03x20 - Do not go gentle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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03x20 - Do not go gentle

Post by bunniefuu »

[Klaus Mansion]

(Klaus is painting. Rebekah arrives)

Klaus: What took you so long?

Rebekah: Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. Luckily I'm quite the charmer

(She shows it to him)

Klaus: That's it?

Rebekah: Last of the white oak stakes that can k*ll us. Do you want to do the honors, or shall I?

(He takes it and throws it in the fireplace)

Rebekah: Well, that's that, then

Klaus: Pack your bags. We're leaving

Rebekah: Today?

Klaus: Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelganger and be off by sunset

Rebekah: But tonight's the decade dance

Klaus: So?

Rebekah: So I'm head of the committee. We have to go

Klaus: I'm not going to any dance

Rebekah: Caroline will be there

Klaus: That means nothing to me

Rebekah: Please? I have big plans for tonight. Just go for me

Klaus: Ok, fine. One last hurrah

Rebekah: One last hurrah, Nik

(They smile)

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon is on the phone with Alaric)

Damon: Where have you been? I've been calling you all day

Alaric: Yeah, sorry about that. I just needed to get my head together

Damon: So I take it Rebekah got the stake

Alaric: I don't know. I woke up alone. There's no sign of it

Damon: Lovely. What now?

Alaric: Well, I think I need to get out of town, You know, somewhere secluded. I keep blacking out, which means I'm still a threat to everyone

Damon: I don't know if right now is the best time for you to be going on a spirit quest, Ric

Alaric: Ah, it's just for a couple days. I'm stocked up on Bonnie's herb, so I should be fine. I got to go

(He hangs up)

[Klaus' mansion]

(Alaric is there, with "Rebekah" whose body is occupied by Esther. he has a vial of white oak ashes and a dagger)

Rebekah/Esther: Quite the cunning liar

Alaric: Well, Damon's too arrogant to think his only friend would betray him

Rebekah/Esther: Just as Niklaus would blindly accept an invitation from his beloved sister, unaware that he is headed to his own death

(She dips the dagger in the vial)

Alaric: Did you give him the stake?

Rebekah/Esther: He burned it without hesitation

Alaric: So where is the real one?

Rebekah/Esther: You'll get it when it can no longer be used against me in this body

(She opens a coffin. Esther's body is in it)

Alaric: So how do you...

Rebekah/Esther: How do I return to my true form? With a little magic and some help from a vampire hunter

(She hands him the dagger. He takes it and drives it through her heart. She collapses on the floor, dead. He looks at her and then looks at Esther. She wakes up)

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Caroline is with Elena in the gymnasium. Everyone is busy preparing the decade dance)

Caroline: So Alaric is trying to pull out something together? Why is that a bad thing?

Elena: Just I wish there was something I could do

(She takes a chandelier)

Elena: Where do you want me to hang this thing?

Caroline: You know what? If Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity, she should have shown up to do it herself

(She takes it and gives it to someone)

Caroline: Just no

(Elena laughs. She looks at Matt and Jeremy, hanging decorations)

Caroline: What are you doing? You can't just hang them. They're supposed to trickle down

(Elena smiles. Matt looks at Jeremy)

Caroline: Look at them all bromancey

Elena: Yeah, I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the grill

Caroline: That was nice of him

Elena: Mm-hmm. Jeremy's got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out

Caroline: You sure it had nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?

Elena: I didn't tell you that so you could t*rture me with it

Caroline: Ah, what are friends for? So who you bringing to the dance?

Elena: What do you mean? I thought you, Bonnie, and I were going as girl dates

Caroline: Bonnie has a date

Elena: What?

Caroline: Jamie called And wanted to see her, so she asked him. So here's a thought. Why don't you ask Stefan?

Elena: I... I can't ask him on a date. I just made out with his brother

Caroline: All the more reason. Like, you're supposed to be figuring out what you want. That's what Stefan wanted you to do, right?

Elena: Yeah, but...

