01x16 - Love Boat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "</SCORPION>". Aired: September 2014 to April 2018.*
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An eccentric genius forms an international network of super-geniuses to act as the last line of defense against the complicated threats of the modern world.
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01x16 - Love Boat

Post by bunniefuu »

Walter: My name is Walter O'Brien. I have the fourth highest IQ ever recorded: 197. Einstein's was 160.

When I was 11, the FBI arrested me for hacking NASA to get their blueprints for my bedroom wall. Now I run a team of geniuses, tackling worldwide threats only we can solve. Toby's our behaviorist. Sylvester's a human calculator. Happy, a mechanical prodigy. Agent Cabe Gallo's our government handler. And Paige? Well, Paige isn't like us. She's normal and translates the world for us while we help her understand her genius son.

Together, we are Scorpion.

Man: Looks like we're about 15 miles outside of Pendleton. Not a moment too soon.

I got to waz again.

Hey, what's this guy doing?

Whoa, whoa. Whoa! What the hell?!

Out of the truck now!

Get out!

Please, don't sh**t! Please!

Take the rockets.

Leave the bodies.

Got it.

Toby: Well, this is highly illegal.

I'm simply expediting things through technological intervention.

You're hacking into a site that charges for reservations to save the 20 bucks.


They were fully booked.

Dinner for two at Escala?

One of the ten hottest spots in town.

Yes, Walter, I would be happy to dine with you.

Oh, nice try.

It's a business dinner.

Need to go over some office data entry protocol with Paige.

You are taking Paige to a top L.A. eatery on Valentine's Day?

Just one week after Drew signed a month-long contract to pitch in Portland.

How convenient.

Is Valentine's this weekend?

I had no idea.

Should I get the extinguisher?

'Cause your pants are on fire, liar, liar.

You don't think Paige notices the timing?

It is a business meeting.

Valentine's is a scam created by the greeting card industry.

The only reason why I picked that place is because Paige mentioned it.

The cherry on top of the denial sundae.

You're being attentive to her wants.

Paige: Good morning, guys.


Ms. Dineen.

I brought donuts.

Oh, thank you.

It's a date!

Grow up.

For dessert, you should order Phoenix dactylifera.

Why? Because that's the botanical name for dates?


This conversation's over.

What you got there, pal?


Cabe: Hope you're caffeinated!

'Cause it's time to punch the clock.

Last night a weapons manufacturer was ambushed.

A shipment of high-tech, lightweight, shoulder-launch rockets were stolen.

Oh, God!

Homeland has received Intel that an arms dealer, who we only know as Christoph, is behind it.

He's never been photographed or I.D.'d.

But he's known to sell across the globe to Rwanda and Somalia Any w*apon to suit your genocide needs, huh?

This is a bad, bad man.

Yes, and he's stolen a very bad piece of experimental hardware.

These rockets have a range nine times the standard with laser guidance technology that makes them impossible to shake once they lock on target.

All in the size of a Louisville Slugger.

So, if the rockets were stolen last night, they're already on the move.

Correct, but we've traced them to the Port of Long Beach through satellite footage.

So, you want us to identify the shipping container?

There is no shipping container.

Apparently Christoph is using a luxury cruise line as transport.

He's one of 100 passengers.

The one percent of the one percent.

Ride in style, avoid airport security.

I want to be rich just once.

Stop gambling. Stop judging.

Paige: So, if you think you know the boat he's using, go take him down.

We're looking for a bigger fish.

Not that simple.

Homeland wants us to hack into the guidance system of each munition, and plant GPS tracking software so that we can find out who Christoph sells them to.

So, there's no time to waste.

Now... who's up for a little James Bond action?



Not me.

Let's do it.

Now, I just have to save it with the virus I embedded and... done! How long?

14 minutes and 32 seconds.

I just downloaded the blueprints.

I'd say he'd put them near the engine room or cargo hold.

It's secluded.

