12x08 - The Grief and the Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bones". Aired September 2005 - March 2017.*
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A forensic anthropologist and a cocky FBI agent build a team to investigate death causes. And quite often, there isn't more to examine than rotten flesh or mere bones.
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12x08 - The Grief and the Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

Bones, you okay?

Can I-- can I make you something?

You bought cream soda?

My dad was the only one who drank it-- we don't need it anymore.

I heard back from the cemetery. 11:00 on Friday will work.

They said that they'll do their best to clean my mother's headstone before then.

I'm sorry. For what?

For not noticing that my father was the only one in this house who ever drank cream soda?

Look, you're not alone here.

Remember that. I love you.

Just tell me what you need.

(phone chimes)

It's your phone.

It doesn't matter.

(phone chimes)

There's a body washed up on the beach in Newfoundland, Canada.

A United States passport was found in the travel belt.

Max used to buy this soda for the kids.

He would mix it up with a little heavy cream, and he would call it a "grandpa milkshake."

I just thought it'd be nice to have around.

The remains were brought to the Jeffersonian to confirm ID.

You want me to drive you?


I'm perfectly capable of driving myself.

Remodeling of the right clavicle and ulna are a match for the childhood injuries, so ID is positive.

"Sarah Abbott, 22. Winston-Salem, North Carolina."

Wonder what she was doing in Newfoundland.

She was dressed like she was out for a hike.

There's a chest wound.

It's a through and through.


There's structural damage and staining throughout.

Looks like this is what k*lled her.

Check it out. Good old dung.

Not even the ocean can make wash that off.

Clark: I'm finding multiple fractures.

Exact cause and time are indeterminate.

Degree of decomp and adipocere formation suggests she hasn't been dead that long.

Maybe three days in the water, one on the beach?

Hey, guys, um, just a heads-up, Brennan is on her way in.

She is?

Well, Booth must've told her about the case, 'cause I didn't contact her.

Well, for whatever reason, the lab is where she wants to be right now.

Booth: Is that some sort of a picture?

It was in the victim's travel belt.

I sent the original to Angela. We'll see what she can do.

Anything else on the victim?

Just a passport, house key.

We really don't know much. Recent graduate at UNC.

Older sister said she's been traveling a lot.

Hmm. She coming in?

Yeah, she's... she's on her way.


So... how's Brennan?

Well, she's, you know, given her history and all, she's a lot tougher than she should be.

Um, let me know when the older sister gets here.



There was nothing that you could've done.

Yeah, maybe not in the moment, but there's a lot that I could've done.


Cam said you had something for me?


How are you?

(sighs) Everyone keeps asking me that.

I don't know how to answer that question.

Okay. Then how are the kids?

They're adjusting, but we've had a few days all together, and I think they're relieved to get back to routine.


Was this found with the victim?

Yeah. I've been trying to reverse-engineer the water damage to figure out what it is.

Looks like a painting.

I actually think it's a photograph of a painting printed on regular printer paper.

All the blue, maybe a seascape.

Man: Temperance.


Montenegro: Whoa.

Oh... (nervous chuckle)


Uh, we'll just give you two a minute.

Bye. Bye.

Where did he come from?

I have no idea.

Security just said that we had a visitor.

Hey, who's the dude that's hooking up with Dr. Brennan?

Tim Sullivan. "Sully."

And he is?

The only guy besides Booth who ever stood a chance.

(conversing inaudibly)

♪ Bones 12x08 ♪
The Grief and the Girl

♪ Main Title Theme ♪

The Crystal Method

♪ ♪

Wow! I mean, those are some cute kids.

Thank you.

Probably not too smart, though.

Of course they're smart.

I'm kidding.

Oh, I know.

Why are you here?

Not just on the East Coast, I mean... here.

I found out what happened with your dad, and I wanted to check on you.

You've aged.


Uh, yes. Thank you?

What about the woman?

Um, the one who plays the clarinet?



Oboe. Yeah.

She is young, uh, so I'm not sure there's a future there.

Well, statistically speaking, if she's young, there's more of a chance of a future with her than with someone your own age.

It is good to see you, Tempe.