Caroline: But nothing. I've watched "The Bachelor". Ok, fair is fair. It is Stefan's turn

Elena: Yeah, and you're not biased or anything

Caroline: I'm sorry, but Stefan is your epic love. And I'm not going down without a fight

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan's phone rings. He answers. It's Elena)

Stefan: Hey

Elena: Hey. Do do you have a second?

Stefan: Yeah. Everything all right?

Elena: Yeah. Yeah, I just, um I wanted to, uh... Caroline and I were talking about going to the dance, and, um... Ok, look, I know where we're at, you and I, and I know it would be stupid to even think that we could go back to the way things were, but I'm going to the dance, and I'd like to go with you

Stefan: Um... I'd love that

Elena: Ok, great. Bye

(She hangs up. Stefan smiles. Damon is here)

Damon: I'm thinking gardenia corsage. Wrist, obviously. You don't want to accidentally s*ab her in the chest with a pin. That could get messy

Stefan: Damon, I...

(Damon looks at him and leaves the room)

[Mystic Falls Hospital]

(Meredith is in the hallway. She hears her name being whispered. When she turns, Damon's here, smiling)

Meredith: Don't do that. It's not funny

Damon: Oh, come on. It's a little funny

Meredith: What do you want, Damon?

Damon: I need medical advice for a friend, Alaric. You remember him, right? About 6'2", tried to hack you into pieces

Meredith: How is he?Are those herbs that Bonnie made for him working?

Damon: I don't know. Can they work if he doesn't take them?

(He shows her a pot full of herbs)

Damon: I found these in his loft untouched

[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore's Crypt]

(Esther and Alaric arrive at the crypt)

Alaric: Why are we here?

Esther: Long ago on this spot, My son tore my heart from my chest. The v*olence of my death marked this ground for all time

(They enter the crypt. There's a gobelet. They stop in front of it)

Esther: I'll need your ring

Alaric: Now, why would I give you the one thing that protects me from death?

Esther: I will give you all the protection you need. However, the stake will burn up in the body of its first victim. If you are to k*ll all of my children, I will need to bind the protective magic in your ring to the stake, thus rendering the white oak indestructible

(She raises her hand and he gives her his ring. She puts it in the gobelet and starts casting a spell. Fire rises from the gobelet. The ring melts. She takes the stake and stirs the melted metal from the ring with it. She raises the stake and the melted metal spreads on the stake.)

Esther: The ultimate w*apon... for the ultimate hunter

(He looks at the stake)

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena is all dressed up for the 20's dance. The door bell rings. She opens the door. It's Stefan)

Elena: Wow. You look very dapper

Stefan: You look, uh... very beautiful. Here. I, uh... I got something for you

(He shows her a flower and puts it on her dress)

Elena: Thank you

Stefan: So given our dangerous dance karma... You sure you're up for this?

Elena: Getting out of bed is dangerous these days, but we have to live our lives

Stefan: Who gave you that horrible advice?

Elena: Some guy I used to date said it once or twice

Stefan: Right

(She takes her jacket)

Elena: Shall we?

Stefan: Please

(She smiles)

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Everyone is in the gymnasium, all dressed up and dancing. Bonnie is dancing with Jamie. Caroline rejoins Matt)

Caroline: Have I told you how amazingly awesome you are?

Matt: Yeah, I am one of the good ones. I know. Why the compliments? What else do you want?

Caroline: I know that you and Elena have been getting closer lately

Matt: And your point is?

Caroline: One way or the other, she's pretty much spoken for

Matt: Elena's my friend, Caroline. I'm just looking out for her

Caroline: And I'm just looking out for you, because sometimes the people who love her get caught in the crossfire

(Matt raises his head. Tyler's here, shaking hands with various people)

Matt: What's he doing here?

(Caroline turns herself and sees him. She rejoins him)

Caroline: Are you crazy? If Klaus sees you...

Tyler: What's he gonna do? Draw you another picture?

