01x07 - Smackdown!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Glee". Aired May 2009 - March 2015.*
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A high school teacher tries to reinvent the Glee Club.
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01x07 - Smackdown!

Post by bunniefuu »

SCENE 1: Auditorium-Will, Sue and choir members

Will and Sue are fighting and members of the glee club are looking them in a weird manner.

Will thought: "How could we get there?! I look out of a madhouse! It does look like me pas.Wow! I knew I had the veins of the coup saillantes.Ca also been a week since it dure.Depuis the case of pseudo vitamin D that led Figgins to appoint Sue co-director of glee club.J ''m really ashamedmy comportement.Elle has managed to make me his clone! "

They continue to argue.

Sue thought: "Look at me, even a heart of the battle, I am of royal elegance! Majestic, like Ajax-Le-Grand, the Greek hero of the Querre Troie.Ah, it's so nice to finally break this kind of boil Will Schuester! "

Will thought: "You'll shut up! Oh, it's unbelievable, is a voice yells into off.Tout began to skid seriously there's two days, just after Figgins we convened in his office.

SCENE 2: (A few days before) Office-Will Figgins, Sue and Figgins

Figgins: Sue, Schuester, I have sent for you to take the temperature of the glee club.

Will and Sue smile at this announcement.

Will: Oh, great.

Figgins: Now that you work hand in hand I would like a detailed report on progress.

Will and Sue begin to speak both simultaneously.

Sue: I'll let you speak

Will: No, go ahead!

Sue: Are you sure?

Will: To you the honor.

Sue: Mr. Figgins, uh ... our work is going very well.

Will: It takes away the word of mouth!

(They laugh and Will gives a punch in player's shoulder Sue.Figgins looks, awkward silence settles douteux.Un)

Figgins: No, I do not want to hear that you are looking to win the favors of students in any way soit.Est is this clear?

Will: Oh! Absolutely!

Flash back-room music-Will and students

Will: (talking to the group) This is the communal soon, so I'd like you to tell me what registry you feel more comfortable. (Students look at). What youplease? Is there any kind of music you would want to be selected?

Mercedes: Do we might not try something a little more ... black?

Kurt: I agree, there is too much standard in our directory, we have to is renewed.

Rachel: This is the "glee club", not "blues club" just for the record.

Mercedes: You want me applatisse like a pancake?

Will: (intervening before it degenerates). I agree with your ideas, thank you mercedes, thank you Kurt.J 'takes note.Autre good thing?

Mike: Uh ... I can do my stuff hip-hop?

Will: (embarrassed) ... I was talking about the musical register ... but it is noted, thank you Mike Beacoup.

Back in the office Figgins

Figgins: And do not try lesmonter against each other

Sue: (taking a shocked look). It never!

Flash back-office Sue-Sue, Brittany, Santana and Quinn

Sue: I want to get students against each other is clear? (They nod). Quinn, the report!

Quinn: Minorities find they have not voiw chapter. (Santana lowered his head discreetly)

Sue: Hmmm ... Here it is our Achilles heel. I will create an environment so polluted, toxic inhospitalié and that no one wants to be part of this chorale.Comme when I sold my house in this adorable young couple.J 'have dumped tons of salt in the jardin.Si although nothing will grow there for at least one hundred ans.Pourquoi I did that? Because they wanted a new fence and that I assume the entire cost.

Back in the office Figgins

Figgins: The elections are approaching, what are your plans for co-directors?

Will: Oh, all things considered we will direct our every number.

Sue: Let's take a coin for who goes first and everything will be between civilized people anxious to respect the rules.

Figgins: (a big smile). This arrangement seems more than satisfactory!

(Sue and Will laugh)

Will: We're thrilled!

Figgins: Well ... The embrace of friendship ...

(After a pause, Will laughs. Figgins insists with a look)

Will: I'd rather avoid.

Sue: It will not be possible.

Figgins: We will adopt such a meeting after I saw your body toucher.C 'is a technique I learned in my seminar on "manadgment".

Will and Sue get up and take in their arms.

Will: (whispers). I will destroy you.

Sue: (in the same tone). Continuous and I wreath on your jacket pov shit.

Will: It's w*r.

They broke the hug and make it a smirk.

