01x06 - The Daemon-Cages

Episode transcripts for the TV show "His Dark Materials". Aired: November 2019 to present.*
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Lyria is a young woman from another world is on a quest to find her kidnapped friend and uncovers a sinister plot.
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01x06 - The Daemon-Cages

Post by bunniefuu »


How did you get here?

Are you two safe?

Good questions for later.

But, for now, we pretend we don't know each other.

It's very good to see him again.

He said the same about you.

But he's different, Lyra.

And so's Salcilia.

They've hurt him?

No. But, clearly, he's been through a lot.

Well, he's alive and that's all that matters.

After we found Billy, I thought that maybe Roger...

I thought that, too.

Bridget McGinn.

Could you come with me, please, Bridget?

I haven't had my dinner yet.

Come on, don't make a fuss.

Quick, quick.

Straight ahead.

Come on.

Reactor is activated.

Intercision primed.


We want to take some measurements.

But I was measured when I got here.

Ah, those were just your vitals.

These are slightly more sophisticated.

Could you stand on the metal plate there?

And stare at the green light.

All right, now turn yourself to the left.

And now to the right.

What are you looking for?

We'll take those pictures again, just to be safe.

What are you taking pictures of?

You're measuring Dust, aren't you?

Can you see Dust in these pictures?

Who told you about Dust?

One of the other girls.

No, they didn't. Where are you from?

And, you see, Doctor, the thing is that I wash regularly.

You won't find any dust on me.

Well, it's perhaps a little more complicated than you might think.

What happens to the children that leave this place?

Where do they go?

To a place for more grown-up children, of course.

So, they don't die?

You don't cut their daemons away?

Lizzie, this is a philosophical establishment, not a child chop-house.

Now, may I take my picture?


Now keep perfectly still.

Oh, for crying out loud! Can we not fix this?

Please, make your way to the first available fire exit.

Don't forget your shoes, Lizzie.

This always happens after someone's been taken.

Form an orderly queue. Come along.

Follow the others. Out you go. No running.

Lawrence Kirby? Here, Miss.

Annie Padian? Here, Miss.

Roger Parslow?

Here, Miss.

Esther Landon? Here, Miss.

Berkeley Carter? Here, Miss.

Martha Fairwell? Here, Miss.

Tommy Lindsay? Here, Miss.

Lizzie Brooks? Here, Miss.


Joseph Blakely?

When I saw you, I couldn't believe it. I just...

Billy Costa was here and then they took him and he hasn't been back.

There's help coming, Roger. Help?

The Gyptians are coming.

The Gyptians will be destroyed.

They'll never make it.

They need our help. We need to find a way out.

We need an escape route.

Lyra, this requires careful thought.

Those that get caught breaking the rules, they don't last long.

We can't stick out.

Shane Walter? Here, Miss.

Beth Reed? Here, Miss.

Jimbo Lee?

Here, Miss. Lyra, don't.

Imogen Gould? Here, Miss.


You never could listen.

Sticking out is the only way we're getting out and I am not staying here.

Otis Lavette? Agh!


Order. Who did that?

Or there will be consequences.

Children, please, we're... Oh!

Who did that?

Order. Order!

Which is the way out?

There's an area they don't allow us to go.

If I was a guessing person, I'd guess that's the closest thing this place has to an exit.

Wait. Someone's coming.

What's that sound?

There's something inside.

These are daemons without humans.




These daemons belong to the children who've been taken and not come back.

That's Billy.

His daemon is gone.

That means...

I'm sorry, Roger. You knew?

I found him.

Before he died.

He got out of here somehow.

I helped him find his ma.


... if the daemons are alive, where are the children?

Seven, eight, nine, ten...

One, two, three...

Was Billy like this?


We can't end up here.

The alarm's stopped.

We have to get back.


Pass the word around...

... about what's happening here.

They've got to be ready to escape when we give them the signal.

And they've got to keep it a deadly secret. Do you understand?

The fire alarm.

Next time it sounds, it'll be me.

Get everyone ready to leave.

Are we drinking?

Here's to freedom and the conclusion of our work here.

