02x07 - Resurrection Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Yellowstone". Aired June 2018 - current.*
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Series follows the Dutton family who control the largest contiguous ranch in the US and are constantly under attack from enemies.
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02x07 - Resurrection Day

Post by bunniefuu »

- What's going on?

Is there a problem?

- Are there problems?

Everywhere I turn, son.

- So where you headed - You know, the only time I'm solely focused on the present is on this horse.

Just need a long ride to remind myself of what we're fighting for.

- Want some company?

- You have a few problems that need fixing first, I'm afraid.

- Well, ain't that the thing about problems, Dad?

No matter how long you're gone, they'll be right here when you get back.

- Grab a horse.

- Well, I just got to find someone to watch Tate real quick.

- I'll wait for you out here.

- You don't got to wait on me.

I'll catch up.

- You think, do you?

- Just tell me what direction you're headed.

Come here much?

- Every chance I get.

- It's been 20 years.

- No. 21.

21 years and it feels like yesterday.

I still feel her, smell her.

Been half a man without her.

It's not an excuse.

I was just a better father when she was with me.

I hope you never know what that feels like, son.

- I already know what it feels like.

- Thing's getting so dry today.

- That's disgusting.

- Open that curtain, Graham.

Wake his ass up.

Tate, what are you doing here?

- Dad went off with Grandpa.

Told me to stay here.

- I guess your dad forgot what here's like.

Let's go.

Come on.

- I blame myself.

To a degree.

You know what's so dangerous about you, Jamie?

You justify every act before you commit them.

You're consumed with the world's perception of you.

What kind of man I am, that's not a question you ever ask yourself.

What does the world think of me, that's the only question you ask.

Morality, loyalty, not part of the equation for you.

But you've finally done something that makes you see yourself the way the world does.

The way I see you.

The way he sees you.

And no amount of scrubbing is going to change that.

I got to tell you something and it comes from a place of love.

You should really consider k*lling yourself.

- Never seen anything like it.

- That's saying a lot, Ben.

Got an ID on the victim?

- Dave Blackbull.

- From the casino?

What happened?

- You got to see it.

- What's the cause of death?

- He was strangled.

- You've seen that before.

- More times than I care to count.

- Why is there blood?

- Yeah.

This I haven't seen.

You know what that looks like to me?

- A message.

- My dad used to do this.

- Oh, yeah?

- When he breaks colts, he does it.

- Yeah?

- Why do you do it?

- Well, I want to get all the shit out of his system so I can get on him.

- You owe me a dollar!

- I ain't paying you a f*ckin' dollar.

- So you don't go ass over teakettle?

Yeah, that's right.

Here, here, here, here...


See that, Tate?

That's him submitting.

- What does that mean?

- That means he's ready to go to work.

Hold on.

Go nice and easy.

You can pet his face now.

There you go.

Right up...there you go.

That's a good boy.


All right, what do you say?

Should we get another one?

- Yeah.

- Go get the gate for me.

Whoa, whoa.

You can add babysitting to my list of talents.

- Got to say, I didn't see that one coming.

- Me neither.

- We need to talk.

- Yes, sir.

- I need to talk to you first, Grandpa.

It's very serious.

- All right.

- Do I need to be part of this conversation?

- You ain't got any money.

Gotta be him.

- This should be good.

Come on.

- Thanks for watching him.

- He's a smart kid.

You can see it in his eyes.

- Got that from his mother.

- Yeah, kind of figured.

- All right, grandson, let me have it.

- So I've made a decision.

- Is that a fact?

- I'm going to be a cowboy.

- Well, that's a good thing.

This ranch needs you to be one.

Someday this is all... all gonna be yours.

- Well, that brings me to my problem.

- Okay.

- I don't have a horse.

I can't be a cowboy without a horse.

- Yeah.

Pretty tough to cowboy without a horse, that's for sure.

- So can you buy me one?

- Well, if I buy it, how you gonna pay me back?

- I'll clean out the stalls or sweep out the barn.

- Well, that's a start.

Your dad's gonna have to train it.

Because I don't have time for that shit anymore.

Who's gonna feed it?

- Um, I...I will.

- Okay.

You don't, it don't eat.

You don't water it, it doesn't drink.

I don't want to have to hear otherwise.

You understand?

- So is that a yes?

- If it's a yes from your father, it's a yes from me.

- Daddy!


You gotta train my horse!

- Can I help you, sir?

- I'm sure you can.

Dan Jenkins, your liquor license has been suspended until your revocation hearing.

- And when is that?

- Well, the Liquor Control Board has recessed until next year.

