05x16 - Chapter Ninety-Two: Band of Brothers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Riverdale". Aired: January 2017 to present.*
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"Riverdale" follows Archie and his friends, exploring small town life, the darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath its wholesome facade.
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05x16 - Chapter Ninety-Two: Band of Brothers

Post by bunniefuu »

[Jughead] Our old pal turned superstar,

Josie McCoy, had come and gone.

Leaving us all to our
haunted existences.

No one more so, than Archie Andrews.

The guilt over the deaths of his platoon

members hanging on him like a shroud.

Veronica Lodge was also being haunted,

by a flesh and blood
mistake from her past.

[video call ringing]

[Veronica sighs]

- What, Chad?
- I have some great news.

I'm going to be able to pay back

all the funds I "borrowed"
in one fell swoop.

I've been working on a little
something-something quietly,

but it's about to go public and
with that comes a big payday.

[scoffs] Considering you
always screw things up,

no, Chad.

I don't want or need your help.

Besides, at the rate
Pearls and Posh is going,

I'll have all of our investors'
accounts restored in a month.

At which point, I'll divorce your
ass so fast, your head will spin.

Goodbye, Chad.

Brothers and sisters, thank
you for joining us today.

To conclude, Brother Kevin and
I will be performing a medley

from the iconic musical, Joseph and
the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.


I've just had...

a revelation.


Jason himself commands it.

No more singing.


As you know, he was a
young man of few words.

Hi, my name is Jughead Jones.

And I am seven days sober.

[all clapping]

I'm ready to start my apology tour.

[knocking on door]

- Hey, Alice.
- Hey, Jughead.

Betty's not here.

She's working the Lonely
Highway, doing God-knows-what.

Yeah, that's okay. Will you
just tell her I stopped by?


[TV announcer speaking indistinctly]

You guys seen this crap? Front
page of today's Brave and True.

General Taylor is
retiring with full honors,

and a -g*n farewell salute.

Doesn't that burn you after
the crap that he pulled?

I thought you said Taylor
was under investigation.

He was.

A reporter from the Times was
looking into some dirty missions

the General orchestrated.
Like ours, Eric.

So I called her. And apparently
her editor k*lled the story,

not enough evidence, she said.

Maybe take that as a sign, Sarge.

Let it go. Move on.

Like hell.

[Weatherbee] You missed
weeks of work, Mr. Jones.

You didn't even arrange
for a substitute.

I know. I'm sorry, Waldo.

I really am. I...

was going through some
really intense personal stuff.

Look I'm just trying to
get my life back together.

And when you do, maybe we
can have you teach again.

But right now, consider
yourself on administrative leave.

[phone ringing]

Pearls and Posh, this is Lodge.

Ms. Lodge? This is Diane Nelson.

I'm an agent with the SEC.

We'd like to schedule a time to come

in and review your books and finances.

Oh, why is that?

To ensure that Pearls and Posh is not

engaged in any financial malfeasance.

Can we plan on tomorrow?

Uh, ooh... I'm travelling tomorrow.

Can we try top of next week?

Sure, top of next week is good.
I'll follow up with an email.

Great. See you then.

The SEC wants to look at
our books, which are...

- Not yet kosher.
- Yes.

It had to have been
Chad who tipped them off.

Wouldn't he be torpedoing himself, too?

What he wants is for
me to ask for his help,

so he can balance our books
before the SEC reviews them.

But I'd rather go to
white-collar jail than do that.

What we need is an influx of cash.

My mind turns to... [snaps fingers]

- My father.
- What? Like a short-term loan?

Remember those escaped prisoners,

who were convinced my father
had a stash of palladium?

- Mmm-hmm.
- If we got our hands on that,

we could sell it and finish
repaying what Chad stole in my name.

If it was in his safe,
he would've moved it.


I have an idea who might know where.

Your old man's been
in touch with Hermosa.

She's still in deep with him.

I'll call her.

Actually, uh...

Let me.

While you were at Barnard...


had a... thing.

What kind of thing?

[chuckles] You know what kind.

You know what kind. Okay.

[line ringing]

Hey, baby.

Long time, no talk.


[whispers] I miss you so much.

Why does my demon of a mother
always have to rain on my parade?

You're young, beautiful and a star.

And she isn't.

Which is why you need to prove,
beyond a shadow of a doubt,

that there is no higher authority
than you within this ministry.

You're not wrong.

So how do we put Mumsie in the shade?


It's all about showmanship, Cheryl.

You need to upstage your mother.

