01x02 - The Idea of North

Episode transcripts for the TV show "His Dark Materials". Aired: November 2019 to present.*
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Lyria is a young woman from another world is on a quest to find her kidnapped friend and uncovers a sinister plot.
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01x02 - The Idea of North

Post by bunniefuu »


Lyra, this is your new home.

Is this all yours?

Goodness, no. Just the one floor.

Go on.

Can't believe this is our new home, Pan.

Look how shiny the floor is!

Right. Let me show you around.

This is the living room.


The terrace...

Now, up here is my bedroom.

And that's my study, which I'd rather stayed my private space.

Then, here is the room I prepared for you.

I'll let you get settled.

Oh, I'm drowning!

I'm drowning.

It is a lot more comfortable than Oxford.

And it's our new home.

Roger's too... when she finds him.

A home for us all.

Billy? Roger!

Billy Costa!

How are you with heights?

They don't scare me.

Never have.

I used to live on the roof of Jordan College.

I slept out there every other Sunday.

No, you didn't.

I did!

Roger was there, too. On the roof.

I've got my best people looking for him.

We'll find him, Lyra. Soon.

I've never been sure about them... heights.

I could never get away from the occasional urge to jump.

Right. Let's get to it.

Plenty to do before we lunch at the Arctic Institute.

We're lunching at the Arctic Institute? Yes, of course we are.

Now, chop chop. Plans to make, clothes to get, lots to do. Come on.


Is that the Skraeling who mapped the currents of the Great Northern Ocean?


You know him? Of course. Now come, Lyra.

Oxford only had so much, but this...

Now, what will you eat?

I don't care about food.

Well, you might care about food if you were starving.

Is that an armoured bear skull?

I've heard so much about them. It's huge. Lyra. Lyra.

Sit down.

Sweetbreads. Oh!

Courtesy of the chef, Mrs. Coulter. Thank him.

Mrs. Coulter, I've been thinking about Roger, and I think I should help you with the search.

Like you said in Jordan... child's eyes... useful.

Lyra, look around this room.

How many women do you see?

In every room, there are those that would belittle you.

With my help, they won't lay a scratch on you.

For you will have knowledge that they won't.

I can teach you to wield power over all of them, but you must let me mould you.

You must trust me.

I trust you.

Then, will you let me find Roger for you?

He's my best friend. Lyra, I won't let you down.

All right. Good.

Now, who do you want to be introduced to first?

A van has been seen leaving and entering here.

We've not confirmed children on board.

We've not confirmed? We need to be confirmed.

The Gobblers are efficient, well-protected and well-funded.

So good that people think they're a myth.

So you're saying we know enough? I'd state good odds that the van is Gobbler and it's being used to transport them.

We've been searching for days. This is the best lead we've got.

So tomorrow we attack. In the morning we gather our best men.

Go in fast through the front door.

Take on whatever lies on the other side.

Prepare the men. We strike with force.

Have you ever considered doing something different with your hair?

I like my hair.

No, I don't think it accentuates your face.

Maybe I should grow it.

I had long hair. That was really useful.

Like, this one time when Roger and I were caught in this grain silo, he turned my hair into a rope, he climbed up me and out, and then pulled me out.

Lyra, please don't lie to me. Yes, you were. I wasn't.


... I think you can be extraordinary.

But being extraordinary takes application.

It means being prepared to change.

And that takes guidance. Hm?

We shouldn't change just so we can fit in here.

She's being very kind to us, Pan.

She's nice.

She treats me nice.

Don't we deserve to have nice things?

For once. Of course we do.

No-one's ever said I could be extraordinary before.

Lyra. Lyra.

What? Lyra, wake up. Listen to that noise.

What is it?

It's just the pipes. It's fine.

It's something. Listen.

It's nothing.

I don't think it's the pipes.

Hey, stop.

Stop at nothing. We will rescue these children.

We're in, sir.

That's Billy's.

This proves they were here.

The Gobblers must have known we were coming and moved them.

What do they want the children for?

You see anything? No, nothing.

Just a brick wall.

I miss my ma.

I don't have a ma to miss.

My aunt brought me up for a bit.

And then she found a good job for me in Jordan College.

And then I met Lyra.

I know she won't leave us here.

