01x12 - He's Coming

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Van Helsing". Aired July 2016 - current.*
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Vanessa Helsing, distant relative of famous vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, is resurrected in a post-apocalyptic world, five years in the future, only to find that vampires have taken over the world. She is humanity's last hope to lead an offensive to take back what has been lost.
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01x12 - He's Coming

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Van Helsing"...

This is the house I grew up in.

Met some resistance folks a month back.

They said Denver is the place to go.

The camp that Sheema is being held at is on the way to Denver.

Dylan might be there.

Allow me to purge the human resistance, once and for all!

You will do nothing whatsoever.

But what about the woman?

That is already being dealt with.

Susan was weak.

You know that is danger.

Tell her! Tell her the truth!

We're not K*llers. Karma will take care of the rest.

[screaming] Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

[yelling in the distance] Aaaah!!!!!!


God Dammit.

You okay?

We gotta move.

We both know what he can do as a human.

As a vampire, I don't want to find out.

Come on. Come on.

No choice now.

We're gonna have to stand and fight.

No, we run. We've bought ourselves enough time.



Hey!! Mohamad!

Sam, you're gonna have to let this go!

Come over here so I can finish this once and for all!

[g*n shot]

What's he waiting for?

I guess I was right.

Human or vampire, Sam is still afraid of water.

Okay, come on. Come on.

I'll find you!

I'll k*ll you!


I can hear you!

[out of breath]

I think we lost him back there.

He won't give up that easy.

Without blood he won't last too long.

Yeah, but Sam is smart and tough. He'll find a way to feed.

Hey, let me look at that cut.


Oh, shit.

Adrenaline was pumping back there. I didn't even notice.

You know what? It's not deep enough to need stitches but we need to bandage it.

Man, hell.

I've had worse.

It's not that I'm worried about.

Shit! It's like leaving him a forwarding address!



It's gonna be nightfall soon and we need a plan.

Well, I know a place a few miles down that way.

Well, we gotta keep moving.


Ok. Thanks.

[rapid breathing]


[animal squealing]

[animal squealing]

[snaps neck]

[eating sounds]

Back at the river how'd you know he'd be afraid?

He told me he almost drowned as a kid.

Hated water ever since.

Looks empty.

Empty is good.

You been here before?

Yeah, hiked up here one summer.

Got my Forest Ranger merit badge.

Boy Scouts.

Hell yeah!

Why, is that so hard to believe?

You just don't really fit the profile.

What, middle class white boy from the suburbs?

You do know black people got hobbies too, right?

No, I know.

You just... you don't strike me as someone who liked following orders is all.

You know, someone who likes structure.

Yeah, I was different back then.

Before... you know, before all this.

We'll be safe to sleep here tonight.

I didn't tell Sam about this place.

And tomorrow?

What're we gonna do?

We're here.

The back end of Rampart Ridge.

Now, there is a trail head a few miles north east.

If we follow the Tacoma Pass, cut through this old horse ranch, we should get to the camp by nightfall.

Then what?

I don't know. I'm making all this up as I go.

Look, I didn't tell you this when we were eating because of all the crazy shit happening, but I'm really glad we're back together.

Me too.

How'd you track us down, anyway?

Was it blind luck, or... what?

Well, I was following you and then I heard the bells and then later got sick.

Emma's the one that got me there but...

Sam's the one that found me.

You feel guilty?

About Sam?

Well, he was my friend.

A friend who k*lled a lot of other friends.

You think I don't know that?

Look, whatever he was, whatever he became, he always looked out for me.

I owe him my life.

How come?

It wasn't long after my sister and I got free.

We started rolling with this crew.

She and a couple others went out in search for food and they got caught in this old grocery store by Dmitri's guards.

I tried to save them, me and a couple guys, but the feeders were already there, waiting.

Nearly k*lled everyone. I almost bled out.

Sam found me, barely alive.

He took care of me. Fed me.

Besides Sheema, Sam was the closest thing I had to family.

And finding out he's the k*ller and now one of them...

Sam said something in the woods right before we left him.

He said "tell her the truth".

What truth, Mohamad?

He was just begging for his life.

Trying to make us second guess what we were about to do.

[sighs] And it worked.

He conned everyone.

Hey, there's no way you could have known.

Right? We give people the benefit of the doubt and... sometimes we get burned.

Mohamad, I... I don't know how we keep trusting.

But I do know that if we don't we're one step away from being like them.

You should shut that off.

Any sign of light can be seen from far out.

Especially by them.

[low growling]

The buildings are empty.

The humans, all gone.

She was here, in Eden, with the others.

How did they know we were coming?

They must have been warned.



By whom?



This used to be your home.

You let the humans here live.

Maybe you're more loyal to them than me.


No, listen to me.

One of our kind that the woman turned back to human, I bit her.

She didn't turn back!

She was immune.

I know things.