Caroline: Tyler, this isn't a joke

Tyler: I could pretend I'm sired if I have to. But I'm not gonna hide while he's macking all over you

Caroline: Tyler... You do not need to be jealous of Klaus

Tyler: I am jealous, But I'm also competitive, So hang on. I'm about to sweep you off your feet

(He carries her and they turn. She smiles)

(Stefan and Elena arrive)

Elena: Teach me some moves

Stefan: Oh, no, no, no, no. I, uh... I blacked out for most of this decade, remember?

Elena: Nice try

(She takes him by the arm and leads him to the dancefloor. They dance but the song ends and a slow begins. He raises his hand, she takes it and hey dance)

Stefan: Bonnie seems happy

Elena: She's working on it

Stefan: I've been meaning to talk to her, apologize

Elena: Yeah, you should. Although I wouldn't expect her to forgive you or Damon. Listen, Stefan, about Damon, We should probably talk about the trip to Denver

Stefan: I don't need to know, Elena. When all this is over, if you and I find our way back to each other, You can tell me if you want to. Otherwise, I don't need to know. I don't want to know

Elena: How can you be so fair about this?

Stefan: Because after everything I've put you through... I'm just honored to be your date tonight

(They look at each other and dance. He makes her turn. Damon's here. Stefan looks at him and Elena turns herself)

Damon: We three need to talk

(Jeremy watches them leave the gymnasium. He runs into Jamie)

Jeremy: Sorry. Uh. Hey. Bonnie

(He looks at them)

Bonnie: Why are you still wearing your ring? Didn't Elena tell you?

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, I know all about Alaric. When my sister stops hanging out with vampires, I'll take it off

(He leaves. They watch him leave)

Jamie: Uh, ex-boyfriend?

Bonnie: Yep

Jamie: That's not awkward at all

(Stefan, Damon and Elena are in the hallway)

Elena: If Alaric's sick, then we need to find a cure, something

Damon: We tried medicine. We tried magic

Stefan: Why don't we get him off vervain, compel him?

Damon: To do what, pretend to be Alaric? The guy that we know is gone. We're talking about someone who not only hates vampires, but vampire sympathizers, which makes one of his most obvious targets I don't know you, you?

(He looks at Elena)

Stefan: What? You think he'd go after Elena?

Elena: So wait. What are you suggesting we do?

Damon: I'm suggesting that we put him out of his misery

Elena: What?

(Jeremy arrives)

Jeremy: No way in hell

(They look at him)

Damon: Oh, come on. It's what he would want. It's a mercy k*lling

Jeremy: You are out of your mind

Elena: Jeremy

(He leaves. She looks at Damon and leaves. Stefan looks at his brother)

(Elena goes after Jeremy outside)

Elena: Jer, stop!

Jeremy: This is Alaric we're talking about. You know, he looked out for us, And we need to do the same for him

Elena: No one's gonna hurt him

(He starts to leave. She stops him)

Elena: Hey. Hey. Look at me. I promise

(Esther arrives)

Esther: Elena

(She turns herself)

Esther: If you wish to help your friend Alaric, I suggest you come with me

Elena: Jeremy, go inside and get Stefan and Damon now

(He leaves)

Esther: I mean you no harm, but willingly or not, You will come

(She leaves. Elena follows her. Jeremy comes back with Stefan and Damon but they're stopped by an invisile barrier. Only Jeremy can leave. They look at the ground. There's something on the floor)

Stefan: Salt. It's the binding agent for a spell

Damon: We're trapped here

(Bonnie and Jamie are in a classroom)

Bonnie: You had all kinds of moves out there

Jamie: Yeah? I mean, I was just, you know, Trying to make a good impression

Bonnie: Well, consider me impressed

Jamie: Your friends seem pretty cool

Bonnie: Yeah. They're the most important thing in the world to me

Jamie: Though you gotta admit, This whole circle of people, it's kind of crazy. I mean, there's vampires, werewolves, Ex-boyfriends with magic rings. I mean... I'm just a normal guy

Bonnie: A normal guy wouldn't have said yes to a date with me

Jamie: Yeah, that's true

(She kisses him then they look at each other and they kiss again but Damon enters and puts the light on, interrupting them)

Damon: Sorry to spoil your 7 minutes in heaven. We have a problem

[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore Crypt]

(Esther and Elena arrive at the crypt)

Esther: You'll forgive me for taking you from the dance this evening. That's the burden of being the doppelganger, I'm afraid your blood is a potent binding agent for a witch's spell.

