02x08 - The Long Goodbye

Episode transcripts for the 2014 TV show "Janet King". Aired October 2014 - July 2017.*
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"Janet King" follows a Senior Crown Prosecutor, who returns from maternity leave and is thrown into a high-profile m*rder, and a conspiracy.
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02x08 - The Long Goodbye

Post by bunniefuu »

Dutch analysis on the full human genome of George and Ash's k*ller finally came through.

Confirmation of what we already know - male, mixed ethnicity.

Very hard without a full face morphology to see what this bloke would look like.

And we have something else in common - I've also lost a loved one.

I'm sorry.

But if he had been m*rder*d, I don't know how you survive that.

Don't think I could've got through it without my kids.

After this... I've decided not to return to the DPP.

It's a tough job, Richard. The isolated nature of the bar is...

I wasn't actually asking for advice.

This visionary development has only been made possible by your state government agreeing to sell the Crown land on which this centre will be built for the nominal sum of $1.

I see this embryo as a potential baby of mine and a potential niece or nephew of my sister who's no longer with us.

Ms King, as the de facto partner of the deceased at the time of her death, has title to that embryo.

The appeal is dismissed and the decision of the trial judge stands.

According to this, Heather was in here at 2:16am for seven minutes.

At quarter past two in the morning?

Where were you, last night?

If I'm under official investigation, I'll give you his name.

Until then, a bit of trust would be nice.

We know these weapons are being imported by someone Brett was working for.

And whoever it is has so far made no attempt to pick up a container that'd give them a multimillion-dollar payday.

Janet, I've got a lot of options on the table and this ship is sinking right now. Help us save it.


The shadow caused by my impending appearance before the State Corruption Commission means we are unable to fulfil our wider brief.

While I refuse to resign, I have no choice but to suspend this Royal Commission until that investigation has been completed.

All sessions of the Commission have been cancelled and all current operations will cease immediately.

Lykke Li: ♪ My one heart hurt another ♪
♪ So only one life can't be enough ♪
♪ Can you give me just another ♪
♪ For that one who got away? ♪
♪ Lonely ♪
♪ I'm so alone now ♪
♪ There'll be no rest for the wicked ♪
♪ There's no song for the choir ♪
♪ There's no hope for the weary ♪
♪ If you let them win without a fight... ♪

We're closed.

Thought you'd still be here.

Just got the call to be a witness at your Corruption Commission hearing.

Want to give us a heads up about what they might ask?

I think they're fairly desperate to find anything that can be twisted to cast me in a bad light, no matter how tiny, tenuous or historical.

Right. How far back can they go?

Well, I was born in 1974, so anything before that probably can't be counted and our paths haven't crossed until now, so...

There was Queen and Doherty.

2012, Jandamarra Doherty, accused of r*pe.

I was the instructing defence solicitor.

Turned on consent, you got the jury to believe her, not him.

Sent a few fairly aggro texts about you when you went down.

She was a very credible witness.

Nah, turned out to be a complete liar.

Well, if the defence knew that, then they should have proven it.

Not that easy sometimes, particularly against you.

Anyway, ancient history, love you to bits now.

Night, Heather.


Hey. It's on.


They're in the container now.

Who, Bao Long?

It's hard to see, but there's two of them.

Is it still at the docks?

No, no. It's been moved to some kind of back lot somewhere.

Hang on, they're taking one of the fridges out now.

Listen, I'm at home.

OK. Be there in a sec.

What's happened?


Two heavy guys arrived first - I think they're the sellers.

And then a few bikies after them.

Nice place.

Thanks. Um, alright, you sit down there, I'll turn this around.

This big guy in the middle - sergeant-at-arms for the Death Angels.

Broke a jockey's legs for Bao last year.

Guy wouldn't fix a race he was supposed to.

Do we think this guy organised the import?

Nah, he's just muscle.

Well, at least we've got some ID so we can follow it up.



Time to display the goods.

Who's this?

Holy f*ck.

Patrick Boccaro.

He must have organised it - the container, drive-by, George's m*rder.

