04x03 - The Wicked Day

Episode transcripts for the show "Merlin". Aired: September 2008 to December 2012.*
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The saga of King Arthur and his wizard, Merlin, both young men struggling to understand their future destinies.
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04x03 - The Wicked Day

Post by bunniefuu »

Merlin: IV ep 3 Amendments 08.06.11 1.


The square is a hive of activity. A caravan of colourful carts is being unloaded by acrobats, dancers, jugglers, strong men and jesters.

An acrobat back flips off a wagon and lands on his feet. Jugglers practice their routine, sending batons high into the air.


Merlin and Arthur look down into the Main Square. Merlin’s impressed, Arthur less so.

Merlin: Did you see that?

Arthur: It’s a man throwing some sticks in the air.

Merlin takes in Arthur’s mood.

Merlin: What’s wrong?

Arthur pulls a face.

Merlin: It’s the anniversary of your birth. A huge feast is being held in your honour. You have dancers, jugglers and acrobats to entertain you. It must be a terrible burden.

Arthur: Perhaps I’m just less easily impressed than you, Merlin.

Merlin: I’m really looking forward to it.

Arthur: That’s because you have the mind of a child.

Arthur heads out.

Merlin: (to himself): And yet I’m still more intelligent than you.

Arthur doesn’t look round as he calls out...

Arthur: I heard that.


Two acrobats have set up a circular board, divided into brightly coloured segments.

The Gleeman passes through the Banquet Hall, casting a critical eye over the preparations, checking everything is as it should be.

[Suddenly, behind him we hear a crash - The Gleeman turns to see a chest full of juggling batons spill out over the floor.

The Gleeman: Careful gentlemen. Careful.

The jugglers pick up their batons.

The Gleeman: There is no room for error. We must strive for perfection in all that we do. For tonight, we entertain royalty.]

He hears a sound and looks round to see objects flying out of a deep trunk.

The Gleeman clears his throat. A head appears, peering out over the rim of the trunk. This is Geldred.

The Gleeman: Have you misplaced something Geldred?

Geldred leaps from the trunk. We now see he is a dwarf.

Geldred: Our special gift for the Prince. I cannot find it anywhere. It is lost.

Geldred starts to search a sack, causing more mess...

The Gleeman: Geldred...

Geldred continues his search. He stops as he feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks up to see The Gleeman fixing him with a piercing stare. It is suddenly apparent that The Gleeman is a man to be feared. He pulls slim box from his tunic...

The Gleeman: I took the liberty of ensuring their safe passage myself. [King Odin has gone to such trouble to arrange our little surprise. We would not want to disappoint him. ]

The Gleeman opens the box to reveal three sharp throwing daggers.

The Gleeman: We must make sure this is a celebration that the young Prince will never forget.

The GLEEMAN throws one of the knives through the air. It pierces the centre of the board with terrifying precision.

--- Opening Credits ---


Merlin and Arthur exit Arthur’s chambers and make their way down the corridor. They meet Gwen.

Gwen: Arthur.

Arthur: Guinevere.

Gwen: I’m glad we have met. I wanted to give you my best wishes for your special day.

Arthur: Thank you. That’s very kind.

Gwen You must be so looking forward to the carnival?

Arthur: hesitates, then...

Arthur: Absolutely. More than I can say.

Merlin’s outraged as he takes in Arthur’s volte-face.

Gwen I should get on.

Arthur and Gwen share an affectionate smile as she heads off. Arthur: stares after her with puppy dog eyes. His expression changes as he sees Merlin smirking...

Arthur: Shut up, Merlin.

Merlin: It’s sweet. How you are with Gwen. You’re like... you’re like a little puppy.

Arthur: doesn’t appreciate the analogy.

Arthur: Really? Have you ever seen a little puppy do this...?

Arthur clips Merlin round the head.

Merlin: Ouh!

Arthur clips Merlin: round the head again. Merlin’s outraged.

Merlin: What was that for?

Arthur: That was for what you said earlier.

Merlin goes to respond. Arthur clips him round the head before he can speak. Merlin’s speechless.

Arthur: And that is for what you were about to say.

Arthur heads off, leaving Merlin disgruntled, rubbing his sore ear.

Merlin: (to himself): A little puppy with the brains of a donkey.

Arthur calls out without looking back...

Arthur: Heard it.]


Uther appears weak and withdrawn. Reveal Arthur seated by him. Arthur takes a moment as he takes in Uther’s vacant expression, then launches into his usual routine.

Arthur: The Court discussed the annual levy this morning. The council has suggested we raise it. I feel the people are already over- burdened...

Uther: We should not talk about matters of court today.

Arthur’s surprised by Uther’s response. Uther fixes Arthur: with an emotional look. Arthur’s increasingly concerned.

Arthur: Father?

Uther smiles softly...

Uther: You think I could ever forget that today is the anniversary of your birth?

Arthur’s both relieved and touched. [Uther pulls out a small box, holds it out to Arthur gestures for him to take it. Arthur: takes the box, opens it and pulls out a beautiful ring.

Uther: It was your grandfather’s.

Arthur’s moved...

Arthur: I shall treasure it. Thank you.

Uther: Despite what you all think, I haven’t completely lost my mind.

Arthur: No one thinks that. Least of all me.

Uther’s touched.

Uther: You are a good son Arthur... ] I take it a suitable celebration has been arranged for this evening?

Arthur: A feast, and some entertainment. I will tell you all about it tomorrow.

Uther: Nonsense. You think I would miss my son’s anniversary?

Arthur’s surprised and touched.

[Arthur: Are you sure you feel strong enough?

Uther Nothing would stop me.]


Arthur and Gaius are talking by the guards outside the door to Uther’s chambers.

Arthur: He seems much better. This will be the first time he has left his chambers in months.

Gaius: We must be cautious. I have seen cases like your father’s before. Periods of lucidity are no uncommon, but I have to warn you. It may not last.

Arthur: takes this in, but remains positive.

Arthur: No. I’m sure this is the start of his recovery. He will soon be his old self.

Gaius smiles, letting Arthur enjoy the moment.]


Night falls over Camelot.


The Banquet Hall is packed. KNIGHTS and COURTIERS are tucking into a feast.

A blast of trumpets. Everyone looks toward the doors. For a moment, nothing happens. The tension builds. Suddenly, the doors are thrown open and acrobats back flip through them. Dancers and jugglers follow behind, and suddenly the Hall is filled with entertainment...

Everyone’s enjoying the show, wowed by the skills of the performers Arthur takes in Uther smiling, and then applauding. He catches his eye. Uther raises his goblet. Arthur returns the gesture with a smile. He’s thrilled to see his father in such good spirits...

