01x01 - Episode 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Delicious". Aired: December 2016 to January 2019.*
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"Delicious" is a drama series about food, love and infidelity in Cornwall, England.
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01x01 - Episode 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: My name is Leo Vincent. And I'm a professional chef. This is my hotel, the Penrose. People travel miles to eat here... I'm a success! I've got an amazing wife and two incredible children. My life is perfect. Unfortunately, it's about to be completely and utterly screwed. But food is my first and only love. And that's no secret. Food made my fortune. Real food. Delicious food.

Sicilian food.

Quaglie alla panna. Panelli. Caponata.

How long with the polenta?

Ten seconds, chef.

The problem is, I stole it all. Every recipe. Every idea. It was all hers.

It all belonged to Gina Benelli. Temperamental, stubborn, and rude, more like me than anyone I've ever known. Which is probably why I divorced her. This is my second wife. Sam. She's beautiful, intelligent, and a wonderful mother. She's also convinced I'm cheating on her. She's right.

Isn't she working yet?

The new manager.

Sophie, isn't it?

Suzie. Brains, smart cookie. Lots up top.

In fact... She reminds me of you.

I gotta go.


This is our son, Michael. I used to live like that when I was seventeen. It had certain advantages.

Michael: I just... I just never thought you were the kind of woman that was even... into the whole relationship... thing.


No. No... I mean relationships.


You really sure?

Yeah, of course, you were right. We should... Keep it casual.

Yeah. Of course.

Vincent: Meet Teresa. My daughter. She has what they politely call "a condition".

Aquagenic urticaria, allergic to water. So she takes precautions, everywhere she goes.

Don't make me beg you.

I'm not going.

He's your brother!

He is my half brother.

But he has invited you.

He's invited every girl in Cornwall.


Teresa: Sorry, every blonde in Cornwall.

Gina: So you ran really stand out!

Please, come.


It's just for me, I hate parties.

You love parties!

No, I don't! I pretend, like everybody does!

And this party is deep in enemy territory.

I need someone that I can trust.

We can have each other's backs?

Will there be sn*pers out?

With your father anything's possible.

I take that as a yes, uh?

No! That's a no.

But you can borrow my bulletproof vest.

Mmm! Ice cream, lovely!

You could have this if you'd say yes.

I've eaten already.

No, you missed breakfast.

You need to eat.

I need to go.

So... the party?

I'll think about it!



All women think their husbands are cheating on them.

It's basically our default position.

You think I'm imagining here?

I think you need evidence.

And you've checked his credit card, his phone?

Why, do you think I should?


Men are creatures of habit.

Simple, repetitive patterns of behavior.

We know that he's done this before.

That was different.

Leo and I were in love!


Gina must have hated me if I made her feel like this.

Doesn't that mean she knows exactly what to look for?


Do you think I should ask her?

It's what I'd do.

What makes you think I will tell you the truth?

Oh, because I think, well I hope, we've been able to put the past behind us.

And it's driving me mad, I can't sleep.

I need to know and I think you can help me.


Nothing. That's what changed.


There were no signs, nothing was different.

One day he was my husband, and the next day he belonged to you.

So you think I'm making it up?

These are for service tonight, try it.


Leo: My mother. Mimi. No one knows why she's called that. She just is. She worked at Bletchley during the w*r. Hitler never stood a chance.

I swear it's getting even easier.

I may have to write to them.

I mean, look!

One across. Four letters.

"Type of rock typically sweet."


Oh, glam, obviously.

I may have to decant to The Guardian.

Compiled by halfwits, but these are desperate times.

Leo: Salmon needs sauce.

There's no sauce.

Now you know why I hate cooking for you.

Or seasoning.

Rosa was very clear about the salt risk.

Your blood pressure's too high.

Mmh! Alright this is lovely.

Thank you.


No, it's really healthy.

You know, I've got to watch my salt intake, so...




I'm sorry.

I know you're just trying to look out for me and I appreciate it.


Will you forgive me?

You're horrible.


I'll see you later.

Where are you going?

Evening service. I thought I told you.

Oh, can't Franco do it?

Not tonight. I can't risk him tonight.

A Michelin inspector has been spotted in Dartmouth.

Every executive chef must have excellence cooking tonight.

Voilà. The classic Michelin man. Dinning alone. BMI issues. He used to carry notebooks but now it's always an iPad.

Good evening, sir.

Of course they're fooling no one.

Franco! *Bad - he is at table four.


How long for the bean ragout?

Two minutes, chef!

Where the hell is Leo?


But he left two hours ago.

Something about a Michelin man.

Oh. OK.

Here he is.

Just walked in.

Sorry to bother you.


♪ CIGARETTES AFTER SEX: Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby ♪

♪ Whispered something in your ear ♪
♪ It was a perverted thing to say ♪
♪ But I said it anyway ♪


Come on...