He must have imported the first lot of Zodiacs as well.

This is enough to arrest him.

Not yet, though.

He's the one who imported the...

Why go to the cops now?

This is exactly what's going to save the Commission.

Till you get us back up and running, and I'll make sure he doesn't go anywhere, yeah?

The problem is I can't touch him yet.

This is pretty damning evidence.

Yeah, but it's useless unless I'm cleared by the Corruption Commission.

If I'm not, Patrick will just get a fat QC to argue that because I'm tainted, all the evidence against him is equally tainted and everything will be nolled.

That'll be it, gone - my last chance to find out who it really was... who shot Ash.

You always knew why I took on this Commission.

And now the man with... with the answer might walk off into the sunset.

To bring him down, I need the Royal Commission up and running with no mud stuck to it.

So I need a QC better than his.

To argue what?

Well, that's what I'm relying on you to find.

An argument?


To stop the State Corruption Commission hearing from going ahead?

Janet, you OK?

Yeah, no, I'm fine, I just can't sleep.

Have you got any chamomile?

I'm not a tea person.

You just haven't found the right tea.

Iced rose and hibiscus on a hot day?

Come right at me.

♪ Little star ♪
♪ How I wonder what you are Up above... ♪

No, you don't want to do the actions this morning. Alright.

♪ Like a diamond... ♪
♪ Like a diamond in the sky... ♪

Why are you not looking?

I am, sweetie. It's amazing. Just keep singing, it's really good.

♪ Twinkle, twink... ♪
♪ Twinkle, twinkle, little star... ♪
♪ How I wonder what you are... ♪

Mummy, where are you going?

No, I'm here, I'm here.

But I have to go to work.

We'll do one more song?

I want a song!

OK, stop... stop fighting. Shush.

I want a song!

Stop... OK, where is Grandma?

Alright, munchkins, breakfast time, here it comes.

Mum, they're going to need a knife and fork.

You know, they're not... They can't eat it with their hands.

Off you go. I just need to...

Owen. What's happening?

I stayed at Boccaro's house, followed him across town this morning.


He's having a champagne breakfast.


You'll never guess who with.


Our Heather?


I mean, I knew they knew each other, but, pretty chummy.

OK, are you going to stay with him?

I haven't had this much fun in forever.

Keep me posted.

Good of you to see us, Roger.

Don't you have a day job?

On leave, nose banging against the grindstone in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, I'm concerned about the future of this place.

This inquiry into Janet, it's trivial, single text.

When we were set up 20-odd years ago, this state was rife with corruption.

Pollies colluded with lawyers, lawyers colluded with cops, cops colluded with criminals, criminals paid anyone who stuck out their hand.

'New South Wales for sale' - that's what it was called.

We stamped it out.

'To investigate and prevent corruption among public officials' - that's your charter.

Yeah, that's right.

And an officer of the court advising kids on how to avoid arrest lands right in that ballpark.

Except it doesn't.

You might think it does, but under the terms of the Act, the SCC explores corruption by and collusion between public officials.

And that text message didn't cause any public officials to act corruptly.

There was no raid on the house.

No police were paid to look the other way.

No judge was bribed to acquit.

For God's sake, even the bloke at the pub could see that she attempted to pervert the course of justice.

And investigating an individual perverting the course of justice is not a power the SCC actually has.

Individuals come under the remit of the Department of Public Prosecutions.

Ipso facto, if somebody were to challenge the validity of these hearings in the High Court, you'd have to refer the case to... well, me.

And I would find that Janet had no case to answer because no raid occurred.

We've run and won dozens of similar investigations.

The findings of which would all be called into question if you go ahead with this public hearing.

You're going to look like a lawyer who's using the fine print to avoid interrogation.

He'll look like a lawyer who actually understands the law.

How do you feel, Ms King?

I'm delighted.

Because you won't have to answer the allegations?

Because I have no case to answer and I'm glad it's been resolved without wasting any more time or money.

Ms King!

Commissioner Embry's decision demonstrates the care the SCC takes with public funds.