Cabe: You got 20 rockets to disarm in 14 minutes a pop.

We're never gonna get five hours alone.

We won't need it. These rockets are interfaced like a laptop, phone and tablet.

I program one, they all link up disabled and trackable.

How do we get aboard?

We go as passengers.

It's fully booked.

But we can create a vacancy.

Just got to find the right guy.

Haven't rich people ever heard of Legionnaire's disease?

Ahoy, mateys!

It's Chaz Bonesteel.

It must be a family name?

From what I see here, it's the only name that matters.

At 21, he invested his life savings in land thought to be valueless.

At now at 25, he's worth nine figures and at the epicenter of the oil shale boom.

He's considered an investment guru.

Oh, and intense about his privacy.

Known for not having a single photo online.

No one's even sure what he looks like.

Okay, so what does that have do with us?

Well, he booked the Excelsior Suite for himself, his wife, Alissa, their personal valet and trainer.

That's four people.

Walter: Okay.

Cabe, Sylvester, Paige, myself.

We'll pose as them to get access to the boat.

Okay, uh, here's a shocker.

I don't like boats.

Primarily because they're on the water.

And I don't like water.

We'll need three minutes to get up the plank, five to get to the bowels, approximately five minutes to locate the weapons and 14 minutes and 32 seconds to disarm and reprogram them.

That's 27 minutes and 32 seconds.

So, we'll be off the boat by the time it departs.

Besides you're the only one of us that can pass for a 25-year-old.

Guess I'll be the trainer.

(laughs): Right.

Oh, you're serious.


You'll be the trainer. I will be the valet.

Sylvester, you'll be Chaz.

And, Paige, you'll be Alissa.

And the real Alissa and Chaz?

Uh, aren't they boarding in a few hours?

I'll make a call. They'll have a little trouble at customs when they get in from Canada.

Walter, gear up.

Happy, counterfeit some I.D.'s and tickets. Toby, put together a file of everything you can find on the Bonesteels.

And, Sly?

The shirt's not gonna cut it.

Sylvester: In 2013, the Triumph Carnival fire left 4,000 passengers floating in the Gulf of Mexico.

2012-- the Costa Concordia tragedy.

Not to mention a little film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and a giant boat?


We'll be in and out in 20 minutes.


Hi! Welcome to Pacific West Cruises.

There are four of us.

Mr. And Mrs. Bonesteel!


We are thrilled to welcome you aboard.

Thrilled to be here.

The VIP cocktail reception is on the Lido deck.

Wonderful, we'll be in our room, so...

No. We will do what we normally do, Chaz.

Where is the Lido deck?

The Lido deck is the top deck.

Wonderful. Top deck above it all.

20 minutes.

The clock starts now.



Ow! (grunts)

Took us substantially longer to board than we estimated.

Blame the inefficient cruise line.

We still got to locate the rockets, disarm them and get off the ship.

And we're way behind.

Yeah. No, I'm working on it.

My software can test whether the rockets are reachable across an IP network, thus creating a traceable ping for lack of a better word.

So, where the hell's the ping?

Give me a minute.

(thud nearby)

(shushes) We've got company.

Everything looks good.

Pressure readouts are normal.

I'll run a systems check just to be safe.

It'll just take a few minutes.

Man: Copy that.

You're calculating this into your 20 minutes, right?

We're minutes from the boat leaving.

Can't you, uh, put him in a sleeper hold or... something?

Someone will find him and alert the boat and the bad guys.

Just sit tight.

Captain, we're all clear down here.


Cabe: See?


Securing the bulkhead.


I don't like the sound of that.

(alarm blaring)

Whoa, whoa! Hold on, hold...

Can you get us out of here?

Yeah, I can.

But by the time I do, we'll be in the middle of the Pacific.

(ship horn blows twice)


That was the "get off the boat" noise.

Where the hell are they?!