She'll be looking for us right now.

Wherever she is.

I will be having a party for a few friends and fellow explorers and, Lyra, I'll need your help serving drinks.


That's it. Perfect.

There ain't much give in it.

I like running around, you know.

The clothes you wear determine the way people see you.

Now, come. Look in the mirror.

I like it.

I think. Blue is quite your colour.

Did you know that?

I didn't know I had a colour at all.

To allow me to wield power.

Looks like it'll allow you to wield a cake knife.

If my uncle could see me like this.

Oh, he'd be delighted. I'm sure.

I heard your request and I'm unable to grant it.

I simply ask to examine what remains of the head Asriel presented to you before it's treated and placed in your crypt.

Grumman was a scholar of this college.

Word is you've already allowed his head to be thawed and treated.

Vital information might have been lost.

Boreal, as you are aware, scholastic sanctuary...

As an executive of the Consistorial Court, I must understand where he's been.

They say that he crossed between the worlds.

That's heresy.

That's an interesting word for you to use, especially considering what I've heard of Asriel's visit to this college.

Is it true he spoke of Dust and that you're funding his investigations?

Whatever you are threatening...

I thr*aten nothing.

What do you hide?

The only rights the Magisterium has here are the rights I grant it.

His skull is in our crypt.

It will stay there.

As is his right.

And our responsibility.

Of course, Master.

Lyra, you're still not concentrating.

Books aren't what I'm best at.

And what are you best at?

Can't you mould me into someone who... reads some books but who travels mostly, who adventures, who looks for people when they're lost?

Lyra, did you not agree to trust me?

Now, where were you?

Yes. Electrons.

Now, the thing about electrons is that they are...

They are negatively charged particles, sort of like Dust, but Dust might not be charged.

Dust? You know, from-space Dust.

That Dust.

You see, I do know some things.

Well, what do you know about Dust, Lyra? It comes from space, it lights people up if you have a special camera to see it by.


Ah, yes.

It doesn't affect children.

Who did you learn this from?

Just a visiting scholar from New Denmark who came to Jordan.

He was talking to the chaplain and I was passing by.

I couldn't help but listen.

Is it right? Will you tell me?

Well, I'm sure you know much more about it than I do.

Now, let's get back to these electrons, hm?

Damn it!

Ma, I'll clean it.

No, you won't. I want to help.

Next time they go out. The answer is no, Tony!

Can I help? You can find my son.

We were so close, though, Maggie. If you would have seen...

We never should have left Oxford.

He's probably still there, lost, looking for his ma.

He's not in Oxford. He's in London.

The Gobblers took him.

And we'll find him. And if you're all wrong?

We are not wrong.


We're going to get him back.



Let's take the fight to these Gobblers. I've got a plan.

Do you want to be part of it, Tony?

I made it clear I wasn't to be disturbed.

I apologise for disturbing you. My needs were too great.


The General Oblation Board is causing trouble again.

A recent Gyptian raid trying to find those damn children.

Did they? No.

Give them credit, the General Oblation Board's policy of moving them constantly and quickly seems to have borne fruit.

But they risk so much.

The fathers and I are worried that they might present future concerns for us.

Give me the honour of telling them, sir.

Ah, that's why I'm here. Hm?

Now, tell the Oblation Board to control it or...

... or they'll lose everything.


Lyra. It's happening again.

That noise.

That is definitely not the pipes making that noise.

It's moving.


Lyra? Lyra.


I thought I heard you.

What are you doing out of bed?

It's very late.

Mrs. Coulter, how are you able to be so far away from your daemon?

It's too painful. I'm not.

It's not natural.

He was in the study.

You were down the hallway.

You're mistaken.

He was with me the entire time.

Aw. Lyra. So sleepy.

Best get back to bed now.


Sleep tight.

I could never be that far away from you, Lyra.

What is she?

I don't know, Pan, but we need to find out.

So where are you, Stanislaus Grumman?

Which one of these looks to be the most recently freighted?

Asriel was lying.

It's not him.

We need to cross.

What do all of these symbols mean, Pan?

Lyra? I have some guests arriving.

Can you please stay in your room?

Mrs. Coulter. Father MacPhail.

What a lovely surprise.

May I have a word with you, please?