...now try these.

Latest creation.


That's amazing.



Is it... saffron?

*Brûléed into sour cherry.



You are far too good for me.


♪ Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby ♪

Ah. [SIGH]


You think I'm getting fat?

Vain, maybe. Not fat.

You need to tell her, Leo.

She knows.

About us?

About you.

And someone called "Sandy"?

[SIGHS] Oh, Suzie.

Well, I wish.

But there's nothing going on between me and Suzie.

What you're telling me is, she suspects.

There's a big difference.

No but this time she suspects right.

Yeah... I just... I don't think the timing...

No. I'm not going to lie to her.

And neither are you!


It's hard, having a younger wife. More pressure. I think I've done quite well. I still have hair. I can't bloody pee though.


Obviously I was gonna lie to her.

But you knew that, right?




It looks like rain.


What's the matter? How can anyone be allergic to water?

Believe it or not, my medical condition isn't the most interesting thing about me.

You should be on the Discovery Channel or something.


A girl k*lled by rain.

That's something.

Thanks. Er, I'll add that to my bucket list.


So, have you decided... about... summer?

Er... Yeah, yeah. We're going to "Bali".

The whole... crowd.

You're going to Bali?


It's in Indonesia, I think.

Yeah, I know where it is.

Sure. Super brain Benelli.

You should come. It'd be great if you can.

Do you want me to come?


It'd be amazing.

So will I see you tomorrow?

What's tomorrow?

Michael's eighteenth.

It's at the hotel.

There's food, right?

What do you think?

You're absolutely sure?

Franco was lying.

And Gina?

I asked her. She couldn't help me.

Couldn't? Or wouldn't?

Do you blame her?

He had mud on his shoes.

I don't understand.

When Leo and I first started seeing each other we'd go to the hut.

I ruined three pairs of heels that way.

So... What are you gonna do?

Catch him in the act.

Sorry. It won't be a second!

So how are we?

Did you try the herbal remedy I mentioned?


If possible.

I have a *cold shower once a week, I get all my calories from antihistamines and I carry a big umbrella.

Er, I found some new research.

Water allergies can be challenging but I still think that stress could be a very significant factor in your symptoms.

Don't you agree?

I need an abortion.

Okay. I've confirmed your appointment.

You'll need to attend the clinic at 12:30.

You'll take one pill immediately, and a second pill six hours later.

The second one may hurt.

And then it will be gone?

Then it will leave.

You'll need some pads.

No woman is an island, Teresa.

We all need someone we can talk to.

[CROWD SINGING] ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Woman: Congratulations.

♪ Happy birthday, dear Michael ♪

[LEO SINGING IN HARMONY] ♪ Happy birthday to you

Wow, this is genuinely impressive, dad. Thank you.


Michael: Thank you! Thank you, guys.


Man: Congratulations!

And I thought you might like this.

Oh, wow. Mum.

What did you get me?

Wow! That's... That's amazing!

I know you don't wear a watch, but I thought every man...

Vincent men work with their hands.

You keep it for births, weddings and funerals, right?

Thank you.

I love it.

Sam: He hates it.

He said he loved it.

He's lying. Surely even you could see that.

Believe it or not, sometimes people actually say what they mean.


A moment, please!


Clyde: I need your help.

So, which one is Will?

Over there. Stuffing his face.

Oh, I like him already.

Of course, no one appreciates the environmental aspect.

But if we increase suedes, and reduce meat content, bovine methane is instantly halfed.

I'm sorry, what are we talking about?

Pasties, Leo!

Every time a cow farts, our planet cries.

I thought this place was my little secret.

Ah, this is Cornwall.

There are no secrets.

[SIGHS] God.

I hate parties.

Instruments of t*rture.

I got your message.

Bali sounds cool.

How much do you need?

A couple of thousand?

Basically just what you've got in your pocket.

Haha, funny.

Everyone thinks I'm loaded.

Everyone wants to bleed me dry.

Apparently I'm the gift that just keeps on giving.

About that trust fund.


A couple of thousands I can do.

As long as it's a secret.

Mum's the word.

I get it.

Smart people need to see the world.

I did.

Just no more surprises.

And no tattoos.

Christness how much this all cost.

But that's my Leo.

Victim of his own generosity.

Mmh, the man's a saint. Everyone says so.

Oh, there's Samantha, lovely dress.

How in earth does she manage to stay so slim?!


Alright. See you guys. Thanks for coming.

Christ. They never talk to each other.

I mean, what are you gonna do when you f*cked all of them?

I don't know.

But it'll never happen though.

Why, are you jealous?

Seriously. Yuk.

So, what's your exit strategy?

New town? Or just hit Belgium?

Why "Belgium"?

Best looking girls in Europe.