And I would do anything for you, Julius.


Would you die for me?

You know I would.


Burn the buildings.

Hunt them!

Hunt them all!

Where are we going now?

As far away from Eden as we can.

Not exactly a Beretta hollow point, but it'll do.

Hey, we gotta book it if we're gonna get to this camp before dark.


You ok?

How long has it been since you escaped that camp?

I'm not sure, about a month or two?

How do you know she's still there?



Um... because.

Wait, why?


I feel like I'm searching for Dylan without really having a plan at all.

And I'm telling you there are buildings in this camp where they keep the kids...

Look, my gut, ok?

My gut is saying she's not there.

I'm sorry. I-I'm missing something and I can't figure out what it is.

You can't be doing this shit to me again, Vanessa.

I thought we were working together on this.

We still can.

Ok, well I'm not traveling thousands of miles to Denver when my sister is literally half a day away.

Mohamad, she might be, ok? She might not.

It's better than nothing.


Ok, look... look.

We practically have to go through the camp to get to Denver anyway.

What do you have to lose just checking it out?

Well, they could catch me again.

And I might not escape.

What then, huh?

How am I gonna get Dylan then?

And here I was thinking we're just starting to become a family.

All this talk of trust.

Well, if you can't give any you sure as hell don't deserve it.

I understand.

No, get out.

Wait for me. Outside.

What are they doing here?

I have been summoned.


Dmitri blames me.

The woman.

Quickly, k*ll the messenger.

We can still run!

They will find us, you know that.

If you go to the citadel you will die.

If I refuse, we will all die.

I will face him. I am not afraid.

Fear is for humans.

[screaming outside]


Gotta reconnect a couple links here.

Yeah, there it is.

That's got it.

Must have fused.

It's fine.

Don't thank me all at once.

We're going. Let's go.

We good?


When the time comes someone's gonna have to get within 300 yards for the remote trigger to work.

Why do we need to take out the electricity?

It's the citadel doors. Magnetic locks.

Without power, open sesame.

We'll have our people in before they know what hit them.

So we're really going for this?

Taking on all of them?

Not alone. We'll have help.

From who?

The people on the outside?

The resistance?

You just be ready when the time is right.

You'll know what you need to know.

It's not that far from here.

You ok?

Holy shit.


I gotta... I really gotta change this.

You're still bleeding.

Yeah, I'm not you.

My wounds don't heal like magic.

Ugh, I feel way older than I should be.

I am not a kid anymore, that's for damn sure.

So you said they keep the kids at a separate part of the camp?

Away from the others?


It's like the children are special to them or something.

You know, they don't make them work hard, they don't feed on them as much as I can tell.

Maybe they got something else in store for them.

But the teenagers and adults, they're bled until they die.

That's why I gotta get Sheema out.

Maybe we gotta get everyone out.

No, no, no, no.

Don't get all superhero on me, ok?

That's a fight for another day.

We gotta stick to the plan. Sheema, Dylan.

In, out. Done.




[fighting grunts]

Don't make me take you down, Sam, you know I will!

[fighting grunts]

Mohamad, run!

You should have k*lled me.



[fighting grunts]

Your blood... smells like death.

Easy now.

Don't do it. Don't do it.

Please, please.

Must feed.

Sam, please...

Feed or die.

Sam, don't you do it!

We can still be together.

I could bite you.

Turn you.

No. No, I don't want that.

I don't want that. Okay.


[g*n shot]


Did he bite you?

Did he bite you?!


No, I'm good.

We have to finish him.



You better hope he crawled away and died.

Woah, woah, woah. You shot him in the face, and blinded him.

That doesn't make him dead.

Well, he can't feed on what he can't see.

And if he can't feed he can't heal.

Only one outcome after that.
You hesitated back there, finishing him off.


It-it's complicated.

Yeah. Tell that to Cynthia.

And Roger, and Susan.

If anything it would have been justice.

Back in the hospital, when Brendan locked us up in those cells, he was gonna banish me.

Sam confessed but nobody listened.

Everyone thought he was just trying to protect me.

It was a little more than that.

Maybe if I paid more attention, or seen what was right in front of me, maybe Susan would still be alive.

Maybe more.

Sam would have k*lled you too, eventually.

You're guilty of nothing.

Only him.

Well, here it is.

The outskirts of it, anyways.

There's gotta be a less obvious way in.

Yeah, there is.

Half a mile in that direction.

Hey, but... from here on out shit gets real.

You still up for that?

What is this?


Found him in the woods... burned... blinded... dying.

Not him, it.

Recently turned.

Almost feral.

Take it out, k*ll it.

Don't defy me!

[low growl]

This one is different.

Saw it as a human at the hospital... with the woman.


Taste the difference.

Animal blood is crude.


But human blood, mmm.

Yes, your blindness is leaving you.

If I hadn't given you a human to feed on you would have become a feral.

