01x10 - The Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Catch". Aired: March 2016 to May 2017.*
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"The Catch" follows a female forensics accountant, who is the victim of fraud by her fiancé. She is determined to find him - between working on other cases - before it ruins her career.
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01x10 - The Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »

You have me at a bit of a disadvantage, Mr. Griffiths.

Oh, I have you at a total disadvantage, Ms. Vaughan.

Although I daresay that towel has never been shown off to better advantage.

What can I do for you?

As a matter of fact, you can do exactly as I say.

You see, the Firm has recently discovered that our Ben has been working with the FBI.


Your angelic influence, I assume.

And your mother disapproves?

Oh, you know about my mother, do you?

He has been telling tales out of school, hasn't he?

Did he also happen to mention that my sister has escaped Federal custody, and is now back with the Family, as well?

All of which is to say that you're very lucky it's me here and not her.

She's no fan of yours.

[Chuckles] As you can imagine.

Yes, well, your sister is...

Ah, ah, ah, ah.

Before you say anything you'll regret, please remember she is my sister.

And... she's watching.

They all are.

Say "hello" to Mum, Margot, and Ben.

Or "goodbye," depending on how Benji plays this.

I trust I can rely on your full cooperation?

I'll do whatever you want.

Of course you will, dear.

Just tell Rhys to let her go.

She'll be fine.

I promise you. I give you my word.

Oh, but that's the problem, my love.

Your word means nothing to me now.

So, Rhys will take her somewhere safe until we finish the job.

And then?

And then... we'll see, won't we?

Sybil, if anything happens to her...

Now, now, that all depends on you.


Where is he taking her?

If I knew that, I would go there and k*ll her myself.


Are you seriously asking me for help right now?

If you want to see Alice safe, I would do what she says.

Is that what you were doing, following orders even though she rejected you?

She didn't reject me.

She passed me over for a promotion.

And I rashly decided to strike out on my own with you.

Which proved to be the biggest mistake of my life.

I am sorry.


Are you?

Alice says that you're happier than you've ever been, that you've at last found someone you can be your true self with.

Well, now Rhys has found her, too.

Sybil: Now, then, darlings, should we go?

Where are we going?

Oh, fewer questions, I think, Benji?

The less you know, the less tempted you'll be to tell your new friends at the FBI.

Come along.

Is Alice here?

Not yet. Why?

She's not picking up her phone.

What's going on?

Margot Bishop escaped.



Oh, my God.

Someone let her out of holding, someone with the FBI.

The Firm has people on the inside.


So, now there's no one we can trust.

No. I'm sorry.

Where are you going?

To call Allie.

Try this one.

[Cellphone vibrating]

Leave it. It's fine.

It's the office.

They'll be wondering where I am, and they'll come looking.

All right. Go ahead. Answer it.

Tell them you won't be coming in today.

And make it convincing.


Valerie: Where are you?

Oh, I'm, uh...

Listen, Dao's here.

Margot escaped.

Oh? How?

The Firm has people in the FBI.

Are you on your way?

I'm, um... I'm actually not feeling like myself today.

What's wrong? Are you... Are you sick?

I'm fine.

I just may need the day to get back on my feet.


Do you need anything? Can I...

No, I'll call you.


Put this on.

Valerie: She's not feeling well.

Jules: What do you want to do?

I want to find Margot Bishop.

Impressive, isn't it? All the latest technology.

Turns out it costs an actual fortune to make a fake one.

Hello, Leah, darling.


Hello, Paul McCartney. How's my favorite Beatle?




Oh, that's right. You didn't know.

Mr. Lennox works for me now. Don't you, Mr. Lennox?

[Chuckles] Turns out he was as surprised by your alliance with the Bureau as we were.

So, how's it going?

Right this way. I'll show you.

It's actually comforting to know I'm not the only friend you betrayed.

Sybil: Margot!

Coming, Mother.

I begged you to stay away.

The FBI?


You're a snitch now?

I never told them about you. I swear.

Now Rhys has Alice. Sybil is using her as leverage.

