02x13 - Daddy Issues

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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02x13 - Daddy Issues

Post by bunniefuu »

[Caroline's house]

(Caroline's gets out and locks the door. She turns herself and sees Tyler)

Caroline: Hey. How is it going?

Tyler: We need to talk

Caroline: Yeah, we do. Listen… I've been thinking about it and I don't want to overanalyze. It was just one kiss but Matt's still kind in the picture. We can't go there, Tyler

Tyler: Fine

Caroline: Great. That's settled

(She goes toward her car)

Tyler: What happened to my uncle Mason?

Caroline: What?

Tyler: He's dead and I want you to tell me what happened

Caroline: I… I don't…

Tyler: Then let me tell you: Stefan and his brother Damon k*lled him because Stefan and Damon are vampires, just like you

Caroline: Who told you that?

Tyler: Is it true?

Caroline: Let me explain

Tyler: Did you know he was dead this whole time?

Caroline: Please

Tyler: Did you know?!

(She nods and Tyler pushes her against her car)

Caroline: I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm sorry

Tyler: I trusted you!

(He releases her and leaves)

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is in bathroom, in the shower. He's listening to the news and goes in his bedroom to watch)

Andie Star: The authorities believe last night's assailant may also be related to the missing campers and Park ranger who have yet to be found as well as 25 years old Jessica Koenig, reported missing this morning. The sheriff department says investigations are pending and no further comment will be made.

[Gilbert's house]

(John is in the kitchen. Elena enters the room)

John: Good morning

Elena: What are you doing here?

John: Coffee?

Elena: We're not doing that. We did that last night, no more avoiding. Why are you here?

John: I'm here to protect you. That's all I can say for the moment

Elena: What do you mean that's all you can say?

John: I'll tell you more when I'm convinced I can trust you

(Jenna and Alaric enter the room. Jenna sees john)

Jenna: What the hell?

John: Good morning to you, Jenna. Alaric…

Jenna: It's okay I'm confused, right? Because we were not excepting you like ever

John: Well, I gotten late last night. Elena let me in

Alaric: You know, I probably just gonna take off

(He looks at Elena and leaves)

Jenna: I'm still confused here

John: I decided to come back and stay for a while

Jenna: Not here, you're not

John: Actually, you can't stop me from living here

Jenna: Actually I can, as legal guardian

John: Yeah, about that… Elena, you want me to explain the situation or would you like to do the honors?

Jenna: Okay, what's going on?

Elena: I'm sorry, Jenna. I should have told you earlier but…

John: I'm Elena's biological father. There, now you know

(He leaves. Elena is alone with Jenna)

Jenna: What?!

[Salvatore's house]

(Stefan and Damon are in Stefan's bedroom)

Damon: You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big save Elena move?

Stefan: I went to go look for Isobel and I get John instead. He said he can help us and we're desperate

Damon: we're not that desperate, Stefan. The guy tried to barbecue me!

Stefan: Damon, Bonnie's new witch friend is working with Elijah so we have to assume that the moonstone was never destroyed . Elena is putting all of her faith into some deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. I mean, do you trust Elijah? I don't trust him. He's an original, he can't be trusted. It's not like we can just go up and k*ll him because apparently he can't die!

Damon: I'm still waiting for the part where John Gilbert is the answer

Stefan: He knew about the sacrifice . Isobel told him. He said he know of a way to keep Elena safe

Damon: And how do we do that?

Stefan: He's not talking. At least not to me anyway

Damon: Great work Stefan. Top notch. As if I didn't have enough problems

Stefan: Hey, I'm sorry about Rose

Damon: Whatever. I knew the woman for 5 minutes

Stefan: And you cared about her after 5 minutes. I wonder what that means

Damon: It means I care, Stefan. That's means I'm changing evolving into a man capable of greatness. Better watch your back because I may just have to go get a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder

(He leaves. Stefan receives a text from Caroline telling him that there is an emergency)

[Lockwood's mansion]

(Someone knocks on the door. Tyler opens. It's Jules. He let her in)

[Caroline's house]

(Caroline let Stefan in)

Stefan: What's wrong?