Does this mean you'll resume the Royal Commission, Ms King?

Yes, it does.

When will the investigation...?

Thank you. Excuse me.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be happy to answer some questions.


Yeah, Boccaro's on the move.

I've been following him across town.

Is Heather still with him?

No, he's on his own.

Hang on.


He's stopping.


No, it's just a car park.

I'm going to follow him.


He's waiting. Must be a meeting of some kind, I think.

Someone's here.

Who is it?

Boccaro's getting something.

It's the money.

I think it's the money.

I've got to film this.


f*ck me.

Hey, welcome back.


I saw on the news you beat some charges.

More or less. Listen, um, remind me to fix up my account.

No, there's no rush.

I may be finished by the end of the week. Don't let me forget.

How it must be to be you -

I mean, you're running a Royal Commission, amazing two children and you still look completely immaculate.

I don't know about that.

I enjoyed our drink.


What you said, I feel light, like things are in focus.

That's good to hear, Peta. Excuse me.

It's not so much morning sickness -

I feel like I could throw up all day.

See, that's another reason I never had kids - I hate to chuck.

Everything OK?

Yes, good.

Welcome back, everyone.

Alright, well, we've answered a lot of the big questions, like, who k*lled Todd Wilson, how was Simon Hamilton involved and how were the Nobakhts connected?

But the central question remains - who is importing and distributing these prohibited Zodiacs?

Well, today... that question will be answered.

Mr Boccaro, when the Commission was suspended, we ceased active surveillance on a particular container at Port Botany - JL134976.

Do you know what was inside that container?

No idea.

500 prohibited Zodiac handguns hidden in fridges.

We had to leave those deadly weapons unwatched and when I checked in with the harbourmaster this morning, he told me that the container had been picked up a few days ago by a freight company, destination unknown.

Well, that is unfortunate.

Would have been, yes, except that Commissioner King authorised a single microcamera to be installed inside that container.


Unfortunately, the trade-off for size is limited capability.

So the camera started transmitting when the doors opened, but without a movement function, we just had to hope that the right people walked into frame.

It's a low-percentage strategy but the only option left to us.


So, there you can see the handguns hidden in the fridges.


And just for the record, we removed the firing pins so these guys are basically being sold water pistols.

But they're just the buyers - they didn't arrange the importation.

Recognise that car, Mr Boccaro?

I'm sure you can confirm that is you, Mr Boccaro. Am I right?

That is you receiving $8 million for prohibited firearms illegally imported by you, yes?

Um, I just...

I want to thank you all.

Everyone's played a vital role.

The hours, days, weeks...

Don't forget the months.

..and months of hard work of bringing Patrick Boccaro to justice is an achievement that we all share.

So, really, cheers.



Who would've thought?

Get yourself a drink.

Thank you.

Hey. Don't you want one?

Still can't believe it.

What an evil, weak bastard.

Well. Cheers.


Mm, thank you.

Very impressive hearing. Does rather rain on my parade, of course.

I've just gifted the bloke five hectares of Crown land.

Political fallout won't be pretty.

Still, slings and arrows.

You've done a tremendous job with this Commission - impressed people, including myself.

I was just saying to the Premier the other day, we need more women judges.

And younger women, too.

You're offering me a new job.

Well, certainly canvassing future options.

And I do have the influence, and your skills should be put to their best use.

I haven't finished this job yet.

Well, what could be bigger than exposing Boccaro?

Have you got one of these new models, Lincoln?

Great camera - you could make a movie.

After we saw that surveillance footage, Owen followed Patrick.

Mr Attorney-General.

I hope you're still in the market for some fine china.

Matter of fact, I am.

An anniversary gift for my wife, although she prefers diamonds, apparently.

That is precisely what I'm looking for.

Thank you.

Take care.

How much was in that suitcase?

Four million? Five? The whole eight?

That was a private sale, entirely between myself and Boccaro.

And it was totally unrelated to your decision to sell Patrick Boccaro an incredibly valuable piece of Crown land for only $1.

