01x12 - Now That We Talk of Dying

Episode transcripts for the 2016 TV show "Aftermath" Aired: September 27 to December 20, 2016*
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"Aftermath" revolves around the Copeland family, a couple with three almost-grown children, who struggle to survive as natural disasters, followed by the rise of supernatural beings, brings civilization to an end.
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01x12 - Now That We Talk of Dying

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, here's your Moondog weather update. Scattered showers of lunar debris throughout today, followed by a heavy downpour of death, with flaming chunks the size of Nantucket by tomorrow. The long-range forecast? There isn't one.

What's wrong?

You don't want to hear it.

Yeah, I do.

Yeah, but I don't, so I win.

You know, I saved your life.

And you risked yours to save my dad's.

I'd say we're connected.

I know we're connected.

I've been hoping for someone like you all my life, but I tried to die yesterday, and I will definitely die tomorrow, according to the guy on the radio.



You don't know that you're gonna die.

I wouldn't mind dying if I hadn't screwed up, but I screwed up completely.

No, you didn't.

Did you see those people yesterday?

They were my only friends for years.

And I was just like them... Selfish and horny and high.

You know, two of those things aren't that bad.

I don't regret the horny.

But the high was stupid, and selfish was wrong.

And that was my life.

And now it's over.

I have thought that 15 times this month, and, so far, nothing's happened.

You only have one life.

You get this little bit of light, this little break from nothingness, and I did nothing with it.

And now everything that's coming is cold and black.

There's no... there's no music.

No feeling. No people.

No love.

You know, the world's huge.

No one said those moon rocks are gonna even land anywhere near us.

[expl*si*n booms]

God damn it. Those are close.

Dana said they're just little ones, okay? Just precursors.

[dramatic music]

[expl*si*n, rumbling]

Get off of me.

Stay down.

Get off of me. Stop saving me!

Let me save you.

Oh, for God's sake.

♪ ♪

[explosions continue]

[dark music]

♪ ♪

Joanne Godecki?

We'd like to talk to you about your husband.

We heard something happened to him.

It's important that you tell us what it was.

Buddy died. My bird.

Sorry, ma'am.

All my friends died of plague.

My husband disappeared in Seattle, then came back, then got taken away again, and all I'm crying about is a stupid bird.

Your husband came back?

Who are you?

We're with the government, ma'am.

There is no government.

They all got blown up.

Some of us are still on duty.

We're trying to rectify things, ma'am.

Now, please.

Barry disappeared in Seattle, along with everyone else.

You've... you've heard that, I'm guessing.

We're aware of the Seattle event, yes.

Then he was back in bed.

Two nights ago.

Didn't even hear him come in.

Did he say what happened in Seattle?

Where everyone went?

He didn't know.

He was raving about a white light and being up somewhere... Nowhere.

It didn't make any sense.

And then it happened to him again.

Just this white swirling in the sky, and then he was gone.

What was that thing?

It's undetermined, ma'am.

Someone else who disappeared in Seattle turned up in our town, same night as Barry.

That thing got her, but not before she saved a man, a man who had plague.

She said he knew something important about everything that's happened.

What was his name?

Don't know.

They spoke in a kind of code, "the one and the many" or something.

"The one is many, but the many are one"?

Moondog Black said that on the air last night.

They're all connected somehow.

Where did the plague man go?

His family took him in a big old RV.

Toward east, to 84.


Thank you, ma'am.

Canary in a coal mine.

What's that?

It's something that's supposed to warn you about bad things.

The bird dies before you do.

Oh, Doc Simmons talked to him, the RV man.

Simmons and his gunmen were going to k*ll him because he had plague.

And... where would we find Doc Simmons?

[dramatic music]

Everyone all right?

Yeah. Great, Dad.

The Moon's just trying to k*ll us.

That was nothing.


Compared to what's coming, no.

Where are Matt and Sarah?



[expl*si*n booms] [all scream]

Is that another rock?


♪ ♪

Those weren't moon rocks.

It's grenades!

[all screaming]

[ominous music]

[all screaming]

Get out!

