knocking on door]

I got this chain around my neck
So much money in my pocket
All these hoes, they're getting wet
Now wassup, mayday, mayday

[ Indistinct rapping]

Now, what you got right there...

That's the best batch of Farrell wine ever, if I do say so myself.

I-I heard stories about this, but no one ever seen it before.

It's beautiful, man.

Thank you, Butch.

Um, me and my cousin... We, uh... we make it together.

I can't tell you how, though. That's a secret.

But we only make two batches a year, so...

How much?

$1,000 a jug.



Moonshine's all around here, my friend.

This ain't Moonshine, Butch.

This is... this is Farrell wine.

I'll give you $40, plus a cut of my proceeds.

Yeah, all right.

Humankind ruination.

That's what they told us this is.

Come here. I got a question.

[Dog barking in distance]

That a boy or a girl?

I guess you could say both.

So, are you... what do you call it?

You... you q*eer?


Uh, sort of.

But he's a girl, so... I mean she's a...

Does it matter?


[Car doors close]

Hey, uh, my boy was out of the bambalacha.

I got some of that bubba kush for you.

No problem, Butch.

All right.


You guys like to get shitfaced?

'Cause I got this stuff in the back of my trunk that makes a fifth of Tequila look like a can of bud light.

What's that?

Farrell wine.

[Keys jangle]


From up the mountain?

No shit. [Car door closes]

See, Hasil Farrell and I are close personal friends.

He said he put a... Put a snake venom in this batch just out of deference to our relationship.

[Bottle clanks]

Looks awesome, but, uh, no, thanks.

What the hell, man? Why not?

Look, since you guys is in good standing, we'll call it $150.

$150? You're kidding me.

That's a good price, son.

I'm in. [Chuckles]

All right.

Are you out of your mind?

Don't be a wuss, Colin.

Look, remember to cut that, all right?

I don't care if it's juice, water, ginger ale, or piss.

I mean that.

Sure thing, bro.




[Car door opens]

[Car door closes]

[Man shouts indistinctly]

[Dance music playing, indistinct conversations]

Try it. It's good.

You're shitfaced.

Don't drink any more of that stuff, okay?

It's gross.

[Crowd cheering]

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

[Crowd cheers]

Tyler, Tyler, come on.

We're gonna go home. You need to go home, Tyler.

Shut up, p*ssy! [Grunts]


Oh, snap!


Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

[Crickets chirping]

[Dogs barking in distance]

Where the hell have you been?

You weren't answering your phone.

Your mother is worried.

Have you been drinking?

Tyler, I'm talking to you.


What did I tell you last time you came home intoxicated?

Where's the car?



[Knife plunging]

[Body thuds]



[Gasping] Sweetie.

[Breathing raggedly]

[Knife thuds]

[Cellphone rings]






[Engine turns off]

[Door creaks open]

Sheriff's department!

[Breathing heavily]

That's the coal company guy.


[Breathing heavily]


[Breathing heavily]



Okay. [Breathing heavily]

So you think meth?

Or crack or something.

Tyler doesn't do those kinds of dr*gs.

Okay? I know him. He was just shitfaced.

Okay, well, what was he drinking?

Don't say anything till your parents get here, Colin, and, like, get a lawyer.

Okay, listen, you're not in any trouble, okay?

Just... I need to know what happened.

He was drinking Moonshine...

You know, from up there.

You mean Shay Mountain, like Farrell wine?

All right, well, I got your numbers here, and I got everything I need, so, uh, I'll be in contact.

Thank you.

Two jars gone.


[Door slams open]

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! What are... hey, shut up, then!

No, no, no!

Get up. Get up. Get up!

My favorite son is dead 'cause you was busy thieving us.

I found it in a ditch on the side of the road!

I swear I found it!


Hold him down.


We got us rules.

Call... call the elders! [Lighter clicks]

[Breathing heavily]

Call a circle!

Thing is, they be my rules now.



[Sighs] Man, his own kid.

My god.

Believe that shit?

He was high?

Oh, I think meth, probably just some cheap dirt from a one-step.

He say where he got the stuff?

We haven't talked to the kid yet.

I mean, he's in the hospital... talking about hurting himself.

Oh, Jesus.

I don't know, Wade.

I got a bad feeling the Farrells are involved.

This creek gone from shit to shittier.

We got to get them off that mountain.

What are you talking about, sir?

I mean, what in god's name are you talking about, get them off that mountain?

You think you can last a winter up there?

How about 200? I couldn't.

No money, no microwave, no convenience store.

I mean, there is a reason we can't get them off that mountain.

They know things the name of which we can't even remember.

They know how to stick together.

They are family, and the harder we try to push, the tougher they're gonna get.

I don't care about any of that, Wade.

All I know is somebody's got to move them out now, and that somebody is you.

[Crickets chirping]

[Flames crackling]

[Owl hoots in distance]

[Papers rustling]

[Paper tears]

[Flames whoosh]


[Thunder rumbling]

[Crickets chirping]

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