Little-known fact,

if you perform three miracles,

you qualify for sainthood.

Being canonized has always
been one of my life goals.

Go on.

In junior high, I was obsessed
with David Copperfield.

The magician, so...

let's just say, I may have
a trick or two up my sleeve.

Oh, I hope you have at
least three, Brother Kevin.

I need my halo and my wings.

That was some call, Reggie.

How's Hermosa doing?

A better question...

Did she, just tell me,
where the palladium is?

[whispers] The answer is yes.

You're carrying a heavy weight, Archie.

And it's not going to get any lighter
unless you share the burden, so...

What happened over there?

You ready to tell me?

[b*mb exploding in distance]

[Archie breathing heavily]


We were ordered into a fire zone

to deliver medical
supplies to civilians.

But that mission was just a cover-up.

General Taylor was determined to take

down a w*rlord controlling that region.

A chance to get that
final star on his uniform.

When he gave me the
order, I pushed back.

I told him we weren't a strike-force

and that it was a su1c1de mission.

Taylor didn't back down, so I caved.

And, sure enough, we were
lambs to the slaughter.

My platoon got caught in some trenches.

We needed air support.

We couldn't get any signal. Someone
needed to reach higher ground.

So I told my men that I would go.

I thought that I was protecting
them because I was taking the risk.

But when I got back...

[b*mb exploding]

[g*ns firing]

Everyone was dead.

[g*nf*re continues]

Except Bingo.

Who died before the choppers
reached us and Eric lost his leg.

And now Taylor's
walking away with honors.

That's not right.

[b*mb explodes in distance]

That's not right, Uncle Frank.

[Frank] I know, it's not.

But the Army's just gonna...

circle the wagons around the General.

I wish I could tell you
this was a w*r you could win.

But I just don't know that it is.

Yeah, maybe not.

But it's a w*r worth fighting.

I'm going to do everything
that I can to take Taylor down.

[Reggie] Lucky your father didn't change

all the security codes after he fired me.

[Veronica] Lucky he doesn't keep
his palladium in a vault in a bank.


We have to give Hermosa
a cut of whatever we make.

But if we can sell the
palladium off-market,

our profit should be enough
to fill in where we're short.

Question is, how do we sell it?

Well, first...

We have to smelt the palladium into
something new and unrecognizable.

I'm thinking Spanish doubloons.

Then I'll host an auction,
but for that to work,

there's one more person we need
to bring in on our scheming.

[Veronica] What do you think, Cheryl?

I think one can never have
too many spider brooches.

So, yes, I'll help you, Veronica.


As I said, I'm hosting an exclusive,
by-invitation-only auction.

The centerpiece of which will be some

palladium doubloons, I've acquired.

Some of my guests have been asking
about the palladium's origins

and I wanna say that
it came from your mines.

Not a problem. I'm always happy
to let you name-drop my family,

in order to screw over your father.

Now, if that's all.
I'll be on my merry way.

Kevin and I are performing
our first miracle today.

[cell phone vibrating]

- Hey, Samm.
- Finally!

You've been ducking my calls for days.

Yeah, I know, sorry I've been...

[Samm] Save your excuses.

The publisher is demanding
your manuscript ASAP.

If you don't deliver,

you will be blackballed, you understand?
Your career will be over. Over.

I have pages, I'll send them to you
by the end of the day, I promise.

This is your last chance, kiddo.

Okay? Don't disappoint me.


[Jughead] Hey, so...

Before you say anything else.
I just... I wanna apologize.

I promised to keep an
eye on you while you

were tripping and the
moment things got weird

I just...

I abandoned you.

You didn't do anything wrong.

I never should've even
put you in that position.

And I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry that I dropped
off the face of the earth,

and that I made you worry. I'm
just sorry for everything, really.

It's okay.

I forgive you.

Great, so...

Not to relive that horrible night.

But, I dimly recall

writing something
that resembled a novel,

before I yanked my hand
out of the handcuffs.

Jughead, you did write
your book that night.

- I did?
- Mmm-hmm.

- Well, that's great. Do you know where it is?
- Yeah, um...

Betty, gave it to Jessica
when she asked for it.


But why would Betty...

- Why would she do that?
- Jess was trying to heal.

And move on with her life. So, it seemed

like the right thing to do at the time.

Wow, okay.

I'm really, really sorry.

But, Jughead, your sobriety is
what's most important right now.

I don't think that you
should reach out to

Jessica. I think that
could be triggering.

And if writing is
going to stress you out,

then maybe you should ask your
agent for another extension.

