02x06 - Jeg vil ikke bli beskytta

Episode transcripts for the 2015 TV show "Skam". Aired: September 25, 2015 to June 2017.*
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"Skam" is about the daily life of teenagers at the Hartvig Nissens upper secondary school (Hartvig Nissens skole) in Oslo.
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02x06 - Jeg vil ikke bli beskytta

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't you have siblings?

My brother studies in Stockholm.

William is a Russ.

When someone becomes a Russ, they don't want to have a girlfriend.

Everyone knows that.

Say that you don't like me, and I'm gone.

You are so insanely selfish... and manipulative and self-involved.

Was that all?

Are you looking at me while I'm sleeping?


Noora Amalie Sætre Now you have to be careful.

Because you're going to be so damn in love with me.

I'm not in love with you.

You are in love with me.

You don't even have clothes on.

I do have clothes on!

Give me two weeks and they're gone.

That is not gonna happen.

It is gonna happen.

I told you that I won't have sex before I get married, right?


It's true!

Okay.. We're going to get married then.


I mean it.

I can't get married... to someone called.. Willhelm.

Stop calling me Willhelm.

Oh my, but that's your name.

Is that not what you're called?

Oh that's awkward! Oops! Oh god.

Where are you going?

I'm going to get water.

There's no water today.

Today we'll just lay here.

We have to go to school.

Not yet. We'll just lay here a little first.

But I'm thirsty Shhh...


You can say my name?

Just let me get water.

How do I know you're only going to get water?

Because I say so.

Why should I trust you?

You ran away from me earlier, before I woke up.

Hey you..


I'm just going to get water.

I swear.

You have 30 seconds.

I'll keep track of time.


Sorry, did I wake you?


Nikolai, William's brother.


Noora, hello!

And there's William! Hello!

Niko, what are you doing here?

I'm cooking.

In Oslo?

Yeah. Needed a little break.


Are you perhaps hungry?



Ok. Little rude, right?

Maybe your girlfriend wants something to eat?

She's not my girlfriend and she's leaving now.

Can you find the way out by yourself, or do you need me to help?


Was it a bad vibe, or?

No, she's nothing.

What are you making?

Damn, terrible pictures.

It looks so painful!

I'm getting chills.

It's my fault.

Had it not been for me, Jonas would have never started fighting with him.

I didn't even know he was with Yakuza.

He isn't with them. But he's friends with quite a lot of them.

The Yakuza-guys are just looking for people to beat up.

He has to do something. The Yakuza-guys have too much power.

They can't do anything. Won't they just fight each other forever?

Noora, you have such good morals.

No, but I mean it. I really look up to you.


How is Jonas doing?

He's still ignoring me.

It's Isabel. She's the one who told him he can't talk to me.

She seems really bossy. As if she has him on a leash.

Smart of her.

Why is that?

To keep him away from you.

I'm not going to sleep with Jonas.

No, but you always feel something for your ex.

You hold the advantage.


You're not together with him anymore.

How is that an advantage?

When a boy is together with a girl, suddenly all the others seem more exciting.



Boys are naturally like that.

Guys' instict is to spread their genes as much as possible.

That's why guys sleep around.

If you want to hold on to a guy..

You have to make sure his needs are covered And keep others at a distance.

Isabel is just trying to be his girlfriend.

Can't blame her for that.

About spreading genes.. Anyone else excited about the start of Russetiden this Friday?
Nice lipstick.


Where is it from?

Clinique, I believe.

It suits you. Really sexy.

You're ignoring me.

William, you can't talk to me here!

I have to.. when you're not answering your phone.

I have math now.

We have to talk first.

Well, then talk!

That stuff yesterday didn't have anything to do with you.

It did have something to do with me. You treated me like crap.

The thing is that my brother was dumped by his girlfriend.

They were together for years.

He's really depressed.

So what?

It didn't feel right to introduce you.

And to rub it in.

Rub in what?


I'm sorry.

I'm just really bad at that kind of stuff.

Hey you..

I didn't mean to hurt you.

You didn't hurt me!

I'm not hurt even a little bit.


I just think you were a real assh*le.

Yeah I agree. I was an assh*le.

It won't happen again.

I promise.

It was actually really good that it happened.

I was afraid that you would go around thinking we were a couple.

But then at least I don't have to be afraid of that now.

We are together, though.


Yes we are.

You have to fix your hair.

Those girls are so scary.

Should I delete the picture, Sana?


What picture?

(It smells of Noora on my pillow. I had a dream about you last night)

Don't delete the picture.

(Did you get up? What did you dream?)

(That we had sex)

(You were so delicious)

Did you just go and work out? During lunch break?

Russetiden season is approaching. And bikini season.

Is anyone looking forward to the Penetrator concept?

I bet it's something kinky.

I wonder how many girls William will sleep with during Russetiden.

Is it okay with you that he's going to sleep with lots of girls?

Are you jealous?

No, I just have to accept it.

He has been working towards this for 3 years. It's the most important time in his life.

I wonder if he will beat his brother's record. He slept with 130 girls during his Russetiden.

He has a brother?

Yes, Nico. From '95. He left Nissen 2 years ago.

A true fuckboy.

So there are two of them?

My sister studies in Stockholm with him. She told me he gave half the Stureplan chlamydia.


That's really nasty.

The Magnusson brothers..

"Begge samma ulla, alle skall bli knulla"

It's the Karpe Diem song.

This here is not going to work!

What's up?

If you want to sleep with loads of girls during Russetiden, then that's totally fine.

But if you think I'm just going to sit at home and wait for you, then you're wrong.

Where is this coming from?

You're going to be sleeping around.

Okay, then you know more than me.

Yeah, you know what? Your brother never had a girlfriend.

That he was "terribly depressed" was just bullshit!

Yeah true, that was bullshit.

So you lied?



Because you were wondering why I behaved like that in front of my brother.

Then what's the truth?

You don't always tell the truth either.

But that's to protect Vilde.

I do it to protect you. What's the difference?

The difference is that I don't need to be protected.

Have you asked Vilde if she wants to be protected?

Noora what is this really about?

Do you really think I worked so hard to be together with you if I was going to sleep with loads of random girls during Russetiden?

Isn't that illogical?

No but.. that's not what it's about.

How do I get to know you then?

How can I trust you?

When you don't even want me to meet your family members?

You don't need to know my family to know me.

What about your family?

You've never even talked about them.

Oh we can talk about my family!

I am an unplanned only child.

My mom is a sexologist, my dad is a psychologist.

They never loved me. They were only concerned about one another and their sex life.

I come from a shit town called Mjøndalen, and fled as soon as I was 15. Fled to Madrid.

I talk to them once a month.

They are happy without me. I am happy without them.

I don't have siblings.

I already told you that, so.

Your turn.

I actually have a hard time believing that.

That they don't love you?

That's practically impossible.

It's your turn.

Hey you..

Look at me.

I realise that it may be difficult to trust me.

That I can't tell you everything.

But I don't want to hurt you.

I swear.

If you really want to meet my brother I'll introduce you to him.



Maybe that wasn't so crazy.

Are that Chris and Isak?


Yeah, he's in the first year.


Isn't that a little strange?

I just didn't know they knew each other.

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