In private. Yes.

Of course. This way.

Lyra, that man is Magisterium.

Would you like some tea?

Thank you, I don't drink tea.

No, of course you don't.

May I fetch you some water?

I'm not thirsty.

Hm. Please, take a seat.

Thank you.

Mrs. Coulter, we are excited by your work, by the discoveries you promise.

But... Oh, such a shame.

There always has to be a "but" attached to a compliment.

The Cardinal has concerns.

... this rumour mongering around your work has brought it to a head.

Well, if the Cardinal has something to say, I'd prefer he did so in person.

Well, he sent me.

To warn you that if your activities draw too much attention, then the Magisterium will not protect you.

Should you be outside this door?

And who are you... exactly?

I'm... Excuse me.

Lyra? Run along.

The grown-ups are talking.

I don't... Lyra!

Lyra, we can't let them find the alethiometer.

The master said to keep it secret, particularly from her, and the Magisterium.

I'll see you both out.


Here it is.

It stays with us from now on. Good.

We have an opportunity to understand Dust.

The Cardinal cannot be telling me to slow down, he should be telling me to speed ahead.

Whispers become weapons in the wrong hands.

Now, I am sure you will agree the Magisterium is more valuable than any of us. Any sacrifice that we have to perform to preserve its power... we do.


Part of your outfit for tonight? What?

The shoulder bag.

Well, it's perhaps a little old for you.

I'm sorry if I was short with you in front of them.

You lost control.

No, I wouldn't say I lost control.

You were angry, I could see it. No, I wasn't angry.

And you still are.

It looks absurd to be carrying a shoulder bag in your own home.

It's the only thing I really like wearing.


Stop that! You're hurting us!

If you behave in this vulgar and coarse way, then we will have a confrontation. Which I will win.

This isn't who you are. Those men just upset you.

Whenever any guests arrive in the future, they are going to find you perfectly sweet, charming, innocent, delightful.

Just as children should be. Do you understand?

You can't treat me like this, my uncle won't let you!

When has that man ever done anything for you?

He's done everything. He's done nothing!

He's a failure of a man and a failure of a father!

A father.

He... He... He's my father, isn't he?

I never understood why he kept up that ridiculous pretence.

My parents died in an airship accident.

It was all a lie.

He's a liar.

He's a liar.

My mother... who is she?

Could've been anyone.

He was never in one place for long and he always had a woman on his arm.

It was Asriel that took you to that college during the Great Flood.

He thought they would protect you. Another ridiculous idea.

Couldn't protect a painting if it was drawn on the walls.

No. Lyra.


Our origins don't define us.

It's what we do with what we have. Please leave me alone.

I need help.

Tell me what she is.

Tell me where Roger is.

Tell me where my...

... Lord Asriel is.

Why didn't he tell me who he really was?


Tell me anything.

Please. Something.

I was expecting you last week. What kept you?

There's been some... things, complications, back home.

Scary things? Fun things? Interesting things?

Nothing you're going to tell me.

You have better coffee than we do.

Where's the snake?

We don't always feel the need to have our daemons on show all the time, Thomas.

Two worlds, both alike in so many ways, and you only seem to care about what this world can do for yours.

You might be better to think about what your world can do for this one.

Now he comes out. She.

And I don't pay you to advise me.


I was just trying to help. I can wait.

I need to find this man.

A man with an osprey for a daemon.

It's not exactly discreet.

I think someone would have seen him if he was hanging around here.

He's been investigating multiple worlds for some time.

I believe he's here.

So he's done what you've done.

He's crossed into our world.

Did he use the same window?

Do you think there are others?

I'll see what I can do.

Your friend, Roger, perhaps you were right... perhaps he was at Jordan College the whole time.

Sorry? All the digging that I'm doing, and it seems like he just can't be found.

I suspect he didn't leave Oxford, after all.

Someone at Jordan would have told me.

Something you'll learn, Lyra... if you're not in people's lives, they can forget you quite quickly.

Jordan has moved on.

Roger has moved on. Now you need to move on.

You're lying.

Interesting... that you would accuse me of that.

Eat up.

Lyra, I don't think she's been looking for Roger at all.

We have to find out what she's doing.

What were those Magisterium officials doing here?