Completely. I discussed that decision with my colleagues.

Some of who, no doubt, also got a chunk of Boccaro's money, yes?

I mean, why should it go to the general state revenue when it can end up in your pocket?

That land sale was approved by Cabinet, went through due process.

After Patrick Boccaro made you an offer for a tea set you couldn't refuse.

That was a perfectly legal sale of private property with a price agreed between two willing parties.

Well, you may be right.

Let me ask you this.

The m*rder that started this Royal Commission turned out to be Jane Carter's crime of passion.

Patrick Boccaro turned out to be an importer of illegal weapons, and then you sell him a tea set for millions of dollars in the same week you gift him public land.

So, who's the biggest enemy to public safety - Jane, Patrick or you?

I had no idea about the importation of those g*ns.

It only happened because you're here.

Organised crime can exist without corruption, but it can't grow without corruption.

So now I've finished the job you asked me to do -

I've uncovered who's at the bottom of the upsurge in firearm crime in this city.

Irony. Bummer, isn't it?

It'll all be in the report you were so keen for. Every last word.

No actions of mine have contravened the Crimes Act.

You can either step down now, Lincoln, before my report comes out or you can wait to see how the public react to your behaviour.

It's a shame no-one got to hear about yours.

Yeah, well, this isn't about me.

So I'll leave your decision in your capable hands.

Of course, now you'll never know the answer to the one m*rder you most wanted to solve.

At least that's some consolation.

Those weren't the first illegal weapons you've imported.

This one's been in the country for at least two years.

Been used in several serious crimes, most recently the drive-by sh**ting Brett Bonar did on the Nobakhts to frighten them into being the contact for your container.

Did Brett look after many of your g*ns?

That g*n was found at Brett Bonar's house.

Was he the only person who used it?

Well, Todd Wilson might have. He was the turkey who stole it from my car.

I told Brett to get it back.

But not before you used it for the drive-by?

But before that, did you lend it to others?

I'm not much of a one for lending valuable items.

People don't respect a thing unless they pay for it.

So you hired out the g*n?

If someone comes to me with a problem, I'll sit down with them for a coffee, see if I can help.

Couple of years ago, a woman called Ashleigh Larsson was k*lled by that g*n.

Who'd you share a coffee with that time?

No, I don't think my memory's that good.

We're going to find that man with or without you.

We know all about your relationship with him.

We know that man told you George Healy was about to talk to us.

We know he was there when Brett carried out your order to k*ll George.

That same man said we had surveillance on the container and that he broke into the Royal Commission office and stole Commissioner King's iPad.

So, you see, we're this close to him.

No, they were close to you.

You weren't close to them.

You've got things so arse about you'll never find them.

Cooperation will improve your position, Patrick.


What can you offer me - discounted sentence immunity from prosecution.

And even if you could knock a couple of years off, I still wouldn't tell you what you want to know, 'cause that person who k*lled Ash Larsson by mistake, they'll have another crack at Janet King in the next couple of days and I will be there, cheering from the sidelines.

So, hug your kids tight and say goodbye, you smart bitch.

It was meant to scare you.

He's getting revenge the only way he can.

He said they were coming for me, but why did he mention the kids?

He mentioned the kids.

It's just a fear campaign. Don't give him the reaction he wants.


We'll look after you.

Nothing's going to happen.

You heard him say that we had Ash's k*ller arse about, so what have we missed?

He said he was close to us.

OK, what haven't we found?

This is the lab report from Holland on the DNA of the balaclava, and if you look at the mutations, we've got the warrior gene, freckles...

But this one -

'androgen insensitivity'.

Let me look it up. 'Androgen'...

What's this say?

"What is androgen insensitivity?"


"The newborn AIS infant has undescended testes but external genitals of normal female appearance, though they do not menstruate and are not fertile."


So the DNA reads male, it's XY, but because of the mutation, they'll look female.

We were thinking it's a man - it's a woman.

A childless woman.



It's been bothering me for weeks, the amount of coincidences involving her, the fact she can't account for where she was that night.

