02x07 - T2

Episode transcripts of the TV show, "Transporter: The Series". Aired: January 2013 to February 2016.*
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Frank Martin is an ex special ops, who now spends his life as a transporter on the other side of the law. With three rules, he always completes his contracts. One way, or another. Based on the movie series.
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02x07 - T2

Post by bunniefuu »

[Sound of rapidly accelerating car, wheels squealing]

[Sound of car braking abruptly]

Was that necessary?

You said we were late.

Now, we're not.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up]

Tell me about the client.

Stefan Novik.

A billionaire forced out of Crimea by the Russians.

What's his business with me?

His aide wouldn't say.

He insisted the two of you meet face to face.

Why did you agree?

He's paying your full fee, whether you take the job or not.

It's remarkably generous.

Or desperate.

Mr. Martin?


Please take a seat. Mr. Novik will see you shortly.

Thank you.


Mr. Martin?


A pleasure.

My colleague.

Caterina Boldieu.


Mr. Martin...

Monsieur Dassin...

Mr. Novik will see you now.

You know him?

He's a transporter.

I'm sorry, Mr. Martin, Mr. Novik would like to see the two of you alone.

It's okay. Ms. Boldieu is with me.

I'm afraid Mr. Novik insists.

I'm afraid I do too.

Of course. Forgive me.

This way.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up]


Sit down.

Thank you for coming.

Gentlemen, Ms. Boldieu, I know your time's precious, so I'll get to the point.

This was my home, in Sevastopol.

Before the Russians invaded and I was forced into exile.

Next please.

This painting hangs upstairs.

It's by the great Crimean artist, Aivasovsky.

Quite beautiful, isn't it?

And quite valuable.

Not for the reason you think.

It's a forgery.

A spectrometer reveals its true value.

Legal title to the nation's mineral deposits.

Hidden in the canvas.

The deposits are worth 3 billion US dollars, but under new Russian law, you need a certified document to prove ownership.

So, you see why it's vital I retrieve it.

Why two transporters?

All my wealth rests in that piece of paper, Mr. Martin.

So, I need to be sure at least one of you will succeed.

I'm sorry Mr. Novik, but I don't engage in competitions.

This is not a competition.


You both have been paid, right?

And I will give a one million dollar bonus to whoever retrieves the title.

It's well worth it.

And if we both fail?

Quite simply?

I'd be ruined.

A man without country or resources.

As you can see, failure is not an option.

I'm sorry Mr. Novik, but this job is just too high risk.

Surely not.

Crimea is under Russian occupation.

That piece of paper makes me a $3 billion target.

You know that.

Or you wouldn't want to hire two men... and pay them so generously.

Oh, I see.

I'm sure you'll be in good hands, with Monsieur Dassin.

Good luck.


♪ [Persistent, throbbing music comes up]


What now?

Perhaps he needs to be approached differently.

This one's a convicted narcotics trafficker.

He wants safe passage from Mexico to the U.S.



Four more drug dealers... three packages, contents unknown... two fugitives...


That's all I got.

Guess I get a holiday then.

You tired?

It is what it is.

You want a challenge? You should've taken the job today.


Of course not.

You were right.

I didn't trust that guy.

It's late.

We've got an early flight tomorrow morning.

Good night.

Good night.

[Knocking on door]

Good evening.

I apologize for coming unannounced.

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

I gave you my answer, Mr. Novik.

Yes, but... this job has certain... aspects... you might want to be aware of.

Two minutes of your time, please?

Okay, come in.

Thank you.

The man now living in my house is Vitaly Kunsdt.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Former KGB agent.

Not a very nice man, I'm told.

You're right.

A long list of people he's m*rder*d or disappeared.

You might be familiar with this case.

The unexplained disappearance of Miss Zara Knight, in Marseilles, 2011...

Are you investigating me, Mr. Novik?

Oh, please no.

Don't take offense, Mr. Martin.

It's a measure of how highly I value your work.

Those files I obtained from the Russian Ministry.