Is she leaving?

It's locked. Without her key, we can't open it.

So what do I do? Her study.

Let's find out what she's hiding.

It's locked.

Like everything in this apartment!

And what does that tell you?

Doesn't matter what it tells me, Pan.

When did a locked door stop us?

That's weird.

He can separate from her.

Now do you see why I don't trust them?

This is how he moves around.

He can listen to us the whole time, Pan.

So? Let's use it ourselves.


... you have a visitor.

How lovely to see you all.

You have quite cheered me up.

I have an announcement to make.

We're going to have an adventure together.

We're going to go on a voyage to the best place you could possibly go to.

Where? Where?

My ma... ... will be worried. Of course she will.

And that's why I'm here... to write a letter for your mother.

"General Oblation Board Of London...

General Oblation Board Of London..."

Pan, what's the General Oblation Board?

I don't know.

"All my love...

... Billy". "Billy".

General Oblation Board...

Now, I think it's your turn.

I ain't got a family. Oh.

So, I'll write to my friend, Lyra, from Jordan College.

How nice to write to a friend!

"Dear Lyra, you must be wondering where I am.

We're about to go on a trip, all the way to the North..."

What have you found, Lyra?

"... to a place called The Station".

The Station...

"You'd be surprised who's taking us".

The station of what?

"But I hope you know that I'd never want to go on an adventure without you. I miss you.

All my love...

... Roger".


Pan, these letters are about building something in the North.


Is that a human and his daemon, Pan?

Looks like it...

What are you doing?

I don't... I don't understand.

Lyra, we should go!

Lyra, the lift has been called.

She'll be on her way up soon!

Come on, come on, come on...

Lyra, quickly! Quickly!

Come on, come on...

Hurry! We've got to get out of here! Quickly, Lyra!

That's lovely to see. Oh!

I was just reading about the North.


I'll leave you to it.


Dinner in an hour.

Did you see the equipment?

A blade...

... to cut what?

Where are we, Pan?

And what is she?

What do you think the Master meant about this and my fath...

... Lord Asriel?

Perhaps we've got to keep it safe and give it to him?

But wasn't the Master...

... going to poison him?

I don't think I understand any grown-ups at all.

Thank you, Lyra.

Ah! Hello, darling.

You must be Lyra. We've heard all about you.

Lots of people here, aren't there?

She's so good at keeping everyone happy.

And you look so restless.

Like you're desperate to escape.

Shall we sit? No, I've got to...

Do you know what's happening here?

Come on.

No need to look so pleased with yourself.

You're late.

I've been busy.




Tell me what you know. I think it's a good strategy, actually.

Best way to stay safe from the Gobblers... move in with one of them.

That's what they call it, isn't it?

The initials you see... "General Oblation Board".


She's involved in the...

She is the Oblation Board.

It's entirely her own project.

You didn't know?

Who's that with Lyra?

She's a journalist. We need to get her out of here.

I've got to go.

Lyra! Lyra!

Papers, letters... anything could be hugely useful.


Lyra? I'm all right.

I'm just getting some ice. Lyra!

You're doing brilliantly. Just stay calm.

Lyra, look! There's too many people here.

She hasn't locked the lift!

We can't leave without it. We can't leave without it.

Now, what would you, a journalist, be talking to my assistant about...

... at a party you weren't invited to?

Come this way.

Come on!

I'll handle her. You concentrate on the girl.

You're coming with me.


Be careful, Lyra!




Such a delicate face you have for such indelicate matters.

If you know who Mrs. Coulter is...

... then you know who I am.


Please don't hurt me.


Quite, quite beautiful.

Girls to the left. Boys to the right.

Girls to the left...

Boys to the right.

Where are you taking us?

We're going on a trip...

... to the North.

To the best place you could possibly go to.

Lyra! Lyra, slow down!

We haven't been followed.

How do you know we haven't been followed?

We need to get off the streets, find a place to settle for the night.

We need to find Roger.

What use is there, looking in the dark?

Are you ready?

Let's go.

We'll try to keep warm.

And then we'll... ... find Roger.

Find Roger...

He liked her, Pan. I know.

And she's...

She's so...

You're tired. Try and sleep.


Can you hear that?


No, no!

Where are you going?
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