01x04 - Episode 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Delicious". Aired: December 2016 to January 2019.*
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"Delicious" is a drama series about food, love and infidelity in Cornwall, England.
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01x04 - Episode 4

Post by bunniefuu »

No mother should bury her son.

Gina: I lost him.

I don't want to lose you, too.

There is no estate.

All there is are debts.

A fraud this extensive takes planning.

I never really understood why he ever left you.

Teresa: Ah! The girl k*lled by rain does incest.

She's emotional, and she's unstable!

Teresa: Nobody knows, nobody saw us.

I left something here a long time ago.

I've come to get it back.

Leo: People always talk about falling in love.

As if it's something you just can't control.

Love is a choice like any other.

That suit you can't afford.

The two-seater you really don't need.

To truly
fall in love, you have to want it!

Like a vampire, you can only cross the threshold if you're invited in.

No, none of us just fall.

We have to jump.


The rain has stopped, you got five minutes.

I got work to do.

Jesus. Charming.

[SIGHS] No time for a cigarette?

No, not in here.

Sorry. Habitual rebel.

It's almost as if you want to get rid of me.

Funny you should say that.

It's a shock. When your friends suddenly start dying.

Makes you acutely aware of your own mortality.

You made that man.

You know, Leo was a great chef.

[SCOFFS] Leo was an opportunist.

Clever, I grant you, but he never had it in his fingers, not like you.

I could fall in love with a talent like that.

Maybe I should quit.


How is she?

She's unhappy.

[SCOFFS] Welcome to the world.

I thought it was time I introduce myself to her.

Just like that?!

Well, no. No.

I suppose I could make breakfast first.

You look terrible.

How much did you drink?


I said, you look terrible.


You know, what I usually do is, I take three of Mimi's arthritis pills.

Sorts me right out ♪Way to go guys. Wooooow!

Is that... really a good idea?

What time is it?


Quarter to.


Alright. Later, then.




Leo: Funny, isn't it?

When we really need to talk, the ones we love feel furthest away.



You left this.

In the bathing hut.

Oh! Right, shit. Um...

Yeah. The watch.

I wouldn't want to lose the watch.

Definitely not.

So... What happened, that was...

Weird. Right?


But I guess that makes us criminals now.

Except in Belgium.

Yay, Belgium.

We can be perverted asylum seekers.


Yeah. I'd like that.

Alright. Um... I'll see you, then.




See you.


Is my taxi here? I thought I heard the door.

Where are you going?

A coach trip.

An odyssey through the architecture of Toulouse.

You never mentioned it.

Terminal Alzheimer's, no doubt.

These things can sneak up on you, apparently.

I forget who told me.


Oh! Finally.

Oh, but how can you leave?

You can't just go, can you?

That's a ridiculous question that I'm going to treat as rhetorical.

Goodbye, dear.

Mother, there's a strange man in the kitchen and he's not one of mine.


We met at the coffee shop.

I'm a friend of your parents.

Funny. Neither of them have ever mentioned you before.

Confidentiality clause. I insist.

I get you one to sign later. Maintains the air of mystery.

Plus, the chicks love that.

Wow, "chicks". Mmh.

News flash: The Beatles split, John's dead and Paul's someone's granddad.

Ah, shit.

What about Ringo?

Ringo lives. I think.

Hm. He'll always be a hero of mine.

Get yourself some talented friends, and just... coast.

Inspiring. You should be a teacher.

I used to cook a bit. Now I write.

About food.

I leave the real chefing to the professionals.

So what are you doing here, James?

Apart from being the world's worst life-coach.

I heard about Leo.

Shit, isn't it?

There's f*ck all you can do.

Your entire life's destroyed, but you still have to eat breakfast.

James: Ah!

I finally met Teresa.

It feels like we've got a lot of catching-up to do.

Shouldn't you be at work?

She needs to eat.

So how did you two guys meet?

You know, with Rachel...


How did you know it was... love and not... just... you know, something else?

