01x05 - A Clatter and a Chatter

Episode transcripts for the 2016 TV show "Aftermath" Aired: September 27 to December 20, 2016*
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"Aftermath" revolves around the Copeland family, a couple with three almost-grown children, who struggle to survive as natural disasters, followed by the rise of supernatural beings, brings civilization to an end.
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01x05 - A Clatter and a Chatter

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Aftermath"...

I'm gonna stay.

Can you please tell her she can't stay here?

Truth is I could use someone.


I'm a nurse. It makes sense.

You don't have to aim this one.

You sh**t so many rounds, and you can't miss.

You're my whole life now.

Just get out!

Feverheads! Stay down!

Run! Run!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Josh, slow down!

[sighs] I can't see 'em. I think we're clear.

Is everybody all right?

Yeah. Cool.


What is it?

That's not possible.

It's... It's not good.

Oh, my God.

There's no water on the map.

The ocean is 15 miles from here.

Not anymore.

♪ ♪

[engines revving] [indistinct shouting]

[dramatic music]

We got company.

Shit, guys, we're trapped.

[horse neighs]

I can't believe it.

♪ ♪

"I looked and saw a pale horse.

Its rider's name was 'Death'."

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[indistinct shouting]

♪ ♪

[horse neighs]

[ominous music]

Whoa. Hey, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa.

Uh-uh. I got a Tac Vest, son.

1,500 feet a second to puncture it, and that BB g*n does not hit 12, so put that down before you hurt yourself.




Aw, Booner.

Karen Farrell.

Booty? Booty! Oh, my God!

Booty, where the hell have you been, girl?

You come over here and give me some love!

[both laugh]



Did he just call our mom "Booty?"





You know you look good.

Would you stop?

No. I'm serious. I mean the apocalypse suits you.

Stop. Lamar, this is my husband, Josh Copeland.

Hi. I've heard a lot about you.

Yeah? Most of it is true.

Lucky for me, I've forgotten it.

And these are my children.

This is Matt and Brianna and Dana.

Kids, Lamar Boone, aka Booner.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Son of a bitch!


You were supposed to wait on me.

Knock it off.

No. I thought you were gonna wait for me.

She said she was gonna wait for me.

Did you call her "Booty?"

Yes, I called your mother "Booty."

Everybody in the AF did.

Also something that's not true because they had another nickname for me and it wasn't that.

Which was what?

They called me "Beauty."

Which I customized to "Booty."

Thanks. Thanks for that.

Because, you know?


Okay. They're grown.


So is the intense one yours too?

Oh, he just joined us.


Yeah, Devyn. Devyn just joined us.

He saved my life.

Oh... kay.

Strange days, huh?

Anyway, what the hell are you doing all the way out here at the end of the world?

No, we were running from the Feverheads, and then we ran into the ocean.

Yeah, yeah, that last quake re-sculpted the whole coast. My base is on high ground.

Otherwise, we would've drowned like everybody else.

On the other hand, you can catch salmon right at the dock.

Y'all hungry?

Yeah. We're starving.

You are a lucky girl.

You look like your mama. You could've looked like him.


That's a good one.

Thank you.

So we ran into Jeff Quantrell.

Is he still running that crazy ass plague zone?


Some of the Feverheads actually just broke loose.


Our Aunt, Sally, stayed behind to help mop things up.

Well, if I know Quantrell, he's got everything under control by now.


[indistinct shouting]


Get up.

All right, we gotta keep going.

This way!

[both panting]

Over here.


All right, we lost 'em.

But they ransacked your entire operation and destroyed everything!

And now the Feverheads are gonna infect everything in their path.

We got to get to Booner's and warn him.

So if you spend so much time with them, how come you're not infected?

I got a supply of high potency tetra.

I took it every time I got sick.

With the Feverheads trashing the camp, I missed my last dose, but it's okay.

I got a small cabin two or three miles south of here.

It's on the way to Booner's. I got an emergency stash there.

We got to go there now. Come on!

Quantrell told us you have an operation up there.

You call it the "Alamo"? [laughs]

Yeah. Not my name, but it stuck.

Been planning it for years.

I always knew that something like this was gonna happen.

You have the gift of prophecy?

Hell no!

It was just kind of obvious.

Stay ready. It cost me a wife.

So you got married?

On the rebound from us.

There was no "us," Lamar.


[whispers] No "us." [chuckles]

Ah! She was a fine woman, just didn't believe in much.

