02x02 - Speak Ya Clout

Episode transcripts for the TV show "All American" Premiered on the CW October 10,2018 to current*
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Inspired by the life of professional American football player Spencer Paysinger. High School football player is recruited from South LA to play for Beverly Hills and the two worlds collide.
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02x02 - Speak Ya Clout

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "All American" Spencer James?

Billy Baker, Varsity Coach, Beverly High.

I need you to come play for me.

Hey, cheers, baby!

Bro, you almost missed the whole celebration here.

I hope your dad is enjoying his well-earned vacation.

I had an affair with Grace James.

This is the last time I'm coming to get you like this.

- I miss them, Gracie.

- Well, then boss up.

Are you ready to finally tell me the truth?

What are you talking about?

One minute you're destroying your house and the next, you're all Football Barbie on crack.

I promise you, I don't need saving.

Why are you wasting your time?

'Cause I'm pretty sure you could be giving Drake a run for his money.

I don't want you hanging around that Patience girl anymore.

Mom, I am gay.

So you're quitting on the team?

I'm prioritizing.

Naw, man, you're punishing yourself.

Look at the old man.

Man, thanks for convincing moms to let me come stay with you.


Hiya, Spencer.

Good morning.

What can I get you?



I'm good, Mrs.


Thank you, though.

Well, at least let me Treat you guys to some lunch.

Got to get ready for work.

You two have a really good day at school.

How long you think she's gonna keep that up?

What, buying us lunch?

Yeah, her whole fairy godmother act.

Ever since my dad moved out, it's like she's been trying way too hard to make our lives seem normal.

Ain't nothing normal about this.

You OK?

That's my way of saying, "I know you're not OK.

" Yeah, just some stuff going on with my pops.

Well, I know that much by the way you've been giving his calls the Heisman.

He wants me to come play for him at South Crenshaw next season.


That's really big.

I mean, you you know that.

Are you going to?

I don't know yet.

Well, I'm not gonna lie.

That would suck.

But I guess it wouldn't suck for South Crenshaw or your dad.

Just talk to him.

I mean, avoiding him isn't gonna make it any easier.

Yeah, maybe.

Listen, don't say nothing to Chris, all right?

Not till I've got this figured out.

I don't want him getting his hopes up.

Yeah, I don't think not telling Chris is gonna be a problem.


what's going on?

Chris and I kinda broke up.

Well, correction.

He broke up with me.

It's not a big deal.

Don't really want to talk about it, so back to your dad.

- Olivia - Spencer, it's OK, really.

Um He needs to focus on physical rehab with no distractions and apparently that's what I am.

Spence, Liv, this is, uh, Channel.


Nice to meet you.


OK, look, I'm gonna take her home, so I'll see you guys at school?


Let's do it.

- Does she look like - Your mom?



Hey, sorry I slept through the gym.

Hey, Julie and I snuck out last night, had our own workout with some college chicks.

Yo, come on, man.

Ever since we won state, you and Jordan have been partying out and half-assing practices.

"Half-assing" is a little aggressive, bro.

Whatever, man.

Just bring it at practice today.

Oh, Coach Davis said today is, uh, optional.

Our first scrimmage is tomorrow.

When'd you stop caring about football, man?

Oh, chill.

I mean, even Coach Baker's still on vacation.

What's up?

Y'all seen Layla?

Uh, maybe maybe she slept in.

You know, people do that occasionally.

No, man, not Layla.

She's never late.

Man, Layla still ain't hit me back.

I hope she a'ight.


She looks fine to me.

- I'ma holla at you.

- All right, man.


Oh, I'll see you later.

- OK, bye.

- Hey.

Where you been?

Didn't get my text?


I was at breakfast with my dad.

- So you skipped class?

- Well, breakfast with my dad doesn't happen very often, and class does every day.


I was just worried.

Don't be.

I'm good.

I'm better than good.

I get to see my man take the field tomorrow.

You sure you're not gonna skip it?

I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Student council is having a raffle to raise money for the team, so you better come to play.

- You know I always do.

- Good, because if not, I just might skip it.




Baby, this is so good.

This is really good.


You like it for real, or you lying 'cause you my girl?

No, I like it for real.

I mean, you knew I would.

- Just wanted to hear you say it.

- Such a diva.

- You already know.

- Mm-hmm.

Well, I can't wait to hear the rest.

Neither can I.

I mean, so every time I sit down and I try to write, I end up staring at that blank-ass page and nothing comes out.

OK, well, maybe I could come over so I can give you some inspiration.

