01x07 - The Price We Pay

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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01x07 - The Price We Pay

Post by bunniefuu »

Justin, what happened?

Justin, look at me. What happened?

It was... it was something stupid.

I just got into a fight outside of McIntyre's with this...

I broke this guy's nose, I think. Right?

What'd you hit him with?


Your knuckles aren't bruised or...

I just... I cracked him with... I got him with an elbow real good.

Justin, what's going on?

Hey, listen, I shouldn't have come here.

It was a mistake.

No, come on.

It's just like I said. I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have brought you in on this, okay?

I don't even know what I was thinking.



[dog barking]

I run past here every morning, and this time, Sammy was going nuts.

Stay right there, sir.

I'll call it in.

I'll be back in a minute, all right?

All right, take care.

Look, we do this in your office or by the back door from now on.

We do it where I say we do it. Have a seat.

There was a body found this morning.

Homicide thinks it involves someone you might know.

Who is it?

Frank Fitori.

Ran a B&E ring on the south side.

Also a longtime rival... of this guy.

Alessio Colo.

Also in the picture are some of his associates, including..

This man, Joe Catalano, who recently got out of prison.

If you're asking me to get...

I'm not asking.

Look, I got you reinstated, but you have been moving like a glacier since we set up this deal with you, and it's time for results, Hank.


I'll get back to you.

There he is. Hey.

[Chuckles] Want me to cut you some pastrami, Hank?

I got a half pound from Vecchio's.

No, no, no, I'm good.

Listen, you know, when Justin got sent up to Stateville, I went out of my mind.

The son of a cop in that hellhole?

I couldn't imagine.

I remember.

Well, you stepped up.

I mean, reached out to your nephew Joe Catalano, and he shielded Justin from the worst of it while he was there.

What that means to me, you have no idea.

It was just a friend helping a friend.

Yeah, well, Justin's out now.

He's on the mend.

I can never repay that debt.

So, you know, I mean, I'll look the other way whenever I can.

You don't have to say anything.

Now is not one of those times.

Frank Fitori, your old rival and the guy who sent up Catalano, was dumped last night.

I got a pretty good idea who did it.

I need to know where your nephew is right now.

Alessio, your own survival depends on how you choose to answer.

[Smacking counter]


You messed up, Catalano.

Get off of me.

Had your way with Frank Fitori last night, didn't you?

A little payback.

Who's Frank Fitori?

He testified, sent you up.

Motive's strong.



That how you want to play this?

Come on.

Okay, maybe you're right, Voight.

Maybe I smoked him.

Maybe I spent the last six years thinking about it.

But why don't we talk about the part where Justin was involved?

What'd you say?

Your son Justin.

Maybe he didn't have a chance to tell you.

I mean, Justin's my boy.

So why don't we go down to the station, or whatever you want to call it, so that I can tell everyone that Justin was there when Fitori got his stack smoked?


[Laughs] You change your mind?

'Cause I don't know how well Justin's gonna do his next time in lockup, given that he was such a little bitch his first time around.

No? Wha... that's what I thought.

H-i-j-o. Hijo.

No, not like "son," you. Like sun in the sky.

Oh. S-o-l. Sol.

That's what I'm talking about.

See, his Spanish is already better than yours.

Oh, hey. Be careful today, hon. Okay?

Always, baby. Love you guys.

See you, dad.

Hey, bro.

How's he doing?

A nightmare every now and then.

Otherwise, great.

I think Laura and I probably think of it more than he does.

[Chuckles] Well, kids are resilient.

You're a lucky man. Enjoy it.

Hey, Olinsky, department's pushing back on these expense reports you turned in.

27 bucks for Powerade? Not covered.

You owe me 27 bucks.

No, no, no.

Nobody told me that we got to go out of pocket on stakeouts.

Is that so? Oh, great.

Order some caviar and lobster tails next time, then.

What's all this?

New photo I.D. cards in the district.

There's no way you're getting my face on a badge.

Well, the locks aren't gonna work without the new I.D., Alvin.

Okay, here, get your camera ready.

You got it?

Hey, Turner and Hooch, get over here.

I better be Turner.

What is it?

Need a photo.

Because we found a body.

If this is for The Tribune, my mama might want a couple...

For your new I.D. badge, Einstein.


Step on the "X."

Okay. Hold that.

Okay, on the count of three.

Okay. [Sniffs]


Are you serious?

I wasn't ready.

Well, no worries. I got it.

No, let me see it.

No, no, no. No, we're good.

Burgess, you gonna put some makeup on?