Caroline: Tyler knows about you and Damon. He knows that Damon k*lled Mason. I didn't say a word

Stefan: It's that woman, Jules. She had a run with Damon

Caroline: Tyler was so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed

Stefan: Wow, this is bad

Caroline: You're not gonna tell Damon, are you?

Stefan: No, he already wants to k*ll him. He thinks all werewolves should die and he's not wrong to think that, Caroline. I mean, what if Tyler wants to retaliate? He has every right to. He could get himself k*lled

Caroline: Well, we're not gonna let that happen. We have to get to him and reason with him before he does something stupid. You have to talk to him. Just try to explain, you know? You always know the right thing to say, okay? He and I… we're friends

[Lockwood's mansion]

Jules: I was right, wasn't I? your little vampire friend, she was lying

Tyler: What do you want?

Jules: I want you to understand that a vampire will never be your friend. It's our nature to be enemies

Tyler: You know how stupid that sounds?

Jules: You need to leave here, it's not safe

Tyler: I can't just run away with you. I don't even know you. My mom would freak. My life is here

Jules: Your old life. Your new life is just beginning. You have so much to learn

Tyler: Like what?

Jules: How to survive. You've triggered the curse, Tyler. It's important you learn what it means to be a lycanthrope. We live by a code of loyalty. We take care of each other. It's my duty and honor to help you. Please let me

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena let Damon in)

Damon: Where's John?

Elena: He's not here, he left. I don't know where he went. He just blew in, announced to Jenna that he's my dad and then took off

Damon: It's public knowledge now?

Elena: Apparently

Damon: Are you okay?

Elena: Yeah. Jenna's head spinning but I'm okay

Damon: He said what he was doing here?

Elena: No. you know, Stefan thinks that he's telling the truth about wanting to help me

Damon: do you believe him?

Elena: No. I don't believe him for a second

Damon: Me neither

Elena: What are we gonna do?

Damon: k*ll him

Elena: Damon…

Damon: I'm joking. Okay, I'm a little serious

Elena: Damon!

Damon: I'm not gonna hurt him, Elena. I'm the good guy now, remember?

Elena: What does that mean?

Damon: I'm gonna have a civil conversation with your father

Elena: Wait, I'm coming with you

(They leave)

[Lockwood's mansion]

(Tyler is in his father's office and look at the computer. Stefan's here. Tyler sees him and tries to leave but Stefan stops him)

Stefan: I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to talk

Tyler: Then why did you break in?

Stefan: Would you have let me in otherwise?

(Carol Lockwood is going down the stairs and goes toward the office)

Carol: Tyler?

(Tyler tries to leave the room but Stefan catches him and pushes him against the wall. His face has changed)

Stefan: Shut. Not a word

Carol: Tyler? I'm leaving for the memorial

(She leaves)

[The woods]

(Jules arrives at a RV . She knocks)

Jules: Brady?

(She opens the door but no one's here. She turns herself. Brady's here. She smiles and they kiss)

Jules: This is a hard place to find

Brady: You told me to stand on the red alert

Jules: Thanks for coming

Brady: Are you sure these vamps k*lled Mason?

Jules: Positive. You have to be careful

Brady: I'm not afraid of a vampire

Jules: I know baby but I want the boy more than I want vengeance

Brady: Let's get both

(They kiss)

[Lockwood's mansion]

(Stefan releases Tyler)

Stefan: Maybe we get off on the wrong foot here

Tyler: What happened to Mason?

Stefan: Tyler, there's a lot for us to talk about

(He tries to leave but Stefan catches him)

Stefan: I wouldn't do that. Without a full moon you're not match for me

[Mystic Falls' square]

(It's the memorial. John rejoins Carol)

Carol: It's good to have you back, John. We could really use you

John: And the council? What are they doing?