Do you know where she is?

No, we're not doing this.

I'm not getting myself k*lled for you or Alice Vaughan.

And if you're smart...

Reggie, if you know anything, please.

Sybil: Benjamin!

Take this file number to the City Planner's office... without stopping to look for Alice.

Do whatever you need to do. Be whoever you need to be.

But bring back the blueprints from that file.

And don't be long about it.

Very nice.

Who is your stylist?

Shall we go and show the world your new look?

I'll need a bag.

Quite right.

It's not like me to forget to accessorize.

Well, not that one, 'cause that one doesn't go with the outfit, does it?

That's the one. Perfect.

Hey, does she need us to bring her soup or anything?

I could go to Greenblatt's.

When was the last time she was even sick?


[Cellphone vibrating]

Valerie: She's still not answering her phone.

Sophie: She's probably asleep.

Yes, and when she wakes up, I will be there to make sure Margot doesn't come anywhere near her.

I'm coming with you.

Me too.

No, I need all of you guys to stay here... and figure out how we're gonna catch...

Val... I need your help.

Where is she?

I don't know. That's why I'm here.

Do not lie to me.

The Firm found out that I've been working with Agent Dao.

Now they have Alice.


I wouldn't.

Danny, we have to find her. We don't have much time.

You actually think we believe anything you have to say?

This isn't a con. Alice is in real danger.

You're gonna tell me where she is.

Val... Whoa.

Valerie, what are you doing? Put the g*n down.

Not until you pick yours up. He is a criminal.

Danny, get Agent Shawn in here.

Now, where is she?

She's with Rhys.


People talk about how horrible Los Angeles is, but it's really quite gorgeous, isn't it?

What are we doing here?

I don't know. What do you want to do?

We could go to the Broad, uh, take the tour of Disney Hall.

Your kidnapping skills need work.

[Chuckles] I've never been very fond of kidnapping.

It's far too tedious.

Here I was thinking you were a professional.

"Just k*ll the victim," that's what I say.

Save everybody time.

Shall we sit?

You're not gonna k*ll me.

Well, I'd rather not.

It's Benji's life I'm worried about.

What does that mean?

Well, ever since his unfortunate little tryst with the Feds, our Benji's had a target on his back, with my mother taking aim.

And why hasn't she k*lled him yet?

Because she needs him.

She needs him to pull off one last job.

During which I'm hoping that he'll fall back into favor with Mother, and all will be forgiven.

And what's the job?

[Both chuckle]

That's not important to the story.

For Benji, what really matters is that it all goes off without a hitch.

Now, in order for that to happen, you need to stay out of the way.

You do that, and I will ensure that the two of you run off and live happily ever after.

Are you offering me a deal?

I'm offering you a choice.

You can either spend the next 72 hours in a 4x6 cage, or I can arrange an ocean-view suite at Shutters, and you can binge on room service and abominable American television, which I kind of quite enjoy.


Only if you tell me about the job.


You don't seem to understand. This is not a negotiation.

I have a g*n.

So do I.

Now, where did you get that from?



You are a clever one, aren't you?

So, the only person here with a choice is you.

I can pull the trigger and effectively end your ability to ever achieve an erection again, or you can leave here with the knowledge that your family will never be able to bargain with me, and never be able to make me go away because I am in control here.

Not you.

Not Ben.

Not anyone else.

So... what's it gonna be?

Choice is yours.

Wow. I can see why he likes you.

I'll keep my erection, thank you.

You made the right choice.

Oh, you've no idea.

[Both chuckle]

After you?

I swear to God, Christopher... or whatever you're calling yourself these days...

Ben. He's Ben now.

'Cause "Ben" is my real name.

If you do not tell me where she is...

We are wasting time.

If I don't return soon, Sybil will know something is up, and she will hurt Alice.

What the hell is going on?


What are you doing here?

And what's that for?

Where have you been?

What is going on? I was at the house.

Where's Rhys?

He, um... He let me go.


He wanted to make a deal.

He told me if I agreed to stay away from the wedding, he'll get us out of here.


