01x03 - Lost Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show sequel "The L Word: Generation Q". Aired: December 2019 to present.*
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Ten years after the events of The L Word, The L Word: Generation Q sequel follows a group of lesbian friends as they face the trials of life and love in LA.
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01x03 - Lost Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The L Word: Generation Q

Sophie Suarez, will you marry me?


Yes, yes, yes.

I know you.

What's wrong?

I'm just scared that she's gonna keep making decisions without me.

- What's this?

- Oh, I don't know.

Came for you earlier.

I signed for it.


You really miss her, don't you?


I'm okay.

Bette Porter offered me a position.

Take your things.

I'll make sure someone walks you out.

This used to be a gay bar, though, right?


Yeah, Tess is always trying to, um, buy out the owners, turn it back to what it used to be.

She should.

You can't ask me to be more a part of their lives and then call in Gigi when you feel like I can't handle something.


I'm Finley.

You want to have a drink with me?

- All right.

Why not?


I miss you.

I miss you, too.

"MOVIENDO CADERAS" BY YANDEL Luny Si estas solita llorando, faltar a morir Tranquila que yo sé de algo que alivia corazones [JOSe WHOOPS]


My baby.

Oh, my God.

I can't wait to dance with you at our wedding.

- Me, either, baby.

- Oh!



- Come on.

- I'm good.



Oh, my God, you are so good.

We should all go dancing together.

Yes, we should.

I would love that.

Not tonight.

We've got an art show.

- Oh.

- You are going to an art show?

Dale Lewis has an opening at Regen Projects.

- Oh, my God, I would k*ll to go.

- Right?

- He's got a date.

- Oh, okay.

Isn't his work just so inspiring?

I just love the way he imbues art with politics.

- Oh, upward mobility.

- Yes.

Okay, I don't know what's going on, but I am gonna research the shit out of this so I can be as pretentious as you.


Oh, crap, I got to get ready for work.

Alexa, stop.


Come on.




Have you thought about what you're gonna wear yet?


I'm thinking all white, velour sweat suit.

Oh, yes.

Oh, y-you think I'm playing, but you won't know for sure until I'm walking down that aisle.

You are just gonna be such a beautiful bride.


We'll see.


What about you?

I was thinking I might wear my mom's wedding dress.

QUIET, SOMBER MUSIC Well I think you should.

I think you absolutely should.

I didn't really think about how hard this would be without her.


She's gonna be there.

Well, she's here right now.

Do you really believe that?

Of course I do.


Hi, cariño.

It's me, Dad.

Um, listen, uh I'm sorry.

I overreacted.

I, uh, hope your job is going well, and, um, congratulations on your engagement.

I miss you.


I was hoping, uh, we could meet for lunch today.

So, uh, call me, okay?

Beso fuerte.

Chao, Dani.





tell me.

Well, my first sex partner Oh, what?

I don't like the way that sounds.

was a very soft doll named Silvia.

- I'm sorry.


- Yes.

And she had this big head and a tiny little body, - and I used to sit on her face.




She was my first.


You realize I can't unsee that, right?

That's, like, stuck.

Let me see this.

- Yeah.

- Oh - No.

- Yeah, I have to go.



I wish I could be in bed with you all day.

Well, we can totally do that.

I can call in sick, no problem.

So tempting.

- But I can't.

- Come on.

What's better than this?









Oh, God.




Oh, my God.

Don't do that.

Do what?

What am I doing?

You're making it very hard to leave.


Then just stay.


Or I can come with you.

I'm, uh, I'm going to the MCC.

What's that?


It's okay.

You don't have to come.

Do you still, do you still want to do something later?

- Yeah.

For sure.

- Okay.



- Hey, how's it going?

- Hey.

Did you forget to lock up last night?

Of course not.

Are you kidding?

- I always lock up.

- Okay, um, stay behind me.

'Cause you're so tough?

Come here.



I'd like to see some mixed media in here.

What the f*ck?

Can we find a way to get creative, so when people walk in here, they just feel beautiful?

- Of course.

- Is that too hard to do?

No, we can do that.

Yeah, definitely.

And Jen Lewin.

Can we see if she could possibly make something for us?

- Yeah.

I'll give her a call.

- Thank you.




- What are you doing here?

What's going on?

Well-well, I-I think we're just trying to figure out when we can reopen.


You Did you actually do it?