Carol: Damon Salvatore is leading the council now. Talk to him

(A woman arrives to talk to Carol. She leaves John. Jeremy rejoins him)

John: Jeremy, there you are

Jeremy: Looks like I slept through the homecoming

John: You didn't miss much. Let's say that no one's happy to see me would be an understatement

Jeremy: Look, things are different now. You can't come around and start up with all this anti-vampire stuff

John: I have no intention of doing that. How's that ring been treating you?

Jeremy: Look, if this is what you came for, just take it and go

(he gives him the ring but John doesn't take it)

John: What kind of a man would I be if I took that from you? You want to go grab some lunch?

Jeremy: I think I'll pass

(John leaves. Jeremy sees Bonnie and smiles. Jonas rejoins Bonnie)

Jonas: Hello Bonnie

Bonnie: I don't have anything to say to you, Doctor Martin or your son

Jonas: You must be feeling very confused about us

Bonnie: There's nothing confusing about it. I trusted Luka and he betrayed me. Elena told me you were working for Elijah so don't lie about it

Jonas: I won't but that doesn't mean we're not also looking out for you

Bonnie: Spare me the witch loyalty crap

Jonas: You might don't want to believe this but Elijah is a man of his word. You can trust that he'll keep the end of his deal with Elena to keep you and your friends protected

Bonnie: You're right, I don't believe it

(Jeremy rejoins them)

Jeremy: Is there a problem here?

Bonnie: not at all

(They leave)

Jeremy: What was that about?

Bonnie: More lies

[Mystic Grill]

(Jenna and Alaric are sitting at a table)

Jenna: I can't believe it. Elena is my sister's husband's brother's daughter and her mother is boyfriend's dead wife. You can't make this stuff up

Alaric: It's definitely overwhelming

Jenna: I can't believe that they keep it a secret. How is it even possible to keep a secret like that?

(John enters the mystic grill and rejoins them)

John: Hey you two. Do you think I can join you?

Jenna: Do you have to?

John: I guess I don't have to but might as well

(John turns hi head and sees Damon and Elena arrive)

Elena: We just need answers. Please don't do anything stupid

Damon: Yeah but stupid is so much more fun

Elena: Damon, I mean it. All I'm asking is you try to keep it together. Be a better man

Damon: Okay then

(They rejoin John)

Damon: John, buddy, how have you been?

John: I've been alright, Damon. It's good to see you

[Lockwood's mansion]

Stefan: Look, about Caroline, no matter what her flaws are, if an issue comes you'll want to have that girl on your side . She's your friend, stop being a d*ck to her

Tyler: I thought vampires hated werewolves

Stefan: That's some sort of leftover idea from another time. It doesn't have to be that way anymore. We go to the same school. We have the same friends. We keep the same secrets. This can work, Tyler. I mean, it's your home, it's my home too. I want this to work

(Tyler's phone rings. He answers. It's Jules)

Tyler: Help, help!

(Stefan catches the phone and throws it on the desk)

Stefan: Who's number was that? Damn it Tyler! I'm trying to save your life. Can't you see that?

[The woods]

(Jules hangs up. She's worried and rejoins Brady)

Jules: We have a problem

[Mystic Grill]

(John is lighting a candle for the victims. Damon rejoins him)

Damon: So John, rumor has it that you know a lot and won't say anything

John: How I know you can be trusted, Damon? Originals can compel vampires and according to Stefan, that's why Katherine's still in the tomb, because an original has compel her to stay there

Damon: Only because all of the vervein have left her system. Stefan and I on the other hand are chock full

John: You guys are drinking vervein?

Damon: It's an acquired taste. I don't see that magic little ring on that stitched finger so if you know something about Klaus, you better start talking or I will k*ll you in your sleep

John: Is that any way to convince me that you and I are on the same side? First, I need to know that I can trust you, Damon, that I can count on you. Then we'll talk

(He leaves)

(Caroline is on the parking lot. Matt rejoins her)

Matt: Hey! Hey!

