02x05 - Bring the Pain

Episode transcripts for the TV show "All American" Premiered on the CW October 10,2018 to current*
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Inspired by the life of professional American football player Spencer Paysinger. High School football player is recruited from South LA to play for Beverly Hills and the two worlds collide.
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02x05 - Bring the Pain

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "All American"

I had an affair with Grace James.

GRACE, VOICE-OVER: I'm gonna get a paternity test done.

You deserve to know if Dillon is your son or not.

I think we should leave well enough alone.

CARA: Who keeps blowing you up?

Who the hell is Simone?


Give me my phone.

- Oh, my God!


- Oh, no!

No, no, no!

LAURA: You are grounded for as long as I can legally ground you, and your birthday party is canceled.

This is my dad, Cliff Mosley, lead booster and lead member of your ever-expanding fan club.

CLIFF: We got to get that dinner on the books one of these nights.

What are these?

Letters to my boys, saying good-bye.

BILLY: Corey, don't do this to your family.


SPENCER: Layla, things have been kinda different with you lately.

OLIVIA: I've seen depression, and there are definitely signs there.

- What should I do?

- I've got to call her pops.

LAYLA: I don't really want to hear it.

You can just get out.

- Layla - Get out!

We were just worried about you.

I get that, especially after whatever Spencer was telling you, but I'm fine.

Well, just remember, this is because we care about you.

What is?

Hi, Honey.


What is this?

Why don't you have a seat, Honey?


Gurman will explain.

Everyone gathered here today loves you, Layla [VOICE ECHOING]

But they're scared.

Major depressive disorder affects millions of people across the country.

Teens today are faced with so much pressure to be perfect.

We're gathered here today because your friends - and family are concerned - [CELL PHONE VIBRATING]

About your erratic behavior and loss of interest in daily activities.

DOCTOR: We're here to give you help.

Your father and I have agreed that an inpatient trea [GASPS]


- I mean, you want to have me committed?

- No one wants you committed.

I know what "inpatient treatment" means.

This is ridiculous.


I know that this is difficult, but your behavior has raised ques According to them, to my ex-boyfriend and Princess rehab here, they say I've been acting differently, so all of a sudden, you all agree I need professional help.

OLIVIA: Come on.

The lies?

I mean, you trashed your own house.

We saw your hotel room.

SPENCER: Please don't act like we're just making this up, Layla.

I seen the cuts on your arm.


Stopped wearing the bracelets that were causing the cuts, see?


And I am not the only teenager who skipped class or has a messy room.

Look, I agree I could have Handled the break-in better, but I was scared.

W-w-why didn't you tell me?

Because I shouldn't have had to tell you.

You should have come home.

You should have known what was going on.

You should have Been my dad.


Couldn't we just talk, just you and me?

- Please, just you and me?

- S-sure, sure, OK.

Mr. Keating, it's normal to feel guilty, but You did say there were other outpatient options, right?





My mom's been calling nonstop.

Hey, hey, what's up?

DILLON: "I want you to know "that I'm proud of you "and the little man that you're becoming.

"I couldn't have asked for a better son, "and I'm so sorry I couldn't be a better father.

"I want you to know that I'll always love you.


" DILLON: He bought us tickets to the Comic Expo this weekend.

I mean, why would he do that if he was just gonna leave?


I wish I had more answers for you, man.

Corey just asked me to drop the letters off.

He didn't say nothing to you at the reunion?

Nothing that would explain why he'd do this, again.

DILLON: If he didn't want to go to the Expo, he could have just said that.

I mean, we could have practiced football if that's what he wanted.

I could Hey!

This ain't on you, a'ight?

Nothing you did or didn't do made Corey leave.

Ain't nobody to blame for this but Corey, you hear me, Dillon?

Spencer, please.

SPENCER: I'm sorry, Ma, but it's the truth, and the sooner we all accept that, the better.

We've all got a lot to process Come on!

What's the process?

I remember all this from when Corey left the first time.

I spent years asking myself what I did to make him leave, what I could have done to make him stay, how could I bring him back.

I'm not doing that again!

I'm sorry, little man.

I know this sucks, but I'ma tell you what I wish somebody had told me back then.

Corey left 'cause that's who he is Not a husband, not a father, just a disappointment.

And the sooner we put him behind us the better.