I can't believe you don't know that.

No, I thought that was Iceland though.


Belgium. Google it.

Oh, and, happy birthday!

What did they get you?


Mm, tasteful.

So, does this mean you're going into financial services?

Or are you actually going to become a real *submariner?

Well, people do *** *a town into going down, Well. Now you can tell him yourself.

He's got a second hand, right?

Oh, shit!

You're going to Bali?


Are you? *Do you? Are you?

Um, yeah.

When exactly were you planning to tell me?

Probably when it became some of your business!

You are my daughter! You live in my house.

You are my business.

You're not well enough, not yet.

You don't eat!

People are starting to notice.

I'm not doing this now.

Yes, you are. We are going to talk!

Fine! Yeah, I'll start.

Um, I'm an adult-grown woman.

Which means I have a legal right to leave home and go to Bali with my boyfriend.

Your turn.

And who is paying for all of this?

You bastard!

You want her to leave.

I want her to have a life.

Sometimes we all have to make difficult choices.

So it's my fault?

Did I say that?

Speaking of which...

Sam seems remarkably calm.

Considering you've just told her that you're sleeping with me.

[LAUGHING] Come on!

I'm waiting for the right moment.

What the...

Thanks very much. Thanks.

Are you drunk?

Or stoned?

Oh, I... just think we need to... discuss the situation properly.


The two of us.

Usual place?



No, thanks.




Talk to me!




Leo: Please! Put it down!


You lying piece of shit!




Please. Mum?



Stop it. Stop it, please.

[SCREAMING] How could you? With her?!


Every day you tell me everything was his fault!

He betrayed us both, and now, you're screwing him again!

It wasn't like that!

All my life you have said this, and now you do this!

You weren't supposed to find out like this!

Everyone knows, mum, everyone.

How am I supposed to deal with this?

Well at least I don't take his money.

That would be real hypocrisy.

Oh, I d...


You're asking for a simple answer to a very complicated question.

Oh, you know that she's given you everything!

You're right. You're quite right.

Do you love her?

Are you talking about Mum or Gina?

Oh, for Christ's sake, of course I'm talking about Mum.

In that case, yes, very much so.

Then why?

Why? Jesus!

He wants to know why?

I used to be able to answer that question when you asked me:

"Why do I have to go to school?"

"Why is the sky blue?"

"Why don't I like eggs?"

I'm allergic!

And you never made me go to school, Mum did.

I took care of the practical side.

And you're not allergic, you just choose not to eat them!

I get a rash and my tongue swells up!

I don't wanna go through this again.

I don't want you to split up!


I'm gonna sort this out.

I promise you.

♪ RICHARD HAWLEY: Remorse Code ♪



Gina: Teresa.



Starter... was sublime.

Sweet and savoury notes.

Blended to perfection.

However... the entrée... was its equal!

In every way!

This was, simply put, the best meal I will ever eat in my life.

♪ You're caught ♪
♪ In the net ♪
♪ Fathoms deep ♪


♪ In regret ♪
♪ Remorse code ♪
♪ The message sent ♪


♪ Count the cost ♪
♪ Of a force spent ♪
♪ In those white lines ♪
♪ Made your eyes wide ♪


I wanted to explain.

Please, get out.

Not until you listen to me.

I wanted to tell you ever since Leo and I got back together.

But he didn't want to upset you.

How considerate.

How long?

Not long.

I need a number.


No, well, it may be six.

Six weeks?



Sam, it just happened.

No! Having a third glass of champagne just happens!

f*cking someone else's husband for half a year takes planning!

Well you should know.

[SCOFFS] I was waiting for that.

It was twenty years ago!

I thought we were over that.

I didn't plan this. I didn't enjoy it.

I'm not going to apologise for the relationship.

But I am really sorry that you found out like this.

I always wanted to tell you.

So, all this time, All these years when we were together, you still loved him?

I suppose I must have.



Leo: I know you didn't want to talk last night, but...


I just wanna have a proper conversation about this.



Er, I'm gonna come back, later.

When we both calm down.


Look at that!

You need to get that fixed.

Na, you're missing the big picture, it's called patina.


Classic car should always show its age...

So you know it's had a life.

Mmh. Does the same apply to lovers?

I don't know why we did this.

Because secretly you've always loved me?

And finally you've realised that I'm the one.

No, I don't think it's that.

What the hell has this all been about then?

Honestly... I don't know.

But leaving Sam...

I love her, Gina, I mean...

You know that.






You humiliated me.

But then, you're just my husband.

I counted Gina as my friend.

I'm sorry.

Why her?

Of all the people that you could have screwed?

It's hard to explain.

Well, you better f*cking well try if you want this marriage to last another heartbeat.

She just... knows me.

Knows what I'm thinking and feeling before I even say it.

I don't have to try.