[speaking Vietnamese]

Stay down! Stay down!

We're down. We're down.

Stay. Down.

My God. Americans.


Yeah, yeah.

We're friendlies, man.

Are you delivering supplies to Trang Dinh?

What the hell is Trang Dinh? What the...


Yeah, we're family, yeah.

It's okay. It's a family.

What are you doing in 'Nam?

He's crazy.


64 SOS. Special Ops?


Me too.

I'm a pilot.

A woman pilot?

That's right.

Yeah, right.

You're supposed to be flying. Why are you on the ground?

Forward air control. Separated from my unit.

I have to hang on till they get back.

Look, you people are in danger. Charlie is swarming Trang Dinh.

Hey, I don't know what you're on or whatever, but we're not in Vietnam.

I know where I am.


Hey, put your g*n down!

Put it down!

Put it down.

That's right, put it down. We're friendlies, buddy.

We're friendlies.

That's right.

Listen, look at your surroundings right now.

Look around you.

That's a cornfield.

Where's the jungle?

There isn't one.

Where's the... Where's the jungle?

There's no jungle, buddy.

I was... I was...

Sir, do you know what year it is?


Bree, show him your phone.

It's a phone. It's a phone, okay?

Take it easy. Come on.

It's a phone.

The hell it is.

Look it, it's got a calendar on it and everything.

It has been decades since 1972.

That's not a phone.

I got a camera on here.

All right.

I got a camera, and...

[shutter clicks] Look.

See that? You see it?

Get away from me.


Get away from me.

Okay, okay.

I have to find my unit.

Both: Okay.

You do that.

That guy was off his meds.

How did that just happen?

What the hell is going on?

I don't know. Everyone, motor home.

Let's go.

No! Don't sh**t me!

I'm the only doc... [g*nshots]

This isn't you.

You've had a traumatic experience.

Who hasn't?

Look, they could've k*lled the RV guy, all right?

Doc Simmons talked to a woman who disappeared in Seattle and then came back.

But they didn't k*ll him.

They would've k*lled him, for sure.

Bunch of buckras in this town.

We got to find him.

Look, our goal is Moondog Black.

And RV Man knows something important.

Maybe where Black is located.

That means RV Man is our best lead.

Best chance to relaunch the country and get everything back.

We can't get everything back.

We're gonna find him.

[engine turns over]

So, that soldier guy had issues.

He looked shell-shocked.

Yeah, but the 64th Special Ops was in Trang Dinh in '72.

That's what I mean.

What do you mean?

Look, I have a feeling that something's happening to time.

Even Bree has noticed it.

What do you mean, "even Bree"?

Even Bree.

For a while, it was speeding up, right?

It felt like I knew Martin for a year, and then now it's slowing down.

An hour feels like a day. Has anyone else noticed this?

Yes, I have.

Yeah, me too.

What? Come on. It could be stress.

Or, if something is happening to time, it also happens to space, 'cause they're connected.



I-I need paper to explain this.




Okay, so, space-time is like this, right?

Everything in it has a place.

But the continuum gets messed up by something, then different parts of it get mashed together, and we see a guy from... from decades ago who's just popped up where he shouldn't.

He had the right tattoos and weapons.

And Moondog.

He knew which way Mount Rainier was gonna blow before it did.

He must be moving around in time and space.

We have to get to Moondog.

Dad, there's no way.

There's debris hitting us already.

He said tomorrow's the last day.

Then we got to find him right away.

How are you gonna find somebody on a radio?

By tracking a transmission.

We are going shopping.

Are Matt and Sarah coming in?

No, they went to go look for water, remember?


They must be very thirsty.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, you know, this place looks pretty intact.

Yeah, 'cause nobody steals electronics when there's no electricity, Mom.

Looking for a radio signal tracker.

Right, I have no idea what that is, Dad.

Oh, it's... it's black.

It's... smaller than a bread box.

The... It's got a rectangular shape.

Probably looks exactly like... like this.


I got it.

Disarm! Now!

Oh, shit.

Watch it, buddy.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

No problem. There's no problem.