SCENE 3: At the gynecologist-Finn, Quinn and the doctor

The doctor prepares the gel for ultrasound

Quinn: I'm afraid Finn.

Finn: Everything is going very well happen

Doctor: He's right, at your age there is little risk that there was anything wrong.

Finn: (a sigh of relief). It's great!

Doctor: (getting ready to apply the gel). You will feel a slight sensation of cold.

Quinn: Try not to stain my uniform please.

Doctor: (after a glance abassourdis). Parfait.Puisque we talk about your age, do you think about what you will do to the baby?

Finn: That's my friend ... who makes the decision.

Doctor: Bien.Je do not know if it matters to you but it's a girl.

Finn kisses the hand of Quinn.Il joined Will waiting in the waiting room and watches a young couple a happy reading a magazine on parenting.

Finn: (talking to Will). That's it.

Will: So?

Finn: ... The baby will not problème.Il bien.Il there will surely be normal. (Will smiles). Thank you emmené.J 'was unable to drive.

Will: I comprend.T 'not worry about it. (Finn said no more). Hey! It's okay?

Finn: I'll do Non.Comment power to take care of a child? My mother wants that I have not even a goldfish.

Will: (frowning). I thought Quinn wanted to adopt the baby?

Finn: I'm not ... I'm not really agree but Touta way ... I have not my word dire.Ca craint.Tout this stress, and these worries ... I can not control.(Quinn arrives in the waiting room). It's been nothing sir Schuester.Vous can not understand. (He goes and leaves Will plan).

SCENE 4: Corridor of the school-Rachel and Jacob

Rachel takes some CHSE casier.En in his closing it, she jumps because she realizes that Jacob is right next to it.

Jacob: I did a survey and they are my calcifs unanimes.C 'You're the sexiest girl in high school.

Rachel: (with a disgusted look). Oh ... (she leaves but Jacob catches up).

Jacob: You've had a look at my blog?

Rachel: Everybody knows you're the worst commères.Et in addition, I often costs you peddled gossip.

Jacob: Well, my next column do not take you to target and I do not want you to reveal cracks in the original mixed black juive.Elle Fabray.Le Quinn talks about a rumor that it will have a small belly ...

Rachel: And where you want it?

Jacob: What is wrong?

Rachel: Archi wrong! (She leaves)

Jacob: (crying) My gut tells me that you're unhappy because you do Finn Hudson has not chosen to bear his offspring!

Rachel: (returning to him) What must I do to buy your silence?

Jacob: Wow!

SCENE 5: Music Room-Will, Sue and glee club members

(Sue has a piece in his hand)

Sue: Honor to femmes.Face.

She flips the coin in the air.

Flash back corridor of the school-Sue (on phone)

Sue: (on phone). You sell in your store room trukées stuffing and jokes?

Back in the music room

Will grab the piece and put it on her wrist

Will: (sighing). Face ...

Sue: Great. (She takes out a sheet from his pocket). Okay, the following students were selected to join the elite unit of the singers who will be called ... the "Suzette."

Will: Attent, attend.On was agreed not to separate them.

Sue: Oh, do not face this, now, let me me play as Sue Sylvester! (Will is exasperated). With any luck this band will go down to minus commune with my proven skills of command.

Will: If we divide the group into two we can not even inscrire.C it is against the rules!

Sue: Are you sure? (She throws a book). Well, you better bone up on this guy, everything is dedans.Réglement of chorales.Page 24, paragraph 14, line 3-5.

(Will open the book)

Will: (reading aloud). "Each team must consist of 12 members but all the songs do not have to be sung by all. "(He looks up the book to watch Sue smiled ironically). Bien.Vas-there is your law! Take football players and your leaders-cheers!

Sue: (talking to students). Your attention please, those whose names will follow will rise and come up behind me, right next to this thing black and shiny.

Will: This thing is called a piano.

Sue: Santana! The little guy in a wheelchair, the h*m* ... Go move your butt! The Asian (Tina and Mike look at each other). Both Asian!Aretha ... and Shaft. (To Will) I do not want to be part of a group that practices segregation against minorities!

Will: (on edge) What are you saying you kidding me?

Sue: Oh ... no, I do not care toi.Je not even think you have a serious problem! Bigotry is not a laughing matter.

Santana: And that children, Sue knows!