[CLICKS TONGUE] It's, um... It's as if... we go together.

Two ingredients that work.

And we don't.

For you and me, it's different.

You and I...

I can deal with the sex, Leo.

Because I knew I had you.

But clearly I was fooling myself.

I think she's the only one you've ever really loved.




Please, Gina, will you go and see her?

Why the hell would I help you?

Because she won't even talk to me.

You can explain things to her, just tell her there was nothing between us.

It was all a mistake.


...is really very important to me.

I need us to show a united front on this.

Well... What do you think?

I think you're pathetic.

You don't understand. Divorce is not an option.

It's just...

Really... Bad timing, that's all.

Could we not...

...put aside our differences, please, Gina?

Just... Help me sort this out.

No, I'm not gonna help you because you don't deserve me.

And you certainly don't deserve her.

Of course she should divorce you.

Gina: So now please, just...

Could you leave?

Oh, and never come back.



It's for acute stress.

She's got to be an 18.


I spent ten years skipping salad dressing, I've k*lled myself in the gym every morning, then he goes and screws his crazy ex-wife, who is triple my dress size.

You're already a 6?


8. But my point still stands.

God, it's so humiliating.

♪It's Michael's future that I care about.

My son.

I can look after myself.

He's the one that needs protecting.


What are you going to do now?

I assume everyone knows, then.

Gossip may be the devil's radio...

But it's hard not to tune in.

Um... Suzie at the hotel told everybody.

I'm just reporting the facts.

So, is it a sin?

To sleep with your own ex-husband?

Oh, tricky.

Can I get back to you on that?

Well, I'm a Catholic.

You could argue that we never actually split up.

[SIGHS] I'll definitely leave that to the Lord.

Maybe you could just give me a penance?

Again, as I am not actually a Catholic priest...

Well, I refuse to drive all the way into Chilstone when I've got a perfectly serviceable priest on my own doorstep.

Fine. I'll give it a shot.

♪Seen as there is a distinct amount of sinners in the media area.

Frankly I don't think you're looking hard enough.



[WHISPERING] I miss Stockwell.

So, why did they send you here then?


As a reward.

For not being so miserable.

[SIGHS] So what should I do then?


*** onions and some of that thing that you do with the aubergines.



So you think I have a case?

Woman: For divorce?

That's a definite case.

My mouth's watering already.








Woman: You're wavering. I can tell.

This whole process, it just seems so... clinical.

And you're clearly a decent, fair-minded woman.

You don't want more than you're owed...

You aren't doing this to punish your husband.

You just want what's yours, by right.

Yes, exactly.

Which is the precise reason why you need me!

Let me embody all the anger... and betrayal you felt when you learned your husband was unfaithful.



Take it if you have to.


I'm sure you're right.

All you have to do is instruct me.

Don't do this for yourself.

Don't even do it for Michael, but...

Du it for women.








Where is he?



Um... Are you a relative?

I'm his wife.







Sam: You know, when I married him, no one would speak to me.

Not a soul.

People actually spat at me in the street.

It took... six months?, to get a single "good morning".

But I stayed.

They though I was just some... floozy, some tart who was after his money.

But they weren't gonna beat me.

And I showed them.

I showed them all.

I stuck it out!

And you know why?

Because I loved him.

I really loved him.

You know, the worse thing is...

No one believed me.

I'm not gonna cry.

I never cry!

That might be where you're going wrong.


Leo: I suppose we all wonder what it's gonna be like when it finally happens. Whether it's gonna hurt... or if there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. Actually, it's fine. Just like falling asleep. Nothing to be scared of at all.







Mrs Vincent?

Leo: Dying isn't to be taken lightly. Life is a precious thing. Something worth holding on to.



Going far?

Home. Just home.

My husband collapsed earlier today.

He has died.

Leo: Once a man reaches a certain age, he starts to care about his legacy. What he's left behind. In my case, things are complicated.


Let's just say, there's unfinished business. There are people who I've hurt.


Yes, my name was Leo Vincent, and I was a professional chef. This used to be my hotel. My death may just be the best thing that's ever happened to this family. But it may take them a little while to realise it. This is just the beginning. Things are going to change.

Leo: We all leave traces, echoes, and trouble. Lots of trouble.

Man: Sam has never *failed in here.

This is what he wanted. His last request.

Grow the f*ck up!

They loved our darling daddy because he made them rich.

Fine, you win.


Mimi: Gina's loving all this.

Gina: Next!


♪ But I am the greatest loving creature ♪
♪ That you are ever gonna meet ♪
♪ From the top of my head ♪
♪ Down to the tips of the toes on my feet ♪
♪ So go ahead and love me ♪
♪ While it's still a crime ♪
♪ And don't forget you could be laughing ♪
♪ 65 percent more of the time ♪
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