(chuckles): You, too.

There's beveling on the left scapula, as well as damage on the third and fourth left vertebral ribs.

All consistent with a g*nsh*t.


Though soft tissue suggests it was low velocity.


Let's talk about this Sully character.

Exactly how long were he and Dr. Brennan together?

Not very long.


I'm surprised, Dr. Edison.

I didn't take you for a workplace gossip type of guy.

I'm not, I'm just concerned.

Dr. Brennan is in a vulnerable place right now, and I think the timing of this visit seems awfully convenient.

You talking about Sully?

Oh, he is not a predator, trust me.

He's one of the nicest guys around.

Are you here to swab something?

Oh, yeah.

So it turns out that the only thing I could find in the external chest wound, besides sea water, were trace amounts of Parafavella gigantea and Helicostomella algae.

Nothing to link us to the w*apon?

Oh, I'm not giving up.

May I?

Be my guest.

Dr. Edison, will you look at this?

There's something embedded in the adipocere.

Yes, what is that?

Looks like a bone.

A fragment or something vestigial?

I'm not sure.

Hodgins: Uh, hey, Cam, there's a piece of string adhered to the tissue there, you see that?

Maybe that's something that the victim was wearing.

Let me get this straight, you make sandwiches?

Yeah, and I even named one after you.

Triple-Decker with roast beef, pastrami, Swiss cheese.

All right. Is that on rye?

Oh, yeah.

I approve.

What about me?

I want a sandwich.

You have one, the Tempe Tempeh.

Excuse me, folks.

Victim's sister's here.

How you doing?

Special Agent James Aubrey, work with Booth and Brennan.

Tim Sullivan, former special agent, now professional sandwich maker.

Oh. You may be my new idol.

Listen, Sully, we got to get back to the case, so...

Oh, no, of course.

Hey, how about dinner tomorrow, on me?

That would be nice.


I'll see you then.

Our parents died in a car crash 14 years ago.

That's when your sister suffered those breaks?

We were both in the car.

I was 18.

I grew up fast.

But Sarah, she was only eight.

She went to go live with our grandmother.

Your mom's mom, right?

Stella Lewis?

She passed away, what, four months ago?

Yes. Sarah and Grandma Stella were super close.

She took it hard.

It's understandable.

And she was sort of adrift.

I thought traveling would help.

Why Newfoundland?

I'm not sure.

Maybe she just wanted to go somewhere that was far away.

Listen, we're...


...we're still working on the water damage to this picture.

Does that look familiar to you?

Do you recognize that at all?

I think this is a painting my grandmother had.

Any idea why Sarah would've been carrying around a copy of it with her?

No. I wish I did.

I have a husband, and a baby on the way.

Why do I feel like I don't have a family anymore?

(breathing shakily)

So these pictures, this is all Newfoundland?

Montenegro: It's similar, right?

And look at this.

This is the painting signature.

Aubrey: "Stella Lewis."

The victim's grandmother painted this.

Yeah, And she called it Secret Harbor.

What's so secret?

I don't know.

Maybe she went there to find out.


So speaking of secrets, I just met Tim Sullivan.

Now, am I imagining things, or is there some kind of history there?

♪ ♪

Tell me everything.

That was Clark.

So the fragment found with the victim is... a piece of animal bone.

Apparently she was wearing it.

What do you mean, like a necklace?


Its apparent age suggests it was some sort of relic.

Clark is checking with the human artifacts division, see if they can figure out where it came from.

Have you heard back from the State Department yet?

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have agreed to full FBI involvement.

That's great!

When... When do you leave?

I'm not going.

But you're the lead on the case.

You're about to bury your dad.

I want to be here for you.

Booth, you asked what you could do, how you could help.

I think it would be good for me to be alone for a few days.

Okay. Yeah, um...

You want me to go, I'll go.

♪ ♪

Hodgins: So, the dung on the victim's boot came from Rangifer tarandus, otherwise known as...

Boreal woodland caribou.

How did you know that?

Oh, yeah, right.

I forgot I still had that up there.

Okay. So far, I've identified two types of lichen in the dung.

Oh, also, hey, fun fact.