Elena: Just please don't hurt Alaric

(Alaric comes out)

Alaric: She's not hurting me

Elena: Ric. What's going on? What are you doing with him?

Esther: I'm going to remake him

Elena: Remake him?

Esther: Make him strong, fast, Like my children, Indestructible. For one final time, I'm going to tap into the dark magic I used a thousand years ago. Like my husband Mikael before him, I will make Alaric into a true hunter, the vampire to end all vampires

Elena: You can't create another original. What if he turns out to be an even bigger monster than your children?

Esther: He won't, Now that he's embraced his darkest aspect his hatred for them will become more pure and uncompromising. In death, that hatred will be magnified

Elena: You don't know that. You don't know anything about him

Esther: That is where you're wrong. Each time he died with that ring, during his brief journey into death, I was there on the other side. I spoke to him. I nurtured him, knowing that every death brought him closer to his true self. Vampires took everything from him. Now he's getting his vengeance.
[Mystic Falls High School]

(Caroline and Tyler are dancing. Klaus is there, looking at them. Tyler senses something)

Caroline: What is it?

(She turns herself and sees Klaus. He rejoins them)

Klaus: Where have you been, mate?

Tyler: I just got back in town

Klaus: That's funny. I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place. You don't mind if I cut in, do you?

Caroline: Yes, actually, we do

(Klaus looks at Tyler)

Tyler: No. It's fine

Caroline: Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?

Klaus: I don't have to prove anything, love. I am the alpha male. Come on. One Dance. I won't bite

(He raises his hand. She looks at Tyler and then takes it. He smiles, takes her to the dance floor and makes her turn. They starts dancing)

Klaus: You would have loved the 1920s, Caroline. Girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped

Caroline: Heh. I don't suppose that ever happened to their dance partners

Klaus: You should be nicer to me. I'm leaving town tomorrow. I'd invite you to come with me, but we both know you're not ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day, in a year or even a century, You'll show up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer.

(They stop dancing)

Klaus: You mark my words. Small-town boy, small-town life, it won't be enough for you

(He leaves. She looks at him leaving)

(Klaus is outside on the phone)

Klaus: Rebekah, call me back immediately. I only came to this ridiculous dance because you begged me to, and now you're nowhere to be found

(He sees the salt on the floor)

Klaus: What is this?

Stefan: Your mother's back

(Bonnie, Jeremy, Jamie, Damon, Stefan and Klaus are in the cafeteria. She's casting a spell)

Jamie: She does this all the time, right?

Klaus: What's taking so long? All boundary spells have a loophole

(Matt enters)

Matt: People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier

Jeremy: Well, if Matt and I can leave, we could stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is

Stefan: su1c1de, Jeremy

(Klaus rushes toward Jamie and strangles him)

Klaus: su1c1de would be disappointing me. Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start k*lling people you fancy

Bonnie: Let him go

Klaus: Not until you get us out of here

Stefan: Ah, don't be stupid, Klaus. Bonnie doesn't give a damn about us. The only reason she's helping right now is to save Caroline and Tyler. If you start k*lling the people she cares about, she'll tell us all to go to hell

(Klaus finally releases Jamie)

[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore Crypt]

(Esther is lighting candles. Elena looks at Alaric)

Elena: Ric, this isn't what you want. It's not who you are

Alaric: You don't know who I am, Elena. You only know the weakest parts of me, a man who lost his way, befriending vampires instead of k*lling them

Elena: You don't mean that

Alaric: They're all monsters. The blood of their victims is on my hands, Jenna's blood is on my hands

(Esther rejoins them and looks at Alaric)

Esther: When you are ready

Elena: No, Ric, please don't. Don't do this

(He takes Esther hands. Their hands are above the goblet)

Elena: I won't help you. I'm not gonna give you my blood. You're gonna have to k*ll me

Esther: That won't be necessary

(She closes her fist. Elena can't breathe. He pulse accelerates. A cut appears in her hand. She bleeds. Esther catches her wrist and makes the blood poor in the gobelet. She releases her. Elena looks at her hand)

Esther: Drink and let it be done

Elena: No, Ric, please don't

(He takes the goblet and drinks)

Elena: no

(He drinks it all. Elena is shocked)

Alaric: Is it finished?