Sue: (turns back) Well done, excellent!

SCENE 6: At home and Terri-Terri and Kendra Kendra on the phone

Terri and Kendra are téléphone.Les children Kendra cry by turning it around.

Kendra: I forgot to tell you not to prevent Quinn get vaccinated at the hospital, I'm sure it was the vaccines that have made my triplets morons!

Terri: Oh! In this case I can use the money to buy vaccines for a power cradle mattress organic, after all, there is little risk that the baby is born with skin of York.

Will: (taking the phone). Goodbye Kendra! (Hangs up)

Kendra: J'te hate, Will!

Terri: Oh bah you're bloated! You have no right to refer your frustrations on me!

Will: I do not carry my frustrations on you, I just did not want to feel bullied, both at home and lycée.Je comes home, and I hear you make critical decisions for our son with your sister! I did not have the right to feel the baby move, and the only time I set foot in a gynecologist, is when I brought Quinn and Finn to the 10th week ultrasound!

Terri: Oh yeah? And how's the baby?

Will: He's fine, and it's a girl, but that's not what's important!

Terri: Oh, and what is important, then what?

Will: The important thing is that I am the father of our baby! (He rises). And I'll come with you to the next doctor visit. (He starts leaving frightened Terri)

SCENE 7: Corridor high school Rachel and Finn-

Finn: What did you do to buy his silence?

Rachel: What fallait.L trouble is that it will take me directly to the shrink and my poor little daddies will have to dip into the kitty of my studies ...

Finn: Wow, that sucks!

Rachel: That's okay, I did it to protect you.

Finn: And protect Quinn!

Rachel: Yes, and protect Quinn, of course, that's obvious! We must stick together, eh?!

Finn: (stepping in front of Rachel). And, you know, you're really great ... I'll revaudrait unjour it, Rachel, I promise! (He goes and makes a great sourire.Elle Rachel turns to leave the other side but was stopped by Jacob, which makes him lose his smile).

Jacob: I want another panties.

Rachel: And why, you like her not the one I gave you?

Jacob: Are you kidding? Look (he leaves the panties sn bag), it is new!There is still the label!

Rachel: Range it right away!

Jacob: I want one that you wore, Rachel.Tu'd better deliver it to me tomorrow morning if the history of peite Quinn Fabray and the stork released into the open! I really want a kiss, then approach approach!

Rachel: (pushing it). Te ADVISED not to kiss me kind of dirty pervert!

Jacob: Okay, I'm off!

SCENE 8: The Music Room Group-Sue

Tina: I do not feel very reassured ...

Artie: Me neither, not even if I knew I was coming!

Mercedes: No, I think it will be super.Vous know, saw Sue's advice last night ...

Flashback-emission TV-Sue and camera-man

Sue: People often ask me why I am also involved in the defense of minorities. I'll tell you why. Because I know how hard it is to belong to a minority in America today. I Commenge sixteenth blood in the veins. In fact, I like minorities so I plan to live in California with the Big d*ck.

Back in the music room

Sue: Hi kids! I came with a few guys in the orchestra. I have a feeling they will be helpful. Okay so I've selected a song that I hope will revive the flame was extinguished under the direction of Will Schuester pitiful.

Mercedes: "I Hate", GNI, that's great! (Everyone laughs)

Sue: Do you like her? And you, Chang, you going to do a choreography. I wanna see you doing stuff Funki style. (Mike can not believe it). You, Mercedes, I want something to Maria Carrey!

Tina: I think we will ensure serious, Ms. Sylvester!

Sue: Well, let's see what you can do! Music!

They sing the song "hate on me" and seem happy. At the end of the song, they giggle under the eye of Will stunned looking through the glass door.

SCENE 9: Hall High School, Sue and Will

Will: (Sue questioning). Sue! (She does not answer). And, Sylvester, it's you I'm due!

Sue: I thought that it smelled the loose!

Will: Why the piano was not there during my rehearsals?

Sue: A well-maintained piano is the key to success for a group of musicians.

Will: You saps my authority in front of my students.

Sue: My delusion of persecution is the harbinger of a skyzophrénie paranoid. (She leaves)

Will: (rejoining). Wait, I have not finit.Ou increased my scores? My students need it!