I did it.


Holy shit.


- Are you okay?

- I don't know.

D-Do I still have a job?

Uh, well, I, uh [CLEARS THROAT]

I was hoping that you'd like to run this place.

Are you kidding?

I get to run the floor of a lesbian bar?

- Well, yeah.


- f*ck yeah.

- You sure?

Oh, yes.

Oh, I have so many f*cking ideas.

Like, I've always wanted to do a VIP area, bottle service, the whole thing, and DJs.

Like and-and listen, full disclosure, I don't drink anymore, I lost that privilege, but I can design the shit out of a drinks menu.

- Promise me you're gonna do it.

- Yes, I promise.

- You swear?

- Yes, yes, yes.


- Is - That's the designer.

Hi, I'm Tess.

Nice to meet you.

I can't believe you actually did this.

You're incredible.

You know that?

This is amazing.

- I-I really just needed a job.





Coming through.



That's all right.


Well, the good news is they ate all their cereal, the bad news is we're missing a puzzle piece.

- Did you check Eli's nose?

- Should I have?

- Wouldn't be the first time.

- That's gross.

I hate to leave you with this mess, but I got to meet Bette and Shane.

No, it's totally fine.

Plus, if I don't order that avocado toast right away, then I'll be taking it to go.

It's not a problem.

Have fun with your friends.

Hey, if you ever want to hang out with your friends, I'm totally happy to watch the kids.

- Oh, that's sweet.

- Yeah, any time.

I actually think they're starting to like me a little.

- Mm-hmm.

- Like, Friday.

I could watch them Friday if you want.

It's okay.

You know I don't have any friends.

Will you hand me the almond milk?

- Huh?

- I mean, I used to.

You know, I used to have a lot of friends.

But when Gigi I don't know what happened but they all just kind of chose her.

- But why?

She cheated on you.

- I know.

But she's, you know, she's the cool one.

and you know Gigi my best friend, too, you know, so I just kind of lost everyone.

Hey, if you want to take any of my friends, I have a ton of 'em.

But I organize them by tiers.

You know, but even the bottom tier?

- Very fun.

- It's okay.

I'll find some eventually.

No friends.

Like, not even a mom friend.

And it's not like Nat's boring.

- I mean, she's the greatest.

- Uh, I'm sorry.

- We laugh - I'm just, I'm, I'm waiting Okay.


Now the Eagle has landed.

Look, Angie made it to school.

I'm all yours.

- Go ahead.

- You're a stalker.

I'm a concerned parent.

How long does it take to make avocado toast?



- You don't even cook it.

- Hi.



- Hi.

- Hi.

Oh, u-uh, Lena, this is, uh, Bette and Alice.

It's really good to meet you both.

- You, too.

- Yeah, nice to meet you.

Okay, uh, I'm gonna I'll pick up my takeout order.

- It was nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

- I'll, uh, see you at the bar.

- Yeah, yeah.


- Stop.

- I didn't say anything.

You two seem cozy.

- We're not.

- Oh.

So where exactly did you meet Lena?

She is a bartender at Atlas.


I haven't been there in a long time.

Well, why would you?

It's not the same.

It's a sports bar.

Why are you hanging out at a sports bar?

Uh I-I bought it.

- Wait, what?

- What?

I'm gonna flip it, and I'm gonna make it a gay bar again.

That's amazing.

- Right?

- That's really impulsive.

Um Why?

I thought you'd be happy, that I'm, I'm-I'm-I'm, I'm laying down roots again, Bette.


We are.

We are Aren't we?

Well, I just, I don't know, I just don't think you should make any kind of life-changing decisions when you're heartbroken.

That's all.

I'm fine.


My bad.

Maybe, though, don't shit where you eat, with [CHUCKLES]

Yeah, that I would definitely not recommend.



I'll catch up with y'all later.

I wanted to ask you about something I read on Twitter last night, Ange-munch.


f*ck off.

I heard that your mom slept with everyone on the school board.

I always thought you were an affirmative action kid.

But it turns out your mom is just a f*cking slut and everyone knows it.


What's wrong with you, bro?

You look like shit.


I had a weird morning with Rebecca.


What happened?

- We wake up, and I think we're gonna have breakfast, so I try to act normal and Ooh, I know that's hard for you.

- Very.

- Mm-hmm.

