01x08 - The Results

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Designated Survivor". Aired: January 10, 2018 to present.*
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"Designated Survivor" revolves around a low-level Cabinet member, who becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him in the Presidential line of succession.
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01x08 - The Results

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Designated Survivor"...

Majid Nassar is dead?

They say he was poisoned.

Peter MacLeish has closer ties to the attack than Nassar ever did, and we have evidence of that.

Kirkman needs to know that.

We're never gonna find a better candidate for vice president than MacLeish.

Please tell me that you've got some answers.

We're looking into every possibility.

I never thought I'd be dealing with this again...

Whether or not Leo was mine.

Beck: Catalan's a mercenary and a traitor.

I know who k*lled Nassar.

Your son will be safe as long as you do everything I tell you to do.

Make an appointment with the president.

I'll be in touch.

[Man reciting in Arabic]

Man: This is the Janazah of Majid Nassar.

The date is February 6th.

The time is 21:08.

[Helicopter blades whirring]

Seth: Tomorrow marks a momentous occasion in our nation's history.

It's an unprecedented election to choose a new House of Representatives.

It is also the next, and perhaps most important step, President Kirkman is taking to re-establish our government in the wake of the Capitol attack.

The president urges every American, no matter what their political affiliation, get out there tomorrow and cast a vote.

Yeah, Natalie.

Seth, is the White House concerned about a new strain of the H5N1 super-flu?

12 reported cases in the Kansas City area in the last 24 hours, all resistant to known treatment...

Yeah, so far the CDC's been tracking that, and there's no cause for alarm, okay?

If there are no further questions, thank you all for very much for another exciting briefing.

Seth, is Majid Nassar dead?

[Crowd murmuring, camera shutters clicking]


I know.

Briggs: I have a source at Fort Bragg, says a Muslim chaplain was put on a plane yesterday at 6:00 p.m.

Told to prepare for a Muslim burial.

A second source confirms it was for a high-value prisoner, almost certainly Majid Nassar.

Yes, that's true.

[Indistinct shouting]

Two days ago, Majid Nassar was found dead in his jail cell.

The circumstances of his capture, detention, and interrogation are all matters of national security, and I have no...

Seth, is he dead because of enhanced interrogation techniques, or what some would call t*rture?

No. The prisoner was kept in the strictest accordance with the Geneva Convention.

This president would have it no other way.

I'm sorry, but that's really all I can tell you at this time, okay? Thank you guys.

[Indistinct shouting]

[Remote clicks, door opens]

Mr. President.

Seth did the right thing.

We agreed. If it came up, we would go with the truth.

I would have liked it if we could have announced it ourselves, but we didn't have the facts.

Well, unfortunately, this is only gonna lead to more questions about Nassar's death.

And your integrity. They're saying he died of t*rture.

Seth denied that.

With all due respect, Mr. President, simply saying no lacks a certain specificity that the press will not accept.

If we don't address this right away in detail, it'll dominate the headlines.

It'll force the elections to take a back seat.

Where are we at with the investigation?

Atwood finally called back. He'll be here at 10:00.

Let's hope he's got something for us this time.

♪ ♪


I owe you a bear claw.

You've been here all night?

You're wearing the same thing you wore yesterday.

Who's that? A new lead?

Just a witness statement I never got around to reading.

Hey, has Jason logged in to the system yet? I haven't seen him.

Yeah, his office is looking for him, too.

He's not answering texts or e-mails.

I kind of figured if anyone knew where he was, it'd be you.

Speak of the devil.

[Door opens]


Is Luke okay? Did you... Did you find him?

Yeah, he was...

He was at his friend's house.


I called 10 times last night.

I know. Thank you.

I'm sorry I didn't get back to you.

I was just worried. I thought it might be...

[Chuckles] Conspiracy? No, no.

Thank God it wasn't.

No, he, um... [Breathes deeply] wasn't where he was supposed to be.

You know, Jason, if you ever need anything, I'm here to help.

Thank you.

[Cellphone vibrating]

You gonna answer that?

Yeah, when you give me some privacy.

Of course.

Agent Wells, you want to help?

Look into the Weddle case.

The Weddle case? What does that have to do with anything?

Thank you.

[Sighs] Hello?

Woman: Good morning, Jason.

Yeah, I, um...

I set up the meeting with the president.

