01x12 - Harmonic

Episode transcripts for the 2016 TV show "Frequency". Aired October 2016 - January 2017.*
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"Frequency" revolves around a NYPD Detective, who discovers that she is able to speak to her deceased father in 1996 via his old ham radio. Her attempts to save his life trigger the "butterfly effect", changing the present in unforeseen ways. To fix the damage, she must work with her father across time to solve a decades-old m*rder case.
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01x12 - Harmonic

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Detective Raimy Sullivan.

My father was k*lled in 1996.


Last night...

[electricity crackling]




I spoke to him.

Your father?


So you're telling me that, in 20 years, I'm gonna be on the job with my daughter?

No, you die tomorrow.



[tires squealing]


Dad survived, but saving his life changed everything.

We've ID'ed the remains from the marsh.

I'm sorry, Raimy. It's your mom.

The most wanted serial k*ller in New York took my mom.

Now, whatever we do, however we try to fix things, history keeps changing.

Your name is Daniel Lawrence.

How do you know my name?

I'm your girlfriend.

I've never been to Queens, and I don't know you.

I'm sorry.

All I want is to get back what I lost.

Previously, on "Frequency"...

Deacon Joe is the Nightingale.

And now, I'm gonna k*ll him.

I'm gonna get in there. I'm gonna pack his suitcase, make it look like he skipped town real quick.

I had him in the trunk, and then, all of a sudden, I got t-boned, and I must've passed out.

And I came to, and the Deacon was gone.

I'd rather not give my name, but I was just at the house, and there's a green duffel bag.

This guy's in for robbery?

Bonehead stole money from the same church the mayor goes to.

A call just came in to the tip line.

A woman who says that she's Meghan.

We traced the signal to the cabin.

Please, he needs help!


He's my brother. [sobbing]

[thunder crashing]

Hurry up, please!

He's really bleeding.

Keep applying pressure.

Robbie, I need to ask you some questions.

Are you insane?

Why were you at that cabin tonight?

Joe called me.

He can't talk.

How did he know where you were?

I don't know.

He was angry, and he was yelling something about Meghan.

I was afraid he was gonna hurt her.

You told Meghan Joe k*lled your mom.

Is that true, Robbie?

Your mom wasn't the only one, did you know that?

What happened to your mom, Robbie?

I don't know.

Yes, you do!

He says he doesn't know!

[tires screeching]


What are you doing?

He needs to get to a hospital!

No, no, no hospital.

Your sister's right.

Wound like that near a kidney? You could die.

But I am not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to your mom.

Please, please, I'm begging you.

Take him to a hospital. I've already lost him once.

I-I can't lose him again.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Where is my lawyer? I've been sitting in here over an hour.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[device beeps]

You remember me?

I'm not talking without my lawyer.

Because I remember you, Joe.

I know who you are.

I know what you've done.

I even know what you're gonna do.

So let me break this down for you.

Confess to the world that you're the twisted monster that kidnapped and k*lled all these women, or you walk, and I'll hunt you down and I'll k*ll you.

I don't know. Maybe the trunk of my car didn't send a clear enough message.

Yeah, you remember me now, don't you?

You're the one that kidnapped me.

[slams hand on table] There you go.

There you go.

[ominous music]

Hey, Bolan. I got a guy you might like for the bodega robbery on 81st.

Check it out.


Isn't that your collar?

Yeah, a real gem. He robbed a church.

What's Sullivan doing in there with him?

Hell do I know? He cut the mic.

[suspenseful music]

[door closes]

Why you keep looking over here, Joe, huh?

Why? They're not gonna help you.

They don't care about you.

You're just a wad of gutter slime tracked in on a shoe.

You see, I'm the only one that knows that you k*lled all those nurses... knows that you k*lled your own wife too.

Oh, yeah, I know about that.

Am I freaking you out yet, Joe, huh?

♪ ♪

Now listen, man, I'm gonna come clean with you.

I don't wanna k*ll you.

I'm trying so hard here to get you to turn yourself in, you know, but I'm gonna need a little effort on your part, Joe, like where did you move your wife's corpse from the closet?