In the midst of the performers, stands The Gleeman. He raises his arms and signals. The performers freeze. All eyes focus on The Gleeman as a hush descends over the Hall.

With a flourish, The Gleeman pulls a brightly coloured cover from the large circular board. A ripple of excitement as the crowd realise what’s happening...

[Uther: Knife throwing. Excellent. ]

The Gleeman looks out over the Hall.

The Gleeman: We will require a volunteer...

The Gleeman’s eyes travel the Hall, before settling on Arthur.

The Gleeman: Prince Arthur. What better and more fitting occasion to demonstrate your legendary bravery.

Arthur’s caught out, put on the spot.

The Gleeman: Do you accept the challenge?

Arthur feels the eyes of the COURTIERS and KNIGHTS awaiting his decision. Arthur stands.

Arthur: Of course.

There’s a round of applause as Arthur makes his way through the Hall. Merlin intercepts Arthur. They have a whispered exchange...

Merlin: Is this safe...?

Arthur: It’s knife throwing, Merlin. Of course it’s not safe. I could hardly refuse his challenge.

Arthur sees that the eyes of the entire room are upon them [and starts emptying his pockets, giving the contents to Merlin, making an excuse to cover the true nature of their exchange.

Arthur: Just emptying my pockets. Try not to steal anything, Merlin.

A ripple of laughter. Merlin and Arthur’s whispered exchange continues...

Merlin: I just don’t think it’s a good idea to let someone strap you to a board and throw knives at you.

Arthur: Perhaps I should have you take my place?

Merlin doesn’t relish the prospect, looks out at the expectant CROWD, then back at Arthur.

Merlin: I think they want you to do it.

Arthur: Your bravery never ceases to impress me, Merlin.

Arthur heads over to the circular board where The Gleeman waits for him. He catches Gwen’s eye. She looks concerned. Arthur smiles, reassuring. The Gleeman gestures for Arthur: to place himself against the board...

The Gleeman Sire. If you will...? ]

Arthur places himself against the board. Dancers strap Arthur’s ankles and wrists to the restraints on the board. Arthur sh**t a slightly nervous glance at The Gleeman.

The Gleeman Do not fear, my Lord. I never miss my target.

Arthur: Good. Glad to hear it.

With a flourish, The Gleeman whips an apple from his robes and holds it up to the CROWD. The Gleeman turns to Arthur.

The Gleeman: May I?

Arthur: What?

Before Arthur can object, The Gleeman places the apple in Arthur’s mouth. The Gleeman nods to one of the dancers. She gives the wheel a push and it starts to spin.

Arthur spins on the board. It makes him feel dizzy, and a little nauseous. A faint groan escapes his lips, muffled by the apple stuffed in his mouth.

Geldred presents the case of knives to The Gleeman. He takes one out, touches his finger to the tip, then demonstrates the blades sharpness by slicing off the top of Geldred’s hat.

On Arthur’s eyes, a flash of fear at the demonstration.

Looking on, Merlin is also concerned.

Without even stopping to take aim, The Gleeman suddenly turns and throws the knife at Arthur. It thuds into the board, centimetres from Arthur’s face. A huge gasp goes up, followed by a round of applause.

As he spins, Arthur eyes the knife warily... The Gleeman takes the next knife from the case. The tension builds, and suddenly The Gleeman throws the knife. It flies through the air and thuds into the board on the other side of Arthur’s head. Another round of applause.

The Gleeman takes the final knife from the case. Tension as he takes aim...

Merlin looks on. He steps into the shadows, his eyes flash, he’s poised, ready to intervene magically.

We go into Merlin time as The Gleeman throws the knife. It spins through the air in slow motion... The knife sticks straight into the apple. On Arthur’s eyes, wide with fear. The hall erupts in applause. Merlin stands down, breathes a huge sigh of relief.

Gwen is equally relieved.

The dancers release Arthur from the board as The Gleeman takes a bow.

Arthur grabs the handle of the knife, takes a bite of the apple as he saunters back to his seat. He throws the knife and apple to Merlin, who catches them...

Arthur: See, Merlin. Nothing to worry about.

The Gleeman and Geldred watch Arthur chewing the mouthful of apple as he retakes his seat next to Uther, who congratulates him warmly. The Gleeman has a quiet word with Geldred.

The Gleeman (an aside): In a few hours, the sedative on the apple will start to take effect. The Prince will be defenceless. Then we will strike.


The door flies open. Arthur staggers in, followed by Merlin. The sedative is starting to take effect. Arthur’s very drowsy and unsteady on his feet.

Merlin: You’re telling me you weren’t even a little bit scared?

Arthur: Of course I wasn’t. I am a warrior. You learn to control your fear. To channel it...

Arthur loses his balance, staggers. Merlin catches him, stops him from falling over.

Merlin: You looked scared...

Arthur rights himself.

[Arthur: Then you are blind, as well as stupid, Merlin.]

Arthur lets out an enormous yawn as he starts to undress.

Arthur: It was good to see my father enjoying himself. (A worrying thought occurs) He was a little quiet toward the end of the evening. Perhaps I should go and see him.

Merlin: Are you sure that’s a good idea? You can barely stand up.

Arthur: Are you saying I’m drunk?

Merlin: I’m saying I really don’t think you should be wandering around the palace.

Arthur: And why is that, Merlin?

Merlin: Because you’re not wearing trousers.

Arthur looks down and sees that he is indeed not wearing trousers, then looks back at Merlin.

Arthur: Good point.


Arthur emerges from his chambers, fastening his trousers, which he finds rather difficult. He heads off down the corridor, bouncing off the walls, struggling to keep his eyes open. Merlin looks after him with concern.

Merlin: Are you sure you’re okay?

Arthur: I’ll be fine, Merlin. Get some beauty sleep.

Merlin pulls a face as Arthur rounds the corner and disappears from view.

Merlin: Watch out for the steps!

We hear a loud crash O/S. Merlin smiles to himself, then heads off in the opposite direction.]


Arthur wobbles down the corridor.

We now see The Gleeman is wedged onto the ceiling, braced between the two walls. The Gleeman watches Arthur disappear round the corner, then drops silently to the floor.


Arthur lets out an enormous yawn, struggling to keep his eyes open as he passes the two guards outside the doors to Uther’s chambers. He heads inside.


Uther lies in bed, sleeping peacefully. Arthur looks down at him. His eyes start to close as the sedative takes hold. He wobbles on his feet. Arthur forces his eyes open, slaps his face. But this only gives him a moment reprieve. He sinks into a chair. He fights the tiredness he feels sweeping over him, but it’s a losing battle.


[The two guards standing outside Uther’s chambers suddenly react as they see The Gleeman standing in front of them - surprised he was able to get so close without them noticing.