That's very good.

And we appreciate you not telling anyone about our conversation.

Luke does, too.

I want to speak to my son right now.

Stay in your office. Wait for our next call.


[Dial tone]

Hey, Chuck.

Listen, keep this between us, but get me everything you can on the Weddle case.


I don't know yet.

Hookstraten: With all due respect, Mr. President, as half of Congress, I shouldn't have to find out about Nassar's death on my RSS feed.

You're absolutely right.

And I know. And I am sorry.

I just didn't feel comfortable saying anything until we knew.

You really don't know who k*lled Majid Nassar?

Or how? Or why?

Unfortunately, no.

Obviously, the investigation is under way.

And I promise you, from now on, we will keep you and your office informed.

The man was in a military prison under maximum security.

Two days have gone by, and no one can tell us how he managed to die?

I don't disagree with you. It's bad.

And I know that you and I have had our differences, but we cannot allow this one instance to overshadow the importance of tomorrow's elections.

This is the first step that we are taking to rebuilding our country.

We need our government to work at full strength, and it cannot without its Congress and its Speaker.

I'll do everything I can to get you that Congress.

Thank you.

Mr. President.

[Door opens]

Mr. President.

I'm sorry. This is an emergency.

It's about that situation in Kansas City.

This is Dr. Arnold from the CDC, Lieutenant Colonel Gatz, Army Medical.

What's going on?

That flu outbreak in the Midwest...

It's not the flu, sir.

What is it?

Dr. Arnold: I'm afraid it's far more serious, Mr. President.

The infected are victims of a synthetic toxin.


Ricin, sir.

In extreme-fine powder form.

My God.

It's not an epidemic, sir.

No. It's an act of bioterrorism.

Dr. Arnold: Each of the 12 confirmed cases varies in age, background, and occupation...

A 73-year-old retired schoolteacher, a 31-year-old construction crane operator, a 55-year-old agricultural equipment salesman.

Other than they're all from the greater Kansas City metro area, we haven't uncovered any other link.

Beside the fact that they've all be exposed to ricin.

How is the toxin transmitted?

It's still unclear.

And DHS has no idea of a motive?

I've got every DHS agency working on this.

We have ideas about motives, but nothing solid, sir.

Do any of those ideas include Al-Sakar, in retaliation for the capture and now death of Majid Nassar?

That's our most likely scenario.

Very good. Keep me apprised of the situation.

Obviously, time is of the essence.

Thank you, all.

Leo: So, how long you on carpool duty?

The agency's just easing me back into the job till I'm back up to speed.

Well, if it helps, I got my permit.

Next time I can drive, and you can ride in back.



When you learn to assemble a Glock 9mm with one hand, and drive backwards around an S-curve at 90 miles an hour, I just might let you.


Hey, buddy.

You know this guy?

Jared Abbott. I'm with the Chronicle.

Leo, what do you think of the rumor that the president isn't your father?

Leo, get inside the school... Now.

That your real dad is actually an inmate in a federal prison?

The president's kids are off-limits, and you're on private property.

Step like that again, and I'll put you on the ground.

Drew, get this fool out of here.

Sorry about that.

It's gonna happen from time to time now that you're in the public eye, but it doesn't mean you got to respond to every rumor.



[School bell rings]

I got to get to class.

♪ ♪

[Cellphone vibrating]


Go to your car.

We'll send further instructions.

Listen to me.

I'm not gonna do another thing until I hear from my son.

You're in no position to negotiate.

I want to hear my son.

Luke... it's your dad.

Luke: Daddy?


I want to go home.

I know, baby.

Uh... where did... where did we go for your birthday this year?

We went to Disney World.

Right, and what's your favorite ride?

Mission: SPACE.

I'm gonna bring you home soon, okay?

Go to your car, agent... Now.


♪ ♪

[Door closes]

[Door closes, elevator whirring]

Read this.

Once you're face-to-face with Kirkman, I want you to do exactly as it says.

[Camera shutter clicking]

There's no way I'm doing this.

These are the terms, Jason.

This is not a negotiation. You have an hour.

After that, you'll either find your son safe at home... or not.

You do know you're not gonna get away with this?

You know we're watching.

It's your choice how this plays out.

♪ ♪

Homeland Security thinks the ricin attack is most likely retribution for Nassar's death.