Me and Ben.

Why would he say that?

Because Sybil is planning to k*ll me.

The minute you finish this job.

He's trying to save your life.

What makes you think that he's telling the truth?

He let her go, didn't he?

Valerie: I'm sorry. But I just...

I thought it was gonna be easier, but seeing him here...

And I know you've forgiven him, but...

I still...


I'm just gonna need some more time.

[Knocks on glass]

And I'm clearly not gonna get it.

Jules: The Bureau called to say that I'm off the case, and they've torn up Ben's C.I. agreement.

So no immunity?


Firm wants me dead, and the Feds want to put me away.

And the Firm will be coming after us again, too.

Margot's not gonna forget you put a g*n to her head.

What's our next move? I got to get back there.

If you can find out what they're up to... if we catch them in the act...

But we can't arrest them, and the Feds are not on our side anymore.

But we still have LAPD contacts.

What do you say?

What can I say? It's not up to me.

It's up to him now.

Val, I am sorry for everything I did to you, and to this firm.

And if you want me to, I will leave right now.

Or I can stay and help.

Whatever you want. It's up to you.


You got us into this, you're gonna help get us out.

Alice: This is Sybil Griffiths, the mother of Rhys and Margot.

Though Rhys is the head of the Kensington Firm, he does everything his mother tells him to.

We all do exactly as Sybil tells us.

Here are the blueprints, as requested.

In digital form, as well.

Oh, you're slowly working your way back into my heart, aren't you, Benjamin?

Anything for Alice Vaughan.

Is she all right?

She'll be fine as long as you do as you're told.

Right, darling?

Right, Mum.

Allie got the drop on you with the g*n, didn't she?

You seem to have a fondness for women with concealed weapons.

I'm trying not to read too much into it.

Where did you tell Sybil you're hiding her?

Someplace so off-putting even Mum wouldn't think of looking there.


We know Sybil is using Ben and Rhys to infiltrate the society wedding of Morgan Foster and Stephanie Duncan.

Why Morgan and Stephanie?

It's not them. It's Morgan's mom.

Virginia Foster, who is the president and C.E.O. of Foster Shipping.

Ben: 30 years ago, Virginia Foster inherited her father's bankrupt shipping business.

471 vessels calling at over 316 ports.

And she turned it into the largest and most powerful fleet in the world.

Which means she controls presidents and policy-makers, all of whom she keeps on her payroll, all of whom she pays in cash.

Jules: She asked you to get blueprints.

Of all of Virginia Foster's properties.

One downtown, one in Benedict Canyon, Malibu, Santa Barbara.

Judging by the layout, the vault should be here in the sub-basement.

And you said she k*lled a man to get an access code?

Sybil: The combination of which Mr. George Tyson thoughtfully provided before he died.

But why rob a wedding?

Sybil Griffiths has plenty of money.

With Sybil, it's never just about the money.

And don't forget, she has Leah Wells.

So, how much currency have we made so far?

At this point... $10 million by end of day.

Well, based on the size of this vault, we'll need more.


How much more?

Well, look at the size of it. It's enormous, isn't it?

Best make $20 million, I think.

$20 million?

By Saturday?

There's no way.

Oh, there's always a way, Mr. Lennox.

I know you're not going to disappoint me.

Rhys: But how are Ben and I supposed to smuggle $20 million in fake dollars?

You're not. You're going to get the rest of us in.

If you and Rhys can get them inside...

Then you can get us inside.


But how do we do that?

Well, I'm going to help you by creating a few problems that only you two can solve.

We are going to have to cancel this wedding.

Oh, that's a bad idea.

No, you can't do that.

Well, I don't know what else to do.

The wedding planner quit.



And now I've lost the caterer.

So I have 200 people coming over, and nothing to feed them, and no one to serve them.

Well, Virginia, that is not entirely true. You have us.

We do it all. We have our own team.

We've been trying to tell her.

They've done hundreds of weddings.

Ben: Destination weddings. Celebrity weddings.

Royal weddings.

Well, not the last one.