I don't have any more time, Tabitha.

I either write something new or...

I'm not a writer anymore.

If I ever was.

[Cheryl] Instead of my usual homily...

I thought today, we might all
benefit from a demonstration

of my absolute authority
in this ministry.

To that end, as Jesus
once changed water...

into wine,

Jason has granted me the
ability to turn water...


[Kevin gasps]

Maple syrup.

[all applauding]

The nectar of the gods.


General Taylor.

Sergeant Andrews.

I take it you're not
here to congratulate me.

No, sir.

We both know the truth, General.

You sent me and my men into a w*r zone

without adequate support or intel.

And because of your recklessness,

good men died.

You're dishonoring the military by
pretending to be some kind of hero.


I'm asking you, soldier to soldier,

to stand down and retire quietly.

"Soldier to soldier"?

You're just a kid from some podunk town

who joined the military on a whim.

You might as well have gone
backpacking through Europe.

You don't understand the Army
or how it works and you certainly

don't know what it means
to be a real soldier.

Don't cross me. You will regret it.

My men...

paid for your order, with blood.

If you don't step down, General.

I'll demand a military tribunal.

And I'll tell them everything.

Then I'll be forced to put
forth my version of events.

Highlighting how you,
Sergeant Andrews, went rogue

and led your platoon
directly into an ambush.

There is no paper trail
to support your claim.

So, as I said before,

it's my word against yours.

Pursue this

and you'll be a traitor.


You're the traitor, General.

I buried good men because of you.

I won't bury the truth any longer.

Regardless of the consequences.

Taylor left us no choice.

He won't back down, so we need
to step up and take him out.

I don't know, Sarge.

The trial would reopen a lot of wounds.

Especially for the families
of those other guys.

We have to think about them and
what they would want us to do.

So let's say this...

I won't go after the General,

unless I have the support and
approval of our platoon's families.

How does that sound?

Would you mind reading my novel?

And if you like it, maybe you
could give it to your agent.

[woman] My son trusted you.

And you didn't protect him.

And now you expect us to go through a...

A trial?

To relive his death all over again?

Ma'am, I know what Travis stood for.

What he believed in.

He fought for ideals
like truth and justice.

For betterment and human dignity.

He sacrificed his life for those things.

Let me ask you...

do you sleep soundly at night, Sergeant?

Because I don't. Not since the moment...

I received that folded-up flag.

Know why?

Because you were supposed to
bring my Travis back to me.

And now, for the main event.

A collection of doubloons
smelted from grade A palladium

excavated from the Blossom mines.

With that in mind, let's begin at...

$ , to the gentleman in the fedora.

Do I have ?

? No, ?

No, $ , to the
madam in the front row.

Shall we go to two?

$ , to Mr. Sand. Do I have ?

Do I have ?

! ?

, against you, Mr. Sand.

Three hundred. That's $ ,
for these precious doubloons.

Going once, going twice, sold!

To Mr. Sand for $ , !

[all applauding]

What a coup for such rare wonders.

[all applauding]

[slow claps]

Excuse me.

You know, it's almost as if

you wanted to sell those
doubloons to Mr. Sand for less,

just so I wouldn't get the palladium.

But that would be so petty and
ridiculous of you, wouldn't it?

In fact, that's exactly
what I did, Daddy.

Next time,

don't crash my auction.

You know, I never wanted
Jim to join the Army.

I was afraid that he wouldn't even
make it through basic training.

But he really believed that he had a

duty to protect and serve his country

and that there was no
greater honor than that.

There isn't. No.

And Jim knew what he was fighting for.

I remember, I was...

incredibly relieved...

when he started sending me letters
about you, Sergeant Andrews.

About the kind of leader
you were, so, yes...

whatever you feel is
right, you should do.

You have my full support.

[Kevin] You've already
witnessed one miracle.

Now, brothers and sisters,

watch in wonder as Cheryl manifests

the collective pain of our congregation.

Behold! Her alabaster hands!

How they bleed with the
blood of the stigmata.

Mimicking the holy wounds of Jason.


[Penelope scoffs]

[Archie] Ma'am?

I'd like to honor your husband's memory,

by having General Taylor
answer for his actions.

But I'd like to do so with your consent.

To be honest,

I've made peace with what
happened, Sergeant Andrews.

I loved Aiden more than anything.
We were high school sweethearts,

but my son is my focus now.

I need to start thinking
about his future.

Right now, I'm just trying to make it

through the day and
even that's a struggle.

