01x04 - Two Handkerchiefs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ice". Aired November 2016 - May 2018.
"Ice" follows the lives of a Los Angeles diamond traders family after one of the patriarch's sons k*lled a prominent diamond dealer.
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01x04 - Two Handkerchiefs

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Ice...


Lady Rah: The good news is that the diamonds are in my possession.

f*cking Russian rat...

Freddy: You need the stones in Canada?

I can take them over the border.

I'll give you... 10% of this job.

A million even.

Lady Rah: To a profitable partnership.

We crossed a line there's no coming back from.

Lady Rah: Femi is our specialist.

He's here to handle the transportation.

Femi: One bag every two minutes, to make sure it settles.

Cam: He ain't a great passenger.

He's going to get f*cking flagged.

I'm going to go with him.

[Freddy gagging]

man: Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the fasten-seatbelts sign.

We are crossing an area of turbulence.

We suggest all passengers to please remain seated and keep your seatbelts fastened.

Thank you.

You all right?

I can't tell if it's the turbulence or the rocks.

It had to be a bumpy flight, right?


How about you have some yogurt, hmm?

I'm not trying to k*ll a yeast infection, but thanks.

Jake: No, but it'll help pass the stones.

[Freddy pants]

Trust me, one more bump, and I'm going to be passing these f*cking stones.

Oh, f*ck...

Jake: All right. You just need to relax.

What's the matter?

Everything's fine. Some air sickness.

Freddy: It's all good.

Oh, you've got to be f*cking kidding me.

You're all right, you're all right.

Isaac, you need to relax.

You're going to have a f*cking heart attack.

My kid's on a plane right now with a gut full of rocks.

He'll be fine.

They both will.

Easy for you to say when it's not your sons that are in danger.

They're like my own blood.

History repeats itself. Things go wrong.

They always do.

Stop it.

This is a curse.

We're paying for our sins in Algiers.

I already paid for those f*cking sins.

Are you beginning to forget about that, too?

When we were smuggling stones, it was about the future, but this... this is because of that cold-hearted bitch.

She's got a hold over all of us.


Now, you can lie to yourself, Isaac, but you can't lie to me.

This is about Freddy and the shitstorm he's created.

Come here.

Look... nobody wants this to go bad.

Not us, not Lady Rah.

You still don't get it.

I f*cking get it.

You don't!

Because you and I, we're not cut from the same cloth... never were.

[grunts] Jake?


Something's wrong, man.

What is it?


I think one of the... the bags could be tearing.


[coughing, retching]


Oh, shit.

Jake: All right, we've got to get you to the bathroom.

[Freddy coughs]

Is everything okay?

Jake: Um, he's not really feeling well.

Yeah, you'd better get him into the bathroom.

Come on, come on.

All right.

I'm okay.

Come here.

[belches] Oh, f*ck...

Easy, easy.

I got you.

All good?

I think so. I think so.

I mean, that would have been really...

[vomiting, clinking]


Oh, shit.

Oh, f*ck.

Oh, shit...

♪ I'm talkin', he talks I listen ♪
♪ GPS on my position ♪
♪ Just livin', just hanging out with the opposition ♪
♪ Can't take the heat get the-- out the kitchen ♪
♪ Stupid y'all think I'm just spittin' ♪
♪ I belong in prison ♪
♪ Crazy by my own admission on a mission ♪
♪ So grab a podium, audience ♪
♪ Let me tell the public that I'm self-destructive ♪
♪ I ain't lookin' for no help ♪
♪ Lookin' for a way to get high I'm still alive ♪
♪ Six million ways to die Still a few more left to try ♪

♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪
♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪
♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪


[presses buzzer]

[speaks Russian]

I need your help, Unc.

I'm in a jam.

I heard... bad people looking for you.

Honestly, if I were you, I don't know I'd be hanging around.

What do you think I'm here for?

I need a place.

I can't afford the heat. I can't.

You've got a real heart of gold, you know that?

[speaks Russian]

[Uncle replies in Russian]

Where did you get this watch?

