02x04 - Deconstructing Harry

Episode transcripts for the reboot TV show "Charmed". Aired February 2018 - present.*
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After the tragic death of their mother, three sisters discover they are powerful witches.
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02x04 - Deconstructing Harry

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Charmed You need to jump!

Go now!

Do it!

The assassin, he shot me with some sort of dart.

There's a shape-shifter out there who looks exactly like you.

My fellow Whitelighters, they're dead.

I am the last Whitelighter.

You're applying for the management gig?

You, too?

My name is Maggie, and I am the new assistant manager.

You're closing the studio?

Needed the gig to cover the rent.

And you won, fair and square.

- I'm here to help you.

- I was kidnapped.

You're a demon.

I'm a witch.

And a demon.

The Demon Overlord who will unite us has come.

Now you will pay, Demon Overlord.

It's you.

Isn't it?


The thing that came for you, it came for me, too.

Evening, supplicants.

What sort of reindeer games are we playing tonight?

How dare you start without me?

That's all I remember.

I passed out after that and woke up freezing and shackled in the back of a refrigerated truck.

With green luminescent poison coursing through me.

How is it you're still alive?

Oh, it weakened me momentarily, but he underestimated what I'm capable of.

You escaped.

Found myself on a road to nowhere.

Colstrip, Montana.

Did you see its face?


Never took his hood off.

You pretended to be a witch to smoke us out and then enlisted us to destroy Callum.


I was trying to unite the Demon World.

He stood in the way.


You're the Overlord.

I took an old myth and used it to my advantage.

My limited species doesn't recognize people without penises, so I pretended to have one.

Sue me.

Why should we believe anything you say when all you've done is lie?

- And try to k*ll me.

- Only because I thought you were behind that thing that att*cked me and my comrades.

Which is why I decided to teach you a lesson.

The dead witches in Vermont, that was you?

I extracted some of the poison from my side, found a way to titrate it and turn it into a w*apon.

It was payback.

Though it seems that was a slight miscalculation on my part, since we apparently share the same enemy.

Now, why don't you remove this stupid containment spell so we can strategize as to what to do next?


There is no we.

You stupid witch!

You may not like me, but you need me.

And why is that exactly?

Because you have limited powers, and your sisters have none.

Frankly, you need all the help you can get.

I've never had my own office before.

Oh, we don't say "office.

" Oh, we-we don't?

It's a microaggression against people who worked corporate jobs.

We prefer "creative cocoon.

" Note taken.

- So, your first task is - Good Karma Project.

I'm already on it.


- You're still here.

- Yeah.

I I still have a few days left on the lease.

I told Zach he'll get my keys back at the end of the week.

Okay, what if you didn't have to?


Twice a year, SafeSpace Seattle funds a Good Karma Project to support surrounding communities, and I've been charged with generating fresh ideas.

So I thought, why not a wellness program?

You know?

For people who can't afford it.

I read that boxing is good for physical and mental health, and increases confidence.

You've been reading about boxing?


I read about a lot of things.

You don't have to feel guilty about getting the job, Maggie.

- I'm all right.

- It's not guilt.

Part of my job as an assistant manager is looking out for other visionaries.

Is that so?


Look, all we would have to do is put together a proposal and pitch it at the managers' meeting.

What do you say?

I say I'm in.

I love you.

What uh, what did you say?

You saved my life.

Everything all right?

Abigael's not wrong.

We need allies.

We can't do this alone.

Any luck decoding The Book of Elders?

Even with the cypher, it's slow-going.

Some of it translates to Latin, some to Sumerian.

There's even a section in Coptic.

Best I've got so far is that Whitelighters were created "at great cost," whatever that means.

Okay, well, I'm gonna follow Abigael's clue, head to Montana.

Meantime, you stay on The Book of Elders.

I'm coming with you.

It's too dangerous.


The Book is our only hope to getting our powers back and helping us understand what the hell we're even doing here.


That assassin is out there impersonating me.

We need a safeword.

So you know it's me and not him.

Um, how about Hut 8?

The British intelligence unit where Alan Turing Cracked the German's World w*r II U-boat code.

Clever and poetic.

I approve.

I thought you might.

Be careful.

She's half demon.

So am I.


You home?

What what are you doing?

Recreating The Book of Shadows one spell at a time.

I think I'm getting my powers back.

Or a more advanced version of them.


How did you do it?

I don't know.

Something happened with Jordan.