And then she's like, "Yo, I got to go to church".

On a Tuesday.


What, you don't think that's f*cked up?

Mm, not really.

Dude, we've been fudging all night.


Yeah, I get that.

And then she went to church and prayed.

To, like, Jesus.


Where does she go?

I don't know.

It-it reminded me of The Mickey Mouse Club.

- Oh, you a little stupid.

You mean MCC?

- Yes.

Ah, that place is on my venue list.

Do you want to scope it out with me?

- No.


Dude, we're gonna, like, burn if we go in there.

We ain't gonna burn, fool.

Okay, fine.

But only because I want to be your flower girl.


Oh, not in those shorts.

Burn 'em.

These are my nice cutoffs.

Not today.

What happened?

Did-did they expel me?

They suspended you.

And Missy?

Missy will probably get a stern talking to.

That makes That makes no sense.

Sh-Sh f*ck these people.

f*ck these people.

Look, Missy is gonna get away with a lot in life, and you won't.


The rules are different for you, and you know that.

I know.

It sucks.

I know it's not fair, okay?

But the only way to survive the system is to understand how it works.

And then you stay ahead of it.

And I know that's shitty.

And I'm sorry.

I thought you'd be mad.

I am.

I'm angry that this happened to you, and I couldn't prevent it.

And I am f*cking enraged that the world works like this.

But there are two things you need to take away from this.

One, you are too good for this place.

And two, you cannot, under any circumstances, hit people.

You got that?


Yes, ma'am.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Let's go.

I got it.



Thank you so much!

Welcome back.

So my next guest is one of my gay heroes.

And if she's not one of yours, we cannot be friends.

Uh, ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between her coffee is an Americano with a little bit of almond milk and not a single sugar, 'cause she's better than the rest of us please welcome America's gay sweetheart - Megan Rapinoe!



- Yes!


- I got to hug her.

- No.

- I got to tell her I love her, dude.

- No.


- So great.

- Okay.

- So great having you here.

- Oh, - my pleasure.

- Oh, so, okay, I'm gonna get into your legendary soccer career, but before we do that, I would love to hear your coming out story, if you're willing to share.

- Of course.


Yeah, right?

Go, gays!

Um, well, I didn't realize that I was gay growing up, which, looking back, is a big shock.

I didn't really figure it out for myself until college.

- Oh.

So - So, yeah, it was That kid?

- That kid didn't know?




I know.



- Well, I mean, listen.

I'm from, like, kind of a small town.

- Okay.

- It was, like, a conservative area, so there wasn't a lot of, like, hey, there's this, you know, mommy and daddy option or this mommy and mommy option or this daddy and daddy option.

- Sure.

- So there wasn't a lot of that going on.

- Right.

- So, yeah, we had some confusion.

- Yeah.

- Early on.

So as soon as I went to college, - um, spread my wings on my own, - Mm-hmm.

I pretty quickly found out that I was gay.

- Right.

- Yeah.

So that was amazing.

I love that.

It was really great.

And, so who came out first, you or your twin sister?

Um, well, I came out first.

I told my mom.

Um, and Rachael wasn't there, but then I told my mom about Rachael, too.

So you outed your sister to your mother when she wasn't around.

- Yeah.

- That's such a nice thing to do to your sister.

Yeah, well, I didn't want her to have to take on - the responsibility, so - True.

If you could say anything to that little kid, what would you say?

You're gay!

- Oh, yeah, well, that's yes.

- Obviously!

You're a big lesbian, um And it's wonderful and you're beautiful.

And you're gonna love it.

And it's, it's gonna be great.

- Oh - It's like, it's better.

And you get yourself out into the light.

- Yes, well said.

- Yeah.

Um, okay, and what's the gayest thing that has ever happened in the locker room?



- Me, obviously.

- Yeah, right.

- Besides me?

- Yes.

Um our celebrations were pretty gay.

- Really?

- If you think about it, it's, like, champagne sprayed everywhere.

- Everyone's in their sports bra.

- Oh.

Everyone just jumping on each other.

Oh, so it's like a lesbian fantasy.






Okay, have there been any surprising hookups on the team?


It's just you and I here.

You can tell me.

- We're just totally alone.

- Lips sealed.

- Yeah, like - Just us?

a one-night stand or a drunken mistake kind of thing?

- That's what I'm looking for.

- Yeah.