Rumour is she's on her way.


Her airship was seen in Trollesund last week.

Ever since the breakout of that idiot Gyptian child, she's been itching to get back here.

Well, we've the new severing equipment to show her, if we were to focus on that.

We are on the edge of magnificent discovery... that is the line we need to reinforce.

She mustn't be allowed to focus on the mistakes.

Do you think we are...

... on the edge of discovery?

You doubt it?

There are times when I worry...

... well, when I'm concerned, perhaps.

This is just pain we're causing.

How many more children have to die before we get it right?

We are doing what is necessary.

We get this right and we will truly free generations from tyranny of sin and the Magisterium will recognise and celebrate us for the job we've done here.

And if we don't?

We can and must succeed.

... John Parry. What will you be taking with you from home?

Oh, if I could, I'd take everything from home just pick it all up and put it in the back of the backpack.

But I can't do that, so, some photos, a small plastic jar of Marmite... a little of that goes a long way... and a toy car of my son's.

I haven't actually told him that yet, so I'm sorry, Will.

Have you been able to explain to him what you're about to do?

Well, yeah. Actually, yeah, it's been easy to explain it to him and Elaine, my wife.

I think helping scientists drill for ice sounds kind of cool to a kid.

It's not easy to be able to write, but a bit of writing, keep him updated, shackled to the soil.

I'm going to write some truly epic letters, keep it, you know, kind of romantic.

Well, that sounds ever so sweet, John Parry.

Why aren't you going in?

She knows we're watching, that's enough for now.

I'll find an opportunity soon enough.

Is it her?

It's her! I can see the golden monkey.

Rose, check all the beds.

The next child she takes is going to be from the boys' dormitory and we go in to be sure of it.

We cannot stick out.

Martha, listen by the door. Tell us when she's close.

You've been making advances?

Mm-hm, yes.

Since you were last here, five have survived, mostly due to the new separator.

It's much more sophisticated than the previous model and so has a much better survival rate.

Now the patient can be conscious during treatment.

And they remain conscious after. It's quite something.

And are they responsive after treatment?

We can't make a judgment on that at present, but initial indications do suggest...

They're getting more responsive.

An exciting development.

May I see it in action?

Let's set something up. Wonderful.


I need your help. With what?

She can't find me here.

You know her, don't you?

I have come here to save you.

When I leave, you're coming, too... all of you.

This place is guarded by wolves and Tartars, you get past them, you've just got a wasteland of ice.

There's people coming to save us... the Gyptians.

They will help us. Trust me. I trust nobody in this place.

She's my mother.

And I know what she's doing.

She's severing kids from their daemons.

Severing... that's what happens?


If she finds me here, Annie, I don't know what she'll do.

I need you to hide me, please.

Under the bed. When I say so, pull yourself up and you don't let go. You understand?

She's on the corridor.

She's coming now. Positions!

Hello, girls.

What did I miss?

Empty bed?

Bridget and Lesley were sent for testing.

They haven't come back yet.


You know, I do care for you, so very much.

It lifts my heart to find you in such good spirits.

Seeing your bright, shiny faces makes me a very happy woman.

Well, girls, you've kept yourselves perfectly, not that I expected anything less.

Well done.

Steady! We've got to hurry!

All right.

Let's move it!

Steady! Mind the... ropes!

All right, steady. Steady!

Two and three!

Come on!

Hang on!

We break out of here.

There's miles and miles of ice out there.

We'll freeze.

It's either that or staying here and being severed from your daemon.

When the time comes, I will sound the fire alarm.

Get everyone together in their snowsuits and be ready.

For what?

To fight.

Lizzie Brooks.

Lizzie Brooks, can you come with me?

Get her daemon!

No, you don't.

Thank you.

I'm only doing what's necessary, right?

Pick her up.

Please, no! Pan!

Lizzie, Lizzie!

Calm down.

Get her inside.

It doesn't hurt. You don't know who I am!

It just feel like a loss. Let go of me!

Come on. Let go of me!

No! Lizzie, calm down. Calm down.

Let me out!

Reactor is activated. Let me out!

Let me out! Let me out!