What do you give a shit about an ugly, fakakta watch like that, eh?

How much you asking for it?

[intercom chimes]

Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, we have been cleared to land at Vancouver International Airport.

There may be a slight delay.

We ask that you remain seated with your safety belt securely fastened.

Thank you.

[ambulance sirens blaring]

Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, we ask that you bear with us.

We have parked in an isolated area before going to our gate.

There is a sick passenger aboard that we need to help off first.

We will get you deplaned and on your way just as soon as we can.

Thank you.

No one leaves the plane until we get the patient off.

Seat 11D.

Be calm. Don't panic. Don't panic.

Freddy: Uh, hello?

Sir, how are you feeling?

Freddy: Good. I'm fine now.

I just had...

Just, I don't know... food poisoning, maybe?

Freddy: I had... we had... it was the oysters that we...

We had oysters. They were the big ones.

We're going to need to take some blood.

Can you walk?

Uh, no, you're not. Yes, I can walk, but you don't have to take my blood because I just had bad oysters.

Yeah, is this really...?

Come on, sir.

Freddy: No, I don't have to go.

I don't have to. I don't need to.

I'm fine. I'm not sick.


It's okay. It's okay.

Just go. Just go. It's fine.

I'll grab your bags. Just go.

[male grunting]

Yes, that's f*cking it!

[both grunt and gasp]

Don't move. Don't move.

Well, maybe move just a little bit.

[Lala giggles]

[Cam pants]

Remind me to buy you some panties.

Why's that?

They just get in the way.

There's a lot to be said for expediency, and... and for anticipation.


Thank you.

Anything I should know?

Like what?

What do you mean, what?

f*cking Vancouver.

Why don't you calm down... because if there was anything to tell you, I would have told you.

Yes, you would've.

Customs officer: Next in line.

Customs officer: Next, please.

Your brother fucks this up, it's on you.

No. No.

If anything happens to my brother, in any way, it is on you.

[Freddy grunts]

Well, thank you, Phil.


Well, they probed orifices I didn't even know I had, but they gave me a clean bill of health.

Femi: Let's get out of here.

We've lost enough time as it is.

Give me your phones.

Femi, what the...?

The f*ck?

Do it. Do it!

Are you serious?

Fine! Fine!


[yells as taser crackles]

[screaming in pain]

[taser crackles]

Jake: Double-crossing...

[g*n clicks]

Relax, Cam. I come in peace.

I have to say, you've got some f*cking balls coming for me, kid.

We need to talk.

You f*cked us on that deal.

You're lucky to be still standing.

It was just business. I...

I owed some people. I was short.

You know how it is.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

I guess we all got f*cked on that...


But I've heard you, uh... you owe some bigger people now, so you stay the f*ck out of my face.

I got something you're going to want to see.




Something for you to appraise.

What, like a diamond?

Just going to reach for my phone now.


Don't get nervous, Cam.

What is it?

How much is something like this worth to you?


Avi Kreshman's watch.

Where'd you find that?

Doesn't matter.

Take it easy.



I'll be gone, a pleasant memory, out of your hair.

It's a good deal.

I don't walk around with a hundred grand in my pocket.

Too many f*cking petty thieves around... like you.


Okay, uh...

I can get it.

I'll call you later.

Make it soon, then.



I'd be careful of that stuff if I were you.

Did you know, if everyone ate organic, the whole world would starve to death?

That's just not true.

It is.

It takes six times the amount of water to grow the same piece of organic fruit or vegetables.

Frankly, I'm afraid to walk into health food stores.

I'd eat an apple and die of toxic shock.

I need the pesticides.

I'm Nick.



Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Willow: 3.25.


Damn. I wasn't even close.

Sure you were.

For a beginner, you're learning, and you're further along than your father was when he was your age.



Clarity's the hardest.

I always screw up on very, very slightly included, or just very slightly included.


I'm leaving you a little something... something special.

You know, when I'm gone.

Papa, don't say that.

You're not going anywhere.

We all have to go sometime.

You can't.

You're a good kid, Willow.