Sue: Your students certainly did not need to nab chronic sinusitis due to molds that plague those old sheets of paper.

Will: What, you've done the analysis?

Sue: No, I have burned!

Will: That's not true, you've gone too far, we stop it right away!

Sue: A cockfight? Great, I'll love it.

Will: No! Whatever the problems between us, we will address them here and now! Is that clear?

Sue: You want me to tell you, you're right, Will.J have tried to destroy your club with a conviction that I would describe as religious! And you wanna know why? Because I do not trust men who do make beautiful little curls! I can not help thinking of sparrows lay their speckled eggs in it, and I find it disgusting.

Will: You have a very bad influence on these students, I think you're dangerous and you're not made for teaching!

Sue: I do not care what you penses.J 'have a legacy to protect, the glee club is part and I will do our save it, you'll see I'll get there! So why must I make you turn, I hesitate! (She goes and passes a boy holding a soda). Stop drinking the shit! (She throws the soda on the floor).

SCENE 10: At-Will and Will Terri

Will is being corrected copies when Terri brought him a beer.

Will: Oh! Thank you chérie.Je'll first finish my correct copies.

Terri: Do you think your students were sober at the time of Interro? Honey ... I was an execrable épose lately.

Will Terri, you bear my bébé.Je have no right to demand advantage of you.

Terri: No, we do not become like my sister and we frère.Ecoute beautiful, baby (she sits on her lap), you know that if you have problems at school, you can count on me.

Will: Uh ... thank you Terri ... but the last time you wanted to help me it was not very conclusive. (He touches his nose with his pencil to tease her). Ah ... You can not faire.La position is grave.Sue told me she acharnerai until I am fired.

Terri: the more reason! You must take extreme measures! If you want to win the w*r is going to have you responses!

SCENE 11: Outside the school-Sue and a journalist

Reporter: Many of our readers-leading magazine ... cheers

Sue: Let me stop you right away, it will cover?

Journalist: Yes.

Sue: Very bien.Dites your readers that I am a life-skills. Therefore, to encourage my daughters to émenciper I maintain a constant climate of fear irrational and random. (They arrive on the training ground or Quinn, Santana and Brittany are waiting, warming up). Speaking of terror ... Quinn, at the foot hurry up! Where are your comrades?

Quinn: I'm sorry Ms. Sylvester but they are no longer eligible cours.Monsieur Schuester has repositioned ... (Sue takes a look both surprised, shocked and annoyed)

SCENE 12: Office-Will Figgins, Sue and Figgins

Sue: (to Figgins). This is a joke that may have international repercussions! (A Will) You are trying to undermine the role of my daughters as ambassadors! I warned the federation.

Will: Sue, the QCM to a Spanish-cheers of your leaders. (He shows her a sheet). It is not even write correctly his damn nom.Et only answer I had a drawing of sombrero.

Sue: Actually, you can not bear to see a woman in a position of power.

Will: It has nothing to do!

Sue: A psycho-sexual immaturity would be an interesting clinical case! If he did not make me, TOO COLD IN THE BACK!

Figgins: Sue! Will has done research, and post the results, your students are mostly totally dyslexic!

Sue: Yes, so what?

Figgins: Would that last Friday, the football game, they chanted "Go Titans", by spelling "titans": TATIN!

Will: Tatin! Since 1982.95 ° /. cheers for your-leaders should have been recalées.En my case I do not want to be complicit in this charade!

Sue: It's going! We know all your dedication to this dialect brought you to disappear!

Will: Spanish, a dialect?

Sue: Let's look at things in face.J 'cause my girls to become championnes.Est do they go to college? I know absolutely nothing! And I do not care. (Will is exasperated). Should they learn Spanish, no doubt if they want to finish cleaning ladies! (Figgins sighs of discouragement). But if they want to be bankers, lawyers, or, an entrepreneur, in the end, which will serve them most in their education, is to have learned how to round off with a somersault !

Will: This is a sick! And all this happened with your blessing, Figgins!Views have authorized to make its law for years!

Sue: But, say something!

Figgins: (crying) All right, listen to me Sue! Will is right, you are wrong!

Will: Thank you!

Sue: What?

Figgins: Now, finally privileges, and that's all! Ends the discussion!

Will starts to go away.