The public needs to feel safe if they're gonna get out and vote tomorrow.

I know. We're running through a variety of situations to try and accomplish that.

Hey, sweetheart.

Why aren't you at school?

Everything all right?

Um, I'm not sure how to ask this, but... are you my real father?


Of course I'm your father.

Why would you even ask that?

This reporter asked me at school.

Leo, please sit down.

I-I-I don't understand why the reporter would even ask me that question.

Look, I understand how hurt that must have made you feel.

Please, Leo, just sit down. Let me try and...

Sweetheart, listen to me.

Before I met your dad, I was with someone else.

And when we broke up, I...

W-Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

So... So you don't know for sure who my dad is.

Leo, I'm your dad.

Look, your mom and I were getting married.

She was pregnant with you, our son.

That's all we cared about.

You guys were never gonna tell me?

Leo, there was nothing to tell you.

Leo, come back here!

Wait. Tom, Tom, Tom.

We need to talk about this now.

Tom, give him a second, okay?

I'm not waiting to take this DNA test.

[Telephone rings]

This better be an emergency.

Man: Sir, the CDC has new information about the situation in Kansas City.

Thank you.

What's the update on the ricin attack?

CDC found the link, sir.

All the victims are poll workers.

Poll workers?

Volunteers, sir, for tomorrow's election.

Emily: Homeland Security says the ricin was deposited on the machines, where it could become airborne and inhaled.

Whoever did this was trying to infect people while they were voting.

It's not just an isolated attack on some polls.

Damn right.

This is an attack on the election itself.

As much as I want these elections to happen, I don't think we can risk it.

Sir, there's still a chance the FBI and DHS can give the all-clear before the elections.

It's possible as many as 146 million people are gonna vote tomorrow.

Do you honestly think that they can inspect every machine in every booth across all 50 states?

Aaron: Sir, we still have a day.

A*F has several promising leads.

No, Aaron. We've got 17 hours.

17 hours if we're gonna save this election.

Sir, we have to try.

You're right.

You're right. Okay.

Contact the FBI, CDC, and DHS.

Get them to form a joint task force.

Mobilize them immediately.

I want updates as soon as they come in.

Seth, I want you to tell the press that the inspections are precautionary due to the state of alert in the country.

We've got 17 hours, everybody.

17 hours. Good luck.

Yes, sir.

Seth, can I borrow you for a second?

I thought you said the Jeffrey Meyers story was dead.

It was.

Then can you explain to me why a reporter asked my son in front of his school if I was his real father?

[Sighs] I'm sorry, sir. I'll find out.

I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

[Cellphone rings]


Hannah, I looked into the Weddle case.

I don't have time for that right now.

I'm trying to find Atwood.

Hear me out.

That case was closed eight years ago.


Weddle was this DEA special agent.

He built an airtight case against a local cartel, until the cartel kidnapped Weddle's daughter and forced him to recant everything.

The case was thrown out, and all charges dropped.

Okay, I need you to track Jason's phone.

You... You...

A... A deputy director of the FBI? Our boss?

Listen to me.

The photo you saw this morning wasn't a witness statement.

It's the man who k*lled Majid Nassar.

I think the people who did this are trying to make Jason do something. I don't know.

But I need to know where his is... now.

[Keyboard clacking]


We got a problem here.


Atwood's an expert in surveillance detection.

He must have pulled the cellphone battery.

I can't locate it.

Well, hack into his in-car nav.

Something, anything.

Okay, give me a second and speak kindly about me at my trial.


[Keyboard clacking]

Okay. I got him.

He's making a left onto H Street.

From where?


He's making a left.

A right.

Now he's heading east.

On what?


White House.

[Engine revs]

Yes, it is a unique election that keeps getting even more unusual now that it's threatened by reports of ricin at the polls.

Hey, Lisa. Got a second?

Hey. What's going on?

The Leo Kirkman story...

I thought you said you were gonna make it go away.

I did.


Some journalist showed up at Leo's school today, blindsided him.

[Sighs] Seth, I-I-I warned you.

Just because I didn't run with the story didn't mean someone else wasn't gonna look into this eventually.

So it's just a coincidence that that reporter was some stringer from your paper?

A kid named Jared Abbott.

I don't know what to tell you.

My editor is a dog with a bone.

He must have put him on it after I bailed.