[baby crying]

So, I leave it to you, Sergeant.


You do what you see fit.

Who knew spreading light and
love could be this exhausting?

Yeah, it's the Broadway grind.

Anyway, I got a list of
potential third miracles.

Although, my strong preference is that

we do the staff and the snake trick.

Though snakes are
unquestionably biblical,

I already know what I want
my third miracle to be.

Do you remember when I got revenge on

Mr. Honey, lo, those many years ago?

When he tried to ban
my back-to-school party?

Yeah, but, Cheryl, bees
are not in my repertoire.

I'm highly allergic.

Fear not, Kev.

As a girl, Nana Rose,
was an avid beekeeper.

She taught me all her apian secrets.


[video call ringing]

What do you want, Chadwick?

I just got wind of your auction.

It pains me to see you
so desperate for funds.

So I'm double-checking...

Are you sure you don't
want in on my amazing deal?

Surely you've heard of CopterCab.

The helicopter taxis
that fly one-percenters

to Marcia's Vineyard
for private parties?

That's you?

It is. I'm more of a silent partner.

So do want in or not?

Your father's also working with me.

As a matter of fact, I
k*lled it at my auction.

So much so, that all of your
swindled investors are paid in full.

Just in time for the SEC, I might add.

So, no, I don't want in
on your little scheme.

Well, listen, CopterCab's going public.

And we're celebrating
at your father's HQ.

Why don't you come by?

Blow off some steam.

You know what? I might just do that.

Text me the deets, will you?

Happy to. And we'll toast to the future.

Looking forward to it.

Goodbye, Chadwick.

You're partying with that smug nitwit?

What am I missing?

Me, Reggie.

You're missing the old me.

I've been playing defense,
reacting to Chad's every move.

Well, now that I don't
have to worry about the SEC,

it's time I go on the offensive,

and take Chad Gekko off the chessboard
of my life, once and for all.

And if Daddy gets
caught in my crosshairs,

so be it.

[water dripping]

Damn. It's good.


[line ringing]

[Samm] Hey, Jones.

Hey, I finished the novel.

Not... Not a chapter, not a draft,

I mean, the whole thing.

It is about a budding
young writer at NYU,

just making her way through the world,

having a lot sex and partying.

Sounds terrific.

- Send it to me ASAP.
- Yeah, okay.

All right. Keep an eye out for it.

["Another Night" playing]

♪ You should have called me last night ♪

♪ Two days again ♪

♪ I lost like leap years tonight ♪

- [exhales]
- [cell phone vibrating]

♪ I'm caving in ♪

♪ And, what do I say to ya? ♪

♪ What could I say to ya? ♪

♪ What should I say to
keep you on my side, man? ♪

♪ And I can't go on like it ♪

♪ I won't go on like it ♪

♪ I can't go on like it's all in my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't wanna
be working another night ♪

♪ And I don't wanna
be wasting your time ♪

[cell phone thuds]

[sighs wearily]

[message beeps]

♪ My shadow... ♪

[Jackson] You're really
going through with this?

Telling our business
to a military tribunal?

There's no easy path through this, Eric.

So I'm doing what feels most right.

Going on behalf of
myself and the families

that want me to advocate
for their brothers,

their sons and their fathers.

And I hope you'll go with me.

You don't understand.

You weren't the only
grunt Taylor brought

into his tent because of that mission.

He said it was going to
be our moment of glory,

and that there'd be a big
promotion in it for me.

All I had to do was what I
was trained to as a sn*per.

Find a clear line of fire
and take out that w*rlord.

In our briefing, General Taylor said

our target was the only
thing that mattered.

But my platoon's safety should
have been my top priority.

We were vulnerable.

And I knew it.

And when you went to call for support,

I left our unit unprotected to
carry out General Taylor's orders.

And I got to tell you, Sarge,

a part of me thinks
that's why I lost my leg.

As a punishment for how I
betrayed you and the others.

No, you didn't do anything wrong.

And I'll keep you out
of it, Eric, I swear.

You were used by the
General the same way I was.

But you're done fighting, Corporal.

Let me bring this home for you.

It would be my honor.

Behold Cheryl Blossom,

- as she prepares her third and final miracle.
- [bees buzzing]

The taming of the bees.

Witness as her purity keeps
her porcelain skin safe

from these vicious, spiteful creatures.

[Penelope] This is nothing but a farce.

I pray you, do not fall
victim to her deceit.

For if you do, this ministry
shall become nothing but a sham.

Brothers and sisters, we find
ourselves at a crossroads.