♪ Scorpion 1x16 ♪
Love Boat
Original Air Date on February 9, 2015

Sylvester: Oh, this is not good!

I am on a boat!

In the middle of the ocean!

Have you seen the movie Open Water?!

Those people were stranded in shark-infested waters.

You're on a luxury cruise boat.

Paige, I can't swim.

Maybe you can't.

But Chaz Bonesteel can.

In fact, Chaz Bonesteel is a champion swimmer.

And Chaz Bonesteel can keep it together.

Come on, Walter, I've seen you diffuse bombs faster than this.

It's a simple door pane.

I'm trying to open the bulkhead door without alerting anyone that we're down here.

Can you give me a minute?


(cell phone ringing)

Oh, geez!

Ralph, are you okay?

I think I'm sick.

Ms. Dineen, he has the chills pretty bad.

Teeth were actually chattering.

Paige: Okay, well, I'm a little... unavailable right now.

Uh, I'll have to have Toby and Happy pick you up.

All right, honey?

Thanks, Mom.

I love you.

Would Chaz be worried that everything's going to hell?

Appreciate it, nurse.

No problem.

Feel better, Ralph.

It's a bummer you're feeling sick.

You know, when you get the chills, it means your body's fighting an infection.

(school bell ringing)

A knapsack full of ice packs to make your teeth chatter?

I've seen you hack a thermometer, Ralph.

This is amateur hour.

I had limited resources.

Where the hell have you been?

We're out to sea.

What exactly is the plan here?

Well, once we locate and reprogram the rockets, we'll ride on to the first stop in Cancun.

Homeland agents will meet us and get us across the border.

My God, the kid's green.

Walter: Okay, let's all get our comms in.

Link them up, come on.

I'm gonna call Happy, make sure that she's connected.

This whole thing has not gone according to plan, so we need to make sure that we stay in constant communication.

Cabe: All right.

Listen, keep an eye on the kid.

Get him to lie down or something, and whatever you do, don't leave this room and don't talk to anyone.

I'm gonna call Happy, find out why it was so difficult to get a signal in the hull.

Keep you posted.


Captain: Mr. and Mrs. Bonesteel?

Paige, come answer it.


Mrs. Bonesteel.

I'm Captain Steven Caine.

Welcome aboard.

I wanted to personally invite you and Mr. Bonesteel to join me at my table for lunch.

Oh, the captain's table, that sounds lovely.


Many people are very excited about dining with Mr. Bonesteel.

Good, now I have to have lunch.


Walter: Okay, so we meet back at the room after our respective missions, okay?

And, uh, Sly, please, uh, Woman: Walter? try to lay off the Dramamine.

That's an ex.

Handle it fast.


Are you working on the ship?

Um, yes.

I am, uh, currently, uh, working.

Tech support on a cruise is a nice step up.

Well, you know what they say.

Onward and upward.

Walter, we are going to lunch.

Meet my dad at the shuffleboard.


Is that woman the waitress?

From that diner you used to take me to?

Yes, she did, uh, work there for a while.

So she's here with you?

Are-are you two dating?

No, we work together.

Oh, the waitress is a tech expert, too.

Come on, Walter.

No, you don't understand.

The truth is (whispering): we work for the government.

The government?

You expect me to believe that?

Man: Janice!

Come here; there-s someone I want you to meet.

My fiancé.

Enjoy the cruise, Walt.

Happy, the signal's still jumping around.

The girders are just steel alloy.

They shouldn't be interfering with the signal.

Yeah, well, I'm down here, and I'm telling you, I can't get a proper signal.

Calm down. I'm trying to find an answer.

Excuse me, I am perfectly calm.

Yeah, you sound perfectly calm.


This thing's echoing in my ear from you two acting like children.

Get it together.



That's it, Walt.

There's got to be a hollow space located in the hull somewhere that's causing the signal to bounce around like an echo whenever the boat swells.

Yes, there should be a crawlspace above you.