Do you want me to look into it?

No, it's okay. I got it from here.

♪ ♪

I'm Special Agent Hannah Wells.

The car you just let through, the silver one...

That was my boss, Jason Atwood.

I was supposed to be in the car with him, but I was late.

Are you on the pre-cleared visitors list?

As I said to you, I was late.

I was supposed to be with him, so...

You know better than that, ma'am.

You're either on the pre-cleared list, or you're not getting in.

[Sighs] Okay.

[Cellphone beeps]


Come on.

Jason, I looked into the Weddle case.

What happened to that DEA agent could have been avoided if he had help.

Let me help you.

Let's figure this out together. Come on.

[Cellphone vibrating]
Director Atwood. Please, come in.

Thank you, Wyatt.

Mr. President.

Take a seat.

I'm fine, sir.

It's been two days since Nassar was found dead.

I hope to God that you're coming to me with some answers this time.

I am, sir.

Majid Nassar was k*lled by a lethal dose of a poison called thallium.

It was mixed into his food.

Do we know who had access to his food?

Yes, sir.

I did.

I'm sorry. What did you say?

I poisoned his food.

Excuse me, Director.

I either misheard you or you misspoke.

No, you heard me correctly.

I poisoned...

Majid Nassar.

That doesn't make sense.

Wh... Why would you do that?

After speaking to him, it was clear we wouldn't get anything, ever.

A man like that doesn't deserve to live.

I did it for all those that lost their lives at the Capitol.

I did it for my country, and I did it for my family.

My son...

[Breathes deeply]

My son should not have to live in a world where evil like this is allowed to exist.

I acted alone, and I would do it again, no question.

When the toxicology report comes in, it'll confirm everything that I've said.

I k*lled Majid Nassar.

Press the button, sir.

Man: Mr. President, step away from the desk.

♪ ♪

The toxicologist just performed the spot test for thallium poisoning. It was positive, sir.

There's no way Atwood could have known it was thallium.

Not unless he did it.

It doesn't make sense.

You work your entire career, build a perfect record, ascend to the position of deputy director, and then throw it all away?

Nassar boasted about k*lling nearly a thousand people.

Atwood knew most of them. We all did.

We saw people after 9/11 who wouldn't hurt a fly screaming for blood.

Tragedy changes people.

I understand all that.

It just doesn't feel right.

I want someone to reach out to some of Atwood's closest colleagues.

Inquire into his state of mind.

See if there's something we're not being told.

I'll see who's closest to Atwood at the bureau, arrange a meeting.

Okay, let's do it.

Sir, they need you in the COC.

They found a suspect in the ricin case.

Walter Lynch, 44 years of age. Worked as a truck driver.

Currently on state disability insurance.

A*F and FBI apprehended him at his home outside Scotts Bluff.

In his home, we found evidence of ricin production and a list of polling stations across the country.

Most are on his former delivery routes.

We've notified the authorities at these locations to verify their safety.

Do we have a motive?

Lynch had posted multiple anti-government messages on social media.

His attack on the polls appears to be consistent with his views.

Sir, I think we should make an announcement right away.

The public should know that the suspect's in custody, there's no link to Nassar, and it's safe to go to the polls.

I'm afraid we can't do that just yet, sir.

A search of Lynch's Web activity shows he's affiliated with a domestic anti-government militia known as the Liberty Defenders.

16 confirmed cells throughout the West and Southwest.

Lynch urged other members to spread ricin at polls in their respective states.

So you're saying the threat is not contained.

Our field officers need more time to be certain.

How much more time?

Worst-case scenario...

72 hours to clear all the militia members.

The election is tomorrow.

We can't say with absolute certainty that the polling stations will be safe.

[Whispering indistinctly]

Mr. President, I have unfortunate news.

One of the poll workers, Mindy Hesser...

The schoolteacher.

She just died, sir.

Thank you, everyone. Excuse me.


Thanks for coming. Seth Wright.

Yeah, I know.

Never been invited to the White House.

It's pretty cool, isn't it?

I've dreamed of this place.

Have a seat.

I'm glad you like it, because if you ever sandbag the president's teenage son again, consider yourself banned for life.

[Laughing] Whoa! Easy!

I was just doing my job.

But if you want the story gone, it's gone.

It wasn't even mine to begin with.

I know.