Old man's beard, it can be used at toilet paper in a pinch.

I'm sorry. Are we still having the same conversation?

Old man's beard. It's the nickname for Usnea lichen.

Good to know. Do these caribou have migration patterns?

They do, yeah. Also, the lichen can be found in varying concentrations around the island.

The animal bone we found with the victim.

It's a needle... for nalebinding.

Uh, Nal-what?


It's an ancient precursor to knitting, and this particular style of nalebinding needle most closely resembles those used by... Vikings.

Like seafaring raider type Vikings?

Well, two years ago, in Scotland, a man found a Viking hoard that was later valued at over $2 million.

Well, if our victim found something similar...

Well, then maybe it got her k*lled.

♪ ♪

Aubrey: Well, it's nice out now.

Could get mauzy.

Booth: Mauzy?

What the hell's that mean?

(phone beeps)

Oh, it's slang up here for damp and foggy.

I've been studying.

Yeah. Booth.

What do you got?

Results from the victim's chest wound.

Minute traces of carbon-reinforced polymer and, apparently, venison jerky.


Found venison jerky on the m*rder w*apon.

All right. I'll get back to you later.

(phone beeps) Mauzy?

Come on, man.

Special Agent Booth, Special Agent Aubrey?

Is that what Mounties wear nowadays?

I'm so disappointed.

I'm Officer Gilda Sandling, the RCMP officer assigned to this case.

Pleasure to meet you.

How's it getting on by?

What's that?

Oh, my one and only attempt to sound like a Newfie.

Not bad.

Though you should probably know the term Newfie's considered offense coming from a C.F.A.

(exhales) Non-native.

"Comes From Away."


Sandling: We've got a potential witness.

Thought one of you could take the rental car and go and check her out.

The other one of you can stay with me and we'll ride along the coastal roads, and see if we can't find a match to that painting you sent.

Who's the witness?

Short-term rental owner, said Sarah Abbott was a tenant.

Woman's a bit of a local celebrity, actually.

Makes gourmet venison jerky.

I'll take that one.

You got it.

Chest wound directionality is posterior to anterior.

Perimortem fractures on the posterior plane suggests that she was then struck repeatedly.

Possibility of an undiscovered Viking settlement is certainly exciting.

I suppose so.

You have my approval to pursue an investigation, as long as you can assure me that your work on this case will not suffer.

You serious?

Thank you, Dr. Brennan.

♪ ♪

Woman: Teriyaki's still my biggest seller, but... the black pepper cider's hot on its heels.


Wow, thank you.

Uh, now. Ms. Crockett...



So, like, how widely available is your jerky, Gretchen?

Oh, I can ship it anywhere.

You live in D.C.?

No. I mean, yeah, I do, but--

I would love some actually-- but I'm asking in context of the case.

There might've been jerky at the crime scene.

Oh, no.

Well, honestly, my jerky's sold all over the island, even in a few stores on the mainland.

I see.

Hey, so, do you remember the last time you saw Sarah?

Last Tuesday night.

A man had given Sarah a ride home from somewhere.


I heard them outside.

About what time was that?

Uh, a little past 10:00.

Seems this man had gotten the wrong idea.

He sound threatening?

I heard him say, "You're gonna regret this."

You think you could describe him, or...

(scoffs) I wrote down his license plate number.

Just in case.


(seagulls squawking)

Aubrey: The guy renting the car is Adam Hitchcock.

He's an American.

I sent you some background.

He's in the area scouting out a site for him and his dad to build a new luxury resort.

Oh, wait a second, his dad's David Hitchcock, big real estate developer.

No wonder his kid's an ass.

I know, right? Every time I see the name Hitchcock, my brain immediately turns it into Rich...

Get it, Aubrey.

Thank you.

His temporary offices aren't too far from here.

Let's go and see if he wants to talk.


♪ ♪

(door opens, bell chimes)

Okay. What's this about?

I've already submitted for permits.

Mr. Hitchcock, this is FBI Special Agent Booth.

Look, did you know Sarah Abbott?


Oh, that girl.

Yeah, I met her.

She was in your car, Mr. Hitchcock.

