02x02 - Runaway Witch

All episode transcripts for this TV show, "Every Witch Way". Aired January 2014 - July 2015.*
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A teenage girl moves with her father to the suburbs of Miami, Florida, where she learns that she is a witch who is said to have great powers and abilities, as are many of her classmates, good and bad. Based on the Latin American series Grachi.
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02x02 - Runaway Witch

Post by bunniefuu »

Is this 111 ponce de Leon?


I thought you said your special human contraption would get us to the right house.

Maybe it goes this way.

No, wait, this is her.

This is the chosen one.

Short, zero fashion sense, and frizzy hair.

Emma Alonso, it's nice to finally meet you.

We're the witches council.

What are you doing here?

Uh, you said you wanted to hear it straight from us.

Hear what?

That the chosen one can't date a human boy.

♪ I cast a spell ♪
♪ it takes a hold of you ♪
♪ I see my dreams ♪
♪ and they're all coming true ♪
♪ come on, let's go ♪
♪ you and me together ♪
♪ look up ahead ♪
♪ there's a magical adventure ♪
♪ Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
♪ I'm trying Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
♪ I'm going Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
Every Witch Way


David's here to see you!


Ah, shh.

David's fine, too, maybe she needs more ice.

I can make some if you want.

Back! Go back to your place.


Where is that girl?

Agh! Don't touch anything.

Okay, okay, I'm just gonna sit here...

Like I did all summer.

Maybe I should make more ice in case Maddie comes down.

Ugh, who am I kidding?

She's never coming down.

So... how long you in town for?

Another 23 hours and 17 minutes.

The council cannot leave the realm for more than 24 hours.

Uh, not at the same time.

Rule 213 of the book of rules.


Don't change the subject.

We're talking about you and that human.

I'm not breaking up with Daniel just because three strangers showed up at my house and told me to.


We're the council.

Sworn to protect the magic realm.

Daniel's not hurting the magic realm or anyone.

You know he helped me defeat the principal, right?

Helped, tst, she used him to lure you into a trap.

Yeah, I guess you can put it that way, but...

What are you... taking notes?

Why is she taking notes?

I am documenting this.


[Doorbell rings]

Oh, no, it's Daniel.

Did we summon him?

I forgot he was coming over.

My shoes gave me a headache.

My head feels like it's in a vice.

I wish I had some ice.

You came?

I had to, my mom made... o-m-p.

Oh, my panther, look at this.

Do you like it?

My powers came back.


You heard me, I said my head feels like it's in a vice, I wish it was made of ice.

That's not what you said.

And here it is... my head made of ice.

No, no, no, Maddie...

Watch out, world, my powers are back.

Emma, look, some super strange witches came out of the council entrance... oh.

And who is this?

It's my BFF Andi.


Bloated farty friend.

Well, who you calling bloated?

Andi, meet the witches council.

I've heard a lot about you guys.

It's nice to finally meet you.

Now, I've prepared a message on why I make...

So I take it you didn't erase her memory after the principal's takedown?

I knew it.

This is a mess.

I'm starting to feel real insulted here.

No, why would I?

The takeout wouldn't have succeeded without my friends.

Emma, humans should not know about us.

Daniel: Hey, em?

Oh, no.

It's Daniel.

Quick, hide in my room.

We will do no such thing.

Do you have a television in there?

We are the witches council.

We're not afraid of your... Daniel.

[Knocking at door]

Daniel: Hey, em, open up.

I'm sorry, you leave me no choice.

Daniel can't see the council...

Is she casting a spell on us?

She wouldn't dare.

Not today, so send these witches far, far away.

[Electric buzzing]

Hey, Daniel.


What are you up to?

[Indistinct chatter]

That doesn't sound right.

What's going on here?

[Dog barking]

Yes, I knew my powers would come back.

My fortune-telling eight ball told me so this morning.

Oh, no, no, no, Maddie, I mean...

But Sophie broke your eight ball.

I did?

Uh, yeah, during one of your daytime sleeping episodes.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

It's fine.

Now that I have my powers back, I can just put it back together.

Or make hundreds of them appear.


So go help her.

What are you doing?

We can't tell Maddie she doesn't have her powers back.

Why not?

[Whispering] Because she's been a total mopey mole person this whole person, and I can't take it anymore.

Besides, look at how happy she is.

Wait, call me as soon as he leaves.

We still need to talk about you know.

Ssh, I know.

Don't worry, I'll call you.


Don't give me that look.

Nothing's going on.

