01x08 - Sweet Jane

Episode transcripts for the 2016 TV show "The Family". Aired March 3, 2016 to May 15, 2016.*
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"The Family" follows the return of the mayor's son, who was presumed m*rder*d after disappearing over a decade ago.
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01x08 - Sweet Jane

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Family"...

He won't come close if you're near.

I'm gonna be right there.

He's here.


Nina: He sees him.

What was he wearing?

A blue jacket.

Gabe: Got something for you.

They found it in the trash can on the second floor.

Please, stop.

Is it me?

Are you not attracted to me?

That's not it.

What is it?

Just Google me.

They're still analyzing the fibers, but it's definitely dog hair.

Well, that's not nothing.

Hey, stop that.

That's Jane, who knew all about the bunkers.

Is his name Ben?

What did you do?

I thought I could make it better if I could just bring him back...

Adam is right-handed.

You can't use your left hand for anything.

He is not my son!

Your son is dead!

You shouldn't drive. You're too upset.

What if someone sees you like this?!

You got your brother back.

You're not my brother, Ben!

You need to stop calling me that.

My name is Adam.


[Drill whirring]

Hank: We all wear a mask... to protect us from the world... protect the world from us.

So, how was it?


We don't have much in common.



Are you gay?

Because if you are, it's fine.

I'm not gay.

So give her another chance.

[Knock on door]

Oh, uh, Nicky must be early.

For what?


Come on in, sweetie.


The rec center gave my space to a salsa dance class.


So, you're teaching here now?

You don't mind, do you?

Well, it's a lot with the kitchen renovation and...

We'll make it work.

Now, how are you today?

Nicky: Good. How are you?


And if you take your mask off...

...even for a second... you risk being seen.


You're still up.

I was waiting for you to come say good night to me.

Well...you've got therapy bright and early.

You better get some sleep.

I love you.

Good night.

[Bells tolling]

Let me know when he talks back.


Patty. Governor Lang's wife.

I didn't know you were Catholic.

These days, I cover all my bases.

Mind if we sit?

What can I do for you, Patty?


She's a strong, smart woman with incredible potential.

No one wants to see her career snuffed out before it's begun.

She drops out now, gets the experience she needs.

And in four years, when Charlie's out of office, she'll run and she'll win.

So, she had too much to drink.

Who hasn't?


Truth is, a man could pound a 40 and crawl around on a playground and get elected president.

But a woman, a mother?

Only way she's getting votes is on a reality show.

I honestly can't imagine what your family has been through.

[Telephone ringing]

[Knock on door]

Nina: Hey. Thanks for coming in.

Sorry it's so late.

Oh, this peanut doesn't let me sleep anymore, anyway.

[Both chuckle]

So, there was an FBI operation at the Kensington Mall Saturday.

The case you were telling me about?


And I saw you in the surveillance footage at the baby store.

Did you see anyone from the refinery there?

Um, it would be someone you work with that knows about the oil bunkers, uh, a man wearing a blue jacket.

The one who took that boy?


He was there at the mall when I was?


What's going on?

I heard someone say "b*mb threat."


Maybe we should come back for these.

Gosh, no.

I-I didn't see anyone there from work.

Okay, well, if anything comes to you...

You will be the first to know.

Great. Thanks, Jane.


John: The code's your birthday... 0, 5, 2, 2.

Mrs. Asher?

[Rain falling]


I'm here for my lesson!

Miss Asher?

I'm here!

Are you home?

[Pounding on door]

Mrs. Asher?

[Pounding continues]

It's pouring rain out here! Let me in, please!

[Thunder rumbles]

Mom, there's Jack.

Stay here.

Jack, what are you doing out here?

I was supposed to have a piano lesson.

Oh, my.

Sweetie, you poor thing. You're soaked.

[Thunder rumbles]

Here, come on. Come on. Let's get you warmed up.

Hey, guys.

Hey, Mr. Warren.

Hi, Daddy.




When did Annie Asher's son move in with her?

Uh, a few months ago. Why?

Do you know anything about him?

Uh, just that he got laid off.


I'm gonna go change.



John: Wind up. Good. Wind up. Harder.





You're good.

We need to go over debate terms.

Both of you will be allowed opening statements.

Who goes first?

They have photos.

Of what?