Caroline: Hey

Matt: I haven't seen you

Caroline: I'm not avoiding you, I swear

Matt: Yeah. You're avoiding me a little

Caroline: Okay, maybe a little

Matt: Can we talk later? I mean, I'm heading to work right now but maybe after, to clear some of this weirdness

Caroline: Yeah, yeah, I'd really like that. I'll just swing by when you're closing?

Matt: Sounds good

Caroline: Okay, bye

(He leaves. Caroline goes to her car and feels that someone's behind her. It's Jules)

Jules: Excuse me, Caroline right?

Caroline: Yeah

Jules: I'm looking for Tyler. You haven't seen him, have you?

Caroline: No, not since earlier. Sorry

Jules: I know you're lying

Caroline: Really? How? Is that one of your little wolf tricks?

Jules: Actually it is

Caroline: Well, I have a trick too

(She vamps out and turns herself but Jules asperse her with a vervein spray. Caroline is hurt, heals and turns herself again but Brady sh*ts her in the head)

[The woods]

(Caroline is in a cage in Brady's SV. She has a wound in her head. She screams a little and gets the wooden b*llet out of her head. She tries to unlock the cage but sees Brady)

Brady: I see you got the b*llet out. That was nasty. I got a lots of wooden b*ll*ts, other toys. It's gonna be a long night, sweet pea

(He sh*ts her. She screams)

[Lockwood's mansion]

Tyler: You want to be friends, great, we‘re friends. Will you go now?

Stefan: I don't know what else to say to you Tyler. I came back o this town because I wanted a life, I wanted to exist where I can have friends and where I can build a family. I have that here, we can both have that

(Stefan's phone rings. It's Caroline's phone. He hangs up)

Stefan: Hey. Is everything okay?

Jules: That depends. How about you want to keep her alive

Stefan: Who is this?

Jules: Ask your brother. Where's Tyler?

Stefan: Jules? Where's Caroline?

Jules: You made a mistake, Stefan. I gonna give you a chance to fix it

Stefan: Where is she?

Jules: right here. Want proof?

(Jules tells Brady that Stefan wants a proof. He sh*ts Caroline and she screams. Stefan's heard)

Stefan: Hurt her again and you're dead

Jules: I hurt her again and she's dead. Bring Tyler to me , the clearing by Wickery falls. You have 20 minutes until she dies

(She hangs up)

[Mystic Grill]

(Damon is at the bar. Jenna rejoins him. She's with a woman)

Jenna: So, my friend wants to meet you. Damon Salvatore, this is…

Damon: I know you. The news lady

Andie: Yeah, Andie Star. Nice to meet you. Can I buy you a drink, Damon?

(Elena is looking at them)

Damon: My glass is all full, Andie. Thank you

(He leaves and rejoins Elena)

Elena: You totally blew her off

Damon: I staying clear off all women at the moment

Elena: You didn't have to be rude

Damon: Trust me, it's on the best interest of women everywhere

(Elena's phone rings. She takes it)

Elena: Stefan? What is it?

(She looks at Damon)

(Damon and Elena are in the restrooms)

Damon: Why am I just finding out about this now?

Elena: Stefan was worried that you…

Damon: That I'll what? That I'd k*ll him? Of course, it's what's need to happen

Elena: No Damon, not Tyler. Do whatever you need to do to get Caroline back but just leave Tyler out of it, okay?

Damon: Why? He's a werewolf, he needs to die. I'm willing to k*ll him, it's win-win

(She touches his arm)

Elena: Damon please, okay? Too many people are dead

Damon: You need to stop doing that

Elena: Doing what?

Damon: Assuming that I'll play the good guy because that you who's asking

Elena: Be a better man, Damon

(John enters the room)

Damon: Do you mind?

John: What's going on?