Packed you a lunch.

You better hurry if you don't catch the express.

I'm gonna walk Dillon to school.

And miss your first period?

Letting him know I'm here for him is more important right now.

Is that what you were doing last night?

I shouldn't have raised my voice, a'ight?

I'm sorry.

Spencer, honey, it's OK to hurt.

But don't bottle it up.

Talk to me.

Ain't got to worry about me, Ma.

I'm fine.

Dillon, let's bounce.



GRACE: Packed you two desserts today.

Thank you.

Look, you don't have to walk me to school.

I got it.

- You sure?

- Like you said, the sooner we put him behind us the better.


Yeah, I remember those sunny daze back when we were young, we were all just OK, I'm still not talking to you for crashing my car, getting our phones taken, and birthday canceled And yet here you are, talking to me.

Don't be an ass, OK?

This is serious.

Have you heard from Spencer?

He missed first period.

No, and I still can't believe Corey ghosted again.

Well, yeah, and with his dad gone and the whole break-up with Layla, I mean, he's gonna need us to talk to.

Look, Liv, if he wants to talk to us, he'll talk, OK?

If he wants to come to class, he'll come.

It doesn't always help to butt your nose in.

Yeah, I kinda learned that lesson yesterday with Layla's failed intervention.

Oh, my God.

There she is.

There she is.

What do I do?

- JORDAN: Well, you're asking me now?


LAYLA: Happy birthday, Bakers!

I still can't believe your mom canceled your party.

JORDAN: Yeah, me, either.

It's a bummer.

It's OK.

We'll make up for it next year.

For sure.



- She seems fine.

- Fine?

Jordan, I tried to have her committed, like, yesterday, and she just gave me a hug.

That is not fine.

You should really try to have a more positive outlook in life, Sis.



What can I do to make you go and leave me lonely?

Who could I be to make you understand?

GRACE: Tamia.

I'm sorry to bother you.

You ain't bothering me, Miss Grace.

More like saving me from these linear equations and the rest of this craziness.

Your mother mentioned I'd find you here.

Have you heard from Spencer?

I'm sorry about Mr. James.

So Spencer talked to you.

I mean, "talking" is a stretch.

It was literally just one text.

But don't worry, I'll wear him down eventually.

Thank you.

Now, you OK, Ms. Grace?


Yeah, it's just Spencer's always trying to protect me, you know?

Hey, that's Spencer.

As a mother, you're supposed to be strong for your kids.

Why does it always seem like it's the other way around with him?

Sometimes I just wonder if I've done my job as his mom.

Come on, Ms. Grace.

That's crazy.

Everybody knows Spencer and Dillon are lucky as hell to have you as their moms.

All right, Spencer doesn't put his problems on other people because he cares about 'em; I mean, he goes about it stupid, but it's only because he cares, and that's from you.

All right?


Hey, stranger, got a minute?

- Got to get home.

- OK, well, I can take you home after you go to dinner with me and my dad.

We have a private room at the Lobster Tail, 7 P. M.

Can't tonight.


My dad's gonna start taking this personally.

DARNELL: Yo, Spencer.

What the hell are you doing here?

You and I got to talk.

Coach Baker said you were on a bus back to Nevada.

Nah, I ain't going nowhere till I figure out why Corey left.

I ain't got nothin' for you, man.

Nah, I think you do.

In fact, I think you got something to do with it.

You got two seconds to get your hands off me, Homie.

I told you, I ain't got no answers for you, a'ight?

You expect me to believe he just left?

No reason, no explanation?

I don't give a damn what you believe.

Both of y'all can go to hell for all I care.

You must have did something to run him off.

Admit it.

Your little bitch ass must have did or said something 'cause you couldn't stand the fact that I'm more of a son to him than you will ever be.


SPENCER: Yo, what do you think of me now, Dawg?

- Huh?


Hey, hey!

Get him out of here!

Get him out of here!

SPENCER: Get off!

Get off!

Come on, Dawg!

What's up?

Get off me!

What's up, man?!

What's up?!



SPENCER: You called your dad?

Be damn grateful I did.


You're free to go.

CLIFF: No, no, no.

Not you, Spencer.

Take a seat.



Talked Principal London down.

Wasn't easy, so now, you're gonna return the favor.

LAURA: Yeah, I'm already on my way.