Don't worry, I'll try to stick around for a long time, but when I do go, this thing I'm going to give you, it's for the whole family.

I'm giving it only to you.


Just don't tell anyone.

It'll be our little secret.

Only if you quit being so depressing.


Come here, baby.


I love you.

Willow: I love you, too.

Take a seat. Go on.

Freddy! Freddy...



What? Stop!

Freddy: What the f*ck, man.

I don't know what the f*ck's going on.

You don't have to... what?

[screams in pain]

Enoch: Don't try to stall me with your bullshit.

We want the diamonds.

Once we get them, you and your brother can walk free.

Oh, really?

So the plastic on the floor is just to protect the carpet?

All right, man, you can have the f*cking diamonds.

Just don't hurt my brother.

My father was a fisherman.

He taught me how to gut a fish with one motion, so fast, that if I did it correctly...

I could pull the guts out and still see the heart beating.


Do not make me go fishing.

The stones in that bucket, or your guts on the floor.

Your choice.

[sirens blaring]

Yo, Alexi!

What the hell happened?

Hey, real sorry for your loss, man.

What was that, two, three friends?

Yeah, well, why aren't you looking for the K*llers?

I am.

Do me a favor. Turn around.

Put your hands on the car there.


Put your hands on the f*cking car!

What's your probable cause?

Probable cause?

You stepping out of the house in the morning, that's probable cause, Alexi.

You got anything in your pockets that's going to stick me?

Needles? Any f*cking dope? Anything like that?

I got nothing to say.

Nothing. Look at this bullshit.

That's right. What's this?

What's this?

It's a watch.

I just got it at Miki's over at Yaka's.

What's it doing in your pocket, huh, scumbag?

Should be on your wrist.

Oh, Lexi... you got the right to remain silent, man.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You've got the right to an attorney.

You understand me?

How are you?



Your kid, she's got the eye.

Ava: You can't fight genes.

Cam: Ain't that the truth.

Ava: She loves being here with him.

You know, she's about the same age as Jake when we first put him on the floor.

Is he around?

No, he's on a run to Palm Springs.

You really going to bullshit me, Cam?

It's a long line of people that I've bullshitted in the world, and you, my dear, are nowhere in the queue.

I've got to go.

Good to see you.

Good to see you.

Cam tells me she has diamonds in her blood.

She does.

Pretty soon, she'll be running the whole business.

She's a very special girl.

Ava: All grandparents say things like that.

I've been trying to get a hold of Jake.

You have any idea when he'll be back from San Diego?

No idea.

I can't tell you, okay?

Just know there are things going on that aren't good.

Would you take Willow outside, please, and show her how stones are faceted?

I thought Jake was working things out.

He's trying, but he can't do everything.

He needs you.

Take him back, Ava.

I know you still love him.

Isaac, it's not that simple.

Families are meant to stay together.

You are the best thing that ever happened to the Greens.

You're giving me way too much credit.

I don't think so.

Things are falling apart here.

Jake is taking on too much, I can't get Freddy straight, and Cam... I don't know about Cam anymore.

I'm not sure I can trust him.

Why would you say that?

I'm not sure... but... I...

[struggles to speak]

It's something.

Isaac, Cam's family.

He's married to your sister.

He's like a brother to you.

No, he isn't!

Isaac, I think you're just... you're just tired.

You need to rest.

Don't patronize me.

I know you all think I'm going crazy... but I see things.

That's why it's got to be you.

You are the only one who can make this family whole again.

[Freddy retches]


f*ck! I...

I don't know, maybe some water or something?

I'm a little dry here.

I'm trying, okay? I'm f*cking trying!


Just give me a second.

I'm not... let me just keep trying.

[loud smack, Freddy cries out]

He's trying.

Sit... down.

Give him some f*cking time.

Give him some time.

[Freddy retches]


Hey, come sit down.

Come on.

Something is wrong.

A father can feel these things.

You need to calm down.

Now, we agreed there'd be no communication until after the drop.

I can't stop thinking about Algiers.

I was never a greedy man.