So we should be able to get something on the books by spring.

- We need to confiscate all alcohol from the premises.

- Of course, you do.

- Uh, Beth...

- What time is my conference call with Mountain West?



- Who's that?

- It's Malcolm Beck.


- Okay.

- Not for him, Jason.

For me.

- Right...

- I have a full day.

If you'd like to make an appointment, I'll have my assistant schedule one.

- This won't take long at all.

You're buying up quite the...

swath of land here in the valley.

- You're a long way from Billings, aren't you, Malcolm?

- I don't consider any part of this state beyond my reach.

- Not sure the state would agree with you on that, buddy.

- Hmm.

Your father is...

is not a reasonable man.

I respect that.

I'm not either.

So I want to be clear about something.

I will not have a casino built at the gates of Yellowstone.

- Oh, we don't want one either.

- But you won't help me stop them.

- I'd go back to Billings, Malcolm.

We'll take it from here.

- Huh.

You see, I just can't...

I can't trust that you will stop them.

Your family has the political resources to guarantee this build never happens.

And yet you won't offer them.

- I think my father's reputation should warrant a little trust.

- The only thing he cares about is his ranch.

Now when that property tax quadruples, the only way he'll be able to protect it is find a new revenue stream.

- That's my job.

- I'm well aware of that.

I'm also aware that the likeliest source of electricity for the casino comes from damming your tributary.

Now your father may not have thought about that, but I guarantee you have.

And I am positive that pretty face has done the math figuring out how much money you will make turning the Dutton ranch into the Dutton Power Company.

Do you know the story of Susan Rawlings?

- Real estate attorney from Hamilton.

- That's right.

We had a mutually beneficial relationship until she figured out a way to bend the law to benefit her business more than my business.

That's the problem with playing dirty, Beth.

Because when someone plays dirty back, there's no one to cry to.

There's no charges to file.

There's nowhere to scream about the injustice you endured.

Because if you do, all your filthy laundry just spills right out in the open for everyone to see.

Susan finally realized that.

We moved her somewhere in California where they could help her move past the trauma.

It's uncanny how much you look like her.

- You know, I was a pretty bad teenager.

Working through some trauma of my own.

One might say I had a tendency to "act out".

At church one Sunday, I was feeling a little naughty sitting next to this skinny little boy nobody liked.

Out of pity, or boredom, I unzipped his slacks.

I pulled out his penis and I gave him a hand job in the back pew.

It's uncanny how much you look like that boy's d*ck.

- All that tough talk, Beth.

I got the cure for that.

We'll see how tough you are after I give it to you.

- Challenge accepted.

- Ma'am.

- I'll feed it every day, I'll brush it every day.

I'll bathe it every day.

I'll even learn how to braid, so I can braid it.

I'll ride it to school, I'll ride it every morning.

And I'll muck its stall out.

I'll even clean out his poop.

This is gonna be awesome!

It might be a paint.

It might be a buckskin, an appaloosa.

If it's blue, I'll name it Blue.

If it's red, I'll name it Red.

If it's a girl, I'll name it...

- Oh, my God, son.

I'm gonna help you train the horse, okay?

I'll train it during the week and then I'll teach you on the weekends.

- Grandpa said I need to feed it every day.

So I have to live on the ranch with you.

- Shh.


Can't let your mother hear you talking like that.

- No, he's right.

He should live on the ranch.

- Now you done it.


Where you going?

- Depends.

- On what?

- You.

- How does it depend on me?

- Why don't you go to your room for a minute, okay?

I--I've tried to move on from you.

Tried to get closure, but...

there's no such thing.


You're a part of me.

You're a part of my soul.

And I just hope you'll forgive me...

- Gross!


- You're gonna make a baby.

I know it.

- Rip!

- Sir, I don't think he would have walked this way.

- How much of it did you do?

- I mean, I can't talk about that.

It would make you an accessory.

- Oh, you're a lawyer now, Rip?

All it makes me is an accessory after the fact.

I'll take those odds.

- Well, I didn't do any of it.

I just tried to make it go away.

- This ain't ever going away.

- No, sir.

I don't think it will.



- Wait here.

You know the thing about su1c1de...

you don't just k*ll yourself.

You k*ll every memory of you.

This'll be all everyone remembers, Jamie.

Every second you spent on this earth will be reduced to how you chose to leave it.

No one will mourn your loss, son, because this isn't losing your life.

This is quitting it.

- Yes, it's quitting.

I quit, Dad.

- I won't let you.

- Why not?

What do you care?

- Because it's selfish!

It's the single most selfish thing a person can do!