I already put makeup on.

Oh. Well, stand over there. You're next.

You know what, Sergeant, I actually need to borrow her for a second.

I have your expense reports.

Come here. Burgess, come here.

Come here.

Hey, Platt, come on.

No, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Come on...

I don't actually need you for anything.

I just thought you could use the out.


Thank you.

Yeah. I like messing with her.

See you later.

[Door closes]

Hey, anybody seen Voight?

What is it?

We got a problem.

Justin showed up at my apartment last night, blood on his hands.

He said he got in a bar fight, but I don't know.

Where is he now?

He took off.

Justin... give me a call when you get this.

All right, we got a new case.

This is Frank Fitori, caught napping in a ditch by the marsh where he was dumped.

He's had his own little racket on the south side for years.

He swims with a lot of big fish.




All right, Halstead and I will check out the m*rder site.

Great idea. Why don't you and Jay do that?

Everyone else, go through the confidential files on Taylor Street, Bridgeport, Chinatown, and Melrose crews.

Let's see who's running what nowadays.

Did you see the look on his face?

Yeah. So?


We haven't done anything.

Don't I know it.

Would you spit out whatever you're trying to spit out?


Maybe this last month I don't like being the guy you use to get a rise out of your father figure.

You wish I was using you.

Oh, I'm serious.

You have issues. You need to work them out.

Work them out without me.

I repeat, we haven't done anything.

And if you want to keep it that way... hey, that'd be great.

All right, perfect.


You done?

I was done long before this conversation started.

Really? Then shut up.

Where is the dead guy?

Homicide already came and went.

Then the crime lab. Then the mort patrol.


Is that one of our pods?

Dinner at the Purple Pig? It's got the dump.

Those things suck.

I don't think so.

Besides, you just told me to shut up and that we're done.

No, you told me we were done, but a girl's got to eat.

Now you're hungry.

Hey, I've been thinking...

Hey, can this wait?

I got to meet someone.

Wait, wait.

Fitori, the D.O.A., he's had a big mouth over the years, a lot of enemies.

Yeah, I know.

And he wasn't afraid to turn state's to save his own ass, more than once.

Look, Antonio, I got to go.

Okay, but listen, I've been looking at a lot of the guys that his testifying has helped send up.

Between us, a few of those guys have been known to frequent a lot of the same places that you do.

I was just wondering if you'd thought about that, or done any thinking on it.

Yeah, well, there's a lot of angles to cover here.

Right, right, but I was thinking in particular about the social club you belong to.

It's not all stand-up citizens in there.

I mean, it's common knowledge.

What are you trying to say, bro?

I'm not trying to bust your balls here.

It's just, if Fitori's history is crossed with a guy at your place, I might need your cooperation.

Might be able to make a move on them from the inside.

It's a good thought, but I already had Jin cross all the cases you're talking about, where Fitori talked.

No names popped up.

Really? But I just talked to Jin.

He didn't mention that.

Jin does a lot for me he doesn't mention.

Is there any confusion on your part on who runs Intelligence?

Just trying to solve the case.

Hey, man, you know where Justin Voight is?

Who's asking?

His father. I need to talk to him.

Well, so do I, so I can tell him he's fired.

He hasn't showed up for three straight shifts.


[Sighs] Come on, Sarge. Let's just talk hookups.

Can we talk hookups?

You looked great.

Your I.D. will be the pride of District 21.

You can make copies, give those to your grandma.

I just need one more. I'm begging you.

Sarge, if I have to walk around with a Deputy Dawg photo for the rest of this year, I'm never gonna hear the end of it.

Where the hell is your partner?

I got to turn these photo files in.

I have no idea.

I think Intelligence needed her to run something up to the lab.



So I'm thinking we stop into some pawn shops on Blue Island.

I'll bet you anything the m*rder w*apon found on Fitori, dump g*n, bought as an afterthought just before.


Alvin, you're not listening to me.

Well, you talk so much, it's hard to know when I'm supposed to listen and when I can just tune out.

Sheesh. You're miserable.

No kidding, kid.

But you'll learn.

I'm not you, old man.

You can keep your misery.

I'm all sunshine and roses over here.

Peachy keen, Mr. Bean.

All right, what were you saying?

That I'll bet that the m*rder w*apon is a dump g*n.

Well, let's hit the pawn shops.

Come on.


Surf and turf.

It sucks.

Like I said, you can't see anything.

Can you make this brighter?


Come on.

Dinner depends on this.

What do you want from me?

I can't make it daytime.

I told you, the image on the file is the image on the file.


