01x07 - The Careless Giant

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Graves". Aired: October 2016 to December 2017.*
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Former President Richard Graves has the epiphany, twenty years after leaving office, that his policies have damaged the country for decades. This, as his wife, the former First Lady, has political ambitions if her own.
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01x07 - The Careless Giant

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Graves"...

I'm so glad we found each other, Olivia.


Olivia, stop! Come on, let me ex...

I just want to be anyone else for one f*cking moment.

The Rockefellers want a mediation.

Margaret: What haven't you told us, honey?

Dr. Schwartz: Mrs. Graves, you have a son

with unsolved issues of his past.

This one's for you.

Reporter: This is Martin Treadwell's first release request since his attempt on the president's life.

Jeremy: Why would I worry? It's not like this hasn't stuck to me.

Sammy, I like you.

Are you okay?


This is all new territory for me.






I just...

I like the way you look at me.

It's like you found a unicorn or something.

Robert: Isaiah.

Oh, shit!

Kitchen, now.

I'll sneak out.

Good idea.


(door opens, closes)

We should have gone to the coffee shop.

Oh, a little trust, sir.

You know, a latchkey kid learns to either cook or starve, so my mom taught me on the weekends.


You know, of all the French mother sauces, I think hollandaise is my favorite.

Turn that up.

Oh, sure.

...construction to go through his lands.

After two decades of legal challenges, a federal appellate court has ruled that Route 124, the Richard Graves Highway, named in honor of New Mexico's former governor and president, can begin construction through the Hennepaw tribal lands using the government's eminent domain powers.

This ruling has barred any further appeal.

You got a highway named after you. Congratulations.

I never asked for it.

Reporter: How do you and your people feel about this action?

The American government authorized this highway to trespass on tribal territory in clear violation of our existing US treaties.

This is an act of w*r.


Pratt. I know that name.

Oh. Well...

Oh, my God, sir.


40 years ago, as a US federal prosecutor, Richard Graves prosecuted and convicted Harlan Pratt for m*rder following a fire at the Albuquerque federal building.

Pratt's alleged arson was responsible for two deaths.

Harlan Pratt's son, okay, Russell, is an activist member of the Hennepaw tribe.

The Pratt conviction galvanized support for Graves.

The conviction...

Read on.

The Pratt case was widely seen as a political move by then Prosecutor Graves who, when running for governor, rode the conviction to a victory.

Most see the questionable conviction on weak evidence as essential to what would become his eventual presidency.

Harlan Pratt alleged he'd been railroaded, claims that went unheard as Pratt hanged himself in his jail cell just four days before his appeal.

That guy on the news...

Russell Pratt, sir.

That's Harlan's son.

Find him.

(theme music playing)

♪ Things to do ♪
♪ Can't let my shoes pick dust up ♪

(door buzzes)

♪ Won't slow down ♪
♪ I can't afford to let up... ♪

So I got your letter.

Thank you for coming to meet me before the hearing tomorrow.

We actually met before once when I was five and then in, like, hundreds of nightmares over the last 23 years.

So I want you to know that I did want to see you before I sat in front of the parole board to make sure that you never, ever get out of here.



There is no answer that I can give you that would make any kind of sense.

What I know now is that Richard Graves was a great president and the sick young man who shot him...

My father. Shot my father.

Who shot your father is not someone I recognize.

But the hardest part about what I've done has been all the collateral damage.

Especially my mom.

And now she's dying.

And I need to say good-bye, to explain that this has not been her fault and that I'm so sorry.


That will never happen.

♪ To do. ♪

(door buzzes)

Ms. Graves acted without hesitation when she poured bleach on your late father's portrait?


She said that I had hurt something that she loved, so she was going to hurt something that I loved.

Allred: And what exactly did she love?

Well, I had slipped and accidentally spilled a glass of red wine on a photo of her and Justin Timberlake.

That was a gift from Justin when I did "The Mickey Mouse Club" at the White House.

William: The wine glass shattered.

I needed surgery on my thumb to repair the nerve damage.

Still hurts when it rains or if I push a button.