Eight, maybe ten feet up?

Oh, oh.

Oh, yeah, I see it.

Hold that.

Yeah, they're here.

Hand it to me.

Oh, Cabe, Happy was right.

They're here.

Thank you.


Mr. Bonesteel, I read the article where you mentioned seared frog legs were a particular favorite of yours.

So I had some flown in. Here you are.

Paige: Oh.

Chaz just... loves his amphibious meats.

(clears throat)

Thank you.

(clears throat)

You almost done?

I'm only a few minutes in.

Besides, it's dark in here.

You got 197 IQ, and you don't know how to operate a flashlight?

Are you kidding me?

(g*n clicks)

Who are you?

Just a little lost.

Lost, huh?

Down here in the cargo hold?

Turn around.

On your knees now.

Okay, okay.

Don't move.

Who you working for?

I said, who do you work for?

I'm not gonna ask you again.


Damn it.

Our cover's blown.

In a few minutes, whoever he's working for is gonna be looking for us.

Oh, we don't have enough time.

Forget about installing the GPS.

Just deactivate the damn things.

Grab them and go.

Chaz, when did you know that you'd made it?

(clears throat)

Tell them the story...



My grandfather once took me ice fishing.

And we dropped our lines and we waited, but I was impatient.

So I said to my grandfather, "Grandfather, my feet are frozen and I'd like to go home, please."


And he said, "Son, grandson, "when your feet are frozen, "that is when the fish are the warmest."

Man: Excuse me, Captain.

If you'll all excuse me, I have a call I have to take.

Server: Excuse me, sir, your next course.



Oh, that's a lot of snails.

Please, no.

There's some light over here.

Here, hold that.


Hurry up.

(engines whining)

This is your captain.

All passengers report immediately to the casino on the main deck.

No, that's not good.

Thank you.

Put the ship into idle.

That's no coincidence.

They can't find us, so they're going after the passengers.

Please, keep coming in.

Yes, that's it. Just this way, folks.

That's right, right in here.

Do you think Chaz would find this odd?

Not sure, but I certainly do.

Captain: Plenty of room.

Please, please keep coming. That's it.

Yes, ma'am. Yes, I know. Make your way to the back of the room. There is plenty of space for everyone.

All is fine, nothing to worry about.

I'm feeling very strange about this.

Paige: They don't look like ship security.

Sylvester: Why are they blocking the doors?

(doors close)

All right, everyone, please, do not panic.

Everything is going to be absolutely fine.

(groans, passengers scream)

Thank you, Captain.

I'll take it from here.

(g*n clicks)


Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to live, there's one thing that you need to understand.

Oh, my God.

This is my ship now.

Hurry up.

Henchman: Electronic devices in the bag.

In the bag.

Henchman 2: We searched the ship.

This is everyone on board.

I looked for the rockets; they're not where we left them.

Cell phone in the bag!

Cell phone in the bag now, lady!


Do I have everyone's attention?

One of you knows where my cargo is.

I intend to get it back.

This is a passenger manifest.

So, if you cannot produce an identification that's on this list, well then, today is not your lucky day.

Roger that, sir.

We'll be prepared.

Navy's sending a military copter to handle the hostage situation.

They're linking up our comms, but if those g*ons find us, they can't have live rockets with helicopters approaching.

I'm almost done.

Walter, where are you?

We got caught in the bowels of the ship.

Why? What's going on?

We are in the casino.

Christoph is reading the manifest, and once he gets to Bonesteel, we are in big trouble.

The laminate that Happy used on both of our I.D.'s is only a few hours old, and if he shines a light on it, it'll read as fake.

Time frame?

Well, okay, statistically, B is the fifth most common start to a surname, and A is the twelfth.

How much time, Sylvester?

Okay, three minutes, tops.

New plan.

You have to finish disarming the rockets first.

We don't have enough time.

The rockets will take another four minutes.

Paige and Sylvester will be dead in three.