Hey, what is that?

Kane Builders?

If they have a private security cam at the lot, I bet you we get at least a plate off the Escalade.


I am. Thank you.

And let's roll the bet onto that camera, 'cause that's where the answer is.

It would help us out if you let us see any footage your security cams caught.

I mean, we could come back and get a warrant, but...

I'd be more than happy to, sincerely.

But I don't even know if we keep them on.

Tell you what, it's all run by some company in India or something.

Here's the number of our office downtown.

Ask for Libby.

Tell her Don told you to give you the number, and she'll take care of you.

Great. Thank you.

I'll call the Purple Pig.

Seeing as how you're buying, it's the least I can do.

And just so you know, I'm thinking truffles.

[Laughs] Right.

Okay, I'm just gonna move you a little, just this way.

And then if you could just put... okay, is that good for you?

'Cause in this light, your eyes are, like, really sparkling.

Yeah, it's fine.

Okay, then let's get it on film, or whatever they call it nowadays.

Okay, in one, two, three.

Oh, wow. That's perfect. Wow.

You want to see it?

I'm good, thanks.


Hooch, about time.

Where do you want me?

The "X."

This good?

In one, two, three.

Are we done?

Oh, no.

No, no, no. Wait. I think I blinked.

Nope. Perfect.

One more, please.

I got a lot to do today, Burgess, so skedaddle, huh?

Do you remember that time that I helped you raise donations for your charity?

Funny thing about time, it just keeps going.

That calendar rolled over.


Come in, Hank.

Just wanted to get you up to speed.

I looked into Alessio Colo like you asked.


Or Intelligence did, I should say.

My gut tells me he had nothing to do with the Fitori m*rder.

Your gut.

This Fitori, the D.O.A.?

I did some asking around.

Seems he skipped on into narcotics.

My man in the g*ng unit tells me he's been chumming around with the Mickey Cobras, that's... that's an aggressive outfit.


Yeah, probably didn't work out, you know.

Anyway, it ain't Colo.

So we're turning the files over to homicide.


Sure, Hank.

Thank you for coming so quickly, Detective Dawson.

I know you're busy.

Yeah, well, meeting I.A. in some secret spot...


Everyone knows you're a great detective.

I talked to Brady in Vice after we chatted a few weeks ago, and he wore my ear out for an hour telling me what a straight arrow you are.

Come on.


We have had Sergeant Voight working for us since he got pulled out of lockup, a stipulation to his release.

He pretends to be dirty, helps us run down some heavy hitters.

It's a win-win for everybody.

Only he wasn't just playing dirty.

He was dirty.

He still is.

We were the suckers.

Or, more specifically, I was the sucker.

Hey, lie down with dogs...

You have the same fleas crawling on you that I do, Detective, your whole unit.

Did you know Erin Lindsay is a former informant Voight turned out at 14?

You think she's not carrying water for him?

He is building an army there, and it is only a matter of time before it implodes.

The m*rder at the Marsh, I told Voight to look into Alessio Colo.

He told me he would.

Then he blew it off.

I wonder why.

He never mentioned Colo as a suspect.

There you go.

To be very clear, Detective, I am going to take Voight down.

Everyone's watching how this plays out.

Right now, it's either me or him.

Once he's gone, you are in the perfect position to get a promotion and take over Intelligence.

All you got to do is choose a side.

All right.

This turned out to be more of a homicide thing, as we all suspected.

I apologize.

Hold up a sec.

Alessio Colo.

He was one of the top bosses on the south side.

Bookmaking, loan-sharking, extortion, armed robberies.

C.P.D. thought he was retired, but now a tip leads us to believe he's back in the game.

What are you doing?

And this is Joe Catalano, habitual felon just released from Stateville, and Colo's nephew.

He used to work for Colo back before he got sent up.

Our D.O.A., Fitori...

He turned rat on Catalano back in '06.

He made a deal with the state's attorney that kept him in jail and put Catalano in.

Well, it sounds like Catalano got released.

He got right to it.

All right, so if this is Catalano...

Who is the driver?

Okay, I'm tracking down the Indian company that has footage from the construction yard.

Just waiting for the sun to come up over there and we should have a clear shot of the driver.

Yeah, the D.O.A., Frank Fitori, he used to run with this Ross crew back in the day.

A guy named Dean-O Ross was the patriarch.

Along with Fitori, Dean Ross was on the grand jury witness list.

This him?

Yep, Dean-O, yeah.

Maybe Dean-O's a target too, huh?

All right, let's go.