Lisa Jordan k*lled the story, and then your editor slipped it onto you.

Trust me, he's next on my invite list.

What are you talking about?

Lisa gave me the tip, not my editor.



She said she couldn't run with it herself, but thought that someone should.

Look, I know we didn't get off on the right foot, but since I'm already here, do you think you could show me the bowling alley Truman built?

Get out of here, Jared.

♪ ♪


Hey. Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you.

Find Atwood?

No. Hang on. We'll talk in a minute.

Agent Wells.

Yes, this is Aaron Shore, President Kirkman's Chief of Staff.

How can I help you, Mr. Shore?

I was wondering if you could stop by the White House to discuss a highly confidential, urgent matter.

May I ask what this is regarding?

The death of Majid Nassar.

[Door closes]

No guarantees here.

We can't risk any more innocent lives.

Yes, sir, but canceling the election?

Sir, without a Congress, we can't meet budget deadlines or raise a debt ceiling.

The economy...

Takes second place to a body count.

Sir, even if we postpone the election, there's no guarantee there won't be another threat or another attack.

I mean, at some point, we're just gonna have to take a chance.

And what if more lives are lost at the polls tomorrow?

It takes one person to poison a polling station.

Thousands of people could be infected.

I'm sorry. I just can't do it.

Seth, gather the press.

I'll make the announcement myself.

Your first press conference.

Not exactly how I pictured it.

Sir, in the history of the Republic, federal elections have never been canceled, not by weather, w*r or threat of an attack.

Well, unfortunately, we're living in a time of firsts.

Could I have a moment, please?




Um... the results came in.

Leo's waiting. He wants to talk to you alone.

Did you look at them?

No, I didn't.


I'm afraid I'm gonna lose him.

Don't. Stop it.

Man: Not after 9/11.

Man #2: There's no data to predict voter turnout this election. In the history...

You haven't opened it.


I don't need to.

I don't need a lab or genetics to tell me what I already know.

What I've always known, from the day you were born and every day since.

Whatever it says in here isn't gonna change anything.

At least not for me.

Leo, you will always be my son.

And I will always be your father.

The only reason why I never talked to you about this before, honestly, is because it didn't matter to me.

But I never thought about how it might matter to you, and for that, I was wrong.

And I'm sorry.

So, this... is for you, to open or not.

And whatever you chose to do, I will respect.

But, Leo, I need you to know how much I love you.

I should finish my homework.


[Door opens, closes]

Woman: How else do you plan to stand up to t*rrorists?

Man: Wouldn't it be better to postpone the election until the polls can be properly secured? That way, we're not risking the lives of the poll workers and the voters. We're now getting word we're going to go live now to the woman whose mother, Mindy Hesser, was the first victim of the ricin poisoning. My mother volunteered at the polls because she thought everyone deserved to have a voice. She said so many people sacrificed their lives for that ideal. The least she could do was help elections run smoothly.

[Sniffles] That's the kind of person she was. I wish more of us were like her.

[Voice breaking] Sorry.

[Indistinct conversations]

Should just be a couple more minutes.

That's what you said 45 minutes ago.

Yes, Natalie. I'll say it again in another 45 if he's not here.

Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States.

Thank you, Seth.

Thank you, sir.

Please, be seated.

Good afternoon.

As you already know, some of our polling stations in the Kansas City area have been the subject of a bioterrorism attack.

And even though our federal, state, and local law officials are assuring us that the polling stations will be safe, understandably, many Americans are still scared.

Tragically, one of our volunteer poll workers lost their life during the attack.

Her name was Mindy Hesser.

And as many of our poll workers have declined to volunteer this election cycle for fear of further att*cks, Mindy showed up.

She set up her table, updated her voting rolls, as she has for nearly 23 years.

Moments ago, I had the honor of talking to Mindy's daughter, and she told me that no fear or uncertainty would ever have prevented her mother from carrying out what she considered to be her most important civic duty...

Protecting our right to vote.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Many of my colleagues have advised me to cancel these elections.

But I have been inspired by Mindy's actions.

So I have decided that these elections will go forward as planned.

[Crowd murmuring]

Tomorrow morning, I myself will go to the polls alongside my fellow Americans, and I will cast my ballot.

I believe we owe it to Mindy and to every other American that has given their life to protect our great democracy.

We cannot live in fear.

