02x01 - And The Three Shall Save You

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Outsiders". Aired January 2016 - April 2017.*
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"Outsiders" tells the story of the Farrell clan and their struggle for power and control in the hills of Appalachia.
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02x01 - And The Three Shall Save You

Post by bunniefuu »

Ten years and one day you come back.

This is my home.

Prophecy says one will save and one will destroy.

Demon or King, Asa Farrell. Which be you?

Previously on Outsiders.

This mountain is ours.

Only our rent, it come in blood.


Now that mining permit's finally gone through, we'll need them off our land.

If you knew what's up there... you would be running.


Whatever you think we have up here, is going away, and soon.

What should I do?

Show them who we are.

They don't own the land where we live on.

So I just got to wonder why... why we gotta play by the rules, and them Farrells don't.

And if you come up that mountain, you ain't gonna be coming back down.

It's not gonna work, Hasil. We're too different.

I mean, sure, you're a woman, I'm a man. But that sort of helps the situation, don't it?

I'm black and you are... weird.

My daddy. When I was a little boy, they sent him up the mountain, throw you folks off of there.

He was struck and k*lled by lightning.

It's seem that deputy is under a lot of stress.

Oxicontin, ain't it?

This family needs a leader who is ready to fight.

Foster, your mother is dead.

Then kneel before your king.

You told me it was beautiful up here.

It was that way.

Come with me.

My family needs me.

Goodbye, Hasil.

We're at w*r. We are fighting for a billion dollars worth of coal.

Whatever you do, is not going to end well.

Next time I see you, we're gonna take this badge off and we're gonna see how things end up for you.

Caught one of them.

You let me go, and you'll never see me again.

Guaranteed I won't see you again.

You want to go up there and find Breece's m*rder*r, we're gonna have to work together.

I know you're k*lling him, it all make sense.

You're marrying him for the good of the clan.

Are you poisoning him?

Well, it didn't work, did it?


Cause you're not fit to lead us.

You can't back through this You got to k*ll the Bren'in.

He was right here.

You sure he was dead.

Long life the new Bren'im.

Farrels don't k*ll Farrells, get him put in chains.

We are going to find our suspect...

We are aprehend him, we are bring him back town.

They are here.

They are here.

Get all the clans, every last one of us!

We never let them take this mountain.

(crowd shouting)


(shouting/machine g*nf*re)




Wade, Wade, we gotta get outta here!

G'winveer: Sheriff?

(heavy breathing)

He's awake!

(Wade groans)


(heavy breathing)

What happened?

(country blues music)

♪ The dawn is up ♪
♪ There's fire on the mountain ♪
♪ They'll have to answer for their crooked claim ♪
♪ The hollows they'll surround them ♪
♪ And they'll go running back ♪
♪ To the wretched realm they came ♪
♪ Nor will the dogs of hell refrain ♪
♪ And the land will suffer those who came ♪

(crowd shouting)

Foster: You hear that?

Of course I do.

Foster: It's what you wanted. You're the Bren'in now.

It's not what I wanted. It's not what I wanted at all.

Foster: You wanted this stick with every bone in your body.

You might as well be made of it...

You're wrong, Foster.

You married my Fa for this stick and then tried to poison him. When that didn't work, you had your losty Asa try to k*ll him.

What would you have me do, huh?

If your Fa had been here when those policemen came up, how many would we be burying now?

Look, that has nothin' to do with it.

Fifty, a hundred?

You thought this job was gonna be easy.

Just sittin' up there on the throne, handin' out sweets. You listen to them.

Just leave me be.

They are scared!

It's cousin versus cousin.

You think that the coal folks down there... they're gonna be the defeat of us?


Listen to 'em.

We're the enemy of ourselves, always have been.

Yeah? What would you do?

If I hadn't married your Fa and that was yours now, what would you do?

I'd bring us back to how we was.

Peace and love.

It's our only w*apon.

(crowd shouting in background)

Just 'cause it's heavier than you'd like don't mean it ain't yours.

Go on. Take it, G'Win.


It ain't mine 'til the elders say so.

(door bangs shut)

Man: We shoulda k*lled all them police when we had the chance!

You're a fool if you think like that, because otherwise we'd be dead right now or in their prison yard.

If I may, there are two days gone by and we ain't heard nothing more from them!

Maybe now they seen our true measure, and they'll be leavin' us alone.

That's a pig's chance in a pan!

Woman: You keep quiet, you.

It was your banjo king.

That Big Foster.

Yeah. He brung this on us with his robbing and k*lling.

If Foster were alive, he would know what to do and he'd do it.

No. We're lucky he's dead.