Intercision primed.

Let go of me, let go of me!

Mrs. Coulter won't want this!

Do something, Lyra!

Let go of me!

Get that door shut.

We don't want to fritz the anbaro-magnetic system now, do we?

I am the daughter of Mrs. Coulter and she won't want this!

You're doing something great.

You're part of something great, try to focus on that.

How did she know Mrs. Coulter's name? Shouldn't we listen to her?

She knows her!

Mrs. Coulter! Mrs. Coulter!

I thought you had this under control. Mrs. Coulter!

Mrs. Coulter! Mother!





Free them.

Drink this.

Can't say it'll cure anything, but it will certainly make you feel better.

Infusion of camomile... that's what my mother fed me when I'd been upset.

And it worked, most of the time.

I was quite the emotional child, by all accounts.

It was a surprise to me, what you said in there.

Who told you what I was to you?

Well, you know now.

And I can answer all your questions if you have any questions...

I do.


If I was trying to drug you, there are many other means to do so other than a drink.

The camomile will make you feel better.


I can guess the first question.

And the answer is that I...

... I didn't keep you...

... because it wouldn't have been good for either of us.

And Asriel had ideas about what was best so I let him pursue those ideas, but it wasn't because I didn't care.

I just wasn't equipped at the time.


... I never meant to harm you. You must have been able to see that.

No harm?

Then what are you doing here?

Nothing to you.

No-one's going to harm you, Lyra, no-one's ever going to hurt you.

You have my word on that.

They were about to cut Pan from me.

Out of me. Because they didn't know who you are.

And I saved you.

It's Dust.

You're after Dust. Shh.

Dust is not a good thing.

Grown-ups are infected so deeply that it's too late for them.

Condemned to a life of sin, guilt and regret.

This is for a better future, a better life.

A life without Pan would not be a better life.

Your daemons are wonderful companions and friends to you when you're young, but at the age that we call puberty...

... an age you'll come into very soon, darling, daemons bring all sorts of troublesome thoughts and feelings.

And that's what lets Dust in.

A little operation before that and you're never troubled again.

If it was so good, you should have let them do it.

You should have been glad.

Every boundary in experimental theology requires the sacrifice of the few for the many.

Once we've ironed out the teething problems, this will change the world.

Until then, that equipment is not suitable for you.

But others? Billy Costa?


If they're friends of yours, I guarantee you they will not get hurt.

Billy Costa is dead.

Well, that is unfortunate.

Well, I will find those people responsible.

That's you! Lyra, I need you to understand that I have taken on this extraordinarily hard job for the benefit of all. This is what I can give. This is my calling.

And I am sorry if me being who I am has done you damage.

One day, you'll see all I've done to right this world for you.

I'm sorry.

I never meant to do you harm.

What shall we do now?

Well, I could take you back to your dorm.

You could stay here.

I'd like that.

You would?


... I can't tell you how happy I am to have found you again.

And I can't tell you how happy I am to be found.

Lyra, dear, I believe the Master of Jordan College gave you something before you left his care.

Isn't that right?


The trouble is, I believe the only reason he gave it to you was because he wanted it to fall into Lord Asriel's hands.

And if there's one thing that man doesn't need, it's more toys to do damage with.

I know he told you not to tell me about it.

And I know you're not the sort to break your word.

But now is the time to choose a side.

Now is the time to choose who you belong to...

... once and for all.

You saved me.

He didn't.

And you're my mother.

I am your mother.

I kept it safe.

What a funny old tin.

You have been careful, haven't you?

It's soldered.

Lyra! That's enough.

What's that now?

Another of your bloody tests?

Nothing was planned by me, not while she's here.

That's my signal!

You're safe.

Those kids we saw, Roger, you need to free them.

What if they don't want to come?

They don't seem like... You can persuade them.

What will you do?

What I'm best at... cause some chaos.

Faster, Lyra. We haven't the time!

We get to that intercision room and we destroy that machine.

Come on!

Take those off, Lizzie.

You don't need those.

We're getting out of here. You should, too.

No, no. You will soon be back in your room, which is good because this is the best place you could possibly be.