You talked me into it.

No, no, no, no... you let me talk you into it.

Greed is like a cancer.

It doesn't go away, and now it's spread to the boys.

They're going to wind up getting locked up.

No, they won't.

The only reason I did the five years was so you could go home to your wife and kids.

Listen to me, Isaac.

I suffered in that f*cking hellhole so we could all have a better life, but that ain't going to happen, not 'til this thing is taken care of.

These people the boys are dealing with, they're K*llers.

They're smart.

They're going to be fine.

Easy for you to say.

These are my boys we're talking about.

My boys!


And the shipment? When can it be expected?


Not good enough.

Whoa, where the hell do you think you are going?

I want to know what the hell is going on with my boys.

Don't make another move, old man.

Get that g*n off my head.

Now, let's all take a deep breath.

All of us.

Where are they?

You know where they are, and what they're doing.

I want to talk to them now!

Take this pathetic little old man home.

You watch your f*cking mouth.

Get 'em on the phone now!

I need to speak to Freddy and to... to... to... to, uh...


What's this?


What's going on between you two?

You holding out on me?


Isaac... you're sounding paranoid.

Am I?

You miserable bitch, I'll k*ll you!

I'll k*ll you!

I got him, goddammit! I got him. I got him.

Yeah... we're leaving.

It's okay... it's okay.

Cam, you don't understand.

I got nothing to lose.

Come on, my friend.

I'm taking you home.

Come on.



Oh, man...


[groaning, retching]
Freddy: Aw, Jake, nothing's coming.

He won't give up the diamonds.

We don't have time for this.

Want to use the tubes?

Go on.

There you go.

What've you got... no, no, no.

We don't need to use whatever the... what is... the f*ck is that?

No! Hey, all right, all right.

You had your chance. Now open up wide.

Give me a f*cking chance!

Give me a second!

Just give me a second, all right?

[muffled grunting]


[Freddy retches and struggles]

You m*therf*cking bastard!

I said, sit down!

You f*cking bastard.

[sputters, retches]

Don't worry. It will all be over soon.

There you go.

Thank you, David.

Go home. Go on. Go home.

So, um... did you get what you wanted?


Why don't you listen to me, Isaac?

Because you're a goddamned liar!

Something's gone bad.

I knew it in my heart... and I saw that look between you and that bitch!

What the f*ck are you talking about?

You sent Freddy on that run.

What is this?

Are you blaming me for this shit?

Are you saying that I put the g*n in Freddy's hands so he could k*ll Avi?

He didn't learn about g*ns from me.

What's next?

Are you saying I'm responsible for sticking that stuff up his f*cking nose?

You've been protecting him all his f*cking life, never letting him take a fall.

You want to know the hard truth?

This is on you, not on f*cking me.

Ever since I brought you into this business, you've just been waiting, biding your time.

For f*ck's sake!

The only thing I'm guilty of is standing by you, and stopping these f*cking walls from collapsing in.

I never should've reached out to you after Algiers.

You be careful.

You're a dark soul, Cam. No f*cking good.

I brought you into the States so you could be a better man.

What a mistake it was to let you into our lives.

Do you really mean that?

With every bone in my body! I mean it!

But we're family.

I'm married to your sister, for Christ-sake...

And look how happy you made her.

Her happiness?

Is this what this is all about?

She's a crazy agoraphobic!

She's frightened of her own shadow!

She won't even go out of the f*cking house!

And she's barren! Dry as a f*cking desert!

You know, and you talk about kids, about legacy?

I ain't f*cking got that!

Get the f*ck off of me!

No! I helped you build this place, turn it into a f*cking business, selling more than just a mom-and-pop f*cking operation!

You don't do nothing for anybody but yourself!

You ungrateful f*cking piece of shit!

[loud thud, crash]


What the f*ck have I done?


[heavy clinking]

[clinking in bucket]

Yes, yes, cough it up, assh*le!



[rattling, clinking]

[Freddy vomits]

[Freddy pants]

[vomits, more diamonds clatter]

Doctor: Blunt-force trauma to the head.