Elena: Nothing

John: It doesn't look like nothing

Damon: well guess what John, trust works both ways. Get out

Elena: Look, we don't have time for this. We need to get Caroline back

Damon: We don't have to do anything. I'll take care of it

(He turn himself and looks at John)

Damon: First dad duty: ground your daughter. Keep her here

(He leaves)

Elena: I'm coming with you

John: No, no, no, no, no. I'm with Damon on this one. No, stop, stop. You're not going anywhere. Just tell me what's going on
[The woods]

(Caroline is still in the cage? She's crying.)

Brady: So, How many vampires are they in this town anyway?

(She doesn't answer so he throws her vervein. She screams)

Brady: No?

Caroline: Why are you doing this to me?! Why are you doing this? Why?

Brady: You're a vampire. Why not?

(He throws her wooden sticks in the neck. She screams)

Brady: I'm sorry, what was that?

Caroline: Let me out!

Brady: Excuse me? What was that?

Caroline: Let me out!

(Brady gets out and rejoins Jules outside)

Jules: Get it out of your system?

Brady: No, I'm just getting started

Jules: Brady, let's be smart about this. I just want the boy. It's our duty to help him, it's who we are

Brady: You want to talk duty and honor? These are vampires. They cross one of us, they cross all of us. That's who we are

[Mystic Grill]

(Elena gets out of the restrooms. John's here)

John: You're not leaving this restaurant

Elena: You can't tell me what to do

John: Yes I can. You want to know why? Because I'm here to make sure you stay safe

Elena: I've got that covered

John: Are you talking about the deal that you made with Elijah? Do you really think he's gonna keep this promise to you? Putting your faith in him was a dumb move

Elena: Are you saying I should put my faith in you? After everything that you've done to Damon and Stefan?

John: We had our difference and I've made mistakes but you and I , we're family

Elena: You don't get to use tat word. That word is off limits to you!

John: Fine, but it doesn't't change the facts

Elena: You're right. Facts are facts so listen up: you may be my father but I'm never going to be your daughter, you got that?

(She leaves)

[The woods]

(Jules is alone. Suddenly she hears something)

Jules: I know you're out there

(Stefan goes out of the woods with Tyler)

Stefan: Where's Caroline?

Jules: Locked up tight

Stefan: Let her go and I release Tyler. The situation doesn't have to get any messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy, Jules

Jules: It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think?

Stefan: You need to leave town. No one else has to get hurt

Jules: I'm not leaving without Tyler

Stefan: Tyler is free to make his own decisions as soon as you release Caroline

(Damon arrives)

Damon: My brother the peacemaker . Since Stefan got here before me I'm gonna let him try to his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier so give us Caroline

Jules: Let go of Tyler

Damon: Give us Caroline. Without a full moon it's not an even fight and you know it. We will take you

Jules: I'm not so sure about that, tough guy

(She makes a noise with her mouth and a lot of people, including Brady, arrive around them. They have stakes, crossbows and fire)

Jules: Let's try this again. Give us Tyler

(Damon looks at Tyler)

Damon: You heard her. Go. Get over there

(Tyler rejoins Jules)

Brady: Which one of you k*lled Mason?

Damon: Uh, that'd be me

Brady: Boys, make sure that one suffers

(Damon looks at Stefan)

Damon: We can take them

Stefan: I don't know about that

Damon: Well then…

(He rushes over Jules but she jumps on the top of the SV. Tyler's gone inside. One of them tries to burn Stefan but he takes him and burns two werewolves. One of the werewolves jumps on Damon but he rip his heart out before he gets to him.)

(Inside the SV, Tyler sees Caroline in the cage)

Caroline: Tyler, there's a latch on the door and I can't get to it

(He hesitates)

Caroline: Tyler?

(Outside, Stefan's kills a werewolf. Another throws him an arrow but he catches it)

(Inside the SV)

Caroline: Tyler, please! Tyler?