- I'm liking the sound of that.

- Heh!

But, you know, you live way closer, so we might as well just head over there after school.

I don't get it.

- What?

- Like, how do you go from facing down a whole, entire g*ng one day and then being afraid of your mom the next?

Like - What does that even mean?

- You haven't invited me over since you moved back home, so what, did you move back into the closet, too?

Come on, girl, you trippin'.

My mom knows I'm gay.


I mean, as long as she doesn't see it, right?

No, it's not even like that.



Hey, Don Juan.

What the hell was that girl doing in our house this morning?

Well, first off, she's in college, so she's a woman, and I think you know what she was doing there, but if you need me to break it down for you, I will.

Are you insane?

What if mom caught you?

Well, based on the way she's been acting lately, she'd probably pretend to be cool with it.

Look, why don't you just try to do the same?

OK, she's only pretending because she feels guilty about dad leaving, which, by the way, isn't her fault, so why are you being a jackass?

Why are you being annoying, Liv?

We have free rein.

We might as well have some fun, and if you don't want to, that's fine.

Just at least stop ruining mine.

Yo, what's up, Chris?

Look, I know you're out in A. T. L.

getting yoked for the next season, but I just thought you'd appreciate seeing what's waiting for you when you get back.

Your team misses you, dawg, so do what you got to do and hurry up and get your ass back, a'ight?

Yo, Bill Belichick, get your spying ass off our field.

Yo, chill, man.

I'm recording a video for Chris while I wait for my pops to finish up, a'ight?

Oh, well, in that case, hey, Chris Jackson, get your black ass back on our field.

- See?

even cam misses you, dawg.

- Naw, naw.

I'm just saying you better not be gone too long 'cause your new backup's got a Cannon, bro.

What are you doing, man?

He ain't gotta see all that.

Look, I'm just trying to light a fire under his ass.

If Chris don't come back on his "A" game, he's getting replaced.

This new kid Coach Corey brought in from Nevada ain't no joke.

You say from Nevada?


What, your pops didn't tell you about him?

They super close, too.

Maybe Chris ain't the only one about to be replaced.

Patience, I'm sorry, OK?

Everybody already hates me in school for snitching on Tyrone.

Please don't tell me you joined the list.

I don't hate you, Tamia.


Not "babe"?

You do hate me.

A'ight, but do you hate my new lyrics?

Check it.

My name is Coop and I'm here to say that I'm a fool, but I love my baby Stop, stop.

Yes, those I hate.

God, you're so annoying.

You're so annoying.

Don't don't even hug me.

You're so annoying.


- Spence, what's up?

- What's up?

Move back already?

Hey, my lips are sealed, OK?

Nah, I was just checking out that Crenshaw practice.

Y'all know anything about that new QB?

Come on, man.

We stopped watching that game when our star receiver bounced.

Yeah, we'll watch when you come back, so Loyalty.

I like I like that.

Ha ha.

Smells like snitch.

Y'all fellas got something to say?

See, I would tell you, but, uh, your narc friend would rat us out.

Maybe she ain't the one you got to be worried about.

Look, come on.

It's all good.

It ain't all good.

How come you ain't say nothin'?

What you want me to say?

They're not worth my time.

Hold up.

Since when does Coop not stand up for herself?

Ooh, yeah, she's been real quiet lately.

At here, at home.


Um, look, I got to go, so I will catch you guys later, OK?

What's that all about?

She is trippin', bro, and it's probably 'cause I ain't had her over in a while.

- All right, so invite her over.

- Come on.

My moms is a work in progress.

I can't just put them two together in a room.

Look, Patience is your girl, and she fell in love with the Coop who speaks her mind, no matter what, the Coop I've known my whole life.

Nothing changed, man.

I'm still the same person.

Not from what I just saw.

To the State Champs and the ladies who love them.

- Yeah.

- Drink to that.

Let's take a selfie, guys.

Let's do it.

Your phone?

I've taken so many of these # statechamplife.


Is it wrong that I kinda wish they lost that game?

Yes, Liv, you're an Eagle.

They're just having fun.

Yeah, I don't see fun.

I see a sign around his neck that says "help me" written in that girl's lipstick.

You see that sign around everyone's neck, maybe minus the lipstick.

- OK, that's not true.

- No?

How many times have you asked me about my dad since he's been back?

One Mmm - Hundred?

- Closer, yeah.

I'm sorry.

I'm just really happy that you two are doing so well.

It's like we're playing musical fathers.

Mine leaves, yours comes back.