Showed up dead two days later.

What? No, no.

No, no. No.

I met her at a bar, okay?

She was showing people this painting of a cove.

I offered to drive her around, look for it.

Why did you tell her she'd regret turning you down?

Who wouldn't regret turning me down?

I don't know, how about Julia Henshaw?

Remember her?

The college classmate who accused you of sexual as*ault?

The case was settled.

That's because your daddy paid it off.

How about the reports where you blackmail contractors if they don't do what you tell them to do?

Where the hell do you get off?

Agent Booth...

I just think you're just an entitled jerk who doesn't understand the word no.

Agent Booth!

You better watch it.

I better watch it?

You harassed a vulnerable young woman who was in mourning and now she's dead.

Thank you, Mr. Hitchcock.

I apologize.

My colleague is out of line.


You're damn right he is.

You can return to work now.

Thank you for your time.

Sorry, you tried to muzzle me in front of a suspect?

Let me explain.

This is an economically depressed area.

We can't afford to just chase away major development.

Yeah, it doesn't matter if this guy's a m*rder*r?

Of course it matters.

We need to have solid evidence first.

Fine, I got it. I got it.

I'm sorry, Agent Booth.

I'm really not trying to shut you out here.

Of course you're not, no one is.

Sully: Of course, I remember that.

(Brennan laughs)

I had to go to work in that shirt.

You did?

(laughing): Yeah.

Well, what about the hole?

I had to wear my jacket the entire day.

It was 90 degrees.


People thought I was crazy.



So... feel like telling me about your dad?

I'm... I'm happy to listen.

Max was a criminal who did terrible things, but he was also sweet and...




He abandoned me, and... (groans) made me... (exhales) ...made it difficult for me to ever trust another man, and yet...

He loved you.


I don't know why I'm crying.

It's okay.

No, I mean, I don't know... why I'm crying with you.

And Booth is the one who's been here.

He's the one I've... built my life with, so why am I... letting you in when he feels so far away?

Grief, it's... it does things.

It mixes you up.

Do you remember when we met, and my FBI partner had just died the year before?

Yeah. I remember.

But you seemed so open, so fearless.

Uh, yeah. Then I sold everything that I owned and ran away from the first woman I ever truly loved.

You said you'd come back.

I know.

So, why didn't you?

Because somewhere deep down, I knew where this was going.

It's probably why I left in the first place.

I mean, if I'd have come back, I'd have had to deal with the fact that you still wouldn't choose me.

So, by staying away I got to hold on to the fantasy that I was your one that got away.

That's an extremely flawed strategy.

Look, you're gonna get through this.

I mean, yeah, it's gonna hurt for a while, but just give yourself some time.

You know, Booth's not going anywhere.

♪ ♪
Hodgins: What are you working on, exactly?

I'm attempting... satellite archeology, looking for shadows, soil marks, denser plant growth.

You know, any combination of these could suggest earlier disturbances, even buried features.

Such as, like, a Viking settlement?


Okay, move over then, 'cause that is awesome.

Saroyan: Cross sections show a distinct lack of kinetic trauma.

I don't think it was a g*nsh*t.

Well, the fractures on the scapula suggest both sharp force and projectile trauma.

An arrow.

Right, like one used for hunting.

Such a brutal way to k*ll someone.



A broadhead-- that explains the carbon fiber Dr. Hodgins found.

That's used for the stems.

It could also explain the venison jerky; if the k*ller was eating some right before loading an arrow...

The particulates would have transferred.

You should tell Booth.

Oh, aren't you-- you want me...

Yes, I will call him right now.

(computer beeping)

Dude, you're beeping.

Yeah, that's your fault.

'Cause that's the results that you wanted from the fractures.

Let's take a look here.

(clears throat)

(computer trilling)

These look like the injuries were all made by rocks, coastal ones.

She must have fallen.

Probably from quite a height.

So, say she was standing on a cliff or a bluff, or, you know, somewhere above the ocean.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

She gets shot.

Yeah, falls forward, off of the edge.

Flips in midair, and falls flat on her back.

Right on the rocks.

Tide came up, washed her to sea.

Okay, great.