I shook his hand, and in my head I had this vision.

I knew what he was thinking or feeling.

He looked me right in the eyes and said "I love you.

" I think I need to go back and figure out a way to touch him again.

Margarita Emilia Vera.

It's not what you think.

I think you like touching him.

To get my powers back.

Maggie, you better not be falling for this guy.

You always treat me like I'm some lovesick puppy.

One word: Parker.

Another word: Niko Exactly.

We need to keep our distance from everyone.

Otherwise we end up nearly k*lling the ones we love or they end up nearly k*lling us.

You know what?

I'm getting my powers back and I thought you would be happy.

I am.

Powers are good.

Powers are something we need.

And if Jordan is the key to getting mine back, I have to figure that out.


It's all in there?


My little bag here has every potion I've recreated from The Book of Shadows, some of which work-ish.

What if she made it all up?

The truck, Montana?

What if it's a trap?

A very real possibility, which is why Dimitte ex carcere I'm taking her with me.

Smart girl.

You bet I am.

You come, no powers.

And if anything goes sideways, well That'll be one less demon in the world.

I'm going, too.

Mel I'm not gonna let you go out there alone, with this double-crossing demon.

You need backup.

Oh, I feel so much safer.

All right.

Colstrip, Montana, here we come.

Is this it?

Are we on the right track?

Okay, the woods That sign.

We're in the right place.

The truck was headed this way.

You know, you should take off my cuff.

If we get into trouble, I don't think Little Miss Fanny Pack is gonna be much help.

Can we get another cuff that disables her mouth?

What the hell?

Whatever you do, don't move.

Anything in The Book of Elders about having your powers restored by a boxing instructor?

Take a look at this.

I believe this symbol is the hieroglyphic for "Whitelighter.

" Hmm.

Let me ask you something.

What letter do you think that is?

Maybe an "E"?


Yeah, interesting.

That would make it "Tessera.

" Which is Latin for "password.

" Follow it.

Over here.

Help me.


What the hell was that thing?

A Kyon or Skincrawler.

Blind, like ants.

They hunt by sensing sound and movement.

They normally keep to themselves, far away from humans.

She set us up again.

Oh, stuff it, Potion Princess.

I'd never knowingly wander near Kyons.

They're vicious hunters, the velociraptors of the magical world.

Why does it keep doing that?

It's hungry, I think.

And what does our friend eat?

Whatever's slowest.

Probably her.

All right, we're done.

Pull out the marble, Macy.

- Let's go home.

- No.

If the assassin took her here, then there's a Kyon enclave nearby, which means we're close to something.

Maybe he's using them as some sort of army of minions.

Take off my cuff and I'll help you k*ll the Kyon.

Or feed us to it.

Macy, we need to go home.

We'll go back and regroup.

Come back with Harry and a plan.

Okay, let me put this another way.

Oh, no, you don't.

Mel, don't move.

Get ready.

Got to assume the Elders left this here.

A fair assumption, given they put the passcode in the book.

Magical driver's license.



" "Tulipe Institute.

" Why does that sound familiar?

Tulipe same name as the women's asylum that burned down here.

Most definitely not a coincidence.

I'm so close to a breakthrough here.

I can feel it.

Me, too.

You pursue your breakthrough.

I'm gonna pursue mine.

So, the first qualification for the Good Karma Project is community connection.


Well, I've got that down.

The Chase family mine Was one of the first black families to settle in these parts.

So your family has a real - History here.

- Yeah.


S-Sorry, you just You had a piece of lint.

- Um, so, you were in the Army.

- Yeah.

I was a medic.

You came back home after?

Yeah, I was forced back, really.

I have a complicated family.

Join the club.

My grandmother, who raised me, uh, she got sick.

So I came back to take care of her.

I'm so sorry.

What about you?




How did you and your sisters end up here?

My-my parents uh, both died.

Not at the same time, but My sisters and I needed a fresh start, and, uh We decided to leave our home in, um, Pittsburgh.

- So - Mm-hmm?

You finished college in three years, and you're now going to law school at night.


You seem to really know who you are.


"Know thyself.

" Isn't that what Socrates said?

Don't ask me.

I dropped out of college.

You'll get back to it.

I hope so.

Everything okay?



It's just, um Let's just move on to the financials.

Are you sure she went this way?

I'm not sure of anything, except that we'd better keep moving.

When we find this woman, the first thing we do is serve her up for dinner.