I'll see you soon.



Uh, sorry.

I won't keep you.

I just wanted to drop off these gifts for the, uh, for the kids for the party.

The party was canceled, Billy.



You do remember the whole Jordan crashing Olivia's car thing, car that you let him drive, even though you knew he was grounded?

Yeah, I know that that was my mistake, but don't you think you're being a little extreme?

Hey, and I what I mean to say is that, with everything that's going on between us, you know, I just think it would be good if the kids felt, uh, I don't know, celebrated.

The kids need structure and discipline and dependable rules, not a party.

I'm not saying they don't need discipline You know what?

I I don't have time to argue right now, OK?

I just need you to back me up this time.






I told you, day one, fighting on Campus could get expelled.

It was nothing.

It's taken care of Spencer, there is nothing Cliff Mosley does for free.

Look, the price is just dinner, a'ight?

Which I got to get dressed for.

Excuse me.

Well, then you ain't going.

I've seen this cat manipulate young men with his little father figure act too many times to let you I'm only going 'cause I don't have a choice, but I'm not about to walk in there all Doe-eyed and do what he wants just 'cause he act like my daddy, a'ight?


Are we done?

That's how you break.

- Ooh.

- Thank you.

I'm glad you're here, but you really didn't need to rush all the way from Tokyo.

I'm fine.

Didn't sound like it, and you're going to talk to a therapist once we find the right one.

That's the deal.


Um, but I actually can't tonight.

I have a school project.

You're not putting this off, Layla.

No, I'm not.

It's just it's the only night that worked for JJ and, you know, if you'd told me you were coming back into town, I could have cleared my schedule.


- JJ.

What's up?

Welcome home, Mr. Keating.

- Hey.

- JJ, we should really start working on our sociology project, if that's OK with you?

Oh, hell yeah.


OK, bye, Dad.

Love you.

Love you.

JJ: Um, we don't really have a project, do we?

'Cause I do not remember that.

No, not a school one, anyway, but how do you feel about hosting the Baker twins a surprise party at your house?

- Hell yeah.

- OK, tonight, uh, you make sure Jordan and Olivia are there.

I'll take care of everything else.

- I won't take no for an answer.


So, do you want to play a game or something?


I get bored walking home, Liv.

Oh, and whose fault is it that we're walking?

OK, look, I already lost my car, phone, and birthday.

I don't need the attitude as well.

Well, considering I lost my car, phone, and birthday because of your attitude, you're just gonna have to live with what whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

What JJ?

- What the hell?

- Who's JJ?


What are you Aah!


Get this thing off my head, Dude!

What's going on?

So not funny, OK?


Where the hell are you taking us?!

It's a surprise!

Ha ha!

OLIVIA: JJ, take this blindfold off before I whip the blond out of your hair.

Dude, for real, OK?

My mom's gonna k*ll us if she finds that we're not home.

Which is why I kidnapped you.

Intent is 90% of the law.

There's no punishment if there's no intent to party.

Not your worst idea.


ALL: Surprise!

Hey, she was right.

We couldn't let the Baker twins' b-day go un-celebrated.

She who?

LAYLA: Happy birthday, Bakers!

Grab a shot!

And seltzer for Liv, of course.

Come on.





CLIFF: Oh, well, you clean up nice, son.

Billy, I didn't know you were coming.

What's happening, Cliffy?

Figured it shouldn't be a problem since there's nothing you'd be talking to my star player about that you couldn't say in front of me.

I mean, right?

Plus, I love me some lobster tail in thermidor sauce, OK?

Ha ha ha!

Well, I hope you brought your appetite 'cause this place has the best lobster in L. A.

My gramps told me lobsters were the cockroaches of the sea.

I don't eat bottom feeders.


Oh, this is gonna be fun.

OLIVIA: OK, you don't actually believe JJ's "intent to party" crap, right?

No, 'course not, OK, but mom's got that campaign thing until late tonight, so we're good.

You know, feel free to bounce if you're so worried.

How have you missed the part where I'm constantly being punished every time you break the rules?



Uh, it it looks like they're talking about me.

It's just I kinda sorta hooked up with all 3 of them Separately.

It's just, now they're together, it's freaking me out.

OLIVIA: Wow, you've really leaned into this Situation, haven't you?

It's not like I'm cheating, all right?