Esther: Not just yet

(She stabs him)

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Bonnie takes a map from the wall and puts it on the table. She looks at it. Damon and Klaus arrive. Damon gives her a vial containing Jeremy's blood)

Damon: Here. Jeremy made a little gilbert blood donation for your locater spell

Bonnie: I have to do this with you two lurking over me?

Damon: You're still mad at me for what happened to Abby. Let me apologize. I'm sorry Elijah forced us to turn your mother into a vampire to save Elena's life. Didn't exactly have a choice

Bonnie: There's always a choice. Whenever you make one, someone else suffers

Klaus: Let's cut the dramatics and begin, shall we?

(She takes the vials and pours the blood on the map. Then she cast a spell but the blood doesn't move)

Bonnie: Esther's fighting me

Klaus: Esther couldn't possibly have this much power. No, she's channeling something.

Bonnie: A hotspot

Klaus: Get the humans ready. I know where she is

(Stefan is with Caroline and Tyler in the gym)

Stefan: They're at the old cemetery. Jeremy and Matt are headed there right now

Caroline: You let them go? They're gonna get themselves k*lled

Stefan: We didn't have a choice, Caroline. We're useless right now stuck in here

Caroline: Hey, she'll be fine. Elena always manages to find her way through this stuff

Stefan: Yeah, well, I'm just as worried about what Esther's up to. She led Klaus here for a reason. If she succeeds in whatever she's doing…

Tyler: Klaus could get k*lled...And I die along with him

Stefan: No one's gonna die, ok? Bonnie's still looking for a way around the boundary spell. It's not too late

(He leaves. Caroline looks at Tyler)

Caroline: So best-case scenario, Bonnie gets us out of here, Klaus hauls ass to Timbuktu, And you and i, we're home free

Tyler: Or we let Esther come and k*ll him

Caroline: That's not a best-case scenario. That's not even a remotely acceptable scenario

Tyler: It would be an option if we knew he wasn't the one who turned your bloodline. You'd be safe. At least he'd be gone

Caroline: How could you say that?

Tyler: Because I'm angry. Because I hate him. I should have never let him dance with you

Caroline: What were you're supposed to do? He can't know that you're not sired anymore. Tyler, it doesn't matter How many times I dance with him. I love you

(She touches his face and kisses him)

[Mystic Falls' Cemetery. Salvatore's crypt]

(Alaric is dead, lying on the floor. Elena is kneeled beside him and removes the knife from his chest. She's in shock)

Esther: He'll wake soon. When he does, he may for a time be his old self. If so, you can say your good-byes before his transition is complete

Elena: You said you wanted to undo the evil that you created, but this this is just as evil

Esther: Alaric will never be what my children became. I have granted him enough power to complete his task. Then when the time is right, he will die

Elena: How, if he's immortal?

Esther: All you need to know is that when this is over, we will have rid the earth of vampires once and for all

Elena: Yeah, but you'll be k*lling the good along with the bad. You're no better than Klaus

Esther: Am I not? I desire a world where you and your loved ones will not suffer at the hands of vampires, like your aunt Jenna did

Elena: Don't you dare use Jenna as an excuse for what you've done

Esther: You may draw comfort knowing that your aunt is not in the place that I was. She doesn't know the torment of the other side. Though made a vampire, she remained pure, and she knows peace... which is all any of us can hope for

(They hear noise outside. Esther goes out. Matt emerges with a g*n)

Matt: Don't move

(Jeremy is there too with a crossbow)

Jeremy: Where is Elena?