(He finally goes toward the cage)

(Stefan fights with one of the werewolves and drive a stake through his body. Another throws him an arrow but he catches it and throws it to his necks. The werewolf falls on the floor. Another goes behind Stefan and drive a stake through his back. Stefan falls on the floor. Damon fights with Brady but Jules arrive and shot him with a wooden b*llet. He falls on the floor)

(Tyler opens the cage so Caroline goes out of the SV but Jules catches her, pushes her against the SV and put a g*n on his head. Tyler goes out and looks at Caroline but he doesn't do anything. Brady takes a stake and is about to k*ll Damon but suddenly he screams and the other werewolves too. They all take they head between their hands and fall on the floor)

Caroline: What's happening?

Tyler: What the hell is going on?

(Jonas rejoin them. He's casting a spell on the werewolves. Damon and Stefan get up)

Jonas: Elijah made a promise to Elena. I'm here to see it's up held. You need to go. Get out of here. Now

(They leave. Jonas look at Tyler)

Jonas: When your friends are waken, give them a message: They need to get the hell out of this town

(He leaves)

[Caroline's house]

(Caroline is with Stefan)

Stefan: So is your mom home?

Caroline: No, she's at work

Stefan: I can come in if you want me to

Caroline: I'm fine, Stefan

Stefan: You don't have to pretend with me. Anybody would be upset after what you went through tonight

Caroline: I'm okay. I'm not girly little Caroline anymore. I can handle myself

Stefan: Sure you can

Caroline: I just really want to go shower so…

Stefan: Okay

Caroline: Good night

Stefan: Good night

(She closes the door)

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon opens the door. John's here)

Damon: What do you want?

John: We haven't finish our conversation

Damon: I'll bite

(John enters the house)

John: I've been thinking. Personal feelings aside Damon, I think You and Stefan will do all you can to protect Elena

Damon: I agree with that statement

John: So I come with gifts

(he opens o towel. There's a dagger and a vial in it)

Damon: What is that?

John: This is how you k*ll an original? In this vial, is ash from a white oak tree that dates back to the genesis of the originals. The dagger must be dipped into the ash and then plugged into their heart

(Damon takes the dagger)

Damon: How do you know all this, John?

John: Isobel. She's very good at finding out things but of course you know that

Damon: Where is Isobel?

John: Let's just say if she accomplishes what she's attempting, Klaus will never set foot in Mystic Falls. When Elena's concerned, you and I are on the same side

(He leaves)

[Caroline's house]

(Caroline is in her bedroom and is looking at her wounds. Her phone rings, it's Matt)

Caroline: Hi

Matt: Hey. Did something happened?

Caroline: Oh my… I'm so sorry Matt

Matt: Are you okay?

Caroline: Yeah. Something came up with Bonnie and she needed me. A friend thing. You understand?

(Matt turns his head and sees Bonnie and Jeremy laughing at a table)

Matt: Yeah so you're with her right now?

Caroline: Yeah so I'm not gonna make it tonight but can I see you tomorrow?

Matt: Yeah, sure. I hope everything works out. Good night

(He hangs up)

(Someone knocks on the door. It's Tyler. Caroline opens the door)

Tyler: Are you okay?

Caroline: I'm fine

Tyler: I had no idea they would come for you

Caroline: Do you know what they did to me?

Tyler: I'm sorry but it's crazy now okay? I don't know who to trust. You lied to me

Caroline: I lied to protect my friends. I lied to protect you. Don't you get that?

Tyler: Caroline…

Caroline: You just stood there when they were going to k*ll us. You just stood there! You didn't do anything!

Tyler: I didn't know what to do!

Caroline: You help your friends, that's what you do

Tyler: I'm sorry

Caroline: No it's too late because we're not friends anymore and what happened to me tonight, that will never happen again so you take that back to your little werewolf pack and you get the hell out of my house!

(She slams the door)

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena takes a bottle of water in the fridge and when she closes it, John's here)

John: I'm sorry about earlier

Elena: Enough already. I don't want you here and I can't make that anymore clear

John: I didn't come here to fight with you, Elena

Elena: yeah I know, you're here to protect me. Got it, get in line

John: I thought you might want this. It was you mother's

(He shows her a bracelet)

Elena: Isobel?