What the hell do we do?

Grab me a beer.

I have an idea.
Ralph: I wanted to give Sloan a valentine, but Jason gave her one first.

Ralphie boy, you got to be persistent.

There are some girls who don't know a good thing when it's right in front of them, no matter how many times it has been offered.

You and Sloan are friends, right, Ralph?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Happy: Well, maybe she doesn't want to jeopardize your friendship.

Maybe she's never had a best friend like you before and that probably means a lot to her.

So don't take it personally.

You just have to be patient.

How patient?

Like, if you had to put a time frame on it.

I really don't know what we're talking about anymore.

(phone ringing)

Talk to me.

Walter: We have a situation here.

All the passengers have been taken hostage, including Paige and Sylvester.

So I need you to find a spot in the hull where I can access the ship's intercom.

Okay, I'm in the ship's broadcasting system.

What are you up to?

There's no intercom down here, so I'm building one.

If we're gonna negotiate with our captors, we have to able to talk to them first.

Grab that; let's go.

Happy: It should be on your left side.

Here it is, here it is.


Ah, thank you, Happy.

Once we get a current, the can will act as a microphone.

I'll have it broadcast over every speaker on the ship.

Watch yourself.

Sylvester: Okay, Walter, you have approximately 30 seconds until they call Bonesteel.

They will k*ll me and Paige.

You sure about this?

There's no hiding once it's done.

We have no choice.

Barclay, Phineas.

What are we going to do?

When he sees our IDs, he'll know that they're bogus.

Christoph: Bonesteel...


Alissa Bonesteel.

Just stay right here, okay?

It's okay, come here.


Christoph: I will put a b*llet in her ponytail if Ms. Alissa Bonesteel does not step forward.

I am!

I... I am...

Alissa Bonesteel.


Trouble hearing?

No, I...

I'm just scared because I left my ID in my room.


I'm gonna take a wild guess that you know where my cargo is.

Paige: I don't know. I don't know--

No, please, please. I have a son.

Christoph: In three seconds. your son will have no mother. And then... (whimpers) ...I'm gonna pay him a visit.No...

Walter (over intercom): Release the hostages or I throw your rockets overboard.

(passengers murmuring)

Are you kidding me?

All right, come on.

Yes, this is the man you stole from.

Who's this, please?

My name is not important; what I have is.


But what I have is even more precious.

And I will k*ll them, one by one, unless you bring me my weapons immediately.

(quietly): You give him those rockets and he'll sh**t that rescue copter right out of the sky.


There has to be another vessel nearby.

Can you locate anything?

I'm looking.

You have five seconds to comply.

Hurry, Happy.

Five... four...


A Japanese destroyer isn't too far away.


Hack the destroyer's control system.

Two... one.

Woman: No, no, no, no....

Walter: Okay, okay, okay! You win.

Lido deck, five minutes, with the rockets.


Grab the captain.

You... take Tennille.

Let's go.

Pilot (over comms): Navy 6-4.

Four minutes out and closing.

Okay, hold...

Walter: Okay.

Okay, okay.

That's close enough.

Or they go overboard.

Can I have my rockets now, please?

Give me your word you'll let the passengers go.

You see this g*n?

It's got a sensitive trigger.

Sometimes it goes off when I've barely even touched it.

You guys want to see?

No, no, no.

No, no.


Put the g*n down.

Thank you.

Search them.


I'm sorry, who are you two guys working for?


(grunts) Hey!


(feedback whines)



Who have you been talking to?

Pilot (over comms): This is Navy 6-2.

We are five miles out, roughly two minutes to intercept.

Are we clear to approach, Agent Gallo? Over.

Tell them everything is fine.

Pilot: Repeat. Are we clear to land?


Cabe: Okay. Okay.

This is Agent Cabe Gallo.

You're clear to approach.

Good job.

Take 'em over there.

Move! Go, go! To the rail.

You all right?