Will: (talking to Sue). See you in requisitioned '! (He pats her shoulder)

Sue: Stop! Do not touch me! (Will the key to annoy him). It's my pot it deserves a trial and I'll paste in the ass! You're barred maal I have a witness! (Sue and Figgins are alone in the office). You forgot our little deal? Do I want to have to upload some video that you know well?

Flashback Video of Figgins

Figgins tries a sticky for a pub.

Back in the office

Figgins: Oh, Sue, I put myself on the internet if you want to know! It has been viewed 2 times that!

Sue: (whispering) Damn ...

Figgins: I'll tell you one good thing: everyone who cares!

Sue glares at him and then goes into the office of the secretary and balance a folder that was placed on the bureau.Figgins viewed through the glass and then Sue goes ...

Figgins: (panicked). No! Not students!

Sue: (a student). Move! You go away!

SCENE 13: Spanish Course-Will Finn, Quinn and other students

Students are full contrôle.Finn pretended to stretch and then gives a paper Quinn is right behind him.

Quinn: What is it?

Finn: Open up, you'll see ... I thought of a nice name for our child ...

Will: (seeing Finn returned). Finn! (Finn and Quinn watching Mr. Schuester). Look at your copy. (A student walks into the office of Will and Finn took the opportunity to talk to Quinn). What happened to you Remy?

Finn: I read somewhere that Linette Baltrot had called her daughter Apple.Et as you know, I love apples so I thought it was so cool! So I thought we could find him a name ... so original and poetic. (Quinn opened the paper). I think I found the most beautiful name of all time!Drizle ...

Quinn: "Drizle"?

Finn: Yeah, it's great to call her daughter "Little Rain", I like this side a little Indian, it's nice! You got the smell of wet, it's refreshing is a feeling that I love!

Quinn: You're stupid or what?

Finn: What?

Quinn: There is no question that it is called drizzle, we give no names to our baby just for the record ... I Lache and ends your Interro. (Brittany, sat next to Quinn, takes his sheet) What -are you doing? Makes me a leaf!

Brittany: But there's stuff that I do not understand ...

Quinn: I fiche.C is not my problem.

(They end the Interro sortent.Finn and has a discussion with Quinn).

Quinn: Sometimes I demandesi you réfléchis.Comment you can tell me about the baby's name qquand you know I want to keep it?! I'll get it passed!

Finn: Yes, Quinn, I know but I know not what you expected of me ...

Quinn: And bah I prefer that you be silent!

Finn: But I do have my say, right?

Quinn: You got nothing to say! These are not your parents that you burn as a witch if they never learn ...

Finn: By the time I would like you look like a little more Rachel!

Quinn: (after a pause). Yeah?

Finn: Oui.Elle she listens to it even takes my moins.Et défense.Et she even takes our defense at all deux.Tu avvait knew she gave one of her panties to Jacob for that n ' not go tell all on his blog?

Quinn: And you think she did it for me? Because it is a good friend?

Finn: Well that's what she told me.

Quinn: It seems that there are men who cheat on their wives when they are enceinte.Que I see you more with it. (She goes, after slamming the door of her locker).

SCENE 14: Music Room, Will and all students in the glee club

All students in the glee club singing "Ride wit me." They realize that their lack sing together because they enjoy themselves tremendously.

Rachel: I really prefer when they sang together.

Artie: I hope our little improv quietly we do not attract trouble! (Everyone laughs).

Kurt: If you miss Sylvester grabs us is cuits.Elle told me that if I sent you to speak, she'd scratch the ball. (Again, they giggle). I can not see myself with this look . Even Justin Timberlake has made Afro braids.

Mercedes: We gotta run away maintenant.On has no choice, Sylvester awaits us at the dance studio in 10 minutes! (They all say goodbye but upon leaving, Will arrives.

Will: Well, what are you doing here?

Tina: It passed just to say hello to our friends.

Will: It's gentil.Content seeing you. (They go by making hand signs). Young men, I have good friends from the orchestra nouvelle.Vos là.Et I believe are I found our song.

Rachel: Sir ... It not like the new operation ...

