08x03 - Armageddon, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flash". Aired: October 2014 to current.*

Moderators: wolflover4219, Max2023

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"The Flash" revolves around Barry Allen, who is a CSI scientist and also a superhero with incredible speed. His mission is to find out the truth about his mother's strange death and correct the injustice of his dad being falsely convicted of her m*rder.
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08x03 - Armageddon, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »


[dramatic orchestral music]


Look, Barry, those
protocols are a one-way trip.

A bad one.

- I know that.
- All right, all right.

Just take a deep breath.

Tell me what happened.

In the last hours, I've
lost my job, my home base.

I've started having blackouts.

I destroyed my apartment at superspeed.

I att*cked my team, my family.

Jefferson, I att*cked innocent people,

dozens of them, and I
don't remember doing it.

- I'm out of control!
- Easy.

In my experience, there's almost nothing

that can't be undone,

but I'm gonna need you
to calm down for me.

Calm down? I'm losing my mind!

Look, you know the contingency plan.

The Injustice Protocols were
put into place for a reason,

to protect the world
when one of us goes rogue.

It's happening, Jefferson.

You have to take away my powers.

Look, we need to call in the others.

- We don't have time.

Kara, J'onn, Sara...

We all designed this
plan together after Faust.

And we all made the same promise.

If anyone ever lost control,
a designated teammate

would step in. For me, that's you.

And I don't carry that weight lightly.

What if this is all temporary?

What if your mind starts healing?

It's... it's not gonna heal.
It's only gonna get worse.

But how can you say that for sure?

I forgot Joe died.

The man who raised me...

he passed away six months ago,

and I can't remember it at all.

Look, I know you have questions,

but I'm losing myself.

You took an oath, if I ever said

the word "injustice," you'd listen.

Please. We have to do this now.

[soft dramatic music]

My father had a saying,

one that I even teach my students today.

"Where's the future? Right here.

"Whose life is this? Mine.

"What are you gonna do with it?

Live it by any means necessary."

So don't worry. I will honor my promise.

I will do whatever is
necessary to keep folks alive.

But remember...

when we take away your powers,
they are gone permanently.

[eerie music]

DESPERO: It's happening
again. Another world lost.

Another failure. Armageddon
waits for no man.

And it won't wait for
me to find you, Flash.

CHESTER: So you think Despero's right,

that Barry's gonna destroy
the world or something?

No, no, hey, what Barry
did today was scary,

and the things that he said...
They really, really hurt,

but someone that we
love is going through

a mental health crisis, so I don't care

what he may or may not
do ten years from now.

We need to take care of him today

just like he did for me.

Okay, we'll follow your
lead. What do you want to do?

Okay, I've been sensing Despero all day.

He's using his mind's
eye to scan the city.

Now, he hasn't found
him yet, but if Barry's

not thinking clearly...

What if he's the only
one thinking clearly?

Boss, what are you talking about?

Look, I know how this is gonna sound,

but when Despero showed up,

he said that Barry would suffer tragedy,

and then on cue, he lost his job,

he lost S.T.A.R. Labs,
and now he's lost his mind.

Doesn't that seem
like a big coincidence?

A little too big?

But Despero's from the future.

Wouldn't he know what happened?

But what if he didn't know

that someone secretly
caused it to happen?

- You think he's being framed.
- Iris, he forgot about Joe.

Nobody was framing him then.

Yeah, I'm not so sure.

Look, when Dad died,

CCPD said that his
death was an accident.

He fell on the tracks at Scott Railway.

Kramer left me with the evidence,

but for the last six months,

I haven't been able to look at it,

but then I thought
about what Barry said,

that we have to
investigate what happened.


So I finally started looking,
and this is what I found.


Why are you showing us this?

Just trust me.

[dramatic music]

See, one second he's there,
and the next, he's gone.

I haven't figured this all out yet,

but if somebody framed Barry,

then he doesn't cause Armageddon.

And, Cecile, Dad could be alive.

No. No, it's impossible.

Is it?

I mean, what if a meta-human
abducted him at the last second

or... or he got swapped
with, like, a mirror clone?

I saw them bury his body.

So did Barry, and so did you.

Okay, guys, how about
we take five, yeah?

- I'm not trying to upset you.
- What are you trying to do?

I'm trying to find out
if my dad is still alive.

I'm trying to prove
my husband's innocence.

Iris, it does not matter

if he is innocent if we can't find him,

which is what we have been trying to do

while you have been
living in a fantasy world!


Iris has trusted Barry
against the odds before,

like when Bloodwork infected him,

and she was right.