I mean, I don't think they would call them mistakes, but there's been some, some incidents, - for sure.

- I knew it.

- I knew it.

- I know, yeah.

We're not gonna name names, but you know who you are.

- No Yeah.

- Yeah.

All of you know who you are.

It's not me, of course.

- Ah, that's so exciting.

- Yeah.

Uh, who is your celebrity crush?



- Uh but, yeah.

- But, no, really, I'm just - Well You can answer your side.

- You can go next.

- Now it's gonna seem like - I'm just saying it because - No, I'm just right here.

Don't no pressure.

- It's you, so now - What ?

- It's you.

- Megan.


Alice, are you kidding?

- Of course.


Um, we will be right back with Megan to talk about equal pay in sports and her new partnership with Time's Up.

We'll be right back.

Thank you.


Look, Bette's mandate is to lay into him on the opioid crisis.

Oh, that makes me so nervous.


She cannot afford to get f*cking angry in the middle of a live debate.

Well, then we should probably prep her in case he brings up the scandal.


- It'd be a really bad move on his part to bring up Felicity.

It's been weeks.

The voters are tired of it.

- Shit.

- What's wrong?

Angie got into a fight at school.


The press is gonna be all over that.

And Milner will definitely use that to attack her on education.

Okay, um talk me through the fundamental differences - in their education policies.

- It won't matter.

As long as she has a kid in private school, we don't have a leg to stand on.



Dude, my day's been so good.

I'm all full up on Rapinoe.

I don't want to go in.

- Oh, sh - What?



- It's funny.

That's very, very funny.

Thank you.

Oh, you got some baggage, bro.

Yeah, dude.

No shit.


All right, come on.

I'll protect you.


Let's do it.




Oh, man, look.

It's so pretty.


Ooh, look at that.

They've got wine tasting on Wednesdays.

And a Mexican cooking class next week.

I mean, dip in for the Word and leave with a quesadilla.




Good morning, everyone.

Welcome home.

Thank you so much for joining me this morning as we open our hearts and minds to the worship of God.

Oh, shit.


What I, what I want to talk to you about this morning is I fudged the priest.

a lot lately, which is [EXHALES]

The Bible talks about love a lot [RODOLFO]

Two Maines.

I'm sorry about the other day.

Thank you for meeting me here.

You look well.


How's work?

How's Jack?

Let's not talk about that.

Well, what can we talk about?

How's wedding planning coming?

You land on a place yet?

Nope, not yet.



I made a call and scheduled us a tour of the Biltmore.

You did?


Sophie and I can't afford that.

I can.




Okay, I have, I have to talk to Sophie about it first, but that'd be incredible.


- Thank you.

- I can't wait.

- Really?

- Of course.

I've always wanted to walk you down the aisle.

I'm just sorry your mother won't be there to see it.


Me, too.

I keep wondering what she would want if she were planning it.

Oh, dios.

She would want everything we didn't have.

- You think?

- Oh, yeah.

We had two weeks and a thousand dollars her father loaned us.

What did you guys spend it on?

She spent it all on flowers.

Everything else was secondhand, family gifts.

That's so romantic.

- You think?

- Yeah.

It was just the two of you.

But, cariño, she would want more for you.

You know?

She always did.


Order 64!


Thank you.



I'm sorry that you had to find out like that.

I know that it can be kind of weird at first.

Um, I'm actually more closeted about being Christian than I am about being q*eer.



And it was going so well between us.


Yeah, this really puts the Silvia thing in, like, a totally different light for me.

- Yeah, does it?

- Yeah.

'Cause you're, like married to Jesus, right?


I am.

But it's an open relationship.

- Sexually, I mean.


So, did you have a religious upbringing?

Uh, yeah.

I was raised Catholic.

Very, very Catholic.

Well, a lot of people that come here have your experience.

They were raised Catholic.

And then they come here.

I try to help remind them that they're not those kids anymore.

They can choose what they want to believe.


Have you been in a Catholic church since you were a kid?


God, no, I didn't even go to my grandpa's funeral.


What do you think would happen if you went to one?

I don't know.

Some churches are safe spaces.


Not in my experience.

So, do you have, like, a direct line to Jesus back there or ?

Yeah, the phone's right in my office.

See, I don't know if you're kidding.


Know you wanna play 'round Baby, I'm on the playground Hop on up, get on down Hi.