So now, I've got my own base, food, a*mo, my own platoon, and no government except me.

You're the only person I know whose life has been improved by the apocalypse.

Roger that, Booty.


Man, I love this shit. Okay.

Y'all come back to camp with me. I'll get you hooked up.

Great. Where is it?

Go to the road.

Three miles. Make a left.

Last week, we hanged some G-Rs so make a right at the bodies.

Go two miles in the bush.




People who took the law into their own hands.

Unlike you?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I am the law.


You say that...

You say that you hung those people?

Yeah. It discourages the others.

Hey, stay on the main road.

There's some unbelievable shit out there.

And, Booty, you and I, we gots to catch up.

Yes, yes. You bet.

All right?

Wow, that guy is a bit of a...

You know, assh*le.

[chuckles] Yeah.


[woman wailing]


What? What? Mom.

Mom, what's going on?

Oh, my God, do you hear that?

Can you hear that wailing?

Jesus, Mom.

Nobody's wailing. There's no sound, Mom.

Are you okay? [wailing stops]


[exhales sharply] You didn't hear that?

No. What are you...

It's... no, no. I'm fine. I'm fine.

I... it went away.

Are you sure?

[both panting]

Oh, my God.

How much further?

Not too far.

We went off course a little while back there, but I think we're good now.

Wow. What happened?

An impact crater, maybe.

We got to find another route.

Well, why's the water red?

That might not be water, Matt.

Booner said to stay on the road.

That's not an option now.

Trees aren't dense.

Maybe we can find on the west side here.

Hey, Dana, you come with me. We'll stay near the road.

Devyn, Matt, let's go. Stay on our left.

What about me and Mom?

We'll guard the RV. You're with me.

You don't have to smother me, Mom. I did fine on my own.



Jeff? [coughing]

Jeff, why did you abandon me?

You're safer without me.

The Feverheads got the meds.

I'm sorry.

Jeff, you're sick.

Without the meds, there's no good ending.

I make sense right now as much as I ever did, but in a little while, I'll be as crazy as a rat in a coffee can.

I'm a danger to you.

When you feel threatened, I want you to use this.

You'll be doing me a favor.

I've gotten through my whole life without sh**ting anybody and I am not about to start now.

Times have changed.

Look... you say the meds were stolen by plague victims?

Well, they're not the most organized people, right?

So I bet that they've dropped some right around here, and we're gonna find them.

What about through there?

Too narrow.

Hey. Down here.

What is that?

[screams] Oh, Lord, it's a hand!

[breathing heavily] It's a hand!

It looks like it's been chewed on.

It's just some sort of predator.

The scriptures speak of monsters in the last days.

Does scripture speak of drivable roads 'cause that's what we really need right now.

Come on.

No, no. I can't.

I was not made for these end times.

Toughen up or die, kid.

I'm going back!

I'm going back.

[dramatic music]

Devyn said they saw some pretty awful stuff out there, Mom.



He said he's praying for strength.

Yeah, well, we could all use some strength right about now.

How long do you think they're gonna be gone?

As long as it takes to solve the problem.

Wow, that's... That's comforting.

Thank you.

What do you want me to say?

I don't know.

Like, "They'll be back soon, sweetie."

Or "Any minute now."

Okay, well, I'll see what I can do.

[sighs] I'm sorry.

I'm so happy to have you back with us.

Yeah, Mom, me, too.

I missed you.

[woman wailing]

What is wrong? What?

Mom? [groaning]

It's okay. It'll go away. It'll go away.

What's wrong?

Oh, come on, you heard that.

You didn't hear that? That, like, howling?

That howling. Like a...

Like a-like a banshee?

I'm being serious.

Mom, it's an expression.

"Howling like a banshee." You remember?

They were... they were in those goth books I used to have.


Mom, you only hear a banshee when someone in a family's gonna die.

Okay. That's uplifting.

Thanks for that.

Hey, here's the path.

Hey, there's a road down here!

I'm gonna check it out!

Okay. I'll wait here.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[grunts] Get off!

Get off! [screaming]


Help me!

There's track marks! Go! Go!

Please help me!

Help me! Dad!

Daddy! Help me!

What is it?

I don't know!

What is it?

I don't know!

It's wrapped around my leg! Don't let go!

What is it?

A sinkhole.

Don't let go! Don't let go!

Get me out!

[all grunting]


Come on! Go! Go!

Open the door!

Come on, Matt!

What, Dana? What?

What happened?


What's going on?

Get in, son.