Joe, where did you move your wife's corpse?

I am not a monster.


Because I think you are.

The whole world, they all think the Nightingale is.

And if I k*ll you right now, you'll never get to set the record straight.

Joe, you're a man of the church. Use this.

Use this to enlighten sinners! Spread the word!

And you turn yourself in right now, and it's on your own terms.

Joe, use this as your pulpit.

I want my lawyer.

♪ ♪

They're combing the area for the Deacon.

They got an APB out for kidnapping and attempted m*rder.

And k*lling his wife.

We can't prove that.

Only because he moved the body.


You still think it's in that closet we searched?

Between the vacuum and the Christmas ornaments?

You don't believe me? Fine. Ask her, she'll tell you.

She's not a credible witness.

Why, because she was in the nut house that her dad put her in to shut her up?

Her brother told her.

Then it's hearsay.

Look, get a statement from the brother. Maybe that'll hold water.



Well, surgery went well, considering he had the wrong blood type on his ID card.


He's lucky we caught it.

Is that Mr. Benson's sister?


The patient.

Robbie Womack.

No, Carter Benson.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

Now you know why I didn't want to go to the hospital.

How long have you been living under an alias?

Soon after I ran away.

Maybe I was 16, 17.

That ID cost me every penny I had, but it was worth it for him not to find me.

♪ ♪

What did you mean when you said he k*lled more than my mom?

I think he's the Nightingale k*ller, and that's why it is so important you tell me what happened to her.

I... I told you. I don't know.

Anything you can remember.

I was 13, I...


You gotta understand...

I have a family.

I got a wife I adore, an amazing son.

♪ ♪

I got away.

I put that all behind me.

She didn't.

Meghan stayed.

And your step-dad made her life a kind of hell I can't even imagine, but you can.

You know what he's capable of.

You know he'll k*ll her.

If you came back to ve her, this is how you do it.

He tried to k*ll me too.

Meghan saved me.

It was that summer we all went to camp.


Hideaway. That's when Meghan cut herself.

She fought him.

She was the only one who did.

And then he sent her away to that institution.

About a month later, Mom went back to work.

She said, with Meghan gone, she had more time and that we needed the money, but I know she did it to get away from him.

Where have you been?

The buses were running late.

It's the worst. Took forever.


[ominous music]

♪ ♪

I'll be right back.

♪ ♪

I was young.

I didn't understand what was happening.

♪ ♪

Finish your meal.

I just... just knew when Meghan left, Mom started falling apart.

She didn't care anymore, and they were fighting all the time.

No, I didn't! There's no one else, Joe!

I swear to God!

You're just a common whore!

Aah! No! Please! It was the buses, I swear!


Please, Joe!

Or know his wrath!

No! No!

♪ ♪

But this time... this time was different.

♪ ♪

I was sure he was gonna give me the belt, but instead...

This is a good thing, son.

Don't be sad.

♪ ♪

We're gonna save her soul.

♪ ♪

We're gonna give her a good death.

Ars moriendi.

Invoking the aid of all angels.

Forgiving all sins upon grace.

♪ ♪

And by virtue of his passion... receive her unto you.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

And that was the last time we spoke about it.

It's like she never existed.

What about the other victims?

You may have known one.

Larissa Abbott, she worked as a nurse at that camp.

I mean, I knew who she was.

She helped Meghan when she cut herself, but that's all I know.


Just one last thing.

Your dad moved your mom's body from that closet.

Do you have any idea where he could have put her?

I wish I did.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

The brother, Robbie, he's not dead?

Meghan just assumed her dad k*lled him.

He's been in hiding, living under an alias.

So let me get this straight. He's still alive, right now, in 1996?

I mean, he... he could testify for his mom's m*rder.

He might even have an idea where the body was moved.

I asked, and he doesn't.

How long do you think you can hold the Deacon for?

Huh? I mean... I don't... maybe a day? Two?

I went at him for a while. He didn't say anything.

What about the others?