And we're lucky to have us a true leader now.

No disrespect, cousin, but we never had us a Bren'in so young, did we?

We made the right choice not to go harmin' those folks just to show them who we are.

And that's why they run off scared.

Now, y'all need to remember our Bren'in told us to do that.

She got it right.

(crowd arguing)

She's not really our Bren'in, is she?

You apologize to her right now.

He will... as soon as we see her with that Oak.

Is that right? Get out of my face!

(crowd yelling)

Hey, hey!

Come on!


Let her talk.

Farrells, look around.

Look at your cousin, your kin.

We are a family.

(in unison): Yeah.

We're united or we perish.

That is our lesson.

This mountain sustains us because we love each other.

If it turns on us, we starve.

We get sick. We die.


We're safe.

For now.

But they are comin' for us.

Dig up this mountain for their coal rock, only we don't know when.

So, from now on, nobody goes down that hill.

(in unison): What?

(crowd protesting)

We cannot be startin' any more trouble.

We need to stay up here where we belong.

So, we can't go down there no more?

It's only for a moment.

(crowd shouting)

Hey, hey, disobey the Bren'in, cause more trouble...

(crowd yelling)

...that's a fine idea.

This is what got us into this mess in the first place.

We had to carry you basically all the way down.

Took about 12 hours.

I fell off a cliff?

More like a ridge.

When the lightnin' hit, did it throw me?


What lightnin'?

You ran and fell and hit your head and it knocked you out.

I ran?

Like a bat outta hell, Wade.

Well, let's keep that 'tween the three of us and the 500 or so people that were up there.

Too late.

♪ ♪

(birds chirping)

♪ ♪

You heard them, Foster. I ain't the Bren'in yet.

Of course you are.

After what I done to your Fa?

You done what you felt was right.

What about his body?

You need to find his corpse, Foster.

We won't rest until you do.

I know his blood like my own.

If the hawks haven't taken him up to the clouds, I'll find him.

Thank you.

You're forgetting somethin'.

What's that?

I told you your secret was safe with me, about you poisonin' him.

But Asa, I don't figure he's much obliged to keep quiet, especially now that you put him in the box.

You might want to think about that.

Just find your Fa.

I'll handle Asa.

So you say.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(birds chirping)

(birds chirping)

(speaking softly)

Asa, be free.

Good morning, Krake.

Bren'in, good mornin'.

Krake, I need the key to the prison box.

Yes, ma'am. It's right over here.

I wanted to say... if you haven't heard this already, and I'm certainly not alone in this assessment, that I am grateful beyond words that you are our rightful Bren'in.

Only because you, above all, know the power of peace over w*r.

We never picked a fight with those flossties.

You know, that's why they been leavin' us alone all these many years.

But may I ask, are you forgiving him? Asa?

Or are you thinkin' something more dire will be his fate?

He did k*ll our Bren'in, like him or not.

Yes. He did. Uh, the key, Krake.

It's gone.

The key.

Sundry sorries, ma'am.



♪ ♪
♪ ♪



(indistinct police radio chatter)

(men chuckling)

(phone ringing)

Houghton: What's goin' on?

He's making it into his w*r room, looks like.

What are you talkin' about?

The governor appointed an EM yesterday.

What's an EM?

Emergency manager.

What for?

To manage the emergency, I guess. I don't know.

Ask her.

Sheriff. Howdy.

Wade Houghton, meet Matt Meyers.


I did come by the hospital, FYI, but you were out like a light.


Good to see you up and about and safely here with us, I might add.

So, uh, what's all this about?

Uh, Sheriff, I got to apologize for commandeering your meeting room like this.

We are getting an office trailer set up, so we'll be out of your hair in no time, okay?

Matt's our new emergency manager, Wade.

What do I need an emergency manager for?

It's a gubernatorial fiat.

Gubernatorial fiat, huh?

Well, I know all about gubernatorial fiat.

Well, I have a meeting back at my office.

I just wanted you two guys to meet.

Great. Thanks. We'll talk to you later.

Hey, keep that in here, okay?

So, uh, welcome.

Welcome to Blackburg.

Thank you.

I'm not really sure why you're in my station house.

You know, the finances in this county are in the g*dd*mn shitter.

I'm not sure you know the extent of that.

I mean, we're talking bankruptcy.

I'm supposed to lay off two of your deputies...

Yah, that's not gonna happen.

You're right.

I moved garbage pickup to once every three weeks and closed the free clinic.

So, no one in your department gets canned.

You're welcome. (chuckles)

Demonstrating fiscal responsibility, is what they call it.

So now, we are clear to get the funds we need.

To do what?

To keep the people of this town safe.