No, I mean, she's been on the team for months.

Who appointed her? You?

No. Lincoln. He asked around for a good local solicitor.

Asked who? His mate Patrick?

No, I can see where you're going with this, but I just...

It can't be her.

Why would Heather want to k*ll Ash or you?

Look, this may not mean anything, but I know she blames me for convicting one of her clients.


Jandamarra Doherty.

What was the case?


She swears the girl was lying.

She mentioned it to me the other day.

Well, I'll see if he's on the system, but... I mean, she's been so dedicated.

I'm just looking at the facts, Andy.

Someone's clearly after Janet, and, whoever they are, they've been privy to all sorts of RC business.

And now this DNA thing shows they're a woman without children.

I can't believe Heather sold George Healy out to Boccaro.

She was with me when we found him.

She was devastated.


Though what?

I mean, it was Heather who had given herself time to tell Boccaro, then driven Brett over to shut George up...

And you heard Boccaro say whoever k*lled Ash was going to try again in a couple of days -

'cause the RC will be packed up and Heather's access to Janet will go from bloody easy to much harder.

Andy was out half the night on some Janet errand.

I am all too familiar with the all-night Janet errand.

Might even miss those when I've got my head buried in the books for the bar exam.


Or maybe not.

Hey, stranger.

I need you to come with me.

Are we going to talk to Boccaro?

I'm placing you under arrest for m*rder.

Pull the other one, spud.

You are not obliged to do or say anything if you don't wish to do so, but anything you do say may be used in evidence.

Do you understand?

The afternoon George Healy was found hanged you were absent from the Commission building from 2:38pm to 4:09pm.

Where were you?

One month later, your ID code was used to access the Commission office after hours.

Can you explain that?

Property was stolen -

Commission property and personal items belonging to Janet King.

Did you take them?

January 4, 2014.

The night someone shot Ash Larsson, where were you?

We know you're good mates with Patrick Boccaro.

Did he supply you with the firearm used in that crime?

Jandamarra Doherty.

as*ault, B&E, resist arrest, shoplifting, dealing, soliciting.

Major charge sheet since he did time for r*pe - a conviction secured by Janet King.

You were close to Jandamarra before he went down.

You've got a grudge against Janet over him, don't you?

Well, it says so right there on your phone.

August 7, 2012, 11:14am, you sent a text to a colleague in your office - "f*cking Janet King. These prosecutors never understand the pain they cause. If I got her alone at the moment, I'd k*ll her."

An email to your brother a few days later - "I saw that King bitch on TV again. When I think about the damage she's done, I'd like to give her a taste of her own medicine."

There's a whole string of them - bitter, violent.

And then they all stop after Ash Larsson is k*lled.

What do you say to that?

Andy, you can ask questions until you're blue in the face.

I'm not saying a bloody thing.

It's all over the media.

The AG has just resigned.

Has he, indeed?

Well, then, it must be time for this.

Thank you.

What for?

For not being a man entirely of self-interest.

Although, there will be a by-election now, both parties will be looking for an outstanding candidate.

Don't you dare.

What, lead the DPP? Me? Never.

Although, I might.

It's probably best that we don't touch Heather's desk.

I know. It just seems unbelievable.


Hey, you taking some time off?

I'll have to write the report for the Governor and then I'm going to pick up the kids, take them on a treat overseas somewhere.

How about you?

Um... back to work, I suppose.

Though it's tempting to take some long-service leave, avoid trying to convict child sex offenders.

Save your leave for after the baby's born - that's when you really want to be home.

With my little miracle.

I'm very excited for you.

Your whole body will fill with these amazing love hormones and it just makes you a better human being.

It really is miraculous.

Yeah. Especially for us.

I was given something I wanted more than anything but thought I could never have.

Hardly a better feeling in the world.

What's all this doing here still?

Andy has to return everything non-lethal to Brett's next of kin.

Shitty job, really - "Your son's been shot but here is his wallet, laser torch, elevator key and phone that you'll never call again."

I'm going to finish packing up.

What about Richard?