The Gleeman: Good evening, gentlemen.

Before the guards can challenge him, we see a glint of a blade in each of The Gleeman’s hands. He dispatches the guards in two swift but deadly moves. ]


Arthur is drifting into sleep, struggling to focus on Uther. His head lolls. He jerks himself awake. Arthur hears a faint sound, but he is too tired to react to it. Behind Arthur, we see the door open. The Gleeman slips into the room. Arthur’s oblivious.

The Gleeman creeps toward Arthur. He draws a sword from his robes just as Arthur’s head jerks up. Arthur catches a flash as the blade catches the candle light. Arthur draws his sword and parries the blow as The Gleeman strikes. Arthur spills out of the chair and staggers backwards.

He’s sleepy and disorientated, tries to call out, but his voice is weak.

Arthur: Guards...!

[The Gleeman: They will be of no help to you. I imagine you are feeling rather sleepy by now?

The Gleeman att*cks. Arthur barely manages to fight off the attack. His sword is knocked out of his hand and thrown across the room. Arthur collapses to his knees. He tries to call out, but barely manages a mumble.

Arthur: Father...

The Gleeman stands over Arthur.

The Gleeman: It is a shame that Odin will not be here to witness your death. I will enjoy telling him how you died, kneeling before me. ]

The Gleeman raises his sword, ready to strike.

The Gleeman: Goodbye, Arthur Pendragon.

Arthur is powerless, fears this is the end. But as The Gleeman strikes, the blow is blocked by a sword. Arthur and The Gleeman see Uther standing there, Arthur’s sword in his hand.

Uther: t will take more than a coward like you to k*ll my son.

The Gleeman strikes. Uther blocks the blow. They trade a series of ferocious blows. But The Gleeman is skilled and Uther rusty. Uther is beaten back, and only narrowly avoids being k*lled.

Arthur tries to get to his feet to go to Uther’s aid, but he’s too drowsy, collapses back on the floor. Uther and The Gleeman circle each other, preparing to strike.

[The Gleeman: They say you have lost your mind. How does it feel, to know your

Enraged, Uther att*cks, but The Gleeman easily deflects the blows.

The Gleeman: Uther Pendragon. The great King. Look at you. A broken man.

Uther att*cks, and again The Gleeman easily deflects the blows. He’s cruelly toying with Uther, taunting him. ]

The Gleeman: Is there anything you’d like to say to your son before I k*ll him?

Uther looks at Arthur, kneeling, helpless. Uther’s paternal instincts kick in. He att*cks with a new ferocity, taking The Gleeman by surprise. Uther rains blow after blow down on The Gleeman, forcing him back. The Gleeman’s sword is knocked from his hand. Uther prepares to deliver a fatal blow.

[Uther: I will send Odin your head as a gift.]

The Gleeman suddenly draws a knife, lunges at Uther. Uther thrusts his sword. The Gleeman’s expression changes as he’s impaled. He staggers backwards, collapses and dies.

Arthur looks on, hugely relieved. But Uther doesn’t respond. He looks weak and confused. His legs buckle. He sinks to the floor, sitting against the bed. Arthur realises something is very wrong.

Arthur: Father!

Uther pulls the bloody dagger from his robes, from where The Gleeman thrust it into his chest. Arthur forces himself to his feet, staggers over to Uther and drops to his knees beside him. Arthur’s horrified to see blood staining Uther’s robes. Both Arthur and Uther have to fight to stay conscious.

Arthur: No... Guards! I will get help...

Arthur goes to stand. Uther grabs his hand...

Uther: Stay with me.

Arthur: (to Uther) I’m here...

Arthur: (cont'd) (beat, calling out) Guards! Someone! We need help!

Uther: It is my time...

Arthur: No... You can’t die...

Uther: I know you will make me proud, as you always have. You will be a great King...

Arthur: I’m not ready...

Uther: You have been ready for some time, Arthur...

Arthur: No. I need you...

Uther: I know I wasn’t always a good father. I put my duty to Camelot first. I’m sorry.

Arthur: Don’t say that...

Uther grips Arthur’s hand with all his remaining strength.

Uther: Know one thing. I always loved you, Arthur...

With that, Uther’s eyes slowly close as he loses consciousness. Arthur’s horrified...

[Arthur: No... Father... Father!

Arthur’s appalled, but barely able to focus.

Arthur: No...]

18 - EXT. CAMELOT - DAY 2. FR.

The sun rises over Camelot.


Gaius is tending to Uther. He’s unconscious, very weak - close to death. Arthur and Gwen look on, deeply concerned. Arthur fixes Gaius with a desperate look.

Arthur: Gaius. Can you treat him?

Gaius: The knife pierced an artery. He is bleeding internally.

Arthur: There must be something... there must be something you can do. Please, Gaius.

Gaius shakes his head.

Gaius: It is just a matter of time. I am sorry, Arthur.

Arthur prepares himself for the worst.

[Arthur: How long - how long has he got?

Gaius: I fear he will not last more than two days.

Arthur can’t accept that.

Arthur: No...

Gwen comforts Arthur.

Gwen: I’m sorry.

As Gwen holds him, Arthur stares at Uther, struggling to accept that he is going to die.]


Sir Leon and Agravaine are reporting to Arthur, who just stares blankly, traumatised.

Agravaine: We have traced the assassin back to the town of Wenham. It is in Odin’s land…

Agravaine: (cont'd) It seems Odin hired him to k*ll you, in revenge for the death of his son.

Arthur barely responds as he takes this in.

[Sir Leon: We believe he had an accomplice among the performers, but he has fled the city. We have doubled the guard, should there be another attempt on your life.]

Again, Arthur barely responds. Agravaine takes in Arthur’s despondent mood. He places a comforting hand on Arthur’s shoulder.

Agravaine: Our thoughts are with you, Arthur. If there’s anything I can do at this difficult time, you have only to ask.

Arthur: Your support means a great deal to me. Thank you.

Agravaine and Sir Leon head out, passing Merlin as he enters. Arthur immediately responds to Merlin’s arrival.

Arthur: (to Merlin) What news of my father?

Merlin: There’s no change.

Arthur snaps.

Arthur: Why isn’t Gaius doing something?

Merlin treads softly.

Merlin: Because there’s nothing he can do.

Arthur knows that’s true, and that is what pains him.

21 - EXT. FOREST - DAY 2. FR

Agravaine rides through the forest at speed.

22 - INT. Morgana’s HUT - DAY 2. UK

Agravaine bursts through the door, taking Morgana by surprise. She instinctively spins, drawing a dagger and stands poised, ready to plunge it into Agravain. He gives a sly smile.

Agravaine: Is that any way to greet an old friend...?