Allred: And what about the incident at your home in Aspen, Christmas 2013?

We were arguing on the way there.

Olivia kicked me out of the car and took off.

And where did you go?

I walked.

About four miles or so.

It was snowing. Blizzard, actually.

After a mile, my legs gave out.

An Amish family found me.

Hypothermia, frostbite, of course.

Both thumbs basically useless.

Rehab helps.

Ultimately, Your Honor, my client alleges that Olivia Graves was pathologically incapable of true human intimacy because it was impossible for her to feel empathy or to feel love.

Mr. Rockefeller assumed that these were emotions that she never learned.

You are out of line, Gloria.


Mrs. Graves.

We need a break right now.


Judge, give me a moment, please.

(children shouting)

Mr. Pratt, may we come in?

(speaking quietly)

My grandfather wants to know why you're here.

The highway through the reservation.

The Richard Graves Highway.

A final insult to my family.

I didn't name that road, but I want to help you stop it.

Out of guilt?

No, the highway's wrong.

Breaks at least two US treaties.

1868 for starters.

Now, I broke them both drilling for oil.

You broke just about everything.


I can't do anything about the past, but I can do something about the future.

Now, look, the US government is a careless giant.

I can talk to it because I was once a giant.

Go and don't come back.

You know, just because they can't see past the past doesn't mean that we can't still help them.

Do you remember Moscow, sir?

Gorbachev, he didn't want to come to the table, so you twisted every arm that held him up until they snapped at the elbow.


Exactly, Isaiah.

You're getting it now, this path I'm on.

A second chance. Yes, Isaiah.

That's right.

(phone ringing)

(ringing, buzzing)

It's me.

Olivia, thank God.

I'm so happy to hear your voice.

I've been calling you, texting you.

I wanted to answer, I swear I did.

I spoke to my family back in Mexico.

They warned me to stay away.

Okay, does family mean drug people?

(g*n clicks)


Yeah, see, that's weird.

God, I'm a president's daughter.

You're a drug dealer.

We are who we are.

And I don't care what anybody says, you are what I want.

But how can you be so sure about us?

I mean, Jesus, I don't even know if I'm capable of love.

Of course you are.

Love is understanding. It is acceptance.

And that is what you've shown me since the moment we met at your ranch.

Who knows what we are, but I will take the risk if you will.

(music playing)

♪ Useless ♪
♪ Oh, can't you see that I'd be useless? ♪

Isaiah: Working the phones, it's the perfect next step, sir.

Jesus, it's another g*dd*mn voice mail.


(tone beeps)

W., Graves here.

Listen, I need to talk to you.

I'm having a hell of a time down here over a highway.

(tone beeps)

Kissinger, why, you old creep.

Give a shout. I need to talk to you.

(tone beeps)

Baker, Graves here.

How you doing, James? Please call me back. Bye-bye.

You know, I really have a lot of respect for James Baker, but he's not as connected as he used to be.

As in at all.

I know what we do.

Drive, we're going into town.

♪ Oh, how long will they last? ♪
♪ I could almost swear I saw you smiling ♪
♪ Through the glass, then you were gone ♪
♪ Now I'm so... ♪

It's like a convention for the depressed by association.


Hmm, k*ll that smile.


Every phone in here has a direct line to the loony bin down the road.

Is everybody staying here visiting someone at the insane asylum?

Or they're about to check in.

f*ck, f*ck, let's talk marketing.

You feeling down? Do you know a convicted felon?

Do you... do you enjoy the dulcet tones of desperate weeping and psychotic screams?


You are so offensive and yet somehow it's endearing.

That's basically me in a nutshell.

I'm Tasha.



So who do you know on the inside?

Do you remember that greengrocer from Ann Arbor, poisoned all the ears of corn?

The f*cking Cornhusker?

Always hated that name.

Jesus. So many died.

There was, like, the four generations of that family at their big picnic reunion thing.


That grocer is my sweet, churchgoing dad.

You know, my father m*rder*d thousands.

I mean, not directly, but still a shitload of blood on his hands.