He was nearly finished packing up when he got the call.

What call?

Why me?

You're thorough, and we've been working together for the last three months.

I just need someone to represent me at the bail hearing.

For a m*rder charge, you have to prove exceptional circumstances.

How about a piss-weak Crown case?

Ties to the jurisdiction, 40 years old, no prior convictions, not even a f*cking parking fine.

I'll do daily reporting.

Now should I be granted bail?

Where were you during the 90 minutes you weren't at the Commission on the afternoon George died?

Meeting with Patrick Boccaro about his tender for the netball courts.

Well, they claim he's a co-conspirator, so an alibi from him has little value.

But true, nonetheless.

And the night the Royal Commission was robbed by someone using your passcode?

I was with Dale Cardy.

The... the footballer?


Isn't he, like, just out of school?

He's 23.

Which is why I'd rather not go public with that until we absolutely have to.

There's no evidence it was me, except the passcode, which is highly circumstantial.

Even without an alibi, their case is as weak as water.

What about Jandamarra Doherty?

You sent a lot of emotive texts and emails about Janet after she secured his conviction.


I was very emotional.

Jandy is my nephew, and he was a bloody good kid and Janet sent him to jail.

And he's come out with a real serious addiction to ice which is leading him to all sorts of shit.

Why don't you represent yourself?

Because I'll probably end up slapping someone.

Richard... I'm being charged with m*rder and I need your help.

Why wouldn't you represent me?

Richard, I hear you're acting for Heather O'Connor.

Only for the bail application.

Are you aware of what she's done?


Well, when the DNA match comes back, there won't be much 'allegedly' about it.

If it's positive.

The odds are pretty good.


But until then, the evidence is comparatively weak and I believe that bail should be granted.

I'm off.


Lina, thanks, great job.

If you need help with the report...

Yeah, I'll be in touch.

OK. Yeah. See you next weekend?

Sounds good.

The DNA results get back in a couple of days.

It'll rule her out if she's innocent.

She could just wait.

She is entitled to apply for bail.

Don't give me that shit, Richard.

You know the stats of crimes committed by people who get out on bail - it's staggering.

That is hardly always the case.

Why do you think Heather's so desperate to get out?

You know the evidence is circumstantial.

She's using you!

She knows you're on some bandwagon to prove your independence.

I mean, for Christ's sake, Richard, of all cases!

The first principles, Janet!

First principles!

Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence and to representation.

I won't be the one making a decision on bail.

I will put her case as the police will put yours.

And, please, stop expecting me to always just do what you want!

So if you don't want to miss the bail hearing, why don't I pick up the kids? Easy.

Sounds good, thanks, Tony.

And, if she makes bail, we'll stay on here?

With the kids, yeah, until Heather's back inside. I've got that approved.

I could even stay if she doesn't make it until we're absolutely sure there's no further threat.

Had enough?

Yes, thank you. Well, I'm off.


So, that's the undercover officer who was in your...


..ON your bed when the SCC raided.


Seems nice.

She is.

So, through all this mess, a ray of sunshine.

She hasn't moved in, Tony.


Would you like me to have a word with Mr Stirling, volunteer a definition of the word 'loyalty'?

Well, he accepted a brief like any professional lawyer should, but pretty big betrayal.

Mm. Shame, that.

Well, career-saving advocate one week, bus driver the next.

Thank you.

Mm. Anytime, as ever.

Thank you.

Everything OK?

Yeah, I mean, you don't have to go back into the car, unless... unless you want to.

Only thing I don't want to do is presume.

Come on.

Well, these are very serious charges your client is facing, Mr Starling.

It's 'Stirling', Your Honour.

Um, our application for bail is purely based on the inherent weakness of the Crown case.

Hardly surprising.

Your Honour, we're waiting on the lab report testing Ms O'Connor's DNA.

We anticipate it will strengthen the case against the accused.

I take it you're opposing bail.

We are, Your Honour.

The accused poses a very serious threat to Janet King and is a considerable flight risk.

Your Honour, this is nonsense.