Morgana lowers the dagger.

Morgana: I wasn’t expecting you today...

Agravaine: I had to see you. I bring good news. Better news than we could ever have hoped for.

Morgana reacts, curious.

Morgana: What is it?

Agravaine: Uther has been mortally wounded. He lies on his deathbed. Gaius says he only has days to live.

Morgana smiles.

Morgana: I hope the image of my face haunts him. (a sudden thought occurs) How is Arthur?

Agravaine: He is devastated. The poor boy can barely think straight.

Morgana smiles at this news.

Morgana: We must strike while he is vulnerable.

Agravaine: When Uther dies, the Kingdom will be weak. We must choose our moment carefully. Who knows what opportunities the coming weeks will bring?

They share a smile.


Arthur holds a vigil beside Uther’s bed. He just sits there, staring at Uther intensely. Gwen enters. [She stops as she sees Arthur, doesn’t want to intrude.

Gwen: I was going to change the dressing on your father’s wound. I’ll come back.

Arthur: It’s all right. Come in.

Gwen crosses over to the bed. She changes the dressing on Uther’s wound through the following. Gwen and Arthur catch each other’s eye a few times, but given the circumstances, they are unsure what to say to each other. Arthur makes the first move.]

Arthur: I appreciate your kindness, everything you are doing for him.

Gwen: I do it for you.

[Arthur’s touched. It tips him over the edge. He turns away from Gwen to prevent her seeing how upset he is.]

Gwen: Arthur?

[She turns his face and is pained to see his hurt.]

Arthur: I cannot see him die... [Without him, I have no one.

Gwen seizes Arthur’s hand.

Gwen: You have many friends. And you have me. I will always be here for you.

Arthur looks pained.

Arthur: It is not the same... he’s my father. ]There is still so much I want to say to him... He cannot die.

Arthur stands and hurries out.

[Gwen: Arthur. Please...

Arthur exits, leaving Gwen deeply concerned for him. ]


Townspeople hold a candle-lit vigil in the Main Square. Merlin stands at the window, staring down at them. Arthur enters, crosses over and looks out of the window...

Arthur: What’s going on?

Merlin: It is a vigil for your Father. The people wish to share their grief.

Arthur frowns, unsettled.

Arthur: Why are they behaving like my father is already dead? There is still life in his body...

Merlin: They’re preparing themselves for the worst.

Arthur steels himself.

Arthur: They can give up hope, but I will not.

Merlin: I know it’s hard to accept. I wish it wasn’t so, but there is nothing more that can be done.

Arthur looks thoughtful, then...

Arthur: There is a way to heal my father.

Merlin: How?

Arthur hesitates, then fixes Merlin with a poignant look.

Arthur: With magic.

Merlin’s stunned as he takes this in.

25 - INT. Gaius’ CHAMBERS - NIGHT 2. UK.

Merlin has just informed Gaius of Arthur’s plan. Gaius looks concerned.

Gaius: Arthur plans to use magic?

Merlin: He’s desperate. He knows it’s the only hope he has of healing Uther.

Gaius takes a moment to process the revelation, then fixes Merlin with a look.

Gaius: Please tell me you’re not thinking of doing this, Merlin.

Merlin: I’d be lying if I said ‘no’.

Gaius: You can’t risk exposing yourself like this. It’s too dangerous.

Merlin: Arthur didn’t recognise me last time I was eighty years old. There’s no reason why he should this time.

Gaius: You seem to be forgetting that last time you used an ageing spell, you nearly got yourself burnt at the stake.

Merlin: It’s worth the risk.

Gaius: You think Uther will thank you for healing him with magic? He’ll most likely have you hanged.

Merlin: Uther will never change his attitude to magic. I know that.

Merlin: (cont'd) But if Arthur allows it to be used to heal his father, his attitude will be changed forever. He will see that magic can be a force for good.

Gaius: You of all people should know that using such powerful magic is fraught with dangers.

Merlin: If it works, I won’t have to hide any more. [Arthur will come to trust me for who I really am.]

Gaius: And if it doesn’t? I cannot stand by and let you do this Merlin.

Merlin: Don’t try and stop me, because you can’t.

Tension Gaius and Merlin trade a poignant look.

Gaius: You are playing a dangerous game, Merlin.

Merlin: I’ve been playing a dangerous game since the first day I set foot in Camelot. Maybe this is my chance to change that.


Merlin enters. Arthur’s waiting impatiently.

Arthur: Well. What did Gaius say? Did he have any information?

Merlin: He didn’t know much. But he has heard of a sorcerer. An old man. He lives in the Forest of Glaestig. Gaius thinks he may be able to help you.

Arthur: Will he take me to him?

Merlin: He has told me all that he knows. We will have to find him ourselves.

Arthur takes this in and is suddenly daunted by the prospect of what he is about to do.

Arthur: If you were me Merlin, if it was your father, would you use magic to save his life?

Merlin seizes the moment, looks Arthur in the eye.

Merlin: Yes. I would. I’d do whatever it took.

Arthur’s persuaded.

Arthur: Ready the horses and gather some supplies. We ride at first light.

27 - NT. KING’S PALACE (Agravaine’s CHAMBERS) - NIGHT 2. UK

[Agravaine is staring out of the window. There’s a knock on the door.

Agravaine: Enter. ]

The door opens. Arthur enters.

Agravaine: Arthur. What news of your father?

Arthur: I’m afraid there is still no improvement.

Arthur hesitates, unsure how to express what he needs to say. Agravaine detects Arthur’s hesitation.

Agravaine: Is there something on your mind?

Arthur: [It will be apparent soon enough]. I didn’t want to go behind your back. I have decided to use magic to heal my father.

Agravaine’s shocked - knows he must do what he can to dissuade him.

Agravaine: I must counsel against such a course of action.

Arthur: There is no other way...

Agravaine: Magic caused your mother’s death. [My sister would still be alive today.] If you respect her memory, you cannot do this.

Arthur’s moved by the argument. He’s torn...

Arthur: Would you see my father die?

Agravaine’s put on the spot, but of course cannot reveal his true desires.

Agravaine: Perhaps it is his time.

Arthur cannot accept that.

Arthur: I know we have both suffered because of magic, but I cannot stand by and let my father die. My mind is made up.


The sun rises over Camelot.


Merlin and Arthur ride up to a fork in the path. Merlin stops. He’s uncertain which path to take. Arthur’s unimpressed.

Arthur: You’re lost, aren’t you Merlin?

Merlin: No. I’m just getting my bearings.

Merlin: (cont'd) (choosing a path) It’s this way...

Through the trees, Arthur spots a hut off the other path (it is the same charcoal maker’s hut we saw in episode 2).

Arthur: So what’s that hut over there?