Yeah, that's my job.

I know it is.

And you don't come... turn around when I'm talkin' to you!

You don't come in here, start movin' all my furniture around, tellin' me how to do my job.

Uh, hey, guys, give us a second, will you?

All right.

Come on.

(door closes)

Sheriff, what part of "I'm here to help save your ass" are you not getting?

Uh, maybe the part about closin' down the free clinic which is the only clinic we got in the county...

I make tough calls. I make enemies.

And throwin' rubbish out in the street?

That's what I'm good at.

Sat out there for three weeks.

That's why they brought me in, to save this town.

You're here to save this town?

You're here for one reason alone, that's Shay Mountain.

And if you think I'm going to do anything about that situation without your counsel, Sheriff, you're wrong.

Okay. Here's my counsel about Shay Mountain.

We thought there was maybe 50 people up there.

We find out that there's ten times that amount, maybe more.

Women and children.

So, if you want to get them down, then you're gonna need bodies.

I'm not talkin' about two or three cops.

I'm talkin' about federal troops, A*F, National Guard, helicopters flying in overhead, bringing in 1,000 or 1,500 troops.

That's the only way you're gettin' people down.

I agree with you.

We will need all that to get the Farrells down.

If not more.

The only thing is, there are no plans to kick them off right now, as of this morning.

Come again?

The eviction's on hold.

Governor doesn't want anybody going back up there.

Not you, not me, not nobody.

Are you forgetting somethin'?

What's that?

There was a man k*lled, m*rder*d by a Farrell.

His name was Breece Dobbs.

Your brother-in-law. I know that and I'm sorry, but our orders are to stay down here.

You're telling me not to pursue a m*rder*r?

I'm gonna get the person who k*lled him.

I'm gonna get him, whatever it takes.

You hear me?

I do, Wade, but I gotta ask... how's that working for you so far?

How's that wrist?

(knock on door)


(door opens)

Sir, it's the State House.

Oh, great. Great talkin' to you, Sheriff.


How's it going, Bob?


(water running)

(birds chirping)


Oh, give this to young Owen, he'll love it.


Good morning.

We wanted to let you know that everything's set for your coronation.

Two days from now.

Seems awfully soon, considering all the preparations.

Folks eager.

Been workin' steady the past two nights.

We shall be ready.

But we need to bury our former Bren'in first, don't you agree?

Well, his body hasn't been found, so...

If you'll allow...

Someone with good reason must have wanted to rid this hill of Foster's rotting flesh.

Who knows where he or she may have took it.

His body will be found in due time and he'll be buried with his kin.

Emelye... there's a line in the ceremony that I've been thinkin' on.


Bronnlagh brenairah sli...

Bronnlagh brenairah sli ayn-clan, ayn sah-wyl myrlagh un-Bren'in.

Yes. If the Oak be taken...

In a manner impure, the Bren'in will not endure.

That's the one.

Purity does not often appear in human form.

A leader, it is said, must know all the corners of their own soul.

Otherwise, they cannot lead.

I do not take this passage lightly.

Nor should you.

But we need this rite and soon, to reassure the clan.

They're scared.

We need you, Bren'in.

Now more than ever.

(ATV motor revving)


(g*nshots, glass breaking)


Got it.

They say they're gettin' ready for the coming apocalypse, is all.

They're causin' it, more like.


(ATV roars)



How'd you like that?

Where's Hasil?

Don't know.

Li'l Foster?

Just don't know.

Man: Come on, now.

(dogs bark)

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

(dogs whining, panting)

Drop it, Farrell.

Do it, now.

(birds chirping)

I ain't got no quarrel with you.

I ain't got no quarrel with you, either.

I always respected you people.

For how you live...


All right, then.

My dogs like you.

They got a good sense of people, too.

Sweet pups.

What are you doin' all the way down here anyhow?

Ain't you afraid of the police?

I heard what they did. I heard they raided y'all.

That's a crime in my book. Y'all got a right to your land.

I was lookin' for somebody. I'm lookin' for my Fa.


(chuckles) Is he lost?


Supposed to be, anyway.

Well, how'd he get here then?

That's what I'm tryin' to figure out.

I tracked him all the way down this far and now there's... nothin'.

Well, if he was dead, someone would have taken his body to the morgue.

If he's still alive, they would have taken him to the hospital.

Same place.

I'm headed that way, if, uh, you want a ride.

It's about 14 miles.

You comin'?


What are you doing here?

I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

I'm not.

I just wanted to say...

Say what, Hasil?

Say that you're sorry?

'Cause I wandered on that g*dd*mn mountain by myself for nearly two days and could of got k*lled?