Did he say anything about Larissa?

Yeah, 'cause he's a Chatty Cathy. Come on.

I think you ask him.

Raimy, we gotta be careful here, okay?

The only person that we know right now that he m*rder*d is his wife.

Then you go harder. You break him.

What do you mean, hurt him? He's in custody.

You'd rather he walked?

No, we talked about this.

I have to go at things right, you know? I don't get do-overs like you.

I mean, time doesn't just restart and wash away my digressions, I... whatever fallout I have, I gotta deal with it.

And so do you, so does your mother.

Look, kiddo, I'll...

I'll go back in with the Deacon, okay? I'll... I'll get him to talk.

No, I get it.

I'll see what I can dig up on my end.

We're so close right now.

Just one more line drive and we're home.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

You know, you're the only person over 12 who has a reliable supply of Peanut Butter Puffys.

Plus, I had to get away from my dad.

He's still here?

Oh, yeah.

His wife dumps him, he needs a new relationship, and my family is it.

Well, stay as long as you want, but I gotta get to work.

Let me guess. You about to catch the Nightingale?

Yeah, actually, I am.

Seriously, Raim?

What, are you just gonna hop back on that hamster wheel?


Gordo, it's my job. It's what I do.

It's all you do. You live in your mom's house.

You have no relationship that isn't weird or stalker-y.

Oh, and where are all your friends?

Oh, here he is!

Right here, just sitting in your kitchen eating stale Puffys.


I'm gonna go.


[phone ringing]

Meghan, what's up?

Sorry to bug you, but you said to call if we thought of anything.

Of course. What is it?

Probably nothing, but there's a shed at the cabin.

It's where he used to beat us.

There's a hiding spot for... the belt.

It's not big enough for a body, but...

Where is it, exactly?

[elevator bell dings]

Hey, I wanted to give you a heads-up.

The guy they liked for the church burglary claims you went ballistic on his face.

Are you for real?

Oh, yeah.

Guy's beat up pretty bad. IA's looking into it.

Yeah, well, they can look all they want. I didn't do it.

Look, if I'm being honest, you going at this guy, mic off, not even your collar... can't help but wonder if there's more to this story.

You're looking at this guy and you... you think I'm the one that's dirty?

You came at me, Frank. Took a swing.

Missed. I don't miss.

Stan, this is so much bigger than the beef with you and I, man.

Open your eyes.

We got a wolf at the door, and you're picking off fleas.

Oh, did I forget to mention?

He walked.

Hey, you let this guy go, and you didn't give me a heads-up?

You put me in a jam, man.

You bring a guy in for his hand in the till, leaves beat up.


Makes us all look bad.

[grunts loudly]

♪ ♪

And you know about this place how?

She mentioned it in the therapy tapes.

You're pretty damn sure this Deacon is the Nightingale?

I am.

♪ ♪

What are we supposed to be looking for?

I'll tell you when I find it.

♪ ♪

Carmen Salinas.

Amanda Baldwin.

Larissa Abbott.

Christa Hurley.

♪ ♪

We found the Nightingale.

Frank, will you please tell me what is going on?

He's out, Jules.

They released him.


He beat himself up. He said I did it.

Lawyers took it from there. Now listen to me.

You're gonna be safe, okay? You just gotta stay inside.

You gotta take precautions.

Everything's gonna be fine, Jules.

I just gotta get out there. I gotta find some evidence to put him away for life.

You keep saying that, but he keeps getting away from you.

I'm gonna find him this time.

Do you hear me? I promise you.

All right?

Okay, all right.


You don't have to worry. I can protect Mom.

Sweetie, where did you get that?


Daddy gave it to me so I can keep you safe.

And when we do bring the Nightingale in, I wanna make damn sure that it sticks.

We're looking for anything linking Joe Hurley, the Deacon, to our known victims.

Forensics is still checking the items in the cigar box for prints, but we have been able to identify the women they belong to.

Carmen Salinas, nurse and mother.

Age 34. Abducted July 17, 1996.


Julie Sullivan, who we all know.