I've been totally honest with all of them.

It's just Simone, the one in the middle, she's been acting a little clingy lately.

Hey, listen up, b*tches!

It's time for hide and go get it!

ALL: Whoo!

JJ: OK, the rules are simple.

Guys, hide anywhere in the house.

Girls, try and find us.

So it's like hide and go seek?

Well, except if you get found, you have to, you know, [WHISPERS]

get it on.

JJ: Ha ha ha!

ALL: Whoo!

Oh, crap, crap, crap.


Where are you going?

He does know he's not invisible, right?

LAURA: Jordan?

Olivia I know I said your birthday was canceled, but even I can admit when I'm being harsh, sort of.


- Liv?



Oh, yeah Hey, sorry I'm late.


You doing all right, birthday girl?

Not even close.

JJ: All right, everyone.

Raise your drinks.

All of you kids came for hide and go get it, say, "hell yeah!" ALL: Hell yeah!


All right, guys, let's go.

CLIFF: I'm talking about building the Beverly Eagles into the next powerhouse in high school football, and it all begins with our franchise star.

That's you, son.

You're gonna be the most talked-about high school football recruit in the country.

I want you on the cover of "Sports Illustrated," and I got the connections to make it happen.

Depends on how many of these dinners I got to sit through.

- Ahem.

- The best way to build Beverly's rep is by raising Spencer's profile, showing that the Eagles don't just win titles.

We know how to put our players on the path to stardom.

So you want to run Beverly football like a Division 1 College program?

That's the future.


So what do you say, superstar?

- Sounds like a lot of work.

- It is.

There'll be press, off-season exhibitions.

And I got to keep winning championships, of course, in addition to all that other stuff, so you and the Eagles keep winning even after I'm gone.

That's right.

And you're not offering me any money?

'Course not.

Sounds like that plantation life, Mr. Mosley.

Excuse me?

SPENCER: I said It sounds like you want me to be your sl*ve, and my answer is hell no.

CLIFF: The hell do you think you talking to, huh?

You gonna walk out on me?

BILLY: Easy, Cliff.

Hey, you want a drink?

More for me.


Looking for the bathroom, not Hey there, birthday girl.

- Oh, hell no.

- Oh, wait!

I'd skip that one.

BOY: Come on, Liv!

JORDAN: Sorry.

Already getting got.

Good for you, but I need to talk to you, Jordan Baker.


Hi, Simone.

Yeah, if you just give me a second, I can find you later.

No, it's cool.

I'll wait.

Not liking your party, Liv?

Well, I can't leave the kitchen because it's the only place no one's trying to make out with me.

It's purgatory.

Too bad Spencer hasn't shown up.


Well, he's single now, and hide and go get it would be the perfect chance for you to make your move.

Although if he came in and saw you alone with all this booze, he might try to send you back to rehab.

What is wrong with you?

I don't know, Liv.

Maybe I'm pissed that my so-called best friend and ex tried to ambush me with a fake family reunion and a crazy doctor.

And so what?

This party's what?


What's the plan?

You gonna poison my seltzer or dance me to death?

We were just trying to help because we care about you, Layla.

Is that why Spencer ghosted after the intervention didn't go his way, 'cause he cares?


his dad left again and you're pissed that he didn't text you.


Corey left town again?


He lost both of you in less than 24 hours.

But hey, what do you care?

'Cause he deserves the pain for actually daring to care about you, right?

I can't do this right now.


Spencer, let me take you home.

I don't feel like going home.

Partying with your ex while you're in self-destruct mode is not gonna end well.

Look, if you're not ready to face whatever's at home, we can go somewhere and talk.

I happen to be well-versed on the topic of complex father figures.


First time my pops left, I stayed up all night wondering why.

That hurt burned a hole through me for years.

I can't go through that again.

I just want to accept that he's a bastard and move on.

Why is that so hard?

The reason people cling to their hate so stubbornly is because they sense once the hate is gone, they'll be forced to deal with the pain.

What, are you a shrink now?

I'm someone who read a James Baldwin quote on Twitter.

Look, you gotta face it, Spencer.

The questions about why he left, the pain, the hurt.

That's the only way you'll heal and move on.

And if you can face your demons, I can, too.

What you gotta face?

I lied to you when I told you someone tipped off the school about you living in Crenshaw.