What the hell is going on?

Josh! Dana, what happened?


What happened?

Who the hell knows?

What was it?

It was a Jubokko.

It was a Jubokko plant.

A what?

[Quantrell coughing]

Jubokko is a mythic Japanese demon plant that feeds on human flesh.

Okay, well, we're not in Japan.

And we're not in a myth.

But we've seen other mythic characters like skinwalkers, Quetzalcoatlus, and now this plant thing.

Where's Devyn?

He's in the back. He's praying.


That might not be a bad idea. All right, we're backing out.

A myth would not have pulled me three feet underground, Dad.

Where is it we're driving?

Three feet underground?

Guys. [engine stalls]

Oh, no. [engine stalls]

It's completely dead.

The battery.

It was fine an hour ago.

All right, I'm gonna have to go take a look.

Dad, you can't go out there with that thing.

I'm afraid I don't have a choice.

Quantrell, what are you doing?

Beat it.

Look, I didn't volunteer to watch you off yourself.

It's your decision to stay.

Yeah, based on you being here.

Listen... you want to blow your brains out, please wait until I'm back with my family.

Right now, I don't even know where they are.

They're at the Alamo, up the road, at Booner's.

But that road runs right through the Feverheads.

I can't go there without you.

Look, I can count on you, and you're gonna help me get out of here, right?

[dramatic music]


Okay, we go to the Alamo on one condition.


When the time comes, you sh**t me.

I don't want to die like this.

All right?

Let's just start the car!

♪ ♪

We got five minutes, tops.

I'd say more like three.

Listen, you scan for vines. I'll look at the engine.

Anything goes wrong, we pull back in here.

♪ ♪

Oh, God, Mom, it's here! It's here too!

k*ll it, Mom!

Get back! Get back!

k*ll it, Mom!

Get away from it.

k*ll it!

Get back!

Get out! Get out!

Okay! Okay! Hold on!

What are we, supposed to walk?

How far is the Alamo?

I don't know. Three, four miles.

Yeah, on foot with Jubokko all around.

Yeah, but we could stay on the pavement.

And we thought we were fine in the woods.

Honey, we can't stay here. It's gonna get bigger.

Yeah, it's gonna get bigger, and it's gonna get stronger.

Hey, Dev, are you okay?

Yeah, When you're here.

Me, you, too.


It is a thing I said when I was a little.

It means, like... Kind of like, "I feel the same way," basically.

Me, you, too. Are you gonna walk with me?

Heck yeah.

We got you up to "heck," huh?

That's progress, Dev. Can you just...

Can you wait here a second?


I understand that you're shocked about what happened earlier but we have no other choice.

Don't tell me how I feel.

There's horrible monsters out there, and you're just gonna walk through them.

Do you have any other suggestions because I don't think this...

Shh. You hear that?

Mom, is it the banshee?

No. No, it's not a banshee.

I hear it too. Engines.

[engines humming]



Kids, get a g*n.

Hey! Hey, hey! Whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't come out!

Crawling with demon vines! Whoa!

Copeland Family, we're Booner's people.

Hey. What is that?

It's old-fashioned road salt.

Plants don't like it. Pull back.

I'm Martin. This is Jane.

Booner got concerned when you didn't show.

It was a plant. Almost ate my sister.

And then the engine wouldn't start for us, so...


They wrapped themselves around the engine.

We can't figure out how they know how to do that, but they do.

Yeah, well, how do we stop 'em?

The salt's a start, but got to blast the shit out of it.

Free up your vehicle, though.

So I'll try it again?

How do you know all this?

Not our first one, sir. They're everywhere around here.

Talk about invasive species.

Do you know where this one is?

Yeah, it almost ate me.

I'm glad it didn't, ma'am.

"Ma'am?" I'm 16.

Sorry. You seemed older.

Is that a good thing?

In your case, yes, it is... ma'am.

We'll escort you back to the base, and I'll come back and blast the central plant with some C4.

Can you give me some eyes on that?

Sure. Follow me. It's 50 yards up this way.

Hey, I got it!

West-northwest. Go.

Yeah, so since when do you flirt with pretty boys?

I know. How'd I do?

Eh, a little crude, but you showed potential.

[engine turns over, revs]


All right, we're in business.

Did you bring any games? Clue? Risk?

Feverheads! Come on. We got to go!

Did you leave the stove on, Sweetie?

What? Seriously?

I'm messing with you, Sally.


Let's get out of here.
Whoa. Look at this.