Depressed skull fracture at the left parietal lobe.

Excuse me.

Cam: Sorry.

Is he ready to move?

Doctor: BP is 80 over 50.

Cam! What happened?

It was an accident.

He just f*cking slipped and...

Cam, where are Jake and Freddy?

Let's go.

nurse: Yeah, he's stable now. Let's move.


Put it in a bucket or something.

He's empty.

I thought you said there would be more diamonds than this?

Where the f*ck are the rest?

When he got sick on the plane, he threw up half of the load.

Femi: So you have them?

Not on me, but I can take you to them.

You've been in my sight the entire time.

So you must have swallowed them yourself?

You think this is a game?

That you can call the sh*ts?

Cut his brother open, just to make sure.

Freddy: Goddammit.

[choking] Jake!

Stop! Stop! Stop.

You have an answer for me now?

When he threw up half the load, I put them in a barf bag.

Walked them right through customs.

So where are they?


I tell you, you let us go.

Freddy: Jake, don't tell them shit.

Tell me.

You both can go free.

You have my word.

They're hidden in the back seat of the car.

Femi: Are you f*cking kidding me?

I'll check it out.

You hear me honk the horn twice, you finish them.

Femi: Meet me at the car.

[phone ringing]

Yes. Thank you so much.

I've been trying to call Jake and Freddy, and neither one of them are picking up their phones, so somebody needs to tell me what the f*ck is going on here, Cam.

It's business.

No, don't tell me that... because if it's the kind of business that is going to leave my daughter fatherless...

Doctor: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Green's family?

Well, I'm the brother-in-law, and this is the daughter-in-law, so you can speak to us both.

Does he have a living will?

I'm afraid the operation was not successful.



Femi: Come, come, come, come.

[honks horn twice]

[car engine starts]


Relax, kid.

I wasn't going to hurt you.

Yes... you were.

[grunting as Freddy and other man struggle]

Freddy: No!



f*ck! f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

Jake, what do we do now?

We've got to get the f*ck out of here.

Come on... and get rid of these f*cking g*ns.

You f*cking set us up?

What are you talking about?

Where are my stones, Jacob?

Gone, gone.

Your boy, Femi, took them once we crossed the border, just like you planned.

There is no version of me being behind this, Jacob.

If that's true, I had no knowledge.

Where are you now?

We're coming back to L.A.

Lady Rah: Jacob, whether you realize it or not, this is bad news for both of us.


It was your f*cking guy. This is on you.



I need you to listen to me.

What happened?

Your brother, um... he's in the hospital.



He's going to be okay?

I don't think he's going to be okay.


You need to go and see him.

I can take you.

Are you ready to leave the house and go see him before he dies?

I can't.

Jesus Christ, he's your brother.

He's f*cking dying, you know?

Can't you pull yourself together, just this f*cking once?

I'll hold your hand.

I'll do anything you f*cking want.

Please, please, don't yell at me.

I can't bear it.

I'm... I'm sorry..

I... I...

I can't go.

I'm sorry.



Willow: He looks so frail.

Ava: He's fighting.

Don't lie to me.

Don't talk to me like I'm a child.

He's on life support, Mom! Look at all these machines!

You think I don't know what this is?

You're right.

I'm sorry.

Where the hell is Dad?

I don't know, Will... but he'll be here.

Your nephews are safe, but my stones are gone.

But they did their part.

Lady Rah: Well, it isn't that simple.

No... it never is for you.

We're f*cked.

Better get more men.

We're gone.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned.


Of course.

[Jake exhales, pants]

[P.A.] Final call for flight 8 to San Francisco...

Tell you what...

The minute I get to my seat, I'm going to order as many vodka tonics as it takes for me to pass the f*ck out.


[faint P.A. announcement plays]

You all right?


I just f*cking...

I just k*lled a man, Freddy.

That guy was going to k*ll you.

He would've k*lled both of us.

You didn't have a choice, you understand?

What have we become?

I mean, who the f*ck have we become, Freddy?

Who we had to be.