We will not live in fear.

Thank you, and God bless America.

[Indistinct shouting]

Congratulations, sir. I understand the election will go on as planned.

It was the right move, sir.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, that is not why I asked you both here.

Earlier today, at approximately 10:00 a.m., Jason Atwood confessed to the k*lling of Majid Nassar.

Wait, I'm sorry. The deputy director of the FBI k*lled the world's most wanted t*rror1st?

I'm afraid so.

During his confession to me, he stated that he did not believe that Nassar was gonna provide us with any useful information and that on behalf of our fallen at the Capitol Building, he felt it his patriotic duty to take Nassar's life.

His patriotic duty?

It's m*rder, and a catastrophic failure of national security.

I know, I know.

And I have every intention of investigating it, but right now, the case is strictly classified and under the jurisdiction of Army CIC and the FBI.

I have asked Aaron Shore to interview some of Atwood's closest colleagues.

Hopefully we can find out something more.

Well, tomorrow's election gives us a Congress.

Then I can open up an independent investigation to assist you.

I'm not sure if the first act of our new Congress should be this investigation.

Surely there are more pressing issues that we need to get on with.

No, Peter, I think the congresswoman is right.

Our first priority should be gaining the nation's trust.

Kimble, thank you.


[Door closes]

Great speech by the president.

You did a final polish, right?

You know, we had a deal, and you broke it.

Next time you try to be a Woodward, pick a better Bernstein than Jared Abbott.

Look, to be fair, all I said was that I wouldn't run with the story, and I didn't.

No, you just gave it to somebody else.

Seth, come on.

Like it or not, it is news.

Maybe not to you, but to millions of Americans about to cast their votes tomorrow, the president's relationship with the truth means something.

I like you.

Seth, I really do.

Okay? But asking me to choose between you and the truth will produce an outcome that won't make either of us happy.

♪ ♪

[Cellphone beeps]

[Door opens]

Aaron: Thank you for coming in on such short notice.

How can I help you?

There's no easy way to say this, but earlier today, Director Atwood met with the president, and he confessed to assassinating Majid Nassar.

Now, he claims to have used thallium...


...to poison Nassar.

That's not possible.

This is a shock to everyone, which is why I wanted to speak with you...

To see if you've noticed anything out of the ordinary, recent life changes.

Has he said anything unusual?

Anything suspicious in the past week?

Agent Wells?

Sorry. I...

I can understand this is overwhelming, but can you think of anything that might help us understand Atwood's m*rder of Nassar?


May I see him?

I'm sorry, Agent Wells, but he is being held in a maximum-security facility.

He's not allowed any visitors.

Chuck, tell me you can trace that text.

You know, there's only a handful of people in the global intelligence community capable of tracing a text.

And you're one of them, right?


But luckily, I know someone with the Mossad who passed me an encryption key.

So you can get a location?

[Sighs] It's not that easy.

Instead, you'll have to settle for a phone number.

Woman: In a bid to encourage voter turnout, President Kirkman will cast his vote at the polls tomorrow.

Secret Service is gonna let him go?

Thought you guys were supposed to protect him.

Parents get their own ideas.

...ballot box. As the country prepares for election day, the question that seems to be on everyone's mind...

You know, my... my dad's called me every day since I joined the Secret Service just to make sure I'm staying safe.

Mike, I...

I know what you're doing.

You're trying to tell me, no matter what, my dad cares.

No, I'm telling you about my dad.

Taught me how to hoop and how to talk to girls.

He pretty much made me who I am today.

The funny thing is, I didn't know him till I was 3.

That's when my mom married him.

I never met my biological father.

Those tests... They tell you biology.

But they don't tell you who your dad is.

Don't stay up too late watching the news.

Can't always trust what you see.

♪ ♪

It's Wednesday, February 7th...

The day the president and our nation have been waiting for. Beginning at 6:30 a.m. in the East, polls across the country will be open. The question, of course, on everyone's mind... are voters going to show up? Local police and fire departments, even the National Guard...

You look beautiful.

...have been stationed at polling stations across the country, ready to respond...

[Sirens wailing]

Have you spoken to Leo?

No, not a word.

I don't even know if he's opened the test results yet.


[Sighs] No.

He won't speak to me either.

When I was taking the oath of office, you know, the only thing I was honestly scared about was what this could possibly do to our family.