Will: Think for a second is the reaction that Sylvester wants you aillez.Renoncer will not help anyone except elle.Si it were up to me we'd all be on stage to sing with this decision communales.Mais malhaureusement m 'belongs plus.Sylvester mount his number on his side and we go up we have notre.Les Suzette chooses a song about haine.C is in the title. (It distributes the leaves). So I thought it would be nice if our approach is more pacifiste.OK, Finn and Rachel, come here, you will make the duo.

Rachel: Oh! I love that song. (Takes Finn by hand under the observant eye of Quinn). ... Come quickly, we moved.

Finn: All right, here we go ... I follow you.

Quinn: Well thank you, hello solidarity ...

Will: I warned you, you are going to have to repeat a maximum, day and night, between cours.Il must you know it like the back of doigts.D agree?

Finn: Count on us sir.

Will: Okay, here we go.

Finn and Rachel sing the song "No Air" with a real complicity, which displeased Quinn who did not seem to like to be part of chœurs.Arrive the end of the song.

Will: Epatant.J love it, well done boys.

Quinn: Excuse me, you forget us? Do not move the back of the stage and stirred our butt?

Flashback: Office of Sue-Sue Quinn and

Sue: Redis on me word for word ...

Quinn: You forget? Do not move the back of the stage and stirred our butt?

Sue: Parfait.Tu'll see the other two and you tell them ...

Back in the room

Quinn: (to Puck and Brittany). Sue raison.Il has prejudices.

Puck and Brittany will see Sue and asked him to take in their groupe.Elle welcomes them with open arms.

SCENE 15: At-Will Will and Terri

Terri seeks his coussin.Elle eventually find it but do not put any of suite.Elle regret seems to lie.

Will: (opening the door). Honey are you here? (Terri, distraught, hurries to the coussin.Will arrives just when she puts her shirt.) We eat anything tonight?

Terri: Oh, if you're hungry, it delivered something.

Will: Honey, I have not asked you to put fourneaux.Mais or night you come home the first I find it normal that you take care of dinner.

Terri: Wow, what authority ... what happened?

Will: Oh, you know, you were right, I stood up to Sue and now she eats in the palm of your hand! Oh, I feel too good! Thank you, you're advice was wise ...

Terri: You see, I have moments of fat.

Will: You'll get another one next Friday at 16 heures.J 'have made an appointment with Dr. Wu

Terri: My obstetrician?

Will: Ouais.Je'll get to know my little boy. (He approaches her). In fact, choose what you want to diner.Tout except Chinese, right?

SCENE 16: Teachers' room-Will, Sue and other teachers

Will: You think you're the owner of this school?

Sue: At least now you have an idea of what you did when you have robbed me of my daughters.

Will: I can not do anything with 3 students!

Sue: Not with the attitude that you as.Je am ready to find a compromis.Tu cheers me make my-leader, and I will make your band taps to glanders.

Will Sue Sylvester, if you want to recover your illiterate you will have to pass me on the body. (He leaves)

Sue: (shouting). When you want pov sucks!

SCENE 17: Office of gynecologist (Dr. Wu)-Kendra and Terri

Wu: I have a job very stressant.Après dentists, obstetricians have the su1c1de rate the highest in the profession médicale.Ca relaxes me to cut my banzai.

Terri: I was crazy karate-kids film when I was a kid.

Kendra: If it went straight to the point?

Wu: I admit I'm curious what you expect of me since none of you is pregnant.

Kendra: Doctor Wu.C is you who have made me give birth to my triplés.Et they are more stupid than each autres.Et they are all hyper-actifs.Et although neither my husband nor I're red, they are all three redheads.

Wu: It's a recessive gene.

Kendra: It is your théorie.Vous want to hear mine? You have given too much ossitocine during labor and it has unhinged their DNA.

Wu: This is not a theory it is an invention on your part. (Kendra starts to cry). Mrs. Schuester, is that your sister is currently on anti-depressants?

Terri: No, not that I know.

Kendra: Here, you insult me.

Terri: Are you okay?

Kendra: Chut.Je will explain the situation.Mon husband work for a law firm very powerful despite the small number of his associates and I'm sure one of them would be happy to sue you.

Wu: You'll never win.

Kendra: I am against fiche.Il are only 2 in this gynécos ville.Il enough doubt that hangs over your reputation and I am willing to bet that the majority of your patients close again and the thighs will go straight to Dr. Chin.