The night you found out about Adam.

That is not his name.

What do you want me to do?

Fix it.


You will think of something.

You have covered up much worse.

Ben: Morning.

[Door closes]

Did you see this guy's arm out there?

Is it getting good?

Yeah, it's almost back to what it used to be.

That's great.

[Both chuckle]

You definitely have a shabby chic vibe going on here.


Too bad the cabinets aren't original.

You had them redone? Almost 10 years ago.

We just need to clean things up, freshen all this paint...

...get someone to look at those.

How soon can I sell?

Depends on how the open house goes.

Buyers always do their homework.

How's your relationship with your neighbors?

It's why I'm moving.


Would be nice to patch things up before the open house.

But we have a lot of pluses... the parks, the school system.

Oh, and I will look at Megan's Law.

Buyers always check to see if there are sex offenders around.

There's one.

Oh. Really?

How close?


Forensics on the dog hair.


Pocky has a Yellow Labrador.


"Pock-marked man" too long, unwieldy, needs a nickname.

Oh, thank God the Feds are here.

[Chuckles] Let's pull registrations from the shelters.


Excuse me. Detective Meyer?

Go ahead. She doesn't bite.

[Chuckles] I didn't know if I should even bother you.

I was just, uh, working an ATM robbery downtown and, um...

[Whispering] I think he's in love.

What do you got?

Um, your kid.

My kid?

The Warren boy.

This is him, right?

[Bus door opens]

[Coin drops]

[Bell dings]

[Dog barking]

[Exhales sharply]


[Knock on door]

[Chuckling] Oh, Claire, you are a godsend.

No, it's fine.

The... The... The rain and then my car, and of course I left my phone at home.

[Chuckles] Well, is Jack still here?

M-Mary's coming to pick him up.

Well, I'll throw in an extra lesson.

A-and thank you for understa...


I don't think the kids should take lessons anymore.

What do you mean?

It's the, um... the thing about your son.

What thing about my son?

Um, you... you... you should talk to him.

What's wrong?

Just talk to him.

Well... Claire.

And... I-I-I don't understand.

No, it's... just, uh, ask him who he is, Annie.

[Knock on door]

What are you doing here?

Trying to be neighborly.

You're violating a restraining order.

It's about your son.


Excuse me?

I saw him.

He was walking late at night.

It must have been almost 2:00 in the morning.

So, you stay up at night watching him?


You need to leave right now.

I wasn't trying to...

Stay away from my family...

It's not...

...and stop watching my son!

Well, somebody has to.

I never hurt him...ever.

But if I wanted to, I could have.

He was over at my house every day, and you had no idea.

I could have done anything to him, and you never would have known.

It wasn't some random chance that he was taken.

It wasn't bad luck.

He was taken because you weren't watching him.

You weren't then, and you're not now.

I see him go out almost every night.

He's gone for hours.

You have no idea where he's going, what he's doing.

You have no idea who he even is.

Your head's so buried in the sand, you need the friendly neighborhood pedophile to come over here and tell you that you should be a better mother and keep and eye on your son.

I was trying to be nice.

[Painted Palms' "Contact" playing]

[Indistinct conversations]


Aw, what?

It's all in the timing.

Yeah? Yeah.

Sure it's not the beer?

Beer helps you. [Clears throat]

So, how's the story going, WikiLeaks?

I gave up on your family. They're too slippery.

[Cellphone chiming]

The key is to never get too close.

[Clears throat] Eyes on the prize, champ.

Sorry. Your boyfriend distracted me.

What boyfriend?

The boyfriend blowing up your cellphone.


So, what's he like? Is he big?

Is he bigger than me? You like him?

Does your dog like him?

I am not having this conversation with you.

Well, I probably wouldn't like him.

You actually have a lot in common.

Mm. [Snorts]




How did you know this is the one I wanted?

I know you, Cruz.

Say hi to your boyfriend for me.

I'll do that.
So, where to? Bar? My place?

This is work-related.

Isn't it all the same?

[Papers rustling]

What is it?

Your story.

How did you get these?

I've been saving them for a rainy day.

You know I'm gonna run it.

Do what you got to do.

I'm being manipulated here, but I don't know how.

That's why they call it manipulation.

Cute penguin.

[Paper rustling]


Red Vine?