Someone finally got you, haven't they?

No! No, no, no, no.

Yeah, well, maybe just a bit.

Just a bit.

You see, when I was with her, with Rache, I never even considered the alternative.

When it's love, real love, then there is no option.

So who is this girl, then?


One of these girls from the village.

Yeah... Daisy.

My god, one of them plants has lured you in.

Well, she's a brave girl.

Gina: I can give you a lift.

No, it's okay. I'd rather walk.

So he seems cool.

Your friend. In a very sad kind of way.

So, what's he really doing here?

He heard about Leo, they were close.

We all were.

It's bit of weird that he just turns up.

You could forget who your real friends are.

And then it's too late.

No. I don't buy it.

I think he fancies you.

Either that or he's after your money.


That's all right.

Oh, Geneva.

Lovely. Holiday or just visiting someone?

Downhill mountainbiking.

Well, someone's travelling light.

Yes, well that would be the carbon fiber.

Here is my card, if you wanna book me for when you return.

No, thank you very much. I made alternative arrangements for... my departure.


Gina: Teresa is my child, I'm responsible for her.

And no way could she deal with this right now.

She seems pretty tough to me.

Well, that's what everyone thinks, But she's not strong enough. You don't know her!

Well, that's what I want to change.

She's vulnerable. Her father has just died!

No! Leo died.

From the minute I walked away, I regretted it.

I should have fought for both of you, I chose not to.

Sam: Gina.


This is James Harley. Old friend of Leo's.

Er, very sorry for your loss. For both of you.

Thank you. Um, can I have a word?

In... private.


Nice to meet you. Sam.

I've waited long enough.

Either you tell her, or I will.

It doesn't make any sense!

Have you got any real proof?

I know what I saw.

They left together The way they were with each other...

Have you actually asked Michael?

No. Not yet.

Well, Michael and Teresa have always been closed.

Losing their father has probably brought them together again.

It's a good thing, isn't it?

[SIGHS] What about Teresa? Have you noticed anything?

She's certainly been eating a lot more.

Ever since she started seeing that Will chap.

They'd been spending a lot of time together. - You mean Will Curten?

Yeah. They've been texting each other and talking on the phone.

And she's been sneaking off to see him.

That's what she told you, she's with Will?

Well, not in so many words, no...

Will Curten's been in Bali.

So, whoever she's been seeing, it's not him.

Why would she lie unless she's hiding something?

Well someone else then.

She probably doesn't want me to know.

You're not taking me seriously at all!

I'm not overreacting, there's a very big difference.


I have to talk to him.

You'd better hope I'm wrong.

Guten Tag.



You understand the decision you're about to make is irrevocable.


Does one need a degree to state the obvious?

You are alone?

I assume you have discussed this with your immediate family?

We think this is the right choice for all of us.

Well, er... in that case, um...

I need you to sign here.

And then?

Um, we can proceed immediately.

James: Of course there's a very obvious solution: Just tell her the truth.

That they're not brother and sister at all. Just two confused kids.

So... that's it?

I've been lying to you for twenty years, and by the way, Here is your real dad.

Gina: Ah, *bugger...

I don't know what to do.

Yes, you do.

You just don't want to.

Talk to her.

I need to do this alone.

I mean if she wants to speak to you she can but... not like this.

You need to leave.

This's got to be her choice.

Okay. Okay, I'm going.

Just tell her to call me.

When she's ready.

Leo: Some people can't stand confrontation.

Others embrace it.

But sometimes, you just can't avoid it.


I need to talk to you.

Okay, what... What about?

Is anyone else here?

Um... No, Dio's has gone to town, why?

Where were you at the end of the party last night, Michael?



I don't know.

Who were you with?

Er, Dio.


You were with Teresa, Michael.


You were with Teresa!

Um... Okay, um...

I went out, and... I don't know why I did it, I don't really remember.

I simply want to know what you were doing with her.

We... hem, we were talking. That's about it.