There could be a problem.

Karen. There's no problem.

What are you looking for?

A radio signal tracker.

What, are you gonna steal it?

We weren't exactly expecting to see a security guard.



Have you noticed the... world is...

Yeah, I noticed.


But I still have a job to do.

[tense music]

[groans] Guys, tattoo, left hand.


Holy shit.

Is that the same guy from this morning?

And he still has a g*n on us.

Sir, did you serve in Vietnam?

What about it?

Trang Dinh? 64th Special?

How do you know that?

We already met you today, sir.

I've never seen you.

We did. We met this morning.

You were 20 years old.

You shot an RPG at us.

I what?

There was a family.

That's right.

I remember there was a family. Yes, a family.

It was my last year, in '72.

'70. '72. '72, right?



Yeah. '72.


No, that was a dream. It had to be.

Brianna, do you have your cell phone?

The picture.

Give it to me.

Sir, is that you?

20 years old?

Yeah. That's me.

Take whatever you want.

♪ ♪

Let's go. I have the tracker.


God, that scared the shit out of me.

♪ ♪

We got to refill the gas t*nk.

Oh. It's the final one.

Well, hopefully, we have enough.


That's the last can of gas.

Why don't you try your radio tracker?

Well, we need it to get a little darker.

The signal will be stronger.

What kind of wave would cause all this?

What is it made of?

Why is it here?

Whatever was in those computer cards that Gloria Douglas gave me, I bet you it has something to do with this wave.

She said something about space and time.

She couldn't figure it out.

She was like you. She knew myth and archeology.

But, Dad, you have to apply physics.

If this is a wave that can interact with matter, it could actually push things in front of it.


Well, asteroids, for one.

Something hit the Moon, and a wave could've knocked it loose from the asteroid belt.

Or interstellar debris or black holes.

Wormholes. Warp bubbles, even.

That, actually, could explain a lot.

So it'd be like distortions in space-time.

Yeah. Possibly.

I mean, what was happening with that soldier?

Or Bob Black? Why am I so certain that Moondog will have the answers?

Well, he's known a lot of other things.

No, but... I know it.

For sure.

Well, you feel like he's our last chance, right?

And you're emotionally based, so you commit to the idea of him.

I am not emotionally based. [chuckles]


No, I'm not.

Was that why you cried when we found Bree again?

Well, you... I mean, you cried when she started dating that boy you liked in ninth grade.

I cried because you didn't stop her.

No, I tried, but... Like anyone can stop Bree.

Hey, even if we find Bob Black, we're almost out of gas.


This feels like a scary movie, isn't it?

Well, if I have to be in a scary movie, I would only want to be in it with you.

Every time.

[laughs softly]

I love you, Dad.

Me too, little girl. Me too.

Tell me when you try that tracker.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

Mr. Bennett?

We're federal agents. We need a word with you.

What are you doing in here? This is a secure area.

Farmer down the road said there was an RV here today.

Either of you speak Vietnamese?


'Cause the farmers around this area don't like no English.

Most of them turn into Cong at night.

Sir, he seems to think...

I know what he thinks.

Is there an older gentleman here?

A security guard?

You got a stink about you.

What kind of stink?

Booze and broads at the Continental Bar in Saigon while we catch shit in country.

What are you? CIA?

'Cause I would be very pleased to sh**t you if you don't vacate this secure area in the next ten seconds.

Sir, you're confused...

Don't you take another s...


That wasn't necessary. The guy was delusional.

g*n was real enough.

Anyway, it was an act, just like the Moondog pretending he's from another time.

Becoming clear.

He was a sh**t for Bob Black.


He was protecting an ally of Moondog Black, who's facilitating the global catastrophe.

That's a new thought.

I should've noticed it before.

Bob Black couldn't be predicting all this destruction unless he was part of it.

So we're not just gonna take his broadcast facility.

We're gonna apprehend this Moondog bastard and anybody who's helping him.

Sir, none of this is going to bring your family back.

This isn't about them.

We didn't pass the RV heading back north, so they're still moving south.

Let's go see.