What's up?

Know you wanna play 'round - Hey.

- Hey.

Did you see that hot guy outside?


Yes, I did.

Have you seen him before?


No, I haven't.

You know what?

Go get him.

- That's not what I meant.

- Ooh.

But it's what I meant, so Hi.


Mmm, smells good.

- Mmm, mwah.

- Oh How was your day?

- Well, I mean, sexism is real.

- Mm-hmm.

But I got to meet Megan Rapinoe ah so not bad.

Oh, I also saw a really pretty church today.

- You did?

Which one?

- MCC.

Ah, it was nice to dream a little.


Yeah, but Finley already - f*cked the minister, so - No, she did not.

She's freaking the f*ck out.

Poor girl.

Well, if we did want Finley at our wedding, I might have another option.



What about the Biltmore?


You want to get married at the Biltmore Hotel?

I don't know, it-it could be nice.

Yeah, it-it could be.

So you're excited?

Yeah, I mean, if-if that's what you want, I could get into it.


My dad scheduled a walk-through for all of us.

My family and yours.

Okay, so does he want us to get married there, or do you?


But it was his idea.

We could make it our own.

You know what, it should be our own.

It's our wedding.

I hear you.

It's just a walk-through.


- [BOTH]

Hi, Alice!



They have homework.

Don't let them tell you otherwise.

Good to know.


Um, I am off.

Hey, before you go.

I have an idea.

I was thinking.

- We should hang.

- Oh.

- Yeah, or you guys should.

- Who?

You and Nat, like, go get coffee or something.

Uh sure.

Did she tell you to say that?

Oh, God, no.

I just I mean, you guys, you know, you used to be friends, and I thought maybe you could go get coffee.

She misses you.

She does?


Like, a little.

You know, as a friend.


Oh, God, I - What?

- No, I thought you meant - she misses me, like, for real.

- Huh?


- Oh, my Can you imagine?

- If I was - [GIGI LAUGHING]

- "Oh, she misses you" - No.

That would be - strange.

- No, that would be crazy.

- That would be crazy.

- What'd be crazy?


I can't believe we're still talking about this.


But why would you tell her I miss her?

Because you do.

She's my ex-wife.

Well, she's also your ex-friend.

Okay, but I don't want her to know that I miss her.


Did you not just tell me this morning Yes.

I told you.

I didn't want her to know.


Well, she misses you, too.

Did she say that?

Well, no, but I can tell.

She hurt me Alice.


I can't just flip a switch and forget what happened.

I know.

I'm sorry.

It's just [SIGHS]

She was your friend first.

Why are you pushing this?

Because I get it.

You know?

I dated my best friend, too, as you know, and when we broke up, - it was very painful.

- You would really be okay if me and Gigi were just gal-pal-ing around town, - having fun - Mm-hmm.


I could see it.

Plain as day.

I could see a brunch, I could see a mani-pedi.

- Really?

- Uh-huh.

I don't love a spa.

But, yeah, I am not threatened at all by a casual - public hang.



I'm so sure.

I'm serious.

All I want is for you to be happy.

It's all I ever want.

Well, you're very, very sweet.

Thank you.

I love you so much.

- And you know what?

- Mm?

I think you're the cool one.

Okay, now I know you're lying.

No, I think you're so cool.

You're just a different kind of cool.

- I'm not cool.

- You're so cool.


Come in, it's open.



So, I did a deep dive on Dale Lewis.

And, uh, you know, I'm just, uh You okay?

I'm really sorry, I have to cancel.

Something came up.

I'll make it up to you, I promise.


Uh, is there anything I can help you with?



I just need some time to take care of some stuff.

Some personal stuff.



You should take Sophie with you.

No, that's okay.


See you later, yeah?


Yeah, sure.


Thank you so much.

I thank you.






Can a friend get a drink on the house?

You have good timing.

I was just starting to feel bad for myself.

I'm sorry.

- Such a shitty friend earlier.

- No, you weren't.

Yes, I was.

You've always been there for me.

- You deserve the same.


Well buying this place was pretty impulsive.



What was I doing?

I just wanted to forget a little.

I get it.

- Put those in some water?

- Yeah.

There are times I just I feel normal, and then the feeling of missing her just hits me like a f*cking wave.

Are you sure that it's over?

I have divorce papers sitting in my drawer right now, so pretty sure it's over.