(Elena goes out)

Elena: Jeremy?!

Jeremy: Let her go

Esther: How foolish of you to risk your lives in defense of those who will k*ll you. But if that is your choice...

(She raises her hands. Their weapons turn against each other)

Jeremy: Matt. Matt, drop your g*n!

Matt: I can't. I'm not controlling it

Elena: Esther, stop it!

(Alaric arrives behind her and kills her. He looks at Elena's wrist)

Alaric: Oh god. Where's my ring? Tell me what happened

[Mystic Falls' high school]

(Klaus and Stefan are outside the gym)

Klaus: You know, this is your fault. You set us on this path when you released my mother. I wonder if revenge will prove worth the cost

Stefan: As far as Esther, we've stopped her before, we'll stop her again

Klaus: We are strange bedfellows, you and I. You know, all of this reminds me of our time together in the twenties

Stefan: You say that like I'm supposed to have happy memories about it

Klaus: Well, there were moments, real friendship, brotherhood

(Damon arrives)

Damon: Oh, he already has a brother. Not to be, you know, territorial or anything

Klaus: Oh, no, of course. The Salvatore's and their unshakeable bond. I wonder what'll happen when Elena finally makes her choice. Will we see you shake just a little bit?

(He smiles. Bonnie comes out)

Bonnie: It's done. Esther's not fighting me anymore. The boundary spell is broken

(Klaus leaves)

Stefan: Thank you, Bonnie. For everything

Bonnie: I didn't do it for you

(She leaves)

[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore's crypt]

(Elena is with Alaric. Jeremy comes in)

Jeremy: Damon's here, and Klaus took Esther's body

Alaric: Does he know about the stake?

Jeremy: No, only that she tried to turn you into a w*apon and failed

(Elena and Alaric look at each other)

Jeremy: What's going on?

Alaric: Listen, Jeremy... I'm not gonna complete the transition. My dark side was dangerous enough as a human. I can't be a vampire

Jeremy: So, what, we're just gonna lock you in here and let you die?

(Elena looks at Alaric, tears in her eyes)

Jeremy: No. No, we can't

Alaric: Listen, Jeremy, it's the right thing to do, ok? After everything that's happened, after... after all that I've done... maybe I had it coming

(Jeremy starts to leave)

Elena: Hey, wait, Jer

(She looks at Alaric)

Elena: Alaric, this isn't your fault

Alaric: Please, you guys, let's not make this any harder than it already is. You two should go. Damon's here. He'll make sure it'll all go down the right way

(Jeremy starts to leave again. Alaric looks at him)

Alaric: Hey. Hey

Jeremy: Don't. Just don't give me some crap speech about how I need to be the man of the house

Alaric: Ok. I won't

(They embrace each other and Jeremy leaves. Alaric looks at Elena. She cries)

Elena: This is all my fault. You moved out. You... you gave me your ring back. You didn't want any part of this, And I I forced you to stay and take care of us

Alaric: Don't do that. Ok? Taking care of you and Jeremy has been... it's been the closest I've ever come to the life I always wanted

(She embraces him)

Alaric: You should go

(They go out. Everyone is gathered in front of the crypt: Meredith, Jeremy, Matt, Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, Stefan, Elena and Damon. She looks at Alaric and then rejoins the others. They all look at him, they have tears in their eyes. He looks at them, looks moved and goes back inside.)

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Klaus opens a coffin and finds Rebekah's body inside. He removes the dagger from her heart. Then he goes to her mother's coffin and looks at her body.)

Klaus: Your trap failed, mother. I live, and I will go on living. let your beloved spirits try to preserve you again. I dare you to come after me. I will build an army so big, no one will ever touch me. My survival will haunt you through eternity. You will never destroy me!

[Bonnie's House]

(Jamie and Bonnie arrive)

Bonnie: Thanks for the ride home

Jamie: No problem. You know there's nothing you could have done, right?

Bonnie: I know. That doesn't make it any easier.