Merlin sees the hut, realises he was about to take the wrong path, attempts to cover.

Merlin: Right. I was going to take this path and loop round. Or, we can go this way.

Arthur reacts, disbelieving. Arthur and Merlin ride toward the hut.]


Arthur and Merlin dismount. Arthur eyes the hut curiously.

Arthur: Are you sure this is the right place? It looks like a charcoal maker’s hut.

Merlin: The old man can hardly make a living by practising magic. I think a lot of sorcerers are in the charcoal business.

Arthur doesn’t look entirely convinced by this as he walks up to the front door. Merlin looks round, wondering how he’s going to work the deception. Arthur realises Merlin hasn’t followed him.

Arthur: Are you joining me, Merlin?

Merlin: We don’t want to overwhelm him. He probably doesn’t get many visitors. I’ll stay out here and watch the horses.

Arthur: I have never met anyone who is so scared so often. Scream like a big girl if there’s any trouble.

Merlin: Don’t worry. You’ll hear me.

Arthur shakes his head, disbelieving, as he turns and knocks on the door.


The door opens. Arthur peers in.

Arthur: Hello...?

Arthur looks round the hut. There’s no one there.


Merlin’s hurrying into the trees when Arthur re-emerges from the hut.

Arthur: There’s no one here. Are you sure this is the right place?

Merlin: I’m absolutely certain of it. I’m sure he’ll be back soon.

Arthur: How d’you know when he’ll be back?

Merlin: He’s a doddery old man. He can’t have gone far. If you want his help, you’ll just have to wait for him to return.

Arthur suddenly takes in that Merlin was heading off into the trees.

Arthur: Where are you sneaking off to?

Merlin’s put on the spot, thinks on his feet.

Merlin: I need to pee.

Arthur’s disturbed by the revelation.

Merlin: So unless you want to watch me, you should wait inside the hut.

Arthur: Why would I want to watch you?

Merlin gestures toward the hut.

Merlin: There’s the hut. Make yourself at home.

Arthur eyes Merlin suspiciously, then turns and heads back inside the hut. Merlin reacts, exasperated. He hurries behind a tree. He peers out to check that Arthur hasn’t re- emerged, then focuses as he starts to incant the transformation spell.

Merlin: *Miht dagena, bepecce me. Adeaglie pisne gast min freondum ond min feondum!*


Arthur pokes around at a few dusty old bottles and pots on the table. In doing so, he knocks over a bottle, which in turn knocks a pot off the table. It falls to the floor and smashes. Arthur grimaces. Oops. He quickly kicks the pieces of broken pottery under the table to conceal them. Arthur hears a sound outside. Someone’s approaching the hut. Arthur steps away from the table.

Arthur tenses as the door opens. Arthur reacts, stunned as Old Merlin enters...

Arthur: You?

Old Merlin looks back at Arthur.

Old Merlin: We meet again, Arthur Pendragon.

Arthur instinctively reaches for the hilt of his sword. Old Merlin reacts to the move...

Old Merlin: So you have come to k*ll me?

Arthur eyes Old Merlin warily, uncertain how to proceed.

Arthur: No. That wasn’t my intention.

Old Merlin hears a crunch as he steps on some broken pot. He looks down at it. Arthur grimaces...

Arthur: I broke a pot.

Old Merlin: You always were a clumsy fool.

Arthur: Excuse me?

Old Merlin: So if you haven’t come to k*ll me, what is it that brings you here? I take it you didn’t come all this way just to smash my favourite pot?

Arthur: If I’d known who you were, I would not have come at all.

Seeing how difficult this is for Arthur, Old Merlin helps him out.

Old Merlin: I thought you may have come to ask me to use magic to heal your father?

Arthur’s taken aback.

Arthur: How did you know?

Old Merlin: I know more than you could possibly comprehend.

Arthur: Given your hatred for my father and all that he stands for, I have clearly had a wasted journey.

Old Merlin: Do not suppose that you know my mind.

Arthur fixes Old Merlin with a desperate look.

Arthur: Will you help me?

Old Merlin: You are asking me to save the life of the man that would have me ex*cuted.

Arthur: I know what I am asking of you. And you have no reason to help me. But... You are my father’s only hope. I will give you anything you ask. Land, gold - name your price.

Old Merlin: I do not want your gold. All I have ever wanted is that people like me are allowed to live in peace. That those who practice magic are accepted, rather than hunted. That is all I ask.

Arthur’s unsure he can meet the demand.

Old Merlin: That is the price of your father’s life.

Arthur rises to the moment.

Arthur: You have my solemn word, that when I am King, things will be different. You will not have to live in fear.

Old Merlin takes this in, moved by the declaration.

Old Merlin: Then I will help you.

Arthur’s suddenly filled with hope.

Arthur: There is not a moment to spare. We must ride for Camelot immediately.

Old Merlin’s caught out.

Old Merlin: Now?

Arthur: My father grows weaker by the hour.

Old Merlin blusters, searching for an excuse.

Old Merlin: But I have no horse.

Arthur: You can have Merlin’s horse. He will have to walk.

Old Merlin’s outraged.

Old Merlin: You would make your poor servant walk back to Camelot? I’ve a good mind not to help you.

Arthur: I don’t care whose horse you have. We have to get to Camelot before it’s too late.

Old Merlin: (thinking on his feet) First, I will need to gather some rare herbs. They are an essential part of the cure. I shall come to Camelot at nightfall. If you want my help, that is how it needs to be.

Arthur feels he can’t push any further.

Arthur: I will meet you at the lower gate outside the town... Give me your word that you will come.

Old Merlin: You have my word.

Old Merlin pauses as he attempts to figure out how to handle the transformation back into his youthful self without being caught.

Old Merlin: Now just wait here one moment.

Arthur: Why?

Old Merlin: Questions. So many questions. For once in your life, will you just do as you’re told?

Arthur feels chastised.

Arthur: All right. [I’ll wait here].

Old Merlin hurries out.


Old Merlin emerges from the hut and hurries into the trees. Old Merlin hides behind the same tree as before and takes out a vial of liquid.


Arthur kicks his heals. He soon grows impatient of waiting and heads out.


Arthur emerges and looks round. There’s no sign of Merlin, or Old Merlin. Arthur grows uneasy and reaches for the hilt of his sword as he scans the trees.

Arthur: Merlin...?

Silence. A crack of twigs. Arthur spins round. Merlin emerges from behind the tree, once again his youthful self. Arthur’s suspicious.

Arthur: What were you doing?

Merlin’s put on the spot.

Merlin: Peeing.

Arthur: (disturbed) You mean to say you’ve been peeing all the time I was in there?

Merlin’s forced to nod.