Allow me to be your guide.

Do not listen to this heretic.

Who are you going to put your faith in,

Cheryl, who shared the
womb with Jason the Divine,

or her mother, a whoremonger,
an escaped convict?

Lies. Lies, all of it...

[Cheryl] Mother, enough!

- [bees buzzing loudly]
- Begone from my temple,

or I will smite thee.

For I am Cheryl Blossom,
Queen of the Bees.

[bees continue buzzing loudly]

You look ready for action.

Feels like I'm about to be
walking into a firing squad.

Nah, Taylor's the one
who should be worried.

You just tell the tribunal the truth.

[Jackson] And I'll be
there to back you up.



I told you, you don't have to do this.

I couldn't sleep last night thinking

I left my brothers high and dry once...

and I won't desert you again.

I want to testify. Don't even try
to talk me out of it. [chuckles]

I wouldn't dream of it.

[both chuckle]

[door opens]

Well, boys, we did it.

In exactly one hour, CopterCab
will be the publicly-traded

future of aero-entertainment,

and we will be even richer men.

- Cheers.
- [all laughing]

[Veronica] Amen to that.

Veronica. What is this?

Oh, Chadwick, if you're going
to be one of the big boys

you need to party like a big boy.

Isn't that right, Daddy?

So I invited some good-time
girls. Hope that's all right.

[men exclaim in excitement]

Differences aside,

CopterCab is a brilliant
business idea, Chad.

And for the first time in a long time,

- you've impressed me.
- Hmm.

[clicks tongue]

But for now...

Who wants some bubbly?

[all laughing]

[pop song playing]

Uh, your mom tells me you're
working on the Lonely Highway?

Yeah, by dressing like Polly

and pretending to be a hitchhiker.

Is that safe?

Probably not, Jughead.

But I'm running out of ideas, so...

What did you want to talk about?

[sighing grimly] Um...

I wanted to apologize, actually...

for that voicemail that I left.

I don't remember all of it... [scoffs]

or even most of it,

uh, but I know it was horrible.

And, uh...

I'm just sorry

Why now, after half a decade?

[chuckles softly]

That's one of my steps.

Trying to just clean
up my side of the track.

And I...

I'm in recovery.

In case it's not obvious.

[Jughead gulps]

I'm an alcoholic.

An addict.

I think I'm an addict, too.

Maybe a better word is compulsive

because I can't stop hunting
for the Trucker k*ller.

I'm on the highway /
when I should be at home

with my mom, taking care of her.

Yeah, but your sister's missing.

No, it's not that.


It's more than that.

And it's sort of been my MO lately.

What do you mean?

Even when I was a Yale

I was trying to be a normal freshman.

Go on dates, make friends,

do extracurriculars, but I don't
know, it just all felt so...



Classic Cooper.


You solved, like, eight
mysteries in high school

and you were still valedictorian.

But the void that I was so
desperately trying to fill

didn't go away when I got to Quantico.

Which is when I really realized that...

I am more comfortable
studying serial K*llers

than I am socializing
with normal people.


And then I read about TBK.

The Trash Bag k*ller.

That was, uh...

That was a nasty piece of work.

That's why I wasn't at
your book release party.

I wanted to go, but I
got the offer that night

and I had to choose you
or the TBK task force.

That's all ancient history.

[glasses clink]


I'm consumed by them.

TBK. The Trucker k*ller.

Betty, I think...

you should probably take a break...

from all that, you know?

Maybe stop hunting for a bit.

I don't think I can.

[cell phone vibrating]

I'm sorry, can I? Just real quick.

- Hey, Samm...
- I just finished your book.

It's incredible!

Best thing you've ever written by far.

[groans] I can't do this, Samm...

I didn't write that book.

[sighs] A grad student named Cora

gave it to me to read.

Wait a minute. What are
you saying to me right now?

That there's no novel?

Not even a wisp.

And a plagiarist, to boot.


I know you have some life
things going on right now,

but I'm going to have
to drop you as a client.

Yeah. I figured as much.

You're a good writer, kid.

I hope you can pull it together.

[Jughead] I...

I'll send you... I'll
send you Cora's info.

I'm sure she'll be
thrilled to hear from you.


Sorry, that was...

[dance song playing]

- ♪ No, no, no ♪
- ♪ Come on ♪

♪ I got my mind set
Heading for the top... ♪

[Veronica] You really
struck a gold mine here.

I should've never doubted you.

I don't know what I was thinking.

You weren't.

But that's okay.

Because you're here now.