I could never have seen this one coming.

Well, whatever he decides, we've realized our new house can't hold any secrets.


[Siren chirping]


[Indistinct shouting, camera shutters clicking]

Maybe it'll pick up later.

Yeah, you want to put money on that?

I'm so sorry, sweetie.


I know that look.

Come on, talk to me.

I took a vow to do everything in my power to lead this country back after the bombing.

I know we've had a few things thrown at us, but if I can't even get the American people to vote...

You made a decision to move forward with the elections when most would have shied away.

You made a commitment that this country needed, and now we're finally gonna have a Congress.

What kind of a Congress is that gonna be?

A House that represents 10% of the country is no government at all.

They call me an illegitimate president.

They'll call it an illegitimate Congress, and they'd be right.

Tom, they saw you go to the polls.

They know that they can trust you.

Don't they say that one vote can make all the difference?

You were there, also.

That's two votes.


Let's hope they don't cancel each other out.

[Door opens]


Leo, everything all right?

I couldn't sleep last night.

I don't want this in my room.

It's still sealed.

I don't need to open it either.

I know you're my dad.

Come... Come here.


Thank you.


He's definitely my son.

That's not even funny.

Sir? They're waiting for you.

I'm sorry. What is it?

Aaron, give me a second. I'll be right in.

Yes, sir.

Woman: It's an unusual election in American history. The ricin attack in Kansas City...

Excuse me. Thank you.

Many voters are afraid to vote.

But what was threatening to be a light turnout is not so light after all. Voters are lining up at the polling booths to make sure their votes are counted. When asked why they decided to come out today, the majority said, "Because President Kirkman went to vote."

They're voting, Mr. President.

They won't have complete returns until later, but they're already calling it a victory... for democracy.

Thank you, Seth.

Also, got a heads-up from DHS.

The joint task force followed through with the remaining militia members.

They concluded there's no more ricin.

Lynch was acting alone.

Tomorrow, you'll have a Congress.

A new government.

We'll still need a Cabinet and a vice president, but we're working on it.

Tom: We'll get there, Aaron.

Any word on Atwood?

I spoke to Agent Wells.

She said nothing to dispel his confessions.



There's something I need you to do for me.

♪ ♪

Seth: Mr. President, Lisa Jordan.

I know you've been asking questions about me and my son.

I have your answer.

A definitive one.

A DNA test.

Margin of error... 01%.

About as certain as you're gonna find in this world.

I am Leo's biological father.

I can't imagine it's much of a story anymore, but I wanted you to know the truth.

Thank you, Mr. President.

I assume I should hand these back to my editor.

Not on my account.

I believe our country is only as strong as our journalists.

I expect you to keep us honest.

Ms. Jordan.

Thank you, Seth.

Good night, sir.

So I guess we'll still be working together.

Yes, but only working.

I trusted you.

You took advantage of it.

Thank you, Mr. Press Secretary.

Thank you, Ms. Jordan.


Woman: Hello?

Last time we spoke, I found Room 105, and now the only person I trust is behind bars.

How did you get this number?

I'm done talking to an anonymous voice over the phone.

You have something to say to me, meet me.

11:14 p.m.


I don't intend to meet you, ever.

11:14 p.m.

Look into it.



Don't you look happy.

Well, it's a good day.

The president is getting his Congress... which is why I'm here.

I wanted to let you know that if you do go ahead with an investigation, it will be without my support.

I admire your loyalty, Peter.

I just don't understand it.

We both know Kirkman can't get out of his own way.

Whether it's his lack of experience or the times we're in... he won't last.

Unless that's what you're counting on...

That when he goes down, assuming you make it to V.P., you would be the last man standing.

It's a brilliant path to the White House.

I just can't believe I didn't see it until now.

You got an overactive imagination, Kimble.

I don't think so.

But when I take him down, I'll make sure I don't leave you behind.

Good night, Kimble.

♪ ♪

[Thunder rumbling]

Woman: You're late.

Atwood managed to tie up a loose end for us today.

I heard.

I want you to stay on top of any fallout, any further investigation into Nassar's m*rder.

Fine. [Breathes deeply]

Cheer up, Peter.

You're about to be a heartbeat away.

And how many more good people need to be destroyed before that happens?

Just one.

[Thunder crashes]

♪ ♪
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