Amanda Baldwin.

It's the worst thing that could've happened.


It's a circus now.

The press, the mayor's office... the Deacon will be so lawyered up, I'll never get a go at him.

You need the wife's body to put the bastard away in '96.

He was my ticket to finding it for you.

Hold on, you found evidence to put him away for life.

Yeah, but how does that help Mom?

Unless the box exists in '96.

All right, so I'll drive up to the cabin and see if it's there.

And find Robbie.

Yeah, yeah, I got it.

I was wrong.

You have a rich and full life as a ham radio sex worker.

Is that a real thing? 'Cause if so, I want in.

I could sexy talk.

You hungry?

Come on.

Seriously, I'm sorry about being a d-wad earlier.

You say that one more time, I'm smushing that pizza in your face.

What? I'm a sensitive guy, what do you want?

It's just I see you giving up your whole life to find your mom's k*ller, and I feel like it's my fault.

That's insane, Gordo.

Why would you say that?

Because it is my fault.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪
What are you talking about?

This kid jumped me and took my bike.

I came home, devastated.

Dad was like, "Don't worry, son.

It wasn't your fault," right?

Uh-uh, called me a wimp. Said I should've fought back.

Just hoped the neighbors didn't see it.

To toughen me up, he made me walk to school every day for a month.

One day, it was pouring rain, and your mom saw me walking, and she picked me up.

Yeah, I remember that.

You remember what day it was?

The day she was taken.


You had band practice, but your mom said that she would pick me up after school.

She never showed up.

That's why you feel guilty?

If she had come home as always, then she wouldn't have been taken, right?

Gordo, stop.

The Nightingale was stalking her.

He was gonna take her one way or another.

It wasn't your fault.

♪ ♪

You know, she made me...

PB&J for lunch that day.

All the other kids had pizza and gummies and fruit rolls, and there I am with my whole wheat peanut butter sandwich and apple slices, wishing I had anyone's mom but mine.

♪ ♪

When I came home, I didn't have a mom at all.

Just gone.

I guess that makes two of us.

It was a really bad day.

It was.

♪ ♪

Hey, yo.

Hey, man.

Thanks for coming. Really appreciate it.

Of course.

Hey, man, I got your back.

Always have, but listen, IA's on my ass.

So I gotta know...

I didn't rough up the Deacon.

Okay, but the guy robs a church.

So what does that have to do with you?

IA's on my ass.

I had the Deacon in my trunk.


Why was the Deacon in your trunk, Frank?

Because he's the Nightingale.

You think this guy is k*lling nurses?

No, I don't think so. I know so.

I need you to help me bust this bastard.

What'd you have in mind?

He's got this cabin, right?

He's got a shed in the back. Can you check it out for me?

Hey, Meghan.

I've been wondering when I'd hear from you.

What are you talking about?

Robbie's not dead, Meghan.

Your dad didn't k*ll him.

He ran away, and he's been in hiding.

That can't be true.

If he were alive, he would've contacted me.

Well, he's so terrified of the Deacon.

He might have wanted to, but he was just too scared.

Where is he?

I'm not sure. He's been living under an alias.

So you haven't actually seen him?

No, but I do have an address to where he might work.

Meghan, he's so scared of being found that I think it might be good if you came with me.

You know, a familiar face.

Man over radio: The 2016 hunting season has opened.

Make sure you're paying attention to the new rules of the hunt.

This year, many hunters got their licenses online.

Game wardens say that that's fine, but make sure you have a way to prove you have your license.

[register beeping]

2016 hunting license requires that all deer k*lled...

Do you have a bathroom?

Oh, yeah, of course.

[bell jingles]

♪ ♪

Just the paper?


♪ ♪

Who comes up with the names of these serial K*llers anyways?

Hell should I know?

Betting he's not happy. You got the Zodiac k*ller, the Grim Sleeper, and this guy's named after a bird.

It's 2016... you think they'd come up with better names.

[bell jingles]

♪ ♪

That's it?


[register beeping]

[bell jingles]

[car alarm chirps]

I was you, I wouldn't move a hair.