Then why did you say you guys were playing "zombie apocalypse" while Andi said you guys were making a collage?

Because we were just discussing what we wanted to do, and we've been trying to be more excited about each other's hobbies.

You're gonna get excited about sh**ting zombies?

Bring on the Gore.

I mean, don't you wanna like the things your friends do?

Was I not covered in glitter the majority of the summer?


In fact, I think I still see some.

I'm sorry, Emma, it's just the last time you kept secrets from me, you almost got pulverized to dust.

I know.

But the principal's gone, and now you have nothing to worry about.

Well, I worry about not being able to protect you.

I don't need protecting.

Unless you mean protecting from "zombie apocalypse three."


I, um, brought over the notes from chemistry.


See you tomorrow.


I know, hex, I should have told him.

Don't try to bribe me into playing with you with a... super awesome sounding spell.

What am I doing?

Spying on a little good witch, really?


I'm ready for school, mom, let's go.

Well, the bus has left already, you're gonna be lat... school?

Yeah, school.

I'm ready to go back and you're gonna take me.

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, that's wonderful.

I... I was worried you'd never go back, because of your...

You know, your loss.

Me, too.

But my powers came back.

They what?

Come on, Diego, this won't work without you.

Look, Katie, isn't she gonna figure it out when she can't get any of her spells to work?

She'll probably just think she has to start over.

It was very hit and miss the first time around.

I don't know, I don't feel right lying to her about this.

It's not lying, per se.

Uh, you just have to hang with us and do your kanay thing every time she casts a spell and say it was her.

And how exactly is that different from lying?


[Whispers] Diego.

... Diego.

She remembered my name.

Uh-huh, see what I mean, hanging with us has its perks.

Okay, okay, I'll play along... for now.

Do you think that you can get her to remember my last name, too?

[Laughs] Don't push it.

Lily, you won't believe who came to my house last night.

There she is.

She almost drowned us.

You know how hard it is to style this hair when it gets wet?

I... uh, before we discuss any further, she needs to go.

Oh, you mean me.

Well, I have a free period right now, so I'm good.

We don't have time for this.

You sent the council to the pool?

Oh, it's on.

And then Andi gave me some pizza-flavored chips.

And Emma started talking about making a collage.

And it was weird like... Like she was hiding something.

Wait, what were we talking about?

The team.

About asking Max Dexter to try out for the sharks.

Does Max even know how to swim?

He should.

He spent that semester as a frog in the principal's office.

That still only makes four of us.

We'll never qualify for regionals.

I swim.

Whoa-oa-oah, just chill out, man.

It's just me.

Do you have soundless feet?

Uh, don't mind him, he's suffering from ptpd.


Post-traumatic principal disorder.

Oh, I've been there.

It's like all principals have this weird ability to sneak up on you, huh?

Both: Yeah.

So, Jax, you swim?

Yeah, I was on the team at my last school.

What strokes do you swim?

Breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke...

What about backside... front side...

Upside down and around stroke?

[Laughs] That's not a real stroke.

He's legit.


So when do I try out?

I already told you, I'm not breaking up with Daniel.

He doesn't even know I have my powers back.

He shouldn't know about magic at all.

The rules are set aside for the magic realm to be kept from humans.

Our lives depend on it.

Humans are panicky and illogical.

That's... that's prejudice.

Rules are put in place to protect us and them.

You're the chosen one, you should know all this already.

Mm, it's incredible, you're just like your mother.

You knew my mother?

We all did... until she gave up her powers for love.

Make no mistake, young Emma, chosen one or not, we will take your powers if you defy us.

There is no need for threat, aggie.

Emma is the chosen one.

And we all want her to succeed, right?

As long as she doesn't defy the rules.

Isn't that right, Ramona?


Where did she go?

Ugh, looks like we have a runner.

The witches council, agamemnon...

What kind of name is that?

From now on, we're calling him Uncle Pete.

Well, Uncle Pete can't make me break up with Daniel.

It's not that bad.

Your dad will be happy.

I'm not doing it.

I thought they weren't giving you a choice.

They're not.

I'm gonna have to go talk to them before they go back.

Or you could just use your super bad powers to turn them into slugs and we'll eat them as escargot?


I'm sorry, my mom's making me take this super lame French cooking class with her.

Emma Alonso, I finally found you.

Hey, Jax.

You know, Andi?

Uh, yeah, I saw your picture up on the wall.

You're a shark, right?

I was just talking to your friends about...

Oh, no, Uncle Pete is here.