IRIS: If there's even a
chance that this could be real,

I can't give up, and
you wouldn't want me to.

Is that what you think?
You think I gave up?

Oh, my God.

You think I don't wake up
alone every morning in our bed

praying to God that all of this
was nothing but a bad dream?

Iris, I have done everything that I can

to just keep moving
forward since I lost Joe.

I did it so that I could be
there for you and for Jenna,

for this team, and you come in here

and you want to shove
his death in my face?

He was the father of my child!

And my father!

[soft dramatic music]


If you insist on pursuing this lie,

then we will save Barry without you.


You save him your way.
I'll save him mine.

Okay, Cecile. What do you want to do?

We find Barry before Despero does first,

no matter what it takes.

CAITLIN: How are we
supposed to find Barry now?

Okay, this is gonna sound wild,

but Despero's scanning the whole world

for Barry's brainwaves, right?
Like a needle in a haystack.

I know him better than almost anyone.

So you should be able
to pinpoint Barry's mind

faster than he can, only
Despero's psychic radius

is exponentially higher than yours.

Alex Danvers says he gets a power boost

from his power source,
the Flame of Py'tar.

Okay, I just need a
boost of my own, right?

So you can build something,

something that can
amplify my psychic powers.

You want me to build a Cerebro

out of the trash in my garage?

I mean...

[rousing electronic music]

Oh, frak yeah, I can do that.

Okay, there's still one problem.

Kalanorians like Despero
have four hemispheres

to their brain. The
human brain only has two.

So even if we amplify
your empathic radius,

you'd still be at a disadvantage.

Then we're gonna need
some more brain power.

And I know just who to call.

ALLEGRA: So things got a
little intense back there.

You okay?

IRIS: Yeah, look, I
don't want to hurt Cecile,

but if someone's framing
Barry and my dad might be okay,

then I have to figure out the truth.

Just glad I don't have to do it alone.

Team Citizen forever, Boss.

So what are we looking for?
Signs of a meta-abduction?

[ethereal electronic music]

- What the hell?
- What is it?

I'm not sure. Do you see anything?

Well, I'm not picking up anything

on the electromagnetic spectrum,

but your time sickness makes
you see stuff sometimes, right?

- Could it be acting up?
- Must be.

Deon's treatments are
probably wearing off.

I'm supposed to see him tonight.

You know what I did
see: the fiber optic aura

for these cameras leads
to a security booth inside,

so if someone wanted to alter
the footage of Joe's accident

to make it seem like he died...

That'd be where they'd start.

I'll never forget that day.

People were screaming someone fell.

I... I tried calling the emergency line,

but it was too late.

What about before it happened?

Did you see anyone
suspicious on the platform?

It was pretty empty when Mr. West died.

The Red Line came in minutes early.

Hang on. Iris West-Allen?

Were you his daughter?

I still am.

What about after?

Was there anyone there who had access

to the scene before CCPD arrived?

Ma'am, your father took a bad step.

It happens sometimes.

Well, the reason I'm asking
is because the video files

that you sent over to CCPD

were missing some very important frames

from the moment of incident.

That doesn't just happen

unless you're saying
someone got into your system.

Or because we're on the same
power grid as Sharks Stadium.

Whenever there's a game,
like there was that day,

our a*t*matic CCTV
upload gets interrupted,

and we end up losing chunks of data.

It's a good thing we
back up our files locally.

[soft dramatic music]

- Is this the only angle?
- No, it's okay.

I was wrong. It was just an accident.

[upbeat rock music]

SINGER: ♪ I don't know ♪

♪ Where to start ♪

So who wants next game, boys?

Think you can end up on top?

I think you're done for today.

[soft dramatic music]

Horton, I'm surprised you showed.

Figured you'd still be crying
over your boyfriend somewhere.

You should have heard
the cheers at Iron Heights

when that news broke out.

Well, that's funny 'cause
I figured you'd already be

running Scudder's entire
criminal enterprise,

not hustling morons in a dive bar.

Guess you probably shouldn't
have sold him out after all.

- Fine.
- Aw.

- That means you're available.
- For what?

You got a job for me,
Miss meta-attorney?

Look, I need help. Psychic help.

Someone that I care about is missing.

Let me guess. He runs real fast.

It's all over the news. Flash went bad.

It's the feel-good story of the year.

And even if I did want to help
return the Scarlet Speedster

to the side of angels,

during our last go-round,
you messed with my head.

I don't know if I can trust you.

Can you trust me to help get

your parole restrictions lifted?

Quid pro quo, huh?

When do we start?