So all we have to do is locate a cliff that's a correct distance above a rocky coastline to account for the severity of the fractures, and we've got ourselves our m*rder site.

Like right there!

(computer beeping)

Or there. Or... there.

Yeah, maybe we should just go back to searching for Vikings.

Might be easier.

(footfalls approaching)

(knocking on door)

Aubrey: Hey.

Rick's Sporting Goods and Hunting Adventures.

Gilda says that's where everyone in the area gets their hunting supplies.

You coming?

Why don't you take this one, all right? I'm, uh, I'm gonna dig a little deeper on this Adam Hitchcock guy.

I got a gut feeling about him.

Uh, look, it's none of my business...


...but I'm just gonna keep talking anyway.

I don't know anything, really, but... whatever's going on right now, I'm sure you guys will get through it.

Well, just let me know what you find from the arrowheads there, okay?


Thanks, Aubrey.


Hey, what did you have to show me?

So, I've been finding out more about Grandma Stella's painting, which means I've been finding out more about Grandma Stella herself.

Saroyan: Stella Anders and Philip Lewis.

So, Philip was in the army, but before they were married, he was stationed at a U.S. run military base... in Newfoundland.

And who are these people?

That's a family that lived near the base, the Andreassens.

The oldest daughter, Estelle, was the same age as the victim's grandmother.

So, you think Estelle Andreassen and Stella Anders are the same person?

The victim wasn't looking for Vikings, she was looking for her grandmother's history.

Her home.

Kathleen here is the daughter of owner Rick; she's been hunting since she was ten.


Oh, we should get some of this.

For evidence?

For snacks.

Here's what I think you're looking for.

Cutting diameter one to one-eighth of an inch, multi-blade.

Bow used probably draws between 60 and 65 pounds, does draw lengths between 28 and 29 inches.


Do you keep a record of who buys these?

Not at all.

And we sell a ton.

Anyone who goes bow hunting out here for big game is gonna want something like this.

I hear someone interested in hunting?

Yeah, well, in a manner of speaking.

Ah. Rick Tobine.

This here's my store.

I've been a hunting guide on the island for over 40 years.

Where you visiting from?

D.C.-- FBI Special Agent James Aubrey.

We're here about a m*rder, Rick.

A young woman.

You recognize her?

No. No, sorry about that.

What about Adam Hitchcock?

That name ring a bell?

Yeah, rich guy.

(chuckling): I took him out, oh, about a week and a half ago.

Does he use a g*n or a bow?


A real pain in my ass.

Got him a black bear, a good sized one, too, but, uh, he said he wanted a caribou, complained he's got a bear head back at home.

Now, that...

I've seen.

Aubrey: The painting?

No, not the painting, the harbor.


I think I've seen that on the Andreassen property.

Yeah, family's got tons of land.

Aubrey (on phone): You think they were related?

Well, look, if the victim's grandmother was an Andreassen, then that means the victim was, too.

Sandling: That family's got over 300 acres of pristine oceanfront property.

Rumor is Adam Hitchcock wants to buy it for upwards of $24 million.

Well, that's an amount that you might not want to share with a suddenly appearing long-lost relative.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

Look, I'm arriving now.

We'll be there in five.

Hey, excuse me, you live here?





Come on. Come on up, arrow boy, let's go.

Up. That's it.

Booth: You make it a habit of sh**ting people who come on to your property, pal?

If I was actually trying to sh**t you, I wouldn't have missed.


I was just trying to scare you.


I thought you worked for that Adam guy.

Adam Hitchcock?

Yeah. He's been harassing my wife, trying to get her to sell this place.

These arrows are all fieldheads.

They aren't used for hunting.

Right, okay.

We have reason to believe that this woman was on your property.

You recognize her?

Oh, my God.

What's going on?


Ms. Andreassen, I'm Officer Sandling.

It's okay, honey.

There's been a mistake.

Wait, that's Sarah.

Why do you have that?

You knew her?


Oh, my God, did something happen to her?

You found something that could help locate the m*rder site?

I think so.

There was extensive damage on the cortical surface due to postmortem scavenging, but... look at what the scratches reveal here and here.