[siren blares]

Not a one.

[dramatic music]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[elevator bell dings]

♪ ♪

Wish me luck.

You earned this, Satch.

Wish you were in there?

As long as we get the guy, that's all I care about.


♪ ♪

So Carter's your brother, huh?


He's a good kid. Works in loading.

Is he here today?


Oh, my God, that's him!


[soft dramatic music]


Robbie. Robbie.

Where'd you... you look amazing.

So do you.

Oh, my God.

I missed you.

No, Robbie! Robbie, come back!

Robbie! Robbie, no!

Come back!

Robbie, wait! Wait!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Robbie, wait, wait. I just wanna talk to you.

I know your dad k*lled your mom, and I want to put him away, okay?

So just talk to me.


[train whistle blaring]

Robbie, Robbie! Robbie, no!


Over two decades of k*lling nurses, Joe.

You had to think about what happens when you finally get caught, right?

I mean, a smart man like yourself had to have an end game.

But now you got your lawyer sitting here, telling me that you didn't do it?


I mean, I have to assume that was a part of your plan.

You know, I gotta tell you, I'm not so sure that's a smart move.

You know, now that we found out all about your souvenirs.

I mean, me personally, I was touched.

You know, you keeping a little something to remember all those nurses that you k*lled.

Ask him about his wife's body.

You know, some little souvenirs we could use help placing, like your lovely wife, for instance.

There you go.

Where'd you put her, Joe?

You have no proof any of this involves my client.

Joe, you and I both know that's not true.

Things will go a lot better for you if you help us out here.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[inaudible whispering]

He needs to use the restroom.



This psycho's her father who wants to k*ll her, and you bring her to our home?

Look, I get why you're upset.

I mean, you just keep saying that we're in danger, and...

Jules, I had no choice.

It's like we're one-stop shopping for the Nightingale.

Jules, I needed a safe place to bring her, and this was it.

Okay, if you knew what this girl has been through...

I asked you not to bring all your darkness to our home.

Julie, you're safe here. I promise you, okay?

But I wanna make sure you're safe all the time.

I mean, you and Meghan and all of the women.

It's why I gotta catch him, okay?

Now I got Satch working with me, okay?

And we got a tip that her dad might be the Nightingale.

We can put him away for life.

I've heard it before, Frank.

I know you have.

I know that...

I have no right to ask you to trust me anymore, but, Jules, I am.


And now we continue the countdown of the top songs of 1996.

Here's number seven.

[rock music plays on radio]

[radio turns off]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Remember me?

What do you think you're doing?

I'm trying to locate a certain duffel bag.

You know, the one with your wife's body in it.

Guard. Guard!



[dramatic music]

You're not going anywhere until you talk.

You know that, don't you?


♪ ♪

Where is your wife's body?

♪ ♪

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Damn it, Frank. No box.

♪ ♪

Counter okay?

I'd like a booth, please.

♪ ♪


Do you feel it yet? The pain?

'Cause what you did to those women, what you did to my mother... this isn't even close.

[knock at door]


They can't help you.

[knock at door]

The only way this stops is you tell me where you moved that body.

Everything okay in here?

Help! Oh, hey...

Gonna need a few more minutes!

Okay, Detective.

I will sh**t the next person who walks through that damn door until you tell me.

I can't.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

You're gonna die in prison, you know.

The men in there, they have wives, girlfriends.

♪ ♪

They don't understand a good death.

All they know is vengeance.

I wonder what happens to your soul if you get stabbed to death in a prison yard.

Who will give you your ars moriendi?

♪ ♪

How do you know about that?

I know lots of things.

I know you thought you were helping your wife.

You thought you were helping all of those women.

Were you helping Meghan too?

Is that why you took her to the cabin? To save her?

That girl she... she always had the devil in her.

I made a promise to her brother before he left... that I would never hurt her.

But I broke a vow to my own son, and instead of taking my own punishment, I stabbed him.

♪ ♪

I've lost my way.

Robbie and Meghan, they are who they are because of me.