Recovery team! Booty in tow!


Open the gate.

Yes, sir.


Hey. [laughs] Booty!

Come on. Now, what took you so long, girl?

Oh, some huge murderous plant thing, honestly.

One of the Man Eaters.

It's actually a creature from Japanese mythology.

It's an ambush predator with prehensile roots.


It's called Jubokko.


That's why you married him.

All those big words.

So did you k*ll it?

Uh, well, we didn't know how.

I'm sure you did all you could.


So I'd bet it has been a while since you've had a hot meal.

Oh, yeah, about a week.

That's a week too long, baby. Come on, now.

Hey, everybody eats at Booner's.

And I got hot and cold running water, right? Right?

Oh, come on.


So go get yourself cleaned up, and I'll put the feed on.

All right, great. Guys, get the bags. Let's go.

Anything for you.

You're the best.

Thank you.

[jazz playing on radio]

The whole g*dd*mn world's gone to hell, and this crazy rat bastard just keeps playing this old junk over and over again!

Okay, we've got more important things to worry about.

Stop! Stop the car!

Damn it!

[engine stalling] Come on! Come on!


Oh, my God.

Damn it!

Now we'll miss the medicine show!


Oh, there it is!


Hey, hey. Hey, hey! Stop it!

Stop it! Stop it!

You are Jeff Quantrell, senior officer in the United States Air Force.

You have an illness and we are looking for medicine.

Do you understand? Show me that you understand.

I understand.

Open your mouth.

The medicine is really close, but we're in dangerous territory and our transport is broken now.

I need you... to decide what to do.

Uh, we can walk through there.


I need a w*apon.


Hey, how you taking the coffee these days?

With booze.

I got you.

Ah, come on.

Come on, man.

Hey, let me guess.

This music is that old DJ.

Yeah, Brother Bob Black, the Moon Dog.

It so weird that's the only thing on the air.

[jazz playing]

Don't you think it's weird?

I don't know. I like the tunes.

You got something to say.

Yeah, well, it's just... why would someone bother rebroadcasting the old stuff?

I mean it's probably from 1958, latest?

It's not relevant.

You think?

You don't?

I used to think it wasn't relevant.

Now I do. I don't know.

Hey, Booty. Let me top you off a little bit.

Oh, please do.

That's right. Bad boy.

[both laugh]

Thank you.

Where you been?

Devyn wasn't feeling very good so I sat with him until he fell asleep.

Wow, that's spousal.

What's spousal?

He's suggesting you're married to Devyn because, let's face it, our brother can be a bit of a d*ck.

Seriously, though, he's not exactly your type.

I don't have a type.





I get it. Thank you.

Cripes. I like him. So what?

You like him like what, a little brother?

He's, like, 12.

Matt, I like him, okay?

Guys, you can't forget that he gave up everything for me, all right?

His whole life. Everything he's ever known.

And I get that he's afraid all the time, but he would die for me.

I know that. No question.


Yeah. Wow.

So would you by any chance have encouraged him to feel this way?

No. No.

A little, okay? Nothing gets past you, does it?

And now he's in love with you.

Dana, I'm responsible for him.

I think I love him.

You want some more?

The sign says one per person.

You can have my dessert.

I mean, you had a big day.

No, I couldn't.

Okay. I got plenty.

Oh, my God. What do I do?

Walk away. He's way too old for you.


Shut up. Don't be an idiot.

You go over there, and you thank him.

Well, then what?

Then you shut up and you stand there, and he'll offer you a tour of the camp. You say yes, and then whatever happens after that is up to you, little sis.

I'm two minutes younger than you.

Go put your big girl pants on.

Does anybody care what I have to say here?

Both: No.


This place used to be a youth detention facility built to keep people in, but it works just as good keeping 'em out.

We got food, electricity, transport.

Pretty much unlimited.

I have to admit, I'm impressed.

Thank you.

We own 30 square miles by right of conquest.

I could've had more but I don't have the personnel to hold it.

Plenty of game, fresh water, and we keep the territory sterile.

Any G-Rs or Feverheads, we track 'em and hang 'em.

You're pretty much big a threat as anybody else around here.

[laughs] So you don't approve?

[silver clatters] Let me tell you something...

There's not a person in here who would refuse that particular task.

This is our place, and we're not giving it up.

For how long?

Until necessary.

Well, it's the end of the world.

You're not giving up. Neither am I.

[woman wailing]


Hey, Karen, you okay?