The evidence is weak that Ms O'Connor poses a credible threat to anyone, let alone Janet King.

She is accused of k*lling her partner.

Ms O'Connor has no prior convictions, she owns a house here, her parents live in the area, she's willing to consent to onerous daily reporting...

Enough, enough.

If the strength of the evidence is in dispute, we have the police informant here, Your Honour.

Court may wish to hear from him.

Thank you. Let's.

Can you read the text quoted in your affidavit, please, Inspector?

"To hell with f*cking Janet King.

"These prosecutors never understand the pain they cause.

"If I got her alone at the moment, I'd k*ll her."

And when was that text sent?

Four weeks after Jandamarra Doherty was sentenced.

Do you know what prompted that text?

A conversation one of Ms O'Connor's other clients overheard in a pub.

The girl whose evidence had convicted Jandamarra had reportedly laughed about it later on, saying, that'd teach him for a punch-up he'd had with her brother.

The victim boasted about lying under oath, in other words.

Apparently, yes.

And that resulted in a conviction which ought to have been overturned at law.

Ms O'Connor clearly thought so.

And that led to a moment of frustration and anger.

It led to the m*rder of Ashleigh Larsson.

Do you have any evidence placing Ms O'Connor at the scene of that crime?

No, but we have other circumstantial evidence that justifies this charge.

We have evidence of a friendship between her and the man who owned the g*n that k*lled Ms Larsson.

Do you have any direct evidence supporting the allegation that Ms O'Connor committed this crime?

We have a clearly established motive.

All the other information we have regarding the profile of Ashleigh Larsson's k*ller...

The question just requires a yes or no, Inspector Campbell.


I'll ask you again.

Do you have any direct evidence?


Your Honour, if it assists in easing the path to bail, Ms O'Connor is happy to surrender her passport, report to Bankstown police station twice a day and wear an electronic monitoring device on her ankle to alert police if she travels beyond a 5km radius from her home.

Thank you, Mr Starling.

My name is Stirling, Your Honour.

With an I. Richard Stirling.

I will adjourn to consider whether the exceptional circumstances test for bail has been met and give my decision this afternoon.

Court is adjourned.

I'm chasing up that face morphology from Holland.

Commission's paying, so it'll come straight to you.

We'll get it much faster now than a plain DNA match.

That should be enough to get him to reject bail.

Got to help. Especially if it's an obvious likeness.

It's drawn straight from the genome code of Ash's k*ller.

How good are they - an identikit from one strand of DNA?

Well, it's new science, but some of them are uncanny.

Hey, what are you doing now?

Got to head back to the office, pick some stuff up and then I can shut the door and head home.

I'll go pack, I'll see you there.

See you there.

It WAS just work, and first principles.

I taught you too well.

I'm glad you did.




Whoo! Where's Tony?

He's hiding.

We're playing hide-and-seek and it's my job to make sure they don't go near the road.

Well, I'm glad someone's being responsible.

Hey, you look different.

Have you won the lottery?

Nah, it's good to be with the kids, all back together.

Alright, you got me.

There he is.

You got me, you're too good.

How was your trip down?

Sang all the way. Joking.

How'd it go?


I've just got to pick something up for the final report.

I'll be five minutes.

Aye, aye, Skipper.

Let Mummy do it.


Bye, Mum.

Bye, my cheekies.

Alright, it's our turn, we're going to hide.

Can you count to 50?

Yeah, of course I can count to 50.

Can I play?


OK, quick, let's go.

Alright, one, two, three, four, five, six...



If you hide in here, he will never find you. You know that, don't you?


That's OK.

Come on, guys. Let's go downstairs.

We're going to head downstairs.

Let's go hide.

I'll see you in a sec.

Race you to the end!


All packed, leaving now.

Any word from court?


The Dutch?

Hang on.

Something's just come in.

Here we are.

Yep, this is it, we've got it.

DNA face morphology.

How's the likeness?

Just opening it.

Tell me it looks like Heather.

If it is, I'm sure she's gone.

Still loading.


It's Peta.

Janet, what is it?