What's his name, the daemon she cut from you?


I loved him so much.

Now do you see what she's done to you? To all of us?


Eight, nine, ten...

One, two, three, four, five...

I need you all to come with me.

We're getting out of here.

Why aren't you coming?

I know they've separated you all from your daemons, but you've still got a choice.

Do something...

... or do nothing.

Do something and we can make them pay for what they did to you.

Do nothing and all your daemons will know is that hurt of that final moment.

Is that really what you want?

We've got to stop this happening again.

The doctor said if you leave the doors open, the system gets fritzed, right?

So let's fritz it.

What are you doing?

I'm pressing every button I can until something happens.

That thing sounds like it's going to blow.

Come on, Lyra, we have to go!

Round up the children.

Wait for me and make sure you have them all, you understand?

Come on! Let us out!

Stop! All right, children, let's not get excited now.

Let's not get silly.

Let's just do as we're told, shall we?

Tell me, do you remember Billy Costa?

It wasn't my fault.

It was just obeying orders.

He was only a boy!

We've come to rescue you.

Come on, girls. We aren't here to hurt you. You're safe.

What took you so long?

It's good to see you too, Lyra.

We need to get the other children out of here.

Let's go.

You're welcome.

Is that all you've got?

Take that child.

She's the one with value!

We just need the children alive.

k*ll everyone else!

It was Billy who showed us we could all get out...

... get free from this place.

Go. But there's so much to do.


You didn't come to the North just for this, Lyra.

My father.

I need to free him.

Go well.

Is this the balloon driver?

I'm an aeronaut, kid. Lee Scoresby.

And this is... ? This is Iorek.

This is Iorek. Hmm. Yeah.

He just doesn't look like how I imagined him.

You were hoping for better looking? Weren't we all?

We need to take to the skies.

You all right with heights, Roger?

Not really. You'll learn to be.

Balloon driver.

Let's go!

I thought you might need a tow.

Well, thank you, Miss Pekkala.

Always good to see you in the skies, Mr. Scoresby.

Your daemon is examining me.

Well, it's been a while since we've seen you.

That was quite a performance earlier. Thank you.

Question... what can we expect going forward in the sense of mayhem and chaos?

There may be fighting, but you've fought before.

And gladly.

But as the situation grows more complicated, so my situation grows more complicated.

The child is destined to be important... to create and resolve conflict.

So this is about her.

She matters more than she can ever know.

The fate of more than this world depends on her.

Well, I had a contract with the Gyptians over what was accomplished in Bolvangar.

This... this seems like a whole new thing, which requires, if I'm honest, new contracts and new payments...

She will need you, Lee.

You know, a man should have a choice whether to take up arms or not.

And you need her.

That's not how I expected this conversation to go.

Is it not? No, I was hoping you would find a way of chucking me some danger money.

Instead, you blindsided me with...

... with love.


The polar star will guide you to Asriel.

The wind is strong. You're a capable navigator.

So it's me. She's responsible for the fate of everything, and I'm responsible...

... for her?

The world is in your hands, Mr. Scoresby...

... and I am delighted it is.

Impressive. Yep.

And they want you on their team?!

Shut up, Hester.

Poor little things. Can't even speak any more.

That's it. This way.

Cages loaded. Ready to go.

Move out.

I can't help worrying about what happens when we get them home.

What do you mean?

We'll return them to their parents.

And if they don't take them?

Even those that love them may be frightened to see them so... different.

Those that they don't take back will come join us as Gyptians.

You did well.


We all fought them, at least.

We did better than fight them. We defeated them.

Billy won't be the last child they hurt, but we made it much harder for 'em.

I thought we'd be bringing him home, Maggie.

He'd be so proud of us.

The way we helped the other children.

Helped Lyra.

She's a fighter, that one.

Reminds me of someone I know.



I hate cliff-ghasts.

Hold tight. Little turbulence.

Iorek, see any more out there? No. It's clear.

Your sh**ting must have improved, Lee.



Lyra, hold on! I'm coming to get you!

Lee! Get her, Lee!

Hold on! Lyra, take my hand! Help!

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