But does she know that you're still in love with her?

I don't think that matters so much.

Well, it matters a lot if you still want to be with her.

The problems we have don't involve us not loving each other.


Ah, I just want to feel normal again.

Just give me some good news.

Tell me how long it took for you to feel normal after Tina.

Well, you're assuming that I feel normal now.

You don't?

- No.

- Great.

I still miss the kind of love that I had with Tina.

It made me feel alive.

Never thought she would fall in love with someone else.

Everything changed when she left me.

I mean, my God, my body changed.

- No, it didn't.

- Oh, yeah.

It did.

I mean, sometimes I sweat so much at night, I feel like I should be sleeping on a f*cking towel.

That's where we are now, Shane.

I should be sleeping on a towel.

But you're younger, you'll bounce back faster.

Oh, come on, I'm pushing 40.

Oh, you're just a baby.

You just need to have some time pass, that's all.

Just have some days go by.

You think?

I know.

Congratulations on your new adventure.

Well, here we are.

I been feelin' low, shawty feelin' low Out of my zone, I'm on my phone Emotions can't control, I take a walk I take a stroll, I can't be going home I cause a brawl f*ckin' with y'all I'm just a broken soul I'm f*cked up, I know that, I need help, I'm so sad My best friend, this loud pack My lover, my left hand I done slammed, I done banged I've never been with a trans guy.


As I was to you then like I am to you now Understand this ain't how I want shit to go down Is you f*ckin' with me, really?

You ain't f*ckin' with me clearly What should I do?

I feel so dizzy, I I don't need your pity Please leave me alone I been feelin' feelings that I don't condone Feelin' like I'm 'bout to break my f*cking phone All these followers around me [BOTH MOANING]

I'm alone, so alone, I'm alone, so alone I'm alone, so alone, I'm a loner I'm alone, so alone [BETTE]

I talked to the head of the school, and it's all set.

Yes, done deal.

So I'm gonna take the deposit out of my bank account, send it over there.

Yeah, you can you can do it if you want.

Whatever works for you.


Thank you.

- Your tea.



You, too.

Bye, T.

So, you are going to be starting at Harrington Academy come Monday morning.


Same assholes, different zip code.


Where are we?


If Milner's team is smart - [PIERCE]

Which they are.

- They'll use yesterday's incident to attack you on education.

Bring it on.

You cannot be reactive.

You have to just take a deep breath, count to three.

You know, whatever you have to do.

This is an opportunity for you to clarify your position on education, which, as it stands, is murky.


How's it murky?

I mean, he wants to pour money into charter schools, and I support improving our public school system.

- What's murky about that?

- Right.

But as long as Angie's in private school, your position could come across as hypocritical.


I might have a solution for that.

There are a few great public schools - in your district.


Oh, no.

She needs to be academically challenged.

The Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies actually outperforms schools in wealthier districts.


- [DANI]

AP participation rate is a hundred percent.

It's extremely diverse.

60% of the student body is of a lower socioeconomic class.

Look, I get what you're trying to do, but I'm not about to exploit my daughter in order to improve the optics of the campaign.

You can if you want.


I've spoken to the teachers' union.

They're ready to support you if you enroll Angie in a public school.


Okay, look, I'm not trotting out my daughter in order to win an endorsement.

I will do what I think is best.


I will just leave these here, then, - in case you change your mind.

- I won't.

- Just in case.

- I'm never gonna look at these.

I can't hear you.


Very busy.





Will you please look at those?

Harrington is much better than these schools.


I don't want to check their diversity box.

And I don't want to be in their "Look, we're color-blind" brochures.

- You know?

- Look, I get it, but here's No, but public schools are not like that.


It's it's different there, you know?

T and I chose the best school for you.


You have to trust that, as adults, sometimes we can see the bigger picture.

Are you sure it's the best school for me, or is it actually the best school for you?


We offer a certain level of luxury - and sophistication.


Thank God.


- The prewedding cocktail hour and passed hors d'oeuvres could be here.

Are you having a cocktail hour?

- Um absolutely.

- Excellent.


I should've gone home and changed.

- Into what?

A ball gown?



Now, there are two potential areas for the ceremony, but my personal favorite is - The Gold Room.

- Yes, sir.

You're going to love it.

I hope you all do.

It's right this way.