Okay. Er, Teresa had some dope.

And we smoked some.

I don't believe you.

I think... you kissed her.


I think you've completely lost it...

Please, Michael, just tell me the truth!

The idea of that is absolutely disgusting.

I saw you outside the bathing hut.

Teresa was upset about, um... our dad.

And she was crying...

No, the way you were with her, the way you touched her!

She is my sister!

Half sister, so please don't lie to me!

Look, I understand, this has been a difficult time for you. You're feeling ...confused!

But I know you, Michael.

You're my son. I know this isn't you.

So whatever has happened isn't your fault.

Just tell me the truth, please.

She wanted this, didn't she?

I'm sorry.

I didn't want this to happen.

You slept with her?

I'm sorry.


Go home.

Wait for me there.

And don't talk to anyone.

W-w-w, where are you going?

Just go home!


Leo: You ever get that feeling you're about to do something you'll regret, but know you just can't stop yourself?


She's never gonna tell her.

But you knew that, right?

She thinks she's in control.

But the grenade has already been thrown.

Thank you.


I'm so sorry.

You're okay?


What's-what's the problem?


I wanna talk to you.

What's going on?

Um, mum...

Come with me.

Well I can't, I'm working at...


Be caref...


Michael: For Christ's sake!


This is so stupid!

I told you to go home!

What the f*ck is your problem?

My problem!

Christ, that's good, coming from you!

He told me.

Wha-who told you?

Michael! My son, the one you've been screwing for whatever f*cked up reason!

Let go of me.

I saw you, so don't you dare try and deny to me now.

You're crazy!

Don't you get it?!

He's admitted it! All of it!


Yeah fine, we were together but it wasn't...



[EXHALES] He told me!

So don't try and blame him now.

You wanted this, not him!

That's not true. Tell her that's not true!

What? You think he loves you?

Why on earth would he love someone...


.. like you!

Hey! That enough, that's enough. Get your hands off her!


Get your hands off her!

You okay?

This is none of your business!

Who the hell are you?!

I'm her father!


Michael: Teresa!



Leo: Like they say, lies will get you a long way in life.

But one day,
they'll bite you in the arse.

How could you!

After everything we talked about!


Ahhhhh! Stay here.

Where are you going?

To find my daughter!

Leo: Vincent men have a particularly flexible relationship with the truth.

Some would say it's the secret of our success.



♪ Tears for souvenirs ♪


♪ Are all you left me ♪


♪ Memories of a love ♪
♪ You never meant ♪
♪ I just can't believe ♪
♪ You could forget me ♪


Oi, Sam!

What the hell is going on?

Is it true?

Is Teresa Leo's daughter or not?

That is none of your business!

Sorry but if she's screwing my son then I think it is!

Move your car now!

Not until I heard the truth.

I need to find Teresa.

God, it's like breathing to you, isn't it?

One lie after another!

Just get out of my way!

Michael's told me everything!

You hate her.


Liar! You dragged her outside, and you accused her of God knows what!

I can't do this now, I need to find her!

I need to find Teresa!


For Christ' sake, Gina, will you call me back!


[MUSIC SKIPPING]: ♪ must confess... ♪
♪ must confess... ♪
♪ must confess... ♪
♪ must confess... ♪
♪ must confess... ♪


...♪ must confess... ♪

[LOUDER] ♪ must confess... ♪

Oh, shit!

Teresa, come on!



[GRUNTING] No you don't. No you don't. No.


Oh God, Teresa, don't. Please.

Please, wake up.

[PANTING] Teresa.

Ah, shit.

Sam: For f*ck's sake for once in your life just tell the truth, Gina.

What the hell is going on?


Is she Leo's?

They're taking her to a hospital!

Oh, God!

Get in.


Get in!



Twenty year-old female, suspected anaphylaxis, CPR at scene, iron, adrenaline twice, struggled for access.

Can I come in with her?

Woman: This way, please.



Where is she? Is she okay?

They haven't told me anything.