Obtained how?

Does it really matter?

I've had them translated for you.

It indicates Kunsdt either ordered...

Mrs. Knight's abduction.

Or... took her himself.

Why are you telling me this?

I know this case is of a great personal importance to you, Mr. Martin.

My only interest is in that title.

But, if in the course of retrieving it, something else should happen... say... the Minister were... questioned... or even k*lled, well...

That's not my affair.

This is the address where Monsieur Dassin will depart in the morning.

I'd very much like you to be there.

Thank you.

[Door closing]

♪ [Haunting music comes up]

♪ [Music migrates to lighter, joyful air]

♪ [Music transforms into mysterious mood]

[Sound of opening cabinet]



[Sound of bottles rolling on table]

♪ [Music becomes more strident]

[Knocking on door]


It's me.



I changed my mind, I'm taking the Novik job.


Left my things in the room, will you take them home?

You don't want me to come with you?

I'll call you if I need you.

Are you sure you're okay?


[Sound of Frank's car accelerating]

Mr. Martin.

I see you've changed your mind.

Seems that way.

Damn, I'm good!

And you are?

Oh hey, yeah, I'm Jules...

Faroux, I'm Dassin's mechanic.

Frank Martin.

Nice to meet you.

I just adjusting the electronic control unit.

These new systems are...

That's enough!


[Sound of van approaching]

[Sound of door closing on van]

Mr. Martin...

I'm pleased to see you.

Forged passports, as well as Russian currency, and disposable mobile phones.

You'll find the address of a safe house as well.

You can collect weapons there.

Better not to carry any across the border.

Good luck, gentlemen.

[Van re-starting engine]

We could team up on this.

Split the bonus.

I work alone.

[Door on Frank's car closing]

[Sound of speeding cars on highway]

Kind of surprised he hasn't tried to pass us yet.

This isn't a race.

Frank Martin knows that.

♪ [Throbbing music comes up]

Stop, stop!


Hey look.

Not so far behind after all.


Thank you.

You're welcome, thank you.

You wait.


Something's going on back there.

Looks like he's in trouble.

He's a big boy. He can take care of it.

[Sound of Frank accelerating car]

[Soldiers screaming, tires squealing]

[Sounds of wild g*nf*re]

[Sound of car wheels shrieking]

♪ [Strident music comes up]

[More squealing tires]

[Sound of approaching t*nk]

[Sound of t*nk firing a*tillery]

[Sound of approaching jeeps]

[Sound of machine g*n fire]

[More machine g*n fire, at closer range]

[Sound of massive crash into water]

[Sound of soldiers' voices]

[Sound of motor boat approaching]

[Sound of cell phone hitting ground]

[Sound of Cat's car approaching]

Oh, Caterina...

How nice to see you.

Is everything all right?

I'm not sure.

I need to ask you about a missing person.

Zara Knight.

Does Frank know you're here?


Better you talk to him first.

I can't. He took a job in Crimea this morning.


I think it connects to this woman's disappearance.

I just don't know how.


My manners, please, come in.

You smell that?

What is it?


I make the best in the world.

If you say so yourself.

The secret which I only share with beautiful women such as yourself... is a splash of pastis.

Would you like some?

I would like to know about Zara Knight.


She was a U.N. diplomat.

Frank transported her to a peace conference in Marseille.

And what happened?

Frank would never say, but...

I think they were in love.

How did she disappear?

There were threats against her life.

But no one knows.

She simply vanished.

Must have been awful for Frank.

Do you know a man named Novik?


He's an oligarch in exile from Crimea.

He hired Frank to retrieve something from Sevastopol.

I don't see a connection, Caterina.

Neither do I but...

Frank does.


I still have my files on the case.

I could share them with you.

[Sound of bicycle]

♪ [Throbbing, mysterious music comes up]

[Sound of hydraulic pump on truck]

[Legs landing]

[Sound truck engine starting, accelerating]

♪ [Music builds, with strident beat]

[Sound of people yelling]

[Sound of sirens]

[Siren fades out]

How was the bouillabaisse?