This ballroom is 6,300 square feet and can accommodate approximately 350 guests.

Yeah, our list may be longer than that.

Where does the food go?

Because we need few tables to put everything we're bringing.

Well, we actually don't allow outside food, but we have several excellent menus to choose from.

We'll set up a tasting as soon as possible, and then our restaurant will prepare a menu according to your needs.

You're lucky you're able to book something so soon.

This room is normally booked five years in advance.



- He already booked it?

- Dad?



I had to put down a deposit.

- Didn't want to lose it.



And how much was that?


No, don't worry about the money.

I want all my colleagues to be comfortable.

Wait, I'm sorry.

Is-is that why you're doing this?


No, no.

This is good for everybody.


So, if everything's already set, when is our wedding?

May 10.



Thank you.

We're gonna discuss this, and I will let you know.

TENSE, DRAMATIC MUSIC If I hadn't given you the f*cking death stare, you would've let your dad book that place.

He wants to do this for us.

It's the only thing we have to give him.

Why do we have to give him anything?

Because my wedding is something that he's looked forward to.

- It-it matters to him.

- Yeah, but I don't want to feel uncomfortable at my own wedding.

I-I want to laugh.

I want to yell.

I want to eat the food that my family cooked.


O-Okay, I-I hear you.

I'm sure that they'll make exceptions No!


No, no, no.

You don't get it.

That place makes me hold my f*cking breath.

Did you see how they looked at me and my family?

Baby, you're making this into a bigger deal than it is.


It's our wedding.

I don't know what's bigger than that.

Couples compromise all the time.

Yeah, I'm happy to compromise with you.

I'm just not about to compromise with your dad.




Don't you don't you want to marry me and not feel like we got to keep our spines straight?

Of course I do.

I don't want to hurt him.

I don't want to hurt his feelings.

I know.

But you're hurting mine instead.

Excuse me.



Good evening, and welcome back to tonight's L. A. mayoral debate.

We're here with candidates Jeff Milner and Bette Porter.

Deputy Mayor Milner, before the break, we were discussing the use of public space.

The city of Los Angeles has a number of vacant buildings that are falling into disrepair.

There are several proposals out there regarding how to use that space.

What exactly is your plan?

My plan is to use those spaces to bring money and jobs back to the city.

Look where those buildings are: Skid Row, Hyde Park, Boyle Heights.

Locations that need to be revitalized.

- He's good.

- Yeah, he's a pro.


turn things around in some of those places Hey, she's got this.


She's got this.

He totally looks like Ted.


My college boyfriend?

- Yes.


Oh, my God, you're so right.


What are you laughing at?




What's going on there?

Oh, it's a long story, but I think I might have brought two best friends back together.

Or two ex-wives.


But the businesses you support are actually raising rents, putting more people out on the street, making our homelessness crisis even worse.

What this city desperately needs is housing, which is why I've made the issue one of the three pillars of my candidacy.

Housing Don't, please don't say education, please.

unemployment Please don't say education.

- and education.

- We're f*cked.


I'm glad you brought that up.

My plan on education involves building more charter schools and getting children out of our broken public school system.

Pouring money into charter schools is not going to fix our public school system.

And what would be your proposal, Ms. Porter?

- Private school for all?

- f*ck.


Curious to see what your plan could be since your daughter's been in private school her entire life.

Well, actually, my daughter is enrolled in a public school.

She's at the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies.



Is that because you believe in public schools or because she got expelled from Woodward for fighting and no reputable school would have her?

Firstly, my daughter was not expelled.

Secondly, any school, public or private, would be lucky to have an AP scholar, National Merit award winner, and honor roll student like my daughter.

- Thirdly - What I meant was Oh, I know what you meant.

You were using coded language to imply, among other things, that our city's public schools are inferior.

And I would have to ask you, by what measure?

If all you do is look at AP scores and, and rankings, then you're missing out on the bigger picture.

Our city's public schools have a more diverse student body and faculty that reflects the students back to themselves, and that is invaluable.

Diversity matters.




At the Center for Enriched Studies, they have an AP participation rate of a hundred percent, and they are ranked tenth in the county, but they also have We just got the teachers' union endorsement.


73% minority enrollment rate That's what I'm talking about.


and that matters to me and to my family.





It's me, the Pope.




I thought we were gonna hang out again, but I guess not, which is a bummer, for me anyway.