♪ ♪

I brought God's wrath down on my own family, and I stabbed my own son.

♪ ♪

Maybe we can help each other.

What do you want?

You know what I want.

Tell me what you want.

♪ ♪

Owe you one.

Get what you wanted?

We both did.

♪ ♪

Need a warmer?

♪ ♪

Do you know who these women are?

Yes, you can top me off, please.

♪ ♪

And you should probably call 911.

♪ ♪

[overlapping shouting]

Do you even know there's a body out here?

That's a damn good question. Seeing that the Deacon was still on his way in.

We got something here!

[dog barks]

Told you, it was an anonymous tip.

Yeah, from the horse's mouth.

I get it now, why you went at the Deacon with the sound off.

Is that true?

You guys are nuts.

I'm sticking to my story.

So that's the wife's body?

Smart man. Keep it admissible.

You're right. This is bigger than me.

Congratulations, Sullivan.

♪ ♪

You know, if I'm not mistaken, I think that was Moreno, burying the hatchet.

Ah, the man's just sharpening his blade.

♪ ♪

[engine turns over]

♪ ♪

Now there's gonna be a trial, and you're gonna be asked to testify, okay?


And Meghan, he's gonna go away for life.

You're never gonna have to worry about him hurting you again.

Okay, thank you.

And thank you for letting me stay here today.

You have a really nice family.

I do.

[knock at door]

Hang on, one second.

Hey, come on in.

Hey, Meg.

Robbie, oh, my God.

I called Robbie's work. They gave me his number.

He told me about how Joe turned himself in.

Told me you're safe.

We both are.

♪ ♪

I don't wanna run anymore.

Then don't.

It didn't work. She's not back.

What do you mean? It had to.

I'm staring at the freaking calendar, Frank.

Nothing's changed. Mom is not here.

Hey, the Nightingale turned himself in. He even brought in souvenirs.

We found his wife's body exactly where you said it would be.

This is a slam-dunk case. He's going to jail for life.

Then why isn't Mom back?

We don't know how this works.

You know? I mean... maybe... maybe it doesn't take effect right away, like... like some sort of ripple.

Listen to me, kiddo, go inside.

Pour yourself a big glass of wine, do whatever you do to chill out.

The Nightingale's on his way to jail and your mother's not being taken, and especially not tonight.


["Holy Ground" by Banners]

♪ ♪
♪ All we are ♪
♪ ♪
♪ We're distant stars ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Lost in the dark ♪
♪ I know how to part ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Searching high ♪
♪ ♪
♪ And low for life ♪
♪ ♪
♪ A paradise ♪
♪ A light, and in your eyes ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
♪ I knew it's you ♪
♪ It's true ♪

[door closes]

♪ ♪
♪ And we're standing on holy ground ♪
♪ So heart, don't fail me now ♪
♪ And even if the walls were falling down ♪
♪ ♪
♪ It will always be us ♪


Shh, shh, sorry.

I'm not here, okay? I just forgot these.

But go back to bed. What's with the g*n?

Hey... oh!


What's going on? [laughs]

Jeez, you just saw me an hour ago. You okay?

[both laugh]

Oh, hey, peanut.

♪ ♪
♪ Take my hand ♪
♪ ♪
♪ To the promised land ♪

[phone ringing]

[phone ringing]

♪ ♪

Didn't I just drop you off at the train?

I wanted to talk to you.

We're having coffee tomorrow.


I'm your new stalker now, don't you know that?

Yeah, I'm never letting you out of my sight again.

I'll see you in the morning.


♪ I knew ♪
♪ It's you ♪
♪ It's true ♪
♪ ♪
♪ And we're standing on holy ground ♪
♪ ♪
♪ So heart, don't fail me now ♪
♪ And even if the walls were falling down ♪
♪ ♪
♪ It will always ♪
♪ Be us, be us ♪
♪ This is holy ground ♪
♪ It will always ♪
♪ Be us, be us ♪
♪ This is holy ground ♪
♪ It will always be us ♪
♪ ♪
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