The face, it's Peta.

Coffee girl Peta?


It's almost a photograph.

Shit. That's where everyone talked, outside buying coffees.

She would've heard all sorts of...

Is she there now?

She's with the kids!

Are you OK?

Yeah, fine. I'm sorry. Where are the... where are the twins?

They're hiding.

Hiding where?

'Cause we've really... we have to get going.

No, I'm not entirely sure, actually, but I can help you look for them.

No, no, that's fine.

I'll look for them.


No, I don't think they're up here.

Emma! Liam! The game's over!

Come here, please, now!

They might be down a level.

Where... where did you leave them?

Well, just around here I thought.

Peta, please, where... where did you leave them?

Around here somewhere...


I am one thing, but... but not my children.


Please, where are they?

And I... I don't know... who you really... really are or what... what this is about or why, so...

You know, but we can, um...

How long have you known?


Andy, who are we dealing with here?

Her name is Peta Vickers.

Why would she k*ll Janet's partner?

Her name never came up in the investigation.

What about cases? Janet's old cases?

That's what I mean.

We went through those.

OK, Vickers.

OK, in early 2012, Janet was asked to advise in a claim of alleged historical sexual abuse by a drama teacher.

The victim was a Nathan Vickers.

Who's that?

The brother?


Janet's advice was insufficient evidence to proceed to trial.

Peta k*lled Ash because her husband didn't get his day in court?

Three weeks after the case was dropped, Nathan Vickers stepped in front of a train.

Get backup, Andy, and get there.

OK, guys, I need cars at the RC.

We've got to go now, we've got to go now!

My children.

Yeah, your children are your saviours, aren't they, Janet?

You know when you were suffering and I was suffering, at least that was fair.

But why should you get saviours?

I mean, why should you get to feel better?

I thought it was you that night.

I thought she was you.

I mean, that's normally your car, right?

So, anyway, I f*ck up.

But then I think, "That's OK because this is karma. And now she's lost someone too."

And then you get this Royal Commission.

So Boccaro brought me here and he repays me, a favour, and... and it just gives me so much more.

And right in front of me, you start rising above it and you start getting your shit together, and I think, "f*ck you."

I know that you're hurting so...

What do you care?

You're right.

I don't.

Whatever happened to whoever you lost, they had a choice.

We all have a choice.

You can blame or you can forgive, you can help or hurt, you can be a victim or you can be a survivor.

You. Right now.

You can stay drowning in your self-pity, wanting to hurt me as much as possible or you can help yourself.

Now! Where are my children?!

I'll show you.

I'll show you. The lift's quicker.

What's going on?

Can you see them?

No, the keypad's smashed.

OK, they're in there.

Hey! Hey!

Where are there children?




Hey! Hey!



Suspect down!

Don't let the lift go down, the kids are in the bottom.

g*nsh*t wound, we need an ambulance.

Let's clear her from the lift.


It's alright. OK.

I'm here.

It's alright, sweetheart.

Come here, darling.

"It's a wonderful world, you will agree.

"When your hair's tied up and you can see.

"Now as he passes, the people say.

"Good morning, sir.

"Have a great day."

Alright, teeth, bed, and, if you're very quick, I'll read you another story.

Come on. Up we go.


See you there in a second.

Don't forget to brush top and bottom.

I'll beat you!

♪ Don't dream it's over ♪
♪ Hey now, hey now ♪
♪ When the world comes in ♪
♪ They come, they come ♪
♪ To build a wall between us ♪
♪ You know they won't win ♪
♪ Now I'm walking again ♪
♪ To the beat of a drum ♪
♪ And I'm counting the steps to the door of your heart ♪
♪ Only shadows ahead ♪
♪ Barely clearing the roof ♪
♪ Get to know the feeling of liberation and release ♪
♪ Hey now, hey now ♪
♪ Don't dream it's over ♪
♪ Hey now, hey now ♪
♪ When the world comes in ♪
♪ They come, they come ♪
♪ To build a wall between us ♪
♪ You know they won't win ♪
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