Probably my finest hour.

Gekko, we have a problem.

My Boysenberry's blowing up.

There's something wrong
with the CopterCab stock.

It's crashing...

No, it could crash...

- It's in freefall.
- What the hell is going on?

Chad, were you in a helicopter
crash that you paid to cover up?

'Cause The Wall Beat Journal just
published an article about it.

You can't be a part of CopterCab

if you crashed a helicopter, Chad.

It's a bad look, yes.

Which is, of course why
you were a silent partner.

What did you do?

Planted the story at The Wall Beat
Journal with a reporter friend,

then came here to distract
you and your entourage

while CopterCab went down in flames.

Veronica, you little...

I'm going to stop you right there, Chad.

Because whatever you think I am,

doesn't come close to what you are.

Which is scum.

A worthless, pathetic little worm.

You stole money from
your investors to, what?

Finance CopterCab?

But what a surprise.

In the end, you couldn't pull it off.


That's your problem in a nutshell.

You can't land anything.

You'll never be an alpha, Chad.

You're a born beta. And everybody
who invested in this scheme,

you backed a losing horse, boys.

You too, Daddy.

Oh, please, mija.

I only invested a
modest sum in CopterCab.

You may have destroyed these clowns.

But not me.

Oh, Daddykins.

You're in for a rude awakening.

Later, when you're alone, give
your SoDale model another look-see.

I think you'll find that you've
lost much more than you realize.

Come on, ladies.

Let's get out of here.
This party's over.

[Tabitha] Hey, Jughead.

You okay? I just mentioned free
food and you didn't salivate.

Yeah, just worried
about Betty, you know.

Yeah, I can imagine.

[ballad playing]

But I'm also worried about you.

And your recovery.

I smelled booze on your
breath when you came in.


Yeah, I had sort of a backslide.

Jughead, I know that
you want to help Betty,

but you need to focus on you.

She's out there alone
on the Lonely Highway.

I'm... I'm sure. But
don't worry about Betty.

I'll take care of her.

Your priority is you.


You know I'm a drunk, right?

I'm a terrible busboy.

Why are you so nice to me?

Because you're my friend.

And I care about you.

So will you promise me that
you'll keep going to your meetings?

Yeah. Yes, yes, I promise.


So tell me, what's going on with Betty?

[blows sharply]


Oh, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

[phone ringing]

Hello. Yeah, this is Archie Andrews.


Understood. Thank you so much.


[hangs up phone]

Guys, that was a JAG
officer with the verdict.

Hurry up, Sarge, before I hurl.

"The tribunal has
determined that Corporal

Eric Jackson was following the direct

and explicit orders of
his commanding officer

and therefore is not
guilty of any wrongdoing

and remains in good
standing with the US Army."

What about General Taylor?

His actions were determined to
be reckless and of poor judgment.

He was driven by his own self-interests

and therefore he's being
discharged without honors.

The Army got it right.

So... It's over?

It's over.

[footsteps approaching]

[knocking on door]

- Tabitha.
- Jughead told me what you're doing, Betty.

And it's dangerous and it's reckless.

And no matter what I say,
you're not going to stop.

I know that.


- I'm going with you.
- Come again?

I'm getting changed
and I'm going with you.

Oh, and by the way, my
participation is not negotiable.

You boys did it!

[all chuckling]

You should be proud.

I am proud to have served with the
bravest men that I've ever known.

Here's to our fallen band of brothers.

To their service, to their sacrifice.

Gone, but never forgotten.

- Never.
- Never.

[Kevin sighs] Cheryl,

I have to ask, how did
you manage those bees

once they were outside the t*nk?

Did you rub some special insect-repelling
ointment all over your body?

The truth?


I didn't have any ointment
on any part of my body.

What are you saying?

Something inside me has shifted, Kevin.

Something powerful,

something... [chuckles] I can't explain.

But I'm feeling more connected
to things than I have in years.

[chuckles] I'm not saying I'm
the first-ever living saint.

But what if I am?

What if I, Cheryl Marjorie Blossom,

am the holiest of holies?

Wouldn't that be miraculous?

My name is Jughead Jones...

I used to be seven days sober,
but now, I'm back down to one.

I hope to make it to eight this time.

Tonight, I'm worried
about a couple of friends,

but I'm also trying to accept
the things I cannot change.

And I'm grateful to you all.

[truck honking]

And if there is some higher power,

man, I hope it's looking
down upon them tonight,

and keeping them safe.

I don't know why, but I've
got a really bad feeling

about what happens next.
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