What's with you and those protein bars?

Stakeouts require junk food.

You followed me here?

So what are we looking at?

Street g*ng? Meth lab?

Adam Warren's been sneaking out.

Not as exciting.

Every night he gets on a bus and goes somewhere in this neighborhood.

Kid's been in a bunker for 10 years.

Who the hell is he seeing at 2:00 a.m.?

It doesn't matter.

Oh, but...

I'm not saying there isn't something going on, but right now it's just a hunch.

And every second you spend obsessing over a hunch is time we should be spending following up on actual leads.

We've got the guy's jacket. We got dog hair off it.

We are so close.

Don't get distracted on me now.

Adam Warren has parents to worry about him.

You got me, kid.

So, go home. Get some sleep.

You're starting to get those crazy eyes.

I myself am gonna head home and spend some quality time with my angry husband.



Where are you going?

Just outside.


To get some fresh air.

At 2:00 a.m.?

I can't sleep.

Every night?

You can't live here anymore.


We will find a good facility, someplace that can... can just help you and just... get you back on your feet.


I'm sorry.

I thought I could do it, but I can't. I'm sorry.

Mom, please...

I am not your mom.

It'll be on the news.

It doesn't matter.

What about the election?

We'll spin it. We always do.

What about Dad?

His name is John.

I can tell you about Adam.

I can tell you all about him.

You never knew who he grew up to be, but I do.

I'm the only one who knows him.

And I can tell you everything.


We need to warn the kids about Hank Asher.

But we don't even know what he did.

He exposed himself in a park. He is a sex offender.

Well, so is my buddy who peed in a parking lot after happy hour.


Look, Adam's having a hard enough time with third grade.

You want to add the boogeyman across the street?

No, but...

He didn't hurt anyone.

I just worry. The world is a scary place.

Well, they shouldn't have to know that yet.

We'll watch them like hawks... and pray the guy moves, okay?


[Sigur Rós' "Untitled #1" plays]

Ben: He was funny.

He used to do voices.

Claire: Which ones?

The fish from "Nemo" who forgets things.


And Kim Jong Il from "Team America."

He saw that?

Danny took him... twice.


He was smart... smarter than me.

He liked to read.

What was his favorite book?

A traveler's guide to Argentina.

[Chuckles, sniffs]

We didn't get to choose what we got.

What else?

He came up with really good escape plans.

Did he try them?

Every single one.

Tell me more.

Tell me more.

He missed things... his room and school.

But he had a rule... that we could never be sad at the same time.

He would say this thing...

"Be a little bit brave for a little... "

"For a little bit of time."

[Singing in Vonlenska]

How did it happen?

How did he, um...

One day he just got sick.

Thank you.

[Bell jingles]

Eggs Benedict, firm whites, runny yolk, hollandaise on the side, wheat, well-toasted but not burnt, butter on the side, OJ, light on the pulp, no ice, and coffee.

How do you want that?


It's coffee.

Nina: It's Meyer. Leave a message.

I think I get the bar thing now, kid.

No time to eat on this job.

Fill you in later.

Sure I can't get you anything?

So, Detective Meyer tells me you've been at the oil refinery a long time.

16 years in April.

Whew. They must really value your work.


I guess so.

When's the little one due?

Is there something you came here to tell me?

May I ask you a personal question, Jane?


You married?


Who's the lucky baby daddy?

My boyfriend, Doug.


You been with him a long time?

Since high school.

Probably know him pretty well.

Why are you asking me this?

Was Doug at the mall with you last Saturday?


[Metal jangling]

Hey, Ajax.

Man of the hour.

You've met my dog?

Jane, you're gonna need to come with me.


I think you may be in danger.

You think Doug took that boy?

We'll talk in the car.

My Lord. [Sighs]

What do I do?

You say, "Okay, Agent Clements."

Okay, Agent Clements. [Chuckles]

You see? Easy peasy.

[Breathes deeply]

Let me just, um...

Let me get my purse... and turn off the stove.

I was sterilizing bottles for the... for the baby.

Hi, little buddy.

How would you like to be evidence, huh?

Would you like that?



[Sniffs] They had grapefruit on sale.

I picked up a few.

I figured maybe we could juice them.

You okay?

Why did Claire Warren say I shouldn't have kids over here?