- This cannot be fixed.

I cannot...be fixed.

I'm married to it.

- Your grandfather used to say that you...

that you can't fix a broken wagon wheel.

But you can use the parts to make a new one.

I should have never sent you off to school.

You needed more time here.

I can--I can still give you that.

But you need to give me that r*fle, son.

The old you is dead the moment you let it go.

Now we start working on the new one.

- Beth?

- Yeah?

- You need to go easy on your brother.

- I always go easy on him.

- Your other brother.

- I can't do that.

- Beth, I need you to set aside whatever it is...

- Dad, when you asked me to stay and fight for this family, you said fight everyone.

I know you don't want to see it, Dad, but he's the one we should be fighting the hardest.

- He was gonna k*ll himself today.

- Well, give me a week, and I'll have him ready to see it through.

- I don't want him to see it through!

- Look me in the eye and tell me that you love him.


What you feel for Kayce.

What you feel for me.

- This is silly.

- Come on.

- Just do me one hand, just one time...

- Okay.


- Yeah!

Damn, all right.

- Looking for a bunk?

- The lawyer's gonna try his hand at cowboying, Lloyd.

- Bet's to you.

Ten to play...

- This is you here, Jamie.

All right, come on.

- Let's see the last card.

- Yeah, flip 'em.

- Jamie, you want us to deal you in?

- What's the...

What's the buy?

- Whoah!

- Twenties!

- We're just working girls here, huh?

Well, I mean, you shave your nuts.

- You shave your nuts, bro.

- Yeah, with your razor.

That's what men do.

Everyone's good?

- Mm-hmm.


- Oh, yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

- Check.

- In, in, in...

- Let's go.

- Hmm.

- Don't have to tell you, Jamie.

- Sure.

- He calls?

- Ooh!

- I do have one of those.

- All right, here comes the turn...


- Bet's to you, Ethan.

- All in.

- Bet's to you.

- I fold.

- Yeah, you made the right decision.

- I know.

- You're gonna do fine, Jamie.

- Need one?

- No.

- You think it's a problem for you?


- It's not a problem.

I just don't like doing anything halfway.

- I'm not sure what that means.

- It means if I'm drinking tequila, I'm eating the f*ckin' worm.

- I don't think you want to see that, Dad.

- Oh, God, Beth.

You would have made a hell of a cowboy.

- Malcolm Beck came to visit me today.

- What'd he want?

- Men like him, they just want to be feared.

- Well, he ain't getting that.

- No, sir.

But he's gonna try.

Goodnight, Daddy.

Good in a glass, good on green
Good when you're putting your hands all over me
I'm alright with a slow burn
Taking my time let the world turn
I'm gonna do it my way it'll be alright
If we burn it down and it takes all night...

- Look at me.

Look at me.

I'm alright with a slow burn
Taking my time, let the world turn...

I took you.

- Well, you burned that one too.

- Uh-oh.

- And he calls...

- Hey.

- Come to me.

- Where are you?

- You know where I am.

- How am I supposed to get there?

- The old Irish way.

You're still Irish, aren't you?

- I'm Irish enough, honey.

Honey I am coming home
I swear I won't be gone too long
I'm not thinking much about leaving...

- Thought you were off of this.

- I'm off it being a crutch.

But I'll sip whiskey and stare at the stars with you, Rip.

- Oh, thank you.

- I want you to take me on a date.

- A date, huh?

- A date with dinner.

Maybe we can go to that music festival after all.

- Beth, I'm way too tired to analyze exactly what it is that you want.

But I know it ain't a date.

- It's no test.

Just a date.

Lord knows, you can afford it.

Been wearing the same three pairs of jeans and jacket for a f*ckin' decade.

- Yeah.

- Probably got more money than me.

- Nah.

Money's the one thing I don't have.

- You get paid every week, don't you?

- Mm-hmm, yep.

- So what do you spend your money on?

You keeping a sweet little place in town for Saturday nights?

- Jesus, Beth.

Why is it that your mind always stops at the first thing that you should never do?

- What's wrong with that?

If I was a man, I'd buy an apartment complex.

And I'd fill it with buxom little bunnies.

I'd start on the first floor Friday and end up on the roof by Sunday.

- Hmm.

- I'm serious.

What do you spend your money on?

- Oh, Beth, it's a nice night.

Let's not ruin it with the truth.

- Tell me.

- I spent $22,000 on my mom's headstone.

Stands about as tall as me.


I got the guy to etch her face into it.

I spent 30 on my little brother's.

It stands a little bit taller, I dunno, guess I wanted him to be a little closer to heaven.