Damn it, I... I can't
get this last conduit.

You know what?

You know, sometimes I like to
work with a little music on.


["Blue Monk" by Thelonious Monk]

[upbeat jazz music]


Okay, trying to impress me. [chuckles]

I kind of grew up on this stuff.

Joe always had something
spinning on the turntable,

Miles Davis, Johnny
Hartman, Ella Fitzgerald.

It's his favorite.

Was his favorite.


Yeah, I lost someone too a while back.

Bill Henderson.

Actually, he was a
cop like your old man.

Well, we had our ups and downs,

but through it all,
he was my best friend.

[soft dramatic music]

My brother.

Bill died saving my life...

So I could get home to
Atlanta and the girls.

Yeah, he made that sacrifice.

Just like you sacrificing

a big part of yourself here today.

You know, if Joe was here,
I think he'd be real proud

of the hero you've been all along.

It's been you all along, Flash.

Are you okay?

Yeah. That was the last conduit.

Now, when your suit materializes,

you'll be able to
generate enough voltage

to disrupt my Speed Force connection.

Giving Gambi a run for his money, huh?

All right, let's go blow this fuse.

[dramatic music]

I'm ready.

This is gonna hurt.


[electricity crackling]


Boss, you got to see this. Okay.

Do you remember what
the security chief said,

that the day Joe died, the
Red Line was running early?

Well, back in my car thief days,

I'd take the Red Line
home from the chop shop,

and it was never early.
It was always late.

So my dad was just unlucky?

Well, that's an understatement.

The train that hit Joe
passed a routine inspection

two days before the accident,

yet somehow, the hydraulics failed.

Iris, there are dozens

and dozens of coincidences like this.

Do you know what the odds are
that they all happened at once?

Million to one.

The events that led to Joe's accident,

they line up perfectly. Too perfectly.

- So what are you saying?
- That you're right.

That... that someone
was pulling the strings.

Barry's not crazy, and your dad's not...

Look, Allegra, I was
wrong about everything.

These last six months

have been the worst
six months of my life.

[soft dramatic music]

Look, I get it. I do.

When Esperanza died...

I lost hope too.

But what saved me from the darkness

was remembering the words of a hero.

"As long as we keep the loved ones

we've lost in our hearts,
there is always hope."

[dramatic music]

- Are you seeing this?
- Seeing what?

I have to get back to the station.

I thought that was a dead end.

It's not.

We just couldn't see all the evidence.

Ladies, may I present the solution

to all of our Flash-finding problems,

the Neural Conjoiner.

Both of you have the natural ability

to access people's
brainwaves like an antenna.

Cecile as an empath,
and Rosa as a psychic

who can spin people's
emotions out of control.

So with the Telepathic
Crown as an amplifier,

we'll be able to conjoin
your psychic powers

and pick up way more brainwaves
than you'd ever be able

to pick up on your own.
Like, all over the continent.

Now all you need to do is
focus on the Flash's brainwaves,

and the N.C. will transmit them here

while I use the visual data

to triangulate his location with this.

I'm sorry, but does that
TV have rabbit ears on it?

Yeah, yeah, it's 'cause
it's my grandma's,

which means we'll
have to be done by :

'cause she doesn't want
to miss her stories.

[soft dramatic music]

You ready?

[device humming]

[overlapping, indistinct voices]

It's too much. It's too much.

It's too much! I can't... I can't!

- Chester, turn it off.
- No, we can do this.


So many minds to reach out and touch.

I can't.

It's too many thoughts. I can't do this.

- It's too many thoughts.
- No, there aren't!

Horton, listen to me.

Together, we are strong
enough to handle this,

but you're letting your
own feelings hold you back.

- Now focus!
- [gasping]

Horton, you're letting your
own emotions bring you down.

That sadness you got?

Get over it. You want to find your hero?

- Yes.
- Then lose the weakness,

just like I lost those
gushy feelings for Scudder.

Forget about your grief,
your guilt, your sadness.

Forget about your damn dead boyfriend.

Bury it!

[dramatic music]

[overlapping, indistinct voices]

BARRY: I still have some of my speed.

Connection's not fully severed.

I found him.

Oh, keep it going. Keep it going.

We almost have a clear signal.

[electricity crackles]

- Oh!
- Ah!

[both groaning]

- What happened?
- You overloaded the crown.

Damn, Horton.

I knew I was good,
but color me impressed.

Okay, if the amplifier is busted,

then maybe we should
try a different way.

No, no.

Chester, you can fix it,
right? You can fix it.

Well, I need about an
hour to recalibrate,

but then we should be good to go.