Well, you'll be happy to know I'm 100% delicious.

Like this apple.

What kind of game are you - playing?

- This is not a game.

You cowards wanted to go back, I wanted to go forward.

And I was right.


This is the assassin's poison.

He was here.

Or maybe she planted it.

Oh, bloody hell.

You used this to k*ll those innocent witches in Vermont.

Maybe you brought it here, too.

You witches, so high and mighty.

If anyone's the m*rder*r, it's you.

What did you say?

Look at my face.

Look closely.

Do I remind you of anyone?

Allow me to fully introduce myself.

Abigael Jameson-Caine.


As in Daughter of Alistair Caine, half sister to Hunter Caine, both of whom your family m*rder*d.

The pleasure is all yours.

Visiting hours are over, sir.


I'm sorry it's so late, but it's urgent.

I would appreciate your assistance with this case number.

That patient has restricted access.

Only people on the list can visit.

Can I see your ID?

You'll find my name on the list.

Alex Graves.

If you're really part of the Caine dynasty, what's with the accent?

I grew up with my mother in Sussex.

I despised my father.

In my family, if you weren't a boy, you were nothing.

I'm sorry.


Do you know how many innocent witches he and she k*lled?

Probably no more than the innocent demons your people k*lled.

All hunters are heroes until the lioness tells her side of the story.

Macy, let's go, before whatever's out there finds us here.

Wait a second.


So, do you have everything you need?

Quarterly projections - Yeah.

- personal statement, résumé.

That should do it.


Uh, Maggie, you seem, you seem weird.

And you keep tapping me, which Which is also weird.

Yeah, sorry.

I'm I'm j I'm just trying to figure some things out.

You know, know thyself.

It's-it's a long story.


I won't bore you with that.

I love you.

What did you say?

You saved my life.

I was looking all over for those damn keys.

- Where were they?

- In the bathroom, - wrapped in a towel with your AirPods.

- Mmm.



Oh, uh, sorry.

Maggie, This is Lola, my, uh Law school classmate.

Are you, uh, doing an internship here?

I, um, I'm actually, I'm a manager here.

Um, I'm sorry, I, I have to, I have to go now.


Um, okay, bye.

Uh, I'll see you at 7:00 for the pitch.

Yes, yes.

Our dear friend, the assassin, he was here.

What the hell is that?


Don't go any closer.

That was bait for his trap.

And he clearly caught something.

Is that a piece of antler?

Some Kyon's not happy right now.

Not just any Kyon.

See these markings?

He took their queen.

And now I think it's time to go.


Here you go.

I wouldn't expect any sparkling conversation.

I'm sorry to intrude.

It's Helen, right?

You mind if I sit down?

My name's Harry.

I found a part of your file in a Well, you see, there's this underground Oh, it's all rather hard to explain.

Can I ask you something?

Are you a witch?

I'm sorry.

It's just Well, I was hoping you could help me understand something, that perhaps the reason your information was left where I could find it was that the Elders I'm not one of them.

Oh, my God.

You're a Whitelighter.

I save you from the maw of a Kyon and my reward is the cuff and the blindfold?

Well, we couldn't let you see how we got here.


19th century Victorian chandelier.

And that side table's sublime.

Not my aesthetic, but could be worse.

And I was so worried you wouldn't approve.

You said Kyons communicate through pheromones, like ants?

Yes, that's right.

We have the queen's antler, maybe we could commandeer the pheromones, use them in a tracking potion.

To help us find the queen.

Find the queen, find the assassin.

Okay, let's see what I've got.

Another potion, really?

Oh, shove it, demon spawn.

I can see the future.

It's not my old powers coming back, it's a new one, foresight.

Wait, she's in the house now?

Shouldn't you have really seen that coming?

You're a Whitelighter.

Helen, Whitelighters were created "at great cost.

" Do you know what that means?

Mr. Graves.

Time's up.

This key I believe it belongs to Helen.

Does she have a lockbox with personal items?


The Alpha.

The first.

Still here?

I see from the records she's been moved around a lot.

There are a group of women who would come by and check in on her and her sister, pay the bills, but Haven't seen them in a while.


What sister?

Helen's quiet but lovely.

It's her sister that's the problem.

But we're under strict orders to never separate them.

Is this how you did it?

k*lled my father?

Some dark mysterious potion in the family cooker?

- Listen, Abigael - No, no, I'm glad you k*lled them, my father and Hunter, they got what they deserved.