Ruzek and I will shadow him, tuck him in at night.

That's a good idea.

Lindsay and I will come too.

Eh, looks like we're all going.

I'd like to talk to you in my office first.

I was told... No... I was instructed to run this investigation, Sergeant.

If you want to take it upstairs and explain why you'd rather I didn't, be my guest.

It sounds like you know what you're doing.

I'm confident I do.

Then let's see where this leads.
[Engine turning over]


What is it?

Justin was there.


He was the driver. Catalano told me.

And when this other footage comes in...

I stopped by the C.T.A.

His supervisor told me he hadn't been there in weeks.

[Sighs] He's slipping away on me.

All right, don't bite my head off for asking...

Just ask.

Are you gonna bury the case?

I don't think Antonio's going to let that happen.

O, you got eyes on him?

Just approaching now. We got him.

We're near Clark and Belmont, in case he heads to the highway.

Ross is on foot, heading toward the tanning salon on Sheffield.

Be right there.

[Tires squealing]

The salon's been a money-laundering front for a long time.

Wouldn't Catalano know that?


Whoa, whoa. Catalano.

I got him.



Wait! [Car horn blares]

Suspect is heading south.

[Tires screeching]

Go! Go!


I lost him.

I lost him.

[Footsteps approaching]

I want to know what's going on.

You tell me.

Now, Voight.

Don't come in here barking at me, or you're gonna see me off the leash.

Oh, you're pretty far off the leash.

Have been since I got here.

You want to work your own system, that's your play... until it affects us.

Now, this unit's gonna take down anyone involved in Fitori's death.

And if you get in the way, then I'm going to see to it that you go down too.

How's Diego?


Your son.

You know?

The one I busted my ass to get safe when he was kidnapped.

Go to hell.

When you needed this unit, it rallied around...

I rallied around you!

You want to talk, I'll be at my desk.

[Door opens]



Jin's got the construction-site video from India.

It's downloading in his office.

Burgess, hey.

Atwater. Come here for a quick second.


I tracked something down for you.

That might be the phone number to the parents of a certain desk sergeant that's been giving you grief.

You look into that, I will deny any involvement, all right?

Who are you? I don't know you.

See? That's right.

[Door opens, closes]

I've asked them to increase the bandwidth down here, 'cause the connection just... oh, wait.

All right, here we go.

Now we'll see who was with Catalano that night.

Thanks, Jin.


We'll call you if we need you.

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Um, take all the time you need.

It's Justin.

That's it, then.

No, that's not it.

Yeah, well, the kid's an accomplice to m*rder.

No, this isn't over yet.

I know he's not answering your calls, but he's gonna answer mine.

[Siren wailing in the distance]

Hey, O.


What's up?

You and Voight go all the way back.

That's right.

And I know you're thick as thieves.

Well, I might've used a different analogy, but, you know...

You're good police, the best U.C. I've ever seen.

I don't want to see you tossed out when this hits the fan.

But Voight's in too deep.

You know, I've seen just about everything this city could shove at a cop, and the one thing I've learned... don't ever count out Voight.

That's your choice?

Don't put me in a position where I have to make one.

You ready, Detective?



You ready?

Yeah. Sorry.

[Scoffs] You know, no one said it was gonna be easy working with Hank Voight.

I was warned a million times.

But I got to say this.

I've seen a lot of crackerjack police punch in, sleepwalk, and then punch out again, never him.

He works cases hard, works witnesses, works the streets.

If I had someone I cared about in a bad way, the one cop I would want assigned to the case is Hank Voight... no one else, not even you, Detective.


Let's have a smile... or not. That's fine.

On one, two, three.

[Camera beeps, shutter clicks]

What the hell were you thinking?

I didn't know, okay?

I didn't know he was gonna k*ll that guy.

One second I'm standing there, and the next, pop, pop.

And this dude just falls to the ground, straight down, like somebody flipped a switch, you know.

He had blood coming from his mouth and his nose, and it was just...


You know that he was laying there, and he reached out to me for help, and I just stood there?

I couldn't even move my feet. I wanted to run.

I wanted to do something. I just stood there, you know.

Catalano... Catalano raised his g*n up at me, and he said I had to help him move the body, or he was gonna drop me right then and there.

Erin, I swear to God, I had no choice.

You need to get it together right now.

Erin, I got to run, okay?

I got to run right now.

I need you to help me.

I'm a dead man, you know.

Get in my car.

You're gonna help me?

We're gonna help each other. Get in the car.

You were just going to walk up, sh**t Ross in the middle of the street, huh?