Don't forget about Spencer's dad.

How could I?

I mean, I can't believe he wants Spencer to move back to Crenshaw.

And I have the biggest mouth in the world.

I am so sorry.

He didn't want to tell me, OK?

I pried it out of him this morning, and I just assumed that he told you.

Liv, it's fine.

Sure he was planning on telling me.

He just hasn't gotten the chance yet.

- Here you go.

- There it is.

- No?


- Ha ha ha!


So this is why you guys missed practice?

- Practice?

- Ha ha!

I mean, we're talking about practice?

Yeah, it was optional.

And game tomorrow isn't.

Look, I guarantee you guys that Encino's been practicing.

Yeah, of course they have been, OK?

They're about to face the State Champs, Ash.

Hey, you're our quarterback, Jordan.

We should be running our plays right now.

We already know the plays.

You you need to relax, seriously.

JJ, tell him your joke, please.

Oh, uh, knock knock.

- OK, who's there?

- Ha ha!

State Champs, baby!


Ha ha!

Ha ha!


- Thank you.

- Oh, you're welcome.

So, listen, I, uh, I just dropped by to thank you for the much-needed kick in the behind you gave me last week.

Well, that is definitely an improvement.

The miracles of a razor and a shower.


How's, uh How's Spencer?

He's still not sure what school he's gonna play for next year.

He's afraid he's gonna make the wrong decision Which, I hear, has been going around.

Spencer told me you're resigning.

I think you're making a huge mistake.

You know, I just want to do what's right for my family right now, and I think leaving the team will give Jordan some space.

Boys don't need space.

They need their fathers.

Isn't that why you moved back home, to make things right with your dad?

Yeah, and look how that turned out.

I booked him a flight back from Florida, and he didn't get on it.

Well, Willy may not be in L. A. , but there is another Baker man who is.

That's who you should be talking to.

Space isn't gonna fix you and Jordan.

Why this thing got you so upset?

Ain't no kid gonna come in South Crenshaw and take Chris' spot.

Why not?

That's how it went down when I rolled to Beverly.

Yeah, but this kid ain't Spencer James.

I don't know who he is.

So why didn't you ask your pops when you was just at the practice?

'Cause he was too busy with his new recruits, so I bounced.

Hee hee!

Yo, you love making things tough for yourself.

Yeah, look who's talking.

You ain't exactly keeping it real with your moms, either; otherwise you'd be kicking it with Patience right now.


- That's him?

- Yeah.


Don't look like much to me.

You know, you left before I could introduce you to coach's favorite new QB1.

Hey, I don't know nothing about football, but ain't that Chris' spot?

Nah, not what I've been told.

Somebody lied to you.

And you?

Chris is your boy.

You really gonna do him like this?

Long as I get my targets, man.

I just got to look out for myself, like you did when you went to Beverly.

Come on, bro.

Ha ha!

Sir, you really can't be drinking in here.

Look, man, we're not we're not bothering anybody, OK?

Actually, you are.

People are complaining that you're being too loud.

Too Heh!

look, I think they're being too quiet.

Maybe it's best if you and your friends leave.

Rea you're kicking us out?

Oh, OK.

Look, big guy, how often do you get State Champs in here?

Spencer James works here.

OK, whatever.

Look, if anybody has a problem with the way I am acting, they can say it to my face, instead of whining to this kid right here.

We all have a problem with the way your spoiled bitch-ass is acting.

You're being a d*ck.

Oh, yeah?

Well, then your girl must not think so, considering she's already DM'd me while you were boring her for the last hour.

Hey, sweetheart, you want to dump this loser?

There's room at our table.

Keep your mouth shut Thank you for not pressing charges, and I'm really sorry.

They're normally really good kids.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

No problem.

I don't even know what to say to you right now.

I should have let that police officer take you two to jail.


she was on a bicycle.

You think this is funny, JJ?

- No, ma'am.

- 'Cause you two are gonna pay for the damages out of your own pockets, and I am not even close to through with you.

- Hey.

- What are you doing here?

A better question is why didn't you call me?

I shouldn't have to find out because my son's idiot friend livestreamed the arrest.

I didn't call you because I didn't need you, because I've got it handled.

OK, sure about that?


You know what, Billy?

Just Go back to your dad's.

All right.

It's so good to see you getting back into your music.

You used to love to sing me songs when you were little.

- Did I?

- Mm-hmm.

Your favorite one was "another Saturday night," only you thought he was singing about having "no body," like he was just a head floatin' out there.