Jamie: I should have said this before, but... Thank you for protecting me

Bonnie: Apparently it's what I do

Jamie: You really are pretty amazing

Bonnie: Sometimes I think I'd settle for just ordinary

Jamie: You said your dad's out of town, right? You gonna be ok by yourself?

Bonnie: No. I don't think I am

(He embraces her)

[Mystic Grill]

(Matt and Jeremy are alone. Matt puts the lights on. He serves them two sh*ts of tequila. They raise their glass)

Matt: Mr. Saltzman

Jeremy: Alaric

(They drink. Matt looks at Jeremy. Jeremy sheds a tear)

[Mystic Falls High School]

(Elena is in Alaric's classroom and takes his weapons. Stefan's with her)

Stefan: We can handle this later, you know

Elena: No, I'd rather get it over with now before some janitor comes to clean out Alaric's stuff and realizes the history teacher was a vampire slayer

Stefan: Elena... Hey, Elena, please

Elena: I can't, Stefan, ok? I... I can't think about the fact that Jeremy and I don't have anyone to take care of us anymore. Or... or that we've lost another friend. I just can't... I can't think about any of it

Stefan: I want you to come with me

Elena: I'm not done

(He touches he)

Stefan: Please

(He takes her hand and she follows him)

(They enter the gym. It's empty)

Stefan: We were in this gym the night Klaus compelled me to turn my feelings off. I thought I hit rock bottom in the twenties, but... after I bit you, I never wanted to feel anything again. But someone... kept telling me that it was ok to feel... No matter how much it hurt... That our emotions would make us human, good or bad, and to never lose hope

Elena: Who gave you that horrible advice?

Stefan: Some girl I used to date

Elena: I don't have anyone anymore

(She cries)

Stefan: You have me

(He touches her face. He embraces her and she continues crying)

[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore's crypt]

(Meredith and Damon are outside)

Meredith: I gave him a sedative. He'll fall asleep first. He'll go comfortably

(He puts a stake in his inside pocket)

Damon: Well... I offered to snap his neck, put him out of his misery, but... he didn't take me up on it

Meredith: You seem surprised

Damon: Well, you just think a guy so used to dying wouldn't want to drag it out

(He drinks)

Meredith: Well, it was nice of you to give him the option

Damon: Hmm. Apparently my choices have been a little controversial lately

Meredith: You shouldn't leave him alone in there

Damon: That's the way he wants it

Meredith: Is that really what you think he wants?

(She leaves, crying)

(Damon enters the crypt. Alaric is sitting on the ground, his head resting on the wall. Damon sits down next to him, a bottle in his hand)

Damon: Aw, Ric

Alaric: Is this the part where you give me a dream? rainbows and rolling green hills?

Damon: I was drunk when I told you that

(Alaric laughs)

Alaric: Yeah, and I told you I'd use it against you

Damon: Damn you. Sorry I k*lled you. Twice

Alaric: So I have to actually die to get a real apology out of you

Damon: Drink?

Alaric: Actually I've been thinking about cutting back

(He sheds a tear. Damon drinks)

Damon: Yeah. This stuff'll k*ll you

(He hands his the bottle. Alaric takes it and drinks)

[Bonnie's House]

(Bonnie is sleeping in Jamie's arms. There are voices. She opens her eyes. Esther has appeared)

Esther: Your sisters need you to finish what I started, Bonnie

Jamie: Bonnie. Hey. Hey

(She wakes up)

Jamie: I think you're having a bad dream

[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore's Crypt]

(Alaric dies. Damon's sad and drinks. He finishes the bottle and puts it down. He goes out from the crypt. Bonnie arrives but she's strange)

Damon: What are you doing here? Hey, Bonnie, What, are you sleepwalking or something? Bonnie?

(She uses her powers and inflactes him pain in the head. He falls on his knees, holding his head)

(She enters the crypt. Looks at Alaric's body. She cuts her hand with the stake and makes him drink it. He wakes up and drinks. He's now a vampire. His face changes, his fangs are out. He takes Bonnie and bites her neck. He gets up, blood all over his mouth, the stake in his hand)
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