[phone rings]


Cam: Kid, you been off the f*cking grid forever.

Jake: It all went sideways, Cam.

Are you both okay?

We're fine, but the stones are gone.


Well, let's talk about that later.

Now, listen to me.

Your Pop, he's, um... he's back in hospital.

Cam: Jake?

You need to get home fast.


Edwin Einhardt?

I'm Detective Carlos Vega, L.A.P.D.

What is this about?

I was just hoping maybe you could help me sort something out.

Working a missing persons case... an Avi Kreshman?

Don't know the name.

How does this pertain to me?

You seen this before?


You're sure?

Why don't you take a closer look at it?

I mean, I'm no expert when it comes to jewelry, and I never did get that iced-out thing, but you don't got to be a jeweler to see the value in this shit right here.

You're sure you've never seen it?

I'm sure.

You sure?

See, funny thing is about criminals... yours is the only business in the whole world where the shit rolls uphill.

Now, why would Avi's watch be in the possession of a shady mortician like you?


The boys have just landed. They're on their way.

You hang in there.

Hang in there.


If there was any justice in the world, any, uh... any real f*cking reason... it would be me laying in that bed, and not you.

You're a better man than I, Isaac.

I've always known that.

The fact is, uh...

I'm much f*cking worse than you think.

You brought me into your family, into the business.

You tried to f*cking mold me into something...

It would have been easier to put a silk hat on a f*cking pig... but that's just the man you are.

You know... that's your nature... you know, trying to get a gem from a lump of coal.

You're the diamond man.

You've... you brought so much life, and all I do is f*cking take it.

I couldn't be what you wanted me to be.

I wanted to be that.

I just, I just couldn't... and you know the crazy thing?

The crazy thing is that you never saw it.

You never really saw the real f*cking me.

Maybe... maybe you didn't want to see it.

Maybe... I don't know.

I don't know whether I should thank you for that, or f*cking hate you.

I can't give back what I've already taken.

I'm sorry, Isaac.

I'm sorry.



Go see your father right away.

Where is he?

He's, uh, round the corner, first door on the left.

Freddy: Pop...


We made it. Both of us.

Your boys are here.


I understand you're his sons?

That's right.

There's no easy way to say this... but you're going to have to decide if you want to keep your father on life support any longer.

I'll give you some time.

[clears throat]

[Freddy sobs]



What are you telling me, your Pop never told you about the handkerchiefs?

Jake: I know what that is.

He pounded that into Freddy and I when we were kids.

Freddy: Every date we ever went on, he was stuffing hankies into our pockets.

That's how he busted me with that joint that time.


You know, I remember that.

I just got back from London.

You know, gangster suit, no f*cking manners, and your Pop... he was the classiest guy I knew.


He taught me how to dress, how to treat a woman.

You know, he had three rules.

First rule... always carry two clean handkerchiefs in your pocket.

There's one for you, and if you happen to make the woman cry...

[Freddy laughs]

You can hand over the other one, you know, and never ask for it back.

You know, you insist that she keeps it.

You know... it's the gentlemanly thing to do... and Number Two...

Jake: When you're having dinner with a woman... and you happen to finish first, you never, ever let the busboy take the plate before the woman is done.


Freddy: Yeah, and the third rule, of course... whenever a woman gets up from a table, you stand up.

I could never remember that one, no matter how many times he'd smack me up against the back of the head.

You know, he had a pride in the way he carried himself, and he tried to instill that in you two boys, you know?

He instilled that in me.

You know, he tried to change my accent.

He tried to educate me, but, uh...

He brought the best out of people.

That was your pop.



You might need these on your travel, my dear old friend.

[Freddy sobs]

All right.

I'll go get everyone so they can say goodbye.



[Freddy weeps]


Come on.

[Freddy cries]

I love you more than all the diamonds in the world, Papa.

Goodbye... sweet man.


I love you, Pop.

I love you, Pop.

I'll see you on the sunny side.

[Freddy cries]


Szeretlek forever, Isaac.

Goodbye, Isaac.
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