That ain't changed.

I still can't find the right words.

Girl, don't be so hard on yourself.

The words don't really matter.

People only care about the music and how it makes them feel.

You know, Patience is really dope with lyrics, and she offered to help me.

- Well, that's very sweet of her.

- Yeah.

She, uh, said she was gonna come over tomorrow night.

Well, tomorrow night's not any good 'cause, uh, I'm hosting my church group.

That's cool.

I mean, we ain't gonna bother you.

We're just gonna be in my room, workin'.

Well, I don't think that's a good idea.

I mean, you know how judgmental they can be.

Mom they know I'm gay, OK?

I ain't been hidin' it.

But we don't need to go flaunting it in their faces, do we?

I'm just trying to protect you and Patience, that's all.


What's going on?

You out here by yourself?

What, no suitcases?

No moving Van to take your stuff back to Crenshaw?

- Layla, look - How could you not tell me?

I was going to, a'ight?

I just You just thought it would sound better coming from Olivia?

No, I wasn't planning on telling anyone, not until I knew what I was gonna do.


So now I'm just anyone.

Baby, come on.

You know I love you.

Look, you've been so happy with your dad being back, I didn't want to ruin that by bringing this up, especially when nothing's been decided.

So you want me to believe that you lied to me for my own good?

- I didn't lie.

- No, it's all good.

You know, I don't know why I bother to care so much about other people's feelings when no one seems to care about mine, so from now on, I'm just gonna worry about myself.


You OK?


Yeah, I was actually looking for Jordan.

He's gone M.



and he's not answering his phone and my mom's on a warpath, so I figured it was safer for him if I found him first.

Yeah I heard about the fight.

The track coach said he might be back here.

Is he?

No, I'm sorry.

Just me.


Um, thanks.



why are you still here?

Isn't football practice way over?

I've just been getting in extra time in the weight room and on the field.

Guys are all riding high on the championship, but my ranking took a major hit last season.

Best thing I got going for me right now is junior college, and that's That's not good enough.

7-on-7s might be my best chance to get back on a D1 school's radar.


I'm just proud of you.

Well, I will let you get back to it.


You a hard man to reach.

Yeah, that's my bad.

I been kinda busy.

Come on in, sit down.

Look, pops, this new kid from Nevada Why he think he taking Chris' spot?

I mean, how you just writing Chris off without giving him a chance to bounce back?

That's not fa Whoa, easy, son.

First of all, the kid from Nevada, he's got a name.

It's Darnell.

He's why I've been trying to get a hold of you.


Yep, I'm coming.

Oh Hey, man.

Look, my bad about earlier.

I never would have gone down like that if I'd known who you were.

It was nice meeting you, though.

What is this?

Darnell is my ex-girlfriend's son.

He lived with us in, uh, Nevada, but now he's gonna live with me out here for a little while.

Y'all lived together in Nevada?


I should have known.

Hey, Spencer?

No, that's my bad.

I broke up y'all little family reunion.

Spencer, wait.

Dude, my mom was so pissed about yesterday.

Luckily, she believed me when I said it was all your fault.

- Ah, OK.

- Ha ha!

What'd your mom do to you?

I've been dodging her, but my guess is she'll do nothing, as usual.

Nice of you to show up, man.

Hey, don't start with me, boy, a'ight?

Not today.

Layla, can you call me back?

Look, I'm sorry about yesterday.

I just need to talk to you, a'ight?


What the hell is up, guys?

Who died?

I'll tell you who's about to die.

The Encino Panthers, that's who.

Let me hear it!

Whose house?

Our house.

What, that's all we've got?


We're the damn Beverly Eagles!

Wait, I I said that wrong.

We're the State Champion Beverly Eagles.

- Right.


- Right?

Let's make it so loud, Coach Baker hears us in Hawaii!

Whose house?

- Our house!

- Screw Coach Baker!

He isn't lounging on some Hawaiian beach.

Now's not the time, man.

He's passed out on my grandpa's couch.

My dad quit on all of us, but who cares?

We don't need him or anyone else who decides to quit on this team.

Let's get this over with.

I talked to my mom.

And by the look on your face, I'm guessing I'm not coming over anytime soon.

She's not the easiest person to talk to, but at least I tried.


Well, did you tell her that you need to live your own life and that accepting you means accepting who you want to be with?

I think it's a miracle she let her gay daughter back in the house in the first place.

So that's a no.

I mean, why can't you just be honest?

- Who says I'm not?

- That's just like you're not saying anything.