Wu: Good stop playing that game .. What do you want? (Kendra and Terri breathe a sigh relief).

SCENE 18: Corridor of the school, Quinn and Rachel

Rachel is in front of his casier.Elle closes and is preparing to hold it back in aller.Quinn.

Quinn: Do you not save the yeti, I'll make a waxing.

Rachel: And I did not want to fight right? (She starts to leave).

Quinn: (holding her back again). Watch out, I'm watching. I'm not as stupid as you crois.Je carrying the child of Finn.Je advise you eclipsed, it is clear? I ask you as gently as possible, my vieille.Je not want to see you going around it.

Rachel: You're raison.Je've not helped by goodness of heart, but because I had a view of your mec.Toi also, to be frank, you play a double game, says.

Quinn: What? Excuse me?

Rachel: I am reliably informed that you are the spies of Mrs. Sylvester. (Quinn laughs). Do not try to deny it, I know it's true.

Quinn: I really do not see what you mean.

Rachel Sylvester is not your côté.Elle is on the side of anybody except the sien.T 'have you thought about what she will do when she is aware of your situation? I paris she'll tear your uniform in the middle of the hallway, listening, every time you make of Low Mass with her, you allow him to nuir advantage of the choir, and for now, the glee club , that's all you got, then I were you I will try to distinguish between my and my real fake amis.Ah yes, and I repeat more, because obviously you need t ' express.

Quinn: You have no idea how you're right.

Quinn goes and sings "You keep me hangin 'on."

SCENE 19: Auditorium-Will, Sue and the glee club students

Will and the group on stage and getting ready to interpret their piece to the group of Sue.

Rachel: (speaking). We would like you to know that even now we find ourselves on opposite sides, we hope you enjoy our number and we can not wait to see yours.

Sue: OK, that's fine, go ahead, we will not spend hours! Let the music play!

Will: Sue, a little respect for the work of others. (Sue pretended to be sorry, placing her hand on his bouche.Will is exasperated.)

(Rachel starts singing the first sentence)

Sue: All right, we stop there, we're tired entendu.Allez, lifts his bivoic.

Finn: Uh ... What's the matter? There is the fire?

Sue: Actually, it was hoped that you would light, but nothing. (Will begins to annoy). You know it's already bad enough that my students live in squats and eat in the evening with food aid ...

Mercedes: My father is a dentist.

Sue: If you inflicts more such calvère so I disagree. Come on children, we are going! Let's go eat ice cream, and it was I who invited.

Will: Okay now I'm sick!

Sue: What a problem?

Will: Exactement.Tu have not had the Lanque wood with me so I'll make pareille.Tu're vulgar, you fart in the Joggin horrible and as a teacher you are not worth a nail.

Sue: I'll note that I am an associate.

Will: You got your degree in a lucky dip!

Sue: You're a failed artist, that's why you're là.Tu did not have enough talent to make carrière.Tu you do not even have talent to lead this choir ridiculous that everyone is fout.Quoi you do, you COLLECTED miserably.

Will: You spend most of your time échaffauder sadistic strategies to terrorize your students, so you value, but also to forget that you will end ALL ALONE!

(Sue pushes Will)

Sue: What right have you talking like that?!

Will: I speak as I please!

Back to the first scene, or Will and Sue argue strongly gesturing.

Finn is Enough! I'm sorry sir Schuester, Ms. Sylvester, but if you wanted to hear mom and dad to play, those of us who still have both parents would stay home.

Mercedes: I am his avis.Aller the glee club, it should be fun, and I do not like your recovery minorités.C is true, I am black, but it's really simplistic to see me that as ça.Salut I break!

Tina: I do too.

Rachel: Friends of the glee club, it will be an honor for me to show you how we leave the stage with panache.Je encourage you to follow my example. (Everyone in va.Sue, after looking intently Will, is as well).

SCENE 20: Cabinet of Dr. Wu-Wu, Terri and Will

Dr. Wu is a sheet for privacy of Terri.

Will: It's necessary? What is behind this cloth is familiar to me, otherwise we would not be here.

Wu: Do not formalize, it is the normal procedure. (Will sigh). Gonna Mr. Schuester? You've looked a little upset ...

Will: No, I'm stressed and I had a hard day.

Terri: Will you go see your child for the first time, you can forget these kids for a minute?