♪ ♪

Maybe we're in heaven already.

No. There'd be football.

I mean, this planet is so beautiful, except for the people.

How can heaven end?

We're not gonna die.


And that's good enough for me.

Me you too.

What does that mean?

One of my sisters used to say it.

The brains or the blonde?

You know, the blonde is pretty brainy, and, occasionally, the brainy one gets blonde, so.

I thought we had to get going right away.

We got to wait till later. The atmosphere...

It'll just be easier to track radio signals.

Thank you, Matt.

Just glad to be alive.

[laughs softly]

Me you too.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

This is when Moondog usually starts.

If not, we're stuck.

There's no signal, no... no detecting.

Moondog's come to howl again, overseeing all your ends.

There we go.

I'm the slamma put the rama in the Dalai Lama, and I hope it gets him out of here alive, you crazed Mad Hatters, 'cause making...

It won't lock on. It's not doing anything.

Dad, why is it doing that?

The signal's not sticking. It's too weak.

Just one more sleep, and then the deeps, my peeps.

Chunks of Old Luna are coming in already, Eddie, and it only builds from here.

The is the last one, the fast one, kids, el Muerte per Todos...

It's not doing anything.

Well, point it down.


No, the radio signals come through the atmosphere.

I know.

Dad, just try it.

But the tracker is louder when you put it lower.

Just try it.

Just point it down.

Here, just give it to me. Give it to me.

[radio static]

Since last we spoke, my pretty ones, my itty little bitty ones, I've been everywhere, man.

I've been everywhere.

And even me, that Dog of Moon...

Look. See? It's stronger.

So weird.

I know.

I'm only half the story, morning glory.



Goes there.

So south-southwest.

That way?

But now I need a brother, sister, mother at my call, someone who's adept at the mythic arts, the gods and the Greeks, the stone-cold freaks who tell the tales of witchery and long-lost grails.

Come find me, holy ones.

Dad... sounds like a job opening for you.


He's looking for someone who knows the exact stuff you know.

So come on down to my Black's Club, and you and the Moondog can chew the fat and get to the marrow of where it's at.

I need me an adept.


Wait a minute. I remember that.

[screams] [ominous shrieking]

Skinwalker! Skinwalker!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

That thing was huge.

Want to know what direction it's heading?

No, I don't.

South southwest.

Same as us. Towards Scorpius.

Round everybody up.

We're going anyway. Come on.

Let's go.


Let's go. Come on.

Come on. We got to get Matt and Sarah.

Robert "Moondog" Black.

Caltech physicist. Drug dealer.

Thief. Conga player.

Radio host.

His early work in black hole theory was outstanding, but his erratic behavior and substance abuse problems made him unfit for tenure.

How do you know all this?

It's all in public records.

I stop in libraries while you sleep.

Anyway, Bob Black disappeared in the Mojave Desert in the late '80s.

His wife had him declared dead a few years after that.

21 years later, reappeared.

Hadn't aged a day. Literally.

That's not possible.

Not even the best part.

A guy named Bob Black had a radio show in Iowa in the '50s.

It can't be the same guy.

Sounds identical.

And now he has a monopoly on communications.

Why is he the only voice left in the world?

And what the hell was he just talking about?

Asking an "adept" for help?

He obviously has confederates, like that soldier.

You still doubt he's a part of this?

So Black's the goal now?

We stick with the plan.

His facility lets us regain command and control.

We start governing again.

Coordinate defense and relief efforts.

We get a hold of that transmitter, and we start rebuilding the country.

Get everything back.

Not everything.

As much as we can.

And if that means ending Bob Black and anybody helping him, we will.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

Okay. This is it.

This is the source of the signal.

Moondog's got to be around here somewhere.

♪ ♪

[g*ns cocking]

Stop there!

Any aggression will be met with death.

Where are the sh**t?

You have 30 seconds to leave.

We mean no harm.

Drop all your weapons!

I said drop 'em!

We're looking for Bob Black.

What for?

We have some information to share with him about end-time events.

And he was looking for someone with my...

I guess, my qualifications.

[door clicking open]

You want to talk to the Moondog?