Do it.

We finally made some progress.
We're not gonna stop now.

DESPERO: Those humans.

Their emotions blind them to reason,

yet give them power.

They'll find Flash first,

and I'll be right behind them.

[soft dramatic music]

You forget we had an
appointment in the books?

'Cause usually we meet in the Speed Lab.

Then again, I am a Force god,

so I can work with this too.
Ready for your treatment?

I didn't forget we had an appointment.

I... I wanted you to find me here.


This is where your dad died.

I can sense him walking
through here six months ago.

I came here earlier today,

and I saw these particles near
the tracks where my dad fell,

and then I saw them again

when I was going through
evidence from his death.

This is a sign that
there's something wrong

with my dad's death,

proof that someone is altering reality

and... and leaving particles behind.

But nobody screwed with the timeline.

All right? I would have sensed that.

Then someone's hiding something.

I need you to undo my treatments,

all of them.

- You can't be serious.
- Deon, please.

Whatever is happening,

it's connected to these particles.

Look, if I absorb all of that
temporal matter out of you

and that sickness you got
starts spreading too fast,

you're gonna start moving in
and out of timelines again,

or worse.

- I'm not afraid of that.
- Well, I am.

Look, if there's a chance
that I can save my husband

and bring my dad back, I'll risk it.

[dramatic music]

My God. What are they?

Temporal isotopes,

but decaying instead of growing.

That's why I couldn't sense them before.

Oh, damn.

Someone tapped into
the Negative Still Force

to rewrite the timeline.

Your dad wasn't supposed to die.

But someone changed the past
to make sure that he did.

CAITLIN: Cecile, we need
to talk about Dillon.

Look, I know. I get it, okay?

Dillon can be a little intense,

but we're trying to beat Despero here.

She wants you to forget about Joe.

That's more than a little intense.

And honestly, it's not the first time

I've seen you repress your feelings.

You have no idea what
it's been like for me.

- None.
- Actually, I do.

Because it's what I
went through with Ronnie.

[soft dramatic music]

After the particle accelerator exploded,

I was so traumatized by his death

that even thinking about
him would send me spiraling.

Rather than facing my grief,

I started fearing it.

I just... I can't help thinking

you're heading down the same path.

Look, I know. I know
I don't talk about Joe.

It's because I think
about him every second

of every hour of every day.

And it's not just my grief
that I have to feel, Caitlin.

Barry and Iris and little Jenna...

Because of my powers,
whenever they're near me,

I feel all of their grief too.

It's everything that I
can do to push it all down

just so that I can keep moving forward,

because if I don't, I will drown.

And that cannot happen again.

CAITLIN: I know it's hard,

but your strength as an empath

doesn't come from burying your emotions.

It comes from feeling the feelings.

Even the hard ones.

[phone beeping]

Oh, let me guess. Dinner's ready.

Oh, sweet Joseph Winters.

Okay, my phone is still plugged

into the S.T.A.R.
Labs emergency sensors.

Someone just turned on
the particle accelerator.

[tense music]

[alarm blaring]

- The hell's going on?
- The power's spiking, sir.


It's like the particle
accelerator turned itself on.

Not exactly.

I may have given it a little push.


Damn, what in the world!


[electricity crackling]

And with this power,

no mind will shut its doors on me!


Why would Despero turn on

the particle accelerator?

He's into alternative
energy. Who cares?

Guys, look, she's
right. We need to do this.


[device humming]

Remember what we did last time.

Remember that power.

[dramatic music]

[overlapping, indistinct voices]

Come on. Where are you?

[overlapping, indistinct voices]

I can see Flash.

He's with Jefferson
Pierce? Where are they?

Let me try and find out.

I can feel your grief again, Horton.

I told you to bury it.

Cecile, you don't have to listen to her.

You know your powers
better than she does.

Oh, yes.

It's like meta-juicing,
only ten times better.

You should be proud of the power

you've displayed here.

Now, open your minds to me

and show me the Flash.

- Leave us alone.
- Uh, guys.

Who are they talking to?

Despero. He must be here.

- Dillon, what are you doing?
- Causing a little vertigo.

It's an oldie but a goodie.

Okay, big boy.

How about a little quid pro quo?

I let you inside my mind,
show you where the Flash is,

and then you and I go k*ll him together.

What makes you think
I came here to bargain?


How about I let you peek
inside my mind for free?

We'll call it even.




CECILE: Dillon!

I can't feel her
anymore. What did you do?

I looked inside her mind,

but I could only partly reconstruct

the Flash's location.

The other half must be in yours.