The championship was never in jeopardy.

I just wanted you focused on Beverly.

I'm sorry.

Well, why'd you do it?

Was it Cliff?

No, I just knew that's what he would want.

What he would want.

What about me, Rochelle?

My dad looms so large over my life that I do things I'm ashamed of.

I lose sight of myself.

Don't let your dad loom so large that you lose your power and your future.

Yeah, well, it's a little late for that, given what just happened at dinner.

You face your demons, I'll handle my dad.

I owe you that.

MAN: Lay my sweet caress Come on.

MAN: above my head Just leave me here, just leave me here just leave me, just leave me here [CROWD CHEERING]


Jordan, I'm leaving.

You better be in here.

Hey, Liv.

You OK?

You kinda just took off.

Yeah, I just need to find Jordan 'cause we have to go.

Hey, look, that kiss?

You know she just did that, right?


Yeah, no.

She was just using you to get back at Spencer or me or both of us.

I-I don't even know.

I mean, not that you, you know, kissing her, really, anyone would be getting back at me or whatever.

I need to go get a ride, 'cause I think Jordan left without me, so Before you go, I haven't really had the chance to give this to you.

Happy birthday.

A burner phone?

Like, for drug dealers?

A prepaid cell, like, for friends who have lost their phone privileges.


I programmed in your sponsor and me.

Available for ice cream deliveries.


I love it.

Thank you.

- It's no big thing.

- Yeah, it is.

It's my only gift.

LAURA: Party's over!

Oh, my God.

That's my mom.


- COOP: Yo, boy.


- COOP: Ain't easy to shake me.

- SPENCER: Damn!


Yo, shut up.

You gonna wake the whole house up.

What the hell are you doing here, Coop?

Oh, you ain't answered no texts or called back.

I was about to leave a voicemail.

You know I hate leaving voicemail.

My bad, all right?

I can't lie to you, and I wasn't ready to face the truth.

OK, and now?

Can you?

It's from my pops.


"Spencer, I'm sorry for "doing this to you again.

"I know what you must be thinking, but you're wrong.

"I love you, son.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way "but one day, I hope you understand "why I left the way I did, and maybe that day, you'll forgive me.


" Hold up.

Let me see that.

"One day, I hope you'll understand why I left the way I did.

" Why not tell me now?

What's he hiding?

I don't know.

I should've talked to Darnell when he came looking for me.

He said Corey had to have a reason.

We probably could've figured that out together.

OK, cool, so, let's go talk to Darnell.

It's mad late, Coop.

He'd be home.

We threw a couple punches last time.

Bro, really?

I'm out your orbit for one day and you back fighting again?

Come on, man.

I'll keep y'all in check.


The driver will take you home.

You'll get your keys back in the morning.

JJ, where is Jordan?

Uh, honest, I really don't know, Mrs. B.

Uh, I think he might've left.

You think?

I'm gonna go check all the rooms.


Did Mr.

Keating tell you about the party?


I told him about it after Layla texted me a picture of you and Jordan partying.


Of course she did.

- MR. KEATING: You're coming now!

- LAYLA: Let go of me!

I'm not leaving!

MR. KEATING: This is not a discussion, OK?

You lied to me, Layla.

Look who decided to play daddy now.

It's a little late for that.

Enough, all right?

You're coming home with me now.

What home?

The Glass Castle that was broken into or the hotel room you didn't know about until yesterday?

We can talk about this later, OK?

No, don't you get it?

I don't have a home.

I don't have somewhere where I feel safe.

All I have are memories of a mom I lost and even less memories of a father who abandoned me.

Sweetheart, I don't think that this is the time I'm sorry.

Who asked you to get involved?

Maybe go fix your own broken family.


You're supposed to be my friend.

My real family.

And you betrayed me.

You want to bring my dad back so you can tell him I'm broken?


Maybe I am.

Guess who broke me.

You don't mean it.

Layla Don't ever, ever speak to me again.


I'm sorry.



Hey, man, ain't no sign of Darnell anymore.

He must've went to his aunt's in Nevada after all.

He left some mail behind.

That's it.


Hey, you do know that's a federal offense, right?


I'm just putting it out there.

AMR Genetic Testing and Diagnostics Lab.

That sound like that 23 and me.

A complete waste of money, by the way.