You can see her now.

Her allergy means she suffered severe anaphylactic shock.

Doctor: The adrenaline will have helped, but... if her brain's been stripped of oxygen, there could be significant damage.

She's gonna be alright though, isn't she?

That's what you're saying, she is gonna be alright...

It's impossible to say, I'm sorry.


Ah, Teresa.


It wasn't true.

I did it.

It was my idea!

She said we should stop, but...

I didn't want to.

I lied because ...because I didn't want you to be angry with me.

It's time to stop the lying.

All of it.



[WHISPERING]: I said things ...to her.

Things that I should never have said.

I just want you to know how sorry I am.


Michael lied.

And I know that doesn't excuse what I did, and what I said...

Everyone lies.

I lie, I always have.

In fact I have lied for so long that I hardly know what the truth is.

Leo was... working all hours. He was obsessed with the business, with the hotel.

Then his best friend arrived, and he was funny and attractive... and his eyes has that sparkle, that...

Leo used to turn on me.

Did you tell Leo?

Oh, he guessed.

He was angry, furious.

But... he forgave me.

Wanted to raise our child together.

And he tried!

But in the end, he... he couldn't do it because I had wrecked it all, hadn't I.

And then he met you.

First I thought it was just... his revenge.

And then I realised he really loved you.

And that was the real revenge.

And there is the truth.

He never told me.

Any of it.

Well, he wanted to protect her.


All these years.

You both let me think that I ruined it all.

I'm sorry.

That's it?

You're sorry!?

[EXHALES] It's all have been lies, isn't it?

To me, to Teresa, to everyone.

Nothing but lies!




Seeds: "Into My Arms"]

Leo: There's something about the truth...

It cleanses the palate.

Leaves you ready for the next course.

But sometimes you don't get a second chance.

♪ And I don't believe in the existence of angels ♪
♪ But looking at you I wonder if that's true ♪
♪ But if I did I would summon them together ♪
♪ And ask them to watch over you. ♪



[VOICES ECHOING] Well, this is f*cked up.

Isn't it?

What happens now?


You sit here waiting for something.

Who are they?

I don't know.

Not great conversationists.


It's pretty much dead in here.


That's not exactly what I anticipated when I decided to k*ll myself.

Hmm. Well, I think that's the general consensus in the room.

I didn't, by the way.

Didn't what?

k*ll myself. It was an accident I know what you think, but... It's not true.

So, what's your excuse?

How long have you got?


I hate jigsaws.

You spend the whole day and then there is just one piece that doesn't fit.

No matter what you try and put it, it just won't... get in.

Maybe you're not trying hard enough.

Or maybe that's just me?

The piece that doesn't fit.

Never has...

Never will...

So, what do you do?

Just get rid of it.

Then... the entire thing is f*cked.

If I understand the metaphor.

Maybe you've always been the piece that's missing.

Of course now they'll never find it, seen you've decided to lose yourself to lose yourself down the sofa for all eternity.

Baby... you're asking too much from all of us.

You think any of us has the answer to any of this?

No one does.

That's depressing.

It's the truth.

We just... f*ck up.

She loves you.

I love you.

He loves you.

It's simple.

But why? I have nothing to do with you.

Don't be stupid. I watched you walk.

I heard your first word.

Which was "Daddy", by the way.


You're in me.

Do you really want this?


When there's a whole world just waiting for you.


I don't think so. This is my fate.

Not yours. Now f*ck off.


Go on.






Well, say something.

You look like shit.


Gina: You should speak to her.

James: Yeah, not today.


What shall I tell her?

Tell her to call me.

If she wants to.

Oh, she will.

Well, I'll wait.

I've quit smoking.

Give myself a fighting chance.

And the bike?

Let's not get silly.

You look the same, Gina Benelli.

It's in the eyes.

The eyes never change.

Look after yourself.



Sam: So, you went to Geneva? Alone?

What happened to Bruce?

Oh, change of plan. I didn't want to worry you, dear.