To the rail. Now, now. Move it.

Now for the fireworks.


We got painted! Single rocket tracking us now! Slice right!

Verona, this is Romeo.

We have been engaged.

Chopper's five miles out, give them standard approach speed... impact in 90 seconds.

You ever been scuba diving?

(Cabe grunts)

Christoph: Come on!

What are you standing around for?

Get them!

Okay. We gotta get in touch with Happy.

Happy, have you hacked into that destroyer yet?

How much time we got?

45 seconds.

We got 45 seconds until that rocket takes out a U.S. military helicopter.

Thank you for filling me in on the stakes now.

We're in the ship's weapons system, but we need more time.

The Japanese are alerted to our Trojan horse entry, and they're throwing up firewalls.

We can't hack like Walter!

Cabe: Just figure something out.

Pilot: Rocket closing.

1.8 miles.

Alter our vector!

Cabe: This is Agent Cabe Gallo.

If you want to live to tell this w*r story, do exactly as I say.

We only have 30 seconds.

There's no time for evasive maneuvers.

Hold your course.

Do nothing?

Cabe: The less you move, the less the rocket moves.

We're gonna intercept it.

Using what?!

(alarms blaring)

(speaking Japanese)

Wow, you picked a hell of a day to ditch school, kid.

(m*ssile launching)

Cabe: Maintain your position, lieutenant!


Talk to me, guys.

We're good.

We're alive.

Can't say the same for our fuel line, though.

We shook up pretty bad.

We're pouring gas.

No chance we could make it to you.

Better come up with a plan "B," Walter.

How about a plan "C"?

Thug: Go, go, go.

Walter: Okay.

Christoph: Here they are!

The men who cause us nothing but trouble.

In a few moments, the Navy's gonna send another helo, so... you can tell me what agencies you work for, or you guys are going into the sea.


Yeah, we're, uh... we're here working with...


Freeze! Hold it!

Hold it! Hold it right there!

Good work.

Give me the g*n and we'll put 'em in the hold.

Not exactly, Agent.


You're with Christoph.

No... he is Christoph.

Licensed captain, legitimate commercial vessel, minimal customs issues compared to big cruise liners...

It's perfect front for big weapons.


It surely was.


We've wasted enough time.

We need to get these rockets off the ship.

Grab the girl, meet me on the lower deck.



Come with me.

Hey! Hey. Take me. Take me. Hey!

(passengers screaming)

Don't move.

Let's go.

(passengers exclaiming, shouting)

Woman 1: Hey! Get us out of here!

(indistinct shouting)

Man: What's going on?


Man 2: We can't get out.

Man: Wait, wait...

All right, okay.

Hold this.

What the hell are you doing?

Chaz Bonesteel ain't going out like this.



Come on, Bonesteel. Come on, Bonesteel.

(panting): Okay.

I'm gonna need a boost.

Paige: Please, no.

Man: Come on.

Please, no.

Let's go!

Get her in the raft. Come on!

We got to move fast.


Please, please.

Let's go!

Hold on, hold on. You want to guarantee they don't blow you out of the water? Take me.

Why is that?

I'm a high-value government asset.

You take me, you'll have a fighting chance.

Let her go.

Walter, don't.

Right. Get on.


Man: Let's go!


Caine: Let's go.

(grunting, panting)

Caine (in distance): Come on. Move it!

You can do this. You can do this.




(brief burst of g*nf*re)

Walter: Sly, where are you?

Ah, I... I'm tangled in the rope.

I can't get free.

Sylvester: It's dragging me back. It's dragging me under.

Oh, God.


Walter, the suction from the propeller is pulling me in.

It's too strong.

Hold on, buddy.

Hold on!




You got to find the crew.

They need to shut off the propeller.

The crew's... locked up.

Happy, I'm gonna need your help.

Walter: Cabe! Cabe, where are you?


Cabe, Sylvester!

Here! Grab my hand.