You know, the f*cked-up thing is Dad was on a day-to-day basis a great dad.

Sure, when he wasn't poisoning people's corn.


♪ ...with me. ♪
With all the respect in the world, Mr. President, I mean, what part of the title Deputy Assistant Secretary of Transportation suggests to you that I have any decision-making or changing powers?

Don't bullshit me. You know how to make decisions.

You make a decision, people jump on board.

Yeah, the president's made some calls.

Calls to some very important people.

But clearly you understand how the system works and we're under a bit of a time crunch.

Now, I want to get this done fast.

I don't want that g*dd*mn road in my name.

People driving down the Richard Graves Highway to Hell.

The highway is a massive job creator and I can assure you, sir, that the Hennepaw will be fairly compensated.

It's eminent domain.

We've eminent domained an entire population out of their own country.

And now we're chipping away at what little they have left.

Is that right, Nurbin?

Is it?

Make the call now.

Well, shit.

Ms. Graves, in February of 2013, did you intentionally drive your Range Rover into Mr. Rockefeller's Aston Martin?


And then in May of that same year, did you throw a priceless Ming vase at my client because he declined your offer to be intimate with you in a certain very painful position?


And just last year, did you storm into a boardroom in a negligee...

Yes, okay? Yes, Gloria Allred.

Yes to all of it.

Judge, can I have a minute to confer with my client?

No, thank you, Jacob.

Okay, what are you doing?

Ending this.

Jesus, I mean, from the moment I met you, Billy, I thought we were right for each other.

Because we came from the same place, the same things.

We understood each other like soldiers in a foxhole who get home from it all and realize that they don't have anything in common.

Neither of us really wanted this.

It felt expected.

And maybe you're right.

Maybe I was incapable of loving my husband.

But loving him or anyone was never really expected of me.

But that's starting to change because you know what?

Little Livy burned up in a fire and the soon to be ex-Mrs. Rockefeller is f*cking a Mexican drug dealer for whom love is expected and probably required.

I'll sign whatever you want.

And I don't want a penny of his money.

Just be happy.



Richard: The highway's a done deal.

It'll pass right through your land, yes, but now with a higher payment.

Twice as much.

(people murmuring)

You say you want to help, but you don't know how.

If you are willing, I will show you.

(music playing)

We drink the tea to summon the spirit.

If you are true, the Creator will show you the way.


Thank you.

Ooh, smells delicious.

Oh, bitter. Funny.

That's definitely not a chamomile.

Is it a Chinese oolong, maybe?

Interesting, though.

Ooh, definitely nauseous. That's curious.



Jesus, peyote?!

(tea splashes)

Sir, that's a schedule one narcotic.

Of course. What the hell else did you think this was about?

Oh, my God!

(breathing heavily)

Mom? Mom, where...

Oh, my God. Mom, breathe.

Mom, come here. Just sit down.

Keep breathing. Just breathe.


Just like you always taught me.

(breathing heavily)

Okay. It's okay.

I just think I ate something that didn't agree with me.

Or learning who your daughter really is made you literally nauseous.

Don't say things like that, Olivia.

God damn it, I hate when you do that. I know who you really are.



I'm sorry.

Well, you're a mess.



Did I push you into that marriage?

I mean, ish.

Tell me how to help you.

If I want something and it's important to me, then that has to be okay.

Because otherwise I'm never gonna be happy.

I need to be free.


I know I was a total bitch about it, but I think you're gonna be a kick-ass senator.


So call that woman in the sensible skirts...


...and you tell her that your answer is hell f*cking yes.


Fight the man, Maggie.

(phone chiming)


It wasn't oolong, Sammy.

I mean, I only had a couple sips, but still it's a schedule one narcotic.

I mean, I'll never pass a high security clearance if I ever want to work at the state department.

I barely recognize myself, you know?

I mean, I'm cuddling with this goat who seems to be okay with it, you know?

Wait, wait, wait. A goat?

Wait, what are you talking about? Where are you?

I don't know.

I mean, maybe I could drop a pin and you could come?