Or because I could of got k*lled by one of your crazy-ass cousins?

I didn't mean for it to get...

So what did you mean, Hasil?

'Cause you sure as hell didn't fight to keep me that time.

You didn't stand up when it mattered.

I'm sorry.

Sorry doesn't get me my job back, Hasil.

I lost that because I was off with you.

Sorry doesn't get me shit.

Look, I don't know how I ever thought that this could work.

'Cause it can't.

I don't ever want to see you again.

I can get the rest of my stuff, you know, I mean, what I can manage of it on the weekend.

Hello, Abby.


What are you gonna do with that house?

If you're not gonna live there?

Yeah. I don't know.

I mean, we grew up there, Kayla was born there.

Not like you'll get much for it, anyway.

Hey, kids.

Listen, go wash your hands.

So, Wade...


You want to tell me what really happened up there?

Really? As opposed to what?

As opposed to what people are saying.

What are people saying?

That you ran.

Is that right?

I thought I saw lightning.

I thought I was hit by it, like Dad.

And were you?

So, you ran and you fell.

Yeah. I don't remember.

Hey, kids. Let's go.

Doesn't change anything now.

I'm still gonna get the person that k*lled Breece.

I don't blame them anymore for Breece's death.

I don't.

I blame that company and that woman.

(scoffs) The minute he started that job, everything went to hell.

Turn off the television.

I'm gonna get the man who did it.

I don't want you goin' back up that mountain.

I need you here... with us.

You're all we've got.

You hear me?


You want to say grace?

There's too much ugliness in this world.

Too much division.

Everybody's mad at the people they should have some solidarity with.

Folks like us, we got nothin'.

We should be stickin' together, you know?

Hey, listen. My wife baked some cookies for a friend.

I'm supposed to drop them off to the husband, but he ain't home. He's at the bar.

So, I'm gonna go in here for just a minute, all right?

Look, give me two minutes.

(birds chirping)


Hello, Bren'in.

I was, uh, just out searchin' for some ginseng for your coronation batch.

What I need isn't wine, Hasil.

Sure? Well, if there's anythin'...

I know you love that girl fiercely, but we need you right now.

I need you.

I do.

Do you understand me?

Clear as a bell, ma'am.

I want you to know that I made my choice.

And I'm not goin' anywhere.

Ever again.

Thank you.

Look what I got.

Oh, well, you tell her thanks for me, all right?

All right.

I'll probably just eat them all myself, I'll tell you what.


You'd think I was her g*dd*mn delivery boy.

You are a g*dd*mn delivery boy.


Man! Cut him off, Joe. Seriously.

That's enough.

Yeah, you're done.

Hey, Jed.

You know you got a wild animal in your truck?

Not talking about those labs either.

A Farrell!

He's a good guy, all right? I'm just givin' him a ride.

Hey, what's that? A Farrell?

Yes. He's a good guy, Jake.

What the hell are you thinking?

(all yelling)

Come on!

Just calm down.

Get the hell out of my way.

(all yelling)

Son of a bitch!

He didn't do nothin'!

There's that son of a bitch.

Yeah, Sheriff? Yeah, I'm sorry to bother you, but I think we're gonna have some trouble down at the bar.

(all yelling)

There he is!

Come on! Get out!

What you doin' down here, boy? Huh?

Huh, what you doin' here?

Hey, guys, guys, calm!

Calm the hell down.

Come on, boy.

Hey, we're all friends here.

I ain't your friend.

I don't want to fight.

Just leave him alone, okay?

You protectin' him?

He ain't done nothin' to you.

He's probably the one k*lled Breece!

What the hell are you doin'? Calm the hell down!

(groans, grunts and shouting)

Get off him, you animals!

Get him! Come on!

Come on!

Son of a bitch!

Come here!


(pained shouts)


Come on!

Yeah, what are you gonna do now?

Get in there!

Come on!


Get him!

(siren approaching)


Come on!

(siren approaching)


(siren blaring)

Drop that! Drop the knife right now!

Drop the knife! I'm trained on your head right now.

Drop the knife. Shut your mouth. Drop the knife.

Drop it right now.

Man: sh**t him!

You drop that knife right now!

You understand me?

Drop the knife!

Drop the knife right now.

Drop it.

On the ground, right now!

sh**t him!

Shut up, Jake.

Back the hell up, you moron.

Down on your knees. Hands behind your head.

Right now. You heard me.

(birds chirping)

G'winveer: M'lady... can you hear me?

Bronnlagh brenairah sli ayn-clan, ayn sah-wyl myrlagh un-Bren'in.

Ty-bren'in, myrr-clan torrna aih.