Walter, it's pulling too strong.

Cabe, don't let me go.

Hold on, kid! Grab my hand!

Don't let me go.

Happy, I'm here.

Happy: Okay, take the throttles out of gear.

The control handles are in the middle of the panel.

(sighs) Okay, I see them.

Push them both down toward you.

Cabe: Hold on, kid!

I don't think I'm gonna make it.

Hold on!

It's not working.

Happy: Okay, you need to pull the manual diesel k*ll switch.

There should be a handle on the floor somewhere.

Oh, I see it. Okay.

Walter: Don't let go!

Come on.


(sighs) Thank God.

I got it.

It worked.

Cabe: Take a breath, kid.

Everything's gonna be okay, pal.

(Sylvester panting)

Take it easy. Take it easy.

Sylvester: Cabe, watch out! (gasping)

You really screwed this up.

The people I promised those rockets to-- they're gonna take my life, so I'm gonna take yours.

(ship's horn blowing)

Walter: No, you got it. You got it.

Was I right about boats?

Yeah, probably.

I was right about boats.

Yeah. Okay.

Yeah, you're right. Yeah.

(grunting) Okay.

Paige: Yeah, we had an interesting day.

We were on a
big, beautiful cruise ship, and, uh... so, um...

So you really do work for the government.


I, uh... always did tell you the truth, so, um...

I was wondering if you could tell me the truth.

What could I do better so that Th-the mistakes that I made with you... that I-I don't make them again?

You are who you are.

But you're challenging and sometimes impossible because no woman can stimulate that mind of yours forever.

If you want honesty...

...after a while, you lost interest in me--

I could tell-- and that hurt.


I'm sorry.

There's no malice in you, Walter.

Just facts.

And, um...

Things didn't go exactly like we planned.

...the fact is, before you get involved with someone else, make sure you can make a real connection.

It wouldn't be fair to her otherwise.

Take care of yourself.


(sighs) You ready, Ralph?

Once I start this fire, there's no putting it out.

Back up. Let's go. Come on.

And... there's the money.

Where's the lucky lady?

Well, I'm breaking about 12 laws right now, so I suggest you talk to her while you can.

I'm gonna seal the deal for the kid.


Toby: Ah, crap.

"Love, Ralhp."

Toby: Look at 'em. They're both content.

Love can be misspelled and messy, but it still works.

Just needs to be given a chance.

Oh, forget it.

Whoa, what are you doing?

Are you gonna punch me?

I don't think so.

Okay, then.

Woman: What is going on?!

This is extremely dangerous!

I have called the police.

Damn it.

This cannot happen on school grounds!

Let's go, Ralph.


She called the fuzz.

What about Sloan?

Don't worry. Chicks dig outlaws.

Start the car!

♪ ♪


Uh, are we still doing that business dinner tomorrow night?


You know, um...

I've been thinking about that, now.

You've been working hard lately, and, uh...

I don't want to take up your Saturday.

If you think there's stuff we should go over...

You're an incredible asset to the team, and I want what's best for you.

That's a weekend off.

Especially with a case like today.


I'll see you Monday.


Are you sending a valentine to Megan?

Why is that a secret?

(whispering): Because she's Walter's sister.

I know that.

So... he's my boss and my best friend.

And she's sweet, and you like her.


Chaz would send her that valentine.

Hey, soda?

Figured we, uh, order some pizza, pull an all-nighter on this thing, you know, like the old days.

You know, normally I'd love to, but...

I think I need to see someone tonight.

Oh, Valentine's.


Who's the girl?

It's early stages.

I didn't think you went for the sappy holidays, buddy.

(chuckles) Yeah.

Whoever she is, she's, uh... she's lucky to have a guy like you.

You mean that?

Uh-huh. Of course.

There's a reservation at 8:00 at Escala, in my name, for tomorrow.

You should take her.

Thank you, Walter.

Have a good night.
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