Seven hundred and sixty-five thousand pounds.

Ooh, and some duty free.

My clever son was diverting money from the business.

All those tasting visits to France, nothing of the sort.

He was taking cold, hard cash to a safe deposit box in Geneva.


Well, I think he saw what was coming.

This was his insurance policy.

Christ, if they caught you?

Ooh, the elderly have advantages.

Invisibility, being one of them.

What are you gonna do with it all?

I'm gonna give it to you.



I really f*cked up, didn't I?

I think we both did.

No... you didn't.

You tell the truth.

About everything.

About people...

About me.

I shouldn't have lied.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

Your father turned it practically into an art form.


I think it's like a superpower.

I am "Lying Boy", son of "Lying Man".


Trying to apologise.

I know.

I'm accepting it.

Have you learned nothing, Lying Boy?

When I got that, um... that... book with the maps and the other apps from Dad's office.

And I closed my eyes and I opened it.

And I bought a ticket.

So, where are you going?


That's a tiny bit disappointing, right?

Um, yeah.


Yeah, it really is.

But, you know, it's... it's a... jumping off point, then.

I haven't told Mum, though.

At least, not yet.


You could have died.

You could have died and it would have been all my fault.

It's not that simple.


It didn't feel wrong, did it?

You and me?


Do you think that means it might have been right?

I think it's still too early to tell.

Have a nice trip.


Thank you.

Sam: We're both in financial trouble.

This is dirty money.

And... it needs cleaning through a legitimate business.

Like a hotel.

We could do this.


Your cooking. My management.

Is it really so crazy?

All the best ideas are.

Leo: Every dysfunctional family needs a dysfunctional family business.

But for that to work, there is no place for all family secrets.


Why Düsseldorf?

It's not important.

The point is, I'm leaving.

I just thought that one of us had to grow up, and I...

I think it might be me.

I tried so hard.

From the minute I first held you in my arms.

I wanted to love you so much.


Then I had these thoughts.

These terrible, desperate thoughts.

I have a sick, I know that now.

But what you have to understand is, I have tried.

I have tried so f*cking hard.

Tried to make it up to you.

You don't wear the watch.

What's the watch got to do with it?

Don't know. You don't wear a watch.

He knew. I didn't.

He just... understood.

I never have.


Do you love me now?

Of course I do!

Of course I do.

[♪ KEN DODD: "Tears" ♪]

You'll be alright.

♪ Tears for souvenirs ♪

You've got Mimi.


And Gina.

♪ Are all you've left me ♪

♪ Memories of a love

Sam: He loved us all.

You never meant ♪

I think he did.

Yeah, he told me.

When I was in the hospital.

♪ I just can't believe ♪

It was like a weird dream or something.

♪ You could forget me ♪

I don't know. That sounds... mental, but...

I know it was him.

♪ After all those happy hours ♪

I'm sorry.

I should never have lied to you.

♪ We spent♪

I know.

♪ (together) ♪
♪ Tears have been ♪
♪ My only consolation ♪

Leo: Why do you stop holding close the ones we love?

♪ But tears can't mend ♪

Is it because they grow up?

♪ A broken heart ♪
♪ I must confess ♪

Suddenly they seem too far away.

But that doesn't mean they don't need it.

♪ Let's forgive ♪

For that matter, so do you.

♪ And forget ♪

♪ Turn our tears of regret ♪


I could eat.

♪ Once more to tears of happiness ♪


LEO: The best guests always know exactly when to leave a party.

Okay, there was a little mess to clear up.

But on balance, I think my timing was good.


My death was the best thing that could've happened to this family.

Because life is like a recipe.

Bitter and sweet.

All at the same time.

And that's... what makes it delicious.

[♪ THE KINKS: "Strangers" ♪]

♪ Where are you going I don't mind ♪
♪ I've k*lled my world and I've k*lled my time ♪
♪ So where do I go What do I see ♪
♪ I see many people coming after me ♪
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