(phones ringing)

(door closes)

Fults: What you gonna do?

Ask a few questions.

You want video?


Like I was tellin' you, them boys come after me.

I was just lookin' after myself.

Yeah, I know that. I don't care about them at all.

I just want to ask you a few questions.

Then you can leave.

All right, then.

What's your name?

Full name?

Foster Farrell the 8th.

What's yours?

Wade Houghton.

So... you know Asa Farrell?

That's the man we're lookin' for.

I do.

You know where he is now?

He's in a big iron box at the top of Shay Mountain.

You know why we're up there?

You know who that is?

Not by name, but I've seen that day that he was shot, yeah.

Shot by who?

Asa Farrell told me he was shot by your Bren'in.

Is that right?

Foster Farrell the 6th.

He was my Bren'in. He was my father.

He was your Bren'in? What is he now?

He's dead is what he is.

Shot by Asa Farrell.

Asa Farrell shot your father?


That's why he's in the big iron box?

That's right.

You tellin' me the truth?

I never told a lie in all my life.

This man here, he was... he was k*lled wrongly.

So we blessed his body, brought him back down here for y'all so you could put him in your graveyard.

Well, can I go now? You said that I could.

Yeah, I just got to make a phone call and fill out a couple of forms.

You're lyin'.

I see it all over you.

You know that day up there, you ran like you was afraid of somethin'?

But it wasn't us.

What were you afraid of, Wade?

(door opens)

He do it? He the k*ller?

Houghton: No.

How do you know?

I just do.

Are we gonna arrest him for disorderly?

Uh... no.

So we should release him then?

No, he's a witness.

I want to hold him overnight for more questioning.

We can't hold on to...

We've got a bunch of guys standin' at the front of this police station waitin' to kick his ass the moment we let him go.

So, we're keepin' him here.

♪ ♪






(dog barks, snarls)

(dog barking)

(rumbling thunder)

(alarm blaring)

(insects chirping)

(owl hoots)




I'm sorry to disturb you.

What I said before, my hesitation?


Well, I'm ready now.

To take the Oak.

Day after tomorrow it is, as we planned.

Well, if you don't mind, I'd rather not wait.

Tomorrow then?

No, tonight.



I'll gather the others.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

Norfolk Southern run through here or just Tennken?

You catchin' out?

Well, what does it look like, old man?

(distant train whistle)

R.J. Coreman's the only company left in this yard.

Any trains headin' west?

No, sir.

New Orleans tonight.

Cincinnati in the morning.

Mind if I join you?

Sure thing.

Thank you.

Where you headin'?

Ah, California, Thailand.

Doesn't really matter at this point so long as it's far away from here.

Say, you don't look like a hobo.


But you don't seem like one of us, either.

Why'd you say that?

You look a right bit local to me, am I correct?

Yes and no, no and yes.

Can I ask you somethin'?

Yeah, sh**t.

You one of them Farrells?


Nope. Not me.

Yeah, you look a little...

I don't know... wild.


Do I look like an animal to you?

Do I smell like an animal?

'Cause they're animals.

They're beasts. They're lost, and you know what, I hope they rot in whatever hell they're walking towards, you understand me?

Hey, brother, I didn't mean nothin' by it.

(snickers) You people never do.

You have a good night, now.

(chanting in native language)

(chanting continues)

(wolves snarling)

Bronnlagh brenairah sli ayn-clan, ayn sah-wyl myrlagh un-Bren'in.

Bronnlagh brenairah sli ayn-clan, ayn sah-wyl myrlagh un-Bren'in.

(train whistle blows)

(wolves snarling)


(wolf growls)

(train bell dinging)

(growling continues)

(wolves snarling)


Man (on TV): You make me happy, you make me smile.

You bring me up when I'm down.

You finalize...

Woman (on TV): You know what, you are such a little bitch.

I feel like I'm the man in this relationship and you're nothin' but the...

(crowd jeering)

So, who was it?

Man (on TV): Constance.

Woman (on TV): Constance?

You know I hate that (bleep) bitch.

(crowd cheering)

Woman (on TV): You know...

Man (on TV): It was a game of corn hole that went wrong.

(crowd laughing)

Jerry Springer (on TV): Well, here's Constance.

(applause, booing)

(bell ringing)

Crowd (on TV): Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

Woman (on TV): You're such a (bleep) whore.

Constance (on TV): So what, I slept with him, Jessica?

Woman (on TV): You know what?

You come (bleep) with your boobs hanging out, your butt hanging out of your little booty shorts.

Everybody knows you're the biggest whore in the trailer park.

Hey there, you.

You hungry?
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