She said that?

She also said I should ask you... who you are.


I don't know.

I think you do.

[Chuckling] Mom.

I am your mother, Hank. I need you to be honest with me.


Why didn't you let Jack in the house?

I didn't lose my job because of downsizing.

Why didn't you let Jack in the house?

I'm not still single because I haven't found the right girl.

Why didn't you let Jack in the house, Hank?

Because he was safer out in the rain than alone with me.

Thank you.

Thanks for coming down.

Yeah. No problem.

How's Adam?

He's okay.

Is he adjusting?

He's not sleeping in his closet anymore.

Oh, that's something.

Yeah, right... he should be at college, but I guess I'll take sleeping in a bed.

Come on.

He should have friends, but at least he doesn't flinch when I hug him now.

And his pitching arm's finally as good as it was when he was, what...

7 or 8?

[Coin drops]

[Bell dings]

[Coin drops]

[Bell dings]

[Indistinct conversations]


Anchor: The dust is still settling for mayor and gubernatorial hopeful Claire Warren after a series of decade-old graphic texts emerged earlier today, romantically linking Warren's husband to detective Nina Meyer, the lead officer in their son's abduction case. Sources close to the Warrens say the family is on lockdown tonight.

Claire: This is how you fix it... with old texts from your father's phone?

I beat Lang to the headline.

You humiliated him, and you made me look like a fool.

Better a fool than a degenerate.

If they release those photos now, women voters won't judge you.

They'll be sympathetic.

And who wouldn't go on a bender after finding out their husband had been cheating?

Women will meet you at the bar, or... in your case, the Mini Mart.

[Keyboard clacking]

But I doubt Lang will bother now.

I've neutralized it.

Where did I go wrong with you?

Did I miss a recital?

Did I not praise you enough?

Did I...

You were such a sweet, trusting little girl, and now...

And now what?

[Voice breaking] How are you this person?

Where would you be if I wasn't?

If I had left after Adam was taken?

If I had gone away to school or moved into my own place?

What would you do if I had friends or...

God forbid... a social life?

I want you to have those things.

I-I would have been fine.

You would have been crying in a dark room, slitting your wrists, maybe on a good day baking cookies for the PTA.

You are going to be governor.

You have everything, and everything you have, including your sanity, is because of me, because I stayed... [Voice breaking] ...because I held you up, because I am this person.

You're welcome.


[Scrubbing continues]

You okay?

What happened?

Who are the extra Cheerios for?


I was buying two boxes at the store.

Every week, for a very long time, there were two boxes on the grocery list, but we don't eat two boxes of Cheerios a week, so where does the other one go?

[Breathes deeply]


Where do the Cheerios go, Doug?

You have to stay calm. It isn't good for the baby.

[Scraping stops]

Oh, my God, the baby.

[Scraping resumes]

You said it would never happen again.

You promised.

And then he came here and he said you did things and I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know if I should stay or go.

How could you take that boy?

How could you? How could you take that boy?

How could you? How could you?

Jane, what did you do?

I'll leave.

I'll find someplace else to stay till I get back on my feet.

How about some juice?

Did you hear me?

I heard you.

Oh, these damn drawers.

They still need to fix this.

[Drawer closes]



No more parks, no more kids.

It's never, ever gonna happen again.

I will help you.

We can do this.





You're my son.

[Pounding] _


Hey, you want to go out?

There is a gothic vibe in here.


No, no, no. please, please, do not make me drink alone.

I have never done that before.

I would.

I just made plans with a friend from church.

Oh, okay.

I could cancel if...

No, no. Church it up. Church it up.

Uh, but maybe tomorrow we could...

Yeah. I'm... I'm around.

I better go.

Yeah. Don't keep "Heyzus" waiting.




So... the good news is monkey survived his spin in the dryer.

The bad news... it's probably not gonna be his last.

You have everything you need?

Glass of water?

I'm good.


Okay. Good night.

Love you.

Love you, too.

[Footsteps departing]

Hank: We all wear a mask. Buyer beware.


The longer you wear it... the harder it is to take off. It changes who you are. It embeds in your skin... until it's impossible to tell what's really underneath.

[Knock on door]

Thanks for coming by.

[Clears throat] I know it's been a while.

I stand by my work.


[Birds chirping]
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