Yeah, I just need some air. Excuse me.

[dramatic music]

[high-pitched vocalizing]

♪ ♪

[Quantrell coughing]

It's always "Quantrell, do this" or "Quantrell, do that."

You know, one of these days, I'm gonna show those sons of...


[screams] Shit!

Got any meds?

No worries, ma'am.

I got this.

It's so hard to be rejected.

Ah, shit. He's possessed.


Take the g*n, Sally!

k*ll the Feverheads!

They're possessing the skinwalkers!

No! Jeff!

Tell Booner!

Run! [screams] Run Sally!

So does anyone ever come in here?

No, we don't have enough water to keep the pool filled.

All of our resources go to survival.

Hey, did you know that gunpowder actually uses sulfur for its exothermic reaction, and the result of that is one percent of an expl*si*n is water?



That... I-I just... I do that 'cause I'm smart.

Kind of stupid smart, actually.

Stupid smart?


I'm smart to the point where it's stupid and most guys don't like it, so I say something like that right off the bat, and if they take off, I'm just not invested yet.

So you're not invested in me yet?

No, no. I am. Obviously.

Hugely. I...

I don't think it's because I was almost eaten by a plant.

I... it's 'cause... you listen to me, and I have no idea why you'd be here with me which makes it all mysterious and, you know?

It's not mysterious.

You're beautiful and good and I haven't stopped thinking about you since I met you.

How old did you think I was?

21, maybe.

Okay, so, um...

I was thinking if...

If I don't kiss you now, right now, who knows when we'll get another chance?

Sorry, are you any kind of demon or monster or plague victim or anything else that's gonna rip my face off and eat it?

No, I'm just a really happy guy right now.

But I do have sentry duty in ten minutes.

I can make out for ten minutes.

[alarm sounds]


Who's that?

Identify yourself!

I'm Sally Farrell!

What the hell is that?

Lie down, arms out!

What's going on?

I'm Sally Farrell!



Lie down or I sh**t!

sh**t her and I sh**t you!

Karen, what the hell?

I will sh**t you.

What the hell? Karen!

Put it down!

Hey, you don't want to do that, Booty.

Put it down!

Open the gate.

That's my sister. Put it down!

I'll blow your head off!

That man is just doing his job!

I will k*ll this man right now! You know that.

I know you will and that is hot.

Put it down!

Hey! Open the gate.

Go on out and get her.

Now, you know I got nothing but love for you, but if she has a skinwalker in her, then you're on your own!



Oh, Karen!

My girl.

All right. All right.

You're gonna love this.

Bet we're not.

There's Feverheads with skinwalkers in them out there, aunt Sally saw one.

Wait, Aunt Sally's here?

Yeah. Just now.

We're not gonna ask what happened with Martin?

No, we're not because, once again, there's Feverheads with skinwalkers in them coming this way.

Fine. We're ready.

What's your favorite?

The one you don't have to aim.


Something cool.



What g*n?


No passengers, man. We need everyone.

"Thou shalt not k*ll."

Yeah, I know.

Look, Dev...

God doesn't want us to k*ll, but he doesn't want us to die, either.


Maybe we're supposed to die.

No one believes that.

Not even you.

I-I don't know.

I don't even feel like myself anymore.

Sometimes, God's confusing, all right?

I don't think he means to be.

We don't know what God wants.

And so if I'm you, I'd take him out of this.

I'd find something else worth fighting for... and fight for that.

[dramatic music]

[alarm sounding]

Let's go.

Gotta get the shot!

Freeze! Identify yourself!

[mumbling incoherently]

I said identify yourself, assh*le!


Jeff Quantrell?

Oh, he's still alive!

Hey, hey. Take it easy! Sally!

Not for long.

Hey, hey. Hey. Hey, Quantrell!

It's me. We have Tetra! Let's get him some Tetra!

He's past that point. It's a waste of medicine.

He saved our lives.

Yeah, well, he saved mine twice in Kandahar alone, but he's gonna die no matter what we do.

Look. I'll take care of him, okay?

I'll look after him.

Hey, come on. I'm with you.

I've never known you to leave a fallen man.

You're gonna be okay. [Jeff crying]

Look at me. Stay with me.

Quantrell, stay with me.

All right, come on, ugly. Let's get you to sick bay.

All right, lock it up!

Yes, sir!

Secure the gates!

I'm a lama-huma-rama-huma-ding-dang-dong.

With licks like this, you can never go wrong.