Look, ever since people came at you for being a snitch, it's like It's like you're afraid to speak your mind.

Damn right I am.

Every time I open my mouth, somebody get hurt.

My mom, preach, Shawn.

I'm not tryin' to hurt you, too.

Yeah, well, you are hurting me by staying quiet.

Well, baby Heh!

You're making this way too big of a deal.

My mom is not saying we can't be together.

That's exactly what she's saying every time she makes you hide who you are.

And if you allow her, then you're saying that, too.

We ain't all got parents as cool as yours.

Your moms accepted you, straight out of the gate.

Look, all I'm saying is that you just need to figure out a way to make her listen, because if you don't, then she's just gonna end up hurting you all over again.

Maybe it's you who need to listen.

I tried talking to her.

It didn't work.

She told me words don't matter, so it doesn't matter what I say or how many times I say it.

She is not going to hear me.

Hey, fellas, welcome to the home of the State Champs.


Wide 62.


Didn't practice that one, huh?

OK, whatever, man.

Just play the game.

About time you got here.

Try again.

I was just worried.

- Mmm.

- Spencer was, too.

It's not like our Stu-co president to be a no-show.

- Well, I'm here now.

- Yeah, just in time to not help.

I had to set everything up myself.

By "everything," do you mean that table?

Congratulations on that herculean task.

Crisis averted.

Um, I hope you'll be OK to take it down, too, 'cause I'm not really staying long.

Is, uh, is everything OK, Layla?


Why wouldn't it be?

It's a beautiful day, the sun is out, the Eagles are playing, the table's set up.

I heard you missed class yesterday and showed up late today.

That isn't like you.

What is like me?

I just mean, up until yesterday, you had a perfect record.

Well, I'm not perfect.


Look if there's something going on, I hope you know you can always talk to me or any of our counselors.

There is nothing going on.

I just have bad days, like everyone else.

Wide 52!



Are you happy?

Are we, like, done here?

- No, Layla, we're not done - Well, I am, so if you want to talk to someone, you can call my dad, and good luck getting him to answer.

Set, go!



Head in the game!


Well done, guys.

Hey, JJ, knock knock.

Why you coming at me?

Man, Jordan threw 3 interceptions.

Look, two of them weren't even my fault.

You and Spencer weren't exactly on fire today, either.

Yeah, that's my bad.

My head wasn't in it today.

That's why we should have practiced, guys.

Encino didn't get better, we got worse.

Asher's right.

I don't blame him for being upset, but I don't understand why y'all aren't more pissed off.

Coming from the coach who walked out on us.

That was a mistake.

That was my mistake and, uh, and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you all.

I was going through some personal issues, and I I guess I lost my way.

I'm not gonna act like it's not a big deal because I know it is, but that's still no excuse for how y'all played out there.

Y'all think y'all are big sh*ts because you won State?

So did most of the teams you're gonna play.

This 7-on-7 league is the best of the best, y'all.

ALL EYES ON US: Boosters, scouts.

You don't know who's gonna show up.

You don't know.

So two-a-days.

Practices, two a day, and I want to see hustle in every step you take.

If I see you walk slow by me in the hall, best believe I'm gonna make you drop and give me 20.

Heh heh heh!

I hope y'all got losin' out your system 'cause practice starts tomorrow And it ain't optional.

Welcome back, Coach.


Son, can I talk to you?

Save your speeches for the team.

All right, the raffle was a huge success, despite a few key absences.

OK, uh, moving on to other issues, we need new paint for the lockers.

And more vegan options in the cafeteria.

The water fountains?

They're too warm.

We should get Layla?



What do you think?

I I don't care.

Uh, um, you you don't care about what?

Any of it, all of it.

It's all superficial B. S.

and I don't care.

So enjoy your stupid tofu and wash it down with whatever unfiltered crap comes out of the fountain.

Where are you going?

Wasn't it obvious?

Congratulations, Emma.

You're the new STU-CO President.

I quit.

Hey, Liv, have you seen my phone and keys?

I haven't seen 'em.

Maybe Channel took 'em.



What's this?

That's your new phone until I say otherwise.

As for your car keys, they're in my purse, where they will stay for the next month you can take the bus And I changed the Wi-Fi password, and if you haven't figured it out yet, you're grounded.


#grounded, huh?

Too bad you can't post with that phone.

Enough, Olivia.

I've got a beeper with your name all over it if you want to join him.

So dad leaves, and I get punished for it.


Watch it, Jordan Baker!

OK, that's my cue.