There could be an underlying pattern of contusions.

Hey. Clark, Hodgins said you were looking for me?

Yes. The victim has, uh, perimortem bone bruising on the frontal and right zygomatic.

We just need your help to determine what might have caused the injuries.

Okay, um, well, send me all the data and I'll see what I can do.

I, uh...

(clears throat)

I need to get some air.

So, is everything set for your dad's service?


It will be simple.

Are you and Hodgins coming?

Yeah, of course.

Is your brother gonna be there?

Russ can't make it.

He and Amy and the girls are coming to visit us this summer, and... we'll do something nice for my dad then.

Brennan, I really think that you should talk to Booth.

He's your husband.

You can share some of this with him.

Maybe I don't want to.

Maybe, when I try, I end up worrying about him.

About whether he feels responsible for what happened, and how I can... reassure him that he's not.

That I-I don't blame him.

I just don't feel like worrying about anyone right now.

Is that wrong?


I... I totally get it.

I met her at the grocer's.

She was putting up a copy of this painting, asking for information.

I know that spot.

I said it's on my property.

And you drove her out here yourself?


She explained everything: the painting, her grandmother.

What about her grandmother?

That she'd lived here as child.

We figured out that my mother and Sarah's grandmother must have been friends when they were little.

How so?

They told us all the same stories about this place.

They used to find things-- bits of metal, petrified nuts.

My mother kept a small tin full of stuff.

And Sarah showed me something her grandmother gave her.

She had it around her neck.

Techs aren't finding anything.

Look, is there any chance that Sarah might have been anywhere else on the property by herself?

Sure. I told her she was welcome any time, even if Doug and I were at work.

Ms. Andreassen, we'd have to do genetic testing to be certain, but there's a chance that your mother and Sarah's grandmother were related.


We think they were sisters.

So that's what caused the bone bruising on the victim's face.

Yeah. It's called a trail blaze.

They're located all over the property.

That way you can still follow the trails, even when there's snow on the ground.

Are there any near the coastline?

Uh, I'm scanning the entire property now, using those satellite photos that you gave me.

Each time we find a spot that has everything that we're looking for, we...

Like trail blaze, sharp drop, rocky oceanfront.


I send the coordinates to Aubrey and he sends a tech team there.

Wait, they found Secret Harbor?

Yeah, it looks just like the painting, right?

Aubrey sent it.

The techs searched the area, but they didn't find anything.

C-Could you pull up the satellite view of that spot for me, please?

Yeah, let me just figure out what quadrant...

Yeah, okay.

Just-Just-Just, please, pull it up right here.

Montenegro: Oh, okay. One sec.

Okay, here.

Leave it up on the screen.




Yeah, there's some blood right here.

Sandling: All right, people.

We're in the right spot so keep looking.

If the victim was shot and she fell back there, she didn't just topple into the ocean.

No, her k*ller must've dragged her to the edge, pushed her off.

Sandling: Techs found something, recently made ground holes.

Could be the result of a portable hunting blind.

Plus, I found this.

Aubrey: Well, that's thoughtful.

They left us some jerky and some fingerprints.

Booth: I'll run the prints.

Looks like we found our k*ller, huh?

Hey, come on, come on, come on.

Come on.

What? Clark, what?

Look. Look.


The growth pattern, it's undeniable.

What are you guys talking about?

Wait, I heard yelling.

Did we find something?

Hodgins: Vikings, Cam.

We found Vikings.

Are they teeny, tiny Vikings?

Uh, no, look, see how the grass growth here is darker, denser?

It's because depressions in the soil caused more moisture to collect there, providing an almost perfect silhouette of a buried structure.

There could be an entire settlement here to excavate.

I have to contact the Jeffersonian Research Division.

Excuse me.

(cell phone chimes)

Aubrey says they got an ID.

Kathleen Tobine.

I'm afraid you need to come with us.


What the hell you think you're doing?

Mr. Tobine, your daughter is under arrest.

For what?

Trespassing, attempted poaching and m*rder.


I'm sorry, Dad, I'm sorry.

Saroyan: So, Kathleen Tobine made a full confession.