(music playing)

(coyote howls)

♪ Well, you'll be so down ♪
♪ You don't want it... ♪

Richard's voice: Harlan Pratt.

I knew you'd come.

♪ Shout and then scream about... ♪

Harlan: Sometimes the battle is already lost.

Sometimes it's just standing on the side of what is right that is important.

♪ Dream and sleep at night ♪
♪ Before we get this 'cause it feel all right... ♪

(g*n clicks)

Richard's voice: Treadwell.



(crickets chirping)

Samantha: I still can't believe this.

I'm really sad, Sammy.

Truth is, you should be sad, too.


You know why.

Iz, just lay back down and we'll wait this out together, okay?



We're never gonna be together.


Iz, you're tripping.

You don't get it.

What... what is there to get?

I thought we were just having fun.

I don't...

Exactly, yeah, fun.

We're never really gonna be together.

I'm gonna be a congressman or a secretary of state or even president, Sammy.

All this, all this on you, the tattoos, you know, the piercings, the life you've lived, the conservative world I live in.

Come on.


Are you serious right now?

You know, what would people say?

Here, keep drinking this until you stop spinning.

Wait, wait. Where are you going?

f*ck you.

(music playing)


This is the best mental hospital serial k*ller dad visit ever.

Oh, man.

Okay, so you seriously... you never knew who your dad was?



I mean, yeah, I guess I didn't always think my dad was a narcissistic assh*le either.

So you're the angry man-child.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we'd been introduced.


Yeah, that's me.

"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger."

Come on, don't f*cking quote Buddha. God.

You know, our fathers, they do what they can with what they're given.

You don't actually believe that, do you?

I have to.


Because if it's not them, it's us.

Do what's right tomorrow at the Treadwell parole thing.

(laughs) Okay.

Yeah, you want to tell me what the hell that is?


Whatever you need it to be.

(birds chirping)

Russell, your father was a good man.

You need to know this.

And as far as the government and this road, I have no power.

But I can offer you something.

I will stand with you
against the giant.

(music playing)

Freedom, kid... the absence of fear.

(clicks tongue)

♪ Oh, here I come ♪
♪ Because I don't know better ♪
♪ I'm a thief and a sinner... ♪

Richard: In 1872, we consigned the Hennepaw to this reservation.

We took their land.

We broke what spirit they had left.

Now we're about to break our last promise.

So now I ask the government, which I once ran, to please take my g*dd*mn name off this road and stop it.

(engine starts)

♪ We all fall down ♪
♪ We all fall down ♪
♪ We all fall down... ♪

Reporter: Despite peaceful protests by the former president, construction will move forward as planned.

The one concession the government has made is that they will remove his name from the highway.

♪ We all fall down ♪
♪ We all fall down ♪
♪ We all fall down ♪
♪ We all fall down... ♪

Annie: I don't know how to spin this one.

Margaret, your husband looks like he's gone left-wing radical with what he's doing.

I don't need you to tell me what my husband's doing.

You're here to advise me what to do next.

Tell me the right person is standing beside me, Annie.

She is.


Here's what's gonna happen.

Have Lawrence call Martin Bashir.

Make Martin think it's his idea to do a profile piece for "America 360."

We are gonna manage the message up until the exact moment I'm standing at a podium to announce, understood?


You've been telling me for weeks now this train has got to leave the station.

Fine, we're leaving.

And I'm driving.

♪ Well, if I've seen it once ♪
♪ I've seen it time and again ♪
♪ You don't know where you're going ♪
♪ Don't know where you are... ♪

This guy's a monster, okay?

He's a sick man who gave up his rights the moment he even thought about pointing a g*n at my father.

The fact that I was just a little boy, that I witnessed it, that's just collateral damage.

His mother shouldn't die thinking that what he did was in any way her fault.

She did nothing wrong.

So let him tell her that.

Let him give her some peace.


And then stick a f*cking needle in his arm, please.

♪ We all fall down ♪
♪ We all fall down ♪
♪ We all fall down ♪
♪ Down, down. ♪
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