Best I ever had.

What did I tell you?

How is it going?

You did a very thorough investigation.

Yeah, but I found no suspects.

And no motive.

When someone disappears like that, you know...


He was devastated.
♪ [Mysterious music comes up]

[Sound of approaching truck]

You made it.

Seems so.

Nice ride.


Care for a glass?


Thank you.


Wine cellar here is surprisingly good.



Clos René.

I got stopped at the border.

Someone tipped them off.

You think I got something to do with it?

I don't blame you for being suspicious but... we need to work together.

I told you I work alone.

Not on this one.

Not possible.

Jules, make yourself useful.

Yeah, right sorry...

So I was able to access the security system of the villa remotely.

As it turns out, there's motion sensors around the perimeter, there's lasers inside the house, it's all state-of-the-art stuff.

Difficult to get past.

Yeah, but not impossible.

There are ways to temporarily by-pass the system.

I can do it.

But I'll only be able to buy you a few minutes.


It's a two-man job.

More wine?


I'm going to leave.

Find what you are looking for?

I should've known you wouldn't miss anything.

I wish I had.

If only so you could find it.

It was outside the peace conference, the day she disappeared.

What is it?

Do you recognize this man?

No, I don't. Do you?

He's another transporter...

Olivier Dassin.

Miss Boldieu.

Mr. Novik.

I need you to contact Frank. He's not picking up his phone.

I wish we could.

He's not answering the phone we gave him.

Then contact Dassin.

I'm sorry, he's not answering either.

What does this have to do with Zara Knight?

Zara Knight... ?

You used her name to get Frank to take this job.

I saw the files you gave him on his computer.

I'm sure...

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm sure you do.

Dassin's behind all this.

He told you he needed Frank to take that title.

And what if he did?

He's playing you, Mr. Novik.

He's using your resources to draw Frank into a trap.

Even if you're right, unfortunately there's nothing any of us can do about it.

Yes, there is.

I can call the Russian minister at the villa.

You don't want to do that.

Do you?

Don't be so sure.

Sacha, take care of it.

What is it?

Caterina Boldieu was just here.

She's trying to reach Frank Martin.

Is that why you're calling me here?

She said you were involved in Zara Knight's disappearance.


What if I was?

You never told me that.

What kind of game are you playing?

Mr. Novik, I'm getting your title, as agreed.

That should be your only concern.

She says she's going to alert Kunsdt you're coming.

What do you want me to do about it?

I'm taking care of it.

You just bring back that damn title!

Don't call me again until it's done.

You really like cars, huh?

Hell yeah. Is there anything better?

Well, other than sex.

Sex in cars probably.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Shall we get going?


[Sound of elevator doors opening]

♪ [Music comes up strong and crescendos]

So how much farther to the villa?

Not far.

That's really beautiful out here, don't you think?

So Frank, how long have you been driving?

He's not going to answer your question.

Will you, Mr. Martin?

He prefers... anonymity.

He wouldn't even tell his name to people until recently.

One of his rules.

What about you, boss?


I don't believe in rules.

Yeah I meant...

How long you've been transporting?

I lived in a small village in Egypt.

One day a man showed up.

And he gave me a car.

He gave you a car, why?

He was a drug trafficker from Columbia.

He said I would drive the dr*gs from the desert to his boat by the sea...

Or he would k*ll my mother, and my three sisters.



You were like a drug trafficker for the mafia? Wow.

How long did you do that for?

Quite a long time.

Yeah, on the bright side, you saved your family, right?


He k*lled them anyway.


What did you do?

I kept driving.

He said if I didn't, he'd k*ll me too.

And one day when he wasn't looking, I ran him over with the car.

And I kept driving.

I'm so sorry.

It was an education.

It taught me the world belongs to the merciless.

The strong cannot afford pity.

♪ [Mysterious music comes up]

[Sound of subway approaching]

[Sound of guard dogs barking]


There are six armed guards around the perimeter.