The one before that. We can't really speak about it.

Thank you for trying to help, but I have people coming from all over the world.

I have a Cardinal from Rome.

And it's not the two of you. I love my gays.

I was hoping maybe Morgan would be gay...

No offense, Stephanie.

But I can't just turn my son's wedding over to...

I'm sorry. Who's wedding?


Yours, darling.

But it is a gift that Morgan's father and I are giving you.

And traditionally, you don't get to pick out your own gifts.

You accept them, and you pretend you love them.

And then, when your daughter gets married, you get to ruin her big day.

[Cookie crunches]

We're gonna do this wedding with Andy and Charlie or we're not gonna do it.

Is that so?

Morgan, how do you feel about that?

How do you feel about that, Morgan?



Morgan is terrified.

And not just because weddings are terrifying...

Ben: Which they are. but because...

He's frightened.

Of hurting the two most important people in his life.

Which is you two.

He wants you to have the wedding you've always wanted, and he wants you to be able to give your family and friends...

And the Cardinal, God bless him.

A night they'll never forget.

And I have no idea how to do that, but they do.

Just tell us what you want.

And we will make it happen.

Your wedding invitations have arrived.

Is this silk?

It is.

Because Virginia said no one uses paper anymore.

Wow. This is almost as nice as the invitation I got to your wedding.


It's all right. I deserve it.

You deserve much worse.


You two don't have to do this.

If we don't put these people away, they'll come after us again.

They will come after you at the wedding.

Not in front of 200 people. It'll be fine.

We'll catch them in the act, put them away, and you will be free.

You sure that's what you want?


What I want... is for you to save me a dance at the reception.

I had better go.

I'll see you there.

Rhys: How'd it go at AVI?

Did you give them their invitations?

They should be on their way now.

Alice: This can't be right.

This is the address on the invitation...

252 Framingham Road.

But it doesn't make any sense.

Yes, it does. It makes total sense.

Your boyfriend played us.


Ben's not picking up.

I cannot believe we fell for this again.

Some of us didn't.

Listen, you guys, I know what this looks like, but Ben is not playing us.

How can you say that?

He never wanted us anywhere near that wedding.

That's right, because he's trying to protect us.

He's trying to protect himself, okay?

He doesn't want us near his big score.

This isn't his score, it's Sybil's.

And the minute that it's done, she's going to k*ll him.

You believe him?

No, she won't.

And the longer we stand here talking about it, the less time we have to save him and ourselves.

What about Virginia Foster's other properties?

Other than this lot, there's the one in Malibu, the one in Benedict Canyon.

Where in Benedict Canyon?

I'm still waiting on satellite images, but... oh.

See that?

That's... cars. A lot of cars.

It looks like we're going to Benedict Canyon.

At least I am.

[Indistinct conversations]
You were trying to protect her.

I'm not sure she'll see it that way.

And if she does, she still won't like it.

Yeah. It turns out that women don't like being lied to and manipulated.

Speaking of which...


Congratulations, darling.

You look stunning, by the way.

And the ceremony was lovely.

Well, the reception's not bad either, thanks to you two.

I must admit, I had my doubts, but I couldn't have done it better myself.

There is no higher praise.

Shall we have a photo?

Good idea.

Uh, excuse me, sir?

Could you take a photo of the three of us?


All right.

Everybody smile.

[Camera shutter clicking]

♪ ♪

It looks like Virginia has seven of her security guards stationed in the main ballroom.

We're gonna need to hack into these feeds, as well.

Thank you, Jamison.

Mum, how's it going?

We're waiting till they sit down to dinner.

Then we'll make our move.



Well, who plated this?

It looks horrible.

Leah: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present the bride and groom, Morgan and Stephanie, and their first dance as husband and wife.

♪ ♪
♪ At last ♪

Do you think you would have married her, Alice Vaughan?

♪ My love has come along ♪

Oh, man.

What happened to you?

Now I'm gonna have to be cynical about love all by myself.

You're gonna have to do everything by yourself once your mother gives Jamison the order to k*ll me.