Are you good, bro?


You think this got something to do with Darnell?


I think it's got to do with somebody else.



What are you doing here?

It's late.

I know.

Just, uh I just needed, uh I really messed up, Dad.

What's going on?

You been drinking.


but I'm-I'm not drunk.


I promise.

Your mother has no idea where you are, does she?

Of course not.

Come on.

Wait, wait, wait, please, please, no.

Can we talk first?

No, we can't talk.

Your mother's right.

You are out of control and I can't keep letting you take advantage of me because I feel guilty.

Dad, I got a girl pregnant.

I'm so sorry.

I was at this party today and this girl Simone, she told me.

I-I didn't even know what to say to her.

I'm I'm sorry.

- OK.

- I really, really messed up.

It's OK.

All right?

Look at me.

We're gonna figure this out together.

- I don't know what to do.

- That's all right.

- I don't know.

- We're gonna figure this out together, OK?

We're gonna figure this out together.

It's all right.



No, Jordan.

I've been waiting all night.

What is going on?

BILLY: Why don't you go upstairs, Jordan.

Your mother and I need to talk.

Why are your suitcases in my house, Billy?

You're right.

My children do need structure and discipline, but they need the best out of both of us, and I don't know how to do that when I'm sleeping across the 10.

You're not serious.

No, Billy, you are not moving back into the house.

I've got it handled.

Oh, do you?

You have it handled?

- Yes.

- Because Jordan has got a girl pregnant.





So who's waiting for the newest "OORT Sentry"?

I'm good.


I'll read it by myself.

Hey, what's a jaystonian?

A person from Jaystone.



And is it bad that heroes are lying - Aah!

- What?


Spoilers, Spencer!

But I need you to help me remember what's going on, little man.


All right.

Arielena and Harrow.

All right Ahem.

So, they're both jaystonians.

- Mm-hmm.

- But they haven't returned to their home world since they broke the oath from the Q?

No way.

That's, like, a big What is this place?

It's Dr.

Gurman's office.

Your appointment starts in 5.

Dad, I was drunk at a party and made a scene.

- It doesn't mean - But you need help, Layla.

I should've seen this coming and done something sooner.

What are you talking about?

Your mom.

She suffered from depression.

Why have you never told me that?

What does that have to do with me?

Depression can be hereditary, sweetie.

You always seemed so strong.

I never saw any signs.

I should've been there.

But I am now.

And I'm gonna help you face this.

And it starts with going in there.


MAN: Girl Perfectly her Broken and hurt Soft and asleep in the morning gray Shake off the night and don't hide your face Didn't know this thing got texts.

Got you that fancy flip phone.

And this.


Ha ha!


Can never turn down ice cream.

But you do know most delivery services wait for the person to order first, right?

It's a bit unorthodox, I know.

But I was tired of waiting.

I really hope this isn't just in my head, but after last night at the party, I'm thinking it's not.

MAN: Girl Do you want me to kiss you?

MAN: You'll see the world Please say something now.

MAN: And you'll come to learn That falling in love is a strange work of art All of your battles will shape who you are And know that your scars are my favorite part I want you to know this He's asleep.



That was sweet of you to tuck him in.

Ma, I need to ask you something.


What about?

Uh It's a copay for a genetics testing lab.

I don't know what it's for, but I found it at Corey's house.

Is Dillon Coach Baker's son?

I'm sorry, Mama, but the math makes sense, and it would explain why dad got mad and left.

I just need the truth, please.


The truth is I don't know if Dillon is Billy or Corey's.

But that's not why your father left.

He made peace with it.

How do you know?

He's the one who decided not to do the paternity test.

Then it was me.

If Corey ain't leave because of Dillon, it was me.

- Oh, honey, no.

- No, no.

If I'd agreed to play for him, he'd still be here.

He said he was cool with me staying at Beverly, but maybe he wasn't right?

Maybe he wasn't.

Was it always just about football?

Is that why he came back?

What, it wasn't enough for me just to be his son?

Why am I never enough, mom?

No, Honey, yes, you are.


no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Listen to me.

Look at me.

I can't tell you why your father did what he did.

But what I absolutely know for sure is that you always have been and always will be more than enough.

- No.

- Yes.

Do you hear me, Spencer James?



Come here.

It's OK.

- Mama.

- It's OK.
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