John: No, your mother, Miranda. I remember her wearing that when she was young. I found it in a box with some things that your dad left me. Here, it's yours now

(He gives it to her)

John: Miranda and Grayson were your parents, Elena and I know I'm nothing to you. You have no reason to believe me or trust me. I've done so many horrible things but when you lost your parents, I lost my brother, my family. I lost my way. I know that won't probably never gonna make things right with you but I'm gonna do everything I can to protect you and protect this family

(He leaves. She's crying. She turns her head and sees Stefan. She rushes in his arms)

Elena: Are you okay?

Stefan: I'm fine

Elena: Did you hear that? I don't believe him, Stefan. I just don't. what happened tonight? How's Caroline?

Stefan: I could use your help

[Brady's SV]

(Tyler knocks on the door. Jules let him in. she's with Brady)

Jules: Hey, come on in

Tyler: I'm sorry about your friends

(He sits down)

Tyler: It's not always like this, is it?

Jules: No. is it Brady?

Brady: No men. You're living in a vampire country, that's all. It's way better than this

Tyler: Mason didn't tell me anything about it. He was gone. Dead I guess, before he could help me

Brady: I don't get why Mason was even doing here in the first place

Jules: His brother died. You know that Brady

Brady: Why was he stupid enough to stay and get himself k*lled?

Tyler: Because of this rock he was trying to find

Brady: What rock?

Tyler: A moonstone

(Brady looks at Jules)

Jules: I had no idea

Tyler: What?

Brady: A moonstone? Did he find it?

Tyler: Yeah

Brady: Where is it now?

Tyler: I couldn't tell you

[Caroline's house]

(Stefan knocks on the door. Caroline opens it)

Caroline: What's going on?

Stefan: I was a little bit worried about you after everything you went through tonight

Caroline: I'm fine

Stefan: Good but just in case, I brought some back up

(Elena and Bonnie arrive)

Elena: We're gonna slumber in

Bonnie: We haven't done it in ages

(Caroline cries. They embrace each other. Elena looks at Stefan and tells him she loves him. He tells her he loves her

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is in his bathtub with Andie Star)

Andie: I can't believe you called me. I thought I was being way to forward when I had Jenna give you my number

Damon: I like a woman who knows what she wants

Andie: Thank you so what do you want mister tall, dark and handsome?

Damon: I'm not that tall. I need a distraction

Andie: You can booty call me anytime you want

Damon: You see, the thing is, miss sexy reporter, I have a problem I need help with. It's really messing with my mind

Andie: Oh, tell me about it

Damon: I'm in love with a woman I could never have

Andie: I knew it. I know how to pick them. So why can't you have her? She's with another man I assume?

Damon: Yeah but that's not the point. The point is I'm in love with her and that drive me crazy. I'm not in control.

Andie: You don't trust yourself around her?

Damon: I don't trust myself around anyone, Andie. I'm bad, Andie. I do things. I k*ll people

(Suddenly she's afraid but he compels her)

Damon: Don't be afraid, you're okay

Andie: Why do you k*ll people?

Damon: because I like it. It's in my nature, it's who I am but then I have to stay together to protect her and she wants me to be a better man which means I can't be who I am. Do you see the problem I'm having, Andie?

Andie: Well, maybe this is who you are now. Love does that Damon, it changes us

Damon: Just stop talking. Just kiss me, be my distraction

(they kiss. He bites her and drinks her blood)

[The tomb]

(Katherine is sitting but she hears a noise and gets up. John's here.)

John: I know you were expecting someone else

Katherine: I sent Stefan to find Isobel

John: She got your message. She was busy so she sent me instead

Katherine: Does Stefan know that you're here right now?

John: No. no one does. This is between you, me and Isobel

Katherine: I want to be out of this tomb, John

John: I'm already on it
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