I'm not gonna let Jamison k*ll you.

Look, if Morgan can stand up to his mother, I can certainly stand up to mine.

Morgan had you and me helping him.

Yeah, and I've got you.

♪ My heart was wrapped in clover ♪

And I'm not about to let you go now.

♪ The night I looked at you ♪

Ohh. They've seen us.

They're gonna ask us to dance, aren't they?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Yeah. Goodbye.

All right.

♪ ...I found a dream that I could speak to ♪
♪ A dream that I can call my own ♪
♪ I found a thrill to press my cheek to ♪
♪ A thrill that I have never known ♪

Champagne, sir?

♪ At last ♪
♪ The skies above are blue ♪
♪ My heart was wrapped in clover ♪
♪ The night I looked at you ♪
♪ I found a dream that I could speak to ♪
♪ A dream that I can call my own ♪

When are you going to learn that you can't get away from me?

I had to at least try to keep you safe.

And now... you need to let us try to do the same for you.

♪ ...have never known ♪
♪ You smiled ♪
♪ And then the spell was cast ♪
♪ Now here we are in Heaven ♪
♪ For you are mi-i-i-ne ♪


♪ At last ♪

You were amazing.

Thank you.




Does Shawn have any idea how lucky he is?


I told you, Shawn's not really my type.

So... what's your type?

Apparently it's really mouthy co-workers who are talking when they should probably be kissing me.

Yeah. I-I hate people like that.

Shawn: Hey.

Can I talk to you for a sec?


Look, I don't know what's going on between you and Sophie, but I just...


Nothing is going on between Sophie and me, Shawn.

I swear.

[Sighs] Good. Okay.

Because I didn't want things to get weird between us.

[Chuckles nervously] Good. No. Yeah. Me neither.

[Chuckles] Uh...

So... would you like to go out some time?

With me, on a date?

We're wasting time.

We have to let them at least commit the crime before we can catch them.

We should just arrest Ben and be done with it.

You know why you don't like him?

Yes, as a matter of fact.

Because you're both exactly the same.

Mm-hmm. You both love Alice.

You're both trying to save her.

And you both lie to get exactly what you want.

What? I never lied to you.

I told you it was just sex, nothing more.

See? I think you're lying right now.

I think you like me.


You are the worst FBI agent ever.


I'm undercover!

Everyone else here sees me with you, and they're thinking, "He's just the luckiest man in this room."

[Exhales sharply]

You knew he was gay.

I did.

So, what? You were just torturing me?


You made it so easy.

You seemed like such a nice person.

[Both chuckling]

I'll make it up to you. I promise.

What are you doing after this?

I am going out with Shawn.


He asked me out.

And you said yes?

He's such a nice guy.

How could I say no?


Is it weird that I'm kind of looking forward to it?

Once dinner is served, they'll start moving the money.

And Val will call the cops, and I'll have our guys move in.

And then?

What do you mean?

I mean... if we take down the Firm, and Sybil doesn't k*ll me, and I don't have to spend the rest of my life in jail...


Do you still have your dress?

Because I still have our wedding bands.

You actually bought us wedding bands?

Well, I didn't exactly buy them.

[Gasps] You stole our wedding bands?

The royal family doesn't even know they're missing.


Alice Vaughan, will you marry me?

[Camera shutter clicking]

Sybil's gonna love these.

She said to let you know we're 30 minutes away.

I copy that.

[Camera shutter clicking]

What's the matter? What's wrong?


I need you to do something for me.

If Alice Vaughan is here, it means Ben's betrayed us again.

And Rhys.

[Sighs] It seems you were right.

I did make a mistake choosing your father's successor.

But you'll let me make it up to you, won't you, darling?

Of course, Mum.

Right. We've got no time to waste.

We have to move the money now.

The key to dealing with parents is boundaries, especially when you're dealing with a narcissistic mother.

And believe me, I should know.

Even with Ben...


Sorry. Charlie.

Where is Charlie?

And why is he kissing that woman on the neck?

Y-You better let me handle this.