Um, but, yeah, I don't know what you believe in, but I, but I think that we met for a reason, and I don't know what it is, but I hope that you find a way to reclaim your faith.

It seems important to you.

Or maybe I'm totally reading into something.

So, um Okay, this message is too long.


I hope to see you again.





She was trying to pet the turtles with one hand Right.

And balance her mai tai in the other, and then she flips off the boat.


Oh, my God, that's right.

I forgot about that.

- So embarrassing for her.

- Oh, my God, she's ridiculous.

- Regina.

- Yeah, that's Regina.



That's such a funny story, Gigi.

- So funny.

- It's ridiculous.


Well, good night.



Um - Thank you again - Yes, oh, my gosh.

- so much for - Yeah, oh, my God.

- Such a joy.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

It was so great.

Thank you for suggesting this.

- Really.

- Yeah.

Thank you.

Okay, I'm off.

- Okay.

- Finally.


- So much fun.

- Thank you, too.

- See you soon.

- Yeah, of course.

- Great.

- Bye.


Are you okay?



I just thought she would never leave.


I knew this would be weird.

- No, it's not.

- Oh, yes, it is.

It's weird.

- No, I thought that went great.

- Did you?

- Well, it couldn't be weirder.

- You know what?

I didn't even think it was gonna go that well.

This was all your idea.

I know.


I just didn't think you were gonna laugh that hard at Gigi.

I mean, I thought I was the funny one.

Love, you are the funny one.

Well, you said you were gonna pee your pants, - like, five times.

- That doesn't mean anything.

I That could happen when I sneeze.

Yeah, well, it's true.


Do you want to watch Naked and Afraid?

Yeah, I do.

Me, too.


Look, I really am glad that you had a good time.

That's all that counts.


Thank you for being so generous.

- Thank you.

- I know, I'm pretty awesome.


Yeah, you are.






- Hey.


I, um I just wanted to thank you again.

For what?


For showing up when you did.

I didn't, I didn't know how much I needed you.



Um, Tess and I, you know, we've been struggling for a long time, you know, it's work at work it's one thing, but our relationship, you know.

She just doesn't see me the way you do.

And I think she's starting to get a little jealous 'cause of the way I look at you, the way you look at me.


- But it's over between us.

Lena, this is not a good idea.


I think you can feel it, too.

Can you feel that?




Yeah, he did.

He bailed on me.

Oh, I will f*cking end him.

But-but then [SIGHS]

but then I I did that thing I do when I get my feelings hurt.

Aw, honey.

And it's not okay.


It's okay to hook up with a stranger.

No, no, I know, I know, but it's Hey, look at me.

It's okay to be hurt, and it's okay to f*ck somebody.

Thank you.

I don't know why I'm so bummed.

'Cause you like him.

- I've liked other people before.

- Yeah, but not like this.



f*ck it.

Let's just dance.

Alexa, play Yoskar Sarante's "No Tengo Suerte en el Amor".




- I can't.


I'm terrible.

- Oh, shit!


I will teach you.

Come on.

Yes, yes, there you go.

- Oh!


Super easy, okay, look.

One, two, three, four.







Wow, she was great up there tonight.

Oh, thank you so much.

I'll tell her you said so.

Your endorsement means a lot to her.

- All right.


- Take care.


And now we go to the studio for coverage of tonight's mayoral debate.


Thank you, Bob.

It was a solid showing for Bette Porter in tonight's debate as she continues to gain traction against her opponent Jeff Milner.

- Porter took a strong stance on education - [KNOCKING ON DOOR]

that seemed to resonate with the crowd.

While Milner reiterated a finer point I want to be where the sun don't shine Where the birds don't sing And the kids don't smile They say, "I saw the devil in paradise" I want to be where the sun don't shine Where the birds don't sing and the kids don't smile They say, "I saw the devil in paradise" Yeah, whoo I want to be where the night is day Where the roses die and the thorns ain't fake And they say, "I saw the devil with a smiling face" I want to be where the shotguns spray Where God gets high Are you really 40?

- Is that scary?

- No.


You jeopardise the campaign.

You've course-corrected worse when you were working for your father.

How do you feel about your lover priest?

Swirly, right here in this area.

- That's love, bro.

- No.

I've been clear with what I want.

Tell me what you want.

- [ALL]


- What did you do?

I want you and her.


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