Merlin: I really needed to go.

Arthur: There is definitely something very wrong with you, Merlin.

Arthur turns to mount his horse. Merlin breathes a sigh of relief that the deception was successful.

41 - INT. Gaius’ CHAMBERS - DAY 3. UK

[scène déplacée au montage par rapport au script original]

Merlin enters. Gaius is relieved to see him.

Gaius: Merlin. I was worried something had gone wrong.

Merlin: Apart from Arthur thinking that there is something very wrong with my bladder, everything went to plan.

Merlin starts to search the shelves, taking various books down. Gaius looks on with concern.

Gaius: I take it this means you’re going through with it?

Merlin: If I heal Uther, Arthur has given me his word that when he is King, magic will no longer be outlawed. This could change everything.

Gaius: And if something goes wrong? What of Arthur’s attitude to magic then?

Merlin stops and looks at Gaius.

Merlin: I live with the risk of being exposed every day. If I don’t take this opportunity, maybe I’ll spend the rest of my life having to hide who I really am. Everyone’s always telling me I have this great destiny. Maybe this is it. I have to try.

Gaius can’t bring himself to argue. Merlin gathers up the books and heads into his room. Gaius looks thoughtful as he stares after him.

37 - INT. Morgana’S HUT - DAY 3. UK

Agravaine gives the news to Morgana.

Agravaine: Arthur has gone to consult with a sorcerer. He means to use magic to heal Uther.

A determined expression comes over Morgana’s face.

Morgana: Then we must see to it that he fails.

Open on a small fire in the grate. Morgana stands over it. In her hands she holds a tiny silver charm. She casts it into the fire and her eyes glow a deep amber as she incants a spell.

Morgana: *Seolforpræd apringe winstra, apringe yfele, apringe wip ealle gode cræfte.*

Suddenly, the flames flare, the firelight dances in her eyes. Agravain looks on, in awe.

Morgana takes a pair of tongs and pulls the charm from the raging fire. She turns to Agravain and drops the charm before him. He instinctively reaches out and catches it, before realising the danger of what he has just done. He reacts with surprise.

Agravaine: It’s cold...

Morgana: I have bound it to the left hand path.

He holds up the charm, impressed.

Morgana: You must place the charm around Uther’s neck.

Agravaine: What will it do to him?

Morgana: The force of any healing magic will be reversed, and magnified tenfold.

Morgana: (cont'd) By trying to cure his father, Arthur will seal his fate.

Agravaine looks grave as he takes this in.

Agravaine: Arthur will never forgive himself. He will be destroyed.

Morgana: And a broken Prince will make a terrible King.


Arthur and Merlin dismount. Merlin hurries off.

Arthur: Where are you going?

Merlin’s put on the spot.

Merlin: I have some errands to run for Gaius.

Arthur: They’ll have to wait. I want you to prepare hot water, fresh bandages and anything else you think we might need. Everything has to be ready for this evening.

Merlin heads off, daunted by the growing list of things he has to do.


Arthur hurries towards Uther’s chambers. Two guards flank the doors.


Arthur enters. Gwen is tending to Uther. He crosses over to the bed and looks down at Uther.

Arthur: How is he?

Gwen: His breath is weaker. Gaius has given him wintergreen to make him more comfortable.

Arthur takes this in. Gwen’s curious.

Gwen: I saw you and Merlin riding out. Where have you been?

Arthur’s torn about whether to confide in Gwen. She sees his indecision.

Gwen: Arthur?

Arthur decides he must tell Gwen.

Arthur: I don’t want to have any secrets from you.]

42 - INT. Gaius’ CHAMBERS (Merlin’S ROOM) - DAY 3. UK.

[Merlin sits on his bed]. He looks through a book, but fails to find what he’s looking for. He tosses it aside in frustration, picks up another book and starts to go through it. Again, he fails to find what he’s looking for. Merlin sits there, frustrated. There’s a knock on the door. Merlin looks up as Gaius enters. Merlin looks downcast.

Merlin: I gave Arthur my word that I could heal Uther. I can’t even find the right spell.

Gaius: That’s because you’re looking in the wrong books. Here...

Gaius holds out a small leather tome, which Merlin takes.

Gaius: Gwillem of Cambria was as mad as a coot, but there has never been a better healer.

Merlin smiles. This means a lot to him. Gaius makes to leave.

Merlin: Gaius. Thank you.

Merlin and Gaius share an affectionate look.


[scène déplacée au montage par rapport au script original]

Agravaine enters. He sees Gwen tending to Uther, mopping his brow. Agravain crosses to the bed, exchanges a faint smile with Gwen.

Agravaine: It is cold today. Perhaps it would be a good idea to start a fire.

Gwen: Of course.

Gwen crosses over to light the fire. Agravaine waits until Gwen has her back turned and is preoccupied with the fire.

He takes a small cloth bundle from his tunic. He unwraps it and takes out the tiny silver charm, which glows with a magical light. Agravain glances over at Gwen, then quickly and carefully ties the charm around Uther’s neck. He ensures it is carefully tucked out of sight in Uther’s robes.

Agravaine: (sotto) Finally, you will get all that you deserve, old friend.

Agravaine looks down at Uther for a poignant beat, then heads out. Go out on Uther, lying in bed.


Arthur has just told Gwen of his plans. She looks shocked.

Gwen: You’re going to use magic?

Arthur nods, solemn.

Arthur: It is my father’s only hope.

Gwen looks worried, but doesn’t voice her concerns. Arthur sees her hesitation.

Arthur: You think I’m mad, don’t you?

Gwen: No. Who am I to say what you should do?

Arthur: And yet it is your opinion I value above all others.

Gwen: I’m flattered, but perhaps I’m not the best person to ask. If it weren’t for sorcery, my own father would still be alive.

Arthur nods, solemn.

Arthur: Of course. My mother also died because of magic.

Arthur stares out over Camelot.

Arthur: Magic has cast a shadow over my life from the moment I was born. Perhaps it is time to step out from under that shadow. I don’t believe everyone who practices magic is evil.

Gwen Perhaps that is true.

Arthur: Then isn’t it time we stopped treating them like they are? Sometimes I feel our judgement has been clouded by hate, and fear.

Gwen That is a courageous attitude.

Arthur: I’m not sure if it’s courageous, or foolish. I still don’t know if I’m doing the right thing.

Gwen: You are not a fool, Arthur. You have a good heart. And good instincts. You have to trust those instincts. Sometimes that is all any of us can do.

Arthur nods as he takes this in.]

44 - INT. Gaius’ CHAMBERS (Merlin’S ROOM) - NIGHT 3. UK

Gaius hands Merlin a small pouch of hogswart.

Gaius: You must use no more than four drops. Any more could be dangerous.