What the hell do you two think you're doing?

We're getting married.

Morgan: What?

What is going on here?

What's going on is... the two of you should probably leave for your honeymoon right now.


What are you talking about?

Morgan... your mother is a gangster.

Well, I know she can be a handful...

Alice: No, it's true.

Virginia Foster is involved in conspiracy, fraud, money laundering...

I'm sorry, who... Who is she?

I like her. I'm Stephanie.



These are outrageous accusations.

Mom, if any of this is true...

It would explain so much.

I'm calling security.

Alice: Please do.

Tell them you're being robbed.

By you?

They're here to warn us.

By an organization called the Kensington Firm.

The Kensington Firm is in England.

So it is true.

My mom is a gangster.

They're expanding into your territory.

Starting with the vault in your sub-basement.

♪ ♪

This morning, they smuggled in all the tools they'll need for the job.

But not before they took control of your security cameras.

We're gonna need to access these feeds, as well.

♪ Waking up on the floor ♪

Even if they get around the cameras, the vault door is reinforced steel.

Yes, but your head of security, George Tyson, gave them the pass code.

[Vault powering down]

♪ Pullin' on my heartbeats, baby ♪

And a counterfeiter named Leah Wells gave them everything else they needed to replace your fortune with fakes.

[Cash register dings]

♪ It's gonna be like ♪
♪ It's gonna be ♪
♪ Aah ♪
♪ Stealin' all my love ♪

As we speak, the caterers are moving money from your vault, through the kitchen, and straight out the back door.

♪ For safety ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Stealin' all my love ♪

But the real payoff for Sybil isn't the robbery.

It's when you try to spend the fake cash.

The bills will be flagged as counterfeits, your business associates will drop you, you'll be in jail, and Sybil Griffiths will move in, taking your clients and your trade routes, leaving you with nothing.

♪ ♪

Sybil: Is this the last one?

Then I'll take it myself, dear.

You don't want to go out there, Mrs. Griffiths.

FBI's out there.


Oh, haven't you heard, Ms. Vaughan?

The FBI works for me now.

Jules: Not all of us.

The LAPD are on their way, too.

So, this is the thanks I get?

After all I've done for you?

You were planning to k*ll me.

And you deserved it.

After all the things you've done, the lies you've told.

And suddenly you think you're worth something, that out of the blue, you can be good?

Well, he's not.

But you'll see.

When the police arrive, you'll be charged with fraud, conspiracy, m*rder, attempted m*rder.

Let's not forget theft.

The money.

Where's the money?


Well done, Jamison.

Do I finally get to talk now?

Oh, I can think of far better things for you to do with that mouth.

Stephanie: We can't thank you enough.

For ruining your wedding?

No, no, no.

You're giving us leverage to use against my mom for the rest of our lives.

[Sirens wailing in distance]

Oi! The cops will be here any minute.

Right. You guys go.

Thank you, Charles.

Ben: Thank you guys.


Did you get the tickets?

First class, with the privacy pods and the lie-flat beds.

Someplace tropical, I hope.

Complete with no extradition.

You two planned this?

We wanted it to be a surprise.

Also, just in case one of us got shot or arrested, we didn't want you to be too disappointed.

Without your immunity deal, we have to get you out of the country.

I am not going anywhere without you.

No, you don't have to. One of these tickets is mine.

We're doing this?

We are doing this.

And the best part is, I'm coming with you.


I'll go home and get my bag.

I'll see you on the plane.

All right.

[Sirens continue]

Come on, you two! Plenty of time for that in Togo.

In fact, that's all there is to do in Togo.

♪ ...gone ♪
♪ I just can't seem to go on ♪

It's just for a few weeks. You sure you're okay with it?

Just promise you'll come back.

And be careful.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hold on a sec.

♪ To catch me before I fall ♪

[Camera shutter clicking]

Alice Vaughan?

Emily Clark, FBI.

Sorry about the intrusion.

We got a tip about a stolen painting?

One second, Val.

We have a search warrant, and we're gonna need for you to come with us, ma'am.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Ms. Vaughan.