Now I understand.

I saved you.

And now you can save me.

Tell me about the woman.



From the hospital.

The special one.

And all the ones she turned... and... that one you called out for.


I will tell you what you want to know... about her.

But not him, he's mine.

One way... or another, you will tell me... everything.


Everything's in place.

expl*sives are set, weapons are ready, we just need to set a date.

You sure they'll come through?

There's too much at stake.

They know it's now or never.

If the resistance hangs us out to dry Dmitri will k*ll us all.


Isn't he already?

Trust me.

I'm going out there to make sure.

Put those away.

[twig snaps]


Theo? Emma?


[twig snaps]

Woah! Woah!

Woah, hey. Hey, hey, hey.

I'm no threat. I'm no threat.

I know you're not.

Oh, my God! Brendan?



I need names.

[cries out in agony]

There's no point in resisting.

Tell me!

[twig snaps]

Easy! Drop it.


You work for them?

They're called the Red Brigade.

They collect the blood, drive the trucks. inform on humans.

The vampires give the collaborators better treatment.

They're collaborators.


Strip off the uniforms.


Wait, wait, wait. You really think that's gonna work?

There's only one way to find out.

The woman... she can turn us human.

I've seen it.

But there's more.

Once human... we cannot be turned again.

You, maybe.

But can she turn us?

One who has lived for so long?

[speaking Romanian]

You should know.

You had her, and you let her get away.

I had no choice.

You knew where she went, but you failed to catch her.

As did you... in the city.

But if we had worked together...

You had your chance but you would not follow my orders.

I created you, Julius.

But ever since you have done nothing but disappoint me.

You cast me out.

You gave me nothing.

You are nothing.

I was going to give you my sister.

But you do not deserve her.

What will you do?

k*ll me?

Replace me?


If you want power, Julius, come and take it.



I could end it.

Here. Now.

Then... do... it.



It is not yet your time.

The elders still need us to find the answers.

To resurrect them.

Restore them to their dominion, and allow them to live for a thousand lifetimes.

We cannot do this if we are divided.

The elders, they're all gone.

Are they?

Restore my faith in you and I will show you the truth.

We're seriously gonna do this?


What if something goes wrong?

[stutters] What if...

Hey, we can't turn back now.

We've come this far.

There's stuff I wanted to tell you.

Things I did, things I didn't do.

I'm sorry...

Don't, don't, don't.

Look at me.

Regrets aren't gonna help us right now, ok?

We have to stay focused on what's important.

Dylan. Sheema.

They might be in there and they're counting on us.



Let's finish this.

Where is everyone?

Night curfew.

Prisoners are confined in barracks unless they're on work detail or...

Getting fed on?


Alright, where do they keep the children?

On the far side.


Hey, hey, hey.

Sheema's on the other side.

We gotta split up.


Just stay out of the lights, ok?

Be careful, and meet me back here as soon as you can.


Good luck.

Yeah, I don't think luck has anything to do with it anymore.

It's been hours.

They'll come looking for me.

They-they will find me.

Has anyone ever told you you talk too much?

Brendan, the hospital, that wasn't my plan.

I didn't want any blood spilled.

I... your friends...

We're not having this conversation.

Look, I know what it's like to have a cause, to have a purpose.

The people that I'm-I'm traveling with, they could help you.

We-we could all work together.

Brendan, you don't have to k*ll me.

Who said anything about k*lling you?

I found him down river from the dam.

My name is Taka. I need your help.

Where is this friend of yours?


Oh, God.

[Faint female voice]: Is someone there, help.

Please, please.

Please, please help me.


My God.


Please help.

Is-is someone there?




Who's there?

Why don't you come here and find out?

It's been a long time since I carved up a live one.




[gurgling sounds]

He let me live.

To earn back my place I must help him.

What shall we do?



No, no, no, no!

[cries out in anguish]

[startled cry]

Shh, it's ok. It's ok.

I'm human.



I'm looking for someone.

You shouldn't be here.

They'll k*ll you.

They'll k*ll all of us.

I'm looking for my little girl. Dylan.

Have you seen her?

No. No.

Well, look at the picture.

Please, she's 10 years old.

Actually, she'd be 13 years old, brown hair.

You're wasting your time.

I'm not. Please.

They don't keep children here.

Only the old and the sick.

But this is a work camp. They bring everyone here.


Only the ones they wanna bleed out.

This is a blood farm.

It's too late for all of us but you can still save yourself.

Go! Now!

[alarm sounding]


Come on, Mohamad.



[alarm continues to wail]


Mohamad, come on!

Come on, we gotta get outta here. Come on!

Excellent work, my son.

Mohamad, wha... what the hell?

I'm sorry, I had no choice.

No choice?

There's nothing you can do.

Nowhere you can run.

You will make a beautiful prize.



You look just like your mother.
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