Will: (nods). Raison.Excuse You got me. (A Wu). Oh, my parents will skin me alive if I bring not the DVD review.

Wu: I had it all planned!

Will: It's great!

Wu: Attention gonna be cold. (He pretends to freeze and Terri laughs. Wu passes the dvd as if it was the ultrasound Terri.Will is moved.)

Wu: (assuming a false air of embarrassment). Oh, wait a second ...

Will: What's there a problem?

Wu: Well, no sweat exactement.Ce I will tell you will perhaps disappoint you but your boy is a girl.

Will: My god, something happened to her ...

Wu: No, there never was, is tour.Ce is not always very clear to the first ultrasound. (Will is so moved that he has tears in his eyes)

Terri: Honey, I did not know it was so important for you to have a son ...

Will: It's not ça.Un boy, a girl, I will be fiche.On parents.Je not think it'd cry of happiness!

Terri: Whatever happens, I do not want you forgetting just how we love!Promised? (Kisses her).

SCENE 21: Office of Sue-Sue and Will

Will knocks on the door.

Will: Hello ...

Sue: William! Closes the door.

Will: Uh ... I wanted to talk about yesterday's incident.

Sue: Super.Je wanted to come tell you about it too but I do not know where is your office. (She shows him the chair). I beg, sit.

Will: Thank you

Sue: I have decided not to co-lead the glee club.

Will: Yeah?

Sue: It's a gimmick that is not gronzesse moi.Je not support éfusions between ados.Sauf if they come to perform an athletic feat

Will: We chained errors ...

Sue: Oh, that would still like oui.Je officer as conseillère.Tu could show me your list of songs before the sélections.Pour that I seem to participate.

Will: Cool.

Sue: I selected clips for 2 ans.Bon, it was not for NTV, for sure.

Will: Why do I feel that you're telling me a tender tracnard?

Sue: Because you distrust moi.Je understand that my methods are extrêmes.Et I do not have the soul of Mary Poppins.Je do not take seriously the moods of those poor little élèves.Mais I love mymétier.Quand I train them, and they win ... It is I who gagne.Et you know how much I love winning.

Will: I know. I confess, I'm not always match with my students.

Sue: It's the least we can say.

Will: But on reflection, I think you did not tort.Tu did well to insist on their membership to minorities ...

SCENE 22: Music Room-Will, Sue and students

Because ... you are all minorities ... You are members of the glee club.Vous are 12 individus.Et épauler.Vous you must have no choice! We could not care ... that Rachel is Jewish, or that Finn ...

Finn: confusing the right and left!

Will: (laughing) Yes it is that Santana is gênant.Ou Hispanic, or that Quinn is ...

Sue: ... pregnant. (Quinn looks at her, stunned). Sorry, Quinn, it will be soon on the blog this afternoon midi.Maintenant everyone including the courant.Moi. (She exits, leaving everyone amazed) .

SCENE 23: Corridor of the school, Rachel and Jacob

Rachel: How could you do that? Do you realize the harm you did by unveiling this story?

Jacob Sylvester me no choice ...

Flash back-office Sue-Sue and Jacob

Sue: (showing the pants). Today, locker searches was very intéressante.Cette grandma panties size XXL is yours, Jacob? You're a Columbian born in a body of Pierrot? Because if that's the case I believe there is a school that would suit you mieux.J 'heard she was in Thailand ...

Jacob: Rachel Berry gave it to me so that I not reveal the secret of Quinn.

Sue: What secret are you talking about?

Jacob Quinn Fabray is pregnant.

Sue: It is also no risque.La captain cheers-leaders can not be pregnant, she would endanger the future of my daughters and I will take a insulte.Si as was the case, she told me the I would dit.Quinn Fabray respecte.Elle not lie to me ever.

Jacob: 3 reliable sources I have confirmé.Ne not make me renvoyer.J 'strangle history.

Sue: the Non.Diffuse.

Back in the hallway

Jacob: I'm sorry Rachel. (He leaves).

(Looking back, Rachel realizes that Finn Quinn.Ils look at each console.)

Finn: It's okay ... I'll be fine ... Everything will turn out.

LAST SCENE: Auditorium-All students in glee club

Students sing "Keep holding on" to support Quinn.
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