Merlin nods. He takes one final look at the spell.

Merlin: I just hope I can make the spell work.

Gaius: Trust in your abilities, Merlin.

Merlin’s grateful for the reassurance.

Arthur: (O.S.) Merlin?

Gaius and Merlin exchange a worried look.

Merlin: (low) You have to get rid of him.

Arthur: (O.S.) Merlin!?

45 - INT. Gaius’ CHAMBERS - NIGHT 3. UK

Gaius emerges from Merlin’s room.

Gaius: Arthur...

Arthur: Gaius. Have you seen my useless toad of a servant?

Gaius I’m afraid not.

Arthur: Where on earth can he be?

Gaius is put on the spot.

Gaius: Have you tried the tavern?

Arthur’s enraged.

Arthur: The tavern. Of course. I am going to make him wish he was never born.

Arthur heads out. A moment later, Merlin emerges from his room. He fixes Gaius with a look of outrage.

Merlin: Why did you tell him I was in the tavern?

Gaius It was the first thing that popped into my head.

Merlin: Next time, go for the second, or third thing that pops into your head. Anything but the tavern.

Gaius nods, smiles faintly, then turns more serious.

Gaius: Good luck, Merlin.

Merlin and Gaius share a poignant look, then Merlin heads out. Gaius stares after him, deeply worried.


Arthur waits impatiently by the lower gate. He hears a sound and spins round to see Old Merlin emerging from the darkness.

Arthur: I’d started to think you weren’t coming.

Old Merlin: I gave you my word. And here I am.

Arthur: We must hurry.

Arthur heads off, away from the palace, taking Old Merlin by surprise.

Old Merlin: I’m led to believe that the King’s Palace is that way?

Arthur: I can hardly be seen walking through the main gate with a known sorcerer.

Old Merlin: So you are already going back on your word. You promised that I would no longer have to live in fear.

Arthur: You’re forgetting that you have yet to heal my father. When you have, I will give you all that I promised.

Old Merlin takes this in. They head off.


Arthur hurries through the dark, damp passage. He turns to see Old Merlin lagging behind and reacts with frustration. Arthur waits for Old Merlin to catch up. When he arrives, Old Merlin is out of breath.

Arthur: Is that really as fast as you can walk?

Old Merlin: When you are as old as I, we will see how fast you can walk. I need to rest a moment.

Arthur: There’s no time.

Old Merlin: Then perhaps you should carry me?

Arthur: Fine. If it means we get there quicker, I’ll carry you.

Arthur turns. Old Merlin hops onto his back. Arthur heads off. Old Merlin kicks him with his heals, as you would a horse. Arthur stops, outraged...

Arthur: Did you just kick me?

Old Merlin: Now who’s wasting time?

Arthur staggers on, disgruntled. Old Merlin kicks Arthur again, enjoying himself...

Arthur: Stop kicking me!


Arthur approaches the guards outside Uther’s chambers.

Arthur: You’re dismissed.

The guards hesitate, surprised by the order.

Guard: But, Sire. We were instructed not to leave our post.

Arthur: I said you’re dismissed.

Guard: Yes, my Lord.

The guards head off. Arthur waits until they’ve disappeared round the corner, then gives a nod. Old Merlin hobbles out of the shadows. Arthur ushers Old Merlin into Uther’s chambers, then follows him inside and closes the door.


Uther lies in bed, barely breathing. Arthur grows increasingly anxious as he watches Old Merlin placing four drops of hogswart on Uther’s lips. Old Merlin takes a branch of sage and holds it over Uther. Old Merlin psyches himself up. His eyes start to glow. Arthur cracks...

Arthur: Wait!

Old Merlin stands down, looks at Arthur.

Old Merlin: Is something wrong?

Arthur: My father has taught me never to trust magic, and now I am using it to save him.

Old Merlin: Your own life has been saved by magic more times than you can possibly imagine.

Arthur: What on earth are you talking about?

Old Merlin realises it would be dangerous to elaborate.

Old Merlin: I merely mean to say that magic is all around you. It is woven into the very fabric of the world.

Arthur’s unsettled.

Arthur: How can I be sure it is the right thing to do?

Old Merlin: I know you have suffered because of magic, as many have. But not all magic, and not all sorcerers are the same. I wish only to show you that magic can be used for good. I hope that one day you’ll see me in a different light.

Arthur’s moved by the argument. Arthur and Old Merlin trade stares for a poignant beat, then Arthur nods and steps back. Old Merlin turns to Uther, psyches himself up then holds up the sage branch. Old Merlin’s eyes glow. The sage branch begins to smoke. Old Merlin wafts the incense over Uther and begins to chant, with increasing intensity...

Old Merlin: *Efencume ætgædre, eala gastas cræftige: gestricie pis lic forod.*

Old Merlin completes the spell. Silence. The tension rises as Arthur looks at Uther, desperately hoping to see some signs of life. For a moment, it looks like the spell has failed. Old Merlin grows anxious. Suddenly, Uther’s eyes snap open. Arthur’s thrilled.

Arthur: Father...

Arthur and Uther clinch hands. Uther manages a weak smile.

Uther: Arthur...

Old Merlin allows himself a smile, overcome with relief.

But as Uther looks up at Arthur, his expression suddenly contorts in pain. His breath starts to fail. Arthur reacts, alarmed.

Arthur: What’s happening!?

Old Merlin’s equally alarmed.

Old Merlin: I don’t know...

Uther’s fading fast. His eyes close. He goes still.

Arthur: Do something!

Old Merlin feels for a pulse. There isn’t one. Old Merlin reels, meets Arthur’s stare.

Old Merlin: He’s dead.

Arthur struggles to accept this...

Arthur: No... He can’t be... (shaking Uther) Father... Father!?... No... Please... Father...

All Old Merlin can do is look on, horrified. Arthur realises the futility of his actions. He gives up, stares at Uther, his mind swimming. He suddenly turns on Old Merlin more hurt and angry that we have ever seen him.

Arthur: What have you done?

Old Merlin: This was not supposed to happen.

Arthur: You gave me your word. You have k*lled him... You k*lled him.

Old Merlin: No...

Arthur draws his sword and advances on Old Merlin.

Arthur: You will die for what you have done.

Old Merlin’s eyes flash as he thrusts his hand out.

[Old Merlin: *Hleap on bæc!* ]

Arthur flies backwards into the wall and falls to the floor, momentarily stunned. Old Merlin flees. Arthur takes a moment to come to his senses.

[Arthur: Guards! ]


The warning bell rings out across the moonlit square.


Old Merlin hurries down the corridor as fast as his old legs will carry him. He hears the sound of guards approaching. Old Merlin ducks into a stairwell, takes out a little bottle of potion and downs it.