Said she was hunting illegally on private property and accidentally shot Sarah Abbott.

That's great.

Yeah, only Booth doesn't believe her, says it doesn't feel right.

I agree.

You do?

Supposedly, the victim was k*lled here and then dragged to the edge of the sea cliff and dropped, meaning she would've landed...

Okay, let me get you a parabola.

The victim landed right about here.

Exactly, but the injuries are consistent with this area here that's rockier.

Saroyan: So, how did the victim end up that far out?

She wasn't pushed.

She was held by her hands and feet and swung out parallel to the ground.

The victim was thrown.

So, someone else was there.

Two days ago, Adam Hitchcock made an offer on your land for $3 million more than what it's worth.

It was a payoff, wasn't it?

You didn't k*ll Sarah Abbott.

Adam Hitchcock did, right?

He was so stuck on getting that damn caribou.

He told me he'd hire me and my dad to run the hunting tours at his new resort if I could help find him one.

A job like that's worth a lot of money.

Of course it is.

I knew there was some on the Andreassen land this time of year. I...

...I didn't think anyone would be there.

We were in the blind, and Adam saw movement... and he just took a shot.

And it was Sarah.

(crying): It was awful.

Why didn't you report it?

Well, Adam, he said he knew her, even left a bar with her the night before.

He said there was no way authorities would believe it was just an accident.

So, he paid you to help him get rid of the body?

I may not have k*lled that girl, but... if it wasn't for me, she'd still be alive.



So, I'm heading to the airport, came to say good-bye.

Good-bye, Sully.

Thank you for everything.

Any time.

Stay in touch, okay?

I will.

Oh, um... the oboe player... do you love her?

Yeah, yeah, I-I do.

Does she love you?


Apparently, yes.


You know, she's a 28-year-old symphony musician.

I am a 45-year-old former FBI agent who owns a sandwich shop.


So... so, I see your point.


Bye, Tempe.

Bye, Sully.

Hodgins: I'm telling you, with the evidence that we've got, as well as Kathleen's testimony, that guy does not stand a chance.



Good. You guys are already celebrating.


We've got news.

You got the funding?

Yes. I am already coordinating with the Andreassens to set up a start date for the excavation dig.

Hodgins: Amazing, okay.

To Vikings.


With Tess and Lucy's permission, I ran some genetic tests just to confirm that they were related.

And are they?

Yes, but beyond that...

They also share fragments of a Norse haplogroup.

Embedded in a First Nation's genome.

And appearing to date back 30 generations.

Well, okay, m-meaning what, exactly?

They're descended from Vikings.

Okay, that is incredible.



To Vikings!


Yeah, right?

(door opens)

Welcome home.

It's good to be home.

I'm glad you're back.

Me, too.

The kids are asleep?

Yes. I told them you'd go in and give them kisses.

Yeah of course.

What are you working on?

My dad's eulogy; it's just some notes.


I'm not sure if it's any good.

No, Bones, it's gonna be great 'cause it's coming from the heart, all right?

Booth, about Sully...

No, you don't have to explain yourself about Sully.

It's okay.

He's important to you.

Yes, but...

I want you to understand why he's important.

It's because without Sully I don't think I would've been ready for you, for this... and because of that, will always be grateful to him, because...

I love this.


I love you.

I love you, Bones... always.


In Norse mythology, there is a place called Valhalla.

It is the home of the gods, but it is also the place where the bravest warriors get to spend their afterlives.

After each battle, the Valkyries or... spirit women, ride amongst the fallen soldiers, deciding which ones fought bravely enough to enter the land of the gods.

My father gave his life to protect... my children.

It's that kind of bravery I imagine would impress a Valkyrie, but the impulse to protect one's offspring is... innate, it's hardwired.

How could he... possibly have done any less?

To me, the bravest battle Max Keenan ever fought was the one he began over ten years ago when he reentered my life.

Since then, every day... he has fought to show me how much he loves me...


...and to make me believe that I could trust him again.

And he won that fight... but I do believe I was truly blessed to have a father like Max Keenan, a father who loved me so very much.



(sniffles, sighs)

Good-bye, Dad.
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