[jazz music playing]

♪ ♪


What is that?

That's Bob Black.

Why are you listening to it?

Well, you know, it's... Actually, you're right.

I don't even really enjoy it, either.

[jazz turns off]

Seems a bit before your time.

What's that?

He said it seems a bit before your time.

So they're saying Feverheads have skinwalkers in 'em now.

Well, there's no reason that there wouldn't be, I suppose.

I don't know, I just thought you should know.

I guess it'll be bad.


'Cause skinwalkers are smart.

You know, when the first one took me, I thought it was, like...

Like an animal or something, you know?

Like, it was instinctual and...

Dad, the one in that Reverend could fool people.

Like... Like he knew what he was doing, and he had a plan to k*ll me, and it should've worked.

So if you put something smart inside of something else that already wants to eat your face off...

I get it, honey.


I get it. I get it.


How did it feel to k*ll him?

I don't... I don't know. What kind of question is that?

Brie, there's one thing you always know.

It's how you feel.

I think you came here to tell me that, so I'm waiting.


It felt good.

He deserved it. All of it.

I mean I was... I was scared and... k*lling him wasn't the hard part.

That kind of feeling. That's what's gonna keep you alive. Do you understand that?

I know.

I'm gonna go to bed.


Goodnight, darling.

Is there anything else?

No. No. Forget it.


Dad, Devyn's in love with me.

Well, that's... I wouldn't worry about that.

He's just a boy. That's... That's pretty natural.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

It's strange days, right?


You know... we're growing up fast.

Remember that, okay?




Open the gate!

Scouts reported frenzied activity in the area.


How many?

30, 40. Most of them are possessed.

Okay. Martin, take every unit we have.

On the south road, before dawn, we'll outflank 'em.

And ambush them?

No, no, no.

Drive 'em this way. We'll be waiting for 'em.

But, sir, if we're out there, who's gonna be here to help you defend the place?

Well, I guess we'll have to rely on our new friends.

But, sir...

Just do as I said.

Come on.

Yes, sir.

[demonic voices]

[dramatic music]

k*ll her. k*ll her!

Where you going? Where are the kids?

They're already on the wall. Boone wants everybody up there.

What? Not the girls.

The best chance we have to survive is maximum firepower on the perimeter.

That's not you talking.

No, it's not. It's Boone.

But he's right, isn't he? Come on.

Where are you going?

Get with Quantrell in the sick bay!

I was wrong.

About what?

About you.

Oh, jeez.

We lived our lives the way we wanted, and you clearly did what was right for you.

I'm sorry.

I can do this.

Stay safe.

Take point! Take point!

Come on! Let's go! Let's go!

Where are all your men?

About a mile out.

To keep them out?

We're moving 'em in.

I don't get it.

We're driving 'em towards us.

Then, we hit 'em.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Hey. Hey. You guys ready?

Lord, please let this evil pass us by.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen. It won't be long now, people.

I hate this! I hate this! I hate this! I hate this!

I hate this!


Grab her g*n!

I got it. I got it. I got it.

Get down, Dana. Shh, shh.

Kid's got promise.

Shut up.

Booner, do you copy?

Yeah, boy. What's up?

They're entering the k*ll zone.

Let me know when it's full.

Pretty full now.

Do you want us to stay with them?

Nah, negative. Fall back.

♪ ♪

Go hot.

Going hot!

Got on what?

Everybody laughed at me.

Said, "Oh, Booner's gone crazy burying beans in the wood and shit," but I buried a lot more than beans in the woods.

Hit it.


I also buried custom modified Yugoslav Army surplus anti-personnel mines, b*tches!


Demons! Lot's of 'em!



[laughing] Yeah, boy!

That's right, you chicken shit, smoky-eyed bastards!

Whoo! Yeah! That's right.

You're going back to hell or St. Louis, wherever you come from!

Hey, and you tell 'em Boone sent you!

Y'all come back now!


Yay, my brothers and sisters!

There was peace in the valley!


Mom, I'm starting to see what you saw in the guy.

Whoo! Now, somebody get on out there and sh**t the wounded.

Yes, sir!

[demonic voice] No victory!

Yours is permanent!

Only death is permanent.


[Sally whimpering]

This will happen to you one day.

Aunt Sally? No, no, no.

Sally? Sal?

You should go to her.

She's gonna need a minute.

You're better for her. More complete.

[dramatic somber music]

♪ ♪


Mom, we're here.

We're all here.

♪ ♪
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