I just have a few questions.

Absolutely. Happy to help.

Do you recognize this painting?

I do.

The Singer Museum hired your firm to protect it at a recent opening, yes?


In fact, you apprehended a man named Mario Visconti, who attempted to steal the painting from the museum...


The same painting we found on a wall in your bedroom this evening.

♪ ♪

Sorry. I was waiting for the question.

Did you steal the painting from the museum, Ms. Vaughan?

♪ ♪

If I may, I think you're asking the wrong questions, Agent Clark.

Here's what I would be asking if this was my case.

Why would a reputable private investigator steal her clients' multimillion-dollar painting, then put it on her bedroom wall where anyone could see it?

Doesn't make sense.

So, then I'd be asking, "What if the person who called in the anonymous tip put the painting there, and who made this call?"

And who has the most to gain from both of us sitting in this room, wasting our time, when we should be out trying to catch this person?

But I don't want to tell you how to do your job. So...

♪ You can't take me down ♪

[Exhales sharply]

Unless you have a warrant for my arrest to go with your search warrant...

I'm gonna go and do your job for you.

♪ You can't take me down ♪
♪ You can't break me down ♪

You may go, Ms. Vaughan.

Thank you, Emily.

♪ ♪
♪ Love and hate ♪

[Door opens]

You left the party so quickly.

Where are you?

Well, you'll disappointed to learn I am not in a jail cell with my mother.

In fact, you're speaking to the new head of the Kensington Firm.

♪ No more pain and no more shame ♪

[Glasses clinks]

Is that Alice?

Oh, speaking of Alice...

I wouldn't hold the plane for her, if I were you.

Margot, what did you do?

Well, let's just say the FBI may have received an anonymous tip regarding a certain stolen painting.

So I don't think Alice will be joining you for another, what, 5 to 10 years after sentencing?

Enjoy your trip, darling.

Tell my brother to watch himself.

♪ You can't break me down ♪

[Cellphone beeps]

What? What did she do?

♪ I can see that place of trouble ♪
♪ And I'm on the verge ♪

When did they get here?

Half-hour ago.

They won't let us in.

And they made us give them our phones and computers.

[Elevator chimes]

Agent Clark.

Ms. Vaughan.

♪ I need something more ♪

How'd it go with her?

She didn't have anything, or she would have arrested me.

Sophie: That's why they're here.

And they won't leave until they find something.

Will they... find anything?

They'll find everything.

Keys to the museum, security codes.

Everything I would have needed to steal that painting.

Did you call Ben?

Yeah. It went to voicemail. They're on the plane.

I'm sorry, Allie.

How bad is it? You couldn't stop them?

There's nothing I can do.

She has a warrant, and it's not my case anymore.

When were you gonna tell me about the painting?

I was gonna put it back once I figured out how.

So, we explain to the museum exactly what happened.

And they'll just believe it.

I'm so sorry, you guys.

This isn't you. This is Margot Bishop.

Our clients won't know that.

They will when we take her down.

It's gonna be hard for me to do that from jail.

You are not going to jail.

I called Gordon. He's on his way.

Ms. Vaughan.

Agent Clark.

I just received a warrant for your arrest.


Based on what evidence?

Proof that Mario Visconti used Ms. Vaughan's security badge to steal the painting. He stole the badge.

We also found evidence that your office contacted the woman who forged the painting, Elizabeth Workman...

No, that was me. I did that.


And then there's the painting itself, which was hanging on your wall.

I'm sorry, but...

♪ ♪

Alice Vaughan, you are under arrest for the following Federal felony offenses... art theft, fraud, burglary, money laundering, and racketeering.

You and your firm are given notice of Federal seizing and forfeiture of all your assets.

You have the right to remain silent.

[Elevator chimes]

Anything you say can be held against you...

♪ ♪

It wasn't her. It was me.

My name is Benjamin Jones.

I stole the painting, put it on her wall.

I robbed from her and her clients, and framed her for everything.

I'm the one you need to arrest.

So you can let her go and take me.
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