That's cool.

Just don't dig all your high-tech weaponry when all I got is this bow and a k*ller sound effects library that makes it sound like I have an army.

So... yeah.

I'm the Moondog.

Bob Black.

Welcome, my babies.

♪ ♪



There's more of 'em.

If you see any bigger ones, yell out.

Mom and Dad want us together when it happens.

You know?

I know.

So, right. The end of the world.

It's a bitch.

You guys... hungry? I got squirrel.

What's happening, and how can we stop it?

You're a serious one, aren't you?

I... [clears throat]

I always thought your broadcasts were from the 1950s, and then you were able to predict future events.

Well, we're like fish in water, trying to understand what water is.

Yeah, that's not helpful.

Then we get caught in a wave, and we ride it.

So, hey, you like what I've done with the place?

Yeah, what sort of a facility is this?

A mineral extraction operation which I converted into a radio transmission facility.

Radio? How's that... that's not possible.

Well, unless it functions like a Tesla tower, right?

You wonderful girl. Tesla. Nikola Tesla.

The Croatian sensation.

He was the man.

The Tesla tower absorbed energy from the atmosphere, and then it transmitted it underground.

Through these power converters.

Everybody said he was insane.

I know what that's like.

Yeah, I bet you do.

And the same principle applies to radio signals.

I transmit them through the ground, immune to the effects of the apocalypse.

Right, that's why we picked up the signal from the ground.

And that's why the Moondog... Me... is the only voice anyone hears these days.

Fine, but how did you predict end of days?

How did you know that Mount Rainier was going to erupt?

Well, it's a volcano.

That's what they do.

Matt, this sucks. I'm bored.

Freeze! Drop that w*apon.

Drop that w*apon right now!

Son, you're surrounded. You want to get shot?

Okay, okay, okay.

Down on the ground!

Get down! Toss those weapons right now!

All right. Damn.

Watch 'em. I'm going in.

You still bored?

No, but this still sucks.

Quiet! No talking!

Uh... [scoffs]

"A volcano erupts" is a little vague.

Don't you think?

It's not Bob Black.

Yeah, I've been waiting for someone to say that.

It's not Bob Black.


You're not Bob Black? Who are you?

Where's Bob Black?

For the last time, I'm Bob Black.

Nice to meet you.

I only want Mr. Black.

Well, you got him.

This is ridiculous.

I am obviously not Bob Black.

No, he's not. He's not Bob Black.

Then who are you?

Skinny Jardin.

I'm a sound engineer, okay?

I was building the Tesla tower, and then the world started to end.

And Bob Black said he needed to be on the air, and he's the most godlike guy I ever met, ever.

So I put him on the air because people need a godlike guy at a time like this.

Sorry for the lie, but I have to protect the Moondog.


Because I'm like John the freaking Baptist, man.

I just prepare the way. The Moondog is the master.

Where's Bob Black? Where is he?

He's a long way away from here.

He's not here?

He's paranoid.

He's afraid the Tesla tower will fry his brain.

Just sends me the signal. I transmit it out.

Okay. You're gonna take me to him.

Who the hell are you?

I'm with the government, ma'am.

The government?

Government doesn't exist.

There are vestiges.

I'm with the Federal Department of Emergency Management.

Emergency Management?

Shouldn't you be out screwing up somewhere?

That's funny.

Then what do you want with us?

You possess the only communications grid in the country.

Your government needs it.

I can't allow that.


Then I'll k*ll you.

Whoa, whoa. Hold on, hold on.

The one is many. The many are one.

The Moondog says that. So what?

So your man's asking for me.

He says he needs an adept who knows the shit I know.

You're an adept?


Okay, okay. You're coming with me too, then.

Let's go. Let's go.



What is he doing?

He knows what he's doing.

Okay? They're leading us right to the Moondog.

It's the only way forward.

Yeah, you trust that?

Yeah, I do.

Mom, don't do that. Mom.

Go. Move!

You got those weapons?

Yes, sir.

This sorry specimen's gonna lead us to the Moondog.


I'm gonna take the RV.