But only one on the west side.

It's west then.

Ready when you are.

Just a sec.

Disabling perimeter sensors.

Okay, you've got six minutes before the system automatically resets itself.

Shall we?

[Sound kick, man falling]

We have two minutes to get in.

I'll take care of him.

[Soldier shouting, sound of p*stol with sil*ncer]

You said to take care of him, not k*ll him.

I took care of him.

That man was just doing his job.

I'm just doing mine too.

Are you gonna open the door or should I?


What's happening?


Dassin's phone.

Who is this?

Jules Faroux, I'm his mechanic. Who's this?

I'm Caterina Boldieu, I work with Frank Martin.

How do I know you're who you say you are?

How do I know you are?

Just give him the phone!

I can't.

Why not?

Cause he's not here.

[Cat curses in Italian]


I need you to get in touch with him.

That's not possible.

Why not?

You have to!

Listen, I'm telling you, I can't.

Why, what's the problem, anyway?

Your boss...

He's going to k*ll Frank.

[Sound of hard punches]

Listen to me, Jules.

You don't sound like a m*rder*r to me.

Thanks, I guess.

But I'm pretty sure your boss is.

Are you sure? I really don't think Dassin would...

He lied to Frank to get him there.

Why? Why would he do that?

My guess? To get that title and then k*ll him.

Two-man job...



[Sound of p*stol firing]

[Sound of hard kicks]

I'm going to need your help.

There's no way I can get a word to him.

What exactly can you do then?

Hold on. I've got an idea.

[Sounds of terrible fist fight]

What are you doing?

Getting a message to Frank.

[Sound of violent head butt]

Got it.

You go with it, I'm staying.

To find Kunsdt... that Russian security minister.

So that you can get answers about Zara Knight.

You know whose plan this was, Frank?

The Russians will pay handsomely for this.

And you wouldn't have helped if I had just asked you?


[Sound of alarm going off]

Well, well...

Olivier Dassin.

Who are you working for this time?

Stefan Novik.


For a painting?

It was inside the painting.

It's title rights to mineral holdings.

Our mineral holdings...

Thank you, gentleman.

But if you think it will save your life, you're mistaken.

Shall we?



Oh no!



Oh, f*ck!



This is bad. I gotta go.

[Sound of SUV on forest road]

[Sound of gate opening on SUV]

♪ [Suspenseful music comes up]

I didn't come here for the title. I came here to ask you a question.

The disappearance of Zara Knight.

The U.N. negotiator?

I was shown a document.

You ordered her abduction.

Like that painting you tried to steal, that must have been another forgery.

Is she alive?

[Sound of malevolent laughter]

Any ideas?

I wish I had.

[Sound of honking horn on approaching car]

[Sound of hard blows]

[Sound of a*t*matic w*apon being fired]

This again?

Okay, should I just come back later?

Dassin, what are you doing? You're my boss!

He's counting on me not sh**ting you.

You wouldn't do that, would you?

Frank wouldn't do that.

Stay there!

Be seeing you, Frank.

Yes, you will.

[Sound of car accelerating backwards]


I need to see Mr. Novik.

I'm sorry. He's not available.

The title?

Did you get it?


You double-crossed me!

You have ruined me!

I didn't.

Frank Martin did.

Is he still alive?


Then this isn't over.

It is for you.

Maybe you didn't hear me.

I need to see him now.

[Sound of g*nf*re close by]

[Sound of secretary gasping for air]

[Sound of speeding train]




At least Novik's passports worked.

Here you go.


[Sound of cell phone ringing]


Good to hear your voice.

Novik's dead.

Dassin had him k*lled.


And I have information about Zara Knight's disappearance.

The Minister wasn't involved in the disappearance of Zara.

Dassin was.

What are you talking about?

I saw a photo in the police files.

He was there at the conference the day she disappeared.

Frank, are you okay?

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

[Sound of train entering tunnel and disappearing]
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