Merlin hurries in. He sees Gaius standing over the bed, and Arthur and Gwen looking on, traumatised. Merlin struggles to accept what he’s seeing as Gaius gently closes Uther’s eyes and pulls a sheet over his face. Gaius turns to Arthur.

Gaius: I’m sorry, Arthur. There is nothing more I can do. The King is dead.

[Arthur instinctively shakes his head, unable to accept this. Gwen places a comforting hand on Arthur’s shoulder, really feeling for him, but lost for words.

Gwen: Arthur...

Gaius catches Merlin’s eye. They trade a horrified look.]

55 - INT. Gaius’ CHAMBERS - NIGHT 3. UK

Merlin and Gaius enter Gaius’ chambers.

Merlin: The spell was working. I’m sure of it. I did everything right. I don’t know what happened.

Gaius: I think I do.

Gaius opens his hand to reveal the small silver charm. It twinkles magically.

Gaius: I found it around Uther’s neck. It appears as though it’s been enchanted and such an enchantment would have reversed the effects of your healing spell. Uther didn’t stand a chance.

Merlin suddenly suspects who is responsible.

Merlin: Morgana...

Gaius: I believe so.

[Merlin: How did she get past the guards?

Gaius: Perhaps it wasn’t Morgana who placed the charm around Uther’s neck.

Merlin: You think it was Agravaine?

Gaius: I fear so.]

Merlin frowns as he takes this in.

[56 - EXT. Morgana’S HUT - NIGHT 3. UK

Agravaine gallops up, dismounts and hurries inside.]

57- INT. Morgana’S HUT - DAY 4. UK

Agravaine enters and finds Morgana staring contemplatively at the fire. Morgana speaks before Agravain can deliver his exciting news.

Morgana: Uther’s dead, isn’t he?

Agravaine: (confused) How did you know?

Morgana: I felt it. I felt his pain.

Agravaine’s surprised by Morgana’s muted reaction.

Agravaine: I thought Uther’s death would be cause for a celebration?

Morgana: Arthur will replace him. There is nothing to celebrate until I take my rightful place on the throne.

Agravaine: You are closer to that goal than you think. Arthur is young, and untested. He will look to his trusted uncle for counsel. And I will ensure he fails.

Morgana and Agravaine share a thin smile.


[Arthur stares out of the window, struggling to process his emotions.] Merlin approaches. Arthur looks round and sees Merlin standing there.

Merlin: I am so sorry.

Arthur absorbs the sympathy. Merlin struggles to express what he’s feeling.

Merlin: I... I should’ve... I wish there was something I could have done.

Arthur: Merlin. No one but me is to blame for this.

Merlin: You’re not to blame. This isn’t your fault.

Arthur: I am entirely to blame. My father spent twenty years fighting sorcery. To think I knew better. I was so arrogant. My arrogance has cost my father his life.

Merlin: You were only doing what you thought was right. I’m sure that old sorcerer meant no harm. Perhaps the spell went wrong. Uther was dying. Maybe nothing could have saved him...

Arthur: We’ll never know. All I know for sure is that I have lost both my parents to magic. It is pure evil. I will never lose sight of that again.

Arthur’s makes to leave.

[Merlin: Arthur... ]

But Arthur’s already at the door and what else can Merlin say?


Arthur enters the mighty room where Uther is lying in state. [There is a raised dais in the centre of the space. Uther lies on it, surrounded by candles. Arthur begins the long, lonely walk to Uther’s side. ]

[Merlin and Gaius watch from the doorway. Arthur reaches the dais. ]He stares down at Uther’s serene and peaceful face. [And as he stares, Arthur starts to cry.

Looking on, Merlin’s devastated by the thought of what he has done.


Gaius closes the doors to the Throne Room. ]

Gaius: We must leave him to mourn.

Gaius takes in Merlin’s shell shocked expression.

Gaius: Merlin..?

Merlin: This is all my fault. I k*lled him.

Gaius: You didn’t k*ll Uther. Morgana did. Uther’s spirit died when she broke his heart.

Merlin takes this in.

Gaius: We must look to the future. Uther’s death will allow Arthur’s progression to the throne.

Gaius: (cont'd) We must hope it brings peace and stability to the land.

Merlin: But magic will still be outlawed.

Gaius nods sadly.

Merlin: I have turned Arthur against magic forever. I’ll never be able to show him who I really am.

Gaius: That time will come. I’m sure of it. Arthur will be under even more pressure now he is King. He will need you now more than ever.

Merlin takes that in. He knows it’s true.

Gaius: There is nothing more to be done. Come and eat your supper.

Merlin: I think I’ll wait here.

Gaius takes this in, touched by Merlin’s devotion. Gaius heads off, leaving Merlin to wait with a heavy heart.


Arthur stares at Uther. Tears streak down Arthur’s face.

62 - EXT. CAMELOT - DAY 5. FR.

The sun rises over Camelot. The start of a beautiful day.


Sunlight streams in through the windows. It falls on Merlin [is lying on the floor, fast asleep.]

Arthur: (O.S.) Merlin?

[Merlin wakes, comes to his senses. ]He sees Arthur standing over him. Arthur has dried his eyes.

He is calm and composed, almost serene. They trade stares, then Arthur looks at the light flooding in through the window - in a contemplative mood.

Arthur: It is a new day.

Merlin takes this in, nods, then stands.

Arthur: Have you been out here all night?

Merlin: I didn’t want you to feel you were alone.

Arthur: (touched) You’re a loyal friend, Merlin.

Merlin and Arthur trade a look.

Arthur: You must be hungry?

Merlin: Starving.

Arthur: Me too... Come on. You can make us some breakfast.

Merlin and Arthur head off down the corridor, side by side.




The Throne Room is packed with courtiers. An air of excitement and anticipation fills the room. We take in the presence of Merlin, Gaius, Gwen, Agravaine, Percival, Sir Leon, Gwaine and Elyan… Arthur kneels. Geoffrey of Monmouth stands before him.

Geoffrey of Monmouth: Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Camelot according to their respective laws and customs?

Arthur: I solemnly promise so to do.

Geoffrey of Monmouth: Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be ex*cuted in all your judgements?

Arthur: I will.

Geoffrey of Monmouth places a crown upon Arthur’s head.

Geoffrey of Monmouth: Then by the sacred laws vested in me, I pronounce you Arthur, King of Camelot!

Arthur stands and looks out over the courtiers. He catches Gwen’s eye and they share a poignant look.

Agravaine: Long live the King!

Everyone joins in the chant.

ALL: Long live the King!

Go out on Merlin, shouting - proud, moved by the huge significance of the moment.

Merlin/ALL: Long live the King!

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