You follow in the car.


Let's go!


Cool it, he's got a plan.

He's taking him.

[tense music]

[engine turns over] Josh!

Mom! [g*nshots]

Mom, stop. You're not gonna do anything.

They're not getting far. It's almost out of gas.

Well, then, why don't we go catch 'em on foot?

'Cause all the weapons and a*mo are in the RV.

We have nothing.

The guy had a bow.

Oh, great. We're all expert archers.

Thank you.

I can use it.

I learned when I was a kid.

Go get it.

You guys go inside. Lock the doors.

Matt, let's go.

We're coming with you.

That's bullshit!

Watch your language!

I thought you wanted us together!

That's what I'm trying to achieve!

[groans] Come on.

Tell Sarah to hurry!

Why do we always miss out on the action?

Yeah, be careful what you wish for.

She drives me up the wall.




Okay, I think we've blocked everything.

Yeah, okay. I stuck gum in a few of 'em too.

How'd you find gum and not food?

'Cause nobody loots gum, Dana.

And now, to ease your weary brains, a little versification.

[electricity sparking]

I saw the sunflower, naked as a jaybird...

It's the real Moondog.

He's back on the air and he's transmitting through the Tesla tower.

Naked jackhammer...

Dana, that shit turned itself on.

Meaning he can do it remotely, meaning he can't be far from here.

So then we look around.

That's a good idea.

Gorilla in our psyche...

[electricity sparking]

You know, I think that's the first time you've ever said that to me.

Yeah, I think it probably is.


Out. Out!

Keep moving.

Moondog Black has the same RV as me?


That is strange.

Yeah, I noticed when we pulled up.

Same model.

This some kind of trick?

This is why I think you're the guy Moondog was calling for.

He was calling for an adept.

That sounds so damn familiar.

Funny stuff, time. [laughs]

I don't understand.

No, but I bet you're going to.

What do you mean?

I think you're one of them.

One of who?

An adept.

Moondog called for an adept, and here you are, man.

It's becoming apparent to me that you guys are all involved in this.

You know more than you're letting on.

No, I wish I did. I don't.

We're gonna find out how you're doing all this.

Sir, there's no way these people could cause everything.

They're involved, Mr. Coe. Things got to be fixed.

They got to be put right.

Nobody else is in a position to do it.

It's my duty. It's my job.

Now, you go see what's in there.


Nobody's in there.



Do you think Dad's lost it with that Moondog thing?

No, I don't.

[swing music playing]

Do you hear that?

What, the music?

No, no, no, not the broadcast.

[ominous shrieking]



[shrieking continues]

It's the Tesla tower!


It extracts energy from the atmosphere, and, somehow, that process also attracts skinwalkers.

How would you know that?

Because, remember...

When the Moondog came on the air, we saw that skinwalker heading in the same direction as us, towards the tower.

Christ. Dana... Dana, what do we do?

What do we do?

Okay, well, the tower's not what it's attracted to, so if we just k*ll the power, stop the transmission...

Do you know how?

Not sure.

Check that thing at the bottom.

[distant shrieking]


Give me a second, Dana.


[swing music continues]


[electricity sparking]

You did it!

Dana, you didn't tell me it would turn off the freakin' lights.

Quiet, quiet. Do you hear anything?

No. It probably left the tower.

It's gone. It's gone.

[loud shrieking]

Shit! Shit! It left the tower, and it came in here!

Dana, it's inside! Hurry!

Oh, my God! What do I do?


What do you see?


One second.

You all right? What's wrong?

No, I just can't fight anymore.

I told you. I don't want to live like this.

We need you. I need you.

And I don't say that very often. Come on.

What do you got?

Nothing. No one.

It's empty.


Just fast food wrappers and a beer can.

You said he was here.

I thought he was. He told me.

Where is he?

Here, there, and everywhere.

Now, then, and anytime.

Out of patience, man.




Where is he?

Man, this is bullshit. Where are we going?

I don't know. We can't outrun it.

Okay, well, it's not in a body, so it can't hurt us, correct?

Right, so it probably wants to take one of ours.