Is that how you demons roll?

Just s*ab each other in the back with no remorse, no sense of loss?

Alistair had a relationship with a witch, my mother, and then he called me an abomination and cast me out.

Hunter, Parker, I was smarter than both of them combined.

The patriarchy is still alive and well in the Demon World.

So tear it down.

I'm working on it.

So your demon powers, where did they come from exactly?


I was stillborn.

My parents used a necromancer to infuse me.

With demon blood.


You and I have a lot in common.

More in common, perhaps, than you and your sisters.

Wait, she's Parker's half sister?

Does she know where he is?

I don't know what she knows, and frankly I don't care.

We need Harry's compass for the potion.

He was my boyfriend, Mel, I-I'm entitled to ask her questions.

Stay away from her, Mags.

She is the devil.

I would have vanquished her seven times over by now - if I had any powers.

- Mel Don't "Mel" me.

I had to put up with her treating me like I'm a piece of crap all day.

Well, ignore her then.

- I can't.

- Why?

Because I think she's right.

I went from being one of the most powerful witches in the world to this Fanny Pack Franny.

Here it is.

All right.

Let's do this.


Can you hear me?

You don't have a sister, do you?

That thing in there, she's part of you.

That was the great cost.

I Am half.

The Elders did this to you?

And you.

This will point the way to the Kyon queen.

Well, this is exciting.

I followed the directions exactly as I remember from The Book of Shadows.

Maybe you're missing an ingredient.

Or maybe you just suck at this.

Or maybe the antler doesn't have enough life force.

The Kyon is dead, and the potion requires a living agent.

A host.


Someone has to drink it.

Suck this, Abby.





Oh, my God, what's happening to her?

It's working.

She's connected to them.

Mel, can you hear us?


You did this to her.

Pushed her to it.

Hang on.

I think she's trying to track the Kyon queen.


Mel, wait!

Find the Kyon queen, find the assassin.

Let's go.



What are those?

Did-did that just move?

That's the banshee empress.

She went missing a few weeks back.

Top of the banshee food chain.

You don't want to mess around with that one.


There's a basilisk, a griffin, a Kyon.

It's like a zoo.

The empress of the banshees, the queen of the Kyons.

The assassin is a hunter, collecting the most powerful of magical creatures.

- Like the Charmed Ones.

- And me.

And he's holding them alive.

The mist being pumped into those tubes.

He's keeping them sedated.

We have to find Mel and get out of here.


Mel, where are you?

Where are you?

Mel, stop!

She's trying to free them.

It's the Kyon queen.

Nobody move.

Or make a sound.


You and Maggie ready?

Can't wait to hear the pitch.


She'll be here any minute.

Hey, it's Maggie.

Maggie, it's Jordan.

I can't reach you, and you're 20 minutes late.

Are you all right?

Did something come up?

Guys, cuff.


It'd be ideal if I don't have this on.

Macy, no.

I'll distract her.


Over here!

What's she doing?


She's grateful.

Guys, the other creatures are coming.

Macy, it's time to go!

Macy, get over here.


- Harry.

- Quick.

I can orb again.

Long story.

Tell them to go.

Harry's here.


I'll meet you at home.



Let's go.

Well, well done.

Whatever our friend is up to, at least he doesn't have creatures to do it with.

Thanks to you, Mel.

I underestimated you.

Yes, you did.

Alligatum est.

You've got to be kidding me.

She doesn't kid.

That was crazy.


The tracking potion?

Drinking it without knowing what it would do.

You could have gotten yourself k*lled, Mel.

I'm sorry.

It was stupid.

But it was also incredibly brave.


It's Harry.

He's home.

Just give me 30 seconds.


Jordan, can we can we talk?

She appears.

Like magic.

I'm So, so sorry.

I An emergency popped up.

You seem to have a lot of those, don't you?

There's no excuse.

- I'll reschedule the meeting.

- No.

No need to.

I pitched anyway, and They loved it.

They did?

That's amazing.

Can I Buy you a drink or something?

To apologize.

Maybe some other time.

I'm gonna head out, but, um Thank you.

The program was your idea after all, so You felt something?

My powers?

That's not what I'm talking about.

Let's go home.



I'm so glad you're okay.

Where's Macy?

What do you mean?

She's not with you?

What we-we saw her leave with you.

Unless Oh, my God.

It wasn't me.

It was him.

My darklighter.
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