Who's Uncle Pete?

My Uncle.

You brought your Uncle to school?

Yeah, for show and tell.

You have show and tell in high school?

Okay, look, lessons learned from show and tell are timeless.

Okay, uh, where's your Uncle now?

He's right over there.

Yep, that's my Uncle.


Where did Jax go?


Who's agamemnon?

What are you doing?

I was eating lunch.

Uh, what a mess of a day.

We have a defiant chosen one and a missing council member.

What happens now?

We chose another council member, find Ramona and turn her into a nice houseplant I'll keep in my office.

Awesome, Uncle Pete.

Who's Uncle Pete?


Remember, agamemnon, he doesn't know I have my powers back.

Yeah, play along or you'll be breaking your own rules.

Agamemnon: Oh.

Hey, em.

Daniel, hi, fancy seeing you here, what a coincidence.

Well, this is lunch time and this is the cafeteria.

Please sit.

This is Pete... I mean Mr. Pete, the new science teacher from Italy.

I mean, england?

And he's eating lunch with us?

Do you always eat lunch in the planters?

Of course not.

Only every other day.

And that's like some special things you do with your friends, right?

No, Maddie and Katie get their Greens from the salad bar.

But I prefer a more organic source.

Are you friends with Emma Alonso, too?

Well, it depends what you mean by friend.

If you mean someone I hang out with sometimes...



If you mean somebody I don't hang out with but I think is a decent person...



Well, why don't you like her?

Wait, I know the answer to this.

Did she steal your boyfriend?

No, but she stole Maddie's.

Oh, yeah, that's why, 'cause she's dating Daniel.

And Maddie wants to get back together with Daniel?

No, she just holds incredibly long grudges and forces us to have the same ones.

Still figuring out what to do about replacing Ramona?

This is unheard of.

Nobody leaves the council, rule 210, section z, subsection 1.1 of the book of rules!

We should really find a more unique name for that book.

Three witches need to be in the council.

I told you Ramona was too wild.

She's fine.

I was only 20 when I joined the council.

Well whoopsy-do and good for you.

Sorry, my point is, we can tract Ramona down and make her come back.

We will.

And she'll be rightfully punished.

[Laughs] But for now, we need to find a third member to the council.

And I know exactly who.

Someone who has proven herself as a guardian.

Mm, someone hasn't been polluted by power yet.

And who has earned the trust of the chosen one.



Come on, do it for her.

I know you like her.

You pestered us all summer.

I did not.

I was just hanging out because I miss Mac.

What... she's here.

What are we doing?

What is she doing?

She's trying to open her locker with a spell.

Quick, do something.

I can't open the locker.

Kanay powers don't work that way.

I can control the elements...

That's it, use a strong wind to blow them open.

I don't know if that will work.

Do it!


I did it.

My powers really are back.

So what if I have magic-related questions?

Desdemona's volunteered to watch over you while I'm in training.

She's basically a walking encyclopedia, so she'll be able to answer any questions you have.


You don't like her?

She's fine, she's just not the warmest person.

I don't know if I can go to her for advice.


But this is for emergencies only.

Cool, what's that?

A magic mobile phone.

It can call from here through to the magic realm.

Thanks, Lily.

Don't forget to take care of the hex.

And stop riding him like a skateboard.

He likes it.

Plus, I mean, people leaving shouldn't be telling people staying here what to do.


It's okay, Emma.

No, it's not.

I know I said I was happy for you and wanted you to go, but what if the principal comes back or Maddie gets her powers back or even worse, Daniel finds out I have my powers?

You still haven't told Daniel yet?

He hasn't asked.

Emma, you shouldn't lie.

We talked about this.

He's just so happy that I'm normal.

And he's so cute when he's happy.

He gets this little wrinkle between his eyebrows...

And Lily you're leaving me with this?

You have to fix this.

[Ship's horn blares]

What was that?

That's for me.

It's time.

A ship is coming to get you?

No, it's my alarm.

It's called Titanic tone.

And let me tell you, it gets you out of bed.

Remember what I said about Daniel.

I will.

You've already learned so much.

I'm really proud of you.

Aw, thank you.

Andi, out!

I'm just gonna take a quick peak and I'll be right out.


Or... I'll just man the frontlines.

Bye, Andi, watch out for Emma.

She needs you.

"Emma, "meet me in the science lab.

"I have a surprise for you.


To send a text my skills I must hone, make it look like it came from Daniel's phone.

Let the games begin.

Help, anyone!

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