I know you're having a rough time, but you are not the only one, OK?

And this behavior has got to stop.

So from now on, your life consists of going to school, football practice, and coming home and that's it.

Have I made myself clear?

Yes, ma'am.


My house!

Uh, uh, uh, uh-uh, uh, uh, uh What's wrong, baby?

It was just one game, and you always bounce back.

Ain't about that.

What, then?

Did you know dad was living with somebody in Nevada?

A girlfriend Raising her son?


He about my age, and Corey just brought him out here to live with him.

I wish I could tell you what your father was thinking.

Yeah, well, whatever he's thinking, he ain't thinking about us.

At least he consistent about that.

What do you want, Corey?

Look, I know what you both must be thinking, but Now, wait.

Hold on.

You don't just walk into my house.

- Please just let me explain.

- Explain what, how you had a whole 'nother family in Nevada?

Look, Darnell may be family, but you my son.

- That ain't changed.

- Oh, that's right.

He's not your actual son, he's just a kid you raised as your son while your own was left fatherless just hours away.

Spencer, it wasn't like that.

How long?

How long did you live with him?

7 years.

I always wondered why you never came home, why you ain't missed your family, but now I know.

You didn't miss us 'cause you replaced us.

- Man - Corey, I think it's time for you to do what you do best.



It's OK.

It's OK.

Sorry about yesterday, babe.

Look, the last thing I want to do is fight with you, OK?

I love you, and that's why I just I can't let nobody just make you live a don't-ask-don't-tell kinda life.

I know that's not your style.

I know that's not your style.

I know that's not your style.

What if I told you that I'm out here battlin' my demons?

There's some things that you'll never understand, though Like how most people where I'm from don't understand you Like how most black boy joy get destroyed That's by the same system you went to for the award There's little girls without they father, ain't got no mama There's sons that's lookin' up to papa 'cause he just want the higher honor Well, hello, your honor, I know the lines blurred I'm just a victim to a story missing my words Thanks for coming.

You didn't make it sound like a request.

Last time we were in this office together, you did all the talking.

Today I need you to listen.

I remember, when I was younger, I thought that my parents were perfect And it was heartbreaking when I realized that they weren't.

Yeah, I never thought you were perfect.

I need you to listen with your ears and not with your mouth.

My father made a lot of mistakes And so have I.

But you are not one of them So, you can push me away as much as you want, but I ain't going nowhere.

You're stuck with me.

You're fine, you're fine What if I told you I was kinda different And me not loving you for who you are now It wasn't exactly my intention If I told you I was prolific, would you believe me Or find it in your heart to receive me?

If I told you I'm this way and I like girls Could you still look me in my face And would you say some things to make me run away?

Would you tell me that I'm sinnin' This ain't god's work?

Baby, you ain't livin' Careful.



If I turn suicidal, when I slit my wrists All on your Holy Bible, would you turn your back Or would you hold me tighter?

If I'm layin' in the hearse, would you cry Because I'd never wore a skirt Or you be mad because I didn't tell you first?

You don't ask, so I won't say nothin' You know it's not my style to never say nothin' You don't ask, so I don't say nothin' You know it's not my style to never say nothin' Yeah, you know it's not my style Yeah, you know it's not my style I guess the words really do matter.

Oh, I can't promise you this is gonna be easy, but I promise you I will try harder.

The messed-up part is I know this is hurting my moms, no matter how strong she trying to be.

I don't even know what we're supposed to tell Dillon.


Baby, hey, you a'ight?


Um, I'm listening.

So, uh, what are you gonna do about Darnell?

I don't know.

Well, Crenshaw ain't big enough for both of us, that's for damn sure.

And, look, I really am sorry.

I should have told you about my pops wanting me to play for him.

I didn't want to hurt you, but not telling you was worse.

After all of this with Darnell and Corey, I get it now.

It's fine.

We're good, really.

Just like that?

I overreacted.

You know, I get why you didn't want to tell me.

It just wasn't something you felt like talking about.

We can talk about it now.

Mmm, I have a better idea.

Doesn't involve talking.

What time you got to be back?

Whenever I want.

I'm at the hotel by myself.

Where's your pops?

Uh, I'm not sure.

Like, Japan or Singapore.

Somewhere in Asia.

But you said you had breakfast with him the other day.

I lied.

He never came home.

You lied?

What's going on?

How come you didn't tell me?

It just wasn't something I felt like talking about.

All this talk about my dad has kinda k*lled the mood, so I'm gonna go, but I'll see you at school tomorrow.

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