But the best money that I ever spent was $5,000 to a gravedigger in Forsyth.

- What did you pay him for?

- He dug up my father and gave me his bones.

And I drove from there all the way to North Dakota throwing them out the f*ckin' window.

- I remember the stories of heaven and hell in church.

Lies, a lot of it.

I think heaven's right here.

So's hell.

One person can be walking the clouds right next to someone enduring eternal damnation.

And God is the land.

Don't say it.

It doesn't mean anything on a roof, under stars like a bunch of f*cking hippies.

Tell me...

Tell me when it saves me.

- Okay.

I won't say it.

Every song you sing
And every time we meet...

There's a...

There's a remote for the TV some g*dd*mn place.

- Dad, I don't think there's a TV in here.

- No, it's here.

It's here.

It's in that chest at the foot of the bed.

You hit a button and the f*ckin' thing rises up.

- We don't watch a whole lot of TV anyway, so it's all right.

- It's here somewhere.

This is your room now.

You find it.

- The cabin down the road's fine.

- No, this is your room.

You paint it.

You can do whatever you want.

You make it your own.

Morning breeze and gentle winds
Wash all sins of yesterday
Forgiveness comes to those who pray
When you're on the road to heaven's gate
You can wander high you wander low
Be aware of the devil
Or he'll steal your soul...

- God damn it!

I'm not removing them.


just scooting them over.

After the storm, light will shine down
To bring us peace and guide the way
Over the hills towards heaven's gate
- Grab him some hay, Rip.

- Yes, sir.

- His whole life's in your hands now, Tate.

How you treat him is how his life goes.

What are you gonna name him?

- Lucky.

- That's a good name.

- All right, Tate.

He's good looking.

I think he'll do good for you.

- Thank you.

- Excuse me.

Can I...


No, no, no!

- Look at you pussies.

Bet you jacked each other off on your way over.

- f*ck, f*ck!

- f*ck!

- This is Beth.

Leave me a message.

- f*ck!


- Jason!

Jason, look at me.


Look at me!

They want to see you scared.

Don't give them the satisfaction.

Look at me!

Don't give it to them!

- We don't care if he's scared.

We're here to scare you.

- Best of f*cking luck.

- Yeah?

- m*therf*cker!

f*ck you!

f*ck you!

- In due time.

- f*ck you!

- I'm fading here.

- That's right, you p*ssy.

Bleed out.

Bleed out, you f*cking p*ssy!

- I heard you had a mouth on you.

They told me I should shut it or fill it, whatever I choose.

- You think you could fill this mouth?

I could f*ckin' floss with your d*ck, you f*cking...

Who are you kidding?

You can't get hard for a woman who isn't scared of you.

You want me to cry?


Need me to cry and scream and try and get away?

I doubt I'll even feel it.

Go on.

Pull it out.

Pull it out and let me f*cking see it!

Let me see that needle God forced you to go through life with.

- f*ck you and your mouth.

- That's what I thought.

- Who you gonna miss the most?


Can you see 'em, Beth?

Can you see their faces?

Because they're never gonna see yours ever again.

'Cause you ain't gonna have one.

I'm gonna f*cking blow it off!

- Blow it off!

- You f*cking scared now?

- Do it!

- Are you f*cking scared!

- I'm not f*cking-- - You f*cking bitch!

- Ahhhhh!

- No!


- Hey, it's me!


I'm here now.

You're safe.

Look at me.

It's okay.

- Sir, I need you.

I need a doctor too, one that nobody knows about.

I'm at Beth's office.

- Gahhhh!


- f*ck you, f*ck you!

- Beth.

Hey, I love you.

I love you.

- Shh.

It's okay...

- If I can't take him to the hospital, I gotta get him to my office.

I need to cauterize these wounds.

- Thank you for this.

- I don't know how this stays hidden, John.

- It'll stay hidden.

- I want to go with him.

- Beth, did...

Did they...

- I want to go with him.

- Go.

- This wasn't a crime, Dad.

This was...

- I know what it is.

- I'll take care of this.

- Where have you been?

- There were wolves down by the barn.

- Wolves?

- They're everywhere here, baby.

- Monica raise any issues about last night?

- No.

Told her there were wolves down by the barn.

- And she believed you?

- Yeah.

You got a lot to learn about women.

- What are we gonna do about these Beck brothers?

- We're going to k*ll 'em son.

Hey old man
Where's my old man
Let me know
Before I'm an old man
Cut anybody off
Even my own father
Never been right Since I was a toddler
Now talk about that money
Please don't bother
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