Oh, shit.

[loud shrieking] [both scream]


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


[whispering] Dana?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[metal creaking]

We got to split up.

Keep 'em away from your dad. I'm out of b*ll*ts.

How many arrows do you have?


Make 'em count.

You know, there's been scary voices since this whole thing started.

Yeah, so?

Let's make some of our own.

All right, what the hell?



Oh, you scared me.

You okay?

Yeah, are you?


What happened with the skinwalker?

I made it go away.


You wouldn't understand.


Because you are so stupid.

[dramatic music]


[electricity sparking]



You saw what happened to your friend there.

That's the price of protecting the Moondog.

Now, I'm only gonna ask you one more time.

[hooting and howling]

The heck was that?

[hollering continues]

Go look.

[hollering continues]

Sounds like Feverheads.

Bree, you wouldn't believe how good this feels.

Oh, God.



[electricity charging]


Dana! Dana!

Enough of this shit!



Oh, God. Dana!

Dana, please!



[swing music playing]

I owe you 370 more.

What for?

That's how many times you hit me up to the age of 12.

You could've k*lled me.

You could've k*lled me when you shot my shapeshifter.

Not the same thing.

It is exactly the same thing, Dana.

[swing music continues]

Dana, did I just conduct the first skinwalker extraction without anybody getting k*lled?

Yeah. Yeah, I think you did, unless skinwalkers really hate swing music.

You want to tell me how you did it?

You said that... That they're attracted to the transmission from the tower, right?

So I thought that if I powered it up again, then it would... It would come out of you and go all the way back up, right?

Like a moth to a flame, Dana.

Are you... are you following?

Yeah, yeah. I get it.

To k*ll it, I turned it all the way up.

So you just... you came up with this great idea just... just suddenly?

I don't know.

Okay, we need to go find the family.

There's a car out back. Come on.

[distant hollering]

Who's there?

Hey, boss!

There's a Feverhead out here!

More than one!

Try anything, and you know what happens.

Careful. Careful.

I see one!

Then, sh**t!

Careful. Careful.


It's them!

Son of a bitch!

Get down!




Is he hit?

No, he looks okay. He's breathing.

You okay?

Head up.

No, he missed me.

He wouldn't have if it wasn't for Sarah.



Get up.

I'll be right back.

Yeah, yeah, he missed me.

You all right? You okay?

I think that I'm an adept.

What the hell is that?

I'm not really sure.

Mom! Dad!

Oh, my God.

What are you doing here?

What happened?

I told you to stay at the tower.

It was a skinwalker, Mom. Mom, a skinwalker got Dana.

Yeah, but Bree got rid of it.

Dad... Dad, there's something about that tower.

It... it... All by itself.

It started broadcasting the Moondog.

On its own.

Do you think he's in the tower, or...

He's here.

Among us.

Where's Sarah?

I don't know.

She was right there. It's like she just vanished.

Matt, we'll look for Sarah in a second.

We need to find Moondog...

No, look.

Sarah's gone. I got to go find her.

What are you talking about?

This is the last event. You're staying with your family.

You and Dad knew you were gonna get married on your first date, okay?

Sarah's part of this family now. I'll be right back.


I'll be back.

Matt, wait!

Brianna, where are you going?

No one goes anywhere in this family alone, Mom.

We'll be back.

How do you know that?

I just know!

You're gonna let 'em go off like that? Josh!


Mom, we have to.

We don't have any more time.

If... if we don't find the Moondog right now, none of this even matters.

He's here.


He's here.




Hey. I got him.

I'm not normally a good shot.

Hi. How are you guys?

How you doing?



In the ever-livin', ever-lovin', all-too-solid flesh, my brother.

They checked in there earlier, and you weren't there.

Well, you know, you gots to know where to look.

Or... or when.

Yeah. Or when.

Or when.

It's really him.

I've been looking for you.

It's funny, that.

I think I may have been looking for you.

You by any chance that adept I've been looking for?

Yeah, I think I am.

Well, then, let's howl together, brother.

We don't got all day.

[ominous music]
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