Let me ask you something.

How stupid are you?

I got a damn good insurance policy.

You got a lot of enemies too.

Now, who's worried about that when you got the protection of the Chicago P.D.?

You sure about that?

Let me tell you something...

Justin's next ride behind bars, he is gonna get shanked...

Or worse.

So, if you want that to happen, then you test me.

[Door closes]

Tell him what you told me.

[Number pad beeping]

[Touch pad whirring, door buzzes]

Antonio's waiting for you in your office.

There better be a damn good reason why my son is in the interrogation room, and I wasn't notified immediately!

You have a problem.

Internal Affairs...

Gradishar came to me, wanted to make a deal for you.

Gradishar knows all about you and Colo.

Your son was dumb, but he was a dupe.

Catalano's the target.

So, as far as I'm concerned, I never saw that photo.

I never heard him say he was there.

And I'm going to move on to the next Intelligence file.

[Door closes]

[Inhales deeply]

Let's take a ride.

Sergeant, a moment of your time.

Spill it, Burgess. I'm busy as hell.

I think you're going to want to retake our pictures.

Too late. The photos are being uploaded tonight.

And like I said, I'm busy.

Okay, I understand.

But it's just that, see, I have something here that I was gonna use to spice up the "faces and places" part of our newsletter this month.

You contacted my mother?

I told her we were honoring you with a surprise party, asked if she had any childhood photos we could use for a slide show.

She's a real nice lady... real helpful.

You're playing with fire.

I brought plenty of water.

[Camera beeps, shutter clicks]

[Camera beeps, shutter clicks]

Hey, Jin.


That video from India... you never got it.

The one I deleted two hours ago?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I gave you every chance in the world.

I got your record expunged.

I didn't need you to do that, dad.

Are you ready to shut your mouth and listen?

After what we went through with your mother...

I was ready to die in the dirt to make sure you found your feet.

Hell, I almost did.

I kept saying, "it's not his fault."

It's not his fault. I can fix this."

Except I realized... you can't fix what's broken on the inside.

Dad, I messed up. I know that.

I know it.

I don't think you do.

I'll see you in four years.


I love you.

Now go.


[Engine turning over]

Wine for you, my love.

So new rule.


I ask you how your day was and you say, "fine,"

I get to reach across this table and throttle you.

Mm. Sounds fun.

How was your day?

It was fine.


You must've known that was coming. Come on.


I'll just ask your partner.

Good luck with that one.

Getting that guy to...

You have a good day, huh?


Sneakiest guy I know.

I'm so glad you could make it. Hi.

What are you doing here?

How you doing?

Well, your beautiful bride-to-be invited me out for a drink.

Move over. Scoot over.

Yes, sir.

Plus, I thought maybe I'd step out and spread a little bit of my misery.


I'd say I'd drink to that, but I don't know if that makes for a very good toast there, Al.

Well, hey.

You get these?

What do you think?


Getting after it tonight.

So, Alvin, tell me about Adam.

How's he doing in... what's it called... Intelligence?

Intelligence, yeah.

You want the truth?

I think he's, uh, better at it than I was... maybe than I am.



Now, that's a toast. Come here.


Thanks, Al.

Got my heart all aflutter. [Laughs]

What the hell is going on around here?

It's Voight. Just let it go.

What about the bet?

Well, technically, you did lose.

He buried the footage, didn't he?

Got it.

Well, I guess I'm not paying for dinner.

It's probably better we just keep it professional, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Hey, they just dredged a body out of the river.

[Siren wailing in the distance, indistinct chatter]

Got it?


That's Catalano, huh?


Well, he had a lot of enemies.

Funny how justice works in this city sometimes, huh?

What the hell was that, Detective, huh?

You're supposed to be building a case on Voight, and you got nothing.

You gave me nothing!

He has somehow wriggled his way off the hook, and I look like a fool.

I look like a fool!

Or worse!

You don't remember me, do you?


15 years ago, you were a patrolman in Internal Affairs.

You investigated my partner Sean Patterson.

You went after him for some double-dipped overtime pay, some paperwork that he admitted he filed mistakenly.

It should've been a slap on the wrist, but you wanted to make a name for yourself...

[Sighs] make an example of him... because you're a climber.

You always have been.

The union fought his charges, and you went after him harder.

You took away his pension, bounced him from the job.

He k*lled himself a year later.

His family lost a father because you used him as the bottom rung of your ladder.

You don't know.

You don't know what we do or what we sacrifice or the price we pay for this... for the job.

And you'll never know.
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