Don't be afraid. It's a necessity.

I am trying to save the world.

By k*lling us and Barry?

A few lives to spare billions.

That's a trade I'm willing to make,

but one that you won't even stomach.

Your mind's strong for a human empath,

but it's kindling compared
to the Flame of Py'tar.


Stop fighting me and
show me where he is.

You have no allies left.

You're weak, and you're alone.

You're wrong. I am not alone.

- [gasps]
- Oh.

- Ugh.
- Oh.

- Hey, hey, you okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

She's alive, but barely.

- Despero... he att*cked us.
- How did you survive?

I thought about Joe.

[phone beeping]

Hey, wait, wait, wait. I found Barry.

- He's at the Hall.
- What?

Guys, guys, Despero was in my head.

That means he knows where Barry is too.

BARRY: [screams]

All right, maybe we should take a break.

No, we have to finish
before Despero finds me.

Who the hell's Despero?

[soft dramatic music]

If you're keeping
something important from me,

I suggest you remedy it.

He's from the future.

He says that, ten years from now,

- I'm gonna destroy the world.
- You believe him?

Do you remember what we said

when we first met during Crisis?

We're not quitters.

You can change your future,
just like you did back then.

That's what I'm trying to do.

If I get rid of my speed,

I can keep Despero's
future from happening.

What will this Despero do if you don't?

He's gonna k*ll me.

You didn't think that
was important to mention?

I knew if I told you, you'd
want to go after Despero,

but I need you to follow
the Injustice Protocols.

I'm not acting out of fear.

I'm trying to do the right thing.

Yeah, I thought I was, too,

but I wasn't, and you aren't either.

You're just afraid of becoming

this man that Despero says you are.

I've already hurt people!
I'm already a liability!

No, what you are is a hero!
Doesn't that mean something?

I've seen what happens,
what I end up doing.

It's going to happen.

Getting rid of my speed is
the only way to save the world.

Damn it, Jefferson!

It's the only way to
save your family too!

I suggest you keep
my family out of this.

After everything we've done today,

everything I've told you,
you're just giving up.

Barry, you need to think
very carefully right now.

I'm asking you to save the world,

and you won't even listen!

[electricity crackles]

[tense music]

You're gonna hear me now,
'cause one way or the other,

you're gonna help me finish this.

[tense music]

Look at what I just did,
the damage I can still cause!

You made a promise to
keep this world safe.

I am keeping the world safe

by saving one of its protectors.

Fine, you want to ignore the protocols?

Now imagine millions
dead all because of me!

It's your lightning. You keep it.

How about we stop this insanity?


Do you remember why we call
our safety plan "Injustice"?

Because if one of us goes rogue,

the rest of the world
doesn't stand a chance.

[soft dramatic music]



You think this is what
he would have wanted?

You told me that before Crisis,
Oliver went to the Monitor

to trade his life for yours.

Now, I never met the man,

so you tell me: why'd he do that?

'Cause he was afraid?


A man like him lays down
his life for a man like you

for one reason: because
you are the best of us.

Now, Oliver Queen wasn't a quitter.

He'd never quit on you.

So don't you dare quit on yourself.

Jefferson, I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

Just tell me this.

Where's the future?

It's right here.

Whose life is this?


So what are you gonna do with it?

Live it...

by any means necessary.

[dramatic music]

I told you, Flash, if I found any trace

of your true nature,
I'd end your existence.

Leave him alone. He's innocent.

Someone changed the
timeline to k*ll my father

and make Barry seem insane.

You really believe
you're telling the truth.

[laughs] How tragic.


Hurry! I'll hold him off.


You need to go and figure out
who is trying to frame you.

I need to go to the future,

see who really causes Armageddon.

I can't hold him much longer!

I'm not gonna make it there.

I don't have enough Speed Force left.

How about some Still Force?

My isotopes will pull you

toward any weird temporal activity.

Run, Barry. Run.

You all just k*lled this world.

[soft dramatic music]



FAMILIAR VOICE: If I could have

everyone's attention for a moment.

I have been waiting for this moment

for a very, very long time.

When you find the love of your life,

it's like electricity
pulsing through your veins,

giving you a shock that you
absolutely never want to end

because... because now...

Now you're part of something greater.

You're part of something wonderful.

And, frankly, surprising
because you never know...

what face fate will be wearing

when she shows up to knock on your door

and change your life forever.

When it does, for you, my
wish is that that face...

Is as beautiful as the one

standing next to me.

To Iris West, the love of my life...

And to our future together.

[dramatic music]

What the hell is he doing here?

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